zsadistraven15 · 3 years
Lore Olympus Merch
So, found this out today. For those not aware, Hot Topic is now selling Lore Olympus shirts (and one hoodie).
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zsadistraven15 · 7 years
Kenshin/Kaoru Fanfic Help!
Can someone please help me!
I’m trying to find an old Rurouni Kenshin multi-chapter fanfic, like early 2000s old. I can’t remember the author or the title but I know the basic summary. It focuses on Kenshin and Kaoru and the growth of their relationship to the point of marring and having triplets. It also has the pairing of Sano/Megumi where they are married with a son and the fic starts with Megumi giving birth to twins with Kaoru’s help. (There’s also a prequel one-shot with how Sano and Megumi got together.) And, if I remember correctly, the fic ends focusing on Yahiko and Tsubame.
Please, please, help me find this fic!
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zsadistraven15 · 8 years
Get your Pokécoins - (1) per person
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zsadistraven15 · 9 years
Not sure if anyone will read this but I just have to post this. I now not many people are country fans but I think this song by Reba McEntire fits Sakura so perfectly. It just seems to fit her feelings for Sasuke.
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