chaosmushroomsushi 1 day
literally us cause you're a crazy person who wakes up at 4am馃枻馃枻馃枻馃枻
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chaosmushroomsushi 1 day
I crave being craved
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chaosmushroomsushi 3 days
I am hopelessly
and irrevocably
in love with you
I just wish I could get even a glance from you in that way
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chaosmushroomsushi 3 days
I'm such a hopeless romantic
with so much emphasis on hopeless it's a shock you can even add romantic to the end of it
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chaosmushroomsushi 5 days
me literally sending this to you: us馃グ馃グ馃グ
you: yeah
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chaosmushroomsushi 5 days
I lay among the fallen leaves and stare up at the clouds
dreaming that one day you may love me back
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chaosmushroomsushi 5 days
I'm laying in my bed
and I want nothing but to lay curled up to you
in a freezing room
because you get hot easily
and I overheat easily
and if the room is freezing we can cuddle AND maybe have a blanket on us :D
but also that just sounds comfy
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chaosmushroomsushi 5 days
personally you'll have to try a little harder, some pepper jack or like brie but...I can be bribed
with a lot of food tbh
im a hungy lil boi
I can be pretty easily bribed lol
as a white person i can confirm that cheese is basically like god and life to me. i can be baited with cheese 100% of the time. i will tunnelvision a wedge of sharp cheddar from the other side of the room in any and every setting
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chaosmushroomsushi 5 days
ok no but I'd love this. it would help me immensely and lead to less self hate and if I ever found out I'd be so endeared
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chaosmushroomsushi 5 days
we're sitting in a booth in a bar
I've ordered some cheese fries
we're sipping on our respective drinks
we're just sitting in silence
my fries come and the quiet munching on them starts
I unsuredly offer you some
"I know you don't like to share food but I didn't know if things like this was different"
you take a fry without a word and pop it into your mouth
for another while we sit in silence just eating fries and sipping alcohol
you scoot closer to me and I look up at you but you're not looking at me
I just lay my head against your shoulder, you lay your hand on my knee and gently squeeze it
and we spend the rest of our time like that
sitting in silence sipping alcohol and eating cheesy fries watching people bustle around us in the busy bar
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chaosmushroomsushi 5 days
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chaosmushroomsushi 6 days
it's been a long day dear, let me give you a break and add a little ease
let's have fun in the ocean then come back home and cook your favourite food together
then I'll make you something sweet but small because I know you won't let yourself have much because of your sweet tooth
we'll take a shower and curl up in bed together and I'll rub your back helping you relax
grabs your hand. you've had enough plot and exposition and character development lately im taking you to the beach episode
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chaosmushroomsushi 6 days
when you fall in love with someone at 12 and never fall out of love with them it tends to fester and get pretty intense
he is my whole world, I don't know if I could live without him, I certainly have no desire to
but it would be easier if I was even a sliver of his
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chaosmushroomsushi 6 days
I wish I gave you the peace and happiness you give me
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chaosmushroomsushi 6 days
right now we are both so depressed
and don't really want to be alive
but both of us want neither to be dead
we both want the other to be happy
but we're so far away from each other
and I just imagine us sitting on a cliff with each other staring out at the ocean
(I don't know why we would cause of my debilitating fear of heights but that's not the point)
and part of me suggesting we kind of fulfill Dazai's desire
just go off the cliff together
but I wouldn't fully mean it and would be serious
just a depressed thought of how to fix our problems
but I think it would be almost therapeutic to sit silently looking out at the ocean with you
give me a little peace
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chaosmushroomsushi 6 days
I want to lay silently in your arms listening to your heart beat, our breathing, and rain splatter against the window
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chaosmushroomsushi 9 days
do you ever feel like having a whirlwind romance where you fall madly in love, dancing in the rain, seem like soulmates kind of madly in love. the kind of romance you only see in movies or read about in books
but then you both end up just not being good for each other and you know it and so you end up breaking up
and both leaving more broken than you were in the start but it's something you wouldn't ever trade for anything in the world?
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