renna-draws · 1 month
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Golden dragon wings for our girl?
Inspired by this post by @a-dauntless-daffodil c:
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renna-draws · 1 month
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angry goth angel caught blushing over excitable sunshine angel, more at 11
emilute! ❤️ chaggie might have most of my heart but they're a close second
slightly different clothing designs especially for emily; I just felt light some thing flowy and jingly would suit her, yknow?
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renna-draws · 1 month
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charlie having a thing for vaggie's wings  🤝 vaggie having a thing for demon form charlie
[this took me easily 16 hours of work total; i haven't put this much effort into a piece in, literally, years <3 i love these two so so much <3]
edit: cannot believe i forgot this initially. there's a fic to go with this c:
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renna-draws · 1 year
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“LGB Without The T”
personal art. it seems like the tide of lgb folks turning to viciously attack trans folks has seen a sharp uptick recently, at a time when we, the trans community, need all the support and protection and community we can get. it was trans women who fought for your rights, it was trans women who were on the front lines, it was trans women who lead us into revolution. trans people have always existed and the community was built on their sacrifice, their blood and sweat and tears and corpses. how dare you reap what we sowed and then shun us from our own crops. 
artist’s pronouns are they/them. artist is a nonbinary lesbian.
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renna-draws · 1 year
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sometimes you draw serious things but sometimes you draw memes
vel is So Done with daisy and tori’s bullshit
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renna-draws · 1 year
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> wanted exes to lovers vampires
> created exes to lovers vampires
anyway meet zoe (right) and nova (left) - whose first reaction upon seeing her ex in 70 years is to try to stab her
yknow, normal things
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renna-draws · 1 year
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obviously i have to post wenclair art here too
this is from the height of my fixation on these two (which is still going strong, just slightly less so). stormy x sunshine gfs are my fav <3
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renna-draws · 1 year
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can’t have an art blog without introducing ocs you’ll probably see more of in the future (if for no other reason than i have... a lot more art for them)
marie (left) and alex (right) are a couple of my oldest ocs! they share the spotlight in my novel faoladh, which will, with any luck, get finished and published in the next few years. marie is an anxious vampire with PTSD and a service hellhound, and alex is the chronically+terminally ill lykan (werewolf) that she meets and falls in love with. 
i love these two so much you have no idea
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renna-draws · 1 year
if you followed me from my main you already know who I am, but hello! i’m renna. i’m a nonbinary lesbian (they/them) who draws a whole lot of gay shit and a whole lot of animals, and sometimes other things. 
 this is my art-and-maybe-other-creative-things blog! i’ll be posting a lot of original art here and maybe a splash of fanart as the hyperfixations choose. i primarily create works of my own ocs, snippets from the novels i’m working on, and various creatures (lots and lots and lots of dogs). i hope to grow this little blog into a much larger roadmap of my progress in art, as well as share some of my favorites with an audience. love y’all <3
have some good bois
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these guys were part of my efforts to draw every single breed registered to AKC. i didn’t finish it, but i got some really good practice in with these guys!
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