pr0f-sn00dl3 Β· 1 year
Flight for Two
Today my best friend captivates
the audience seated before her.
Today my best friend hypnotizes
with the melody from her heart.
Today my best friend radiates
warmth into the air around her.
Today my best friend sings
to the world a work of art.
Sons and daughters,
lovers and friends,
neighbors and the like
watch in anticipation
her final serenade.
Their breaths catch in ther throats,
their bodies start to shake,
but no one can see
the teardrop running
down her porcelain face.
She cares them away
on every note
like the angel of death
drawing out the souls of the deceased,
and they cannot help
but to be struck with awe
as she sways from back to forth.
Concluding with a bow,
applause filling the room,
she chooses to look at no one,
no one but me.
In this moment,
we are alone,
floating through the blackened space of familiarity,
entwined only by our shared gaze.
Her wings,
once again,
protrude from her back
and protects us from
the strange,
I can't hear it,
but it's there,
the word she tries to speak.
Please, please, please!
She is a golden bird
caged by the attention,
but I do not have the key.
She hopes for freedom,
fears the confinement,
but in her hold she stays.
So she turns her head,
and we fall to earth,
and that is the last
I see
of my best friend.
We strayed away
like different planets,
her’s that orbits heaven
and mine that orbits hell.
Nowadays, I float misguided,
an astronaut without a tether,
a ship without a port.
She was my muse,
my Juliet,
but poisoned my heart has become.
It begs for her comfort,
her melody,
to taste the kiss of death.
But I am but a living corpse
wandering the pits of the unknown,
neither dead nor alive,
but sometimes,
just sometimes,
I look up and I can see
a twinkle in the stars
and hear the crowds cheer her name.
One day she will return,
I know it.
She will be free,
I know it.
We will be together again,
I know it,
and live forevermore.
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pr0f-sn00dl3 Β· 1 year
Everything I do is a cry for help *wips and nae naes*
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pr0f-sn00dl3 Β· 1 year
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Cats are messengers of the moon.
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pr0f-sn00dl3 Β· 1 year
Fate or Not, Here I Come
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Malyk snuck between the pillars of the palace, careful not to wake the guards. A sword posted loyally at his side with a dagger concealed in his boot. It was his mission to take out the princess, and he was ready to sacrifice anything and everything he needed to complete it.
β€œSo, you’ve finally come for me?”
Malyk froze to the voice behind him, ever so swiftly drawing his sword and spinning on his heel to face his enemy.
β€œYou’re rotten rule has gone on long enough! I’m here to rid the throne of you,” Malyk announced, gripping the hilt of his sword. The sun had long gone, but that didn’t stop the moonlight from reflecting in the blade, showing a mirror of his eyes glowing with hatred.
β€œAnd what will you do once I am gone? Will you mourn?” The princess held her stance, a sword of her own resting at her side.
β€œYes. Until the moon returns the love of the sun I will mourn your death, for you are a goddess among beasts. Generous, kind, and yet, feared by all who lay their eyes upon you. Without you, I will surely go mad. Without you, the world will cease to function. I need you, princess. We all need you.”
β€œThen why must you kill me?”
β€œYou know why. It is our destiny to part in this way with me betraying you and you dying defending your kingdom.”
The Princess sighed. β€œBut what if we changed the prophecy? What if we did not have to die but could live as long as we wanted?”
β€œWhat are you saying?”
β€œI want to write my own prophecy. With you in it. Let us run to the furthest reaches of the universe. Together.”
β€œYou know we cannot.”
β€œOh, but what if we could?”
β€œNonsense!” Malyk moved closer to the princess until the edge of his sword was at her throat. She didn’t raise hers. β€œEven if we could, this lifetime is already written for us. Our futures are set in stone. We cannot run from this. Our story is over.”
β€œBut I do not want to leave you yet,” the princess cried.
β€œYou do not have to. I will be here for the very end.” Malyk’s blade dug deeper, leaving droplets of blood which stained the princess’s collar.
β€œPromise?” The princess smiled.
Pushing his blade more forcefully now, Malyk sliced the princess’s throat. Her blood gushed out like a faulty pipe, but that didn’t scare him. Not the blood staining his tunic nor the chance of being caught ever invaded his mind as fear. And as the princess’s body slumped to the floor, Malyk rushed without hesitation to her side, wrapping his arms around her form and holding to her tightly, not bothering to wipe the tears welling in his eyes.
β€œI promise.”
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pr0f-sn00dl3 Β· 1 year
(In Memoriam)
β€œPlease do not disappear!”
I yelled at the fading memories.
I only want them to be near.
And gone were the people that I held dear,
those twisted people, my enemies.
β€œPlease do not disappear!”
And soon what happened, my greatest fear,
the worst of the atrocities!
I only want them to be near.
But they, my pets, caused so much drear,
leaving nothing but apologies.
β€œPlease do not disappear!”
And now my mind is clear.
So instant were gone my memories.
I only want them to be near.
Mourning for them every year,
I scream in extensies,
β€œPlease do not disappear,”
for I only want them to be near.
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