kemahz · 8 days
HELLO, how are you? I hope well. after a while, here i am again with another idea about the au of the human add-ons! :D
but then, the idea is this:
how would batter react if one of the young add-ons like, Epsilon showing him a drawing of his "family" (which would be a drawing of the player and the batter and the three of the add-ons together), or one of them accidentally referring to the player and the batter as "father and mother" or their parents :^
you can make it in whatever format you think is best, I just need more fluff in my life :,)
Ooh, hello again! I was just thinking about the human!Add-Ons not too long ago, so this came in at just the right time! I'm doing well, anon, but I hope so are you! And hell yeah! Fluff galore!
Human!Add-Ons Seeing Batter and Reader as Family
The moment he sees that drawing Batter is immediately torn between two feelings: a twinge of a hint of joy and remorse. The remorse comes from when he realises that he could have been a family with Hugo as well, but ultimately has to go on a quest to put him out of his misery. The slightest bit of joy comes from when he notices that there still might be a chance for him after all. He might not have Hugo anymore, but that doesn’t mean that there can’t be a chance for him to settle down at all.
Looking at that drawing, he won’t show it too much, but it actually does remind him of the future he would like to have with you one day. A domestic one, where he simply settles down with you, no spectres, no guardians. Just you and him, maybe baking a pie together, maybe simply cuddling on the couch. It doesn’t even have to be too much, just a simple life with him suffices. That drawing would remind him of that dream and give him hope.
The moment one of the Add-Ons calls him father, he would metaphorically spit out his drink. It’s definitely not something he’s used to hearing anymore, so he’ll simply stare at the Add-On in question for a second, before responding to them. It makes him feel a bit fuzzy on the inside, to know that someone thinks highly enough of him to believe him to be their guardian, but he tries not to let that show.
As soon as one of them calls the both of you their parents, Batter gets a bit nervous, but closely watches your reaction. If it’s a positive one, he’ll be relieved. He hasn’t really thought about starting a family with you, but given how close of a bond he has with you, he’s more than willing to do so. In fact, it would fill him with glee, having children to look after with you. The Add-Ons may not be your own flesh and blood, but they’re close enough to that.
Every once in a while, during a small rest, when you sit down next to Batter, watching the children play, you might spot the smallest of smiles on his face. Despite being a man of the present, he suddenly has a future to look forward to after all. One, where he doesn’t simply get abandoned because he’s merely a puppet and ends up being all alone, but one, that he might get to spend with you and his “children”. He might confess that, but don’t count on it. Even so, you’ll get a Batter that is slightly more sentimental and happy.
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kemahz · 12 days
I just want to say I am so happy for you that you're finally leaving that hell hole. I've been reading your works for a while now. They honestly make my day and help me get through tough times and to hear what you had to go through. You deserve so much better and I'm so glad you're finally leaving that place, wherever you go we will always be with you, no matter what we love you, mama
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Thanks to everyone here and who helped, we reached and even went past the 700 dollar goal!
This means I can get my end of things ready and finally, FINALLY get me and my animals out of this place! I'm close to crying tears of relief and joy, I cannot form words about how this makes me feel, but there's a lot of positive emotions mixed in, I promise!
Thank you, to everyone! Even if you feel you didn't do much, you shush, because you did! I'm so thankful and happy and just-a bunch of happy words, I never thought I'd ever leave this place! You guys are life savers, each and every one of you, and I love you all very much!
-Mommabean (Gross crying but its out of happiness i swear))
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kemahz · 17 days
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kemahz · 20 days
Reblog if you need to scream
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kemahz · 26 days
I'm sorry. I don't have any money right now but I will reblog. So if anyone's reading this, please send money to help them get out of this hellish place. If you have any, please send some. They could use the help.
Hey Beans-
Hey beans, I have a bit of a hellish update. 
Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. My grandma made a huge fight happen while I was on call with a friend, and things just escalated between me and her so badly I had to leave. When I came back home, my family was also on my ass about it all, despite knowing how she lies and how she instigates. 
She threatened to hit me, she threatened to kill Sammy, she hurled insult after insult at me and this all started because I didn't get up in time to do something she asked (Which was locking the door. I waited three seconds too long and she went off). 
When I came back after trying to let things cool down I was berated and told I had no right to be so “selfish” in the house, so on and so on, and the fight got so intense I had to just physically walk away, leaving the home and going two miles up the road because I did not feel safe. 
They made me so sick I began to pee blood again, as well as my sugar spiking and causing me to have palpitations. My heart cannot take this stress anymore, and neither can my mental health. I wish I could explain how bad the situation was. I had tears down my face, gasping for air, chest heaving and in pain, I felt like I was on the verge of passing out. 
I got in contact with some good friends of mine, who say they can help get me out of not only that home, but the entire state i'm in. But I need money to do so, for travel and gas and so on. As much as they can house me, they need me to pull my weight. 
I hate having to ask for help, I hate that I'm even in this situation, to the point I'm so sick I might have to be seen in the ER or sent to ICU. 
I need to come up with 700 dollars, and I'm willing to do some commissions, but with how sick I am I may take a bit to get back with you. I plan to leave by early June, if not the beginning of July, as that's when my friends are able to drive down and get me. 
Donations are greatly appreciated, even if you can only afford a single dollar, it’ll be more help than you know. 
If you’re wanting a commission, please don't send money and then ask, for your sake and mine. I’m incredibly overwhelmed, and I’ll do my best to get with you and explain rates. 
And if you’re willing to donate anything, here’s my Ko-fi link. 
Again, I can’t thank you enough for if you donate or even spread this post around, even well wishes mean the world to me because I know you beans care and want to help however you can.
This post was incredibly hard to make, I’m still all over the place and trying to figure everything out, so I apologize if this sounds like rambling and nonsense. There is a silver lining however, as I actually have a way out this time, and I pray I can get out before things can get worse.
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kemahz · 27 days
Sometimes even longer
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What’s writing, you know? What does writing actually mean?
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kemahz · 2 months
You know, I have recently been playing Undertale Yellow and can I just say the game is amazing! The storyline, the characters the gameplay, and the battles are amazing. My favorite character is Starlo. I'm sad there are not a lot of fics about him especially x readers (don't judge me) Because how can you not look at this adorable beautiful monster and not fall for him? He's a massive dork and I love him for it. And I love his character arc, all he wanted was for everybody to be happy, you know, not focus all on the negatives. But he took things way too far and made everyone uncomfortable and got so deep into his character that he forgot who he was and was so fascinating and sad just watching this, And I'm glad that he's not immediately forgiven and that he has the work to make it up to the others, I especially love it when he finally takes off his hat and he looks so adorable. Oh my God, maybe that's just me anyway. Though I don't have too many thoughts on Martlet I love her, she's a lovable dork and an amazing friend and she's so silly I love her. And Ceroba is just so fascinating as a character. It's so tragic to see her life going from happy and wonderful to just tragic, now trying so desperately to make her husband's plan come true. I'm a little confused about how she didn't get the memo, that her husband did not want her to try on her daughter, cause it's stated clearly on the tape that she should not do that, but that's just a small pet peeve of mine, that's just me, but anyways, I'm adopting clover. He's my son now and I just love him dearly and I just want him to be happy. I want all of them to be happy for fuck's sake, it's just I love this game. I love this story and the plot. The creators not only did an amazing job, but They poured so much love into this game and you could just tell by the details and the designs and everything. I'm so proud of them, and just please check it out. It's an amazing game, please go support the creators and ect, that's all I have to say bye
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kemahz · 2 months
I know it's no where near April Fools but bare with me on this.
Y/N cookie decide to pull a prank by changing their online status to taken....and then all hell breaks loose.
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Be ready to duck the incoming Croissant Cookie missile as she practically spawns right outside your house.
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The assassins would already be making their move to single out the cookie responsible.
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Big name Cookies would make social media posts about this situation, requesting their followers to help them find this cookie that’s dating you.
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Trouble some legendaries or dragons, well, they might just decide to destroy this waste of crumbs for even trying to get with you.
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kemahz · 2 months
You're my friend now, we're having soft tacos later. 🌮
they homeless catnap box him
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Reblog = Adopted him
Like = Pat head
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kemahz · 4 months
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kemahz · 4 months
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kemahz · 4 months
You know how kids we're easily able to make friends. And you know make long-lasting friendships or whatever...
How the fuck do you do it as an adult? Seriously, it's so hard. How do you do it without looking like some weirdo??? How do you walk up to somebody talk to them, then ask to be their friend? How do you do it and why is it so fucking hard as an adult?
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kemahz · 8 months
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Have you ever been weirdly proud of a drawing you made? I don't know. I just feel really proud drawing this. Also, it was inspired by another artist, so if you see this same position, can you tell me who their tumblr name was? Anyway, it's going on tumblr. Hope yall enjoy.
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kemahz · 9 months
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kemahz · 9 months
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Sure, bud, ok.
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kemahz · 9 months
For me, the bullet of my gun runs towards him
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kemahz · 10 months
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Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life.
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