orangejuicetoast42 · 7 days
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Haven't posted here in a while, have a random doodle page because why not! Enjoy!
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orangejuicetoast42 · 9 months
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Screw it, I felt pretty good about my sketch practice today so I wanted to post it here. I have this dumb fear about others seeing what I draw so it's time to start getting over that!
Not much going on here, just trying to nail down my style and work on expressions, with a little bit of doodling.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 9 months
For once, things were actually going alright. That was probably not a statement Luz should have been celebrating, but lately, she had been questioning a lot of things she once thought she should or shouldn’t do. Or the things she thought she couldn’t do. And honestly, what did those things mean to her?
How much was she willing to put on the line for the happiness of those she cared about? What was she willing to do to show that she was in control now? Is there anything she was willing to let go of in order to move forward?
For right now the one thing she couldn’t let go of was the uneasy feeling from being in a crowd She wasn’t exactly afraid of the people that made up the tour group, her mind never coming close to that thought. But she wasn’t exactly trusting of them either.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 10 months
The official mark that you made it as a fanfic writer!
Huge shout out to VeronicaMagic1214 for making this and always being willing to put up with my ramblings in the comments!
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The fan fiction from "OJtoastLiterature" called "Starry Light" got better and I liked it so much that I started writing fragments in the comments. And then I decided to try to draw something for this fan fiction and that's what happened.
If someone wants to read it, here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42976500
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orangejuicetoast42 · 11 months
Luz was forced to drown throughout the class period, never allowed to take in a breath of air. Though maybe it was better that way. It certainly made time tick by faster.
“Alright you guys, that’s enough for our little contest. It’s clear to see who lost.” Mr. Kurtz jabbed while looking directly at Luz.
“Time to head off to your special class for today, so line up.”
While everyone else hopped up and raced to form a line like usual, Luz was still on autopilot so took a second longer to register the order and comply. Like always, she ended up at the back of the line with Carter in the position before her. Even with his eyes looking elsewhere, she knew his focus was solely on her. So in turn that was one of the two things she could focus on as the class left the room. Putting one foot in front of the other, and the ever-present gaze that cast scorn on her very soul.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 1 year
Yet another difference, Phillip needed control and would make demands of anyone who he felt needed to listen to him. He usually just did it in a way where they didn’t sound like demands, rather strongly advised ideas that made you believe you came up with them. But he wasn’t in the mood to use his usual tactics.
And Coli wasn’t in the mood to call him out for being mean. If that’s the game he wanted to play then they would show him how seriously they took playing.
So no further words were exchanged between the two as Phillip trekked down the hill and toward the town. Though the strained sounds of grunts and heavy breaths that slipped past his lips occasionally filled the silence.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 1 year
Camila expected that she would be doing so for a good five minutes, so she was quite surprised when Luz suddenly shift from her position on the ground and lunged into her arms while burying her gave into the mother’s frame.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-” Luz mumbled in between each hitch in her breathing.
“Shhh, Luz please none of that right now. Just take a big breath for me. Like how I taught you. In for four, out for eight.”
Luz had trouble following the instructions at first, but once Camila started to breathe with her it became easier with each passing minute. Soon the room was no longer filled with the tearful screams of a distressed child but rather the watery hiccups of a child who was exhaustedly slumped into her mother’s arms. 
And the mother was not keen on letting go anytime soon, the talk could wait for another time she didn’t care. All she cared about was making sure her Luz was taken care of, and that didn’t require talking.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 1 year
heHA! Another fellow orange enjoyer! May the orange soon rule over!
Anyways I just decided to slip an slide into here because I caught your tumblr name from the starry light fic, great work btw its a really interesting concept and I think you pulled it off very well!
I just wanted to say keep up the great work and have a great day and or night!
Thanks for reaching out, always glad to meet others who see that orange reins supreme! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed my work and are liking the story so far. Trust me, there is a lot more to come. Hope you have a great day or night as well!
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orangejuicetoast42 · 1 year
The drive over was a standard affair which ended with the usual but never stale kiss on the forehead and exchange of I love you before the car slowly pulled off leaving Luz and Coli to skulk through the halls for another monotonous day. And yes, Luz would describe the day as monotonous even if she wasn’t completely sure about the usage of that word.
School was the same as it always was. The same poorly hidden stares and whispers as Luz walked the halls, the same forced greeting from Mr. Kurtz as she entered his room which would inevitably lead to the same attempts to make her the joke of the class. Rinse and repeat the mockery for a few hours until she was told to stand in the same line to be led away from the torment for at least a short period.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 1 year
As much as she was dreading it, Luz’s return date to school was quickly approaching, now less than a week away. She knew her excused absences from school would only last for so long, but it didn’t feel long enough. The fact that she still had to do homework didn’t help.
“Uggh, math. Just listening to you do it is boring, so doing must be way worse. Don’t you want to play with me instead?”
“Well, yeah…but I can’t. I need to get this stuff done, which shouldn’t be too much longer. Plus, mami says that math is important.”
“That it is, cariño.” Camila agreed, unknowingly startling Luz and Coli. 
The three had been at the kitchen table for some while, though the older Noceda had been so quiet, and the kids had been so focused on their own things that they honestly forgot she was there. She wasn’t usually that much of a loud person, but Camila did tend to become eerily silent when she was focused on something or thinking. That something this time was the stack of papers and invoices she needed to sort and settle. It had been a while since she had to do things like this alone.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 1 year
Luz nodded along and then watched as her mami did as she said needed to be done. The cream was a little itchy but the bandages kind of made her look cool so she didn’t mind. More than anything she was just glad all of these things were getting treated. Speaking of which…
“Oh yeah, mami. I also got a cut on my hand from when I first found Coli’s shard.”
“A cut where, wait what do you mean shard?”
“Yeah look.” Taking her newly wrapped left hand from her mother so that she could transfer the shard to it and show both the piece of glass and her cut. She was expecting her mom to fuss over her hand more but apparently, she had other plans.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 1 year
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You know what we should be doing as fans? We should be getting excited, making countdowns, analyzing the heck outta the new posters and promos for the episode coming out.
We should be making theories, getting hyped up, having watch parties and rewatching the show for the new episode.
But no.
Screenshot leaks of the ending is one thing, leaking the ENTIRE EPISODE is ANOTHER. its bad enough ITunes fucked up THIS bad, but the fans spreading it everywhere with no care in the world? TheOwlClub, a place Dana PROMOTED to people to watch the show on and trusted?
You know why its important to watch the corporate uploads and premiere dates? Because it shows the crew how much you care, because it shows DISNEY how much you care.
Disney has already treated the show poorly as is and if anyone wants a CHANCE of Disney approving of new content for this series and NOT throwing it in the trash you better goddamn support this episode when it premieres.
These are our final episodes, these are episodes we should CHERISH getting to see after everything the crew had to go through and the fact after this the show will be over.
ITunes and Disney are guilty of uploading it for some godamm reason but all of YOU are JUST as guilty for ruining it for everyone else and letting it get even WORSE.
As for TheOwlClub, way to lose everyone's respect for the sake of clout instead of being grateful for the show that brought you to existence. Every mod who agreed to uploading it should be ashamed.
If you participated in the spreading of this mess, don't bother following me, you clearly have shown no respect for creators or artists.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 2 years
Now, Luz was no stranger to getting hurt, she had always been a rather curious kid and that curiosity tended to need a first aid kit and the rare hospital visit to compensate. But this wasn’t on the same pain level as a skinned elbow or instilled the same fear as swallowing a bolt. This was much great than any situation she was in before because it was all hitting her at once.
Luz, a small and vulnerable child, was who knows where in a forest filled with too many dangers to count with no idea how to get out other than a very vague sense of direction. And even if she did know how to get back to the part, she was so overcome by the pain of everything that’s happened that she wasn’t even sure she could make it back.
This would have been a more than fitting time to use one of the bad words her mom scolded her not to use, if not for the fact that all she could do was cry.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 2 years
All Luz wanted was a small escape from a world that sought to keep her in darkness and despair and while her father's parting gift gave them a little bit of light to hold onto it still couldn't stave off the cold that came from her loneliness. All The Collector wanted was to be broken from the restraints that kept them from a world full of the shining stars they once walked among, to play their games with no limits or lies. To have someone who would play fair with him.
In a way, they were both trapped, though one in a literal sense. But maybe being brought together through astronomical events could prove to be a lot more freeing.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 2 years
I really just want to say what’s on mind right now and hope it isn’t too incoherent. 
So, like most I just got finished watching the first special and dear god did I love it! Pretty much everything about it was amazing and didn’t feel rushed or contrived at all. A great start for what is unfortunately the end. Well almost great. Like any usual fan, I turned to social media after my viewing to see what others thought and I noticed that a few were pointing out something troubling about the special, the way Belos was reintroduced to the kids. Here’s where the spoilers start. 
To sum things up, Belos makes his big reappearance towards the end of the episode in the form of possessing Hunter and eventually crushing Flapjack out of spite. Not only does this lead to a really heartbreaking scene but also brings up some not-so-great implications that others have pointed out. For a good chunk of this episode, we get to see Hunter slowly heal from his trauma from the Emperor’s coven, from Belos, and starting to be okay with who he is as a person. But it’s safe to say that healing process gets upended when the cause of that trauma takes control of him again, though now in a more literal sense, and kills the first friend he ever had. 
That’s painful, it’s harmful, it takes a character who has already been through a lot and seemed to finally be given the chance to move on from it at his own pace but then gets that taken away from him too because we all know that Hunter may never look at himself the same way again. He might now never get to the point where he can’t trust himself and in turn pull away from those he did trust due to the fear of hurting them too. Other fans have pointed out the real-life implications this final scene has which isn’t great either.
But notice how I’ve been bringing up other fans so far. It’s because while I do hope I’m at least somewhat aware and observant of this world we call home, I know for fact that I am not qualified to speak in depth on the facets of abusive relationships and the pitfalls of bring the abuser back into the abused life. I’m just a person who likes to geek over writing and storytelling and uses it to take a break from my real life. 
And it’s because of that interest with writing that I don’t necessarily fault Dana and the crew for those implications. Writing is hard, even more complicated when the story you’re tell resonates with thousands of people. You’re bound to make mistakes and having all those eyes on you is only going to highlight those mistakes. It’s a tough position to be in especially since I’m pretty sure it wasn’t done on purpose or with malicious intent. 
All we as viewers can do now is say “hey doing that makes it like this” and hope this is taken into account for any future projects. Though I’m not saying this to invalidate the feelings of anyone who is upset by what Hunter had to go through again or those who this situation hits too close to home with. You have the right to take issue with this and speak out so others know why this isn’t alright.
Okay so what am I saying? Well, this is where that interest in storytelling comes back into play. Like I say, I loved the episode but it’s those last 10-15 minutes that the issue makes itself known, so if that’s the case why not just tweak them, given them the old reworking. I guess what I’m saying is that I have a few ideas, two in particular, for the climax of the episode that don’t lead to rehashing abusive relationships while still keeping the same plot beats (mostly....partially). 
The first one doesn’t hold much water now but it could still be an interesting idea if given more time to developed and if I wasn’t so tired. Basically, Belos doesn’t possess Hunter but instead continues to leach onto dead animals like he is seen to do throughout the episode until he is finally able to solidify into his monstrous form. Like maybe while Luz is at the vet’s office, she overhears a conversation about the increase of dead animals and reports of how they looked odd. Then when she gets back and she and Hunter try to find Belos, that rat jumps out like in cannon but now they notice something off Hunter notices something off and can’t brush it off. 
This all culminates into a full gang chase/fight throughout the forest and graveyard as Belos shifts between different undead creatures as he tries to reach the Titan’s Blood first. Like I said, this idea could use some work but I know it would end with Hunter taking a stand in front of the others saying how he’s tried of the fear Belos causes in him and how he just wants to be himself before blasting the old dude out of the whatever animal he’s in (I’m thinking bear) but is a little to slow to stop him from retreating to the portal.
Now for the second idea, which I would like to say now that I’m unsure if this is just as problematic, but I couldn’t help but think since well...it just made sense. So again, Belos does not possess Hunter, but his endgame isn’t animals either. No instead he has his set on something, no someone more likely to give him the strength he needs. And that someone is Luz. 
Throughout this episode we see Luz on this downward spiral of depression and guilt due to feeling like all she does is ruin the lives of those she loves and doesn’t deserve anything but their anger. And the parallels between her and Belos have been hammered home significantly so far. So, who’s to say that it’s completely out the realm of possibility that Luz is the one Belos latches onto in the cabin and Luz slowly falls further into his control due to her own guilt and her mind painting her as being just as bad as Belos.
Belos is eventually expelled from Luz through the combined efforts of Luz’s friends/family reminding her of all the good she has done while fight off Belos’ attempts to destroy them. The final blow is again dealt by Hunter but this time it’s more from the angle of him promising that he will never let Belos take away anything from him again before throwing the vile in the water and diving in after possessed Luz to help her out.  Again, a lot more can be done with this but I’m tired and might use this as a fic so yeah.
Also notice how in both of these ideas, Flapjack doesn’t die. I know that it is very much plot relevant and will probably lead to Hunter now being able to use spell circles or at least teleport on his own (theory for another day) but did they really have to do it to him. Like if it is really that necessary save Flapjack’s death for the last special or the final battle. Just anytime where Hunter is not getting repeatedly punch in the gut with trauma.
Alright that’s all I got, sorry if this was a waste of time, please don’t fault the creators too much, and get some sleep. We could all use it. 
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orangejuicetoast42 · 2 years
The witch scoffed at her explanation. “So what, you did it out of pity? Like I’m someone who needs your help?” 
Now that struck a chord with Luz. She may have not known exactly why she felt the need to approach the witch, but she at least knew that was not the reason. She knew what pity felt like and she would eat twenty bowls of that grey slop before she cast pity on someone else. 
“Not a chance.” 
The witch looked back at Luz as the human’s intonation had suddenly dropped to something similar to a low growl. 
While partaking in one of Eda's "magic lessons", Luz stumbles upon a girl who is at the end of her rope, and a cliff but that's not important. What is important is the chaos that ensues upon the discovery that the infestation at Hexside wasn't properly handled.
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orangejuicetoast42 · 2 years
I’ve realized that even in my dreams I get sidetracked. In my last one, my mom asked me to go back inside the hotel we were staying at to grab her car keys and the box of donuts. My first attempt ended with me only going to change my shirt, completely forgetting the objective. The second turned into this epic quest of me transporting this weird, very aggressive bird past the sudden perils and enemies of the hotel, all while learning perseverance and the value of friendship.
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