slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
A post on my needed outting with my girlfriends 🥰 Cay and I are moving houses in two days! We needed furniture, so we had to go shopping, but we didn’t want to risk Public transport with the pandemic so our gf drove us and helped out!
Happy pride war month everyone. This tumblr is in support of BLM, we have all donated, signed petitions and done what we can from Australia.
I, Ally, am genderfluid, grey area aro-ace.
Cayden is genderfluid panromantic ace
Meg is Aroace.
None of us would have the ability to say these things out loud, or even be together, if it wasn’t for black lives, black influence, and the trans black community. We thank you, and hope to give you a platform to stand on, we support you all, love you all, and just know we’re here as family xx
So yeah, Black lives HELLA matter, and ACAB!
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
When happy I tend to wiggle my toes aggressively, the happier I get, especially sitting or laying down, I start wiggling my WHOLE body, to the point that I end up like the final panel after throwing my head around, and usually squeal as I do so. Sometimes it just happens for absolutely no reason, the bed could just feel nice, Or I could be warn, or happy to cuddle with my partner!
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happy stimming
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
I know a lot of you following us are from America, Please stay safe, and take down the “Authority” police believe they are!
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Solomon’s Shield is the name of the app
OMG Download this!!!! Stop Police Brutality!
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
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Keep in mind this episode is from 15th of December 2017!!!
The time of this moment in this ep is about 4:22 in Season 3 Ep 10 Buzzfeed unsolved, supernatural, “The Subterranean Terrors of the London Tombs”
-Ally (Slytherin and forever a boogara)
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
Me; I should be om tumblr more!
Also me: should I just delete my accounts and delete tumblr? Hhh...
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
... I made a mistake, I take it back, HOW DID I FORSEE THIS
Ravenclaw: Babe, did you know there were plagues in 1720, 1820 and 1920? ... it’s the 20’s
Slytherin: Whack, Time to kill of the rich with the plague
Ravenclaw: Plague is back on the menu.
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
What are your opinions about Slytherin & Libra? I'm also INFJ
As in combined? A libra in slytherin? I don’t know all that much about starsigns but what I DO know about libra is that as a slytherin, they woukd be the kind that sat in the back of the common room to work peacefully, they’d have friends in hufflepuff (hufflepuff adoption tm!) and would constantly fight for equal Slytherin treatment! They’re the definition if not all slytherins being bad ❤️ -Ally
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
Hey gays and gals what’s up we got ourselves a platonic girlfriend and she is the best thing that ever happened to us, she makes us brownies and gives excellent cuddles👌🏼 Now I’m dating two ravenclaws.
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
Ravenclaw: Babe, did you know there were plagues in 1720, 1820 and 1920? ... it’s the 20’s
Slytherin: Whack, Time to kill of the rich with the plague
Ravenclaw: Plague is back on the menu.
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
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I will be doing Bushfire art commissions as of Tuesday 21st onwards! I live in Australia and have seen the impact they bushfires have had here, my city is shrouded in smoke and there are so, so many fires! This is why 50% of all commissions I do in January and February will go to bush fire fundraisers, unfortunately as commissions are my SOLE living income I cannot put more towards fundraisers, but I want to do as many as possible! ‪Please DM me for details or a commission! I accept paypal for up front payments! Am accepting commission NOW but won’t start them until the 21st!‬
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These fires have caused widespread issues from Australians losing their homes, to wildlife, Civilians and firefighters alike Dying. I’m trying to raise as much as I can do donate to this cause so please, if you can’t donate, share!! Thank you’
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
I posted this on the wrong blog god I’m dumb
It’s called Uno bc when you play a reverse card, its “No U” and using the reverse card, you reverse THAT order and get “U No” or Uno! Case cracked.
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
This, this this this this this. I’m looking out the window rn and the air is THICK With smoke.
Welcome to Australia...
Where an already endangered species is on the brink of functional extinction...
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Oh, and 500 million animals unique to this country have already lost their lives, upon homes that have been destoryed and lives lost of people as well...
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I mean... we're only living in a literal inferno...
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415 fires. Fuck are we dying...
Oh yeah and people are just fleeing to the damn ocean, you know?
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Do you want to know what Hell on Earth looks like..?
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Because there it is in all it's unfiltered, firey rage...
There it is... my home from space...
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This is only the beginning. Our country has not only entered a new decade, it seems a new dawning era as well, because this flaming apocalypse doesn't show any sign of stopping any time soon.
And you know what saddens me? I've never seen Australian tragedies trending here on this website. I mean it's been going on for months and only now does it seem to really be getting recognized, even if it is only at #9.
And I'm going to be honest with you here - the internet, and media in general is so American centric, this website being no exception. You'd think that an entire continent being on fire for several months with devastating consequences would have more recognition, but no, it really doesn't. The most notes I've ever seen on a post about the Australian fires is at least a few thousand, and that's about it.
So just... please. If you can, with this post or any other post in regards to the fires going on down here, reblog. Because the only thing that should be spreading like wildfire, is a post about a burning country...
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
Final update, it’s 10:11pm, there are 811 fires and incidents across Australia. It had doubled since I first posted about the Australian Bushfires. We’re basically in a state of emergency.
Good night, Australia, I hope we make the night, as the paranoid slytherin that I am.
It’s snowing in Australia but it isn’t frozen water it’s snowing- It’s ash from the 401 fires burning our country down.
Our Prime Ministers initial response to climate change? “I send my thoughts and prayers” and then he buggered off for a holiday in Hawaii. Two volunteer firefighters are among the many ash o have DIED from these fires now. A whole species (the koala) has been labelled as functionally extinct because of them, people are bow homeless, towns and states are B U R N I N G.
The closest fire to Melbourne City, Victoria, where I live, is covered in more and more smoke every hour, even though the closest fire is over AN HOUR out of the city.
We are literally burning.
Sorry for the unrelated post but this is how we are doing right now, this is what Australia is going through.
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
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It’s snowing in Australia but it isn’t frozen water it’s snowing- It’s ash from the 401 fires burning our country down.
Our Prime Ministers initial response to climate change? “I send my thoughts and prayers” and then he buggered off for a holiday in Hawaii. Two volunteer firefighters are among the many ash o have DIED from these fires now. A whole species (the koala) has been labelled as functionally extinct because of them, people are bow homeless, towns and states are B U R N I N G.
The closest fire to Melbourne City, Victoria, where I live, is covered in more and more smoke every hour, even though the closest fire is over AN HOUR out of the city.
We are literally burning.
Sorry for the unrelated post but this is how we are doing right now, this is what Australia is going through.
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
Theres now the 6th fire of the day, 3 minutes away from me, it’s the second one of the day that’s been labelled as out of control.
Australia is in so much trouble I cannot stress this. We’ve have more than 4x of our land burned than the Amazon forest.
It’s snowing in Australia but it isn’t frozen water it’s snowing- It’s ash from the 401 fires burning our country down.
Our Prime Ministers initial response to climate change? “I send my thoughts and prayers” and then he buggered off for a holiday in Hawaii. Two volunteer firefighters are among the many ash o have DIED from these fires now. A whole species (the koala) has been labelled as functionally extinct because of them, people are bow homeless, towns and states are B U R N I N G.
The closest fire to Melbourne City, Victoria, where I live, is covered in more and more smoke every hour, even though the closest fire is over AN HOUR out of the city.
We are literally burning.
Sorry for the unrelated post but this is how we are doing right now, this is what Australia is going through.
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
9:30pm: 760 fires/incidents
It’s snowing in Australia but it isn’t frozen water it’s snowing- It’s ash from the 401 fires burning our country down.
Our Prime Ministers initial response to climate change? “I send my thoughts and prayers” and then he buggered off for a holiday in Hawaii. Two volunteer firefighters are among the many ash o have DIED from these fires now. A whole species (the koala) has been labelled as functionally extinct because of them, people are bow homeless, towns and states are B U R N I N G.
The closest fire to Melbourne City, Victoria, where I live, is covered in more and more smoke every hour, even though the closest fire is over AN HOUR out of the city.
We are literally burning.
Sorry for the unrelated post but this is how we are doing right now, this is what Australia is going through.
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slytherin-girlfriend · 4 years
9pm update: 732 fires/incidents, it went down to 707 then boosted back up somewhere in the last half hour. There are two fires just up the freeway to my girlfriends work where she’s working the dinner shift right now. I’m worried about her getting home. It’s also just up the road from my parents house. I feel sick.
It’s snowing in Australia but it isn’t frozen water it’s snowing- It’s ash from the 401 fires burning our country down.
Our Prime Ministers initial response to climate change? “I send my thoughts and prayers” and then he buggered off for a holiday in Hawaii. Two volunteer firefighters are among the many ash o have DIED from these fires now. A whole species (the koala) has been labelled as functionally extinct because of them, people are bow homeless, towns and states are B U R N I N G.
The closest fire to Melbourne City, Victoria, where I live, is covered in more and more smoke every hour, even though the closest fire is over AN HOUR out of the city.
We are literally burning.
Sorry for the unrelated post but this is how we are doing right now, this is what Australia is going through.
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