mamedorilabo · 7 days
Hello, May
Before I knew it, it is already May! I have finished planting summer vegetables in my kitchen garden and they have begun to grow. In Japan, wild vegetables are in season and our family enjoys them every day.
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↑Japanese wild vegetables(Takenoko, Warabi, Mitsuba, Yukinoshita, Watercress)
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I have recently uploaded these pieces to our web store.I still use old Japanese fabrics as materials, and sometimes combine old pieces from different countries in my work. I try to make good use of scraps from the production process. I also try to make clothes in a way that produces as few scraps as possible.
Recently Recently I made this. I made an apron from a vintage tablecloth. It's for me.
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See you next issue!
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mamedorilabo · 1 month
sashiko stitch
Hello,April. Time goes by quickly. Spring has come at my hometown. Sakura are a special flower for Japanese.
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let's get back to the today's topics. Today, I would like to introduce a new works.
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I recently made a bag from an old stained jute bag, dyed with persimmon tannin and reinforced with many stitches. Sashiko is an old Japanese technique to strengthen cloth with many stitches. I used up the old jute bags without any scraps. It is made entirely from vegetable materials, so it go back to the soil.
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This bag is hand quilted with cotton inside. The handles of this bag are stuffed with old cloth. All the cloth of this bag is recycled from very old items. It takes a very long time, but we have created a very beautiful, durable, and environmentally friendly bag. See you later!
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mamedorilabo · 2 months
Darning & Embroidery Workshop
I recently held a darning and embroidery workshop. This was the second time for most of the participants to attend this darning workshop. Participant who run a natural farm brought delicious snacks and we ate them while darning. While darning, they were immersed in the memories associated with the garment. That time is also rich.
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Next was an embroidery workshop with simple stitches that do not use frames. I prepared a white linen and cotton handkerchief for the embroidery base. Since no special tools are used, you can make your own favorites in your spare time of daily life.
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Girl who are 10 years old was joined. Her little hands and pure eyes are so pretty!
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She embroidered her own hat. I make a tasseles by leftover threads, She sewed it onto a hat. It looks great on her.
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I hope it will be warmer around the time I write next post. Thank you, and see you next post. Bye.
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mamedorilabo · 2 months
Spring has just around the corner.
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The sunlight has started to reach my studio. It is proof that the sun is getting higher. I love my house & studio surrounded by trees.
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Accordingly, I feel like creating with spring-like colors. There are a lot of color varietions of plaid patterns in Japan. I made these from old Japanese fabrics.
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There are This white cloth is made by a weaving technique called shijira-ori. It is wavy and used mainly for summer kimonos.
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I recently gave a workshop on visible mending. I will have two more workshops this month. I will report on them in the next issue. See you soon!
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mamedorilabo · 3 months
It's February already.
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We recently held a small market at our house. Hanging on the wall are my works.
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I made and selled small handkerchiefs out of old fabrics so that people could appreciate the quality of the old fabrics I use to make my artwork. I also made handkerchiefs that were natural dyed. Pink handkerchiefs are dyed with cherry blossoms, Yellow are dyed with onion skins.
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The days are still cold, but there are signs of spring. These flowers are called "roubai" and have great fragrance.(rou=wax, bai=plum) My neighborhood is as beautiful as this!
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Lately I have been relearning English. It is quite difficult. Especially listening skills! See you later!
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mamedorilabo · 4 months
quilt & kakishibu dye
I wrote about quilts in a recent blog.
I love colorful American quilts and rally quilts, and I use some of those fabrics in my own clothes, but I have been thinking about what makes a quilt unique to my brand.
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I made this quilted mat using Japanese fabric that is over 100 years old.The brown part was made from unraveled bags that were used to import flour and dyed with persimmon tannin in the summer. I matched it with indigo-dyed (aizome) striped fabric.One part is blue because the top of the sack was dyed with indigo to prevent insects from entering. This were covered with stains, but the persimmon tannin dyeing gave them a nice texture.
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I made this pillow case from old indigo-dyed kimono fabric and old white plaid kimono fabric dyed in persimmon tannin. The hardest part of the production process is actually the unraveling of the kimono.
And now I making bags using very old mosquito nets. This fabric was also dyed in persimmon tannin during the summer.
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See you soon!
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mamedorilabo · 4 months
Happy new year!
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It finally snowed in the mountains where I live. I don't like cold weather, but I am really excited to see snowy scenery. The sunlight reflects off the snow, making the area glow white and absorbing the sound. The contrast between the evergreen trees and the snow is very beautiful. However, my muscles are still sore from falling down, shoveling snow, and picking up firewood. A scene of my son going to school.
Now let's return to the main subject As I have mentioned before, I love different fabrics and different techniques of recycling fabrics. I especially like Indian rally quilts, patchwork quilts from around the world, and Japanese stitching. So this year, I am trying to make a patchwork quilt using old Japanese indigo-dyed fabrics and my own persimmon tannin-dyed fabrics. I love the combination of navy and brown.
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Work pants and bags using these quilts are now available in our web store. I would like to try larger pieces that would decorate a room.
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See you soon!
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mamedorilabo · 5 months
Finally, it's December.
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It's cold, cold, cold! I am so bad at cold weather. The oil heater doesn't warm up the room at all (and the kerosene cost is very high), so we installed a wood stove. I asked a contractor I know well to install a wood stove in a room that requires a hole in the wall, and my husband's record store installed it ourselves. ↓It was very warm that day. He is my son.
あぁ寒い寒い寒い。私は寒さが大の苦手なのです。灯油ストーブでは埒が明かない。ということで薪ストーブを設置。壁に穴あけが必要な部屋はいつもお世話になっているガス屋さんに設置をお願い。 夫のレコード屋の方は自分たちで設置しました。 写真のこの日は暖かかったなぁ。
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At first, we couldn't get used to using it and the room was full of smoke, but we gradually learned how to use it.
It's hard to chop firewood every day. It disappears in no time. However, the physical exertion of chopping wood warms me up before I turn on the stove. It also boils water. The ashes can be used as a substitute for abrasives and as fertilizer for the fields. It is also fun to think, "If I put the wood in this way, will it burn better? Inconvenient things are surprisingly convenient.
最初は使い方になれず煙もくもくだったりと苦戦しましたが、最近では料理やおやつまで。レモングラスの効いたカレーは大好物! 毎日の薪割りは大変だしあっという間になくなるし。 でも薪割りのおかげでストーブをつける前に体があったまる。お湯も沸かせる。そして日々、薪の置き方を変えてみたりと工夫も楽しい。不便は楽しい。
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I can cook curry and bake snacks on the wood stove!
I have added more curtains to the front door where the drafts are coming in. I made them out of linen that I had dyed with persimmon astringent dye in the summer and an old Japanese check cloth about 100 years old. I will try to get through the winter with modest Christmas decorations with plants around our house.
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see you soon!
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mamedorilabo · 6 months
Let's have fun mending.
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I often poke holes in my clothes or spill something on them. Especially when I work in the fields, I work on my knees and the fabric gets thin. That's when I came across the repair marks on the clothes I bought at a thrift store. Since then, I have been happy when I find damage on clothes.
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Recently, I have been taking orders for mending. The repairs vary from inconspicuous repairs to accent repairs.
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I have a six-year-old son. His clothes are very worthwhile to fix!
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In preparation for the December 6 alteration order, I am working on a brooch that will serve as a reference for the alterations. I am also available for consultations on tailoring to badges and from clothes to bags. See you soon.
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服のお直し相談会 12/6 10:00 - 18:00 〒376-0101 群馬県みどり市大間々町大間々1466 instagram : @nanashi_oomama
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mamedorilabo · 6 months
Winter has come.
Winter has finally arrived here. This is the view around 7:50 after I dropped off my son (he is six years old) at the bus stop. In Japan, it is normal to walk to elementary school, but our school is very far from the school, so a school bus picks him up and takes him there. ついにここにも冬が来ました。息子を送った後、朝7:50くらいのうちの周り。
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Our house is a former weaving studio, so it is very cold without sunlight. And since Japanese windows are aluminum sash, it is very cold ;(
I make curtains to block the cold air from the windows. I like natural light, so I didn't want it to be dim, but the cold is not an option. I decided to enjoy the shadows until it gets warmer. I decorate with plants picked from my morning walk.
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Today I took pictures of the finished piece today and uploaded it to the web store I can't wait to install the wood stove!
Have a good day!
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mamedorilabo · 6 months
November life in Japan, Gunma
急に寒さが深まったここ、群馬県みどり市の小平です。  展示会が終わり、制作や冬支度に忙しくしています。Recently it’s become cold in Kodaira, Midori City, Gunma Prefecture. My exhibition is over and I am busy creating artworks, grashic design work, and preparing for winter.
たまには作品についてでなく、日本の暮らしについて書いてみます。私たち家族は日本でも山間に住んでいます。とにかく広い場所で制作したくてこのうちに引っ越してきました。Sometimes I write not about my works but about life in Japan.Our family lives in the countryside near the mountains in Japan.We moved here because we wanted to create in a large place anyway.
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これは私が柿渋染めに使っている柿で、写真に写っているのは食べごろの柿です。染めに使うものはこれとは違い渋柿で、青いものを使用します。This is a persimmon I use for persimmon tannin dyeing, and the one in the photo is a ready-to-eat persimmon. The same persimmon I use for dyeing is an astringent persimmon, and I use one that has not yet ripened.
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日本の冬といえば柚。The best thing to eat in winter in Japan is yuzu.It is sour like a lemon and can be processed into jam or squeezed into something to eat with its juice.
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このブログを読んでくれている人は知っていると思いますが、私の作品は古い布を使っています。100年以上前のものがほとんどです。 写真はまだ着物の状態。これを解くところから作品作りは始まります。If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that my work is made of old fabrics, most of which are over 100 years old. The photo is still in kimono. The process of making my work begins with unraveling it.
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左の写真は錘として使っているもの。これは組紐を作るのに使われていたもので、古道具屋で買いました。These one in the photo on the left are what I use as a weight. This was used to make kumi-himo (braided cords) and was purchased at an antique store.
ちなみに日本でストライプのことを「縞」と言います。島々=インドネシア諸島から持ち込まれた模様だからこう呼ばれるようになったそうです。Incidentally, stripes are called "shima" in Japan. (Shima means island). It is said that it is called this because the pattern was brought from the islands = Indonesian archipelago.
それでは今日はこの辺で。また。See you all soon. Stay warm if you are in the northern hemisphere. For those of you in the southern hemisphere, enjoy the coming summer!
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mamedorilabo · 7 months
Solo exhibition "Until now and from now on" started on October 7.
Solo exhibition "Until now and from now on" started on October 7. Since I am always surrounded by the color of wood, I feel very fresh to see my creations in a pure white space. 10月7日からことりと..さんで始まった個展「いままでもこれからも」。 いつも木の色に囲まれている私にとって、真っ白な空間で作品を見るのはとても新鮮に感じます。
I am not trying to convey Japanese-ness or the value of old things as antiques. I just want to use cloth that can still be used in "today's life. We don't wear Kimonos in daily life today, but it would be a waste to throw away cloth that is still usable. The pure white space conveys this straightforwardly. 私は日本らしさを伝えたいわけでも、骨董品としての古いものの価値を伝えたいわけでもない。 ただ、"今の暮らし "に使える布を使いたい。今の日常生活で着物を着ることはないけれど、まだ使える布を捨てるのはもったいない。 真っ白な空間がそれをストレートに伝えてくれているような気がしました。
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There are many different types of sashiko stitching. There are many patterns, which are now also applied as decoration only. I especially like sashiko stitching that is not decorative, but for repair or to add strength. There is a reason I do stitching on coasters, placemats, and pot holders. Sashiko stitching causes the fabric to ripple. That softens the impact of the glass when you put it on the table and prevents heat from being transferred to your hands and table. 刺し子にも色々な種類があります。 模様を描くものもたくさんあり、今では装飾のみとしても施されています。 私は特に装飾的ではない、補修や強度を増すための刺し子が好きです。 私がコースターやプレイスマット、鍋つかみに刺し子をしているのには理由があります。 刺し子をすると布が波打ちます。それでグラスを置いた時の衝撃を和らげたり、手やテーブルに熱が伝わるのを防いでいるのです。
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I am not comfortable calling what I have created a "work of art". This is because it is not a big deal, a "work of art. I make things that we use as a matter of course in our daily lives. I hope it will enrich someone's busy life. That is how I feel. The person who buys the product also makes repairs, and then it becomes his/her "work of art". 私が自分の作ったものを「作品」と呼ぶことには抵抗があります。 なぜなら、それは「芸術品」というような大層なものではないからです。 暮らしの中で当たり前のように使うものを作っている。それが誰かの忙しい暮らしの潤いになれば。 商品を買ってくれた人また補修をして、そしてその人の「作品」になっていくのだと思います。 そんな感覚です。
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写真はワークショップの様子と出来上がった作品。まるで夜空のようです。These photos show the workshop and the works of the participants.It lools like the night sky!
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mamedorilabo · 8 months
My exhibition & Kakishibu dyeing
こんにちは。 この地に引っ越してきて半年、もうすぐ秋になろうとしています。
Hello. It's been 6 months since I moved here and it's almost fall.
Although the days are still hot (Japanese summers are really wet & hot!) ), I can feel that autumn is approaching when I look at the dye process of the persimmon tannin.
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My lovely friend purchased a my works' gown made of linen and dyed with persimmon tannin.
These are called myoga, Japanese summer herb, eaten pickled in vinegar. It can also be eaten raw.
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私は本当に柿渋染めの色が大好きなので、布をどんどん染めなくてはと焦ります。 そしてこちらは最近の制作風景。柿渋が鉄と反応すると黒くなる事を利用して模様を描いています。
I really love the colors of persimmon tannin dyeing and I am in a hurry to dye more and more fabric.
And these pics are recent work in progress. I draw patterns using the fact that persimmon tannin turns black when it reacts with iron.
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The deep black charcoal color, which is not just black, is very beautiful. And it seems to have a very strong water repellent effect. さて、展示に向けてラストスパート! 国内ではこちら。
MAMEDORI LABO. solo exhibition
ギャラリー水巣 新潟県柏崎市松波3丁目3-3-28
Next my exhibition in Japan is
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その後、イギリスのセレクトショップ Beautiful fashion freal lab. さんへたくさんの作品を送ります。Beautiful fashion freak lab.とMAMEDORI LABO.の限定コラボ商品も制作中。 イギリスの皆様、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。
After that, I will send a lot of works to a select store Beautiful freak fashion lab. in England. I'm also working on a limited collaboration product between Beautiful freak fashion lab. and MAMEDORI LABO. Thank you very much for your kind attention to me in the UK.
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mamedorilabo · 1 year
Glad to have visitors
彼はカナダ人で、現在は日本に住み、藍染めや織りをしています。また、蚕の飼育や生糸の紡績も行っています。 お二人とも、とても素敵な方です!
A visitor(the woman who to see my work,so I am glad) to our recent antique market came again with a friend and weaving teacher.
In the middle of the photo is Bryan Whitehead.
He is a Canadian who now lives in Japan and works as an indigo dyer and weaver. He also raises silkworms and spins raw silk. Both of them are very nice!
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彼はカナダ人で、現在は日本に住み、藍染めや織りをしています。また、蚕の飼育や生糸の紡績も行っています。 お二人とも、とても素敵な方です!
ブライアンさんを「日本文化の担い手」「日本人より日本人らしい」「日本語が上手」とは言いたくありません。 布を作ること、自分の服を作ること、糸を紡ぐこと、植物から色を取ることは、国境や人種とは関係がないからです。 ブライアンさんのインタビューを読むと、私が考えていたことと同じことを言っていました。 宮大工になろうと思っていたこと、さらには、広告のデザインをしたり、絵を描いたりしていたこと!(私は現役のグラフィックデザイナー、イラストレーターです。)
話は戻りますが、お二人は我が家の納屋を隅々まで見て、いろいろと買ってくださいました。 自分が使いきれない糸や道具が、形にしてくれる人のところへ行くのは、本当に嬉しいことです!
私はとにかく何かを作るのが好きで、古布で服を作ったり紙でステイショナリーを作ったりしています。 畑では野菜やハーブを作っています。廃油で石鹸を作ったり、ハーブでお香を作ったり。私の作品にまつわるもので作っていないのは、紙と布だけかも笑。 今作っているものを極める事で、今回の人生は精一杯。 誰かが作ってくれた素敵な布や紙を、精一杯活かせるように精進します!
I don't want to say that Bryan is a "bearer of Japanese culture" or "more Japanese than the Japanese" or "speaks good Japanese.  Because making cloth, making your own clothes, spinning yarns, and getting colors from plants have nothing to do with national borders or race. When I read the interview with Bryan, he said the same thing I had been thinking. It is the same thing that I was thinking of becoming a palace carpenter, and even the same thing that I was thinking of doing, designing advertisements and drawing pictures! (I'm an active graphic designer and illustrator)
Bryan’s interview
Bryan’s studio blog
Back to the story, the two of them looked at every inch of our barn and bought many things. I am so glad that these threads and tools that I can't use in my life are now going to people who can give them shape!
Two people told me. They told me, "Why don't you weave too?
I really like to make something,I make clothes from old fabrics and stationery from paper. In the field, I grow vegetables and herbs, make soap with waste oil and incense with herbs.Maybe the only things related to my work that I haven't made are paper and fabric:) By mastering what I am making now, I am doing the best I can with my life this time. I will devote myself to making the most of the wonderful cloth and paper that someone has made for me!
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mamedorilabo · 1 year
kakishibu(persimmon tunnin)
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この化学染料にはない、なんともいえない茶色です。 柿渋で染めたものを鉄媒染すると、これまた黒に近い何とも言えない色になります。
The other day I wrote that I like white, and then, without much pause, I write this.
I like the colour dyed with persimmon tannin.
It is an indescribable brown colour that this chemical dye does not have. When dyed with persimmon tannin and then iron-mordanted, the colour also becomes indescribable, almost black.
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渋柿を若いうちに潰して水で発酵させた液で染めることを柿渋染めといいます。 渋柿の代表的な利用例は皮革のタンニン鞣しではないでしょうか。
Dyeing with liquid made by crushing astringent persimmons when young and fermenting them in water is called persimmon tannin dyeing. A typical example of the use of tannin is tanning of leather. Cloth dyed with persimmon tannin is more durable and has antiseptic and mothproof properties. It also has waterproofing properties, so much so that in old Japan, paper was repeatedly coated with it to make rain umbrellas. Even today, it is used as a stencil for dyeing tenugui.(Please search for “Ise katagami”.
1度目の染めではオレンジがかったピンク色に。それを日光に当てまた染めるを繰り返し色が茶色へと変化します。日に当てるほど深い色になってゆきます。 初めのうちは硬いのですが、着込んでいく事で柔らかくなっていきます。
When first dyed, it turns orangey-pink. It is then exposed to sunlight and dyed again and again until it turns brown. The more it is exposed to sunlight, the darker the colour becomes. The fabric is stiff at first, but becomes softer with use.
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そんな大好きな柿渋染めですが、欠点は縫う時にとても硬い事と、なんと言ってもその臭い笑!! でも安心してください。私の作品は臭いが抜けてから売っています。
I love persimmon tannin dyeing, but its drawbacks are that it is very stiff when sewing and, what can I say, its smell ! My family seems to be very annoyed when I am dyeing:) But don't worry. I sell my work after the smell is gone.
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mamedorilabo · 1 year
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all the time.
I like white clothes even though I often accidentally spill coffee and other things on them.
I like old white fabrics as much as I like new white fabrics.
Perhaps it is because the absence of color makes the threads stand out.
In old Japan, work clothes were dyed with indigo. This was because it was highly effective in repelling insects. Also, in olden times, most people in Japan were farmers, except for merchants, warriors, and craftsmen, so their everyday clothes were work clothes.
I think it was the same in all countries where daily clothes = work clothes.
The more one traces the history of clothing of different countries and ethnic groups, the more interesting it becomes. I am particularly fascinated by French work clothes.
Was it necessary to gather so much for work clothes? I am in love with the beautiful handwork that is so detailed and beautiful that it makes me feel faint.
My favorite white and work clothes. I love white and work clothes, what's not to love?
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Perhaps it is because it is something you wear every day that you were particular about it.
White and navy go well together.
Japanese and French fabrics from the same period are matched and repaired where they were tattered.
Antique white linen used as sheets and old Japanese plaid yukata fabric were combined to make an apron dress. Of course, it was gathered generously like French vintage wear.
Japanese yukata = pajamas. Many are not dyed with indigo.
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Recently, I am in the mood to wear it with casual outfits such as old T-shirts, denim, and military pants.
I'll keep one for myself.
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mamedorilabo · 1 year
Studio and Residence Moves
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We moved in at the end of March.It was used as a weaving & natural dying classroom until March.
Everywhere there were wonderful weaving-related objects made of wood, the wood used to make them, beautiful raw silk, and the works of art made by the students.
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↑これだけ細い糸を12メートルも手で織るのは気が遠くなります!It is daunting to weave 12 meters of such fine yarn by hand!
But! The classroom instructors were replaced, the many chemicals, threads, and machines were kept and used on a smaller scale, and the main building had not been cleaned up significantly in 25 years.(It is so dirty that I will not post pictures.And it smells terrible.)Decades-old appliances cannot be taken back because the store of purchase is unknown, and if you want the government to dispose of them, you must transport them yourself.
We are busy cleaning, making furniture from recyclable materials we have found in the property, and painting the walls with paint that also absorbs moisture.
But what is most interesting is that I cried and discarded one part of the large number of old tools that were in this house, and when I opened my own luggage, I found the same thing there! I guess I really have the same orientation as the people who lived in this house.
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Although it is still a work in progress, here are some before and afters.
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 ↑before↓after / kitchen
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↑before↓after / my studio & son’s room
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↑My studio & son’s room
きょうは寒いのでカーテンをつくるのでこの辺で! Life is not all that can be shown in pictures.Socks that have been taken off, furniture that is not the right color or shape, things that are not used but cannot be thrown away.
It is cold today and I am going to make curtains now!
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