Look at you, its ridiculous. You waltz on back into town like you just expect to immediately be accepted back into people's lives. Ray thought you weren't /real/ and even Ewan probably did a double take when you actually responded to his shout. You can't just wander in and out of people's lives, you're going to hurt them even more. So next time you feel like 'wandering off' you should probably stay wandered off.
[The Aussie gets red in the face, and his eyes flash from their normal hazel to a glazed-over ice blue. It takes everything in his power to not just wolf out right then and there, and rip this greyface to bloody shreds.]
Listen ‘ere, ya fuckin’ bastard. I ain’ too keen on people judgin’ how I do things. It ain’ like I fuckin’ wanna ramble all tha time, like I wanna be aimless. But tha’s how things are. 
Who in crikey fuck’re ya ta judge, anyway? Hidin’ behind’a mask, ya ain’ so bloody brave, are ya? 
[His face changes even more, sharp teeth protruding from his lips.]
I’ll give ya two seconds ta get tha fuck outta ‘ere before I rip yer fuckin’ head off. 
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hello allll
so tomorrow morning at about 4:30 am, i will be leaving for North Carolina for a week. SO this means I probably wont be able to get online until about Sunday afternoon or so, and my activity for the next week will probably be spotty. However, I will still try to get online when I can! 
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okay so 
im sorry yall but my internet is absolute GARBAGE right now and i have no idea why but i cant fix it 
and its making it impossible to do anything so im not sure how much longer i can stay on before it completely cuts out
so if i disappear, thats most likely why 
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He nods happily, giving the smaller man a smile before speaking. 
“Thank ya, love. I probably need tha’ more than anythin’ else in tha world.” Eugene laughs as he follows Ray towards the bathroom, having to take smaller steps as not to get ahead of him. 
“Oh? Wha’s wrong with it?” 
"... Eugene?" Ray, looking tired and worn the hell out, tilts his head and looks at Eugene with tired eyes. "I don't... What the hell are you doing, I took my meds again." He rubs his eyes, and sighs. "Guess you build up a tolerance for antipsychotics, or mine are just expired. Well, fuck if I'm going to be seen standing around having a conversation with the stairs again." He turns and heads back down the hallway, out of sight.
Eugene just stood there for a moment, his brain trying to process what had just happened. 
Had his boyfriend just acted like he wasn’t real? 
“Ray, where’re ya goin’? It’s me, I’m home…” He said, a bit of pleading in his voice. He knew Ray would be angry (probably livid), and he had every right to be, but this was just…painful. Following the smaller man into the next room, the taller Aussie tried again.
“I know yer probably more than pissed at me, an’ ya got all tha reasons in tha world to be tha’ way, but please Ray…jus’…talk to me for a moment.” 
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hey everyone
so i feel absolutely terribad tonight, and i think im just gonna take a bath and go to bed. i had a really shitty, stressful day and im just absolutely drained of all ability right now. im sorry to those i owe replies to, i may get on later and do them, but otherwise it looks like i’ll be doing replies tomorrow. 
sorry guys.
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i must gooooooooooo for the evening
i should be back tomorrow? 
later taters. <3 
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“Wha’ in crikey fuck’re ya doin’, lad?” Eugene cries, lowering his gun but still keeping his guard up in case the wolf decided to attack him. Watching the boy interact with the beast, the Aussie tried to make sense of it all and gauge how he should react. 
“Ya mind explainin’ why yer dog not only looks like’a damn beast, but is attackin’ people in broad daylight!?” 
  Matt grunts and runs closer, moving up to try and push Eugene’s gun to aim at the ground. Matt is really tall- just an inch shorter than Eugene.
  “Technically, that thing is my dog!”
  The wolf, seeing Matt, twists in the air and lands just short of hitting them. He growls, but doesn’t advance. Matt puts himself between them and holds his arms out to stop them.
  “Stop that- bad dog!” He frowns at the wolf and it growls defiantly in return.
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Eugene was getting ready to take aim and shoot another round when he heard someone calling behind him, pleading for him not to do so. Without taking his eyes off the beast, he called back in response.
“Are ya bloody crazy? Tha damned thing is attackin’ people!” 
  The wolf yelps and wavers slightly, remembering his previous experience with guns before ignoring it and shaking his head. He growls and stalks around Eugene for a moment before lunging again.
  Meanwhile, a teenage boy is running down the sidewalk in search of the mutt Eugene was currently fighting. He was too far back to do much more than shout; “Hey! Don’t shoot!”
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//slurred words for penny eue
*two minutes of uninterrupted giggling*
“Tha’ lil…dragon-faced ginger…is like’a lil brother ta me…’e’s,…’e’s’a good kid. Needs ta stay outta traffic an’ trouble, though. Cause…cause ‘e’s gotta lot left ta do an’…an’ we all need ‘im ‘round ‘ere. Brightens everyone’s day, he does. Fuckin’ love ‘im. Even if he smells like fish sometimes.” 
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send a ♠ for a mun fact
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[Pulls out said twenty, along with a five and a couple of ones and hands it to her, taking another swig of whiskey shortly thereafter. Alcohol burning his throat to numb alcohol burning his wounds. Tit for tat. 
Nodding, he scribbled down the name on his hand with a stray pen.]
Dresden. Got it. 
[Another swig, then sets the bottle down closer to her.]
Thanks, Charlie. Ya done me more than I can pro’lly ever repay ya for. 
[Small yet sincere smile on his face, a kindness in his hazel eyes. He knew she wasn’t one for the sentimental and mushy things, but he couldn’t help it this time.]
Yeh, no worries. Throw me like twenty bucks an’ we’ll be good.
[She pulled out her phone and started sifting through contacts. Had a name but didn’t have a number. Wow.]
Uh. Well. I’ve met this guy named Dresden ((reluctantwarden)). He might have an idea. I ain’t got any o’ his contact information but he shouldn’ be too hard t’find with a name like that. He knows more ‘bout this kinda thing than I do. 
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Eugene loses his smile, too, looking at his boyfriend worriedly. Hugging him again, he closes his eyes for a moment, then pulls away again. 
“I’m sorry, love,” He starts, not knowing entirely what to say. “But s’okay now, orright? ‘m back, ‘m here, an’ yer tongue ring looks fuckin’ awesome.” 
"... Eugene?" Ray, looking tired and worn the hell out, tilts his head and looks at Eugene with tired eyes. "I don't... What the hell are you doing, I took my meds again." He rubs his eyes, and sighs. "Guess you build up a tolerance for antipsychotics, or mine are just expired. Well, fuck if I'm going to be seen standing around having a conversation with the stairs again." He turns and heads back down the hallway, out of sight.
Eugene just stood there for a moment, his brain trying to process what had just happened. 
Had his boyfriend just acted like he wasn’t real? 
“Ray, where’re ya goin’? It’s me, I’m home…” He said, a bit of pleading in his voice. He knew Ray would be angry (probably livid), and he had every right to be, but this was just…painful. Following the smaller man into the next room, the taller Aussie tried again.
“I know yer probably more than pissed at me, an’ ya got all tha reasons in tha world to be tha’ way, but please Ray…jus’…talk to me for a moment.” 
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[Eugene let out a couple of hissing noises, cursing when the alcohol touched the extra sensitive ones. Thought about flinching away a few times, but decided against it. 
He was, however, very thankful for her help. And even more so when she offered him the whiskey. Don’t mind if I do.]
Thank ya. For both. 
[Takes a swig.]
[Charlie got down to it, cleaning up the cuts which would most likely burn with the alcohol that she was using, but she was working quickly. Bandaged everything up with efficiency, though it did still take a good half our or more. 
By the time she was done, she was offering him some whiskey instead. He was probably in a decent amount of lingering pain. Here, drink a thing.] 
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slurred words (for the rest of the scientists? or just the ones you remember best idfc)
“This...this guy could kick my ass too. ‘e’s Penny’s Da, right? Yeah. Yeaaah. Ginger fucker with no chill, right? Yeah. Scary Scottish wildfire dude. DO not feed after midnight.” 
“Fuckin’ super smart kid. Not’a kid. Doctor, i think? Right? Yeah, pro’ly. Nice guy.” 
��Even less chill than Matt. Could kill me with like...one hand. Maybe’a finger. She’s got cool hair, though. Probably got like...thousand trophies er some shit fer ass kickin’.” 
Everyone Else; 
“Fuckin’...fuckin’ great set’a folks. Love ‘em. All of ‘em. An’ their sciencey-mathy shit, too. Fuckin’ great. All of ‘em deal with my sorry ass, so...so they’re fuckin’ great, mate.” 
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It's okay that you are a wild hobo guy Eugene. It doesn't make you any less of a cool guy. It's sad that you leave people, I think you might want to work on that. I think though, that people need to be more patient and give you a little wiggle room. I work with feral animals (specifically cats) and the trick to them is just to be consistent with food and safety. You might never get to pet one, but they show they care in their own way, when they are ready!
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“T-thanks, I suppose. But it ain’ like I want ta leave people. I jus’ get…restless, is all. Gotta jus’…get up an’ leave sometimes. Can’t be tied down fer too long, I guess. But yeah…thanks, I suppose. Whoever ya are.” 
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slurred words (ray)
Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
 Le-lemme tell ya *hic* ‘bout this lil…lil fucker right ‘ere. Ray. First’a all,…*hic* ‘e could kick my ass with ‘is fuckin’ hands tied…an’…look really fuckin’ hot while doin’ it.
 An’…an’ ‘e’s got lots’a…tattoos an’ shit, too. So ya know ‘e ain’ scared’a gettin’ hurt. An’…’e ain’ scared’a YOU either.”
 *hic* An’…an’ I fuckin’ love ‘im, orright? ‘m gay as hell fer this lil bastard. 
Fight me.” 
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Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
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