nicolecoverdale · 8 months
Well, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Life has been a bit crazy. Since my last update, I’ve moved, been dealing with some personal matters, but now, I am back on track… finally!!!
The last few days I’ve been working on Wanted, the second book in Escape from Dollhouse Manor. I’m sixteen chapters in, and I’m really liking this story. The hope is to have it out by the end of the years. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
I’m also working on redoing, The Randolph Saga. After writing Hunted, I knew I could make it better. Though, I did need to step back from it. Take a bit of a breather. I’ll be returning back to that soon.
As always, thanks for your patience and I’ll post again soon!
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nicolecoverdale · 1 year
New covers are on the way for The Randolph Saga and The Rise of the Witches (formerly The Wiccan Way) should be released within the next month or so…
I’ve been reading through Fearless and cleaning it up a bit. I’m now in the process of writing two sequels to Fearless. In Pursuit and Defense. Hopefully will be releasing these later this year.
I’m also working on Wanted, the next installment of Escape from Dollhouse Manor. If you haven’t, please go to my website www.nicolecoverdale.com and sign up for my newsletter. All news is released there first.
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nicolecoverdale · 1 year
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Happy release day! Hunted is now available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited!
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nicolecoverdale · 1 year
Hey guys! I know it’s been a while... I’ve had a lot going on though! The Wiccan Way series... well it’s no more. It’s now, The Rise of the Witches and new covers will be revealed next month. Along with that, The Randolph Saga will be getting a bit of a makeover, so watch out for more information. Finally, my new series, Escape from Dollhouse Manor is well in the works. The first book in the series, Hunted, is now available for preorder! So, if you get a chance, check it out!
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nicolecoverdale · 2 years
Hi ya’ll!
It’s been a little while, hasn’t it? It’s been a chaotic year and a half to say the least, but this year, I’m planning on quite a few releases. Beginning with, the first in my latest suspense series, Escape from Dollhouse Manor.
If you’re a fan of whodunnit mysteries, with a dark vibe, and a touch of horror, you will definitely like this book! It’s available for preorder now.
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nicolecoverdale · 3 years
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What I have coming!
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nicolecoverdale · 3 years
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nicolecoverdale · 3 years
Happy 2021!
Well... it’s been a while since I posted on here. My writing kind of took a backseat when COVID hit, and I’m slowly getting back into it now. So, to let you know what’s going on in the world of books!
The Wiccan Way series is getting a new series name and new covers! Yay! They should all be released before the end of the year. Keep an eye out!
The Randolph Saga will also be getting new covers! Yay! They’ll be released next here sometime.
I’m starting a new series, Escape from Dollhouse Manor. First book in the seris will be released on December 21st! 
I’ll be releasing books for The Wiccan Way and for The Randolph Saga next year. I’ll be posing updates.
Lastly, please make sure to keep checking my website, www.nicolecoverdale.com for any news and updates about what I have going on.
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nicolecoverdale · 4 years
Happy Halloween!
Miya been a while since I’ve posted... you know, 2020 and all. What a year it has been! I hope everyone is keeping safe!
A few updates...
I pushed most of my new releases u til next year. With the way the year’s gone, with the move, my break up, and other things going on this year, I just didn’t have the time to give my writing as much attention as I would have liked. So look for new releases starting in April of 2021.
I do want to address something. I’ve seen a lot of reviewers posting how my series is very close to the tv series, Charmed. While there are a few similarities. For example a group of sisters, magic powers, fighting evil. That is where the similarities end. These are their own characters, with their own share of issues, who are navigating through life. I also love how the family grows, and there are several twists and turns coming up that I can’t wait to share with you!
Have a great holiday and stay safe!
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nicolecoverdale · 4 years
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nicolecoverdale · 4 years
Audio book available!
Hey all! Hope everyone is stayingsafe! Destiny Awaits is now #available in audiobook! I have 25 promo codes for the US marketplace, & 25 promo codes for the UK marketplace. Comment below & I'll send you a code! 
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nicolecoverdale · 4 years
New release coming this August
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As the Morgans’ prepare for the birth of Julie’s babies, the city is engulfed in darkness. Liam is back, and he’s planning something bad. Something sinister, but that’s not all that’s in store for the girls. For Jorja, who is in London, helping Micah must pretend to be his fiance so they can take his family’s company from the demons who have overtaken it.
Pre-order today!
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nicolecoverdale · 4 years
Cover of the month contest!
Bitten is up for the cover of the month contest on Allauthor! I would really appreciate your vote!
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nicolecoverdale · 4 years
How long is too long to stay in a relationship?
So I’m going to do something a little bit different, and share some personal information about my relationship online. Feedback is welcome, of course!
So to start out with, I have been with my current BF for five years now. Six months ago, we got into a pretty heated fight/discussion which ended up with him telling me he doesn’t want to get married or have kids.
Why? He said he doesn’t want the commitment.
When we first started dating, I knew who he was. He wasn’t the kind of guy who was going to shower me with gifts... I didn’t need that. I don’t believe in material gifts to make someone happy. I knew he didn’t like to travel, that he was a homebody, that he didn’t like to go out and do things... and that didn’t bother me until now.
Now, I’m starting to feel kind of suffocated. Every time I ask him if he wants to go out... he won’t. His answer is, he doesn’t feel like going out. I sometimes work weird hours, so the days we do get to spend together, he ends up sleeping. We can got days without talking. Days without even sharing a kiss... and it seems as if he’s comfortable... and I guess I’m just wondering if this is normal?
Our “fight” started six months ago, because he never goes to any of my family functions. If there’s a birthday part, I’m going alone. If I’m going to dinner with my parents, I’m going alone, and what I told him was, that I don’t expect you to go with me to every dinner or family function, but it would be nice to go with me every once in a while. Shortly afterward, I texted him, telling him he needed to figure out what he wanted, because I want to get married, I want to have kids, and when we talked, he told me that if that’s what I’m looking for, I need to go find it. I’ve given him time to think about it, I thought that was for the best, and now, I’m starting to get things in order for the potential of me being on my own for the first time in five years.
I’m wondering if anyone has any advice? Any similar situations? I would love to hear them!
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nicolecoverdale · 4 years
Started a go fund me fundraiser!
There have been some things going on in my life as of late, that have me a bit down and depressed. Which isshy I am turning for help now. If anyone can help, please go to the link below.
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nicolecoverdale · 4 years
Cover sale!
One of my favorite designers is having a sale! If you are in the market for a book cover, be sure to check them out! https://www.facebook.com/groups/577400456382271/?ref=share
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nicolecoverdale · 4 years
Change in release dates
I’ve made the decision to postpone the releases of Tis the Season and Bitten until after the holidays. Due to my time schedule, it just wasn’t feasible to get a finished product out to the best of my ability, so please look for the new books after the new year. Happy holidays!
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