puellafatua ¡ 3 months
a couple weeks ago this guy posted in the chicago pagan facebook group saying that he’s a djinn and that there’s a portal between here and egypt and only he and one other person had the power to close it and there was going to be a massive sandstorm… like dude, close the fucking portal, why are you even telling us this
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puellafatua ¡ 3 years
people with speech impediments, vocal stims, tics, stutters, an obvious accent, who are mute (to any degree), who talk to themselves, or who have any other noticeable vocal traits, you’re all really cool and wonderful and I’m wishing u all an epic and poggers night
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puellafatua ¡ 3 years
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puellafatua ¡ 3 years
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Had a day off from school, and I spent it on brain anatomy and reorganizing a bunch of little visuals into a slightly messier but more detailed singular visual (covered in sticky notes)
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puellafatua ¡ 3 years
Lazy girl study tip
(no one asked for these, but I’m gonna start putting them out there as they occur to me)
Keep a document on your computer for each class where you type the questions your classmates ask (both in lecture or on discussion boards) and the  professor’s answers. I usually end up using tons of these when I’m studying (saves time and mental effort from study planning/study guide development)
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puellafatua ¡ 3 years
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Reinforcements/Reward Systems - ‘Feed Me’ Game
Do you ever have a session with a child and they are struggling to remain interested in the session? I’m a speech pathology student, and I’d like to share with you my biggest tip for keeping children engaged during therapy sessions. 
How does it work?
This game above was created as a reward system for children. Each time they elicit the target response (for example, they say a correct production of the ‘f’ sound), you give them a piece of food to feed a character. You can use this with any session with children, in any instance that you want to reward a child for getting something correct. Children love being rewarded for correct behaviour.  It encourages them to keep going, and they really love feeding the characters. Keep it fun by saying “Mr. Dinosaur is REALLY hungry today. I think he wants some more! Can you say ‘f’ again? Great work! Now you can feed Mr. Dinosaur!”
How to make it:
You’ll need an empty fabric softener bottle, scissors, a printer and paper, a laminator and laminating sheets, velcro stickers, and a craft knife.
Choose a character that you think your client/student may like. Ask the client/parent is there anything they like. One of my clients loved dinosaurs, and another loved snakes, hence why I made these characters. They were a huge hit.
Use google images to find a character. I usually google stuff like ‘cartoon snake’. Make sure the character has their mouth open. Print off the image large enough that it covers most of the bottle. If the mouth is not big enough, you can always extend it to make it larger and line it with a black marker so it looks neat. Cut out the character from the paper. Laminate the character and cut it out of the laminate.
Use google images to find the food you want to feed your character. I tried to use food that the characters might usually eat, but the kids loved the cookies the most and wanted every character to eat the cookies. Print out lots of the food items. Make sure they are small enough to fit inside the opening of the mouth. Cut them out. Laminate them and cut them out again. Tip: cut each piece out and put it in a laminating sheet. Do not laminate an entire piece of paper of items. Each one should have laminate around the edges. This allows them to last longer. You can also wipe them down with an antiseptic wipe after a client uses them, and they won’t fray. 
Use the craft knife to slice the cover on the bottle. Peel it off. Use the craft knife to cut a hole in the characters mouth. Then estimate approximately where on the bottle you will place the character. Use the craft knife to cut a hole in the bottle where the mouth will sit.
Use velcro stickers to attach the character to the bottle. This allows you to remove the character and attach another one. You can have lots of characters and fewer bottles (space saver).
All done!
Important tips on how to use it effectively:
Always hold the character yourself during sessions. If the child holds it, or it is placed in front of them on a desk, they will become distracted and want to play with it.
Keep your food items in a small bag. Present only one item to the child at a time. If you give the child the food items, they will want to feed continuously and give more than one food item at a time. Don’t lose control of the situation.
Only have one character in the session. Multiple characters can be distracting. Although you might have many, introduce the one character to the child that you think they will enjoy the most, based on their interests.
Keep it controlled. If the child is struggling, you may give them a food item every time they get something correct. If a child is doing well, you may ask them to do the target behaviour five times before they receive a food item. Hold your hand up and count each time they get something correct. When they reach five, give them a food item for the character.
Wipe down each piece touched by the client with an antiseptic wipe. This prevents the spread of germs - very important!
I hope you guys like this. I used this game continuously at a speech pathology paediatric outpatient clinic at a hospital. It was a huge success! My placement supervisor was so impressed that she had her assistant create some characters to have at the clinic. She also emailed me two months after my placement finished to tell me that one of my past clients kept saying “dinosaur!”. At first she was confused, but eventually she realised he was referring to the dinosaur I had used in my sessions with him! He wanted to use it again. 
Disclaimer: this is not an original idea. I have seen other versions of this game elsewhere online, which gave me the idea to make my own.
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puellafatua ¡ 3 years
“Speech therapy is an art that deserves to be more widely known. You cannot imagine the acrobatics you tongue mechanically performs in order to produce all the sounds of a language.”
An excerpt from Jean-Dominique Bauby’s The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (via analangdon)
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puellafatua ¡ 3 years
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Laminating is my passion (aka, laminating is my sneaky way of making my stimuli for clinic COVID friendly. Target, guys. $20)
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puellafatua ¡ 4 years
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The prodigal studyblr returns, just in time for finals! Grad school is kicking my ass, so I thought posting again might keep me responsible!
Study jams: the sound of my neighbors arguing about football
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puellafatua ¡ 5 years
College advice for people like me
So I've seen a lot of posts floating around with advice for college freshmen, and while those are great there's still definitely things I wish I'd known going in that I haven't seen mentioned. So, without further ado, here's my college advice- the Type B personality edition. 
 1. More than anything, I want to emphasize that just because you're staying up late and working for hours and stressing out DOES NOT EQUAL being an amazing student. If you're not sleeping well and dividing your time up well, you're not gonna be capable of your best work. So my advice is to work smarter, not harder. Join study groups, go to office hours, go to tutoring or the writing center. Dont make your own flashcards if you don't have to- most of the time, someone who's taken the class before will have study sets on quizlet you can use, and that saves so much time and stress. Just be nice and make sure to make your own study sets public when you make them, it's a fair trade. You can also usually find YouTube videos from experts summarizing issues that you're uncertain about. Some of this seems obvious, but it'll all save you time. 
 2. This kind of fits in with the first point, but go to class and take hand written notes. You can type them up later if your handwriting isnt great, but you'll remember things you write down better. You're also less likely to get distracted during the lecture. Also, check to see if your professor posts the lectures. If they do, you can print them before class and take notes on anything they say that wasn't in the slides. 
 3. Have a buddy in every class. We all miss sometimes, and its easier to catch up if someone is willing to send you their notes. Also friends are a good thing to have. 
 4. If you like to procrastinate, write the wrong due date in your planner. This has saved my life and also my GPA. When you go to turn in the project or paper and discover you have extra time, it's like a little gift to yourself. Use it to edit, or to relax or stress cry. Really, just do with it what you want 
 5. Don't nap. Unless you work nights, then definitely nap. But napping will seriously screw with your sleep schedule, and you'll lose valuable daylight hours. I promise you, you'll do better work at 3 pm than at 3 am. 
 6. Stop doing homework an hour before you go to bed. There's a long psychological/neurological explanation for why you should do this, but the basic idea is that your brain will process and store what you've studied better if you give it time before you go to sleep. I personally never study after 11 pm, and I have a 3.7 so that's gotta count for something. 
 7. Don’t do what I just did. No one wants to hear you brag about your GPA. College is hard and everyone's already competitive enough as it is. 
 8. If you have breaks between classes, don’t go home. "I'll just have a snack between classes," you say. "I'll just take a quick nap, or I can study at my desk." Listen. That is the devil talking. Pack a snack, drink some coffee, and spend your breaks at the library. You'll thank me when you don’t have to do all that work at 2 a.m. 
 9. Get an accordion folder and a five subject notebook. You'll thank me when you never have to worry about bringing the wrong stuff to class. Your back will thank me when the weight of your backpack doesn’t cause you to need physical therapy (you think I'm exaggerating, but I literally needed PT for this reason). 
 10. Exercise. I'm begging you. Your brain is so much happier and more functional when you do. I'm not saying you have to become a gym rat. Stretch before bed, take a walk around the library when your brain is fried, take the stairs instead of an elevator. Getting an actual workout in is better, but it's not realistic for everybody. Just don’t get sedentary. Your brain and your body will thank me later. 
 11. Eating healthy sucks. Pizza is better than salad and You Can't Change My Mind. So trick yourself into eating healthy. Green smoothies taste amazing; green tea has caffeine and is good for your metabolism; some protein shakes don’t taste like ass (I drink a lot of them so message me if you want suggestions); stir fry is heaven; there are many companies that now make vegetable "chips" that are not processed and have all the same value of actual veggies without the effort of making veggies. I'm a mindless snacker who just wants to sweet release of biting something crunchy and salty so these are a godsend. 
 12. Don't cheat on people. Don't date people just so you don’t have to be single. Don’t get into "things." Treat other people right, and make sure they're treating you right too. My friends are all in difficult majors but the number one cause of stress in most of their lives is shitty relationship decisions. Don’t do that. Be smart. Make me proud, son. 
 13. Schedule time for yourself. Honest to God, write it in your planner. "Saturday from 10 to noon I will sit in my pajamas and drink hot chocolate and watch netflix and no one is permitted to talk to me." Don’t waste a whole day on stuff like that, but in college you're with your friends constantly (especially roommates) and even the most extroverted person on earth needs alone time. Make it happen. 
14. Unfollow and block to your heart's content. You are not obligated to give social media validation to people who make you unhappy or uncomfortable. It ain't that deep. 
 15. You're already paying for the counseling center through your tuition. You might as well go. 
 16. Dont live with your best friend, I guarantee you they're a bad roommate. I've been there. I've been her. We are all worse in the comfort of our own rooms than we are the rest of the time. 
 17. Condoms please and thanks. No unwrapped d**k is worth your health, and if you get pregnant in college the desks are very small and difficult to fit a belly into. And who wants to get an abortion when you can just avoid the whole mess all together. Safe sex babes. 
 18. Weed isnt that great and neither is alcohol. But both pale in comparison to how incredibly lame and pointless vaping is. Dont do it kids. Not even once. 
 19. Join a club or befriend your coworkers. Sometimes you need a get away from your main group of friends, and you can never have too many friends. 
 20. If you talk too much in class, then on behalf of your classmates, please reconsider your choices. Especially in psychology classes. We know when you're trying to diagnose yourself, even if you think you're being subtle. Go to the counseling center if need be, there's professionals there. 
 This is not at all a comprehensive list, and it may not be valuable to everyone. But I'm more than halfway done with college and based on my experiences and those of my friends, I think this is absolutely vital information for some people.
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puellafatua ¡ 6 years
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Yikes, it’s been a while. I have been studying, I swear, I’ve just been super busy and haven’t had time to post anything. Currently caught up in all the chaos that comes with the week before midterms. Wish me luck! Tonight I worked on notes and a study guide for Abnormal Psychology, shown above (feat. Piglet and scenic views of my apartment).
Study jam: Winnie the Pooh theme song
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puellafatua ¡ 6 years
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Quick one for tonight because I really need to be studying. This week is really kicking my butt and it's only Tuesday. Tonight I'm working on a lesson plan and wrapping up studying for my speech science test tomorrow. Wish me luck, I'll definitely need it! Study jam: the sound of my brain slowly deflating like a sad balloon animal
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puellafatua ¡ 6 years
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Whoops, took these last night but forgot to post. I had a real busy weekend and just wanted to go to bed. Anyway, last night I studied for my Audiology test (it’s today, wish me luck) and finished an extra credit assignment for Speech Science. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but I was at the library for four hours (woot woot). Hopefully I’ll actually remember to post tonight, so you get two posts today, you lucky ducks.
Study jam: Symphony n. 40 - Enter Sandman by Mozart Heroes (I think it’s only on YouTube)
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puellafatua ¡ 6 years
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My phone's only letting me choose one photo, so I hope I picked the prettier one. Tonight, I studied for my audiology test and worked on extra credit for speech science. Some day I'll understand tube resonance but today is not that day. I might not post tomorrow because the first grade class I'm observing in right now is going on a field trip and I'll probably be too embarrassingly excited about that to be productive. Study jams: Thunderpussy by Thunderpussy (can I say pussy on a studyblr?)
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puellafatua ¡ 6 years
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When in doubt, search your course number on Quizlet and pray someone else has already made notecards. I don’t know who this girl is whose taken everything I’ve taken since starting college, but I owe her my entire GPA (sort of).
Day 3/100 of productivity (I was productive yesterday, I promise, I just didn’t post because I got distracted watching Dancing With the Stars).
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puellafatua ¡ 6 years
You know how people say that your eyes dilate when you look at someone you're attracted to? Mine do that when I look at extra credit assignments.
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puellafatua ¡ 6 years
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When studying, most people try to find motivation thinking that this will get them through their study session, or they will see their failure as a result of a lack of motivation. While motivation might be useful in the short term, discipline is what you need in the long term to succeed. 
Lets take a look at the difference:
motivation- a goal or reward that you look forward to that will encourage you to study - while this is useful, what happens on a day when you just don’t feel like studying?
discipline- being trained to routinely study regardless of how unmotivated you are - this is what will get you out of bed on a day you don’t feel like studying.
How to become self-disciplined:
1. Just do it. Whatever the task is, whether its due in a month or due tomorrow, just get on with it. No point procrastinating because you’re wasting time. Instead you can do the task and then reward yourself! Be harsh on yourself (but not too harsh!). Set short term goals, make a to-do list, delete all social media, do whatever it takes to just get that damn task done!
2. No zero days!. whether its studying for 30 mins or 3 hours, study for some time everyday. This will help help develop a routine and make it easier for you to cope. Also, by studying everyday you’re brain will know that the content you are learning should be stored as long-term information so this will benefit you during exam season!
3. Avoid long breaks. Unless you are 100% confident that taking an hour break means ONY an hour break then you can ignore this step. But like the majority, we can get extremely distracted and our hour break can end up being a 4 hour break and then we realise it’s time to go to bed?! To avoid this, only take small breaks when you know you are losing energy/ concentration. The last thing you want is studying for 30 mins and your brain is in the mood to be productive, then you take a 15 min break and come back but realise you want a longer break and not in the mood to study anymore. 
4. Be patient. It’s going to be a rough journey, it’s going to be hard but you’ve got this! Take it one step at a time. Start off by completing one task a day, then move to two, then three, and the next thing you know, you’ll have a regular routine where you will constantly be ticking off your to-do list everyday! Also, please be kind to yourself, know when your body is not in the right state of health to study and don’t force it. Only force yourself to a limit, you’ll know when to stop and that’s ok. Just try again when you feel better!
thank you for reading this and I hope this has helped, please feel free to message me!
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