karlyblogs 3 years
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Life sure is beautiful 馃ぉ
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karlyblogs 3 years
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Fishing day 鉂わ笍
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karlyblogs 3 years
Dear abuser,
Did you ever think you were hurting me? Did you feel bad? Did you think I was just gonna stay forever? The feeling of emotional/verbal/physical abuse made me feel worthless. It made the pain so much worse. I didn't matter to you. I do matter in this world.
The start of it
When it started i felt so in love with who you were. Why did you change? Was i not good enough? After all the:
Why don't i matter still?
Too good
Was i too good that i settled for less? i finally saw the real you.Did i really love you or was i stuck in a endless cycle? I dont know anymore. I know im worth more. Im so much better than this. I shouldnt feel stuck but i do. You love bomb me to make me feel good for a few moments just to stop the love again. You wont stop the beast that is inside with anger. The beast will always come back. I know i have to let go for my own good, But how?
Enough I love myself
I feel so worthless, alone. I don't deserve this. I deserve flowers on a good day and on a bad day. Kisses when you get home. Dinners with both of us smiling. I deserve real love. you made me scared of everyone but mostly you. The unpredictable anger. The walking on eggshells to not trigger you and get the worst of you. I don't love you, then i don't want yous. The hurtful words that come with the physical abuse. I know you are this person because you make it known I'm not worthy of life. I can do better without you. i love myself more than anything. Letting this go will only make me more brave and strong. The empowerment of knowing this will soon be over. I can be happy soon. Time will heal the wounds you caused me.
The worthless life you perceive me to be
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karlyblogs 3 years
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My cutie finally 1
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karlyblogs 3 years
Standing in your own shoes!
Sometimes as women we tend to wonder if our choices are the ones we should be making. From choosing to stay with men to wonder if the career we're in is right for us and our children. We wonder what other options and choices we can make at the time.
Yes, no one knows best besides you. No one not even your family can decide those things. No one can tell you not to be choosing what you choose. The only person that knows best is you. I know men come and go. I also know the desicion you make is only your choice no can can judge you based on how you feel at the time. Dont EVER! think that someone has the right to tell you "no you shouldn't" or "maybe you should". These are things that run through are mind.
Taking the time to write down our thoughts and think things through is what is best. It's hard to make your mind up about something that you only know how it feels at that time. Every situation is different. Making decisions isn't bad we learn and grow from our mistakes. How else are we supposed to grow. Do what's right at that time for you. Regardless of what people think. Only person going through it is you.
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karlyblogs 3 years
Enough is enough!
Let's start off by saying when is it enough? We tend to sometimes put up with things that we shouldn't. Whether if it's a man or a woman you will know when it's becoming the end of tolerating someone's bullcrap. You'll start to emotionally just feel detached from them. At times you'll miss them and want them to just call and say they still want you but you'll feel as if that not enough. When you feel that moment where you question yourself did I make the right decision just remember that at the moment you said it's enough you felt a certain way and you have to remember the reason why you left. Don't let them fool you.
Doing these to keep your mind busy is the best way to not think about them or anything going on. You'll have the moment where you want to cry or just think about it or them and that fine. let it out! You have to grieve that person cuz in reality you lost them. They chose to push you away or even not show you that your worth is important to them. Don't think for one second that they will change. If they have done whatever upset you repeatedly they'll do it again. Yeah, they'll have their moments of showing they change but they'll go back. Yeah, some people do change but the chances are slim.
I have a great book to recommend that will help you along the way it's by Mr. Amari it's called reflections of a man. It's a great book for men and women. Just puts a whole different perspective about intentions and relationships.
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