paleplutowrites · 5 years
21 questions tag
Rules: Answer 21 questions (they don’t have to be the same questions) and tag 21 people who you’d like to get to know better. (not sure if i can tag that many people)
1. Favorite song (instrumental)
2. Favorite song
All my Loving, Beatles + Bulls on Parade, Rage Against the Machine
3. Height
4. Pet peeve
people touching my things. (phone, shoes, piano)
5. Pet?
Yes, a delightfully orange cat.
6. Favorite writers?
Sharon Creesh, Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe
7. Favorite color
Murky Grey
8. dream?
Be a Pilot or have some books published. preferably both.
9. Thing i want
for sex bots to stop being the only things that like my posts
10. Favorite youtuber
Shane Dawson (long time viewer) and i watch a lot of asmr
11. ring size
12. shoe size
Mens 4
13. favorite bug
14. best chapstick flavor?
Vanilla Bean, no carmex burning BS
15. best clothing item i own
YL sweatpants from a tournament, and my black beanie
16. Creepy or Cute?
creepy. i want the readers skin to crawl. but i really enjoy reading cute stuff.
17. Bedtime?
i usually go to bed at 10:30 (im lame, alright?)
18. secret?
i didnt brush my teeth when i was little. like ever. (now i do it twice a day i promise)
19. favorite movie?
inside out and titanic. (weird, i know)
20. favorite TV shows?
Friends, danny phantom (nostalgic), supernatural, season 9-13 of Doctor who.
21!. name?
just call me pluto ;)
@allthebooklove @bookishgr @cupcakeswriting @divinepoem @eternalwritingstudent @flowingpoetry @gettingitwrite @herlittleblvckbook @i-am-poetrying @justslowlywritingitall @kit-tells-a-story @listentothestories @more-oc-questions @niva-writes @onedayillwriteabook @pagesinmylife @quillswithink @rhiannon-writes @storypromptsforfun @thewritershandbook @unblockingwritersblock
(sorry just went in alphabetical order so idk who i really tagged!)
4 notes · View notes
paleplutowrites · 5 years
brown eyes, above all, are the most sinsere and pleasureable to look into
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paleplutowrites · 5 years
caged birds know not
of outside, but of
what they wish was out there.
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paleplutowrites · 5 years
im the broken toy, that every kid looks at, frowns, and pushes to the back of the shelf
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paleplutowrites · 5 years
reblog if you’re currently writing a book or if you someday hope to write a book.
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paleplutowrites · 5 years
he looked at him as he looked at the moon, wonderstruck and profoundly delighted. And yet, none of the stars could ever shine as bright, even on a new moon.
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paleplutowrites · 5 years
“Do not close your eyes,” yet, the light i saw when they were shut was glorious. What if i hadn’t the will to look from it? “Aspen, keep your eyes open.” I closed them harder. The light was so familiar, so forgiving. It had a haze of warm sun and the smell of freshly baked desserts, but it was all lies.
0 notes
paleplutowrites · 5 years
please turn off your radios, this is not a drill. Do not listen to them, or do what they tell you.
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paleplutowrites · 5 years
1/9/19 english class
the water lapped at her feet. slowly rising. slowly growing, getting bigger. serene gushes of water. just like the beaches, except you arent chained to the concrete floor at the beach.
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paleplutowrites · 5 years
i’d never been shot, but everyone has my photograph
0 notes
paleplutowrites · 5 years
Am i even broken? I don’t think ive ever been mint condition.
0 notes
paleplutowrites · 5 years
1/8/19 at 9:33pm (a sleepless night)
the scratch of the record coming through the speakers was plesent. yet plain. I knew i wanted the music, but the silence was just as pleasing. Thats until, the silence came to power. Now all i want is the sweet music to calm my tears. But this cold, damp, prison cell was what i had succumed to.
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paleplutowrites · 5 years
simply put, she was a murderer in children’s rain boots.
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paleplutowrites · 5 years
1/8/19 at 9:23pm
she laughed, “the screaming of course, dont you hear it?” I looked about the room, a simple girls bedroom, posters and all. the only thing eerier than the blacked out windows and the silence of it all, was that i had lived alone since my daughters death 15 years ago. I suppose i do hear the screams. After all, i was the one who’d cleaned the knifes of her warm blood.
0 notes
paleplutowrites · 5 years
every day, i watch. i simply can only watch. i see everything, from disappointment, to failure. And let me just say, you’re the only one. the only one who makes my hair stand on end. in fear.
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