inherpower · 5 months
I'm Back!
It’s been a little while, I shouldn’t have left you. But now I’m back and I am so excited about the new horizon that I’m embarking on. To get back in the groove I wanted to talk about starting where you’re at. No better time like the present.
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inherpower · 2 years
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New moon ~ Rebirth
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inherpower · 2 years
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Ok so here’s the thing. I’ve been on this “know thy self” game for a minute now and it’s been such a glorious ride. It’s one thing to believe in something called spirit but it’s a completely different things when you see yourself and everything around you as spirit.
Life begins to open itself up and unfold in unimaginable ways. None of this is easy. Oh no! It’s not like you come to a place of nirvana and suddenly all is well in your world. I attribute the journey of knowing self like continually falling into endless portals, never knowing what is on the other side.
Even me calling it “knowing self” feels wrong. There is no self to know, because I already know I simply forgot. So here I am chasing down spirit while spirit is also chasing me and we have collided at light speed.
If these words seem a bit wonky I suggest reading this book “The Alchemy of Freedom”. A.H. Alamaas has articulated this experience so beautifully and has inspired me to get back to writing my book. I took a long break when the words felt too daunting to and cumbersome to express but reading this prince of art shows me that it’s possible.
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inherpower · 2 years
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I’ve been taking a break from social media but that doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped working and putting love into InHer Power. Life is always changing and transforming in ways that continue to surprise me.
While I’ve been laying the groundwork work for the next phase of InHer Power and cooking up some stuff in the spiritual lab I had some amazing help and got my website updated. IT LOOKS GORGEOUS! And I want you to see it so make sure you check it out by going to www.inherpower.space
I’ve said it before and I will reiterate that when it comes to business I am not a hustle hard kinda person. I believe in finding a flow that works best for me and sometimes that means I’m M.I.A. for a while. Being a spiritual guide/mentor/teacher takes a great deal of energy and time so I need to make sure that I take care of myself in the process.
Stay tuned for more juicy goodness to come
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inherpower · 2 years
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The path of self exploration and self discovery is one that I am incorporating into my liberation work. Through understanding the life force within me I am able to meet the vibration of those around me.
Since my first training in 2019, polarity therapy has allowed me to deepen in my personal growth and has laid the groundwork for me to open myself up to teach and guide others in their own personal liberation.
This year I am offering courses and opening up a healing circle with a cohort of queer people of color who are seeking personal and collective liberation.
I am looking for ten (10) people to start. If you are interested and want more information about this healing collective please message me with your information.
2022 is here and now is the time to step into and stand with our power.
Join me!
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inherpower · 2 years
I do not hustle
Hustle energy is a grinding energy.
It’s an energy that depletes rather than enhances.
Hustling energy has done nothing for me when it comes to building. It has served me in times of crisis.
I’ve found much more creativity in slowing down & listening.
Moving when I need to move & resting when I need to rest.
Magic cannot happen with a hustle mentality.
Magic happens in the spaces between hustle energy where stillness rests.
Gauge your effort.
Learn your timing and move based on your own clock and rhythm.
Do not hustle,
Move with ease.
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inherpower · 2 years
What comes to mind when you hear the words religion and spirituality? Do you have certain images that emerge from each word? Do you see these words as being one and the same or altogether different? 
Though I do not consider myself religious or spiritual in the sense that folks think of as spiritual, I see how these two words are intrinsically linked together. As human beings we like to have things in neat and tidy boxes that help us make sense of the world around us. But neat and tidy are not in the natural world. I want to being looking at how we can take these words and the ideas that we have around them and break them out of the boxes that we have confined them in. 
This topic is a doozy and one that I find comes up a lot when I am working with clients, particularly queer black clients who are looking to find something to support them in their healing. We all have tender relationships around these words and what they mean to us, so why don’t we start looking at them and see what’s underneath. 
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inherpower · 2 years
What comes to mind when you hear the words religion and spirituality? Do you have certain images that emerge from each word? Do you see these words as being one and the same or altogether different? 
Though I do not consider myself religious or spiritual in the sense that folks think of as spiritual, I see how these two words are intrinsically linked together. As human beings we like to have things in neat and tidy boxes that help us make sense of the world around us. But neat and tidy are not in the natural world. I want to being looking at how we can take these words and the ideas that we have around them and break them out of the boxes that we have confined them in. 
This topic is a doozy and one that I find comes up a lot when I am working with clients, particularly queer black clients who are looking to find something to support them in their healing. We all have tender relationships around these words and what they mean to us, so why don’t we start looking at them and see what’s underneath. 
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inherpower · 3 years
Sound baths have become very popular in the last couple of years. I have seen my work in sound explode as clients ask me to give them a private sound bath or I do them in workshops with small groups of people. The healing properties of sound cannot be understated. Sound is an amazing healing tool, just like the elements are.
But if you come to me specifically and ask for a sound bath, I will ask you what it is that you are working on. It’s nice to find new techniques that can help us along our healing journey but if we are unaware of what these modalities can be used for and how they will affect us, then these practices can end up not giving us the desired results that we were hoping for. 
In my latest YouTube video I talk about how sound can heal. I share some of the the other instruments that I use (which I think can be better than singing bowls at times), and what to ask yourself when you are seeking to have a sound bath. Make sure that you subscribe to the InHer Power YouTube channel if you haven’t yet.
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inherpower · 3 years
When we think of spirituality we don’t really think of sexuality being a part of our spiritual practices, and yet it very much is. And I’m not just talking about who we engage with sexually but also how we identify and what our gender expression is. Religion wants us to separate these two and make us think that they are not one and the same. They are!
Our ancestors were deeply connected to their bodies and to their gender and sexual identities. The act of sex was considered sacred and our relationships could reflect the beauty and complexity of the cosmos through our bodies, the ways that we loved and how we showed up.
In my latest video I talk about how sexuality can be viewed in a different way when it comes to our spiritual practice. And if you identity as asexual, as I do, this video is also for you because sex isn’t just about the act and how much we’re engaging in it. It’s about the energy that brings forth new ideas and new concepts that we are seeking to tap into.
Click the link on the bio page to watch the video and make sure you subscribe to the InHer Power YouTuba channel if you haven’t already.
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inherpower · 3 years
Healing on Vacation
I took some much needed time off from work a couple of weeks ago. It was a necessary trip to get me back into myself and enjoy nature. I had planned this trip months in advance and with the intention being solely for hanging out with my friend and then spending some quiet time in the mountains to hike. So imagine my surprise when I ended up having moments of grief that surfaced, old trauma that was calling for attention and release, and teas that seemed to flow without an end.We may never know what will come up from our past and when it will surface but all we can do is try to give ourselves grace and compassion when pain needs air. In my latest YouTube video I share with you what I was facing into on this much needed vacation. I spent four days in Yosemite and four days in Zion with a pit stop outside of Vegas to spend a day with my Goddess, Sekhmet. Next week I will be back to my topical videos. Until then click the link on my bio page to check out my video. https://youtu.be/AhZe3CGoZM8
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inherpower · 3 years
Spells and Magic
Spells + Magic
First off let me say that when people think about spells and magic they often think about sparks flying out of someone’s fingers or a woman standing over a cauldron, throwing in live animals and stirring the pot while chanting in rhyme. This is Hollywood’s version of magic and spells and that is not at all accurate.
Magic is all around us. WE are magic. Magic simply means that you are living more in harmony with the natural world and you work on YOUR energy to match the energy of the things that you want to manifest in your life. In my latest YouTube video I share some ways that you can create spells/magic and some very important precautions.
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inherpower · 3 years
Candle Magic
Candle Magic
We talked about how to set up an altar and the components that you can use to start building your altar. One of the items that I mentioned in that video was candles. In my latest YouTube video I go more in depth with candles and talk about ways that you can use them in your intention setting and magic spell work.
What are the different colors for? What types of candles are best? How to use candles for specific manifestations? All of this will be shared more! Candles are an excellent tool to use in casting spells and manifesting what you want but we must be careful when workin with fire. 
I also talk about how to dress your candle to enhance any spell work. If you do not wish to dress your own candle (and that is perfectly fine) you can go to your local botanica or spiritual business that has the candles that already are imbibed with the energy that you wish to use for your spells.Click the link to watch the latest video.
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inherpower · 3 years
One definition I found was: required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible.explicable; understandable.
I don’t know about you but that doesn’t help me to understand what accountability is as a practice both within my community and within myself. This is a new skill that I am working on and I have been finding it very liberating but also very challenging at times.
In addition to sharing with all of you some of my personal work around accountability I have also shared some resources from some badass folks who are doing this work and explaining it in ways that I think are easy to understand and practical. 
Click the link to watch the latest video where I talk about accountability and I talk about why it is important in spiritual work.
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inherpower · 3 years
Building an Altar
‘How do I build an altar?’ 
This is one of the main questions that I get asked quite a bit. Most of the time I answer by saying that you should follow what your intuition says because there is no “right” or “wrong” way to create and build your altar.
But people don’t like that answer so I decided to create a video where I explain the components of an altar and give some examples of what you can use to start building your own. 
And remember that this is YOUR altar, so whatever you choose to use or not use is up to you. Take your time and see what feels right for you. And be open to the fact that your altar will change as you change. 
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inherpower · 3 years
The Body
THE BODYWhen it comes to spiritual work we tend to forget about the body, thinking that it is significant or at least, the last thing we should consider when we are trying to elevate and expand our consciousness. But our bodies are vital and necessary for our spiritual work. Without the body we would be not be able to do this work and effectively as we do now.
So how should we begin to look at our physical bodies in relation to this work? In my latest YouTube video I share my perspectives on what the body is and what it can do with regard to our spiritual work. When we take care of our physical bodies we become a clear channel/vessel for universal energy.
Later on we will get into other bodies that we inhabit in addition to our physical body. Our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are all working in harmony together, at the same time. These layers of bodies that we inhabit communicate to us through our physical body, which is another reason why we want to keep ourselves healthy and in tune with the physical.
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inherpower · 3 years
Am I appropriating?
Ok so this is a good question to ask ourselves in our spiritual work. I’m not sure if this is something that you have asked yourself in your spiritual journey but checking in with ourselves to see if we are honoring the indigenous technologies that have come to us is a part of my work.
Rev. angel Kyodo Williams once talked about the power of attribution and I like to think that that power extends to our spiritual practices. You may call it gratitude or bowing into the people who were the original carriers of a certain practice or belief system that has piqued your interest. Either way, understanding the history and culture of the people who brought forth this knowledge gives gratitude for their labor.
Colonization cut off our indigenous ancestors from their practices. So much of what we are learning, sharing and building within our spiritual communities was stripped from the very people who were the stewards of this knowledge. Honor where it came from, do your research and give gratitude.
It costs nothing to do so.
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