riseofarmy · 2 years
I want to live by myself when I move out of my parent's place but I'm really afraid of money problems? I'm afraid that the only place I can afford will be in the ghetto and it'll all be torn apart and I'll only be allowed to eat one granola bar a week. I'm really stressing out about this. I don't know anything about after school life. I don't know anything about paying bills or how to buy an apartment and it's really scaring me. is there anything you know that can help me?
HI darling,
I’ve actually got a super wonderful masterpost for you to check out:
what the hell is a mortgage?
first apartment essentials checklist
how to care for cacti and succulents
the care and keeping of plants
Getting an apartment
earn rewards by taking polls
how to coupon
what to do when you can’t pay your bills
see if you’re paying too much for your cell phone bill
how to save money
How to Balance a Check Book
How to do Your Own Taxes
how to take care of yourself when you’re sick
things to bring to a doctor’s appointment
how to get free therapy
what to expect from your first gynecologist appointment
how to make a doctor’s appointment
how to pick a health insurance plan
how to avoid a hangover
a list of stress relievers
how to remove a splinter
what to do if you get pulled over by a cop
a list of hotlines in a crisis
things to keep in your car in case of an emergency
how to do the heimlich maneuver
time management
create a resume
find the right career
how to pick a major
how to avoid a hangover
how to interview for a job
how to stop procrastinating
How to write cover letters
Traveling for Cheap
Travel Accessories
The Best Way to Pack a Suitcase
How To Read A Map
How to Apply For A Passport
How to Make A Travel Budget
Better You
read the news
leave your childhood traumas behind
how to quit smoking
how to knit
how to stop biting your nails
how to stop procrastinating
how to stop skipping breakfast
how to stop micromanaging
how to stop avoiding asking for help
how to stop swearing constantly
how to stop being a pushover
learn another language
how to improve your self-esteem
how to sew
learn how to embroider
how to love yourself
100 tips for life
Moving Out and Getting an Apartment, Part 1: Are You Sure? (The Responsible One)
Moving Out and Getting an Apartment, Part 2: Finding the Damn Apartment (The Responsible One)
Moving Out and Getting an Apartment, Part 3: Questions to Ask about the Damn Apartment (The Responsible One)
Moving Out and Getting an Apartment, Part 4: Packing and Moving All of Your Shit (The Responsible One)
How to Protect Your Home Against Break-Ins (The Responsible One)
How to Find a Fucking College (The Sudden Adult)
How to Find Some Fucking Money for College (The Sudden Adult)
What to Do When You Can’t Afford Your #1 Post-Secondary School (The Sudden Adult)
Stop Shitting on Community College Kids (Why Community College is Fucking Awesome) (The Responsible One)
How to Ask for a Recommendation Letter (The Responsible One)
How to Choose a College Major (The Sudden Adult)
How to Write a Goddamn Check (The Responsible One)
How to Convince Credit Companies You’re Not a Worthless Bag of Shit (The Responsible One)
Debit vs Credit (The Responsible One)
What to Do if Your Wallet is Stolen/Lost (The Sudden Adult)
Budgeting 101 (The Responsible One)
Important Tax Links to Know (The Responsible One)
How to Choose a Bank Without Screwing Yourself (The Responsible One)
Job Hunting
How to Write a Resume Like a Boss (The Responsible One)
How to Write a Cover Letter Someone Will Actually Read (The Responsible One)
How to Handle a Phone Interview without Fucking Up (The Responsible One)
10 Sites to Start Your Job Search (The Responsible One)
Life Skills
Staying in Touch with Friends/Family (The Sudden Adult)
Bar Etiquette (The Sudden Adult)
What to Do After a Car Accident (The Sudden Adult)
Grow Up and Buy Your Own Groceries (The Responsible One)
How to Survive Plane Trips (The Sudden Adult)
How to Make a List of Goals (The Responsible One)
How to Stop Whining and Make a Damn Appointment (The Responsible One)
What to Expect from the Hell that is Jury Duty (The Responsible One)
Marriage: What the Fuck Does It Mean and How the Hell Do I Know When I’m Ready? (Guest post - The Northwest Adult)
How Fucked Are You for Moving In with Your Significant Other: An Interview with an Actual Real-Life Couple Living Together™ (mintypineapple  and catastrofries)
Travel & Vehicles
How to Winterize Your Piece of Shit Vehicle (The Responsible One)
How to Make Public Transportation Your Bitch (The Responsible One)
Other Blog Features
Apps for Asshats
Harsh Truths & Bitter Reminders
Asks I’ll Probably Need to Refer People to Later
Apartments (or Life Skills) - How Not to Live in Filth (The Sudden Adult)
Finances - Tax Basics (The Responsible One)
Important Documents - How to Get a Copy of Your Birth Certificate (The Responsible One)
Important Documents - How to Get a Replacement ID (The Responsible One)
Health - How to Deal with a Chemical Burn (The Responsible One)
Job Hunting - List of Jobs Based on Social Interaction Levels (The Sudden Adult)
Job Hunting - How to Avoid Falling into a Pit of Despair While Job Hunting (The Responsible One)
Job Hunting - Questions to Ask in an Interview (The Responsible One)
Life Skills - First-Time Flying Tips (The Sudden Adult)
Life Skills - How to Ask a Good Question (The Responsible One)
Life Skills - Reasons to Take a Foreign Language (The Responsible One)
Life Skills - Opening a Bar Tab (The Sudden Adult)
Relationships - Long Distance Relationships: How to Stay in Contact (The Responsible One)
Adult Cheat Sheet:
what to do if your pet gets lost
removing stains from your carpet
how to know if you’re eligible for food stamps
throwing a dinner party
i’m pregnant, now what?
first aid tools to keep in your house
how to keep a clean kitchen
learning how to become independent from your parents
job interview tips
opening your first bank account
what to do if you lose your wallet
tips for cheap furniture
easy ways to cut your spending
selecting the right tires for your car
taking out your first loan
picking out the right credit card
how to get out of parking tickets
how to fix a leaky faucet
get all of your news in one place
getting rid of mice & rats in your house
when to go to the e.r.
buying your first home
how to buy your first stocks
guide to brewing coffee
first apartment essentials checklist
coping with a job you hate
30 books to read before you’re 30
what’s the deal with retirement?
difference between insurances
Once you’ve looked over all those cool links, I have some general advice for you on how you can have some sort of support system going for you:
Reasons to move out of home
You may decide to leave home for many different reasons, including:
wishing to live independently
location difficulties – for example, the need to move closer to university
conflict with your parents
being asked to leave by your parents.
Issues to consider when moving out of home
It’s common to be a little unsure when you make a decision like leaving home. You may choose to move, but find that you face problems you didn’t anticipate, such as:
Unreadiness – you may find you are not quite ready to handle all the responsibilities.
Money worries – bills including rent, utilities like gas and electricity and the cost of groceries may catch you by surprise, especially if you are used to your parents providing for everything. Debt may become an issue.
Flatmate problems – issues such as paying bills on time, sharing housework equally, friends who never pay board, but stay anyway, and lifestyle incompatibilities (such as a non-drug-user flatting with a drug user) may result in hostilities and arguments.
Your parents may be worried
Think about how your parents may be feeling and talk with them if they are worried about you. Most parents want their children to be happy and independent, but they might be concerned about a lot of different things. For example:
They may worry that you are not ready.
They may be sad because they will miss you.
They may think you shouldn’t leave home until you are married or have bought a house.
They may be concerned about the people you have chosen to live with.
Reassure your parents that you will keep in touch and visit regularly. Try to leave on a positive note. Hopefully, they are happy about your plans and support your decision.
Tips for a successful move
Tips include:
Don’t make a rash decision – consider the situation carefully. Are you ready to live independently? Do you make enough money to support yourself? Are you moving out for the right reasons?
Draw up a realistic budget – don’t forget to include ‘hidden’ expenses such as the property’s security deposit or bond (usually four weeks’ rent), connection fees for utilities, and home and contents insurance.
Communicate – avoid misunderstandings, hostilities and arguments by talking openly and respectfully about your concerns with flatmates and parents. Make sure you’re open to their point of view too – getting along is a two-way street.
Keep in touch – talk to your parents about regular home visits: for example, having Sunday night dinner together every week.
Work out acceptable behaviour – if your parents don’t like your flatmate(s), find out why. It is usually the behaviour rather than the person that causes offence (for example, swearing or smoking). Out of respect for your parents, ask your flatmate(s) to be on their best behaviour when your parents visit and do the same for them.
Ask for help – if things are becoming difficult, don’t be too proud to ask your parents for help. They have a lot of life experience.
If your family home does not provide support
Not everyone who leaves home can return home or ask their parents for help in times of trouble. If you have been thrown out of home or left home to escape abuse or conflict, you may be too young or unprepared to cope.
If you are a fostered child, you will have to leave the state-care system when you turn 18, but you may not be ready to make the sudden transition to independence.
If you need support, help is available from a range of community and government organisations. Assistance includes emergency accommodation and food vouchers. If you can’t call your parents or foster parents, call one of the associations below for information, advice and assistance.
Where to get help
Your doctor
Kids Helpline Tel. 1800 55 1800
Lifeline Tel. 13 11 44
Home Ground Services Tel. 1800 048 325
Relationships Australia Tel. 1300 364 277
Centrelink Crisis or Special Help Tel. 13 28 50
Tenants Union of Victoria Tel. (03) 9416 2577
Things to remember
Try to solve any problems before you leave home. Don’t leave because of a fight or other family difficulty if you can possibly avoid it.
Draw up a realistic budget that includes ‘hidden’ expenses, such as bond, connection fees for utilities, and home and contents insurance.
Remember that you can get help from a range of community and government organizations. 
Keep me updated? xx
152K notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 2 years
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One day I woke up and we no longer spoke the same language. I haven't heard from you since.
- Hishaam Siddiqi
279 notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 2 years
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tag yourself, which hoseok reaction were you: (vid.)
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12K notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 3 years
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jungkook doing push ups shirtless 😳
5K notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 3 years
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Jinyoung x Noblesse Men (2021)
3K notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 3 years
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457 notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 3 years
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629 notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 3 years
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tag yourself, which hoseok reaction were you: (vid.)
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12K notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 3 years
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161 notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 3 years
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3K notes · View notes
riseofarmy · 3 years
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i can do this all day 04 | stop with the finger clicking please
author : @riseofarmy
pairing : kim seokjin x original character
words : 2995
i can do this all day masterlist
previous chapter
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"You need me to what?" The genie's irritatingly perfect eyebrows fly up, and it takes all of my willpower to not smack Seokjin in the face.
I nearly started crying this morning when I woke up to find him floating over my bed and playing with something - I had convinced myself that perhaps he was something I imagined, but seeing him right there making random noises while he concentrated on whatever he was doing... it reminded me that the plan I had been working on for more than seven years totally won't work!
He was alright yesterday, bearable at the very least, minus the whole showing-up-outta-nowhere and messing up my plan. Today, though, he's really getting on my nerves - I thought he was supposed to grant wishes, but all he seems to do is ask questions incessantly.
"I'll say this one last time. I need you to make the prince fall in love with me, stat. I am a woman on a mission and the longer you make me wait, the more grouchy I'm gonna get, 'kay?" When the genie does nothing but blink at me, I roll my eyes and rub a hand over my head with a sigh. "I said, okay?"
Seokjin stares me down for a second more. "I can't actually make anyone fall in love with anyone."
"You. What." That can't be right. This isn't how it was supposed to go. If I only have four wishes and can't even make the prince fall in love with me, then... "Then what the hell can you do?" My voice comes out sharper than intended, but I don't bother apologizing to the purple-haired genie.
I think he flinches, but he smoothes his expression so fast I'm not sure. "What can I do? I can make you rich beyond measure, the most powerful creature on Earth, get rid of all your enemies with a click of my fingers, the list is almost endless. Anything but more wishes, bringing someone back from the dead or messing with love, I can do it all."
I can't hide the bitter disappointment that puts a tremble in my voice. "That's not what I need though..."
"Huh? Ah, nothing, just... Sorry for snapping at you." I take a peek at him out of the side of my eye to find him squinting at me. There's a furrow between his eyebrows, which he wills away when he notices me looking at him.
"It's alright, I'm used to it." Maybe that was supposed to make me feel better, but instead, I feel like the biggest piece of shit.
"That's even worse, Seokjin. You're just trying to help, it's not fair for me to be so rude. Seriously, I'm sorry for snapping at you."
Seokjin scratches his neck, looking at the ground. "Oh. Uh. Apology accepted. But... what now?"
What now indeed?
The crowd had thickened around us as we got closer to Mansae, but all of a sudden, I couldn't figure why I was still going. I thought I had everything figured out, that I had a way to make my plan work, but instead, I get another blow to deal with.
I don't even know what I'm supposed to do now.
"Okay, you know what? It is waayyy too crowded and smelly in here for me to concentrate, lemme just—" Seokjin grabs my hand and clicks his fingers, and suddenly we're—
"Seokjin what the goddamn hell is wrong with you?! Where are we?" I bombard him with questions and Yoongi matches my confusion by yowling at Seokjin from his place on my shoulders. Even as I ask, though, a part of my brain recognises the trees we trekked through just an hour ago. "Why are we here again?"
Seokjin stares at me blankly without blinking. It's a little creepy.
"Hmmm, I wonder why. Oh, that's right, it might be because you want to marry the fucking prince? Did you not just spend the last four hours complaining to me about him and his dumb dad? So why? The hell? Do you want to marry him?"
"Uh. It's complicated."
"Uh, it's complicated," Seokjin repeats in a high-pitched voice that I think was supposed to mock me. "I have time."
"Oh. Right. Well." He looks unimpressed, rolling his eyes so hard I thought they would disappear into his head.
"Couch session part two, I guess." He clicks his fingers and the same seats from our first meeting show up, one of which he pushes me onto. He clicks again, and a strange-looking cup appears in his hand, clear with a shockingly bright pink drink sloshing around inside. "Start talking, Darling. Why do you want to marry the Asshole Prince?"
"I..." Judging by his face, there's no way he'll let me get away with not telling him.
"Alright, I need Jungkook to choose to marry me so I can get close to him and the king. The prince and the king hurt... someone I care about, and used his position to silence everyone who knew about it. And it's not just that, there have been so many other people who tried to stand up for themselves, but he can get away with whatever he wants because he's the king.
"The only thing keeping him where he is and giving him his power is his crown and... I want to take that away from him. I have to show him how the rest of the world has to suffer when we don't have the money or title to ignore the consequences of our actions."
I know the way I talk about the king is treasonous, that this whole plan could end with my body spiked on the palace walls. I know that no one else will be able to have my back since everyone would be trying to self-preserve, but still. I have to try and do something, or spend the rest of my life wishing I had stood up for everyone who was hurt by someone who thought he was above basic human decency.
Seokjin's mouth had dropped open little by little as I spoke, and he stares at me now with his bright pink drink paused in front of his lips.
"Darling. Lemme get this straight. You want to take down the king because he's a tyrannous autocrat who doesn't value the rights of his subjects? That's... kinda hot of you."
I splutter loudly and I can feel my face heat up as I look anywhere but at him. Does he ever think before he speaks? "It's not hot, it's just what I think. But I don't even know how I'm going to do it now."
"What do you mean?" Seokjin tilts his head to one side.
"My dad's the one who told me about the lamp, but I don't think he knew there was a djinn inside, or that you can only have four wishes." I finger the purple gem at my throat as the agitation I had been pushing down all this time starts to bubble up again. "I had planned to just make whatever wishes I needed for Jungkook to choose me, but if I only have four, then I have to do it right."
Seokjin's tongue pokes at the inside of his cheek as his furrowed gaze drifts above my head. I can almost feel his thoughts turning in his head. "Hmm. And since you only have four, your first wish shouldn't be that Jungkook chooses you."
"What? But-"
"Hear me out, Darling. Jungkook being a prince and choosing you won't mean shit if you aren't royalty, the king'll just Megan Markle your ass and this whole thing would be a waste of your time." He looks at me pointedly, but I just stare at him for a second, gobsmacked.
"What does that even mean?" I don't think he even realises that all I heard was a stream of made-up words.
"Oh damn, this ain't 2021. I mean, even if Jungkook chooses you, the king can refuse you because you aren't nobility, and wishing you were royalty after the king refuses you won't help you. On the other hand, if you were a princess, then there's a chance Jungkook could choose you even without you wishing for it. You're gonna have to be royalty to make this work anyway, but if you do it in the right order and manage to seduce Jungkook, you can save a wish."
It takes me a second to understand what he's saying, but when I do — "Oh. Oh." — I can basically feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders. For the last day, I'd been trying to put together a plan but kept running into walls.
If I hadn't talked to Seokjin about what I wanted to do, I would still be bumbling around and trying to figure it out, but now thanks to him, I finally have a plan. To think I had been refusing his help all this time...
"What do you think?" He's focussed on my face, lips pursed just the tiniest bit in anticipation.
I grin stupidly at him in response, and he almost melts as the tension eases away from him, shoulders flopping back into his seat. "I think... I think we can do this, Seokjin."
"Okay. Okay! Well, now that I understand what you're trying to do, just say you wish you were a princess and I'll take care of everything else."
"Really? Just like that?"
"Just like that, Darling."
"Uh. Okay. I wish I was a princess."
Seokjin smirks slyly and clicks his fingers. For a dizzying moment, the world is awash in every shade of purple that could ever exist - violets and lavenders and the-children-of-wine-and-periwinkle press against my vision, hard and soft - and then everything returns to the way it was.
Just like that.
Except not really, because I was currently in... Well, this time I actually don't know where. It takes a second to get myself breathing again, shocked yet again by all of the materialising and vanishing that happens around Seokjin, but when I do, I look around.
We're in a tiny room, I think. The ceiling is held up by wooden posts, but the 'walls' are made of gauzy curtains that flutter gently. There is only one plush seat and a bit of legroom in front of us, so Seokjin lounges beside me.
Yoongi yowls at Seokjin while batting at his shin, and Seokjin returns the sentiment by hissing at my cat.
Ha. He thinks he can get away with threatening Yoon like that?
I turn to hit Seokjin's shoulder, but I hadn't realised that the room was moving. Losing my balance, I throw down my hands, but the only place from them to land are his thighs. Did I ever mention that he 'covers' his chest with an open vest? Because I was currently face-to-face with that chest.
I whip my hands off him, face burning as he laughs and steadies me with an annoyingly smug smile on his face.
"Careful, Darling, we're in a palanquin. You think I would let my princess walk?"
"I am not your princess!" I raise my eyebrows at him, daring him to say the retort I just know is on the tip of his tongue, but instead, he just grins wider.
"That's where you're wrong, because you literally are a princess now. Take a look outside." He nudges the curtains on one side apart, flooding the already bright room with noon sunlight that takes a second for my eyes to adjust to.
Outside, the palace which we had only seen from the edge of the city is suddenly looming in front of us. Dark red and blue banners waving from tower tops crowned the carved white marble walls of the palace, which was surrounded by gardened courtyards and penned in by sentried, iron-wrought gates.
Although we were in the thick of the press of people, there was room left around our palanquin. It takes me a moment to realise why, but I understand when I see the awed faces of those closest to the palanquin - they think there is royalty inside, and of course they do.
It's what I wished for, isn't it?
I stick my head out a little further to find that our palanquin is being held and moved by people, rods from the palanquin hooked onto their shoulders, as well as two gold carriages in front of us and two behind. The ones directly in front and behind seemed to hold people as well, but the other two looked like they held other things.
You are absolutely right, Darling, Seokjin said. Except his voice sounded strange. Ah, that would be because I'm talking in your head.
I snap around to find Seokjin smirking. "You can read my thoughts now? Is this a new development because of the wish or having you been invading my thoughts this whole time?"
Immediately the smirk falls, worry creeping into his eyes. "It's a new thing, and even if it wasn't I would never do it without your permission. I just wanted to let you know now so you didn't get surprised by it later. You can talk to me through your thoughts too, if you need to. Is that... okay?"
"Yeah, I guess. Just don't go around digging in my head without me knowing." I nudge his knee lightly to let him know we're good, and he returns it with a grin on his face again.
"Sure thing, Darling. Oh, and those carriages. The one in front and behind hold your maids and guards, and the other two have presents for the kings. You can't come empty-handed, of course."
"Right. But uh... what about the people holding the palanquin. Does it hurt them?"
For some reason, his eyes soften at my question. "No, don't you worry about that. I've made sure they're fine."
"Okay. Thank you."
We sit in silence for a while, and I only notice my clothes then.
I am no longer in my dirty jacket and boots, but instead, a deep blue lehenga embroidered with a lotus pattern. I'm basically dripping in gold, heavy necklaces next to the lamp, bangles all up my arm, a stud in my nose and a piece laying through my hair part and against my forehead.
My hair part! I reach behind my head to find not my shorn head, but waves and waves of thick black hair. I had almost forgotten what it was like - shiny and heavy, slinking through my fingers.
I looked like an extravagant version of what I would see worn by the richer women in Paratham. My mother only had one outfit this lovely, and that was for her wedding; my dad had chosen to wear Daehan-Minguk's wedding hanbok.
Not particularly feeling like crying right now, I stick my head out between the curtains again, showing Yoongi the view too. I give up when he starts hissing at everyone, letting him play with the toy mouse Seokjin magics up.
We're in there for an hour, but eventually the palanquin sways to a stop and is set down. A voice calls from outside, but Seokjin shakes his head at me when I try to find out what's happening.
"I think you're going to have to get used to having other people do everything for you now that you're a princess. I'll take care of it, as your advisor and guard. And part-timer translater. And food-taster. And—"
"Alright, alright, I get it. Just go."
Seokjin does exactly that, and Yoongi follows with his tail in the air. Traitor.
It's frustrating to not know what is going on - I can make out Seokjin's low voice talking with a guard, but I can't hear what they're saying. There's a lull in their conversation before it picks up again.
A few minutes later, Seokjin sticks his head in and starts talking, words spilling so fast I can barely understand him.
"We're going to meet the king very soon. I'm gonna start my first task as your advisor: presenting the gifts we brought, then you, blah blah blah. Talk you up as the best person for Jungkook to marry, all that jazz."
I fiddle with the embroidered edge of my lehenga. "It feels like I'm being sold."
"As much as I hate to say it, Darling, the king is going to want the marriage that best benefits him. That's why everyone's bringing presents: to say 'Hey! Look at all these riches we have! You could have these too!'. The king will probably push Jungkook to choose the princess of the richest country."
He says it flippantly, but there's a tightness in his jaw that tells me he doesn't approve of this. It makes me feel like he's part of the plan because he wants to be, not just because he's my djinn.
I can feel Seokjin's gaze on the side of my face, but he doesn't say anything more. Instead, he half steps through the curtain so he can reach to adjust my necklace, then behind my neck to pull the lehenga's blue veil over my head. His hand lingers at my shoulder for a moment before he pulls away.
"I'll let you know when to come out and what to do, okay?"
And with my confirmation, he leaves again.
Just like that.
Yoongi stays with me this time, sensing my nervousness - the fury seething under my skin which he calms by curling on my lap with a soft purr. For just that tiny stretch of time, peace falls over me. Yoongi warm and heavy on my lap, sunlight seeping through the gauzy curtains, and the gentle sway of the palanquin begin picked up again...
So much is going on, but right now feels like it'll be the last piece of serenity I'll have for a while, so I savour it.
I can only hope that this all works out.
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i can do this all day masterlist
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0 notes
riseofarmy · 3 years
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i can do this all day 03 | do you ever look at someone and wonder
author : @riseofarmy
pairing : kim seokjin x original character
words : 2533
i can do this all day masterlist
previous chapter
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How isn't she tired yet?
I'm tired, and I've only been floating behind her for the last three-ish hours. When she first noticed that I was laying on air, her dumb cat hissed at me, but she just widened her eyes for a second before ignoring me.
Maybe she's just been desensitised by all the stuff she got sprung with today.... which is strange because people usually come looking for the lamp knowing there's a djinn inside. Then again, it's been a while since I've been awaked this far in the past, and it's further in the future that people know about the 'genie' myth.
I know that my first few masters summoned me one after another, but somewhere along the line, I started serving people from all different times. That stunning suit I had on before was made for one of the most popular boy groups of the 21st century, but I hadn't considered that I would be so far back in time that it would be ridiculed.
I still can't believe that: my master tried to kill me, then barely two minutes later made fun of my sexy jacket and oh my god, I don't even know her name.
"Oh my god, I don't even know your name." The little terror on her shoulder stares at me with its dumb, beady eyes.
"Darling." She didn't even turn to me when she answered.
"My name. It's Darling. Darling Surya".
Darling. I size her up, running my gaze over her. Her face was a little plain, but it looked downright fierce with her buzz-cut and wicked jawline. Paired with her long jacket and the general get-out-of-my-way vibe she gives off, she doesn't seem like a Darling at all.
"Darling? Is it weird when some random person calls you darling without realising it's your name?"
"I had been using the name Surya while I pretended to be a man, so I've never had to experience that." Wow, plot twists be like.
"Why did you pretend to be a man?"
"Because all women are good for is marriage, and I needed a job to save up money so I could come here."
Yikes, alright then. I have a feeling she's always this intense.
She has my interest piqued though, and I keep asking her questions. She's blunt at first, obviously preoccupied by something else, but eventually she relaxes enough to give me more detailed answers. I even suck up my dislike to her dumb cat and float beside her instead of behind, and she doesn't seem to mind.
I learn that her father is from Daehan-Minguk and her mother from Paaratham (modern-day South Korea and India respectively, which explains her darker skin) and that she was a heavy labourer for two years to save up money to move from Paaratham to Daehan-Minguk.
She explains that the king is an asshole - making downright treasonous comments about him throughout - and that we were currently going to his son's birthday ball.
She doesn't tell me why we're going, though, because supposedly she's 'still sorting it out', but it must be something serious since she dances around the question with a tight expression until I ask her about her cat.
It's a little strange to just talk like this.
I always make sure to learn about each of my masters so I can serve them better. Darling, though... she one of the few who I can say don't feel like a master. Most of the others went straight to telling me everything they would do with the money they were going to wish for themselves, or the apparently tragic stories that made them so deserving of the power they wanted.
Darling, just talked about her parents and Yoongi a lot, and even asked me questions about being a djinn.
She was baffled when I told her I've served people from different times, mouth dropping and fingers tightening on the lamp which she still held in her hand, and she wanted to know what the world is like in the future. When I told her about phones, though, she decided I was making it up and asked something else.
Still, it felt nice to talk to Darling. Nice enough that another hour and a half passed without me noticing, and soon enough, dusk had fallen and we were approaching the nearest town.
"I know an inn nearby, but I'm not sure how people would react if they saw someone in the air. I think you should stop floating for a bit." Darling looks pointedly at me until I set my feet on the ground with a huff.
"Silly humans and your non-floating ways. Do you realise how much of a time-waster walking is?"
"My bad, Seokjin. I'll make sure that next time I'm born as a genie." My lips curl into a grin of their own accord at her response, and I see her own do the same out of the corner of my eye.
The streets of the town are busy, but Darling navigates them fairly easily. It becomes more and more apparent, though, that there is currently something going on - people are bustling around busily, and Darling looks increasingly worried until we finally end up in front of an inn.
Inside, I immediately understand why Darling looked troubled - the inn is almost overflowing with people. Darling runs a hand over her buzz-cut and pushes the lamp deep into her pocket, then tells me to wait in the corner while she talks to the innkeeper. I try to follow her anyway, but she gives me a wicked glare and leaves her cat next to me so I stay put.
"What are you looking at?" The cat doesn't even blink, just lays down next to my feet. It doesn't seem to mind when I crouch closer to it, so I give its fur an experimental poke.
It opens its eyes lazily, slowly flicking its tail in my direction until I give it another poke, soft this time. Dumb cat. I could make you disappear from existence right now and you wouldn't even realise. As if sensing my thoughts, the cat bats at my hand, but then lets me pat it again.
"Yoongi likes you." Darling, who appeared without me even realising, looks down with sickeningly love-filled eyes at the cat.
"He what now?"
"Yoongi. He doesn't like anyone touching him except me, but he seems to be okay with you."
"Oh. Well, that's too bad for him because I hate cats."
"If you say so." She raises her eyebrows as if she doesn't believe me, but before I can reaffirm that no, really, I hate cats, she jerks her head to the stairs that I think lead to the rooms. "It's good we came here first, because the other inn is already full. There's a festival in Mansae the day before the ball, so people are staying here on their way to it and there's only one room left here. You okay with that?"
"I live in a lamp, Darling, I'm sure I can manage." She gives me a small smile and hikes her rucksack up before picking up her cat.
The innkeeper comes to us with a very capitalist smile and leads us to our room. He doesn't shut up, somehow managing to fit his life story, three comments about how 'we're never been this busy' and even an offer for me to marry his daughter in the two minutes he has our attention.
Darling just rolls her eyes when we're finally shown our room, and I remember her words from before - 'all women are good for is marriage'. I wonder if the innkeeper's daughter knew she was basically being given away by her own dad.
"Seokjin!" I pop my head into the room, which Darling had already unlocked and was going through. It was just big enough for a bed, a small table with a chair, and a tub behind a bamboo screen to bathe in.
"We have to get to the palace by tomorrow afternoon, so we're leaving early." She grabs a pillow from the bed to fluff it before throwing it back down. "You sleep here, I'll take the chair."
I think the sight of me floating has completely disappeared from her brain. "Darling. Sweetheart. You are a human, and need sleep. I am a genie, and have my lamp and don't need to sleep. Take the bed."
Darling's hand had been hovering protectively over her pocket, but now she pulls the lamp out of it and glances up at me.
"Oh. I guess that makes sense. I thought you wouldn't be too thrilled at the idea of going back into your lamp so soon. Plus, I wasn't planning on sleeping."
That makes me pause, and I consider her predicament for a moment. Darling - visibly tired, stressed out and her mind obviously occupied by something that she's been turning over for who-knows-how-long, yet here she is offering me a bed. Me. A literal genie with my whole-ass magic thing going on. Because she thinks I would be sick of being in my perpetual home one more night. Cute.
Then I notice how tight her grip on the lamp is, and that's when something clicks in my brain.
Hah. I wonder if she realises how easy it is to read her.
"Interesting, Darling, but may I offer a proposition? You sleep on the bed, your dumb cat can do whatever, and I'll do my floating business. Win-win-win, am I right? Also, c'mere."
She widens her eyes warily when I hold my hand out for the lamp, but passes it over with some hesitancy.
"What are you doing?"
"Trust me, Darling."
I watch her expression morph from confusion to distress as I melt the golden lamp into a chain-link necklace. Taking a step closer to her, I reach across the space between us to loop the chain around her neck and seal the ends together so there isn't an opening to the necklace. The purple gem thing - even after all this time, I don't know what it is - rests just below her collarbone, glinting in the dim light from the candle we were given.
"There you go! Now you can sleep without having to worry about losing it! Wow! You can thank me now!" I smile at her, but she doesn't notice. She fiddles with the necklace experimentally, a frown bringing her eyebrows together.
"What if someone pulls it off?" How Darling of her, always going around ruining the mood with her silly questions.
"Nopsies, the only ones who can even touch it are you and me. And your stupid cat. And I'm the only one who can take it off you or change its shape, so hurry up and thank me you ungrateful shit." I smile wider, tilting my head in expectation, and the tiniest hint of a grin graces her lips.
"Thank you, Seokjin."
"You are absolutely welcome, Darling dear. Now sleep." Before she can say anything else, I push her onto the bed and tap her forehead. She doesn't even have a chance to look surprised before she's unconscious, fast asleep as the purple remnants of my magic curl around her head.
I pull a blanket over her and poke my tongue out at her dumb cat when it jumps up to sleep next to her. It ignores me.
Oh well.
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"Look, Mansae will be in front of us in a second. We'll be able to see the sea too."
Darling draws my attention to the view ahead of me, where we're about to break through the forest's treeline.
She woke up at fuck-all o'clock to find me playing on my Nintendo, and barely ten minutes later we were out of the town and on our way to the palace. We avoided the main road until now by picking our way through the mountain, but we were close enough to the capital, Mansae that we couldn't avoid it any longer.
With one last turn, the palace is laid bare in front of us.
The main road snakes to the palace and the houses and markets that surround it, which were in turn set within a wide valley circled by the Mansae mountain range. Through the space between two of the mountains, we could see the faint glimmer of the ocean far away. The palace itself was a spread of white towers spearing the sky, the path leading to it choked with people weaving between markets.
We join the crush of people heading to the palace for Jungkook's birthday-and-wife-picking-ceremony and are instantly shoulder-to-shoulder with sweaty strangers. Darling's elbow digs into my side as we walk, but she's too focused on babying her dumb cat to realise. I bear with it until we reach the markets, but I can't stand it anymore.
"Darling your elbow has been jackhammering a hole into my ribs for an hour."
She practically rips her gaze away from her cat to look up at me. "Seokjin, I can promise you that you are not the only one in this crush of people with an elbow in your ribs. Still, sorry about that, I wish there wasn't so much of a crowd."
"Ohoho, is that your first wish?" I waggle my eyebrows at her jokingly, but she doesn't realise I'm only kidding.
"No! No, that is not a wish!" She seems to be visibly panicking, a flush climbing her throat as she splutters in her attempt to make sure her wish isn't used. Cute.
"Okay okay, that's not your wish, I get it. But uhh, now that we're on the topic... What is your first wish?"
"I'll tell you when it comes to it." Ah yes, Darling - putting up brick walls faster than you can ask her questions. This time, though, that's not an option.
"Nopesies, you have to tell me. Come on bestie."
"I will. If I need to. Do I really need to? Can't I just say it when I need it to happen?"
Some times, it's a real bother being the only smart person on a whole planet of dummies. But that's okay - I suck back my exasperation and hide it behind a tight smile.
"Okay. Look. Here's the deal, Darling. It's obvious to me by now that you are not going to wish for money or power or whatever else my masters usually want. If, when you make your wish, it isn't precise enough or it's something I can't grant, I will not know what to give you and that's a wish wasted. I need you to explain this big idea of your's, or else I literally cannot do my job properly, so please tell me: what is going on inside your head?"
The flush on her neck spreads to her face as she mutters something without meeting my eye, but I miss it because she says it so quietly.
"What was that?"
Squaring her shoulders, Darling turns and holds my gaze straight on. There's some emotion tightening her face that I can't fully decipher, something between agitation and determination
"I need you to make the prince fall in love with me."
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riseofarmy · 3 years
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i can do this all day 02 | so there's this magic boy
author : @riseofarmy
pairing : kim seokjin x original character
words : 2343
i can do this all day masterlist
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What. The. Hell.
Before me stands a man I've never seen before in my life. He's barefoot, loose harem pants hanging low on his hips and an open vest doing nothing to hide his bare chest. The most startling thing about him though is his hair. It's purple, as in I Am The Love Child Of Amethysts And Lilac purple.
I don't get how I could've missed someone as stand-outty as him.
He leans down elegantly to pluck the lamp from the floor and my heart seizes up instantly. I have no idea where he came from, or how he got so close to me without me realising, but one thing I do know - this piece of shit is not getting away with my lamp.
With a swipe of my foot at the stranger's legs, I fell him like a tree. He shrieks, trying to pick himself up, but I pounce on him, sitting on the back of his thighs and twisting his arms behind him so he has to curl backwards to stop his arms from hurting. I pull out the twine I store in one of my pockets, intending to tie up his hands, but then...
He's gone.
As in gone-from-under-me gone, making me fall onto my back since the hands I was pulling have goddamn disappeared. Disappeared! Again: What. The Hell. I stare at the ceiling, trying to orient myself. He was right there and then he was... not.
"I can't believe you just did that to me, like surely you knew how that would make me feel."
The man stands next to my knocked-down body, bending over to look me in the eye. He flicks a lock of purple hair off his face with a lop-sided grin that might have been meant to make me feel at ease but instead makes me growl in irritation. I make a grab at his ankles, but I only touch them for a moment before my hands close around empty air.
That did not just happen.
Except it did. He's out of my arm's reach and fanning his face lazily as I get on my feet, eyes lasered in on the lamp still in his hand. He twirls it carelessly and I totally lose my mind, snapping forward to jump on him again.
This time, I manage to tackle him to the ground again and lock his head into my elbow before-
"Don't bother, you'll just tire yourself out." Suddenly, he's on the other side of the small room, a roguish curl to his lips as he lounges on one of the bigger chests of gold. He notices me twitch in his direction, and with a wave of his fingers, I'm frozen.
It's an awful feeling, like time has stopped, but only for me. There's an emptiness in my chest that takes me a second to place, but then I realise what it is - I can't breathe! Somehow, I know that my lungs have stopped working, my heart has stopped beating, that the only thing working in me right now is my thoughts.
And then he lets go of me. I suck in a grateful breath, flexing my fingers until I'm sure my blood's flowing again.
Holy shit holy shit holy shit literally what the hell.
"Please tell me you've calmed down." I flick my gaze up to find the strange man eyeing me warily. He has a better grip on the lamp now and isn't flinging it around like before, so I force myself to stay on the ground even though I was itching to take it from him.
"Who are you?" My voice cracks, but he didn't seem to notice. Instead, his expression clears up significantly into an overly bright beam.
"You know what, I have a song prepared for exactly that question, gimme a second to change." Before I can consider the ridiculousness of that statement, he snaps his fingers, and suddenly he's wearing...
Actually, what is he wearing?
He has on a startlingly white jacket, with odd, overblown shoulders, and a matching pair of breeches that were fitted to his body and made of a stiff material. The outfit was studded with what looked like diamonds, his hair was slicked back off his forehead, and the whole look completed with a set of short, silver boots.
I can't help it. Before I can slam a palm over my mouth, a snort slips out.
The man looks a little shocked, mouth dropped into a horrified 'O'. "Are you laughing? At me? Why are you laughing?!"
"You look... What are you wearing?"
He splutters, ears reddening so quickly they might just pop. "Do you not have any taste? This is high fashion, the result of a gorgeous marriage between class and art and I look stunning."
This man was serious! His hand was curled into a fist and he looked almost comically furious, but I just couldn't take him as anything but a joke.
Especially not when, a few seconds later, he lets out a scream and jumps onto a chest. It takes me a moment realises that the thing that had him currently shaking like a leaf was none other than... Yoongi.
Yoongi, my little furball cat, who slinks past the terrified man and curls into my bent form.
"Wait. Are you scared of cats?" When he doesn't reply, I have my answer. The man flinches as I stand up and step closer to him, eyes trained on the only-slightly-feisty ball of fluff at my feet. "How does this sound: you give me the lamp back, and I won't tell Yoongi to bite you."
At this, the man looks up. "The lamp is yours anyway! Take it! Just keep that thing away from me! WHY IS IT COMING CLOSER?!"
I stop moving closer to him, eyebrows furrowing - it seems too easy. I pat Yoongi's bum and direct him to the other side of the room before turning to address the man again. "You'll just... give it back to me? Then why did you take it in the first place?"
Now that Yoongi's further away, the man looks at me directly, throwing his hands up in what was probably frustration.
"Are you out of your mind? Seriously, did you get knocked on the head too hard before or something? Why would I take the lamp? It's literally yours? I can't? Do anything with it? Just? Take it?"
It was my turn to splutter. "Well- I- Alright then? I'll just? Take it?" It's strange to be talking in question marks, but everything about this situation is strange and I don't have the time to get hung up on the details.
I rush forward before he can change his mind, swiping the lamp from his hand. I cradle it to my chest, deciding right there that the next person to even glance at it without my permission is getting castrated.
"Can't you keep it away from me?" The stranger jerks his head at Yoongi, who was pawing through a pile of gold, completely unaware that he was the object of the man's derision.
"It isn't even near you and it has a name. Yoongi. He's not gonna hurt you."
"Mmm-hmm, that's what they all say before letting those monsters maul your face off."
"It's a little concerning how oddly specific that was, but Yoongi's not gonna 'maul your face off', he can't even catch rats. Anyway, can't you just save yourself by doing whatever it was you did before?" Before, when my body stopped but my mind didn't. "Um. What did you do before."
"Well, that's exactly what I changed into this incredible outfit to explain!" He gestures at himself, the diamonds throwing light around the room. "I literally told you I have a song prepared. You have a problem with that?" He adds in the question, probably realising that my face was twisted in disgruntlement.
"Can't you just say it?"
The man visibly deflates, and I almost take my words back. Almost, but not really. He clicks his fingers again and he's back in the harem pants and vest, then once more, and two plush armchairs appear. I think I'm already desensitised to things popping into existence.
"Sit," he gestures, plonking into the one opposite. "Since you want to do this the boring way. What do you want to know?"
I sink into the seat, half expecting it to disappear from under me, but it holds. Yoongi jumps into my lap, and I quickly look up at the man for his reaction, but he seems to have calmed down from his initial fear - he just purses his lips and avoids looking at Yoongi.
"I guess I'll start with... Who are you? And how did you get here without me noticing?"
He cocks his head. "Do you even know what the lamp is?"
I look down at my lap where Yoongi was batting at the purple gem in the lamp. I don't want to let on that I knew what the lamp can do, but something gave me the feeling the man already knew. "Yeah, it's a magic lamp. Makes all your wishes come true."
"Wow, it's so interesting that you think that because that's wrong."
Cue round two of me spluttering. This man did not just show up, out of nowhere, and deny what I have known for the last eight years.
"Wrong? What do you mean wrong, I'm supposed to be the only one left who knows about this lamp."
"And who told you about it? Actually, it doesn't matter, because sorry to disappoint you, honey, but whoever it was didn't have their facts straight. The lamp doesn't do anything, it's just a vessel for the real wish granter. That's me."
I blink, waiting for the punchline. It doesn't come, though, and the man cocks his head again, an amused smirk lifting his lips.
"Since you haven't figured it out yet, I'll spell it out for you. I am a djinn, a genie if you will. And since you freed me, you are now my master until I grant you your wishes." He furrows his eyebrows. "No wait, I've missed something. You know, my song was perfected to give all the information you need in the right order and now you've messed me up."
And then he starts humming something under his breath, bobbing his head to the beat in his head. "Oh! You have four wishes. And my name is Seokjin."
"What?!" Oh hell no.
"Yikes, what's with that reaction. Seokjin isn't a weird name or anything so-"
"No, what do you mean four wishes? I'm supposed to be able to make as many as I want!" If I can only have four wishes...
"I mean exactly that. I can grant you four wishes, no more, no less - not that anyone's ever wanted less. And before you even think it, you can't ask for more wishes." He looks at me sternly, as if it's something he's had to say repeatedly.
His words feel like a physical blow to my chest, winding me and making my brain blank. Four wishes. That certainly is less than I had planned for, but I guess it could have been a lot worse. I could have had only one wish, or I could have never found the lamp. Yes, thank goodness I have at least this many - I just have to make sure I make it count.
"Are you okay? You haven't said anything for, like, two minutes. I mean, I'm used to people becoming speechless in my presence, but you look more stressed out than in awe, so."
"Huh?" I shake myself out of my increasingly spiralling thoughts. "Yeah, I'm okay, I just... Wait, the ball!"
Only four wishes? This new stranger I'm apparently stuck with? Both of those I can deal with, I can find a way. But if I miss this ball then it doesn't matter how many wishes I have, I won't even be able to start with my revenge plan.
The ball, as in the prince's twenty-third birthday ball, which is only a week away. It was announced by the king when the prince was only ten: a grand ball open to nobility from all over the world. Even in Paaratham, the announcement sent tremors through towns because the prince was to choose his bride from among all the single noblewomen that attended.
I'm not from a noble family, and I'm definitely not a princess, but I'm determined to be the one the prince chooses.
The lamp was supposed to help me with that, and I had planned to wish myself into the kingdom after getting the lamp, but that's not an option anymore. If I wanted to get there in time, I need to leave now.
Immediately, I snap into action. I start stuffing my pockets with gold, since I don't have much more money on me, and packing into my rucksack the few bolts of fabric that were already tailored into clothes. The man - Seokjin, I tell myself - only stares at me, until I address him.
"Some of us can't magic up stuff whenever we want, so excuse me for snatching what the dead won't use anyway. Is there anything from here you want to take?"
"Me?" He looks shocked, probably thinking I must be dumb to ask a genie if he needs anything.
"No, the creeper behind you. Yes, you, is there anything you need from here? You have two minutes."
I go back to filling my pockets as Seokjin frantically rustles through the room. I don't see what he's getting but he seems satisfied when I call him to me.
Yoongi meows at him, obviously wanting to investigate Seokjin, but I pick him up and lay him on my shoulder. I kinda want to figure out this whole genie thing too, but I don't have the time right now.
Right now, I've got to get to the capital, Mansae. Everything else I can sort out later.
"Alright, magic boy. Let's get outta here."
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riseofarmy · 3 years
they're so cute :c
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★ txt ending fairies ! ★
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riseofarmy · 3 years
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i can do this all day 01 | yoongi knows best
author : @riseofarmy
pairing : kim seokjin x original character
words : 1938
i can do this all day masterlist
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Yoongi squints his cat eyes and looks into my own from the folds of my jacket, but doesn't make a sound. Good boy. It's like you can read my mind. I stand still for what feels like an eternity, tuning out my heartbeat to check for any unusual sounds.
The one time I hadn't checked if other people were following, some whackjob had managed to tail me. If it hadn't been for Yoongi's soft hiss - something he only does around strangers - I wouldn't have even known I was being followed and would have led the creeper straight to the Han inheritance.
Just thinking about how close I had been to losing the treasure sent a shiver through me.
So thanks again, Yoongi. You and your hatred for social interaction saved our asses.
In acknowledgement of my mental gratitude, Yoongi pokes his head out of my jacket again and looks around. We were right in front of the entrance to the old Han tomb, which was embedded in a small hill among the Mount Ilsan forests. The tomb itself was made of light grey stone and extended into the mound, with the open entry leading to a locked door.
I pause under the entry for another minute, patting his soft, black fur and gathering my wits. It had taken me over a year to move back to Daehan-Minguk, but now that I was here it felt like my plan finally had a shot at success. The one thing I needed to make all my wishes come true was inside my tomb, and all I needed to do was get my hands on it.
The magic lamp.
"We'll go find it one day, Darling," my dad had said to me one day, when I was still too young to know how evil people can be. "Then I can treat your mum like the queen she is to me."
But first, I needed to get in.
I walk through the entry, where I'm faced with an imposing set of double doors made of the same grey stone I assume is used through the whole tomb. Yoongi nuzzles my hand when I bring it to my neck, where a small drawstring bag hangs; inside is the key my father gave me as he told me about the tomb.
It was a strange-looking key, with teeth poking at five angles rather than just one, but it clicks perfectly into the lock, and I nearly slump with relief. A part of me had been worried that perhaps after all I did to get here, the key wouldn't even fit, that my dad had made some sort of mistake.
There was no need to fear though. Stone grinds against stone as the doors are drawn apart by some ancient mechanism, and I step through.
If I didn't already know about the Han family, I could learn everything I needed to just by looking around.
Within was a long hallway, and in each of the small rooms branching off was the burial chamber of a different Han. The whole tomb was lit by the afternoon sunlight streaming through yellowing windows and all of the chambers were basically dripping in gold, studded with gems and draped with silks, all covered in a layer of dust.
As expected, the Han were filthy rich, even in death.
It was a little bit sickening to see when I had to slave away as a labourer for two years just to have the money to get to Daehan-Minguk. I tell myself that I would come back here one day and take away from the dead what they couldn't use anyway, but not now.
Right now, I have to go to the oldest tomb, the one which held Han Jinsoo and Han Euntaek. Everyone thought Euntaek started the Han empire, but the real brain behind the operation was his wife, Jinsoo. Despite having to pass credit to her husband for all her work, she built the most successful merchant business in Daehan-Minguk, and it was in her chamber that the real treasure was hidden.
I make my way to the foot of her tomb and find the brick with Jinsoo's name written on it, exactly where my dad said it would be. Before I can have second thoughts, I press it hard. For a stomach-churning second, nothing happens, but then I hear stone grinding again and the floor between her tomb and Euntaek slides apart.
Alright. Everything's going according to plan.
Yoongi pokes his head out to examine the dank, earthy smell coming from the steps the lead to the underground room. It had taken me so long to get to right here, and not once was I nervous. I knew this is what I had to do the second my dad told me about it, but now that I'm here...
No, I can't have second thoughts. I have to see this through to the end.
With a pat on Yoongi's head to gather my courage, I stride down the stairs, my heart already beating more erratically as I get closer to my dream. After the stairs is a long, winding passage that got darker and colder the further I went, but one last turn later, I'm faced with... more gold. What a surprise.
It's kind of pretty here though. I can't figure out how, but light streams into the room even though we're underground - it's just bright enough to set the looming heaps of coins alight with a soft orange glow. It wasn't dusty like the upper chambers, but I could still tell that no one had been here since it was last locked up.
Yoongi accidentally flicks my face with his tail as he wiggles out of my jacket and onto the floor. He walks alongside me as I explore the rolls of silk leaning against the walls, the chests filled with sparkling gems and-
Hang on. Where is it? Money, more fabric, diamonds... Is that the old royal crown? More gold, more gems...
I can't find it.
Even after searching for another hour, digging through the coins with a bored Yoongi clawing at my back, I can't find the lamp. Oh hell no. This is not happening right now. I can't have come all this way for it not to be here.
Panic grips me for a moment and I drop to the ground, running a hand over the hair that was just starting to grow out again. Come on Darling, think!
Dad said the old Han tombs were within the Mount Ilsan forests. He had given me the key, said to go into Jinsoo's chamber and press her name at the foot of her tomb, that the room I'm looking for would open. He told me everything he knew about the Han magic lamp...
Which means someone else has already come and taken it. But that can't be right either - Dad was the only one who knew about it, and I was the only one he told. There's no way someone could have just stumbled on the tomb either - it was set within jungle-like forests in the crook between two mountains, and the nearest town was hours away.
"Miaaaanngg." Yoongi butts his head against my legs, wrapping his tail around an ankle in the way he does when he wants to show me something.
"Not now Yoongi. Show me after I find the lamp, okay?" But he doesn't give up, pouncing on my foot with a newfound vigour and even attempting to bite my shin.
"Alright alright! Have it your way you utter goose." Finally satisfied, leads me to a chest I had already looked through and elegantly settles himself next to it. Unbelievable.
"Thanks Yoon, but I've already checked that one." I don't know if cats can look unimpressed, but he manages to do just that at my response. I take a step away from him, but he lets out a loud yowl and starts batting at the ground.
Where Han Jinsoo's name is inscribed in the stone.
"Yoongi!" I pick him up in a tight snuggle, pressing kisses to his head as he pretends not to enjoy it. "I'm sorry baby, I'll never doubt you again, I swear! I'll get you a whole cat palace for yourself."
With Yoongi snug in my arms, I stare at Jinsoo's name on the brick. I guess she only wanted the lamp to be taken by someone who needed only that - if I hadn't known the lamp existed, I would have been distracted by the never-ending rooms of gold.
Maybe it was important to her, too, when she was alive.
A wiggle from Yoongi prompts me to lean down and press the brick hard. This time, instead of any sort of door opening, the brick next to it pops open to reveal a hollow space filled only with-
The magic lamp!
I pick it up gently and nearly start crying with the relief that finally, finally, it was in my hands. Eleven years. That's how long I've coveted this lamp, and now...
A shit-eating grin creeps on my face as I examine it.
The body of the lamp was made with intricately hammered gold and the shade made with glass that fades from purple to clear. There was a peculiar jewel set into the gold - it's a deeper, velvety purple in the shadows, but a softer, lavender when the light hits it right.
Yoongi looks disgusted when a deranged cackle bubbles in my throat, but I didn't care. I felt a little deranged, drunk on the power this lamp gave me, this tiny lamp worth more than everything in this entire tomb put together.
"Yoonie-baby. Are you hungry? I bet you are. You want me to give you something yummy to snack on?" Yoongi simply drapes himself over a particularly soft roll of silk, ignoring me pointedly as if to say 'where in this room are you going to get food for me from?'
I stick my tongue out at him (even though he doesn't see it) and I stare into the gem in the lamp. "I'll show you. I wish that Yoongi had something to eat."
Nothing happens.
I wait for a minute - maybe it's dusty from not being used? - and then another, but still, nothing happens.
Just as I think to try again, though, the lamp starts to get warmer in my hands, trembling as if there was something inside. It gets so hot that I want to drop it, but it's like my fingers are glued to the gold. Not just my fingers are stiff though, my whole body seizes up and I can't move no matter how hard I will myself to.
Yoongi hisses at the lamp as it suddenly lights with a flame that flickers white and lilac. The flame doesn't stay within the glass shade - it grows until it shoots up to the ceiling, spreading across the surface and then back down the walls to cover everything in the room.
The fire morphs into a thick, purple smog, and just when I think I might choke on it, the smoke gets sucked back into the lamp.
Just like that.
It all happens so quickly that I might have imagined it, but the air smells different now, less earthy and more like jasmine. My fingers unstick from the suddenly cold metal and let it fall to the ground. I follow it down, letting Yoongi jump into my lap as he yowls and butts his head against my quivering hands.
And then, a voice.
"Man does it feels good to be out of there!"
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riseofarmy · 3 years
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i can do this all day 00 | give me your wishlist
author : @riseofarmy
pairing : kim seokjin x original character
words : 687
i can do this all day masterlist
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I was ready to wring the prince's neck.
Jungkook had forced me into the seat next to his with hearts in his eyes, and since then, he had been not-so-subtly trying to drape his arm around my shoulder. He was not at all getting the hint that I was more interested in choking his regal ass with the bread roll in front of me than letting him touch me.
A glare from Seokjin, though, reminded me why was here. He did that annoying thing he so loves to do, pretending to be engrossed in conversation with the person beside him while his actual concentration was on me, or rather, inside my brain.
Come on, Darling, Seokjin said, his voice bouncing in my head. At least pretend to be interested in what he's saying.
In response, I imagine a donkey with projectile diarrhoea and beam it into Seokjin's thoughts. It makes him wince so strongly that the woman next to him holds onto his arm very helpfully to make sure he's okay - he has that strange sir-please-let-me-touch-you effect on people.
I force Seokjin out of my head and turn my attention back to the dopey, lovesick prince with his dopey, lovesick smile.
"Princess Darling, have I ever told you your eyes are richer than the most fertile of soil?"
I give him a strained grimace, barely stopping myself from ripping his hair out. "Only about a hundred times, Prince Jungkook, but I'm grateful you find me beautiful even after all this time."
He smiles so softly I thought he might kiss me (yikes), but before he can say something else sappy, the Asshole King clears his throat to get our attention.
"I thought I would let you know that the preparations for your wedding are going splendidly. I can have you wedded by the end of the month."
Shit. That's only two weeks away.
I look at Seokjin, who has suddenly gone very still. I guess he realises how it's going too soon, not at all according to the plan we had roughly thrown together on the day we met. I need more time to dig my claws into the king.
So I smile graciously at the king.
"Thank you, Your Majesty, but there's no need to rush. It's already decided that Jungkook and I will get married, so we may as well take our time. Don't you think so, Jungkook?"
I didn't feel guilty for tricking Jungkook with the Take My Side Oh Big Strong Man expression I faked. In fact, watching the prince laser in on my lightly pouting lips reminded me of the power I had over him, and by correlation over the king.
Jungkook nods eagerly and proceeds to explain to his father how there was 'no reason at all to rush, in fact, we can even wait a few months because blah blah blah' and eventually the king agrees.
My relief at his answer carries me through the rest of dinner, and the second I get the chance, I slip away to my room with Seokjin.
I can feel his eyes on me as I wash off the gunk I'm expected to put on my face every morning, feel them burning through the bamboo screen I change my clothes behind.
When I come out again, he stands up and strides up to me, holding my gaze with such sincerity it makes me want to step back.
"Darling... are you sure you still want to do this? Get married to Jungkook just to have your chance at revenge?"
I want to reply flippantly, but something about his strained voice and the way he cards a hand through his purple hair makes me answer more carefully.
"I... Well, of course. Isn't that what we're here for? What else could we..." What else could I do but the thing I've already spent most of my life planning?
Seokjin's shoulders sag, just a little bit. I can tell he hoped I would say something else, but I can't tell what that something else should have been.
"Alright then, Darling. Whatever you wish, I'll make it happen."
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riseofarmy · 3 years
i can do this all day . kim seokjin
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© riseofarmy > please do not copy, repost or translate !
author : @riseofarmy
pairing : kim seokjin x original character
warnings : genies and magic . revenge . monarchy . guilt
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Darling Surya is a woman on a mission.
From the moment she lost her dad, she knew what she had to do - get revenge on the boy who killed him and tried to buy her silence.
The only problem? Said boy, Jeon Jungkook, is next-in-line to the throne of Daehan-Minguk, making his dad the freaking king. Yeah. Details like these do tend to send curveballs at your revenge plot.
So Darling does whatever it takes to get her hand on the one thing that can make all her wishes come true, the magic lamp. Except, as it turns out, it can't actually make all of her wishes a reality and instead of just a lamp, she finds... Seokjin. A hot, snarky genie who doesn't know how to shut up. Or stop being nosy. Or stop being irritatingly optimistic.
Did I mention he doesn't shut up?
And so Darling has to abandon her incredible plan that was carefully orchestrated over ten years and throw another one together, but when she gets to the palace she finds she'll have more hurdles to jump.
The king being more manipulative than expected, the guy whose inheritance she stole getting in her business... and then we have love involved. Yeah. It's a total mess.
At least she has Seokjin. If only he would shut up.
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00 | give me your wishlist
01 | yoongi knows best
02 | so theres this magic boy
03 | do you ever look at someone and wonder
04 | stop with the finger clicking please
< more to come >
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