nexas-hart · 2 years
The Role Initiative
…I just woke up from a dream in which there was an app that notified you when nearby LARPs needed an NPC, and you could, like, go pretend to be a surly shopkeeper or whatever and get paid, like, $10 for it.
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nexas-hart · 2 years
I just had a thought.
Do you think that, when he went back in time to be with Peggy, Steve Rogers ever got annoyed with people and like pre-spoiled different media for them?
Like someone would tick him off and he'd just go:
"Darth Vader is Luke's father."
And the dude would have no idea what Steve is talking about because Star Wars won't come out for another one or two decades, but when it does and the guy hears the name Darth Vader (Because it's not a very common name) he'll recall his conversation with Steve and just go "That motherfucker."
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nexas-hart · 2 years
Along with a single cargo ship failing to line up at all.
Whenever I do worldbuilding I try to keep this image in mind
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nexas-hart · 2 years
Wasn't there an apple already involved in a few major religions. From what I know, it didn't end well then either.
Part of Apple's new terms include "do not post incorrect things about religious texts" but even scholars of religious texts often disagree on the actual content or intent behind them. Apple has therefore declared itself the arbiter of the true word of God. 🤔
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nexas-hart · 2 years
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A venn diagram of the Batfam.
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nexas-hart · 2 years
I've been playing the Kingdom Hearts series for a while. I enjoy it a lot. However, what it basically amounts to is a Disney and Final Fantasy crossover fanfic whose plot devices and original characters have to be able to fit comfortably in both universes.
When you consider it like that, they do a good job of creating the joint universes and intermingling two arguably different tones of the fantasy genre, even if some of the plot devices tend to be a bit out there.
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play Kingdom Hearts
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nexas-hart · 2 years
I love how all of the Batman villains are like “ah he’s not at the manor, it’s defenseless! and then alfred just racks an AK-47 and is like pull up bitch
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nexas-hart · 3 years
Due to the inflation of the American dollar, we will now be paying our employees in Trident Layers.
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nexas-hart · 3 years
Rise of the Guardians: The Linchpin that is Sandman
First of all, I would like to say that Rise of the Guardians is an amazing movie that I regularly rewatch whenever the urge strikes me. After one such rewatch, a thought occurred to me.
Why did the Boogeyman target the Sandman first?
It could've been that he thought it was easiest to corrupt the sand and turn it into nightmares. Maybe it was because, out of the two Guardians that don't have singular days that represent them, he felt it would be better to stay under the radar by not targeting the one that relies on actual sentient beings- the tooth fairies- to operate. Any missing fairies would've probably been reported and therefore alerted the Guardians to their presence. However, I think that there's also another reason why Sandy had to go first. It's because he's the key to keeping the Guardians alive.
Sure, he keeps all of the kids asleep while they do their thing every night. He makes sure that none of them are disturbed while fairies flit around their heads to take teeth from their pillows. He makes sure that Santa and his helpers aren't caught as they sneak into houses across the planet to deliver presents. He makes sure that nobody notices when brightly decorated Easter Eggs literally walk into people's houses and yards for the good little boys and girls to find. Still, there is one component to all of this that he is solely responsible for. Something that none of the other Guardians have much of a role to play in.
The Sandman affects the adults.
Now, I am acting under the belief that, like with most movies, the parents do not believe in all of the fairy tales that they tell their kids. Except for the few people that might've witnessed the Guardians firsthand, all of them have "grown out" of waiting for Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. How then do they explain all of the things that happen at night that are caused by the Guardians?
Easy. Their dreams.
While the parents sleep, Sandman makes them dream. Both of them dream that one of them sneaks into the child's room at night to place a coin under their pillow. They just happen to misplace the tooth sometime in the coming weeks, but that isn't a big deal.
They dream that they sneak downstairs to hide colorfully decorated eggs all over the yard.
They dream that they sneak out all of the presents from their hiding spots on Christmas night, taking bites from cookies and drinking the milk left out. If there are a few more presents than they had initially counted, that's just them being forgetful. And a couple of tufts of yeti fur go unnoticed amongst the large collection of wrapping paper and ribbons.
Sandman gives the adults dreams that allow them their own comfort in their disbelief. Dreams so realistic that grown adults just believe they're real. Something that, if it wasn't there, would cause even greater panic than just simply having a couple of bad dreams.
Sandman doesn't just protect the kids' dreams. He protects the adults' as well.
Sandman is the first line of defense for protecting the humans. The vanguard of the Guardians and the one that the very personification of fear and evil fears the most.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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nexas-hart · 3 years
James “Rhodey” Rhodes Crossover AU
Okay, so, stay with me on this. It’s something that I thought of after rewatching a particular movie a little while ago.
After the Snap, Rhodey decides to retire from the military and the Avengers, just like his best friend. He doesn’t necessarily cut off all contact with them, they still talk a decent amount, but he also isn’t the most active in his communication with anyone except Tony and Pepper. Still, now that he’s out of the military and heroism, he wants to find some way to help others. However, it’s when he hears that Pepper is pregnant with her and Tony’s kid that he finally realizes what he wants to do.
When the Snap occurred, so many children were displaced and became orphans. Rhodey applies to become a social worker, going through the approval process and eventually being able to help those children find places to stay. It’s not always the best conditions, but he does try his best.
Through his job, he meets a nice woman, a teacher. She doesn’t recognize him at first. He was a decorated military leader and a regular sight when it comes to the Avengers, but he was usually only ever seen in his suit, which kind of has a big metal helmet covering his face. Still, they hit it off, and she gains an interest in him as a person before she recognizes him from his past exploits. They date and then he eventually marries her. It was a small thing, not crowded. Her family was a little shocked when they saw Tony Stark standing as their new son-in-law’s best man.
They both move on with their lives together. Helping kids in the best way they know how. That is until something interesting happens.
He’s assigned to this pair of kids. Siblings. An older teenage girl with a troublemaking and headstrong attitude a mile long; and young boy who’s intelligence, inventiveness, and natural engineering abilities get help his sister with their antics. Their parents died after the Snap, two of the many casualties that occurred from the aftermath of the disappearance of half of all life on Earth.
Something about the two kind of pulled Rhodes in. He thinks it might be the fact that they remind him of a certain troublemaking genius that he had to deal with college and most of his adult life. They just happened to be split into two people this time.
They’d moved through a couple of homes before he found one that was willing. They weren’t the most caring, but Rhodey knows for a fact that the couple that he put them with weren’t abusive.
Despite this, the kids were regularly at the police station for various different misdemeanors. The officers have long since gotten used to the sight of Rhodey coming into the station to pick up the occasional troublemaker, and the man himself continues to cover for these two kids, allowing them to stay in their current foster home without their foster parents knowing.
Then, he finally finds it. A perfect home for them to live in. They’re willing to accept older kids and seem like the kindest people, from the reviews coming from the other social workers and some of their former charges. However, despite the multiple cases of the kids expressing their wish to leave their current housing situation, they actually say no when he brings this up to them. A few days later, Rhodey figures out why.
The two children had become a major part of a large animal hoarding scandal. Countless stray dogs were found in a multistory, abandoned building. Animal control took control and the police placed them under arrest for a time. They were released, but their foster parents’ refused to take them back. They kids had apparently been stealing different items in order to use in their exploits.
Rhodey, with the other family he had lined up now no longer an option, had no choice but to send the two kids to two seperate gender specific orphanages. Ones that have been overcrowded and underfunded since the Snap.
It’s not a few days later that he gets this feeling. That he wants to know a bit more about just what those kids were up to. With what is probably more than a bit of influence from hanging out with Tony Stark, he completely ignores the police tape at the building and heads inside. There, he finds out just how much work was put into this place. Just how much love and care was put into providing for the needs of the dogs that the kids brought there.
Just as suddenly, a rush of paws is heard as the dogs all run back into the building, despite supposedly being at the pound just hours before. In the entrance of the building; police, animal control, press, and citizens crowd as they follow the dogs in. He sees his wife in the crowd, as well as he two kids that he’d come to care so much about. Using the calm confidence he’s come to possess from working in the military, as a superhero, and as a social worker, he calms the crowd and manages to show them the love, compassion, and care that these kids gave each and every dog they found.
As the press and public rush inside to see the place itself, Rhodey goes to his wife. He’s about to open his mouth, but she already knows what he’s going to say. She agrees completely, but James knows there are still a few things that have to be done, and quickly.
He calls his best friend, Tony Stark, and asks for the man’s help. Tony immediately accepts without even hearing what he’s helping with, but when Rhodey explains the situation to him, the billionaire is even more enthusiastic. He claims that it’ll just be an extension on the wedding gift that he gave Rhodey. The house was a little on the cheap side for the rich business owner’s taste anyways.
So, with that funding, James and his two newly adopted children buy and refurbish the building. They make it a haven for strays and a place where people can bring their own dogs in order to be given a fine and luxurious stay.
James “Rhodey” Rhodes becomes the first owner of the Hotel for Dogs.
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nexas-hart · 3 years
I didn't know what to expect, but I wasn't disappointed.
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nexas-hart · 3 years
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nexas-hart · 4 years
I feel like I should be rowing a viking ship through the remnants out of a storm, surging triumphantly through the choppy waters with this blasting from the heavens.
Pirates of the Caribbean/Skyrim Mashup by flipboit4midles.
(Bask in the awesomeness of this.)
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nexas-hart · 4 years
Morticia is eventually declared a master alchemist due to her knowledge of poisons (and by extension their antidotes).
Gomez is brought back to Hogwarts as an assistant dueling instructor. He might not know magic, but he will make sure they know proper dueling etiquette.
They eventually find out that, not only have the Addams family found every single secret passageway into the school, but they have also been let onto the grounds by a sympathetic half-giant who cares for Harry like his own and has a similar opinion on "misunderstood" creatures.
Pugsley meets the Weasley twins. Chaos ensues.
Prompt I will never do anything with: instead of being given to the Dursleys, Harry Potter is put up for adoption and is adopted by the Addams Family
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nexas-hart · 4 years
Snape infiltrated the Dark Lord’s inner circle in order to defeat the organization from the inside. Risking his life every single day he did so. For that, he is probably one of the bravest characters in the books.
However, he also became the worst fear of a student whose parents were tortured by a different Death Eater to the point of insanity. He threatened to feed what he knew was poison to a child’s pet.
He regularly harasses a single house and plays blatant favoritism towards his own.
He mocks Hermione simply for her intelligence.
He destroys the reputation and future of a fellow order member and lets the person who framed another order member for the murder of a woman he claims to have loved get away during a time when Voldemort had no inkling of returning.
He torments the child of that very same “loved” woman for fame that it’s obvious throughout most of the books that he clearly would rather be without.
I can understand his hatred towards Sirius and childhood trauma towards him for almost being turned by Remus as a kid, but he invented a potion specifically to combat that and made it so that the threat towards anyone from Remus was almost nonexistent.
Even with all of that, he still held onto what basically amounts to a high school rivalry between James and Snape. They both traded blows, casting spells against each other. Despite that, even after James saves Snape during the werewolf incident, the Slytherin still keeps seething over the grudge he seems to have developed.
It shows in the books that, while James matured and moved on from his childish ways, Snape stayed trapped in his memories of Hogwarts. He had plenty of accomplishments in potions that could’ve revolutionized the entire curriculum, but he didn’t pursue any of them. He’s the equivalent of a genius scientist stewing in his own loathing because of the jock that bullied him in high school.
In conclusion:
Snape is a brave man.
He is also a crybaby man-child who is so stuck in the past that he probably wouldn’t need a time turner in the first place.
Brave man? Yes. Is it enough to make up for years of being a trash heap of a human being? No.
Harry should’ve found someone different to name his kid after.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
can we just talk about the time that Lupin was recovering from a full moon and Snape taught the DADA class and made all the students write essays on how to kill werewolves for Lupin to read when he got back I hate Snape so much it’s not funny
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nexas-hart · 4 years
Does anyone else see similarities between Tony Stark in the MCU and Kuzco from Emperor's New Groove, or is that just me?
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nexas-hart · 4 years
Marvel Neighborhood Watch
We all talk about how the emergency services, like the police and fire departments, help the heroes with various villains. That's great, I really enjoy seeing them taking an active role in fighting against supervillains because they can help out once they get used to dealing with the more science fiction sides of their occupations.
However, what I am picturing is what happens when the citizens themselves just get tired of all of the rampant destruction some of these villains create.
In most of the neighborhoods and communities I've live in over the years, we've had something called the "neighborhood watch". It's supposed to be an organization of various members of the community that help keep crime and various other violations down in the area.
Some of the places I've been had people who just used it as an excuse to nitpick at things they didn't like about people or houses around them; but others actually did help with the health, safety, and general wellness of the community. Most of them were just a few of the more permanently housed members meeting up every few weeks to discuss things that might help the neighborhood or anything potentially dangerous they might have seen in the area. Others, though, were a lot more organized. They would have group chats and different roles. They'd discuss emergency plans in case of fire and blizzards. They'd talk with their neighbors about different things they struggled with and ways to assist. Some of them didn't even call it a neighborhood watch, it was just a good community effort to help others.
I'm not sure if New York or any of the big cities in Marvel would have things like that, although they might have something similar.
I just see the civilians in those cities hearing a crash around the block and thinking "Oh, it's Tuesday, must be Doctor Doom and the Fantastic Four." They help any new residents or tourists get somewhere safe and that's that. Then, they get together with a few of their friends and start coming up with evacuation plans and teaching ways to reinforce various places to minimize housing damage in the inevitable fallout. Eventually, they start supporting the heroes after the fight with first aid kits for injuries or tool boxes for broken tech.
Soon after that, someone sees one of the heroes break open a fire hydrant to douse an electric or fire villain in water and they start thinking. There are a lot of villains with glaring weaknesses. He gets a large pipe wrench from the hardware store and a fire hose from his friend at the station. Then, he starts talking with the other members of the watch.
They discuss the risks and dangers of the different villains and the response times of the heroes and law enforcement. Then, they set a plan for when they should cut their losses and evacuate and when they have a chance to stay and fight. They of course decide it's wiser to run more often than not, especially if said villain happens to be trying out some new nefarious technology or scheme. However, next time Spider-Man swings into the area to battle Electro, he finds the man already soaking wet and wrapped in insulated bindings, with a citizen on standby with a still dripping fire hose.
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