btstarotimagines 2 years
So true though 馃憖
My cards keep telling me to drop whatever is not serving me well and only puts pressure on me and stresses me out.
And I'm standing there yelling at them that I can't quit my job.
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btstarotimagines 2 years
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we need more footage of him with his long purple hair 馃槶(cr. yoongi-bts)
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btstarotimagines 2 years
First of all thank you all for showing so much love to my previous post! It was my first one and I was very nervous about it do I'm very happy you liked it!
For this post imagine you're in a romantic relationship with Jimin, and with your heart full of love for him pick a card and go to the pile's letter to read your tarot reading. Good luck! And don't forget to have fun!
Also I don't own BTS they just inspire me and this reading is fiction to have fun imagining what life would be like with our dearest jiminie! This readings do not reflect the true personality of the individual Park Jimin.
Now to the readings!
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Pile A
You: 3 of Pentacles. Jimin is your muse, he just inspires you. Creative expression is very important to you and you are in Jimin an equal partner that enriches your creative life. Artistic partnership is at the center of your life and Jimin cooperates with you on this past of your life.
Jimin: 9 of Cups. Jimin has all the cups! LOL. He just had everything you need and in turn you are everything he wants and needs. There's an abundance of emotions in Jimin's heart, he feels everything and is open to connect with you in a deeper level. Jimin is your wish that came true. When you were lovely he came into your life and filled it with joy, laughter and warm love.
What helps your relationship. 5 of Cups. You've both learned the painful lesson of loss and now find in each other a way to heal your emotional wounds, you are both Rai to do the work in the relationship and with the wisdom from pay relationships you are now ready to build a happy healthy life together.
What hinders your relationship. Page of Swords. You are both ready to act first and think second and this impulsiveness can lead you to hurt eachother. Jimin's and your hot headed nature may arise fights, go back to the wisdom of lessons learned and remember your are both building a new healthy partnership.
The basis of the relationship. 3 of swords. There is still the deep wound of heartbreak living rent free in your hearts. Your relationship with Jimin is based on the desire to heal from past heartbreaks and since both of you are willing you will find in each other the soft warm love that will cute your hearts of the emotional wounds from the past.
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Pile B
You: 4 of Pentacles. You feel very lucky to have Jimin and you know what a treasure of a man he is, that's why you are always afraid of loosing him, be careful not to hold on to tight. You have a need for control which sometimes may get in the way of you being more spontaneous. Relax and enjoy the treasure that is Jimin and his place in your life.
Jimin: Temperance XIV Jimin is the angel of balance that brings a more leveled mind to the relationship. Jimin is naturally inclined to cooperation so you can mean on him instead of trying to control everything. He's a very centered being and you feel grounded around him. His stability makes you feel safe.
What helps in the relationship: Page of swords. Jimin's spontaneity makes him open to impulsive actions in order to get you out of your obsession for control. This brings great balance in the relationship because he allows you to have more fun and loosen up, and in turn you bring your mental power and structure to the basic stuff of everyday life.
What hinders the relationship: 7 of wands. You and Jimin are both prone to overwork which results in having less time to spend together and work on building a strong relationship. You need to work in your need for control that makes you overwork yourself to the bone and Jimin needs to work on his perfectionism that makes him immerse in this work and spend less time with you.
Beats of the relationship. The Star XVII Look at the stars for some inspiration. Your relationship is based in the inner light that's burning inside you both, your hope and child like wonder approach to life makes you both enjoy greatly the time you spend together. Jimin will drag you to his adventures and you'll follow more than willing because when you are with him you feel the freedom from control knowing that all is well as long as you are with him, your personal morning Star.
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Pile C
You: the hanged man XII. You are a person who looks at live from a different perspective. You shy away from conventionalities and are always trying to find a creative solution for any problem that may rise. Some think outside the box, you take it farther reinterpreting the box itself. All this gives you a lot of freedom and makes you very appealing to people. You are definitely a charmer, someone everyone wants to meet and be with.
Jimin: 2 of wands. Jimin is a planner. He likes to make decisions based on a view of the big picture. More than that, Jimin address a future with you. He can't help but plan y life together because he knows in his bones that you're both destined to be together. Everything about you makes him want to build a life with you, your are definitely his present and future and he had no doubt about that.
What helps your relationship: 7 of Pentacles. This is a very down to earth long term serious relationship, you are not just filling around, you both have done the internal work and are now seeing the fruits in you maturity and deeper bond, this is no ordinary casual relationship, you are both in it for the long run and the fact that you're both in the same page about this is what helps more your relationship.
What hinders the relationship: Knight of Cups.
Both you and Jimin are very emotional people, you wear your heart in your sleeves and that makes you vulnerable to getting hurt. Even the wing word at the weekend time can trigger an emotional response that can hurt you both for days to come. You need to keep in this is mind and avoid rash decisions and emotional discussions, instead take some time away from each other to process internally your own emotion before bringing the issue up to the other person.
The basis of the relationship: the lovers VI. At the end of the day you choose each other to walk hand in hand on this Life. You are each other's destiny, and soulmates. Nothing and no one can ever separate you for your are a match made in heaven.
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Hoped you liked your pile and thank you for dreaming with me through these readings! Feedback is always welcome so please drop a comment and let me know what you think! Many blessings and purple love to all of you lovelies!
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btstarotimagines 2 years
Jungkook tarot imagine
Now to the first reading, we'll start with my handsome and most gorgeous boy Jungkook. Look at the three pictures below and choose the one you feel more attracted to. Then read below for the reading of your choosing. Good luck! Warnings: this is an imagined scenario to explore what your relationship with jungkookie would be like. It's obviously a work of fiction (unless you know Jeon Jungkook in person... In that case please introduce him to me!!! I'll be forever grateful ) . Declaration: I don't own BTS they just live rent free in my imagination. These tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and don't reflect the true characters of the people involved. This is just for fun you guys! Pick a pile and let's get it!聽
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Pile A
You: 7 of wands. You're a hard working individual, always pushing yourself to be the best you can be. Sometimes you may overwork in the fear of not being good enough. Your are kind and generous in your affections, always giving your best to your relationship with Jungkook, and always making sure that he knows how much you love him, always putting his happiness as your number one priority.
Jungkook: Justice XI. He's a fair and just lover to you, he notices how much you struggle with your self worth and how you always put him first, so he does his very best to shower you with affection and taking care of all of you so that the balance of the relationship is always even between you both.
What helps in your relationship: Page of wands. You are both passionate souls that see life from an innocent child-like innocence where you have the confidence to make all your goals come true. He's the golden maknae for a reason and you match him in his magical confidence of pursuing your passions knowing you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. This quality you both share is very helpful to the relationship because you are not in competition of each other and you both have the same attitude towards life and the pursue of your goals. You feel like members of the same team.
What hinders your relationship: The sun XIX: You both struggle with finding reasons to feel joy on your own. You have attached happiness to bring with the other and this may in the future create co-dependency. Love is neatly tired to freedom. Learn to find happiness by yourself so that when you are together you have the healthy boundaries help you build a healthier relationship.
What is the basis of your relationship :The Tower XVI: Change. You both are each other's agent of personal change, Jungkook will help you love yourself more and recognize your own value, hell push you until you see yourself in the same loving way that he sees you. In turn you will help him in connecting more with his altruistic side and away from selfishness. The continuous effort that he putts in levelling the balance of give and take in your relationship will help him connect with his desire to serve and help others.
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Pile B
You: The Sun XIX: You are a joyful person. A happy virus. Everyone you ever encounter leaves feeling better than when they met you. You are independent and a free spirit always happy to lend a helping hand to those who need it, be it with your actual help on their problems, or by telling them a joke or just making them smile with your beautiful vibes.
Jungkook:9 of Wands. Jungkook is very protective of you. You're good little bundle of joy and he won't let anything or anyone hurt you. He's always alert and in protective move when he's with you and will do his very best to keep you safe. Because of this you feel Jungkook is your refuge, the safe haven to your heart. You know he will never hurt you and you trust him implicitly.
What helps the relationship:5 of Pentacles: You are ready other's Home. Now that you've found each other you will never be homeless or lonely. The fact that you find refuge in each other helps you have a healthier relationship because you both have that sense that you can weather any storm add long as you have each other. No matter what happens you can always find your way back home by looking into each other's eyes.
What hinders the relationship: Knight of Wands: You're both very impulsive, you act first and think second and sometimes you may inadvertently hurt each other. Try to keep the other in mind before taking important actions that may affect the other or the relationship. Slow down. There's no rush. Remember you're both home in each other, there's no need to rush into action alone, work as a team for you'll always have each other's backs.
The basis of the relationship:8 of Wands: Action. Your relationship with jungkook is filled with positive energy and adventure. You have a connection where you feel safe in each other's company and this lead to feeling larger than life, there's no challenge that can slow you both down, the world is your otter and you're all for taking chances and seeing how amazing love can be. Add long as you have each other all is well in the world.
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Pile C
You: Page of wands: you have a child like innocent approach to life where you love openly and trust that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. You see love from the eyes of a child, your relationship is a fun and loving game that you play for the joy of being with another and sharing your life with them. You love yourself and Jungkook unconditionally. You are his most loyal playmate and lead your life and relationship from a playful place of enjoying the time you spend together, always coming back to each other for laughter and loving fun.
Jungkook:5 of Pentacles: Jungkook follows your lead and stays with you through thick and thin. You are his home, his safe haven, the point he'll always go back to. Whenever he's in a bad place he knows he can go to you and seek solace in you warm embrace. He can counts on you and your playful nature helps him deal with the difficulties of life. No matter how bad is the storm he can always finds laughter and joy in your presence.
What helps in your relationship: The Hermit IX: As much as it is fun to play together you also respect each other's need for solitude. You and Jungkook are both introverted people that need moments to just be with yourselves to recharge and have more energy to play together once again. You honour this need and that helps the relationship grow because it makes you enjoy even more the time you do spend together. You also enjoy just staying at home and most of your dates are basically vegetating in the sofa or playing videogames. Neither of your are very outdoorsy so staycations are the rule and you love the intimacy that these moments create.
What hinders your relationship: Ace of Swords: You are both very rational and headstrong. You'll need to work on giving in to the other from time to time. You both love winning and are very smart so you need to balance the mind with some emotion, bring more romance and sensuality so that you don't get lost in the world of your minds. Less brain and more heart will do you both good.
The basis of the relationship The Sun: your relationship is based on joy and fun and the happiness of being alive. A lot of play is necessary to weather life's hardship and you both can always find ways to laugh and enjoy life. Together you'll ride to the horizon after winning life's many battles.
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Remember this is just for fun! and please let me know what you think! did you like it? did you identify with any of the piles?聽
Love you all and thank you for reading!
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btstarotimagines 2 years
BTS Tarot Imagines
Hello everyone! Welcome to my page! I really hope you enjoy it. I created this page to join my three biggest passions: Tarot, storytelling and BTS. By doing what I call "BTS tarot imagines" I will do a pick a pile tarot card reading where I will explore the imagined relationship between you and a member of BTS. With these posts I will entertaining you with this imagined BTS scenarios and at the same time practice tarot readings and get familiarised with the deeper meaning of the cards. It's a win win situation that'll hopefully be super fun for all of us! I'll post these readings weekly so if you want to be tagged leave a comment below! Warnings: this is an imagined scenario to explore what your relationship with jungkookie would be like. It's obviously a work of fiction (unless you know Jeon Jungkook in person... In that case please introduce him to me!!! I'll be forever grateful ) . Declaration: I don't own BTS they just live rent free in my imagination. These tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and don't reflect the true characters of the people involved. This is just for fun you guys! Pick a pile and let's get it! (The reading I mean LOL )
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