I saw your post about a job and abusive situation. Have you thought about a bagger at a small grocery store or the people who do the online orders going around the store collecting stuff for others? If you go in social security I really caution about that. In the ways of I saw automatically approved for ssi/ssdi. When it was all done my father became my pay repp. So I just recommend be cautious if you’re already in an abusive home the person can say you can’t legally be equipped to handle the money. Again I’m just speaking from personal experience and this isn’t anything from official advice. More I’ve been financially abused and controlled for years so just be cautious about the whole money situation. They also have apps you can walk people dogs and stuff. Again just be careful about financially being abused in general if you’re already in abusive situation. They also have disabilities offices can help finding jobs that are equipped for your struggles. Wishing u luck 🍀. I’m rooting for you.
thank you <3 ill keep all this in mind :)
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OOO give my danganronpa headcanons! (any, THH, DR2, DRV3)
i need inspo for my au character's profiles >:3
(comments, reblogs and asks are all welcome!)
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im needing to move out of my mega abusive household~ any advice for getting a job and saving money? advice from people from cluster b would help the most, especially ASPD (and anyone with DID too!)
tags are for reach!
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Adult topic, minors dni
Omegaverse (or A/B/O dynamics) is part of my story! its a comfort genre for me, and i feel like i should say something before i say ANYTHING on the topic of my fic. and its this:
look, i know omegaverse sexualizes gay men. and i fucking hate it when its OVERLY sexualized. I understand somewhat, because technically its a genre of smut/nsfw fic but shut the fuck up. It makes me uncomfortable when cis women just. fucking. sexualize it that much, COMING FROM A GAY MAN BTW. i'm not saying theres anything wrong with a cis woman consuming/writing omegaverse content, im not gatekeeping, but it makes me uncomfortable when its spoken about in a fetish-y way.
THAT BEING SAID! if your going to consume my (mostly) fluff + angst omegaverse fic (that will have little or no nsfw in it) in a fetish-y light. get the fuck out. /srs
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im sure you've heard of this fanfiction im writing~
what fandom is the fic you ask..? danganronpa !! i love the series and im have found myself coping through the characters! if you dont like danganronpa yet you follow me, you can block the tag! all the dangan stuff will be tagged #danganronpa naturally, so if you dont want to see it, block it! easy as that, because i like it and im going to post about it :P
this fanfiction is going to pretty much be me having headcanons for the characters and giving good representation for stigmatized disorders!
Kokichi Oma is a main character! i hc him to have NPD and ive been researching NPD so i can give pwNPD some good rep! (i love kokichi so much give him all the love)
this is a saiouma fic! (shuichi x kokichi) and its called Divine Despair
This fic is actively being worked on! it will be posted on toyhou.se and ao3. I think it might be posted in.... at most a year maybe? no guarantees tho.
This fic is 17+ BUT i would prefer if anyone consuming it was 18+
it is mature! (i say 17+ bc the game is 17+, however there may be implied nsfw or written. idk yet lol. if i decide to actually write nsfw it WILL be 18+)
feel free to ask questions about the fic or give tips for any disorders/conditions !!
(note ik dangan can like. write disorders wrong looks at toko... so im going to fix all of that :3 .. except toko. toko will not have DID in my fic lol)
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i've seen quite a bit of confusion about this, so let me attempt to clear things up :
empathy is the ability to feel somebody's emotions as though they are affecting you personally. for example, somebody tells you "my dog died last night!" -> you now feel as though you've lost a pet personally -> you feel grief and sadness just like the other person. not everyone has empathy. it's a trait some people develop and others don't. some have high empathy, some have low empathy, some (like me) have none.
sympathy is the ability to understand and care about somebody else's struggles, even if you don't feel them yourself. so, somebody tells you their dog died -> you realize how this affects them emotionally -> you care about this person, and are upset that they are suffering. not everyone has sympathy either! it's a scale, just like empathy.
compassion is doing something to relieve another person's suffering or make them feel better. somebody tells you their dog died -> you don't want them to remain upset -> you come up with ways to help them feel better, like offering comfort and distractions, or other forms of support. compassion is a learned trait, not something you can be born with like empathy or sympathy. anyone can learn to be compassionate, although some may struggle more with it than others; it's a skill, just like anything else.
however, none of these are required to be a good person. that's a choice you make on your own accord. i hope this clears things up!
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i know theres this reputation for pwASPD to be 'edgelords' right? and i know that there is not an insignificant number of us who sorta delight in this image.
but i always think that at its core, ASPD stems from fear. not emotionlessness or sadism or whatever else.
when its developed in childhood its because of fear, right? if you have absent caregivers, for example, you fear the loss of resources you need. theres a fear of being unworthy of affection, a fear of being completely dismissed and left to fend for yourself.
and with only yourself to manage that fear and soothe yourself, you figure out how to survive should those things happen. you figure out how to get your own resources, how to manage with what you have. you discard the idea of affection and love. perhaps you even deem it worthless because that way you arent wanting something youll never have. in being scared, in being terrified, you are forced to become the only thing that can make you get rid of those fears
then, when youre out, the fears have changed. now vulnerability is terrifying, because being vulnerable hurt so much when you were smaller, now honesty is scary because you cant control how that narrative plays out.
most importantly, allowing yourself to need other people is the most horrific of all of them, because the last time you needed anyone you were left to fend for yourself.
idk i just think its interesting to think about.
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me when my parents call me selfish as an insult
why yes i am, i am the selfish-est selfish person! i do only care about myself :3 except when i dont, then i dont care about anyoneee. and yknow what :0
its cuz of trauma that YOU gave ME. "and youre going to hell" they say. yep. i am. not ashamed. (except i dont even believe in the christian hell LOL)
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Occasionally fantasizing about myself being hurt or abused because I feel like I haven't been hurt enough to be considered complex and interesting
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Tumblr media
I am normal and can be trusted with the privilege of human connection
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thank you for the tips! i dont plan on having him "cured" as you said, as i have ASPD and if someone made an oc/headcanon fic where they "cured" it id probably get pissed off and throw something (i also, am trying to work on things)
I do think eventually ill try to make him ""better"" (as in functional lol) but thats a long ways away, probably towards the mid-to-end of the fic (maybe ill make a part 2 fic with the ship child i totally didnt make last week; maybe part 2 will show him being functional in everyday life while still letting his NPD traits out, maybe still having some of the "unhealed" parts cuz i honestly cant picture him without them LMAO)
ill probably post things about my fic on this blog instead of my art blog bc i plan on it being very disorder (and PD specifically) oriented (PDs/other disorders need some good rep ^w^) especially since the canon does have characters with disorders, but sometimes theyre written wrong and im determined to fix it LOL
Steak here~ i have some questions for PwNPD!! or, just one mainly.
What are some common traits/symptoms that you experiance?
Also, what are misconceptions!
I have an character im writing (or au character) that i headcanon with NPD based on what ive seen on cluster b tumblr, and i want to write him accurately and respectfully. I most likely dont have NPD, just ASPD. I'm mostly looking for advice for writing my baby correctly cuz he deserves the world and i think PwNPD need some correct representation!! along with all of cluster b really
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I actually relate to some of that! that makes my baby boy easier to write! ive written him (or, "written" in my head) to be very cocky and private with others, keeping up with his 'front'. He's not very good at masking, but is good at controlling his emotions. He "fake" cries a lot! (its not fake but hes very good at making people think it is) usually when people insult him or criticize him.
Ive also written him to have lots of trust issues! as of the part of my pretend fanfic That I Will Totally Write that has happened, he only trusts his partner (love the gays). he only really opens up to him :3
does that sound somewhat accurate? any suggestions
Steak here~ i have some questions for PwNPD!! or, just one mainly.
What are some common traits/symptoms that you experiance?
Also, what are misconceptions!
I have an character im writing (or au character) that i headcanon with NPD based on what ive seen on cluster b tumblr, and i want to write him accurately and respectfully. I most likely dont have NPD, just ASPD. I'm mostly looking for advice for writing my baby correctly cuz he deserves the world and i think PwNPD need some correct representation!! along with all of cluster b really
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being irritated w/people doesnt make you special omg 😭
uh. im... not saying it is? and i by all means am not special! i have a disorder, yes, but im not special. while sometimes i view myself as everyone's god, i am not special.
i am different. i have a personality disorder. i have issues with anger, homicidal ideation, morality, and things of that nature. I am not normal, because prosocial people have morals. i. do. not. and ill add, i was irrationally irritated (assuming the post youre talking about). I was genuinely wishing death on that person. and i will until they fucking die.
give yourself a pat on the back, because you got a response. consider yourself an ableist dick too :)
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Steak here~ i have some questions for PwNPD!! or, just one mainly.
What are some common traits/symptoms that you experiance?
Also, what are misconceptions!
I have an character im writing (or au character) that i headcanon with NPD based on what ive seen on cluster b tumblr, and i want to write him accurately and respectfully. I most likely dont have NPD, just ASPD. I'm mostly looking for advice for writing my baby correctly cuz he deserves the world and i think PwNPD need some correct representation!! along with all of cluster b really
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if you ever catch me giving a shit, no you didn’t.
it’s humiliating.
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UGH this is why i dont trust people. this is why i dont let people in; my own partner broke up with me... which yeah, no big deal. im hurt, yeah... but the fucking nerve to take a selfie saying "im single" is the fucking line. go die in a hole. fuck you. do you understand the place you've put me in? i told you i was unstable, i told you. i trusted you with all my secrets. i comforted you, even when it mentally hurt me doing so... i told you to eat so you wouldnt starve and die... and this is what you do to me? you fucking asshole. i hope you suffer the rest of your life. like everyone else that hurt me. i would tell you to burn in hell, but i dont want to see you there. FUCK YOU. theres no "us" anymore. you lost your chance with me. im too good for you anyway, dipshit. you dont deserve me.
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Me 80% of the time: I hate myself and everything around me.
Me the other 20%: I am a fucking god
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