poems4free · 11 months
#331- smitten
and i, on the other side, can
stop thinking...
That dress you wore dark ash of a beautiful burning world black jewelled queen back heart, vanguard🖤 gems like dewdrops on spider web upon your neck filigreed dark gold that took themselves apart. picking shells off the kitchen floor of another night, your absence…
it blooms like gladiola.
Yet the way you paint your lips glossy pink peony glittered with all the stars of the sky has me failing falling… yes, falling a part…
Nah, english is not a good enough language for you Nah, it ain't cus you're not the safety of science but a disorienting work of art
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poems4free · 2 years
#330- glitter need
i need an energy in my sex
dont you dare come near!
- daayan
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poems4free · 2 years
#329- need
i need intelligent in my sex!
and a lack of fear...
- daayan
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poems4free · 2 years
#328- love in times of continental shifts
                   and once again i am killed   
               for loving
your sca   rs             
            willing continental shifts
drifting dangerously close a    
the sun, the moon and        stars...
      they said love does
not devastate  
   neatly nurtures life trans
cends d            
My love impure
      de  vours  life whole instead
They stoned me out of
        their cities so
                      i pla
y  the     dance of de ath
                            here lies
           my    love
 full of                               scars
magma molting, earth revolting
      thank my stars
talk to trees most of the time
                i have done m y t i m e
my dirty love shines bright in this green
and your shiny love falls a
                pa      art.
- loonybird
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poems4free · 2 years
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#327- always stubborn
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poems4free · 3 years
#326- a poem for a fitness jerk on a highland hike
if we were a herd of elephants you
            would be a bad leader...
      what makes you so great now?
you left
                     us behind
running towards your personal rainbow
      a pot of gold, did you find?
don’t know don’t care but
 a selfish thing to do
                    you thought you looked cool but
we were not proud of you.
if we were a herd of elephants
            you would leave a weakest behind
in the hunt to look after your own glory
              this hike
thank goodness we are not a herd of elephants
           and ive a home to go
youve once again shewn
                    yor true colours i aint
scared of you...
but if were a herd of elephants
         you’d be kicked on your hide
or well, nudged nudged nudged
                      nudged down a hillside.
- loonybird
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poems4free · 3 years
#325- tinny trills
....when your fingers land like
                              drunken people
               on the keys
- loonybird
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poems4free · 3 years
#324- a strange kind of grief
a strange kind of grief
                                    stuck in my throat
and deadlines to meet
                                    fuck this world.
- daayan
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poems4free · 3 years
#323- no fear in love
We love but once in our lifetime (Or many times, we love in an instant) And so we live with that pain, and so we Die with that pain:)... No fear in the face of love There's nothing to fear when you've loved There's no fear in the face of love! All I did was love Not some shameful deed So why should I hide myself in regretful sighs? No fear in the face of love Nothing to fear when you've loved There's no fear in the face of love! Today I will sing the story of my heart, Doesn't matter what the world thinks, Doesn't matter if they kill me! Death should be such that the world sees it-- This self-suffocation in secret makes no sense to me, Yeah, this suicide in the dark is not my cup of tea. No fear in the face of love Nothing to fear when you've loved There's no fear in the face of love! I will always aspire to them in my heart, there will always be celebration and light at this party. To live in love and to die in love-- That's all I have to do, nothing else No fear in the face of love Nothing to fear when you've loved There's no fear in the face of love! All attempts to hide my love will fail For their image, (the Other's image, the Divine image(!)) It's everywhere! When I have absolutely no veil with God, What's the point in putting masks on for humans? No fear in the face of love Nothing to fear when you've loved There's no fear in the face of love! 
- Naushad/Shakeel Badayuni, No Fear
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poems4free · 4 years
#322- Down Feather
In this city of black smoke billows, Poseidons trident’s gone awry... And last night, love, you spoke of a loveless technology town that this morning sounds like a heavenly sweet parade. Away from excessive emotion, towards good reason. Maybe the two lead separate lives in two parallel universe? Just burning lakes, no burning houses, a good price? Good trade? Nah, trade-off, yes? Heh, as if the two lead separate lives. In two parallel universe. Your fiery passion and my cool logic.
So here are some swords (some iron rods). Airy things that have become instruments. Of your terrifying passions. And there, on the other side, passions become disciplined for some Emperor’s Empire that calculates time as money. Hah, two worlds of folly, sweet sweet distress! Them seeking each other with hope for Salvation, what a pretty mess.
No bridges, yet too much hope, ‘tis fantasy warmth of matchstick lights. As arson swallows whole worlds infront of our eyes. We gaze into these matchstick lights. Choosing passion or reason. Love or distance. As if the two lead two separate lives. In two parallel universe.
- daayan
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poems4free · 5 years
#321- beware of hopeless romantics
beware of hopeless romantics
they love to dream possibilities without
moving a finger to build.
- loonybird
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poems4free · 5 years
#320- XVI The Tower at Full Moon
la luna
full moona
weird seas
in this space of no space
churning waves
in this vacuum as far as goes the gaze.
la luna
full moona
desert beach
water’s evaporated after the storm
now just dry barren land
and an eternity to mourn.
full moona
the tower was set alight last night
by your “gentle” light
and bears came on in from the forest
and feasted upon all corpses in sight.
and another day, another morning now
fear of the outside plaguing our hearts
it’s a new bizarre world out there, which
head and which tail
witches’ heads and witches’ tales
so we hide in our fallen towers
desolation and fear tightly holding
shut a door that’s hinged on
wet, burnt, old crumbling walls.
- loonybird
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poems4free · 5 years
#319- notes on witchcraft
but since the floodgates had opened
they opened for
a thousand thoughts in my head
a thousand fears
a thousand guilts
overwhelming, debilitating...
i couldn’t handle it
all my demons, everything...
thought after thought just rushed
into my body
one on top of the other
like colours
mixing together to make a new taste...
creating one fear to the next and the next and the next.
i could see myself being killed
by my own hands 
in many ways
a hatred i carry,
self hate, internally, that
had been exhausting me, and
the true meaning of a symbol:
the symbol of death
by my own hands and
as a blade of grass
an alien smoking
so, about witchcraft...
heh, i really don't know how that happened.
but it did.
- magikmik
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poems4free · 5 years
#318- An Incantation for Movement
the sky is flat and
bright grey
which suits today
i'll wait for rain and lightning
i slept deeply and with dreams
which memory deems
vivid yet
not worth remembering
muscles tingling
my body's strange
in a daze minutes pass
some humid seconds
awaiting change.
- zaratzara
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poems4free · 5 years
#317- met a guy
i met a guy
with an english accent
last night
bbc made, he said
i didnt think it but
was kinda
scary but
- loonybird
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poems4free · 5 years
#316 - glorification of pain
glorification of pain
is also repression
instead of feeling
it in your body
you turn it
into an object
of worship
another abdication
of responsibility.
- loonybird
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poems4free · 5 years
#315- like potatochips
i met someone
who is hot
like potato chips
and i wanna wait
to dry them
to fry them
to eat them
and make more!
as needed:)
- loonybird
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