kristicainbooks · 21 days
In case you missed it, my latest Cainspirations!
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kristicainbooks · 2 months
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kristicainbooks · 2 months
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kristicainbooks · 2 months
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kristicainbooks · 2 months
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kristicainbooks · 2 months
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kristicainbooks · 9 months
YOUR HEAVENLY TREASURE MAP - when the world leads you off-course... Struggling to get back on track? Here's some encouragement! #cainspirations #beautyintoday
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kristicainbooks · 10 months
In case you missed it: My latest Cainspirations: CHOOSING BETTER when the world distracts... Struggling to find your focus? Here's some encouragement! #cainspirations #christianblog
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kristicainbooks · 1 year
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kristicainbooks · 1 year
In case you missed it: My latest Cainspirations! Struggling to figure out where you belong? Here's some encouragement! #cainspirations
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kristicainbooks · 1 year
Struggling against outrageous fortune? Here's some encouragement!
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kristicainbooks · 1 year
OUR SECRET SUCCESS that sets us free... Struggling to find the right road? Here's some encouragement!
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kristicainbooks · 1 year
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Sunday blessings, friends! How can I pray for you this week? 🙏💗 Grace is one of God’s most beautiful gifts but one that gets overlooked in a culture where social media is too often weaponized as a tool to publicly condemn our neighbors, no matter how petty the perceived offense. And as much as I try to use social media as a tool to honor God, true grace is designed for face-to-face, in-person interactions. That deeper level of relational connectedness which social media can never replace. In fact, there is not a single human relationship I’ve had that did not at some point require the need for an exchange of grace. I am grateful for the grace others have shown me and am grateful for the moments God has helped me give grace in relationships that were worth sacrificing for. Most of all, I am grateful for the grace God and our Savior have so generously poured into us. ✨ #SundayBlessings #prayerrequests #graceofthelord #gracepouredout #paultheapostle #christianwriter #christianwritingcommunity #cainspirations #kristicainbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-IN9hLmUt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kristicainbooks · 1 year
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Sunday blessings, friends! How can I pray for you this week? 🙏💗 Do you want to feel truly blessed in your life? The Spirit is waiting to refresh your soul. The older I get, the more I realize my need for its presence and sovereignty in my life. A divine source of goodness and light. Willing and able to lift you above the strife, envy, slander, struggles, and deceit the world and its prince will strive to suck you into. So my prayer for you today—whether you are discouraged, stressed, or downright weary—is that you will be filled with the Spirit, worship, and truth seeking to prosper you into brighter days. ✨ #SundayBlessings #prayerrequests #spiritandtruth #holyspirit #trueworshippers #christianwriters #cainspirations #kristicainbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CpsDS0GAyxi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kristicainbooks · 1 year
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kristicainbooks · 1 year
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Sunday blessings, friends! How can I pray for you this week? 🙏💗 Contrary to most home decor themes, this verse is not referring exclusively to the power of God-fearing women. It is actually referring to the power of a river. For context: “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” (Psalm 50:4-5) Obviously the river is a metaphor, but what is the significance? Rivers were seen in ancient times as an emblem of nature’s bounty. A limitless source of life-giving water without a clear beginning or ending point (before geographical features were fully studied). An ever-flowing stream. The river of Psalm 50 is evocative of similar boundless symbols Jesus articulated later. For instance, the “living water” of John 4 and the “wind” of John 3 that no one knows where it comes from or where it is going Like these other symbols, the “river” of Psalm 50 refers to the abundance of God’s grace through the incomprehensible workings of the Holy Spirit. Limitless, mysterious, and all-powerful. Through its provision, those who it is poured into—much like the New Jerusalem Jesus is bringing to all believers—will not fall. Here in East TN, our weekend was swept by a series of outages which certainly put a damper on a lot of plans. All over the world and throughout the span of human history, our fallen creation is in a constant state of war against forces that seek to constrain and limit us. So isn’t it comforting to know that in the midst of every struggle, we are already being poured into by the one power that is truly limitless? A grace that loves us enough to set our captive world free so that we will never fall again. ✨ #SundayBlessings #prayerrequests #psalm50 #thereisariver #godiswithinher #shewillnotfall #overflowinggrace #christianwriter #cainspirations #kristicainbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CpaMoxMrjN2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kristicainbooks · 1 year
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Sunday blessings, friends! How can I pray for you this week? 🙏💗 The world can often leave us drained and unsatisfied, frustrated with obstacles that always seem to find their way into our path. The women at my church are doing a study on the book, “Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at our Table,” which is a powerful reminder of where our true source of sustenance comes from when outside forces seek to starve us. The premise of the book is a beautiful metaphor: that God has already prepared a table before us (even in the presence of our enemies). Even when we are under attack from trials or simple day-to-day pressures, we already have the life-giving food we need. The enemy will always be there to distract us and make us believe that he has the power to take good things away from us. But the true source of goodness at our tables is a power that he can’t overcome. It’s up to us to trust in its promise of victory in our lives. All too often I give in to the enemy’s lie of cynicism. All too often I fail to give credit to God’s sovereignty over our fallen world. The recent revival that swept through Asbury and other campuses, including my own neighbor, Lee University, is the perfect example of his overpowering grace in the midst of the battles we face. The United Methodist Church is going through a painful fissure. Many consider it to be a crisis. Those like me who can give into cynicism too easily are starting to lose faith in mainline denominations. Labels like the “Sardis” church of Revelation can come all too easily to mind. But due to the workings of the Holy Spirit, thousands of Methodist youth declared for the world to see that their faith is not dead. That they are alive in Christ. And that God will not remove the lampstand of those filled with his anointing oil. It was one of the most beautiful testimonies to his power to allow our cups to overflow. Even in the presence of the enemy. So no matter what tries to come at you and your table this week, remember that you can be filled, revived, and satisfied by the feast your Heavenly Father has already supplied you with, as long as you fix your eyes upon him. ✨ #SundayBlessings #prayerrequests https://www.instagram.com/p/CpINIFTrkJx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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