#i do that too
kentuckyfriedsatan · 15 hours
Am I going crazy? I just read a comment on a ghost video that stated that nearly nobody calls Dewdrop Dewdrop anymore, instead Sodo???Like hello? Don’t get me wrong I know that there are a lot of people who call the ghoul Sodo (I hate that), but the vast majority?? That can’t be right, right???
Just to clarify, Sodo is not Dewdrop!
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nico would put spotify lyrics on his instagram story and think that he was professing his love to a certain crush
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iwasbored777 · 10 months
Gwen said "I used to play with these when I was younger, too" like she was 15 years older than Miles, not 15 months 😂
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Character development
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levbolton · 10 months
Hey I hope this doesn't come off as aggressive but why are you so against people considering hgsn a yaoi? After all yoshiki is in love w hikaru (according to the early concept sketches anyway) and it is heavily implied that either hikaru or ''hikaru'' likes yoshiki
I never said Yoshiki doesn’t have feelings for Hikaru the original one, not Unuki.
When you go hgsn is a bl (or even worse, yaoi that means no climax, no point, no plot) you undoubtedly reduce the story to Yoshiki’s feelings for Hikaru and discard everything else.
People ship Yoshiki and Unuki (“Hikaru”) and that takes away all psychological layers this story has. Yoshiki doesn’t simply love “Hikaru”. What he held dear was his childhood friend, the only kid around his age in that secluded village, Hikaru. Now imagine one day he finds out Hikaru is no longer, he’s dead. If he’s dead he can’t see him again or hear his voice and that fucking breaks something inside of him. But there’s an identical copy of him, that has the same face and the same voice. Coping mechanisms activate and he somehow gaslights himself into thinking “this is fine, Hikaru is here”, only that it’s not Hikaru, it’s “Hikaru”. He knows it but prefers to ignore it (what you don’t know can’t hurt you). You know, the human need for things to stay the same, sudden changes one cannot control were never humanity’s cup of tea. It’s very subtle, and you have to realize: wait, someone actually died in this story, they’re not coming back, they were an important part of someone’s like and they’re not coming back. But there’s also “Hikaru” that learns how to live for the first time and you can’t simply pin Hikaru’s death and his abscence on “it” either, it’s way more complex than that, both sides are correct when you know both perspectives. “Hikaru” isn’t human so it doesn’t think like a human, if you know his perspective you can’t hate him bcs his brain (or whatever there is like a brain) can’t gasp the concept of survival that humanity has. And this “Hikaru” commits stuff that are unthinkable for a human being (killing a strangers like Matsuura, threatening to kill a friend like Asako) but at this point Yoshiki too thinks it’s his fault, he let the thing be and do as he please so it’s too late for him to pull out so all he can do is “bear the sins together”, what’s done it’s done now the show must go on. He doesn’t “bear the sins” together out of love, it’s an obligation he made peace with, in his head he’s just as guilty for those deaths (and Asako’s possible disability that could ruin her chances to play volleyball and that’s be fucked up if those were Asako’s plans for future)
When people say hgsn is a bl, they just focus on Yoshiki x Hikaru (“Hikaru”) oMg CuTe ElDeRiTcH gay monster obbsessed with yoshiki
And when people focus on hgsn is a bl they ignore everything else. Moku has a “show, don’t tell” kind of storytelling. There’s so many symbols that are basically foreshadowing or just easter eggs (chal mentioned once in the discord channel that the cypress bath salt from chapter 10 are from some greek mythology about someone dying i don’t recall the details, sorry it’s midnight and i didn’t have a greek mythology phase growing up), also Tanaka having chocolate on his board, and then adding sugar to his tea, that kind of insinuates he has a sweet tooth, just like Rie (that parfait, the recent chapters with the sweets on the table), anyway this is just a theory (tht Tanaka migt be Rie’s son), i could go on with way more details but that’s not the point of this post, there’s more symbols and stuff going on, been analysing the geography too as Moku doesn’t show us stuff randomly, or why did Moku choose to mention Herman Hesse’s work in chapter 2 (it’s not Demian, it’s the night peacock moth or however it’s in german Das Nachtpfauenauge ah thanks predictive keyboard)
I repeat myself again, when people say hgsn is a bl they just focus on the bl part and ignore all the complexities this work has. (When moku asked for questions for the qa at the end of vol 3 there were so many like “when will yoshiki and hikaru kiss 🥺”)
You say “early concept sketches” when the current work isn’t even sold as a BL, a story can go a different way from the first draft and concept (ofc you keep some stuff bcs if everything changws then it’s another story), not to mention that moku deleted that concept work, the only source available are the scanlation from nekojita (i think it was their group) and moku already said multiple times that hgsn is youth horror manga, unuki’s monster parts aren’t an allegory for being gay (or they could be but not like it was the sole intention)
In my opinion hikaru died too soon to realise and even accept his feelings for yoshiki, i guess that’s a possible reason why unuki is so confused, but im sure the story is more complex and has to do with the backstory, moku didn’t mention those famines and that bloody history for nothing, im not saying anything as I don’t have a good intuition for this stuff, so I’m just patiently waiting for moku to draw the story and reveal all the secrets
Besides, having queer male characters doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bl. Bl is a shojo genre, made by women for women, 2 guys so they have to skip all the inequalities women go through, bcs when it’s 2 guys they are both equal (don’t come at me, this is the real history of bl). Bl doesn’t even represent gay people nor normalise their presence, you’d think the country with the most Bls has already some lgbt friendly rules but guess what it’s not that case bcs bl isn’t for the queers. Actual works that focus on the queer experience are My brother’s husband, Yuhki Kamatani’s works or Kakeoichi Girl (i heard good things about Boys Run the Riot too but I didn’t read it yet). Bls focus a lot on adult (often teacher) x minor (often the student), on forceful interactions (such as SA), and it’s very hecking heteronormative (big is dominant, smal is dominated, big is manly, small is drawn that way especially so it’s very undistinguishable from a woman, again don’t come at me, it’s the BL rules)
So, in conclusion, again, hgsn isn’t just a bl, it’s more than that. Just like in Blue Flag, the queer feelings that exist are important for the plot, but they’re just there as plot driver (Yoshiki’s feelings for Hikaru blinding him into accepting the truth that Hikaru is no more), there’s more important stuff to focus on. There’s already much more BLs on the market than you could read in a lifetime, no need to force this tag on a story that isn’t one
Obviously you are alive and can do whatever you want, including shipping the depressed mop with the gay elderitch monster, but please don’t spread it as if it’s the only thing worth mentioning in the story 🙏 (i myself fallen to the BL tag at first bcs this is how it was introduced to me and it took me a few weeks to think “wait a minute…”)
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xceanlynx · 8 months
I'm so tired of reading takes like "I like Ray but I can't defend him anymore..." "I love Neo but Boston..." "I like Nick but what he did..."
You CAN like a terrible character. You CAN love the actor and hate the character. You CAN like a problematic ship. You CAN do whatever the hell you want as long as you give the same grace to others. You don't have to defend your opinion. You don't have to justify anything. You don't have to have a reason. It's a godamn TV series, it shouldn't be that serious.
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guppyscolita · 2 months
it's already began. New Mavado fans went from treating him primarily as a sex object to changing their minds and calling him ugly, weird or basic. Let's all just kill ourselves /ref
They'll eventually move on, hopefully. I've seen some dumb comments too, but I guess it's because Mavado caused ton of sensation in a lot of ways, he is the hot topic(?(? And people is just not use to see him and might think he just came out of nowhere eventho he has been in the franchise since 2002.
Also some people clearly don't get the point of the character (looking directly at the ones that call him cheap Kabal)
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izzysbeans · 1 month
do y'all ever watch a character on screen do shit and ure like damn that's the gayest shit i've ever seen but also feel called out cause fuck if it aint me
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jesuistrefatugie · 2 years
That moment you realize that you, like a certain self-sacrificing bastard, have the emotional capability of wet paper.
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anawrites3 · 10 months
Today is the day when people reblog Slade art of my blog and thirst after him in the tags and I absolutely love it 😂💕💕
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the-prophecy · 10 months
Bestie went to college today bc her attendance is less and it's basically break time and she called and spilled about everything that happened in college today....like get urself friends who'll let u know everything even when u didn't ask-
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hometownrockstar · 2 years
ive never played nmh i know like literally nothing abt it but this is like genuinely one of my top images ever i think abt it all the time
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Abed giving thumbs up >>>>
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sharkaiju · 2 years
John always calling Riley by both names ("Riley Flynn") though
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dawnleaf37 · 1 year
finding a lot of ways people pronounce ascii
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lume-nosity · 1 year
using ai is such a great use for inspiration tbh!!
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