mau-creates · 4 months
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It's been a while! Work has been busy haha. Been working on crochet stuff in the background, though, so will be posting updates soon. Will probably post some book-related stuff soon, too ^^
Quick render of a recent kitty design I bought. Still deciding on a name for her, though the working one is Zinnia. She's a chocolate point girlie, her rainbow stripes are dyed with various plants and berries. You can see her full design on ToyHouse.
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mau-creates · 4 months
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Picked up a duvet cover project I started months ago and finally finished the first row of squares. My first project with overlay crochet :) pattern is Witty Kitty done in bulky yarn, specifically Yarnart Merino Bulky. Now to put it away for another few months before I do the next row of squares LOL
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mau-creates · 4 months
Another small project. Stash buster to use up some of my leftover blanket yarn. Still have a bit of the pink and green, but didn’t want the bed to get too big for the windowsill :)
No pattern, just made a rectangle with lemon peel stitch (alternate SC and DC, then DC into SC and SC into DC), then folded in half and HDC around :)) chips already likes it, Jum is skeptical.
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mau-creates · 4 months
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Small crochet project :) arm warmers up to my elbows without thumb holes. I slightly modified this pattern to have ribbing on both ends. I also narrowed the pattern at the wrists —did 31 rows sc 2ch, then did decrease row by chaining just one between sc.
As all my recent projects, I used Yarnart Pacific Chunky. Got a really good price on it so I bought a good amount LOL
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mau-creates · 4 months
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Forgot to update after sharing these sketches since I finally worked out markings. Might remove the marking on the bald section of their tail, still deciding. Sketchy ref for my revamped secondary ‘sona, Lost. They represent my mental health — they over groom with strong negative emotions, sometimes to the point of being completely hairless, other than the fur on their head. They’re a Lykoi and I love them.
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mau-creates · 4 months
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More cardigan progress from today. While my experience making this project has largely been annoyance and frustration, I’m really liking how it looks and sits on me. Very comfy. Finished the collar today, made and seamed the sleeves. Also spent like 40 minutes twisting yarn into rope for the lacing on the back. All that’s left is pockets, finishing the edging so that the faux fur collar flows better, and weaving in ends. Photos aren’t the best, but I’ll try and get better ones when I finally finish this thing lol. I live alone and there’s one corridor in my house that has a big mirror and gets vaguely decent light.
In brighter news, I made too much of the rope for lacing, and Jum thinks it’s the best toy ever.
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mau-creates · 4 months
Tagged by @blorbologist
Last song listened to:
Someone Like Me, Dirt Poor Robins
Currently reading:
Bloody Spade, by Brittany M. Willows (sci-fi fantasy) Unnatural Causes by Richard Shepherd (nonfiction audiobook) 10% Happier by Dan Harris (nonfiction psychology)
Currently watching:
Dimension 20: Burrow's End
Currently obsessed with:
A number of things, surprisingly. Getting back into reading actual books (as opposed to fanfic), crocheting is going smoothly and is almost a daily activity, plus got back into digital art, which I've also been pretty consistent about :))
I'm pretty new, so I'll tag some off-site friends lol @wynnefic @jadejabberwock <3
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mau-creates · 4 months
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Another Chips-mandated crochet break. This part of the pattern has more herringbone double crochets than I hoped 😭 cat cuddles came at an opportune time ahah.
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mau-creates · 5 months
WIP shots of a long-suffering crochet project, feat my cat-mandated break. I’m so fucking happy to be don’t with the main rectangle of this cocoon shrug, even though I’m not totally done with herringbone half-double crochet, as I need to elongate the back so it fits me better 😭 at least it’s way less stitches. You can see the place I accidentally went up in 0.5mm in hook size, but given I’ll be seaming along the edge, and this is a shrug, I didn’t see the point of spending the time on blocking. Let’s hope it doesn’t come back to bite me in the arse later. Like my last project, this is all in Yarnart Pacific Chunky, just in the blue/red/purple colourway.
You can find the pattern here!
I was in the middle of seaming when Cheese Chips decided it was time for him to get attention and not my project 😅 main reason I’m posting a WIP right now, as he’s not really letting me move LOL
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mau-creates · 5 months
I try to keep track of all the stuff I post with tags. This blog is mostly OC, but there might be an occasional repost relevant to my content. I’ll do my best to tag trigger warnings. Please send in an ask or DM me if you’d like me to tag something in future. Please keep in mind that I’m an adult and may post mature content at times, though it’ll always be tagged and highly unlikely to be NSFW.
Category tags are linked at the bottom of this post. My current content is art, crochet, and reading. I’ll also occasionally post content related to my cats. They’ll be tagged both with the #cats tag, and their names, #Cheese Chips and #Jumanji. Also have a general about me tag in case someone cares.
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mau-creates · 5 months
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Currently reading my second LGBT fantasy/sci-fi book of the year. I'm really enjoying it so far, though I'm only a few chapters in. I don't really read much YA anymore, but I don't regret picking this one up (it's on KU, for those subscribed!). It really feels like reading an action adventure manga, but as a book. The playing card thematics are fun, and the setup, like in a lot of good manga, is quite intriguing. Leaving a quote and a summary of the book below!
"Then there were those who walked the line somewhere in between—people like Iori, who weren’t quite sure where they belonged. But in a society obsessed with black and white, gray didn’t fly. Gray was unpredictable."
A girl full of heart  A thief touched by darkness  A boy with a fiery temper  An unwitting servant of evil
The era of magic was once thought to be a myth, but after the Reemergence ushered forces both dark and light into the mundane world, it has since become a harsh reality. Now those affected by this strange power—a specialized group of Empowered called Jokers, known collectively as Cardplay—must protect their world from the darkness that threatens to consume it, all the while fighting for equality in a society clinging to normalcy.
But the Reemergence was only the beginning.
When another influx occurs on the seventh anniversary of that fateful event, an unfortunate encounter at ground zero lands Iori Ryone, a teenage boy in possession of a corrupt and legendary magic, in the care of recent Joker graduate Ellen Amelia Jane. From him, she learns the Reemergence may not have been the inevitable natural disaster it first seemed.
Someone is trying to tear down the barrier that separates the magical realms from the mundane. The question is, can Cardplay stop them before it’s too late?
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mau-creates · 5 months
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Been working on revamping a beloved 'sona of mine, as their design became too similar to my current (and, fingers crossed) permanent design of my main 'sona, Mau. Lost is now a scrunkly perpetual scruffy teenager of a Lykoi cat. Still perpetually anxious, though!
Just need to work out how to simplify and adapt their markings to play nicely with the increased amount of fur, as they used to be mostly bald.
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mau-creates · 5 months
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Recently finished this lovely crochet shawl! Pattern can be found here. I made it out of Yarnart Pacific Chunky, and, as a result, it's very cosy from the wool content which is exactly what I was going for. Followed the pattern pretty exactly, just added some length and width so it fit me a bit better :)
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