waspredteeth · 5 hours
a lot of ppl in the notes of the previous post are mentioning museums hoarding stolen cultural objects which is important beyond measure but museums shutting down due to lack of funding will not result in repatriation of cultural materials, they would most likely be auctioned off to private ultra-wealthy collectors to recoup some of their debt and we'd never find these objects again let alone be able to repatriate them. i understand the desire to say 'fuck museums let them die' for this reason but it won't have the result you think it will, and it will also mean that all of their ethically sourced and donated materials (which for most museums are the vast majority of their collections) will no longer be cared for by experts but again, sold off to private collectors who can do whatever they want with them or deteriorate in storehouses indefinitely. this would be catastrophic for public history and collective knowledge-sharing across the globe across cultures, and museums in post-colonial and run by/for racialized or otherwise oppressed ethnic groups will fall first because they receive FAR less funding than the large western institutions. just repeating phrases and sentiments you've seen online as a form of performative activism without knowing anything about what you're talking about does more harm than good and doesn't make you look smart or clever just foolish it's so deeply annoying and frustrating
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waspredteeth · 5 hours
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Hi! Sorry my old form got overun with bots, here's a new version or you can email/DM me, thanks!
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waspredteeth · 7 hours
Opening 1 - Soul Eater
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waspredteeth · 7 hours
the fact that there are white people going "omg they're just like us" about people in south, south east, south west asia and africa and south america like it's some huge revelation that we're all human is so fucking dismal to me. what do you mean you never considered the personhood of the people who don't look like you or don't have your culture? why do you think that you're unique in your suffering? why do you think you deserve praise for realizing that we're all human?
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waspredteeth · 16 hours
Hello, I am Hala, a mother of a child who has been living in Gaza under bombardment for more than three months. I was forced to leave my home and move to at least 7 areas in search of safety. We live a life devoid of the minimum necessities of life, with the struggle to obtain water, electricity, and food. My three-year-old daughter is unable to provide her with baby formula, Pampers, and even clothes. We have nothing. We left our home with nothing and cannot return to it. For a long period without work or any income, and with a lot of loss of life and money, my house was damaged, as was my husband’s wedding hall and his workplace. As A mother is unable to protect her daughter from hunger and death. I only want safety, and there is no safety in Gaza. We are forced to leave the country under these harsh conditions of displacement, killing and starvation. The image of my child crying for fear of death is still in my mind. I do not want to lose her soul in these massacres. But getting out of Gaza to save her, to keep her alive, requires a lot of money that we do not have. I started this campaign trying to get out of Gaza with my daughter and my husband across the Egyptian border, and if that fails, I will use this money to spend on my family and try to rebuild and compensate for the losses we suffered. We are extremely grateful for any assistance you can provide, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering our appeal for support during this difficult time.
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waspredteeth · 16 hours
all your issues with modern anime are this cunt's fault btw
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waspredteeth · 20 hours
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My friend is organising for their family to evacuate Gaza.
Please share and contribute if possible!
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waspredteeth · 20 hours
a video call for help from @haya-orouq19 who is in gaza
[Transcript: Please don't scroll if you want to help a family in Gaza. Hey everyone, this is Haya Orouq, I am 18 years old from Gaza City. Today is the 167th day of the war in Gaza City. And through this war we lost our house, my university was bombed. My whole childhood neighborhood area was completely damaged. We have been displaced to three different places in search of a safer place but unfortunately there's no safer place in Gaza. Everywhere there's bombing, everywhere is dangerous, so we are now displaced in Deir al-Balah. And me and my family lost everything, we have nothing left here in Gaza.
And my mom is very sick also, she is suffering from Lupus and because she has Lupus, she is a kidney failure patient in need of an urgent treatment and care outside of Gaza. The hospitals here is so poor and bad and the quality of her treatment is getting worse and worse because the quality of the hospitals is bad, because of the conditions of the war. So please guys, help my family, we deserve to- we deserve a decent life, we deserve to start a new beginning and deserve a new life.
So, here's the link in the bio and you can help me by sharing the video, repost, comment, like, whatever you can do can help. Every one dollar can make a difference. You can make life-changing difference to my family, you can save my family, you can save my mom. I am also trying to reach out to as many celebrities who are interested in helping people like me by making videos about the family that needs help in Gaza, like me. So I will mention them in the comment and please go to them, ask them to share my videos, and to make a video about my campaign and ask them to share my link. This is so urgent, I need your help guys because my account is prevented from receiving and sending messages so I can't reach out with them. I will mention them so please help me, and help my family.
I can't bear seeing my mom struggling with death because she has a dangerous disease which is Lupus and she is a kidney failure patient and I can't bear seeing my older sister suffering from hunger. So please guys, you can do it and please make #HelpHayasFamily. Share this video, whatever you can do can help. You can share the link as widely as possible, you can share the video. End of transcript.]
you can donate to her campaign here!
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waspredteeth · 20 hours
Please share and donate if you can!
Mohammed is an engineer and founded the Gazan 3D printing company, Tashkeel3D. His contributions to the medical sector in Gaza have saved so many lives in light of Israel not allowing medical parts and equipment to enter Gaza during the years of blockade.
And right now he is under fire in the north of Gaza while his family is in the south. He needs help saving his life and the lives of his family as he is raising funds to get his family across the Rafah border.
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waspredteeth · 20 hours
i’m gay but i’m always gonna choose the well developed straight ship over the 2 bland and incompatible white dudes that have 500,000 fanfics written about them. you guys just hate women.
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waspredteeth · 21 hours
vivaldi really popped pussy with the winter (four seasons) concerto specifically I’m not gonna lie
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waspredteeth · 1 day
When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then?
Take a 2 minute break and read this:
Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.
You are really tired and frustrated. All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.
Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..
Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.
How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
1. But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.
2. Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment
3. Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
4. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.
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waspredteeth · 1 day
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waspredteeth · 1 day
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waspredteeth · 1 day
The no kill rule is not about Bruce just uwu not wanting to become a murderer it’s about knowing that no person is morally infallible and omniscient and you cannot be judge jury executioner and that you are allowed to keep this last bit of innocence that you do not have to live with the burden of someone else’s crime you shouldn’t have to give away a part of yourself just because someone else decides to commit a horrible crime it’s not about whether the Joker deserves death it’s about whether someone should bear the burden of becoming a murderer none of you fuckers know why the death penalty is bad
do you think a Batman who holds little kids to get them to safety can pick them up with the same two hands that took a life? Don’t they deserve better? Doesn’t he?
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waspredteeth · 1 day
I’ve noticed that a problem with the “Batman shouldn’t/should kill” debates around here is that a lot of people tend to self-insert themselves into the equation.
It’s always “if killing a violent guy in self defense is bad then I’m a murderer?” or “well, if it were me, I would’ve killed the guy a long time ago.”
Newsflash, you’re not Batman. You’re a real person where consequences can be applied and you need to live with whatever you’ve done.
Batman isn’t real. He’s a character owned by a massive company. In tense situations, you might often have no choice but to commit violence to save yourself. In a tense situation in DC, Batman has writers that can get him out of anything.
DC writers have the ability to write him out a situation where he could kill, with no violence committed and everyone safe. Now, whether or not they’d actually implement this kind of outcome is another issue entirely but the point stands.
Batman is a character with long-established personality, traits, moral code, history. Because he’s a fictional character, writers can’t change every single aspect of his character, they have to keep something otherwise they’re writing someone different. He’s not a real person whose sense of morality or justice can change as he ages and learns - because he can’t age. Rarely, he learns, but this chalks up to comics evolving over time due to the great conflicts/hot buttons of a specific time period when a story is being written.
“But Wasp! Writers self-insert themselves into Batman all the time!” You say. Yeah, they do. And 9 times out of 10, that piece of media turns out horribly wish-fulfilling and severely out of character continuity. Modern writers lost the plot when it comes to making Batman an undefeated god, but regardless he should be a hero.
Therefore, Batman shouldn’t kill because:
DC can always write him out of the necessity to kill.
He’s already been established for a long time to live and die by his own moral code.
He believes strongly in rehabilitative justice
He’s been established to be a symbol for a better Gotham. He kills, even discriminately, and then he’s no better than the hundreds of cops in his universe. Racism, classism, police brutality exist in Gotham. There’s full storylines and series about the GCPD and the role they fill in Gotham when Batman exists.
Batman does their jobs better than they do (usually). He’s supposed to represent justice in a way the police can never be. In a city like Gotham, fictional it may be, distrust and violence comes easy. Murder and assault runs rampant. A vigilante committing themselves to killing would do nothing to change Gotham, nothing to change the GCPD, nothing to project an image of safety, nothing for anyone.
Batman is Batman because he represents hope and compassion in a city without it.
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waspredteeth · 2 days
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batman: odyssey (2011) #6
remember only one of them actually went to med school and got their degree and it is NOT the man dressed as a giant bat !!!
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