Remember remember....
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I really think those were paid actors, or at least carefully selected peoples. 66% of the country wants a ceasefire and that INCLUDES the conservatives.
Abandon Biden yall, we tried their "vote blue no matter who" bullshit and if a full collapse of society is what we need to achieve peace then so be it. Its about time for societal collapse anyways.
Shouting "four more years" in response to "ceasefire now" truly showing how completely surface level these liberals and moderates are. Fuck off man, thanks for showing everyone you don't care about the millions of people who have died these past 4 years, you'll still vote a fascist into government if he says the right words.
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October can’t come soon enough
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As a man who was abused by a woman, I am very happy to see that a man can speak up about his abuse at the hands of a woman and be believed in court...
But at the same time, I fear for the precedent this sets. How many DV survivors will be silenced because a true abuser will threaten defamation?
This victory is bitter sweet, but it is better than the pain of a loss would have been.
Be kind today, people. No one wins today.
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Republicans plot national abortion ban as Democrats fail to even run on expanding the Supreme Court
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The forced birth movement is thinking big now, having secured the U.S. Supreme Court and set up at least a dozen states to completely ban abortion as soon as the court overturns 50 years of precedence in Roe v. Wade. That’s not nearly enough for them, because it would mean that dozens of other states would still allow the practice and pregnant people would be able to travel to them for the procedure. No, what they are aiming to do now is ban abortion nationally. The Washington Post reports that the big “antiabortion groups and their allies in Congress have been meeting behind the scenes to plan a national strategy that would kick in if the Supreme Court rolls back abortion rights this summer, including a push for a strict nationwide ban on the procedure if Republicans retake power in Washington.” Because of course it isn’t about states’ rights when it comes to abortion. It’s not about anyone’s rights. Republican senators are, apparently, ready to go. According to a Post source in the forced birth movement, Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst is going to introduce a national ban on abortion at six weeks in the Senate, though she didn’t confirm that with the paper. Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) was at the meeting in which GOP senators supposedly discussed this, and said he will support it. That’s the beginning. If Republicans regain Congress, it’s what they’ll push and, with the Supreme Court having already done its part and the power behind this movement solidified, GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell would just as likely end the filibuster to make it pass. Tuesday, May 3, 2022 · 2:13:50 AM +00:00 · Barbara Morrill Now more important than ever:  Shocking SCOTUS leak shows abortion rights overturned under draft opinion from Justice Alito Campaign Action What’s more, according to the Post: Forced birther Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, has been speaking with 10 potential Republican presidential candidates to get them on board. “Most of them, she said in an interview, assured her they would be supportive of a national ban and would be eager to make that policy a centerpiece of a presidential campaign.” Kelley Robinson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, is taking the “terrifying” threat of a national ban seriously. “By them saying out loud that their goal is to push a nationwide abortion ban, it makes it clear that we have to elect more pro-reproductive health champions on the national level and in the states,” she said. Well, yes. But after the Democratic Party seemed to react to Texas’ six-week ban, the precursor to all of this, with a yawn, of course forced birthers are jacked and of course Republicans will fold to that small, extreme, horrifying base. All the way back in September 2021 the Supreme Court allowed the Texas ban to stand and all but end abortion in that state. The response from Democrats has been underwhelming. There’s been little more than the usual platitudes from Democratic leadership about protecting the right to choose and absolutely no endorsement, or really even any talk, about the most important thing they could do right now to ensure that right: expand the courts. Expand the district courts, the circuit courts and especially the Supreme Court to stop the radical right from imposing a right-wing evangelical dominionist hellscape across the land. And while that’s not possible right now with an evenly divided Senate, run on it and work like hell to get a big enough majority in the Senate to make Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema irrelevant, get rid of the filibuster, and save the country. At the very least, run on all of this so that the majority of Americans—including the all-important and all-too-often taken for granted base—that Democrats are going to fight like hell to protect us. Don’t tell us you’re going to fight like hell. Do it. RELATED STORIES: Red flags fly as Supreme Court hears arguments on Mississippi abortion ban Justice Sotomayor makes the case for expanding the Supreme Court The Trump-packed Supreme Court will toss Roe: Blue states, providers scramble to fill the gaps Idaho vigilante abortion ban raises the stakes to $20,000 Texas and the Supreme Court handed Republicans a new tool for oppression Missouri Republican bill would block the option of leaving the state for an abortion Listen to Jennifer Fernandez Ancona from Way to Win explain how Democrats must message to win on Daily Kos’ The Brief podcast with Markos Moulitsas and Kerry Eleveld x Embedded Content Read the full article
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Its also not stealing to redistribute the value back to the masses that this capitalistic machine feeds on. We're being stolen from. We're simply taking back whats ours.
Rich property rights mean nothing to us.
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Money is not speech. End #CitizensUnited
#BuckleyVsValeo #SCOTUS
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*sips until you hear that annoying noise when you’re at the end of your drink, but then continues anyway cuz the tea too good*
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Welcome to the Arizona Police State.
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[HB 2319
Initials FK Page 1 House Engrossed
Fifty-fifth Legislature
Second Regular Session
House: APPROP DPA 7-5-0-1
HB 2319: law enforcement activity; recording prohibition
Sponsor: Representative Kavanagh, LD 23
House Engrossed
Outlines regulations for a person making a video recording (recording) of a law enforcement
activity (activity).
Statute prohibits a person from obstructing governmental operations. A person commits
obstructing governmental operations when the person uses threats or violence to hinder a peace
officer from enforcing the law or acting under official authority. This offense is classified as a class
1 misdemeanor (A.R.S. 13-2402).
1. States that it is unlawful for a person to knowingly make a recording within eight feet of an
activity and without the permission of a law enforcement officer (LEO). (Sec. 1)
2. Directs that for an activity occurring inside a closed structure on private property, a person
authorized to be on the private property may make a video recording of the activity from an
adjacent room that is less than eight feet away from the activity. (Sec. 1)
3. States a person may not make a video recording of an activity from within eight feet of an
activity inside a closed structure on private property if the LEO determines the person is
interfering with the activity or that is it not safe to be in the area. (Sec. 1)
4. Provides that a person who is the subject of the police contact may make a recording if doing
so does not interfere with lawful police actions. (Sec. 1)
5. Asserts these provisions do not establish a right or authorize any person to make a video
recording of an activity. (Sec. 1)
6. Classifies unlawfully recording an activity as a petty offense. (Sec. 1)
7. Classifies failing to comply with LEO verbal warnings regarding recording an activity or if the
person has been previously convicted of unlawfully recording an activity as a class 3
misdemeanor (Sec. 1)
8. Defines law enforcement activity. (Sec. 1)
☐ Prop 105 (45 votes) ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes) ☐ Emergency (40 votes) ☐ Fiscal Note]
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It’s almost as if the state was designed by the bourgeoisie. 🤔
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Writing about a child rapist did not make Vladimir Nabokov a child rapist.
Writing about an authoritarian theocracy did not make Margaret Atwood an authoritarian theocrat.
Writing about adultery did not make Leo Tolstoy an adulterer.
Writing about a ghost did not make Toni Morrison a ghost.
Writing about a murderer did not make Fyodor Dostoevsky a murderer.
Writing about a teenage addict did not make Isabel Allende a teenage addict.
Writing about dragons and ice zombies did not make George R.R. Martin either of those things.
Writing about rich heiresses, socially awkward bachelors, and cougar widows did not make Jane Austen any of those things.
Writing about people who can control earthquakes did not make N.K. Jemisin able to control earthquakes.
Writing about your favorite characters and/or ships in situations that you choose does not make you a bad person.
It’s a shame that in this day and age these things need to be said.
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I think this is a very unique take.
As someone raised in a native culture, i have always felt a unique kindred spirit sort of vibe from the idea of nature oriented beliefs and/or activities. It has never crossed my mind that they, in general, have the ability to be gendered.
May i ask what makes them lean one way or the other?
I'm two spirit, so perhaps my ability to understand is a bit nerfed, but shouldn't anyone be able to enjoy and embrace nature, and the soft clarity that comes with it?
It bums me out women never want to claim anything as “only for females”.
Why can’t we have witchcraft, farming, beading, wood working, painting. Women only, tell men to kick rocks.
Why do the lib fems always have to include men, be they trans or het.
The lib fems like to use every buzz word and throw in a “Karen” for extra spice. Stop watering down the real struggle.
Why are you so ashamed of being female?
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“in a world without bodily autonomy” “that already happened”
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My other post died and I really need help paying this off.
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In using money I was allocating for other bills, I was able to pay half of it to avoid accruing a late fee.
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But to make up for that I still need about $1600
Please reblog and help me out!
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