who0else-blog · 7 years
While I am mad about what Disney did I may have an answer. You see girl meets world was supposed to be a funny cheeses knock off. Obviously it wasn't. Disney wasn't looking for serious topics in that show. But serious did get them a lot more views. I think that Disney wanted to do things on their own terms. They wanted to plan out a show with serious topics. Not have Michael Jacobs take over the name of Disney channel. I bet you that show Andi Mack won't even get a third season. Cause it may have serious topics. But that is not what the name of Disney is about. It's about terrible jokes, fighting siblings, and relationships that will last forever. And if Disney gives Andi Mack a fourth season well I don't think nature is going to be happy with that. Let's face it Gmw didn't belong on Disney channel. And neither will Andi Mack or whatever that show is called.
I'm done with disney. i'm sure that andi mack is a good show and i'm happy that disney wants to talk about more mature topics but i can't accept the fact that they wouldn't let gmw do the same. i don't understand why,the writers were trying to do it,the cast wanted it,the audience want it,what is their problem?someone tell me because i don't understand!
Yeh i feel really insulted by disney Fucking assholes😐😐😐 Ruined Mjs creativity or their own selfishness Disgusted and pissed of
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who0else-blog · 7 years
If you’re still an active gmw blog then like/reblog so I can follow
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who0else-blog · 7 years
Who else.......... still has hope?
okay but imagine lucas and farkle singing ‘dear theodosia’ to their future kids…
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who0else-blog · 7 years
I'm curious
reblog if you still have faith in lucaya
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who0else-blog · 7 years
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anyways, lucaya.
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who0else-blog · 7 years
Lets do it guys @lucayafever23 @theowldetective
Paper Airplanes for Girl Meets World
The Basics:
Make three paper airplanes, each one small enough to fit in an envelope.
Send one to Hulu and one to Netflix requesting that they acquire Girl Meets World and produce new episodes. Then send one more to Disney Channel asking them to please sell the rights if someone offers.
Decorate the outside of the airplane and write your message inside. Be as creative or as bare bones as you like, and remember: there is nothing wrong with a simple airplane made out of notebook paper.
Mail your airplanes on the Monday after the finale, January 23, or at any point that week. The aim is to have most of our planes “land” at Netflix, Hulu, and Disney Channel the Friday after the finale or around then. Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t ready on Monday January 23rd, because you can still mail in your airplanes the next day, or even the day after that…but let’s all aim to mail them on the 23rd.
If you can only afford to send one or two airplanes, that’s okay too! Just choose between Netflix, Hulu, and Disney Channel. Please don’t feel like you can’t participate at all just because you can’t do all three.
Before we mail them in, share your airplanes and the messages inside on social media using #planes4gmw. If you’re on Instagram/Twitter, tag @planes4gmw in the photo! And don’t forget to follow this Tumblr for updates. Follow the campaign on Twitter and Instagram too! 
Hulu 2500 Broadway Santa Monica, CA 90404
Netflix 100 Winchester Cir. Los Gatos, CA 95032
Disney Channel Attn: Gary Marsh, President 3800 W. Alameda Ave Suite 2151 Burbank, CA 91505
Check out this sample from twitter user @astral_tali (and then keep scrolling for more info!):
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The Why:
It’s relatively easy tweet, sign an online petition, write a comment, send an email, or even just make a phone call. While those actions are key, deploying an old-school tactic like this one takes the #SaveGMW campaign to the next level. Adding a physical component demonstrates just how dedicated and serious we are about trying to save our show. Some of the most successful “save our show” campaigns have integrated a physical component, like when thousands of Friday Night Lights fans sent lightbulbs to NBC.
We chose the paper airplanes idea (submitted by a clever but anonymous fan) because it’s simple, cheap, representative of both shows, and most importantly: easy for even the youngest Girl Meets World fans to participate in, which is important because while GMW has a big grown-up fanbase, young fans are the heart of it all. All you’ll need is some paper, three envelopes, and postage. (You may also need markers and crayons and stickers, depending on how artistic you want to be).
What to Say:
To all three companies:
A sincere personal reason for why you love Girl Meets World so much you’re willing to fight for it.
Your age and location.
To Netflix and Hulu:
If you or your parents are already subscribers, let them know. If you’re not, tell them you’ll subscribe (or beg your parents to do so) if they save our show. 
Talk about how Girl Meets World fits in with their business models and goals. If your whole family watches together, mention that. If you’re an international fan who isn’t able to watch live, mention that (particularly to Netflix). If you’re a cord cutter who watches the show the day after on Amazon/iTunes but not live, mention that. 
To Disney Channel:
I know we’re all angry at them right now and a lot of us have probably made that known already, but be polite. If you don’t feel like you can be polite, maybe skip this one. 
If you (or your parents) plan on unsubscribing from premium cable packages which include Disney Channel (or have already) due to the show’s cancellation, say so. If your family plans to stop watching the network due to GMW’s cancellation, say so, especially if you have family members in their primary demographic. 
Appeal to their bottom line, aka their pocketbooks. Say that you understand Disney Channel has their reasons for the decision they made, but suggest that perhaps they can make some money they otherwise wouldn’t have off of selling the rights. Mention also that selling the rights so the show can continue elsewhere would garner goodwill towards their company.
How to Help Spread the Word:
Use the hashtag #planes4gmw on social media. Reblog this post! Share the link to this post as well as the Twitter and Instagram: @planes4gmw. We will also attempt to get this campaign trending on social media during the finale as well as the day after. 
If you can make graphics/digital fliers to promote the #planes4gmw campaign, please do so. If you can make printable decorated airplanes for others to print out, write on, and mail, do that! (And please send them in to be shared here). Any talent you can contribute is appreciated. 
Share your planes and (if you choose) the messages inside on social media before mailing day! Use #planes4gmw, as well as the other campaign hashtags, and if you’re sharing on Instagram/Twitter tag @planes4gmw in the photo. 
Tell your friends! Maybe even get together to make your airplanes. If you watch the show with your family, ask them to join you too. 
If you are bilingual in English and something else, please translate this post or at least the most important parts of it, then send in the link so we can add it here.
Managing Expectations:
While we’re all hoping our combined efforts result in the rescue of Girl Meets World, there are no guarantees. However, we definitely have a shot here. More and more cancelled shows these days are getting second lives elsewhere. If Disney Channel is willing to play ball, we may have a real chance at seeing Girl Meets World grow up. It’s worth a try. 
It’s a long shot, but it’s still a shot. So don’t throw it away. Know that it’s good to fight for something you truly believe in, even if you might fail. Hope. Dream. Try. Do Good.
Let’s fly thousands of airplanes through this window of opportunity while it’s still open.
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who0else-blog · 7 years
I hope the cast finds this
Dear girl meets world. I saw some other people do this so I thought I would write you my appreciation. I was around nine years old when gmw came out. I looked forward almost every week to watch the adventures of riley and maya and all their friends. MJs main goal was to teach kids something in every single character. Maya Penelope Hart taught me that being broken cant stop you. You can dream and do what you love even if sometimes you don’t want to get out of bed. That no matter what happens I can still be a fierce Amazon warrior and no one can break me. And that being small is not something to be ashamed about. Don’t just live in this world thrive in it. Zay Earl/Frank babexnogh (I can’t spell his last name to save a life) taught me that laughter is always the best medicine. If I am ever sad I will always remember Zay and his comedic ways. But most of all I will remember to never let anyone steel my cookies. And if they do thanks to Zay I will no how to complain about it. Farkle Minkus taught me thag being weird is amazing. Originality is something wonderful. i have learned from him that friends are one of the most important things a person could have. I will always have Farkle Time in my heart forever. Lucas taught me that my past doesn’t control me. And having good looks doesn’t automatically say who you are. Stay kind stay smart and no matter what always wear a blue shirt. Lucas Friar we never learned your middle name. A secret I wish I knew. Riley taught me to be optimistic. She showed me that as long as I hope for things there is always a possibility that things will turn our right. As long as I keep dreaming Pluto will always be a planet. At least to me. Thank you Riley. I hope you know that you made a difference. Mr. Matthews taught me that every lesson has something that we can learn from. Something that can change our lives. That history is not just names and dates. Thank you Cory I will forever be grateful. Ava and Auggie taught me that being a child is an amazing thing. And no matter what keep that child like wonder inside me forever. And no matter how many you are. That little child should always run inside you looking for CHEESE. Thank you everyone for making GMW. I hope you stumble across this actors and actresses. I hope you read this. I hope you know how thankful I am. I can’t wait. Its my world now. I’m not ready. You should see my face when I walk by my parents. But either way. Thank You. You can send me my subway card in the mail
I really want the cast to read this so please try to get this to them @lucayafever23 @kacie-ville @rowanblanchardxx @theowldetective @thenightxisntxalwaysxaxmystery
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who0else-blog · 7 years
Like the director said in gm hollyworld Lucas is a man who can get so many emotions out with such little words. @lucayafever23
I wish FOR ONCE we could actually see and hear what Lucas feels.
We never really get to. Even in the jellybean scene, he was mainly stating the facts but not how that makes him feel. The closest we got was when he was talking to Judy the sheep and the bull. I want to hear and see these things from him.
I want to know what exactly he feels for each of the girls and why he feels that way. 
I want to know why he was so upset at Maya “seeing him that way” when she imitated him and said “I don’t think that’s it” at the campfire. 
I want to know why he let’s her pick on him. 
I want to know more about his family here in New York and his parental situation.
I want to know about his father. Where is he???
I want to know more about his bad boy past. 
and for goodness sakes:
I want to know why he wrote “MR. PERFECT” on his forehead!!!!!  Are we never going to learn about that???
I WANT TO KNOW MORE and I feel like his character was never truly fleshed out. We can guess/assume the answers to all the above-mentioned things but I want to hear and see it from him!
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who0else-blog · 8 years
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Who else thinks of lucaya montages whenever Maya says stuff about moving on and relationships? I know I do. And who else noticed that she was only looking at Lucas when she said this? @lucayafever23 PS. THIS IS A QUOTE FROM Maya IN SHE DON'T LIKE ME
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who0else-blog · 8 years
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WHO ELSE WONDERS……….. @theowldetective you said something about how young Maya and Riley are taunting her but you don’t know why. Look at the color match between the little girls and RL. What if in RL is taunting her on the inside.
@theowldetective “How is it possible that I can end up in a situation like this” fun quote to get you mind rolling
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who0else-blog · 8 years
There is a song called “desperado” by the Eagles. Interesting name, and song title, hmmm?
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who0else-blog · 8 years
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Who else....... Just loves this moment
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who0else-blog · 8 years
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Who else noticed this? "But when you look at this bear it's like we're looking right back at you" -Topanga If Lucas is the face of this bear, does this mean that whenever she looks at Lucas she see's Cory and Topanga the perfect couple?
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who0else-blog · 8 years
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Who else thought of this montage when zay said those words. And who else noticed that Lucas didn’t look back at Riley.
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who0else-blog · 8 years
Who else noticed this?
Paco’s taco
Who else thought that Paco would mean something?
Paco is a Native American name that means eagle: “Like my uncle buster always says be like an eagle and sore above the mocking bird” Maya being the mocking bird And Lucas the eagle Now what I found interesting was that when Maya was holding the Paco/Lucas bobblehead she said “oh, I will hold you tight and never let you go” Then Riley says “Yes you will, and I would be ok” What I also noticed is that there was a blue sombrero on the taco, the main colors of this bobblehead is blue and yellow. The basic colors of lucaya. Do with information as you see fit
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who0else-blog · 8 years
Who else....... Loved that scene. I think it shows Smackle as GMW and Farkle as DISNEY CHANNEL. And how Disney is always there too stop GMW from doing anything passed there line of PG.
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who0else-blog · 8 years
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WHO ELSE……. Thought that Maya wasn’t talking about Shawn when she said that to him in I DO. Who else may be a little emotional, learning this.
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