guilty-ff · 3 months
Fading Shadows: Love and Betrayal Pt.3
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˚⁎⁺˳ .
As you step into Colonel König's office, the weight of As you step into Colonel König's office, the weight of expectations hangs heavy in the air. His stern manner and the aura of authority surrounding him make you feel uneasy. You steel yourself, mentally preparing for whatever challenges lie ahead in this new chapter of your military career.
Pairings: fem!reader, Simon Riley, König
Genre: mild angst
Tags: independent, fights, knifes
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"Take a seat, Sergeant," Colonel König commands, his voice cutting through the silence. You comply, settling into the chair opposite his desk, your senses heightened.
"I've reviewed your file, Sergeant," Colonel König begins, his gaze piercing. "Impressive record in Task Force 141. But records only tell part of the story."
You nod, keeping your composure despite the unease gnawing at you. You can't help but wonder what he knows beyond the official documents.
"I value initiative and resourcefulness in my soldiers," Colonel König continues, his tone measured. "But I also value discipline and adherence to protocol."
His words send a chill down your spine, and you tense, unsure of where this conversation is leading. The mention of protocol brings back memories of past missions and the rigid rules of engagement.
"I expect nothing less than excellence from those under my command," Colonel König says, his eyes boring into yours. "You will need to prove yourself here, Sergeant. Your past accomplishments will mean nothing if you cannot adapt to the standards of KorTac."
You swallow hard, understanding the gravity of his words. The pressure to perform weighs heavily on you, knowing that failure is not an option.
"I understand, sir," you reply, your voice steady despite the turmoil within. "I'm ready to meet the challenge and uphold the standards of KorTac"
Colonel König nods, a hint of approval flickering in his eyes. "Good. We have high expectations for you, Sergeant. Dismissed."
With a crisp salute, you rise from your seat and exit Colonel König's office, the weight of his expectations heavy on your shoulders.
As you navigate the bustling corridors of the base, you steel yourself for the challenges ahead, determined to prove yourself in your new unit.
In the days that follow, you throw yourself into your work with renewed determination, eager to prove that you belong in KorTac. Despite the initial apprehension and the scrutiny you face as the only woman in the unit, you earn the respect of your teammates through hard work, dedication, and a willingness to adapt to the rigorous standards set by Colonel König.
As you immerse yourself in the missions and training exercises, the memories of Task Force 141 begin to fade, replaced by the camaraderie and sense of purpose found within KorTac.
Though the road ahead is fraught with challenges, you face them head-on, knowing that every obstacle overcome brings you one step closer to earning your place in the elite unit.
And as time passes, you find yourself growing stronger, both as a soldier and as a person. The lessons learned from your past experiences with Task Force 141 serve as a foundation upon which you build your future in KorTac, shaping you into the resilient and capable leader that Colonel König expects you to be.
Though the journey ahead is uncertain, you face it with courage and determination, knowing that with each new challenge overcome, you grow closer to becoming the soldier you were always meant to be.
Colonel König gathers the KorTac team in the training area, his presence commanding attention as he addresses the soldiers.
"Listen up, team. Today, we'll be running drills to assess our combat readiness and teamwork. I expect nothing less than excellence from each of you."
As the team moves through the various areas of the base, Horangi, one of the trustworthiest members, takes the opportunity to introduce you to the new environment. He points out the shooting area, the cafeteria, the training area, and the meeting area, giving you a brief overview of each.
In the training area, you stumble upon Colonel König sparring with a recruit, his punches swift and powerful, each blow landing with precision. You watch in awe as he effortlessly dominates his opponent, his mastery of combat on full display.
Colonel König's gaze falls on you, and he gestures for you to step forward.
"Sergeant, come here."
Your heart sinks as you realize what this means. Despite your higher rank, you can't shake the feeling of being underestimated and unworthy, constantly having to prove yourself just to be taken seriously. Sparring against a corporal who's rank is under yours feels offensive and as if you are being underestimated, purely for being a woman in military uniform. Nothing new, you think.
But you push aside your doubts and step forward, determined to prove yourself once again. As you face off against the corporal, you give it your all, every move calculated and precise.
As the corporal squared off against you in the training area, tension hung thick in the air. Your muscles tensed, ready for action, as you sized up your opponent. Despite the difference in rank, you knew this battle would be a test of your skills and determination.
The corporal wasted no time, launching into a flurry of strikes and kicks with impressive speed and agility. You deftly parried each blow, countering with your own calculated moves. Despite their relentless assault, you remained calm and focused, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.
With a sudden opening, you seized your chance, launching a swift kick that sent the recruit stumbling backward. Sensing weakness, you pressed your advantage, unleashing a barrage of strikes that left them struggling to defend themselves.
But just as victory seemed within your grasp, the recruit launched a surprise counterattack, catching you off guard. Their blows landed with surprising force, driving you back as you fought to regain your footing.
As the battle raged on, both you and the recruit pushed yourselves to the limit, each refusing to back down. Sweat dripped from your brow as you exchanged blow after blow, the intensity of the fight reaching its peak.
But in the end, it was your determination and skill that won out. With one final, decisive strike, you sent the corporal crashing to the ground, victorious.
Breathless and exhilarated, you stood over your fallen opponent, a sense of pride swelling in your chest.
You can feel the eyes of the team on you, a mix of surprise and respect in their gazes.
Colonel König nods in approval, his expression unreadable. "Well done, Sergeant. You've proven yourself capable."
But then, his demeanor shifts, and he turns to face you directly. "Now, it's my turn."
The training area was tense as Colonel König and you faced each other, both armed with training knives. Colonel König's masked face gave nothing away, his eyes hidden behind the makeshift covering. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as he spoke, his voice low and commanding.
"A real battle without a knife would be like a dance without music," Colonel König remarked, his tone serious as he eyed you. "But we'll make do with what we have."
You were surprised by his choice of weapon but wasted no time in retrieving your own training knife. As you gripped the handle, Colonel König added with a hint of humor,
"If you can bring me down to my knees, you'll win."
His words caught you off guard, and a laugh escaped your lips despite the tension in the air. It was rare to see Colonel König inject humor into such a serious situation, and it momentarily eased the tension between you.
But as the fight began, the atmosphere quickly shifted back to one of intense focus. Each movement was calculated, each strike aimed with deadly precision as you clashed with Colonel König.
The sound of wood against wood echoed through the training area as you both fought with all your strength. Colonel König's attacks were relentless, his movements fluid and precise as he pressed his advantage.
But you refused to back down, matching him blow for blow as you fought to gain the upper hand. Sweat dripped from your brow as you pushed yourself to your limits, the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
As the battle raged on, you could feel the exhaustion setting in, your muscles burning with exertion. But you pushed through the pain, determined to prove yourself worthy of Colonel König's respect.
With a sudden burst of speed, you launched yourself forward, your training knife flashing in the dim light of the training area. You aimed for Colonel König's exposed side, hoping to catch him off guard.
But Colonel König was ready, his reflexes honed by years of training. With a swift movement, he dodged your attack, leaving you off balance and vulnerable.
In that moment, you knew that victory was within reach. With one final, desperate lunge, you aimed for Colonel König's legs, hoping to bring him down to his knees as he had challenged.
But Colonel König was faster, his movements fluid as he sidestepped your attack. With a quick counterattack, he disarmed you, leaving you defenseless before him.
As you stood before him, breathless and defeated, Colonel König removed his makeshift mask, revealing a hint of amusement in his eyes.
"Well fought, Sergeant," he said, a rare smile gracing his lips. "You may not have won this battle, but you've earned my respect."
And with those words, Colonel König turned and walked away, leaving you alone in the training area with a newfound sense of determination.
Though you may have lost the fight, you knew that you had proven yourself worthy of Colonel König's respect, a victory in its own right.
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guilty-ff · 4 months
Fading Shadows: Love and Betrayal Pt.2
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˚⁎⁺˳ .
In a Task Force 141 operation, Soap sacrifices himself to save Simon, introducing tension in Simon and your relationship. Simon's emotional withdrawal escalates, leading to a heated argument where hurtful words are exchanged. You decide to end the relationship, leaving Simon to grapple with the consequences of his actions and the loss of both Soap and Y/n.
Pairings: fem!reader, Simon Riley, König
Genre: mild angst
Tags: MW3 Spoilers, angst, anxiety, break up, independent
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The chasm between you and Simon widens with each passing day, the once seamless partnership now fractured by unspoken tensions. At work, the air becomes charged with the remnants of what was, and the camaraderie that defined your relationship on missions results into an uncomfortable silence.
Unable to bear the strain any longer, you decide to take the matter to Captain Price. Knocking on his office door, you wait for the permission to enter.
"Captain, we need to talk."
Price glances up from his paperwork, recognizing the seriousness in your expression. He gestures for you to sit, prompting you to share your concerns.
"What's going on, Sergeant?"
You take a deep breath, carefully choosing your words.
"Simon and I can't continue working together like this. It's affecting our Missions. I need a change, sir."
Price leans forward, his piercing gaze assessing the situation. "You two were one of the best teams I had. I need more than vague reasons, Y/n. You know that I can't just exchange my soldiers simply because of a request", he sighs.
"It's personal, sir. I can't disclose everything, but trust me, I need a different unit," you explain, aware that revealing the true depth of your personal struggles might complicate matters further.
Price studies your face for a moment before sighing.
"Alright, I'll process the paperwork. But you better sort this out, Sergeant. I won't have my team falling apart."
Months pass, and the separation becomes a painful reality. The memories of shared victories, haunting both you and Simon. The war outside may be unrelenting, but the emotional battles within are just as fierce.
One day, as you pass Simon in the hallway, there's a fleeting moment of eye contact. The unspoken words and unaddressed emotions hang heavy in the air. The wounds of a love lost on and off the battlefield are still fresh, and the path to healing seems like an uncertain journey.
In the following weeks, your final request grinds into action, and you find yourself reassigned to a different unit called "KorTac". Not exactly what you were hoping for, when you already know the tension and rivalry between the SpecGru and Kortac factions.
Moreover, the relief is accompanied by a nagging guilt for not being entirely honest with Price. Simon, on the other hand, watches your departure with a mix of confusion and quiet acceptance.
Entering the new faction, you are going to meet unfamiliar faces and a different set of dynamics. The work is challenging, but the void left by the fractured relationship with Simon remains, a constant reminder of what once was.
Back in the Task Force 141, Simon navigates the mission parameters with a stoic demeanor, but the absence of the seamless partnership is felt. The once vibrant laughter and shared glances now replaced by a stoic professional detachment"
Today was the day to say goodbye to your colleagues and friends that have known for over eight years. Eight years of laughter, agony and the painful farewell to beloved friends who aren't present anymore.
The barracks buzz with a mixture of emotions on the day of farewell. Hugs, handshakes, and heartfelt goodbyes fill the air as you prepare to bid adieu to friends who have been part of your life for eight years.
In a quiet corner, you find yourself engaging in a conversation with Captain Price and Gaz, the weight of impending farewells plasters on their faces.
Captain Price, his stern behaviour momentarily softened, speaks with a slight of nostalgia.
"Eight years, Sergeant. You've been a significant part of this team. You'll be missed."
Your eyes examine the room, stopping at a huge Silhouette that stands in the darkest corner of the room.
Gaz shift his glaze and sees your painful expression when he adds, "You've been a damn good comrade. We've been through a lot together. By the way, he actually will be missing you too. I just want to say it on his behalf because this dork won't have the balls to do it himself"
You nod appreciatively, the gratitude for their camaraderie weighing on your heart.
"It's been an honor, sir, and Gaz. I'll never forget the missions we've tackled and the bonds we've forged."
You thank them wholeheartedly with a light smile.
As the conversation continues, Simon remains silent and visibly confused in the background. His usual confident and cocky demeanor replaced by an uncharacteristic uncertainty.
Captain Price notices Simon's subdued state and approaches him. "Simon, you alright?"
Simon, his gaze darting between faces and conversations, mumbles, "Yeah, just... trying to process everything."
Gaz, taking a step closer, tries to offer reassurance. "It's a tough day, mate. Saying goodbye to a lot of history here."
Simon's confusion deepens, his eyes seeking understanding. "History? What's happening?"
Captain Price, exchanging a knowing glance with Gaz, explains gently, "Y/n is changing to a different faction, Simon. It's a farewell."
Simon's eyes widen, the realization dawning on him. "Changing? Farewell? Why wasn't I informed?"
Gaz shrugs, "Guess it happened fast. These things aren't always planned."
Seeking solace and advice, you decide to return to the friend who welcomed you when you moved out of the apartment you once shared with Simon. The familiarity of her presence offers a comforting refuge as you navigate the emotional aftermath of the farewell and the complex feelings tied to your relationship with Simon.
As you share your struggles and the decision to move on from the Task Force 141, your friend listens attentively. After recounting the recent events and the growing distance between you and Simon, she suggests, "Maybe it's time to have a heart-to-heart with him. Clear the air, sort things out."
You consider her words, understanding the wisdom in addressing the underlying issues. However, a sense of uncertainty lingers, and you express your hesitation.
"I don't know if it's the right time or if he's willing to open up. It feels like he's a different person now."
Your friend, a supportive presence throughout, encourages you to consider the possibility of reconciliation.
"People change, especially under the weight of war. It might be worth giving him a chance to explain and, perhaps, find a way to rebuild what's been broken."
However, you shake your head, a sense of resolve settling in. "I can't, not right now. It's too much, and we both need time apart. Maybe in the future, but not now."
Your friend, though initially shocked, nods in understanding. "It's your decision, Y/n. Take the time you need, but don't let it linger for too long.“
That night, as you settle into the new routine at the Korean base, the weight of the unspoken breakup looms heavy. The separation becomes a reality, and the absence of Simon brings forth a flood of memories—eight years of shared victories, defeats, laughter, and tears.
As the night progresses, an overwhelming wave of anxiety engulfs you. The familiar rooms seem to close in as the echoes of countless memories with Simon play vividly in your mind. Each shared moment, each inside joke, and the warmth of his presence intensify the emotional turmoil.
You find yourself breathless, gasping for air as the anxiety attack takes hold. The vulnerability of the situation, the weight of the unspoken goodbye, and the uncertainty of the future converge, overwhelming your senses.
In the silence of the night, you grapple with the reality of the silent breakup, the emotions suppressed during the farewell event now demanding acknowledgment. Alone with your thoughts, you confront the pain of the unspoken farewell and the daunting prospect of a life without Simon.
As the night wears on, the panic gradually subsides, leaving you emotionally drained and physically exhausted. The room, once filled with memories, now feels emptier than ever. The journey to healing has just begun, and the road ahead seems fraught with challenges.
The weight of eight years spent alongside Simon becomes a poignant reminder of the intricate tapestry of emotions that once defined your relationship.
After a month of settling into the apartment of your friend and adjusting to the routine at the "KorTac" base, the day arrives when you're finally scheduled to meet your new teammates.
Nervousness and uncertainty grip you as you ponder the challenges that often accompany being the only woman in a military unit.
The atmosphere at the base is bustling, and the absence of your new teammates, currently on a mission, heightens the anticipation. You steel yourself, knowing that you've had to work extra hard in the past to prove your capabilities as a woman in a male-dominated environment.
As you navigate the hallways of the base, your mind races with thoughts of acceptance and validation. The whispers of unfamiliar voices and glances in your direction make you acutely aware of the scrutiny you might face.
Amidst the bustling activity, you receive a message to report to the general's office. The mention of a meeting with a colonel named "König" gives you pause. The name sends a shiver down your spine, a sense of foreboding that you try to shake off. You take a deep breath, reminding yourself that names are just names.
Approaching the door of Colonel König's office, you muster the courage to knock. The sound echoes through the hallway, and a stern voice grants you permission to enter. The door swings open, revealing a room adorned with military memorabilia and maps.
As you step inside, Colonel König, a giant figure of authority, sits behind a large desk. His gaze meets yours, and a flicker of something unreadable crosses his eyes. You cringe inwardly, unsure of what to expect in this new chapter of your military career. The tension in the room is palpable, leaving the fate of your future at the "KorTac" base hanging in the balance.
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guilty-ff · 5 months
Fading Shadows: Love and Betrayal pt.1
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˚⁎⁺˳ .
Simon has been your boyfriend for nearly four years. Both of you being colleagues in the 141 task force, living with the dangers of a sergeant being in a relationship with a lietaunent. As Ghost departs on a mission to bring Makarov back, ghosting you for months and coming back as a different person, your relationship begins to crumble
Pairings: fem!reader, Simon Riley, König
Genre: mild angst
Tags: MW3 Spoilers, angst, ghosting, anxiety, arguing, break up, independent, death, kinda Asshole Ghost
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It's been three months since your boyfriend Simon departed for the mission with his teammates to catch Makarov. You are a part of Task Force 141, but due to a bullet injury on your left shoulder, you were not allowed to join and requested rest.
You asked Laswell countless times for their status. Not a single message or tracking of the group can be found. Anxiety that something might have happened to the group and specifically your boyfriend begins to rise, and several sleepless nights have been encountered. You promised each other, before being recruited for any mission, to stay in contact.
You are currently lying in your and Simon's shared bed, taking small breaths of his shirt lingering with cologne, wishing each second to receive a sign of his wellbeing. Sure, you both knew what you were getting into when you decided to confess to each other and get into a relationship. Your friends and family, even your colleagues, warned you of a relationship in the military, but nevertheless, you and Simon frankly did not care.
The high ceilings of your bedroom are seeming larger than before. You feel as if you are taking up all the space. Every night is the same. Staring daggers into the wall until reality hits.
You hear a door squeaking and by the time you turn your back, you are facing your boyfriend in his tactical uniform, combat boots and skull mask. You have always loved his military uniform and the way it fits and contours his physic. Likewise, you managed to conceal your face with an agonizing smile. Hiding all the concern and emotions of distress you felt over the past few months.
Living with him for two years taught you that you needed to be patient. After each mission, he returns with a stoic expression and tensed muscles. Him opening up to you took him months, and you do not want to pressure him any further. You knew about his trauma, the things he went through as a child, the results of a childhood full of assault, and the way he copes with his problems. One of them is to lock them up and slowly open them one by one.
While you watch him stripping off his tactical gear and mask, you notice a different look in his face. An expression you cannot read or identify.
As he walks towards the bed, you are moving closer to his side of the bed and can sense the mattress sink and the bedsheets shift. You are wrapping your arms around his shoulders and snuggling up close. Both of you have always loved to cuddle and feel each other's body heat. But now, it feels much more distant and foreign. You shake off these thoughts, close your eyes, and hug him even tighter. 
In the morning, you were woken up by your alarm, you pull the sheets tighter around your body. Sensing nothing but cold air caressing your body. You open your eyes, trying to reach for your phone for a few moments before realizing that your partner is nowhere to be found.
You straighten yourself up and get ready for your morning routine as you find a little note on the drawer next to your side:
"I'm off to work"
Usually he wakes you up before leaving the house, but since yesterday, each habit has become foreign.
Even though your injuries have not healed properly, you decide to go to the base and start training. As long as you go easy on yourself and are careful with your stitches, you will find training to be a good alternative to ease your mind.
After arriving at the base, you see your team from afar sitting at the meeting table. Captain Price looks up, and our eyes meet. 
"Aren't you supposed to stay at home, Sergeant?" He asks, furrowing his brown brow and crossing his arms.
"You know me damn well, Captain. You can't expect me to just sit at home and do nothing. I'm fully rested and ready to take up my work, " I answer truthfully, with a wide grin crossing my face. 
My eyes are scanning the room. 
Looking to my left, there sits Ghost, cleaning his rifle with an old cloth, focusing to get all the dirt out of the muzzle before using it for the sniping training with new recruits.
At my right, Gaz is sitting at the end of the table, fully clothed and hooded, with a saddened appearance. The longer I remain in the room, the more the atmosphere feels suffocating, pressing the air out of my lungs. 
Counting each member of the group, I witness that someone is missing. 
"Isn't it past our meeting time? Where the fuck is Soap at? Always being late, isn’t he?" I try to laugh the depressed ambience off. 
Price's contentment look got plastered drastically into a painful expression on his face. 
Price hesitates before mumbling “K.I.A” 
“What did you just say?” I ask fully known what he has just said. You and Soap were not that much closer in comparison to him and Simon. Nevertheless, he was someone who brought positive vibes in the TF141, which was through all the bloody mission very much needed. Searching throughout the room for answers, your eyes are landing on Simon, who avoids eye contact.
"Makorov shot him in the skull while shielding Simon from Makorov shooting range, he truly died as a hero. In spite of that, we were unable to rescue him. It was an instant kill in action.“
"I could have been there. My shoulder were only aching a bit. I could have been of use-"
"No. Y/n you could have done nothing. The orders of the higher ups were final, and your injuries could’ve been a burden to us.“ Gaz interrupts understanding your moment of distress.
The news of Soap's demise hits you like a shockwave, the weight of grief settling heavy in your chest. Your eyes fixate on Simon, searching for any sign of emotion, but he remains distant, his gaze fixed on some distant point. The room's stifling atmosphere becomes unbearable.
As Gaz speaks about the circumstances leading to Soap's death, you can't help but feel a pang of guilt. The what-ifs echo in your mind, wondering if your presence could have altered the tragic outcome. Gaz's reassurance attempts to pacify your self-blame, but the guilt lingers.
In the days that follow, the once-shared apartment with Simon becomes a silent battleground of unspoken pain. Simon withdraws further, shutting out the world with a stoic facade, and you struggle to bridge the growing gap.
Attempting to salvage what remains, you confront Simon in the dimly lit living room. "Simon, we need to talk. This silence is tearing us apart. Soap's gone, but we're still here, and I can't lose you too."
As he does not speak, you try to calm yourself down and trying your best to be patient and understanding, when all of a sudden, Simon stands up from the couch and leaves you alone in the living room, taking his phone and ignoring you. A synapsis snapped, and all your build in anger, guilt and angst over the past few months exit your body.
"That's enough, if you don’t mind talking to me, alright I get it, if you keep ignoring me, sure enough, but if you do so, you should at least look at me while I'm speaking to you". I yank his phone out of his hand and make him lower his head.
"For fuck's sake, what the fuck was that for? Mind your own bloody business. Stop annoying me and keep out of it.“ he raises his voice at you, something he has never done.
Your frustration eruptes in a torrent of words, "Simon, you can't keep ignoring my feelings and opinions. It's like you live in your own world, completely oblivious to everything I say!"
"I'm not ignoring you. I just don't have time for constant fucking complaints. Maybe if you had something constructive to say-"
"Constructive? How about acknowledging that I have valid thoughts and emotions? You dismiss everything I bring up!"
Simon scoffes,"You're exaggerating. I'm dealing with real problems, not your constant need for attention."
Y/n's anger simmering, "Real problems? Ignoring your partner is a real problem. I'm right here, trying to communicate, and you act like I'm invisible."
Simon, brushing it off, said, "I've got work, responsibilities. I can't be catering to your every whim."
"Damn it. It's not about catering, Simon. It's about being a partner, someone who listens and cares. But you're so wrapped up in your narcissistic ass mindset that you don't even see how much you're hurting me."
Simon, oblivious or unwilling to understand, replies, "I don't have time for this drama. If you can't handle it, maybe we should reevaluate this relationship."
"You really are a pathetic piece of shit, Simon. I'm here trying my best to hold this relationship between us together. While you, you keep on-"
"Of course. It's always me to blame, isn't it? It's always gotta be about you. Maybe your mother should have been present in your childhood and taught you some manners instead of bitching around like you do. Maybe it really would've been better for all of us if you would have come to the mission instead of Soap and died there instead of him-" he snaps back, completely unaware of what he just said.
*smack* Simon feels a sharp sting across his right cheek, unable to answer, he just stares blankly at you and decides not to take a single word back.
You are standing with teary eyes in front of him, trying to process the things he said.
"Well maybe, it would be the best for us if we break up!" I scream back.
The room falls into an awkward silence after the resounding smack. Simon's cheek burns, mirroring the emotional fire that had ignited between you. In the midst of your tears, a newfound strength emerges.
Without a word, you turn away, refusing to let Simon witness your vulnerability any longer. As you gather your belongings, a heavy silence settles, the relationship irreparably fractured. Simon, still grappling with the impact of his words, realizes the magnitude of his actions but finds himself paralyzed by the weight of regret.
With a final, sorrowful glance, you leave the room, leaving Simon to confront the consequences of his hurtful words. The painful truth lingers, marking the end of a relationship that once held a promise.
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guilty-ff · 5 months
Updated Masterlist
Let me replace you as my only reminiscence
Read me
Shattered fragments
Suffocated Candle
Call of Duty ff
Fading shadows: Love and Betrayal Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3
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guilty-ff · 5 months
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊* ੈ ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡˚
Let me replace you as my only reminiscence
I'll be thinking of you for as long as I'm able to think,
Trying to erase and replace the memories I hold,
To protect myself from the suffering and agony I across,
Painting you with lies,
To find a way to dislike you even more,
Just to find myself in front of my reminiscence that won't let me shut the door
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。
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guilty-ff · 5 months
⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ Read me⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽
Thou, I'm writing to you,
Laying out my cards free,
Hoping you read them,
as I'm waiting for you in my dreams.
⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚
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guilty-ff · 5 months
♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。Shattered fragments
Don't let this stage shatter into fragments
That holds my deepest feelings that will never surrender,
Show the spectators your sincere beliefs
And not the mask, that won't peel
♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡
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guilty-ff · 7 months
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Suffocated Candle
Hoping that each other will become one day a candle,
Which will hopefully never be burned down by my flaws,
Let us not be suffocated by all air that extinguish us,
Each visit of yours, feeds up my imagination,
Of you, me and us together under an umbrella at the rainy station
A candle that is, a candle that will held all your trust
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guilty-ff · 7 months
Watching people fall all over each other,
Each individual leaning on each back,
Just to find myself curled up and listening to my self
When will it be, the last time we will meet
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guilty-ff · 7 months
  ֗   ִ  ۫    ᳝ ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ  ˎˊ ˗  ֗   ִ  ۫    ᳝ ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ  ˎˊ ˗  ֗   ִ  ۫    ᳝ ⊹  
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