'wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' (the sound of me spiraling but im a little silly :D)
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This shows that 20.76% of people here (probably) have adhd
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Dazai: Chuuyyaaa!
Chuuya: walking in What?!
Dazai: jumps up You remember years back when we saw those protests going past the Port Mafia building?!
Chuuya: Er yeah? Yeah I do. You dragged me to go see em when we were supposed to get Elise cupcakes.
Dazai: Yess! Shaking him by the shoulders You remember that one guy?! You know that one really really hot guy?!
Chuuya: Stop shaking me shoves him off Yeah, yeah I know the one with the purple streaks and the jean jacket?
Dazai: Yes, him!
Chuuya: Okay? Why are you freaking out?
Dazai: That guy is Kunikida!
Chuuya:... Shut up. There's no way.
Dazai: Yes way! Holds up a picture of teenage Kunikida Katai told me Kunikida had a emo phase in secondary school and I bribed him for a picture. Look at him, and tell me I'm wrong.
Chuuya: looks at the picture Holyshit! It's him! It's, holyshit!
Dazai: Right!
Chuuya: What are the chances... We watched him punch a cop!
Dazai: I know!
Kunikida: walks in I'm home... Why are you too looking at me like that?
Chuuya: We got so damn lucky.
Dazai: That we did. Grins Soo Kunikida, how do you feel about hair dye?
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Going from being an introverted lurker on reddit to trying to post my own stuff here is so wild. I keep typing out a post, deleting it, then retyping because I think it's not good enough but then I look at other posts and why am I so worried?
It's like I'm at a fancy Italian restaurant and keep glancing around the room to see which hand people use to pick up the forks. But then I realize that everyone is shoveling spaghetti into their mouths using their bare hands and I'm like ah okay so I'm clearly overthinking this
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Moana is is the reverse of the Little Mermaid
little mermaid: ocean princess wants to go to the land
moana: land princess wants to go to the ocean
little mermaid: big scary ocean lady is the enemy
moana: big scary land lady is actually a friend
little mermaid: villain has a necklace of magical importance
moana: hero has a necklace of magical importance
little mermaid: small good crab
moana: large bad crab
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2024•3•15 いちご、お誕生日おめでとう!!!🍓
This may be just a little birthday fanart for you, but to me, it’s the celebration of the anime character who changed my life (other than Yurika lmao)
Ichigo is the narrative of love, hard work, and light. She gave her all to achieve her dream of becoming an idol, and even being the top idol. She taught me to follow my dreams and work for them. To reach to the moon. Even if you can’t shine as bright as the moon at first, you’ll soon find a light that only belongs to you: the stars, and along the way, the friends you made will guide you and become the sun together.
Ichigo, happy birthday, and thank you for being my childhood and more. ♥︎
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Something about Fyodor being introduced by him defeating an enemy who uses his power to control his subordinates and take away their free will. How even though he spent his whole imprisonment with Karma who actively said they would turn on Ace if they could, he didn't help them. And how in the end Fyodor instead killed Karma, claiming that was his freedom.
Something about Fyodor losing to Dazai because he tried to use power to take away other's will free will and control them. How Chuuya betrayed him because he was never under that power to begin with and how it was a vampire who impaled him.
Something about how he never learned the lesson the first time because he refused to care about people like Karma.
Something about what goes around, comes around.
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My tutorial centre teacher for Chinese just told the class this whole heck of a wholesome love story (and yes, before you ask, it’s true)
It happened a few years back. The teacher was teaching the students some of his past student’s work from the public exam. So then he was talking about this piece written be a university freshman (that takes quite a fair amount of effort to get into)
And then this guy, according to my teacher, this guy who was a high school senior (or junior I forgot) just fell head over heels for her. He thought the piece was written so well and so touching and fell in love with that girl.
When I say this next part is wild, I mean it’s wild. You’re not gonna believe what happened next.
He then did what a logical person would — study hard to get into the same uni as the girl. And he fucking did. And guess what, he found that girl, confessed, and got together.
So fast forward to now, at least a few years later, they’ve immigrated to Australia and are engaged. If this is not romance goals, I don’t know what is.
Tldr: high school senior read a uni freshman’s writing and fell in love with her. Studied to get into the same uni, and successfully got together and are engaged.
(When I say a ‘passage’ the girl had written I am trying to say like a story/essay. And I apologise for any weird phrasing or grammar)
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@im-lavvyin-it this is an open letter to you to RETURN MY FUCKING BOOK.
Thank you for your cooperation:)
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@im-lavvyin-it this is an open letter to you to RETURN MY FUCKING BOOK.
Thank you for your cooperation:)
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i am deadass looking at fyolai fanart in RELIGEOUS LESSON. and am currently trying not to burst into tears :')
oh, and im reading less than school appropriate fanfics on ao3 during reading time..
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Alt fashion DIY tip
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Use these cotton threads for decorations
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Coil them up and put them on your jacket
You might need to use pens or other blunter objects along with a seam ripper to poke a hole in it to allow the thread to go through. Afterwards you can use markers to give it colour.
Hope this helps ・々・♪ have fun!
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Adult website and period tracker
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It has Viren's voice...
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Leola’s last wish
Humans were going to be murdered, wholly. A "daughter of an Elven leader" begged for humans to be spared, and Tenebris compromised: humans were exiled to the west instead.
What if ‘the daughter of an Elven leader’ (elven leader: Aaravos?) is Leola, and that her last wish is for the humans to be spared? And perhaps died/being casted out by the stars (because she saved the humans?)
Maybe the Sea off the Castout came from this? Or maybe the bones in the sea is her (and she is somehow related to Aditi being swallowed?)
Also one thing to note is that she is depicted as a child in the star map in the opening (not sure how that helps)
Idk just a one am thought…
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I made the aroace flag!!! Flag art! Yay
Please expect another version to come soon, thanks.
Elementary, my dear Watson, yes I’m aroace.
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Me ten seconds after I draw some cute shoujo manga girl:
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Guess who accidentally drew Victorian gothic horror when they just wanted to draw a portrait on a paper plate…
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