imagines4thesoul · 3 years
Bruh this made me sob like a baby
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Kim Namjoon
LABEL/WARNING: fluff, doggo dies :(
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The clock that was attached to your wrist was counting down;
16 minutes 23 seconds 41 milliseconds..
Every single person on earth is born with a watch. The numbers permanently count down till you meet your soulmate, every millisecond counting.
You had prepared for this day for years, but not everything had gone to plan.
Your mum rang saying that the family dog had gotten sick and it may be the end of the road for poor Bugsy.
In your head you had planned to have a nice outfit, make-up and hair done with precision, the nicest shoes and bag you own.
But in reality your hair was a mess, like a birds nest, your clothes? grey track pants and an oversized jumper. Makeup? Not in the slightest and shoes? try some slides and socks.
But you had no time to spare so you ran out of your small apartment flat and bolted towards the vet down the road. Arriving there you are welcomed to the scene by your heart-wrenched mother, tears already cascading down her face quite like that of a waterfall.
“I’m sorry Y/N, Bugsys gone” she hiccuped, are tears entered your eyes.
You may not have been home alot but Bugsy was your childhood dog, you had grown up with her, and she became your bed friend through life, so losing her today was not a good day to meet your soulmate.
You tearfully said a final goodbye to the precious dog as you left the vet, wanting to get some air, and clear your mind.
But as you entered the street your wrist buzzed, with a glance you saw it.
02 minutes 00 seconds 00 milliseconds.
The 2 minute alarm.
Glancing around frazzled you looked in every direction hoping to see maybe someone who could be your soulmate but it was as though life was playing a practical joke on you because there was absolutely no one on the streets at all.
Especially at 11 o’clock at night.
Not a single soul.
Tearfully you kept walking, heading home, tears still pouring from your eyes turning the world into a blurry wet mess.
Once your wrist vibrated again alerting you of the 5 second alarm, you frantically looked around to see no one in sight.
Fear overtook your mind as you began to believe that maybe, just maybe you weren’t meant to have a soulmate and tonight would in fact get worse.
Taking a seat on a park bench you burrowed your face in your hands, pulling your knees up to you chest and sobbing, your wrist vibrating.
00 minutes 00 seconds 00 milliseconds.
A gasp followed by a soft cough caused you to look up fearfully from your knees. You were met by the warm chocolate eyes of a man in a green bomber jacket, scratching his wrist.
He gave you a wide grin, his beautiful dimples appearing on his cheeks, causing your crying to stop, a warm feeling appearing in your heart.
“hey” he muttered, his hand reaching out for yours, as he pulled you up to your feet.
“please smile, you’re absolutely stunning. Soulmate” he grinned, revealing his while sparking teeth.
And because of that you now believed that everything happens for a reason.
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
What do you all write for?
i write for whatever fandom you wish! (reasonings being i am a part of so many i can’t list them all). so simply just request and i will be able to do it!! 😊
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
LABEL/WARNING: violence, death, feels
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You, Thomas, Newt and Gally has all found Minho and saved him from Wicked. And at this current point you were bringing him back to the safety of The Right Arm.
But one thing you had noticed is that Newt had deteriorated, and rapidly. The boy that you love was becoming a crank before your very eyes and it was killing you. He had vowed to you to stay sane and protect you but it was the other way round now. You were the only sane one and you were protecting him.
When the explosions had rocked the city, Newt had collapsed, not having the strength to go on. So Minho and Gally has decided to run ahead of the three of you and collect the serum from Brenda, and race back to save Newt. The only problem was that Newt was getting worse and worse by the second. Black oozing blood was spilling from his mouth, his eyes bloodshot, veins all over him and sweat galore. It broke your heart.
“Come on! We need to move!” you yelled at the boys and you pulled one of Newt’s arms over your head, placing it on your shoulder trying to hoist him up so you guys would be able to make it faster.
“No! No!” Newt yelled at you back, startling you a little bit, but never the less making you stop what you were doing.
“Take this!” he yelled to Thomas as he ripped off his necklace and tried to hand it to the boy, whom kept refusing.
“No! You’re gonna make it Newt. We’re gonna make it out of here!” Thomas yelled back as he kept refusing to take the necklace, which had a small bottle attached.
“No! Stop! Take it! Please Tommy. Please” Newt breathed as Thomas finally grabbed ahold of the chain and stuffed it rapidly into his pocked.
Seeing this caused tears to prick your eyes, as you smiled sadly at the dying boy. He looked at you, his once gorgeous eyes now unrecognisable, smiling glumly back. As soon as his hand reached out to your face the tears fell causing Newt to start silently cry, finally acknowledging that he will be leaving you alone forever.
“Y/N. Love. Please stop crying, it’s going to be okay” he sniffled, wiping the tears out of eyes.
“No it’s not Newt. I can’t live without you” you said holding onto his veiny hand, which was on your face.
“I’m sorry but we need to keep going” Thomas interrupted, forcing you to collect yourself and forcibly drag Newt across the fiery and abandoned streets, Thomas assisting.
But once you got through a building and into a long alley way, Newt collapsed. No longer having any strength at all to go on. The once courageous boy you loved was gone and a helpless and defenceless person was left.
“No!” you screamed topling over, Newts full weight taking Thomas and you by surprise. You got back up instantly and placed both arms underneath his armpits attempting to pull him towards the helicarrior as fast as you could, accomplishing nothing.
“Newt! Please! Don’t give up on me!”
Thomas stared at you for a few seconds before trying to help you once again, but you were in to much distress that you just kept falling over yourself, until one time was too many. And you simply layed Newt down and hugged the boy crying, the only response from him being heavy breaths and small moans in agony.
“Newt. Please” you sobbed into his chest, the boy groaning in response.
“I love you so bloody much, please don’t give up on me. Don’t give up on us! I need you, you’re my glue, my world. I can’t live without you”
You pushed a stray piece of hair off Newt’s face as tears fell onto his cheeks. You could feel Thomas hovering behind you as you pulled the dying boy into your lap and rocked with him silently. Explosions were heard in the distance as you stared at the love of your life for what felt like forever. But the world stopped moving when you realised he had taken his last breath. You no longer felt nor heard to shallow gasps for air from him, you no longer saw his bloodshot eyes darting around, and you no longer saw the adorable creased expression that he pulled with his eyebrows, just a flat face. Tears emptied your eyes, not allowing you to fully process what was indeed happening. You could faintly hear a voice address Thomas over the city speakers but you were too engrossed in Newt’s death, you didn’t care at all with what was happening around you.
What felt like hours later you felt a small twitch from the body beneath you, causing a smile to erupt on your face. His right arm moved about, his leg kicking as well. You let out a breathy laugh as you yelled out to Thomas to help you help Newt. But as soon as his eyes snapped open and he got up from your arms, was when you realised that it wasn’t your Newt anymore. He was a crank and there was no coming back from that. You heard Thomas yell out to the boy, causing him to turn around, his head at an awkward angle, all sense of hope left your body as you looked at his eyes, seeing no slither of Newt left in them.
“Newt. Love is that you?” you said causing him to snap his gaze upon you, making your blood run cold. He snarled quietly but it was still loud enough that you head it, you saw no remorse in his eyes, and even his stance was nothing alike his usual self.
But he caught both you and Thomas off guard. He lunged at the boy, whom didn’t want to fight with his best friend at all. You watched stunned as this new person that you once cared about fought Thomas, growling and yelling at him as he punched and attacked with no care. Unable to move you became very frightened as the boy turned to look at you with a cold stare and he got off Thomas and walked towards you, almost foaming at the mouth.
“KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME” he screamed at you, tears entering your eyes as you stepped backwards with every step forward that he took.
“Stop it!” you screamed back, completely terrified of this entirely new person before you.
But his attention towards you was short lived, because he snapped back around to Thomas and began to swing at the boy, eventually tackling him to the ground. You yelled at the two trying to get them to stop, but your attention was snapped to Newt because he pulled out Thomas’ gun, aiming it at his own temple. Springing into action you dove at the boy and knocked the gun, making it fly across the cement, Newt now snarling at your weakened body on the floor.
Without even thinking, the boy grabbed a knife from the back of his pants and began to swipe at you, screeching and yelling, as he lunged. You jumped and swerved away from the boy you once loved but you weren’t strong enough. And he had managed to pin you underneath him, knife pressed just above your heart.
“Newt stop it!” you screamed as loud as you could, trying to push the knife away with as much force as you could. But with a sharp, shrill pain you looked and saw the knife begin to break the flesh of your chest, inching towards your heart. You screeched out from pain, yourself never having had emitted a sound like this before. Knowing he wouldn’t stop you thought of one thing that may just break him out of this chance, and at this point anything was worth a shot.
“Newt what did you say to me! What did you say before we left the glade! When we were trying to escape that shuck place!” you begged, still in pain and your breath slowly escaping you, Newt showing no signs of recognition.
“You said, ‘I will never let anything or anyone hurt you. I will protect you with my life. You are my world. You’re my little butterfly!’” you screamed trying your hardest to get your word across. And as soon as you said butterfly, Newt suddenly stopped. He retracted the knife from your chest, turning his head ever so slightly to the right.
“Y/N?” he sobbed, tears falling from his eyes, the old Newt making his way back.
“It’s me sweetie. It’s y/n. Come back to me” you breathed, as you searched his eyes for anything that may help you bring him back.
“I can feel it. It wants to take over again. I’ll hurt you please, y/n, please, kill me.” he begged, his tears falling onto our face as he sniffles trying to keep his cool.
“I can’t do it” you whispered crying before you saw Newt look up to Thomas, whom you forgot was there.
“Tommy..” Newt trailed off, yourself seeing Thomas walk closer reaching into his back pocket, putting out another knife.
“I’m sorry” Thomas said as he pressed the knife into Newts chest resulting in a blood curdling scream from you. The love of your life smiled whole heartedly at you before he collapsed backwards, all signs of life leaving his once brown eyes.
“I will stay strong for you my love. I’ll find a cure”
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Greg Sanders
LABEL/WARNING: anger/fluff, jealousy
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It was safe to say that you had two amazing best friends in the crime lab in which you worked at. Both Nick and Greg had taken a permanent seat in your heart, Greg just placed a little closer, as a result of your relationship being more than just friends. Well in your mind anyway.
But for the past few weeks you had been spending a lot of time with Nick. The main reasoning being because you have been going to him for advice on how to talk to Greg, and get him to see how you really feel about him. And at this current point in time you were on the phone to your favourite therapist, wanting to know how you should go about telling the tech geek that you were indeed extremely interested in his curly head.
“Nick what do i do?” you begged quietly, not wanting the young man you were crushing on in the room over to hear.
“Y/N, just do what i’ve been telling you to do. He likes you trust me. Be your forward self and it will be fine” he replied smiling.
But little did you know that Greg had made his way over to your doorway and began to listen to your phone call, wondering who you were talking to, jealousy settling in.
“Okay fine. You’re lucky i love you Nicky boy” you laughed into the phone, causing Greg to stiffen and spin on his heels, storming back to his lab, angrily packing up, wanting nothing but to go home now.
“Yeah, yeah, i love you too. But i gotta run peanut, bye” he said, you being able to hear his smile through the cell.
“Bye bye”
Hanging up, you took a deep breath and placed the phone down. You looked into the lab next to you and saw Greg harshly packing away his set up, getting ready to leave. Deciding this will be your only chance, you take off your rubber gloves and smooth out your shirt, walking towards the dork in a lab coat. When you reach the doorframe you hear the boy mumbling under his breath, his eyebrows furrowed, looking angry.
“Um, hi” you mumbled shyly, causing the boy to stiffen and stop what he was doing but not turn to face you at all.
“What do you want”
Taken back by the harshness in his voice, you walked further into the lab towards the back of Greg, not really knowing how to approach the situation.
“Pardon?” you said stopping just behind him, looking confused at the utter anger that was thrown about in the room from the brooding male.
“I said what do you want y/n. How can i help you” he said, raising his voice and finally turning to face you. He was beyond angry and you could tell, he had this stone cold look on his face, definitely infuriated with something you had done.
But you were thrown somewhat off guard. Only because as you looked into his eyes there was something else there, looking back at you. Something that wasn’t anger.
“Why are you being such an arse? I haven’t done anything!” you testified, raising your voice stepping forward causing the man to roll his eyes and let out a breathy chuckle.
“Look just run off to your boy-toy Nick” he ordered, turning back around and continuing to pack up his desk, leaving you gaping at him like a fish, flabbergasted.
“What!?” you shrieked, completely oblivious to how and why he would say that.
“Oh don’t pretend like you didn’t know i just heard you on the phone to him. Plus you’ve been hanging out with him all week, having no time for me at all” he grumbled, as he packed up the last object, turning back around to face you, an expectantly look on his face.
You were frustrated with the boy till something clicked in you brain, your expression softening, you pointing a finger at him.
“You’re jealous” you said to him, Greg freezing like a plank of wood, the feintest of blushes on his cheeks.
“Am not-“
“Yes you are! You’re so jealous!” you smiled, half laughing as a full blush on his cheeks exposed his hidden secret.
“No” he mumbled, defeated. Having nothing left to loose Greg decided that he might as well confess how he really feels about you even though he believes that it won’t be the same back.
“Look, y/n. I really like you and i know you’re with Nick now but i just had to tell you because i wish i had told you sooner, and i wish we could have been more than just friends-“
“Oh shut up Greg” you laughed, and decided that you had nothing left to loose, so you grabbed his face with both of your hands, kissing him abruptly, making the man before you once again, freeze.
After a mere moment, he responded by kissing you back, sliding his hands around your waist, pulling you closer, and it was indeed better than you had ever imagined. And trust me, you had imagined this before. Needing air, you both broke apart breathing heavily, as a low whistle was heard from the doorway. Looking away you both saw Nick standing there chuckling to himself slightly.
“See i told you peanut. It would all work out okay”
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Are you taking requests at the moment?
sure am! ask away 😊
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
i just watched the death cure and i’m genuinely sobbing. i’m fucking broken, screw you James Dashner!!!
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
LABEL/WARNING: Violence, mentions of rape/sexual assult
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Your single high pitched scream was the thing that first alerted Newt of a problem. Secondly was the fact that there was utter silence afterwards, causing him to worry for your safety.
Earlier that day, you had a small fight with Alby. He had told you that you were doing nothing for the glade, no help, you needed to work harder. And you guessed that it was because you were smaller than the rest, seen as weaker, by you indeed were just as strong and even more tough than most of the boys around you.
“I’m doing everything i can!” you yelled at the leader, sick and tired of him treating you differently.
“No you’re not y/n. You could be working so much harder!” he fired back, not wanting to argue with you today.
Completely fed up you stormed away from the man, towards the deadheads ignoring the yells from Alby and even Newt himself, whom you had liked since you had arrived in this grassy hell hole. You climbed a tree just further than the enterance to the forest, just wanting isolation and to be alone. Unfortunately for you quite a few of the young lads had taken a liking to you and hence you walked alone into the dark woods, one of the young grots had decided to follow you.
Staring at the trees in the distance not particularly paying any attention to anything or anyone around you, you didn’t hear the boys footsteps grow close to you. You didn’t hear him sneaking up on you, nor did you hear him stand behind you, breathing a single heavy breath. Not at least until he reefed you back by your singlet, out of the branch you were sitting on. You screamed bloody murder but as you smashed back first onto the ground you were immediately winded from falling such a height. Slightly disorientated you looked around hazily before you saw the smirking face of one of the builders in the glade, Isaac. Still having no breath in you yet, you groaned and rolled over looking at the smoky boy before you, whom was looking you all over hungrily, licking his lips, resulting in you looking at him in disgust.
“what the shuck?” you breathed, trying to suck in as much air as you could, eyeing the crazy boy carefully.
“hey calm down y/n” he growled etching closer and closer to you, clearing wanting you.
“get. away. Isaac” you hissed as you stood up slowly, making sure you had enough balance in case you needed to run.
“no come on baby, i know you want me. i want you it’ll be fine. shhh” he whispered, disgust clearly visible on your face, you stepping further away from him with every word.
“shuck off, you shank!” you said louder, walking faster away, anger clearly growing on his face.
Not liking your answer he lunged at you pulling you to the ground with a thud. But you were smart. You knew you couldn’t push him off, he was too strong. So you kneed him in the balls and in his weakened state you punched him in the face, hard. Not sticking around to see what you had done you took off running before you were yet again tackled to the ground, Isaac’s hands roaming all over you causing you to squirm and scream again. Unable to get away this time silent tear fell from your eyes, never in your right mind had you imagined this happening to you.
Sobbing you heard the faint yells from other boys in the distance, causing you to fear that more of them would join in. But Isaac was knocked off you abruptly, just in time too as he had made his way to places when he had no right to go to. You rolled over to see a shovel lying next to the boy, Newt on top of him throwing punches to his already bloodied face. You felt someone touch your shoulder causing you to flinch away, and stare at the boys whom now surrounded you. Terrified you got up much to the boys dismay and bolted further into the deadheads, shaking and crying before falling against a tree trunk and sitting there curled up.
Mere minutes pass before you hear crunches of sticks causing your blood to run cold, worried that perhaps they had let Isaac go and he was coming back to finish the job. With heavy breaths you looked up to see a cautious Newt making his way towards you, his knuckles caked in blood.
He sat next to you cautiously, watching you for any signs of fear or panic but you didn’t have any. You knew that the only person you trusted in this world was Newt and you knew that he would always be here to protect you.
You scooted closer to the boy and rested your head on his shoulder, still frightened from what had happened just 10 minutes ago. Newt carefully adjusted his seating to face you more and placed his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer. The both of you sat silently for at least 5 minutes before tears slowly fell onto his shirt, from you beginning to worry about what was going to happen later that day.
“y/n love, are you ok?” newt asked, already knowing the answer to the question but wanting to ask you none the less. He felt you shake your head and that was confirmation enough from him, as he wrapped his other arm around you, for comfort pulling you even closer, as he placed a soft kiss in your forehead.
“i got so scared. i couldn’t fight him off” you mumbled against his shoulder, feeling weak and vulnerable.
“love, listen to me.” he stated looking at you with everything, which forced you to do the same. “you are the strongest person i know. Trust me. What you have to go through in a day is hell, and these boys in this place don’t make it any easier for you than it should be. You are my everything and do promise that i will do everything in my existence to help you and keep you safe. Because you bloody matter to me love”
A smile engulfed your face, as a small blush entered your lips. Newt had just announced without actually saying it that he did love you and that was certainly enough conformation for you because before you know it you were kissing him in return.
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
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hi im bitter about people not commenting on fics. im sad seeing all these authors get so discouraged because no one comments. it takes like 5 seconds! just do it!! dont know what to type? me neither! heres some handy pre-written comments for you! “I dont know what to comment! That was great! thank you for your hard work!” “That was lovely! I really enjoyed this chapter/fic.” “How dare you?” “AAAAAAAAAAAAA” “Extra kudos because one is not enough!” if you read a fic and dont know what to say, leave the tab open, come back later! see if theres a line you really liked! tell them if it reminded you of something dumb! tell them if your roommate saw you crying while reading it and now your roommate is reading it!!! SHARE WHATEVER. BE INCLUSIVE! everyone wants to hear SOMETHING. silence kills passion. show authors you care! show artists you care!!!! 
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Daryl Dixon
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The world had ended. Along with your sanity.
You had lost everyone you had ever loved, mum, dad, brother sister, all gone. Thanks to this god forsaken shithole of a world. And you couldn’t care less. After your brother died a week ago leaving you alone, you had officially ‘lost the plot’. You had resulted into talking to yourself, seeing hallucinations, fighting for your life with little care given. If you were to die you couldn’t give a rats arse.
Fending for yourself wasn’t all too difficult, it was more the survival part. You only had to find food and water for one, a bed and clothes for one and small supplies for one. But fighting off the dead alone, hard. Fighting off four of them, excruciating. Fighting a herd, impossible. So you would hide. In a tree. And that’s where you were at the current moment. In a tree. With a herd of walkers below you, all groaning and yelling at you wanting a snack.
Maybe before all this you were a little hard headed, you hated people and children, and you were such an exaggerator it was crazy. So when you say a herd are below the tree, you really mean five.
Settling in for the night you got you backpack from behind you and made yourself comfortable on a branch. You took out a chocolate bar and munched on it slowly, watching the predators below.
“Wanna snack dickheads?” You laughed, waving the snack over the heads of the dead.
“Oh wait. That snacks me”
Cursing under your breath about how stupid this whole thing is, you set the backpack behind your head and closed your eyes, pulling once in the rope around your waist, to make sure that it was tight enough so that if you rolled in your sleep, you wouldn’t fall out the tree.
Sunlight beamed through the trees that next morning waking you up, silence filling the air around you. You looked down to where the dead once were to see that they had all been show with arrows, collapsed onto the ground. Slightly startled, you untied the rope rather quickly, scanning the area for anyone around who may have done this. Failing to do so, you packed the rope away and cautiously climbed down the tree but to your dismay you slipped, falling a few feet to the ground below you, landing in your back.
“Fuck me” you groan, pushing yourself to a sitting position on your hands blowing a stray piece of hair out of your face. But your body freezes when you see a shadow appear in front of you. You se that it’s a man, well built and tall and he’s holding some sort of weapon.
Turning around quickly, you see it is in fact a tall, well built man, whom is holding a crossbow at your head, his greasy faulty long black/brown hair over his eyes. He studies you for a moment you doing the same, deciding wether each other are a threat.
“Who’re ye’?” he asks gruffly, a distinct southern accent escaping his lips.
“What do you care” you challenge feeling slightly cocky, but once he adjusts the crossbow you decide that this isn’t the route to go.
“y/n. But who are you?”
The man studies you once again before lowering the weapon slightly looking you in the eyes rather awkwardly.
“I’ll ask ye’ 3 questions alrigh’”
“Oh yes cause this is a 12 year olds sleepover” you mumble sarcastically before yet again thinking about your stupid attitude toward this man.
“Ho’ many walkers ye’ killed” he asked, staring st you through his hair
“Walkers?” You ask before thinking about it and deciding that he means the dead.
“Oh um, maybe 5ish. My parents and brother did most of the killing” you said, remembering hiw your family never trusted you evough with anything, lord only knowing how you survived this long without doing so.
“Kay, ho’ many people ye’ killed?”
“None” you answer hesitantly, almost in a questioning manner.
“Why?” He fired back, the crossbow fully lowered at this point, sensing that you were of no harm to him.
“Because I’m not a psychopath. You don’t kill people you knob. It’s common curtesy” you say harshly as though it were common knowledge, and in your case you believed it was. You swore you saw the corners of his mouth turn up with your remark but as soon as it was there it was gone, making you think that you had never seen it in the first place.
“I ‘ave a community, not ta’ far from ‘ere. How would ye’ like to stay ther’” he said standing up straighter, his body language becoming softer and more calm.
“I mean why he hell not” you say picking yourself up. Might as well get to know some new people in this shitty arse world. You knowing that this mystery man will soon grow on you, but you didn’t know that it would happen the other way round too.
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Danny Williams
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You had been sick recently and not allowed out of your home, hence not allowed to go to work where you often saw your boyfriend Danny. The two of you had been dating for around a year now and you were totally in love as cheesy as it sounded.
Kono had been over recently to see you, her humour always cheering you up as well as allowing you to talk about boys like you were both 12 years old again. But she sadly had to leave, much to your dismay but it had gotten late and you were needing a rest badly according to her. So you took a long hot shower, got fresh pyjamas and as soon as you got into your comfy bed you were out cold.
The morning was around as quickly as when you went to sleep it felt like and you were starting to feel a little better. The sunlight streamed through your window onto your face waking you up, along with the faint tapping from your window. Groaning you sat up and flicked off the sheets not wanting to leave your warm cacoon of a bed. But you did.
You walked to the windowsill and sat on your bench below it opening the window and peering outside, but during your attempts you got a pebble thrown at your face, hitting your forehead.
“Owh” you groaned groggily looking down from the window to see a sheepish Danny looking up at you, pebbles in hand.
“I’m so sorry baby!” He yelled up at you, dropping the pebbles and smiling innocently at you, causing a small grin to erupt into your lips.
“Throwing pebbles? What are you 13?” You asked with a laugh causing a small smile to form on the grown ass mans face.
He shook his head before mouthing ‘I love you’ and doing small hand actions causing you to laugh.
“Get up here you moron” you giggled at him causing him to salute at you mockingly.
“You don’t have to tell me twice ma’am”
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin
LABEL/WARNING: fluff-ish, swearing
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For as long as you could remember, you had known Harry Hart. The courageous, and kind kingsman who had taken you in and treated you like you were his own child.
He had promised to keep you safe and out of harms way, which he had managed to do numerous times, but his one condition was that when you were of age you were to try out to become a kingsman like him. And that is what you did.
You had met all the candidates like you and boy there were some real characters. Short and tall, kind and rude and some just blatantly cocky which you hated entirely. But one person caught your eye, not because you were impressed but merely because it seemed as though he didn’t even want to be here. He was dressed casually, and had a stone cold look on his chiseled attractive face and that made you want to know him better.
After quiet observation you learnt that his name was Eggsy and the others in the group did not like his attitude or him generally at all. But you being the curious individual that you were you decided that you would befriend this dark horse in hopes that he could quite possibly help you in any situation.
And as though fate read your mind you two were indeed bunk buddies in the main central room. But none the less you still had not uttered a single word to him nor anyone else in the group not wanting to make any friends seeing as people could quite possibly die trying out.
Sleep engulfed you along with everyone in the room as the night grew on but to yours and the others dismay, the first challenge had begun. And it was a wet one.
It felt like a dream at first but when you heard everyone’s yells in confusion you realised that you were not going to be sleeping tonight. The room filled with water quickly not allowing many people to decipher what was going on. But one puzzle piece fell into place when you noticed that there was one person missing in the equation. You looked up, the water now at your waist and quickly rising to see an asleep Eggsy, clearly trying to drown out the sounds of everyone around him. The water now at your shoulders and starting to touch the top on his bunk you climb up onto of the poor shirtless, but incredibly toned fellow and shake him awake.
“Wake up you baboon!” You yelled at the attractive man, your brows furrowed.
“We’re going to drown if you don’t wake up you git!”
“Holy fuck!” He replied bolting up, him now sitting in the water around him. His eyes darted to your curious ones as he takes in that you we’re in fact sitting on top of him slowly staring to get submerged in water.
“Wake up dickhead we need to figure this shit out” you mumble climbing off him and splashing into the water.
“You’re talking to me!” He replied flabbergasted getting off the bunk.
“Yeah wowza, but listen fuckstick we got bigger shit to worry about” you commanded at the boy as you dove under the water to figure out if you can get out of this mess.
“Aye aye captain” he said softly, a smirk growing across his face, slightly turned on.
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Connor Temple
LABEL/WARNING: mainly fluff, lil bit saucy at the end
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Connor had never left your side. From becoming roommates a year ago, to finding out that dinosaurs existed and we’re coming through portals called anomalies, to joining the ARC together and saving each other’s lives. He was the one constant in all these situations.
You had been rung up by Abby whom was coming to pick you up 👀 as she was also late to the anomaly site. The stress filled ride was cute short as you just out of the 🚗, bolting towards the aircraft hanger, looking for the anomaly, Abby rushing off to help Connor, Becker and Jenny.
“Bloody hell” you groaned in annoyance after 👀 quite possibly the biggest anomaly you’d ever seen in your life. Turning, you run down the runway as fast as you can towards the ✈️ which had a dinosaur tearing it up.
But your pace picked up when you saw a large truck with many trays that carried bags leading away the dinosaur that you now knew was a Giganantosaurus furiosa. Completely tired and slowing down you felt the ground shake as the theropod fell over the top of the truck as a result of it stopping suddenly, the dinosaur knocked out entirely.
You smiled to yourself as you stopped running and leant into your knees trying to catch your breath. You saw a clearly concussed Connor clamber out of the truck holding his head as he stumbled and fell to the tarmac. Your smile was wiped off your face however when the G-Rex had gotten back up and was staring to walk towards a collapsed Connor.
You heard the feint screams from Becker, Abby and Jenny telling Connor to get back up or the shoot the animal but from him being so out of it he didn’t even hear their desparate attempts of help.
You ran towards your best friend and the dinosaur once again, desaparate to help. As you got closer you saw that the G-Rex was on top of Connor rearing to take a bite. But you decided, stupidly in fact that the only way to help was to take the attention off of Connor and onto you.
“OI YOU ROTTEN LIZARD EAT ME NOT THAT OTHER HUMAN!” You screamed, drawing the attention of the late Cretaceous animal.
It turned around and looked at you with a roar everyone’s focus now onto you and not Connor who were yelling at you, quite like Abby, Becker and Jenny, wanting to know what the bloody hell you were doing.
“Shit” you mumbled as you closed your eyes anticipating death knowing that if you at least saved Connor you would be happy, but the whirring of a helicopter took your attention and the attention of the G-Rex too.
The small minded animal followed the flying machine like a lost dog allowing you to live safely for the time being.
“What were you thinking!” Connor yelled at you as he got up and walked towards you, engulfing you in the biggest hug ever.
“You could have died. I wouldn’t have been able to live if you had died. I wouldn’t have been able to go to our flat bloody hell, y/n”
But your attempts of a heartfelt moment are cut short when Abby’s blue Mini Cooper pulled up her yelling at the two of you to get in, and you both do. But due to little room you had to result in sitting on Connor’s lap. Which you aren’t unhappy about, you just know that you really shouldn’t move.
But Abby had other plans apparently because she went off road causing you to bounce harshly into Connor’s man area.
“Ow, y/n that’s my-“ He started before cutting himself off. You apologised profusely wiggling around trying to sit comfier until hands gripped your hips tightly stoping you in your tracks.
“Please. Oh god please don’t do that” you heard him mumble softly as you felt something press into your butt, resulting in you stifling back a laugh, a blush on your cheeks.
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Marty Deeks
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You and Deeks had a strange relationship. You would fight one minute and the next you would be joking around and flirting. Callen and Sam were always on Deeks about what was going on between the two of you and Deeks honestly had no idea.
“Dude, when are you and y/n gonna date already!?” Sam asked Deeks, Callen hiding around the corner distracting you from the boys’ conversation.
“Uh, well that’s funny cause we’re very close, obviously. But it’s more of a brother and sister relationship. I think” Deeks replied awkwardly, making hand gestures to comfort himself.
“Well why don’t you just ask her?” Sam replied, smirking. Enjoying the flustered surf grom before him.
“No I will not and you can’t make me” Deeks said in a hostile way, pointing at Sam, whom had his arms up in a surrendering way.
“I will not dare contaminate anything we have going for us. Y/n and I will figure it out on our own!”
“What are we figuring out on our own” you asked the blonde man, Callen clearly not talking to you for long enough.
“Uh well you see.” Deeks mumbled awkwardly trying to come up with an idea of what to say to you.
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Spencer Reid
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You had just broken up with your boyfriend of 4 years Harry, and you were beyond upset. You missed his hugs, his warmth and his smile. But there was only one person who could cheer you up and that is the one and only Doctor Reid. He could fix your broken heart in a second with just a glance. But when he didn’t reply to any of your calls or messages after getting back from a case, you began to break down all over again.
“Y/n, are you ok?” Penelope your roommate asks, you not making a sound only staring blankly at a wall in your room.
“Hey chocolate thunder, y/n really needs boy wonder, can you send him round?”
You don’t even pay attention to the call only talking when the glum face of Spencer appeared before you.
“Hey. Do you wanna talk about it or do you wanna hug?” Spencer asked but he knew full well which option you were going to choose.
Without a single thought you opened your arms to him, tears building up in your eyes, completely distraught.
“I miss him”
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Ryan Wolfe
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The investigation had been ongoing for the second day now and we were all tired and desperate. Our only lead had disappeared from under our noses and we were stumped. But that was until You, Ryan and Horatio saw him across the street, all of you stunned into silence.
Making a dash for it Horatio and you managed to get the man and cuff him in the time that Ryan had fallen, landed, and gotten himself drenched by a garden sprinkler system, flattened out into the tar road.
“Ryan sweetie what are you doing” you asked in a patronising tone trying not to laugh as the grown man slapped the water in frustration.
“Don’t talk to me y/n. I’m done” he mumbled, causing you to chuckle along with Horatio, whom walked the suspect to the car.
“Ok, let’s get you dried off buddy” you said laughing hysterically, helping up the lost puppy of a man.
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imagines4thesoul · 6 years
Greg Sanders
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You were an exotic dancer during the days off but your main job was at the Vegas CSI lab, helping the team solve crimes. During one of your dance nights you looked out into the crowd and spotted a certain young lab tech, enjoying the show.
“What did you do last night?” Greg asked you as shy smirk in his handsome face.
“Not too much” you reply, knowing full well that he had been there watching your show. “Why do you ask?”
“Uh. Well. Maybe I saw you perform?” He replied shyly, not making eye contact till he had finished speaking.
“Well, Greggy boy. Did you enjoy the show?”
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