keshi94 · 5 years
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Aradia and Herne 
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keshi94 · 5 years
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can we ?
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keshi94 · 5 years
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Behind the Bunny
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keshi94 · 5 years
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The Wheel Of Fortune 10 :
The Wheel of Fortune is one of the most highly symbolic cards in the deck, filled with signs that each have its own meaning.
The Wheel of Fortune card shows a giant wheel with  in  the middle the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulphur, water and salt – the building blocks of life and the four elements – and represents formative power.
There are different creatures that surround the wheel; the angel, the eagle, the bull and the lion. They are related to four fixed signs in the zodiac - leo, taurus, scorpio and aquarius. 
“ The same forces that govern the changing of the seasons, or the rising and setting of the sun is also the master of luck and the fate of individuals. “
The Wheel of Fortune turns evermore, seemingly to communicate that life is made up of both good and bad times, and that the cycle is one that we cannot control. It is something that is subjected to both kings and workers, and that nobody on earth can avoid what is fated. When you have good moments in your life, make sure that you enjoy to the fullest, for what comes up must always go down. The same is true in reverse - when you are in a bad situation, things will eventually become better again.
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keshi94 · 5 years
Just wanted to share this edit of “The Extremely Large Herbal Grimoire” PDF. As you can see I’ve done a lot of work on it, so please share it around.
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keshi94 · 5 years
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The Hermit 9 :
The Hermit depicts an old man standing alone at the peak of the mountain while holding a lantern in one of his hands and a staff on the other. The mountain denotes accomplishment, development, and success. The hermit tarot card refers to the level of spiritual knowledge that he attained, and that he is ready to impart that knowledge to everyone. There is also a deep commitment he has to his goal and a solid awareness of the path that he is taking.
“He walks through the dark night of his unconscious, guided only by the low light of the northern star, with his destination being his home, his self. “
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keshi94 · 5 years
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The Mask Maker
i actually did another mask maker two years ago for the last day of inktober it was totally different from this one but i actually liked the idea of it so here you have another version of it !
instagram: paulinemakesse
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keshi94 · 5 years
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The Chariot 7:
The Chariot Tarot card shows a brave warrior standing inside a chariot.
His vest  decorated with crescent moons (representing what is coming into being)  Although he appears to be driving the chariot, the charioteer holds no reins – just a wand like the Magician’s – symbolising that he controls through the strength of his will and mind.
The charioteer stands tall – there’s no sitting down for this guy, as he’s all about taking action and moving forward.
In front of the vehicle sit a black and a white Wolves representing duality, positive and negative Wolves comes to support and teach us about matters of personal power, balance, self-control .
The Wolves are pulling in opposite directions, but the charioteer uses his willpower and sheer resolve to steer the chariot forward in the direction he wants.
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keshi94 · 5 years
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Getting ready for the new year I love this character so much but i didn't fing him a good name yet, give me name suggestion please! Are you ready for the new year? Any special plan?
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keshi94 · 5 years
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“Memories" The Demon boy and the Witch While partecipating at the inktober i wanted to make a story behind some of the illustration and i came across the multiple illustration of "let's meet at the Witch assembly " theme so i create my own too This coupple have a deep and difficult story in my head sooner or later i will develop it! You can find more of them just scrolling down on my profile This is the first time I'm putting them side by side
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keshi94 · 5 years
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Amethyst Witch (pt. 2) follow me on instagram to see the speed paint of this illustration 
ig: paulinemakesse I really liked yesterday illustration so i got inspired to make another amethyst Witch this time not only about the color but about the crystal itself! As you can see i clearly mess up some part of this illustration.. But i menage to cover it up a bit!😅
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keshi94 · 5 years
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Amethyst Witch What's your favourite crystal/gem stone? Amethyst is my favourite crystal! i love the color so much and have a lot of properties In fact is one of the most common crystal nowadays!
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keshi94 · 5 years
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The Lovers 6 :
The trust and the unity that the lovers have gives each of them confidence and strength, empowering the other.
The Lovers card shows a  man and a woman standing beneath the angel, Raphael, whose name means ‘God heals’ and represents both physical and emotional healing. The angel blesses the man and woman and reminds them of their union with the Divine.
Raphael, the angel of air - who is of the same element of the zodiac sign that governs this card: Gemini. Air is associated with mental activity, and communication in particular, which is the foundation for healthy relationships.
the man in the card is looking at his woman, symbolizing his need to submit his fires to feminine waters for true growth. As such, the Lovers tells us the secret behind men’s true happiness: embracing the feminine ideals of love, nurturing, and commitment as they maintain spiritual maturity and independence in their adult-adult relationships.
The woman is looking above  watches the angel, showing the path of the conscious to the subconscious  or from physical desire to emotional needs to spiritual concerns.
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keshi94 · 5 years
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The Hierophant 5:
If the Hierophant Tarot card appears in your life, whether in a reading or as an online coincidence, you’re being invited to explore your sacred truth.
The Hierophant is the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess. He is also known as the Pope or the Teacher in other Tarot decks and is ruled by Taurus. Stubborn like a bull, open-to-life like a baby. It won’t give up on what it wants, yet it’s also flexible enough to adapt to the environment.  
In its most pure incarnation, it is the original unit of the family. In the broader interpretation it represents community, traditions, schools, philosophies, institutions built on a shared faith or set of beliefs.
This card is also named the Pope  because of its associating with traditional values and religion.
He is connected with gods and spiritual self , he posses the keys of the knowledge , he is a teacher in charge to pass his knowledge to  his students at his feet.
The flower on the studendt (roses and lilies)  symbolize a fusion of human passion (desire) and incorruptible psychic integrity (thought).
Honestly i had such hard time with the hierophant beause i find this card to be really complex and full of meaning , and as the hierophant want i had to study a lot before i understand what he meant 
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keshi94 · 6 years
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The Emperor 4:
 If the Empress is the Mother archetype of the Tarot deck, the Emperor is the Father.
 He sits upon a large stone throne he is connected with Aries and the planet Mars.
 In his right hand, the Emperor holds an ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life and on top of his head there is  an orb representing the world over which he rules.
 He wears a red robe, indicative of his power, passion and energy for life along with  his gold crown, he is an authority figure who demands to be heard. The Emperor has obtained his wisdom through experience. 
He's been through the wars, he's ruled his people wisely, and he's experienced all life can throw at him. This makes him an excellent source of wisdom and advice.
 He does not become carried away by fad or fancy - he sees through the most clever of disguises and nothing slips by his scrutiny.When we pull this card in a reading we get an instant "grounding effect." In areas of business, we are encouraged to consider all the facts, revisit our strategic plans, reconsider our partnerships and re-evaluate our allegiances.
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keshi94 · 6 years
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The Empress 3:
Traditionally associated with strong maternal influence she is a beautiful, full-figured woman and a peaceful aura about her. On her head, she wears a crown of twelve stars, showing her connection with the mystical realm and the cycles of the natural world . 
 she sits upon a luxurious array of cushions and flowing red velvets, her long dress rapresent the purity of the love of a mother .
Her world is ruled by venus rappresented on her shield which means that there is complete love, harmony, fertility and luxury by the grace of this goddess.
The scepter which she bears rapresent the fertility of the earth . 
A beautiful, lush forest and winding stream surround the Empress, signifying her connection with Mother Earth and life itself. She draws her sense of peace from the trees and the water and is rejuvenated by the energy of nature. In the foreground, golden wheat springs from the soil, reflecting abundance from a recent harvest.
The Empress is associated with fertility, expression, creativity and nurturing among many other aspects.
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keshi94 · 6 years
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The Magician 1 :
The Magician card is numbered One – the number of new beginnings and opportunities
“As above So below”
the position of the magician  represents his connection between the spiritual realms and the material realms. For The Magician to succeed, he needs to stay concentrated and present, allowing his body to become a conduit for ideas
The magician rapresent a man that have everithing he need to make his vision reality . He’s in control of everithing thar surround him because he’s one with the universe.
Because of this The Magician illustrates the seeming paradox of creativity. You must remain present and open to ideas while grounded in reality and willing to do something to make the idea real.
This card urges the querent to open themselves up to inspiration and get lost in the work it demands.
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