xprisonerx · 9 years
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Selfie Saturday, I gueeess. I’m not a selfie kid.
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xprisonerx · 9 years
Rough touch. Aria and Garin \(*0*)/
2. My muse throws a punch at yours.
Garin had enough of Aria’s attitude. He couldn’t even recall what had started the argument this time, but he was drunk enough to not care about his actions. His fist clenched into a ball.
“Just shut up! I need a break!” Was his lame excuse when he threw the punch.
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xprisonerx · 9 years
Rough touch
17. Your muse clutches their hand tightly around my muse’s mouth to silence them.
Vaynivah would have instantly responded to and attacked anyone else whose hand had come near her face, but she recognized the gentle scent as she let out a muffled sound of agitation. The bosmer? If it was her, there had to be a good reason for it. Vayn froze, waiting for whatever would happen next to happen.
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xprisonerx · 9 years
rough touch
10. My muse wraps their hands tightly around your muse’s neck.
Rasius had come up behind the dunmer, almost in a trance. His eyes were wide and wild, and his sharp teeth were bared. His hands quickly found their way to her throat as he slammed her up against a nearby wall. His entire body was shaking.
“Don’t move… Don’t move,” he whispered to her through gritted teeth. “I know what you want. I won’t give it to you.”
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xprisonerx · 9 years
((I am barely even active anymore for the same reason, it's cool bruh. But anyways, here it is *drum roll* Prisoner's Sell! (Sorry if it's actually dumb)
..that means it’s good.
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xprisonerx · 9 years
May 19th. It's been ten days. And no word from you.
I’ll go ahead and use this as a medium for me giving my excuses for being gone.. I’m done with exams! It took a bit longer than I thought, but I am officially done now. Sorry to everyone I’ve held up~ I’m alive and stuff.
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xprisonerx · 9 years
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As an apology for having not gotten to asks and replies yet, here’s a smile with a dead man!
I’ll be able to after next week for sure!
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xprisonerx · 9 years
Send ‘rough touch’
and the generated outcome will be used for a small drabble scenario or starter { tw violence, possible noncon/dubcon implications, nsfw }
Your muse throws a punch at mine.
My muse throws a punch at yours.
Your muse suddenly grips my muse’s hair.
My muse suddenly grips your muse’s hair.
Your muse roughly grabs my muse’s arm.
My muse roughly grabs your muse’s arm.
Your muse grips my muse’s hips.
My muse grips your muse’s hips.
Your muse wraps their hands tightly around my muse’s neck.
My muse wraps their hands tightly around your muse’s neck.
Your muse slams mine against a wall hard.
My muse slams yours against a wall hard.
Your muse pushes my muse to their knees.
My muses pushes your to their knees.
Your muse bites mine.
My muse bites yours.
Your muse clutches their hand tightly around my muse’s mouth to silence them.
My muse clutches their hand tightly around your muse’s mouth to silence them.
Your muse grabs my muse’s wrists.
My muse grabs their muse’s wrists.
Your muse attempts to shove away mine.
My muse attempts to push off yours.
Your muse roughly kisses mine.
My muse roughly kisses yours.
Your muse pins mine onto the ground.
My muse pins yours to the ground.
Your muse delivers beatings to mine.
My muse delivers beatings to yours.
Your muse breaks my muse’s arm.
My muse breaks your muse’s arm.
Mun chooses. 
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xprisonerx · 9 years
IF WE'VE NEVER RP'D TOGETHER send me a simple starter:
“You look a little lost. Do you need directions?” “That’s an awesome outfit.” “How’s the chicken? I can’t decide whether to order it or not.” “Excuse me, I think you dropped this.” “I don’t know a single person here…”
“Wow, I’ve never seen an angel before…” “You’re the hottest person in this place.” “I saw that. You just checked me out.” “Hey, can I get your number?” *wolf whistle*
“You’re in my seat.” “What are you staring at?” “You just stepped on my toe!” “Who do you think you are?” “Keep it down, will you?”
“Get down - he’s got a gun!” “Help, I need medical attention!” “Just kill me now!” “I need a ride! Please!” “Are you crazy? It’s too dangerous!”
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xprisonerx · 9 years
Sooo close to freedom! ))
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xprisonerx · 9 years
tomb raider + lara quotes
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xprisonerx · 9 years
“It’s really boring stuff.. wood-cutting techniques... environmental observations...” He listed slowly. Well, it wasn’t a lie. But it did have more personal observations in it than environmental.
He stared at her for what seemed like a long time. “What are you gonna do with it?”
Aria follows Garin from a safe distance, making sure to give the man space. Her foot hits a book on the floor. "Must be Garin's." She mumbles as she opens it up to a random page, she sees her name. Intrigued, she goes to the beginning of the book, walking in the general location Garin walked off to. Her face was red as she read multiple stories of her and Garin. She re reads and re reads, in her distracted state she bumps into someone, falling to her bottom.
“Ow- Aria! What are you doing here? …You know, why am I even asking that anymore?” He said to himself with a sigh after Aria bumped into him.
He was surprised to hear no response from her. He looked over his shoulder to see that Aria had fallen onto her rear end and was reading his drabbles.
His face flushed immediately. “In the name of- give me that!” He yelped. He prayed that he hadn’t seen… most of what was in there.
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xprisonerx · 9 years
In his house, he swapped out some completed maps for fresh pieces of paper. He’d give those maps up later, but for now, he was solely interested in seeing what this stranger would do. He spent good hours or days on those maps, each. He wouldn’t risk having them ruined.
He also made sure to grab a mace and a dagger before returning to the mule.
He gazed at the argonian woman with curiosity as he approached. She hadn’t left. There was something odd about her, but he almost craved the eccentricity.
“I can honestly say I thought I’d never see you or my mule again,” he informed her, preparing to climb up onto the mule. “...Well. Where do you need me to take you, since you’ve decided to stick around?”
"Did I fall asleep?" (My muse is Wu'Viira)
“I have no idea what you did. I just find you lying down in the middle of nowhere,” Rasius replied impatiently. He’d been on his way to his place of residence, which was far away from any big city, near a waterfall. He hadn’t expected to find a woman that was seemingly comatose on the way there.
As peeved as he may have been, he wasn’t going to leave her there. She wasn’t dead… yet.
“Obviously, you need some sort of help,” he sighed, his eyes scanning the area for a potential ambush.
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xprisonerx · 9 years
Happy munday! I’m alive, and I’ll try to do responses tonight. Buckets of studying have been done in xprisonerx-land.
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xprisonerx · 9 years
*nudges* hey you remember our rp? *trips* oh shit i'm sorry *falls on ass while trying to get up* oh damn I *gets up, hundreds of argonian pictures flow out of jacket* t-those aren't mine
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xprisonerx · 9 years
I am alive and wanting to do my RPs! Unfortunately, I’ve been very busy, and this week will probably be the same. :c But I’ll get on replies ASAP. Sorry!
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xprisonerx · 9 years
reasons i drop threads:
i don’t know how to reply i lost muse for the thread i lost it i feel like our muses don’t connect
not reasons i drop thread:
i hate you you’re a bad roleplayer/had a bad reply i don’t like you.
if i ever drop a thread with you,it has nothing to with you personally. it’s all on me. the only reason i will ever drop a thread is if i lost it, lost muse for it or i don’t know how to reply. it has nothing to do with you as a person. we can just try to start a new thread or something.
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