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Dopo quasi un anno e mezzo passato a lavorare alla parte cartacea della storia, siamo riuscite a finire Lo stile definitivo di uno dei personaggi. In realtà è il secondo me abbiamo deciso che i nostri due fratelli tazza preferiti di disegneremo insieme, siamo molto soddisfatti di come è venuto fuori questo personaggio.
Después de pasar casi un año y medio trabajando en la parte de papel de la historia, logramos terminar el estilo definitivo de uno de los personajes. En realidad es el segundo momento en que he decidido que nuestros dos hermanos de copa favoritos se unan, estamos muy satisfechos con la forma en que salió este personaje.
After almost a year and a half spent working on the paper part of the story, we managed to finish the definitive style of one of the characters. In reality it is the second I have decided that our two favorite cup brothers to draw together, we are very satisfied with how this character came out.
Name: Vuody
height: 1.76
age:?? (Seriously! No one has ever discovered how old he is, the only thing that is known that certainly is a number with more than 4 digits)
history':still in progress
species:Half of it is a porcelain doll. While the rest is a cloth doll nobody knows who his parents are. She didn't even know them. Another Voodoo doll has grown up with Miss Boss
What you like:she likes to make herself at least a cup of tea a day she has almost 200 varieties in her room. He is a calm person, he spends almost all his time reading or sewing he is a lover of classical music, but he does not despise pop. he is very skilled with the sword in fact his favorite sport is fencing
things you don't like:is a person very tied to good education if someone and rude to her can very well lose their temper and put it back in their place, It is not a lover of too modern places is very attached to the past. male chauvinism doesn't hold up at all once a man tried to touch her ass and she turns him into a pig-shaped puppet
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Well folks! These are the sketches that Marty and I created for our huge Cuphead project, the comic is still going on and so we wanted to give you all a little spoiler of how they are characters. We hope with all my heart that you like them and if you have any questions to ask and do them too! We will be just happy! We will soon publish each image individually with the description and information on each character.
so enjoy the preview of
Cuphead: the latest move
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