spoonsock · 8 months
can I please get the Replying From Sideblogs Feature Please. im so tired of looking like this every time someone says something to me.
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spoonsock · 10 months
1610e Miles x gn. Reader
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Synopsis: Miles with a super sensitive reader,, :,)
Warnings: well none I think? Reader has unstable mental health tho and is easily hurt I guess? I dunno I honestly d u n n o what this is.
Not proofread boo fucking hoo.
You didn’t know why you were the way you were. Whether it started when you hit puberty or maybe it was always like this? It didn’t matter anyway. All you knew was that you were very emotional.
And ever since you realized that it wasn’t quite normal for someone to react so much to things that seemed so little and simple to others, you worried that no one could take care of you properly and you’ll live your life unlovable and alone because, well, nobody will care enough to comfort you about stupid shit that upset you.
That was until you met Miles.
And you swear, you’ve never met anyone with such a kind soul. Funny enough, he swears the same for you.
Even though your friendship was never just a friendship, but always something more, Miles was, from the very beginning, a great friend. I mean he had an awesome personality, he was smart and funny and nice and practically perfect.
“Too good to be true”, how you described it then. Because no matter how sweet he was, you always waited for that moment. The moment he accidentally does something that upsets you and you isolate yourself and he realizes how sensitive you are over dumb things and calls you an melodramatic overthinker.
When something you thought would be that moment happened, you already braced yourself for the worst. You remember it all too well actually.
Miles had to cancel your plans to hang out for the third time. And guess what? You cried. As soon as you read the “Y/N iam so sprry i camt rn” message, you burst into tears. The other two times before that he promised he’ll make it, but he never did. Why? Hé obviously sent that message in a hurry anyway, proves just how much “important” you are to him. He really couldn’t even write a normal sentence huh?
Maybe he was mad at you? Maybe he didn’t want to be your friend anymore? He probably realized how boring you are. He realized you’re not special. You don’t mean shit to him.
And so you cried your heart out.
Unbeknownst to you, our beloved super hero was trying to beat a random super villain. After successfully webbing them up, the first thing he thought of was to come to you. He sent you a million messages of apologizing over and over, but you didn’t see any of them, so he sent one last thing before making a move.
“I’m coming over”
Your phone buzzed for the trillionth time that evening and you couldn’t muster up the strength to open it and read the texts he sent you. You knew it was him. And you felt bad for not answering, but you just couldn’t do it. You cried harder at the feeling of guilt that built up inside you.
Suddenly, there was a knock at your window. You thought it was probably a bird or something, not wanting to get up from your position on the bed. You head was buried into the pillows and you practically couldn’t breathe, but you definitely couldn’t- wouldn’t move so it was the most comfortable you’ll get.
Another knock. Actually a few of them. Each louder than the previous one. As much as you wanted to scream at the mysterious source of the knocks, you got up and opened it. Not really expecting to see Miles. Not hoping to see him.
But there he was, an apologetic look on his face which was replaced by a kinda shocked one at the sight of your own. Your eyes were bloodshot and puffy, cheeks flushed and wet, nose runny, lips swollen. You doubted you were a sight for sore eyes.
“Can I come in?”, he asked quietly. You hesitated for a moment before nodding and moving aside so he can pull himself into your room.
He came in and sat on your bed, but you sat on the floor, as far away from him as possible. He, of course, noticed. “Are you okay?”, you nodded again.
“Y/N, pleas-“
“Look, Miles-“
You both started at the same time. He chuckled and you smiled shyly, before telling him to go first.
“Y/N, I am so so sorry. I promise I’ll make it up to you! Whenever or wherever you want, we’ll hang out, just say it and I’ll be there!”, he finished, looking at you expectantly.
“I get it, Miles. It’s okay, I-I just overreacted and-“
“Were you crying?”
“..Yeah”, you answered slowly, expecting him to laugh at you or get angry. “But that’s just how I am! I cry over stupid things, I get upset over stupid things and I can’t control it and I don’t know why!”, you started tearing up again. But before you could continue, Miles sat down on the floor next to you and embraced you tightly. You grabbed his neck and cried into his shoulder before realizing you are wetting his shirt.
“Your shirt”, you pointed at it, trying to pull yourself together and wiping your eyes. Suddenly, he held your chin so lightly you could barely feel it, wiping away your tears with his thumb. You felt your face heat up at that, as if it wasn’t flushed enough already.
“I could care less about my shirt right now”, he told you seriously and you couldn’t help but giggle. You hugged him again, appreciating the comfort he was providing you. No one ever made you feel this way.
The two of you just sat in silence, holding each other.
Needless to say, from that day Miles started seeing you more. He almost never canceled his plans with you, and when he did, which was SUUUUPER rare, he would try to make it up for you by buying you your favorite candy and flowers. You couldn’t help but think about how that was a bit too…not platonic for a pair of friends.
Anyhow, as if he wasn’t caring enough before, he started being even more gentle with you. Constantly texting you to see if you were okay and if you needed anything. Sending you the silliest, cutest and kindest photos just to try to make your day.
Even if he had a bad day, he would try to be cheery around you. He wouldn’t want to affect you with his bad mood. And at the end of the day, acting happy for you turned into actually being happy. It was just something about you, maybe about your aura or whatever energy was surrounding you, that always made him feel better. Perhaps it was your empathetic and tender nature.
Oh and by the way, you were right. About the “too not platonic for just friends” thing, because after a few months of getting to know you, caring about you and constantly thinking of you, Miles realized he had to confess. And so he did.
He invited you to hang out, bought you your favorite ice cream and a rose, before telling you how he feels. About how happy you make him and how you never leave his mind. About how he wants to take care of you and how he’s willing to give you the world.
And guess what? You cried. Happy tears of course. You were just so overwhelmed with joy and how.. nice he was. At that moment you felt so loved and blissful and, in the heat of that very moment, you grabbed the collar of his hoodie and kissed him. Gently, of course. He wrapped one arm around you waist and the other one caressed your jaw.
Your eyelashes brushed against his cheek and one of your tears fell on his face. You noticed as you pulled away before apologizing, but he just laughed and pulled you back in.
As your relationship progressed, everyday you appreciated how much of a great boyfriend he was. He was flawless, quite literally. He never made you feel like your feelings were not valid, even when you thought so yourself. He was just so thoughtful and loving and perfect. The most perfect boy you could have ever asked for.
Guys this is so poorly written, but it has been in my drafts for weeks, I had to finish it. I do not know how to write for men. 😭
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spoonsock · 10 months
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spoonsock · 10 months
Me asf 🤭
sometimes i reread my fics from like a month ago and giggle like i’m not the author
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spoonsock · 10 months
Starbucks love
Gwen Stacy x reader
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Synopsis: Ever wondered what would the one and only Spider Gwen order from Starbucks? Me neither but take this anyway.
Warnings: Idk none I think. Not proofread. Writing this at 2am no joke what is wrong with me. Also DUDE. This is kinda similar to Intruder like wtf am I really that not creative. 😭
Also, fun fact, I’ve never been to Starbucks so if I got something wrong pls lemme know.
You didn’t really mind having a part time job at Starbucks. It wasn’t that bad. All you had to do was take orders, make them, write names on cups with your best handwriting. Sometimes kick customers out. Sometimes maybe serve Spider-woman.
Yup that’s right. It all started yesterday.
It was supposed to be a normal day. You clocked in early and mentally prepared yourself for what awaits you ‘cause you never know what might happen. God, what a good decision it was to say a few positive words before the day started.
Around 10 AM, the shop is not even that filled with people yet, three guys barge in, all of them with a gun in their hands. One of them points the gun at you and then at the register, while the other two guys walk around the people sitting at their tables.
“You empty that thing right now or Imma blow your brains out”. The guy says pointing a gun at your face and you freeze. You don’t move an inch, just stare right at him. Your eyes are not wide, you are not hyperventilating or anything. You are panicking, but not showing any signs of it.
The more you stare at the guy, the more impatient he grows. “What are you? Deaf? I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t take the damn money out this fucking moment”.
As soon as he finishes his sentence, the door of the shop slams open and (literally) twirling in comes, the one and only, Spider-woman. The armed men immediately turn to her and point their guns, but she slouches and puts her hands on her hips, looking at them unfazed.
“Seriously, you guys aren’t gonna make this easy for me, are you?”, Gwen asks and receives no answer. “…Alright then”
Before you can even blink, she hits one of the guys in the face, grabbing his gun and throwing it at the other guy. You watch as the the third guy tries to throw a punch at her face but narrowly misses and she succeeds to grab his arm and twist it, before kicking him in the stomach. She easily webs all three of the unconscious men up and the people from the shop clap. She bows jokingly and makes her way over to you.
“Hey, you okay? They didn’t take any money, did they?”, she asks but you are unable to answer. When the masked guy pointed the gun at your face, it triggered something in you. Pushed an “off” button in your brain and turned everything into blurry stop-motion pictures.
For the record, you’ve never been held at gunpoint. Well, until that day, but you hoped it was the first and last time. You didn’t know why it caused you to act like that. To just freeze and zone out. I mean any normal person would start sweating and fearing for their life, visibly shaking or something but you? It turned you off.
Whatever. Whatever it was, you zoned back into reality when you saw a white hand move in front of your face.
“Helloooo? Earth to..”, Gwen stopped and squinted to read from your name tag. “Y/N? Earth to Y/N! You there?”
You quickly took in your surroundings before pulling yourself together and nodding. “Yeah yeah, I’m. I’m fine. Everything is fine. Thank you. For helping. And for asking. I’m fine”, you stumbled across your words and even behind her mask, you could see Spider-woman hesitantly furrowing her brows at you. She didn’t believe you, obviously. You were a terrible liar.
“Riiiighht, well I’m gonna go then”, she stretched out her words before slowly turning around, picking the masked, armed guys off of the floor and exiting the shop.
Honestly, you thought that was going to be your last encounter, but oh boy, you were wrong.
Because she came back in the very next day.
“Oh, hello?”
“I didn’t really see any thieves or villains in our shop today, but uh, how may I help you?”, you ask, unsure of what was she here for, kinda scared that something bad might happen soon and she’s just there to try to prevent it.
“Uhhh actually I came to see you. A-and to get a vanilla latte. And a chocolate chip cookie. But I’m mostly here to see you”, you felt your cheeks heat up at her words. The famous friendly neighbourhood superhero, Spider-woman, came in Starbucks in which you worked just to see you. Strange.
“Um. Okay.”, you didn’t really know what to say to that. What do you even say in a situation like that??
“Soo, hi. Are you okay? You uh didn’t really look the best yesterday? I-I mean you can’t really look the best after being held at gunpoint anyway. Not that you look bad! You don’t! It’s just that, it must have been traumatic, obviously. Not just for you, I guess for everyone in the shop but-“
“I’m okay”, you decided to stop her rambling. “Thanks for checking”, you gave her a shy smile and she smiled back, you guess, but didn’t say anything. You two just stood there, in comfortable silence, until someone coughed behind the masked superhero and tapped their foot on the ground impatiently.
“O-oh um you uh are you going to order orrrrr….?”, you asked, remembering suddenly that you were at work. Where you are supposed to do your work.
“Oh ah yeah I-I’ll have uuuuuuuuhhh a short vanilla latte and a chocolate chip cookie. Please.”
“You’re seriously going to order the most basic white girl drink?”, you chuckled before you’re eyes widened. “NO. Please tell me I didn’t say that out loud”, you thought. But judging by the silence you were met with and the “o_0 expression” (if you could call it that) your friendly neighbor super hero held, you were wrong. “Oh fudge”, you furrowed your eyebrows before giving her the most sympathetic look you could make.
“I did not mean to say that I am SO sorry. I mean I didn’t even mean to think that it just kinda came outta nowhere, I’ve never said anything like that out loud ever. Or not out loud. I’ve never even thought something like that, honest! I seriously don’t have any idea where this came from I mean I would never ever guess your race- it’s none of my business! And it’s not like race has anything to do with the goddarn drink. It’s a drink! Anyone can order it! I have no say in that and I am SOO-“
“IT’S OKAY”, this time, Gwen interrupted your rambling (finally, it seemed like you could go on and on), “you can uhhh make up for it by, I dunno, maybe, givingmeyournumber?”, she was nervous, but you were oblivious unfortunately.
“Oh. OH YEAH I can do that..I’ll just go get your drink. And you cookie”, your ass has never left a place so fast. “SPIDER WOMAN. WANTS. MY NUMBER”, you squealed in your head while preparing her order.
You returned to her in a few minutes, a cup in one hand and a cookie in the other. “For here or do you want me to put it in a bag?”
“Can you put just the cookie in the bag?”, Gwen asked shyly and you nodded packing the cookie in the paper bag. Taking a sharpie that stood on your side of the counter, you wrote on her cup of latte “For Spidey ♡ by Y/N”, scribbling your phone number underneath and handing the bag and the cup to her.
“Thank you for your visit. Enjoy!”, you said what you always say to your customers and she jokingly gave you a two finger salute, turning around and exiting the shop.
The whole day after her visit, you’d check your phone every two seconds waiting for her text. At this point, you were already at home, watching a movie you picked out randomly to distract you from constantly glancing at your phone. Unfortunately, you were a person who constantly keeps their sound off and the movie actually intrigued you to the point you somehow forgot about the happenings of yesterday and today, at least until the movie ended.
And then it hit you.
You opened your phone to see four new notifications from unknown. FROM AN HOUR AGO.
You could barely contain your excitement. Spider woman. Asked you. For your number. She had your number. And she texted you. You have Spider woman’s number. And you’re about to answer to her texts. Holy quack.
Today 20:14
hey, this is spider woman
wow that felt weird to write hahah
anyway thank you for the drink
and your number
You smiled at your phone. Who would’ve thought that she would be so awkward while texting.
Unbeknownst to you, an hour ago, Gwen was panicking hard. At first she didn’t know what to say. She spent 10 minutes just writing and then deleting and writing and deleting words. Eventually, she decided to muster up the courage and send whatever first came to mind.
The moment she clicked on the “send” button, she regretted it. Then she sent another message, to try to fix the situation she put herself in. Only to realize she is just digging her grave deeper. Before she knew it, she sent you four messages, then threw her phone as far away as possible without damaging it too much, to stop herself from sending another text in attempt to “fix the previous”. She grabbed her mask and pulled it over her head, hiding her face from no one in particular.
After a few minutes, she heard a ding from across the room and scrambled from her bed quickly, tangling herself in the covers, getting her leg stuck in them and managing to fall face first on the floor.
Groaning, she reached for her phone from the very position she fell into, expecting to see a text back from you.
“Iphone storage full” was the only notification she received. Gwen placed the phone to where it was, continuing to lay on her bedroom floor with her Spider mask on.
“This is going to be a long night”
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spoonsock · 11 months
Show me love pt.2
Part 1
Gwen Stacy x fem! Reader
No Spider-Woman AU!!
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Lo and behold, here is a part two of this. I know it took wayy too long to write this but hey at least it’s here.
Warnings: underage drinking and nothing else I think? Idk this is not proofread and it will probably never be lol, but if y’all find something else pls lmk.
Also, not a warning, but like, just letting you know once again, some things make little to no sense and are pretty childish, but I didn’t write the script for the movie so I’m not responsible for that ok? Though I do love this movie so much and I love how they presented two confused, stupid teenagers LOL.
Oh and yeah there will be a pt. 3 and I’m pretty sure that’ll be the last part.
“FUCK! Fucking hell!! Why did I do that?!”
You scream in anger, speed walking while your sister runs after you, trying to comfort you. “It was just a joke”, she attempts to calm you. “No”, you stop, “I-I’m going back, I have to say sorry!”, you turn around in the direction of Gwen’s house before Jessica grabs the sleeve of your jacket to stop you.
“Fuck that, we’re going to have fun! Woo Hoo!!”, she says as she pulls you to the party.
“And then they kissed!”, your sister narrated. Gasps erupted around you and your friends gave you shocked looks. The music was blaring in your ears, but you ignored it, continuing to drink alcohol from a big glass bottle. “No way! Is it true?”, “You kissed her for 10$? Was it worth it?”, you continued ignoring the question and avoiding eye contact with anyone.
“So how was it?”, one of the girls seriously asked. “Wicked”, you answered, voice laced with sarcasm, rolling your eyes. “No, seriously! Was it bad?”, “It was fucking awful of course”, you scoffed and decided to get away from the rest of the girls, sitting on the couch, still sipping on the liquor. It tasted terrible but you hoped you’ll drink just enough to numb everything. You were completely zoned out, replaying the kiss in your head. If it was so bad as you told the others, why couldn’t you get it out of your head.
The feeling of Gwen’s soft lips on yours, your hands grasping the back of her neck tightly. The adorable, confused look she had on her face when you pulled back. You frown at the thoughts and take a huge sip from the bottle.
Suddenly, Jonah appeared out of nowhere and you scoffed again. He bumped into you sitting on the couch and fell on his knees to the floor. Before you or him could say anything, a sickening feeling rushed from your stomach to your throat and you ran to the bathroom, Jonah following close behind. You threw up and his attempts of helping or trying to do anything were useless and you only got more annoyed by his presence.
You flushed the water on the toilet on which you were leaning and got up. Jonah gave you a cup of water and you thanked him. The fresh, cold water in your system definitely eased the sickness you felt.
“Jesus, you’re beautiful..”, you heard him mumble and you plainly looked up at him. The lack of response from you made him continue. “You’re the most beautiful of all-“
”You’re drunk”, you interrupted him. He wasn’t a bad guy, and the compliment he gave you did make you feel bad because you knew you’ll have to reject him if he tries anything. You didn’t know why, but you just didn’t feel right around him.
“I like you-“
”You’re drunk”, you stopped him once more. “It’s true I like you! I-“, you didn’t want to hear it, you just wanted to get out. Unfortunately, he didn’t let you, not until you hear him out. But you weren’t in the mood to play around. “Get out of the way!”, you yelled and grabbed the toilet bowl cleaner, pushing it into his face. He raised his hands in defense and you took that moment to slip behind him and open the door of the bathroom, while throwing the toilet bowl brush into his face.
You rummaged through the pile of clothes, trying to find your jacket, but tonight was definitely not your night. Unsuccessful, you got out of the apartment in which the party was held, hugging yourself in attempts to warm your body.
Knocking could be heard on the door from the outside of Gwen’s room. She quickly wiped away her tears and your lipstick smudged all over her face, before grabbing a random book.
“Gwen? Can I come in?”, her dad opened the door, holding a cup. “I’ve made you some tea…”. Silence. Gwen sat on her bed, a book in her hands, not sparing her dad a glance.
“..How are you?”, he continued. “I’m reading”, her voice was hoarse, but quiet. “You’re not upset?”. ”No”
“What are you reading?”. She showed him the cover of the book and he started quoting some lines from it, attempting to cheer her up. “Dad, please….”. He looked down at her stoic face. It was clear that she was upset, but he did not want to press. He put the cup on her table and wished her a good night, exiting the room. Gwen sighed.
Suddenly, she hear a loud noise. Startled, she looked around her room, when another loud thump was heard. She got up, trying to find the source of the sound. The window.
She carefully opened it and looked down, her eyes widening.
“Hi”, there you were, a couple of rocks in your hand. Honestly, you hoped expected of Gwen to not open the window. The state you were in was embarrassing. You were embarrassed. But then you saw her. Nose and cheeks flushed, eyes red and teary. “She was crying…”, you thought.
You didn’t get a “hey” back from her so you took a deep breath and began. “I-I shouldn’t have done that…it was silly of me. I’m sorry..”, you looked up at her, waiting for any kind of response. When you didn’t receive it, you continued.
“So um..have you gone to bed?”, giving her an awkward smile, you rocked back and forth on your feet. Still no answer. That kinda frustrated you and you let out a huff.
“Could I use your toilet? I’m gonna pee myself”, you smiled up at her again, but the lack of patience could be heard in your voice. She looked around hesitantly, before slightly smiling back. “Alright..”. “Thanks”, you grinned.
After you finished in the bathroom, you were back in her room, leaning against her wall. She went to turn off the gloomy music that played on her radio and you pouted at that.
“Hey, don’t turn it off. It was really nice”
“I’m so tired of it”, Gwen said, looking around everywhere except at you. “Can’t you put on something else?”, you looked at her expectantly. Before she could answer, you caught something in your peripheral and your eyes widened as you grabbed the perfume bottle from her work table.
“Ooh this is really cool, can I use some? Thanks!”, you didn’t give her time to answer once again before spraying the perfume on your wrist and neck. “..What do you want to listen to?”, she asked.
“I dunno…Is it true that you are a lesbian? Because if you are, I understand..guys are gross!..I’m also going to be one I think!”, you said in a serious but childish manner. Gwen didn’t answer. You furrowed your brows at her. “But um….maybe I should go home..”, you looked down. She bit her lip and you tried to ignore that. She didn’t say anything and you two stood in silence for a few moments.
“Fuck it, let’s go to the party. I have to anyway, ‘cause my jacket’s there”, you said suddenly. “We’ll go and hit someone!”, you continued seriously.
“No, I’m not invited”, she finally said and your brows furrowed once again. “So? We’ll burn the house down!”, you said seriously and she softly smiled.
“Come onnn….Please?”, you pouted, giving her your best puppy dog eyes. “…You really want to?”, she asked. “Yeah”. “….Okay”
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I don’t know”
The two of you walked to the party and you seemingly couldn’t shut up. There was no awkward silence falling upon you because you had something to say or ask every two seconds.
“I’m going to be a model..or a psychologist”, you said. “I’ve also thought of that”, Gwen said honestly, making your eyes widen. “Oh really? You’re gonna be a psychologist?”, you turn to look at her.
“Dunno, it seem exciting digging into peoples minds and stuff…..but really, you’ll probably find it silly though, I’d most like to be a writer, y’know?”
You shake your head at her, shrugging. “You can be that too. You could write books about those…”, you shake your hands around, trying to explain what you mean, “those, likeee, all that psychic stuff and mass murderers”, you finish. “But I’d rather be a model. You think I can be?”, you look at her childishly, but hopefully.
“Yeah..But I think it’s more fun being a psychologist..”, Gwen admits. “Am I pretty enough?”, you pout. “Yes, you are”, she says silently, looking at you.
“….I don’t think I want to go to that party..”, she says honestly, as you two stop when walking over a bridge, to lean on the edge of it.
“Why are you so weird?”, you ask her and she chuckles while you push the top half of your torso over the edge off the bridge, looking down. “I don’t mean anything bad but…you are weird”, you finish.
“You are also weird”, she looks at you with a teasing smile. “Am I?”, you laugh and look back at her. “Yeah”, she looks up at the sky and you look back down to whatever’s under the bridge.
“I want to be weird. Well, not weird, but..I don’t want to be like everyone else..Though, sometimes I am just the same”, you admit. “..But..you’re not..”, Gwen looks at you, admiring your profile. Her eyes trace the line of your nose down to your lips and your chin.
“You know what my nightmare is? That I’ll stay in Chelsea. That I’ll never move from here.”, you say truthfully. “I’ll get kids, a car, a house..all of that! Then my husband leaves with some younger- And I’m stuck with kids that just scream and pee! ….It’s so fucking meaningless!”, you rant to her, frustrated. She says nothing and the comfortable silence falls over the two of you.
“Can I ask you something?”, you ask again.
“What?”, she looks at you and you hesitate before continuing.
“…Have you been with lots of girls?”. “Why are you asking that?”, she avoids your eyes while you look at her expectantly. “I-I was just wondering”, you defend yourself.
“No, I haven’t been with lots of girls, if you must know”, she says, annoyed and you feel guilty.
“When you kissed me-“
”Oh I could die, I’m sorry!!”, you interrupt her, cringing at her words and throwing your head back. You almost forgot about that.
“It was the first time..”, she admits quietly.
“Was it?”
“First and last time”, her voice is still filled with annoyance and perhaps anger? “But that’s completely wrong!”, you argue.
“It’s just ‘cause you live in fucking Chelsea! It’s so unfair, if you lived in Brooklyn for example, then you’d have loads of girls!”. That made her smile and you’re happy to see it. “You really think so?” “Yes!”
Gwen continues smiling at your words when suddenly you cross to the other side of the bridge. “Where are you going?”, she asks confused. “Come!”, you call to her. “We’re going to Brooklyn!”, you exclaim and hold out a hand, a thumb up actually, attempting to stop a car that passed you.
“You’re not sane!”, Gwen laughs and you frown at her words, but not loosing the confident spark in your eyes. “Of course I am, ‘course I’m sane!”, you differ. “Okay, but..you’re on the wrong side”, she smirks at you and blood runs to your cheeks, while you try to hide the embarrassment. “What?”
“Brooklyn is..”, she takes your hand and points it in the other direction, ”..that way”. “Oh..I see..”, you cross the street once more and call her over once again. “C’moon!!”
“You can’t be serious..”, she mutters and you turn to her. “Okay, we say ten cars from now. If any stop, we’re going to Brooklyn. Otherwise, forget it”, you tell her seriously and she crosses her arms.
“Five cars”
“…..Fine, five cars. If any of them stop, it’s like God’s telling us”
Just as you say that, a car passes by and you try to stop him, but you don’t succeed. “Ugh, idiot!!”, you yell after the car and spit in the distance, while Gwen chuckles at your silly behavior.
Another car passes by and you accidentally get a bit to close to it, earning a gasp from the blonde behind you. She grabs you by the arm. “Watch out”, her tone is panicky, but you don’t pay attention to it, too frustrated at the cars. “Ugh, when I get a car, I’ll always stop for hitchhikers”
Suddenly, a car passes by and comes to a stop a few feet away from you two. “Shitshitshit”, you mutter to yourself, feeling nervous.
“..We’ll do it. Let’s do it”, Gwen tells you, feeling the adrenaline flow through her body. “Should we?”, you ask, just for confirmation and she nods, before taking your hand and running towards the car.
“Hi, we’re going to Brooklyn. We live there”, she lies to the driver. “We’ve been visiting our aunt and got money for the train but we bought records with the money and can’t get home”, she bats her eyelashes and smiles at him while he glances at you standing awkwardly next to her.
“You can come with me to Jersey city”, the driver says and you both thank him before getting into the back of the car. The man tries to turn on the car but the engine stops. “Oh no..it does this sometimes, I’ll just..”, he says as he gets out of the car.
You and Gwen sit still, trowing small glances at each other and smiling softly. The music plays in the car. You turn to her, whisper shouting. “What the hell are we doing?! We are fucking crazy?!”, you laugh slightly. “I know..”, she says. “..But we’re so fucking cool”, you grin at her.
The lights in the car are off and it’s dark, but the greenish lights from the lamppost from the outside make Gwen’s eyes shine so beautifully, you can’t help but stare at her. It hits you out of nowhere how pretty she is.
Your eyes drop down to her plump, pink lips. You suddenly get closer to her, your noses touching, butterflies erupting in your stomach. You can almost hear her heartbeat thumping fast and loud. Her cheeks flush and you press your lips onto hers.
You swear, in that moment, it was just you and her and nothing else in the world mattered.
You could hear “I wanna know what love is” play in the background when you deepen the kiss, grabbing her chin by both of your hands to pull her closer. One of her arms grabs your shoulder and the other one finds your waist. Your teeth and tongues touch while you passionately kiss and, as messy it all is, your movement are frantic and confused, it feels perfect.
The front door of the car is opened loudly and both of you jump away from each other, eyes widened. “What on the earth are you doing?!”, the driver screeches as he shoos you out of his car.
You stand on the side of the road quietly.
“It’s freezing..I should go home”, you say, not rising your head. There is an unnecessarily big distance between you and Gwen. “Mom’s coming home and…”, you don’t finish the sentence and sigh.
“B-but..I can call you tomorrow..”
Gwen looks at you, surprised by your answer. “Do you want to?” You nod. “You sure?”, she asks. “Yeah..”, you avoid her stare.
She comes closer to you before placing a soft kiss on your lips. You lean in closer to her but as soon as the feeling came, it was gone, and you’re left aching for more. She crosses the road and you watch her walk away..
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spoonsock · 11 months
Guys Ik I said I will write a part 2 for show me love soon BUT I’m on a vacation 😋 so yeaaaah I’ll write it literally the second I step foot back home I SWEAR on my everything!!!
I just might write another scrap like my most recent one if I get a chance. No promises though. And if y’all have any requests or any ideas please do send them! I might not be able to fulfill them immediately, but I would dearly appreciate it if you guys were to send them to me anyway. :)
Also, here’s a quick reminder that I do write for other ITSV/ATSV characters, aside from my beloved Gwen, so yeah keep that in mind lol.
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spoonsock · 1 year
3 AM shenanigans
Gwen Stacy x reader
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Synopsis: It’s late, you’re hungry and your girlfriend can’t cook to save her life.
Warnings: none, this is pure fluff and typical teenage fucking around late at night.
Not proofread. I’ve come to realization I never proofread anything I write. Oh well.
Take this short little thing instead of a part 2 for show me love, I’ll write it soon I swear 🙏 also I’m glad that the whole community agrees that Gwen can’t cook lmaoo.
“I’m hungry”
“And how’s that my problem?”
You push the absolute bully of your girlfriend. “Ouch”, she says monotonously, eyes still closed, and you glare at her, knowing darn well she can feel you doing so.
You’re sleeping over at her place, her dad’s not home and you’re both laying on her bed, trying to fall asleep but the grumbling of your stomach is interrupting you. You ate dinner but it has been a couple of hours since then and. You. Are. Hungry.
You turn on your back to glance at the clock on Gwen’s nightstand. 03:05 it says. Whatever, you think, it’s never to late to eat.
“Gwendyy, I’m staaaarvingggg”, you pout at her.
“No” is the only answer you get. “…Fine, I didn’t want to resort to this, but I guess you leave me no choice”, you say before getting up from the bed and grabbing both of Gwen’s arms and dragging her upwards. The attempt of getting her to get up doesn’t work and she falls from the bed, making a loud noise as she lands. Before you can process it, she grabs your knees and pulls, letting you to fall flat on your butt with a thump.
You pretend to be hurt and she actually gets worried for a second and you use that moment to grab her hands and pin them above her head, getting on top of her as she’s laying on the floor, not letting her move, and looking her dead in the eye before saying how you need to eat or you’ll die and it’ll be her fault *she know’s you’re exaggerating ofc*.
Unfortunately for you, your girlfriend is Spider-woman. Idk why would you even think you could overpower her, she literally has super strength. So she easily turns you over and pins your arms above your head before whisper yelling at you how there will be no food making at 3 in the morning. The two of you toss and turn on the floor for some time, like a pair of fucking toddlers, giggling and wiping the dust off of the floor with your pajamas.
Eventually Gwen gives in and you happily lead her to her own kitchen. You’ve never cooked in her kitchen though, meaning you don’t know where anything is, so your girlfriend tells you to sit still while she makes you something to eat.
“You know what, if I really have to cook for you in the middle of the night, Imma cook you the meal of your life”, she says and excitement builds up inside of you, wondering what kind of a Gordon Ramsay bullshit is she about to pull. You watch her patiently as she brings ingredients out of her fridge and pulls out a bowl and cutlery from different drawers. She heats up some oil in a big ass pot and then adds a thing after a thing in it.
After a while, you smell something burning and you ask her if everything’s okay, but she assures you it’s all doing great and you decide to ask no more, even though you definitely heard the panic in her voice.
Aside from that, she looks super confident in whatever she’s doing so you don’t even ask her what is she making for you, and honestly, you don’t even wanna know. You trust her and you’re hungry and you’ll eat whatever she makes for you.
Or at least that’s what you thought, until she put the big ass bowl™️ in front of you. And in it was a suspicious liquid mixture of pasta, different types of something green, carrots (hopefully?), corn, jelly????, mushrooms, bacon, and other suspicious stuff. Gwen hands you a spoon and smiles brightly, all the signs of tiredness disappeared, as if she wasn’t desperately trying to fall asleep cuddled up next to you, like, half of an hour ago.
“Bon appétit, babe”, she says, putting on a bad french accent.
Your girlfriend sits next to you, waiting for you to try the meal (?) she has prepared for you, and you give her a hesitant smile before dipping the spoon in the bowl and then putting it in your mouth.
You couldn’t even get yourself to swallow whatever you just put in your mouth because the feeling of it on your tongue made you immediately start to choke. It was sweet, salty, bitter, spicy and cold all at the same time. You run to get yourself some water, trying to lose the taste of it from your mouth while Gwen watches you confused. As you are drinking your water, she decides to try the meal herself and has the same reaction as you do.
So you just stand there silently, in her kitchen, staring at the big ass bowl™️ on the table. It seems as if something will jump out of it and attack you. The liquid reminds you of a swamp and you don’t feel hungry at all anymore.
Gwen sighs deeply. The two of you decide to go back to bed and try not to have nightmares of the meal your dear spider girlfriend has prepared for you. At least you know she put effort in trying to make you happy, which warms your heart and you pull her closer to you to press a kiss on her forehead.
When you wake up, you see her dad in the kitchen, sitting down and staring at the bowl intently and quietly, as if contemplating his whole existence because of the bowl. “You tried it, didn’t you?”, you ask and he slowly nods his head, obviously still in shock from the taste of the meal.
That was the day you decided you’ll be the one to prepare food from now on.
Guys she was trying to make minestrone (soup) bc she saw a recipe for it somewhere and she really wanted to try making it. She’s so precious 🥹💞
Yes I put trademark ™️ on the big ass bowl.
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spoonsock · 1 year
Show me love pt.1
Part 2
Gwen Stacy x fem! Reader
No Spider-woman AU!!
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This is basically a retelling of the movie “Show me love (1998)” or “Fucking Åmål (1998)”, I just switched the characters but the plot is practically the same. I only kept Jessica’s name from the movie, I gave the rest of the characters other names. I definitely recommend watching the movie! I also recommend reading the synopsis for it before reading this but it’s not necessary to watch the movie to read this.
This is all soooo chaotic but tbh the whole movie is chaotic so don’t blame me if you simply don’t understand some parts because honestly neither do I🤷‍♀️
Considering that this will only cover up like the first part of the movie, I’ll write a part two and possibly a part three, but only if this gets some attention, which I doubt cuz it’s awfully written but still please lmk if you want me to write the rest 😭🙏
Synopsis: After the death of her best friend, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy doesn’t do friends. She’s sad and a loner, the quiet, weird girl who sits alone at lunch. But she’s also secretly in love with the popular, beautiful and upbeat Y/N, who yearns for an interesting life.
Warnings: homophobia, underage drinking, mentions of (underage) drug use, has some angsty parts, OOC Gwen, reader and the rest of the characters do not really know how lesbianism works, all the characters are dumb little teenagers don’t expect much maturity in this, not proofread whoops, also wrote this when I was sleep deprived so I guess most of it doesn’t make sense
“Happy birthday to youuuu! Happy birthday to youuu!”
Those were the first words she heard when she woke up. Groaning, she opened up her eyes and sat up straight, smiling at the sight of her dad holding a delicious looking cake in front of her.
“Happy birthday dear Gwen, happy birthday to you”, he sang as she grinned up at him and blew the candles on the cake. “Thanks dad”
He sat down next to her when she noticed he was holding some papers in his hands, aside from the cake. “What’s that?” Gwen asked as he handed her the papers. Birthday invitations. Her smile turned into a frown as she gave him a disapproving look.
“Dad-“ “Before you say anything, please, just consider”, he interrupted her, already knowing what she was going to say. He knew she wasn’t the most social person, especially after the death of her friend, her best friend, Peter Parker. He knew she didn’t have anyone aside from him. Not even the girls from the band she used to be in, before she gave up on that too. But then she lost him, and he saw her whole world fall apart. He watched her lose interest in everything that used to make her happy. He watched her lose her spark. And it pained him so much. But he hoped that maybe, all she needs is a little push. She can’t be alone her whole life. So, a party, he thought, couldn’t be a bad idea.
She looked at him, then down at the invitations, and then back to him. “Dad, I don’t have who to give them to”.
“Honey, you have to find some friends. I know it’s hard after Peter’s de-“ Gwen tensed up at the mention of his name and suddenly moved around on her bed to get up, making the cake almost fall down and smudge everywhere. “Fine, I’ll give them out!”, she rolled her eyes before getting up to get ready for school. “Gwen, you don’t have t-“, he was interrupted once again by the aggressive slamming of the door. The cop sighed sadly.
To say that you never had the best relationship with your sister would be an understatement. Sometimes, even the smallest, pettiest things she did would absolutely infuriate you. Today on the repertoire of shit she did that pissed you off was taking the last of the chocolate milk.
“I HATE YOU” you screamed as you poured the containing of her cup right onto her head. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!” She yelled as she grabbed on your hair and threw you on the floor. You kicked and trashed around as your poor mother came in asking what what the hell is happening. “YOU CAN ASK Y/N”, said your sister, Jessica, as she ran out of the kitchen.
“I don’t understand, I am so tired of this! I’ve been working all night!” Your mother said, as you looked down in shame. “Sorry. We didn’t mean to wake you up”
She sighed, “What was it this time?”
“She took the last of the chocolate milk” you answered quietly, feeling guilty. “She took the last of the chocolate milk?” She repeated, disbelief in her voice. You nodded and started swiping the spilled milk off of the floor with a piece of paper with your foot.
You got ready and exited the house, about to make your way to school, when you saw a guy with a moped who you recognized as Jonah.
“Hi”, he said. “Hi, you live here?”. “No, just had to do something here. You want a ride? You can take the helmet” he offered but you rejected, claiming you’ll walk and hoping he’ll leave you alone.
“You coming to Christian’s tonight?”. “Maybe”, you replied while still heading off. You heard him mumble something but ignored it.
Taking out the stuff from her locker, Gwen saw a classmate she acquainted sometimes. She remembered the party invitations before deciding, fuck it, she’ll try. So she went up to the girl in the wheelchair, who’s name was Marie, and gave her the invitation. “Here”, she said, “I’m having a party apparently”. Thanks” replied the girl.
“You? Having a party?”, asked one of the mean, popular girls, who’s name Gwen didn’t know and frankly didn’t want to know. “No”, she said quickly and tried to stop the girl from taking the invitation from Marie, but she wasn’t fast enough. The bitch took the card and started teasing Gwen, but she grabbed the invitation back and shooed her off. She was about to go back to her locker when she heard a certain voice. Your voice.
“Jessica, I’m so sorry, I’m such a fool. I promise to never spill chocolate milk on you”, you hugged your sister tightly and continued to apologize, feeling genuinely sorry. Gwen didn’t know what it was about you that made her like you. She wrote songs about you, she wrote about you in her diary, she dreamed of you and all that stupid shit. It made her so confused. You had a reputation of being with so many guys, it didn’t make sense to her as to why she was so attracted to you of all people. But it is what it is, and she continued to stare at you as you talked to your sister.
In class, she wrote your name over and over in her notebook, drawing stars and hearts around it, while you were bored to death in another classroom, not even attempting to listen to what the teacher was droning on about.
During lunch, you sat with your “friends” and talked about how you wanna go to a rave or something, complaining about how bored you are, unaware of the certain blonde staring at you, sitting a few tables away, next to Marie. “You are so boring!”, you exclaimed to no one in particular before laying your head on the table.
“We could go to Gwen’s party”, one of your associates, the very girl who teased Gwen just a few hours ago, mentioned. You knitted your eyebrows together in confusion. “Which Gwen?”
“Gwen, aren’t you having a party?”, the girl turned to Gwen and sneered at her, while she tried not to listen to the bitch.
“Everything is so boring! I hate my life!”, you cried out, ignoring whatever was happening around you.
“Gwen!”, the mean girl continued yelling at the blonde as she got up. “Gwen, we’ll come to the party!”. Gwen flipped her off and ran out of the cafeteria. You didn’t bother to raise your head even when the other girls from your table started yelling at the blonde.
“Mum, it isn’t a rave, it’s just a normal party!”, Jessica tried explaining to your mother, who caught you both in the lift while you were half naked. To elaborate, you have no mirror in your house so to see what you look like you have to use the mirror in the escalator. You were getting ready to go to Christian’s, you took off your pants in the lift, looking at yourself in the mirror, waiting for Jessica, who you told to bring you your skirt, but she forgot, and as the two of you were arguing in the lift, the door of it opens and reveals your mother who sees you hiding behind your sister in a tank top and underwear and throws a tantrum, saying you can’t go out.
“You can stay here together and have fun, while I’m at work. I bought chips and soft drinks”
“Well done, Y/N. Welcome home”, your sister says sarcastically making you roll your eyes.
The moment your mother leaves you start rummaging through the medicine cabinet, complaining how you wanna do drugs. “None of those will do anything”, Jessica retorts making you pout and spit out the random pill you put in your mouth. “I’ll do something else then. I’ll fall in love”, “I thought you already were. With that Italian guy?”, “He wasn’t Italian. Maybe Bosnian. Whatever. I’m not in love with him”, you speak as you lay your head on your sisters lap when suddenly the phone rings. Jessica answers and says it’s the guy you saw this morning, Jonah. “He wants to know if you’re coming to Christian’s. He’s in love with you.” You make a sour face. “Ugh!” You groan. “What? I thought you wanted to fall in love?”, “Not with Jonah Hult! There’s no way I’m going to Christian’s now. I’d rather go to Gwen’s”
Your sister turns to you with wide eyes, “To Gwen’s? Are you braindead or what?” You throw a hairbrush at her. “What if there’s nice guys there?”, “At Gwen’s?”, your sister asks again. “Might be! Please!!” You give her your best puppy eyes and she looks at you before tsking “Fine, fine”. You squeal in happiness and kiss her cheeks.
Gwen and her dad sit in their living room in an awkward silence.
“No one’s coming dad, let’s just eat”. “Have some patience Gwen”, he tries lightening her up. Soon enough the doorbell rings and it’s Gwen’s classmate, Marie. Chief Stacy helps her with her wheelchair and they all sit together in the living room. Gwen opens up the present Marie got her, a bottle of perfume, before saying how she can’t accept it. Something snaps inside her before she yells at Marie, calling her a crippled idiot and saying how she never even wanted to be her friend, while her dad tries to stop her. Marie goes home and Gwen storms to her room. Her dad tries to comfort her while she cries and yells at him, about how she has no friends, about Peter’s death, about something being wrong with her, about wanting to die. She lays there as chief rubs her back not knowing what to do or to say, then finally proposing to go eat the special dinner he prepared for her party when she calms down.
They eat peacefully until the doorbell rings again and Gwen shakes her head, telling her dad to not let in whoever’s there. He tells her to put away the dishes while he tells off the people who came. Gwen does as told then goes to the bathroom to wash her face. Her eyes are puffy and red from crying and she looks like a mess. She hasn’t looked this bas since Peter’s death.
You ring the doorbell a couple of times. No one answers and Jessica urges you to leave it, until the door opens and, the person you suppose is Gwen’s father, let’s you in. He gives you some wine and tells you to wait in Gwen’s room so you go up there. You fill up your two glasses with wine and clink them together while looking around the room. It’s filled with posters on the walls, there are many cds and books on the bookshelf, and there is a drum kit in the very middle of it all.
“What party is this? Are we the only ones?”, your sister asks you and you shrug. “Why complain, Jess? We’ve got wine and everything”, you smile at her. “Yes but like…….Okay, we’ll drink the wine and leave”, “Deal”, you say as you continue to sip on it happily.
Unbeknownst to you, Gwen gets out of the bathroom to see her dad sitting on the couch, watching the TV. “Wasn’t someone there?”, she asks. “Yes, but they weren’t hungry so I gave them some wine and sent them to your room”. Confusion arises in her “And who was it?”. “Y/N and Jessica”. At the mention of your name, panic wakes in Gwen.
Meanwhile, in her room, you see some notebooks sprawled across her work table so you rummage a bit through them, but one of them falls down and opens on the floor, giving you access to what’s inside and the contents of it do surprise you. Inside of it are written poems and you can tell they’re beautiful even though you don’t get to read them fully because you suddenly hear the door knob shuffling. But whoever is trying to enter is unable. “What the-, open the door!”, you hear from the outside.
“Did you lock the goddamn door?”, you turn to Jessica but she just gives you a look and starts giggling. She runs to the door, “I’m just ummmm….I’m just-I’m just changing!”, she tells Gwen on the other side and you accidentally let out a loud chuckle. “You’ve got a skirt on!”, you whisper-yell at her while still trying not to laugh. Gwen sighs and leans on the door, waiting for you to finish changing, apparently.
“Have you heard she’s a lesbian?”, Jessica asks you. “What! Really?”, you reply and your sister makes gagging noises saying how that’s gross.
The wine made you a little tipsy and you don’t think it through before you start speaking to the door.
“Gwen, is it true that you-“, Jessica quickly covers your mouth while giggling her ass of with you.
“Aren’t you done yet?”, comes from the other side of the door and Jessica tells her you guys will be finished in a second.
“I think it’s cool”, you say and receive a blank stare from your sister. “Cool? Are you serious?”, “Yeah. I’m gonna be one too when I grow up”. “Come on”, your sister tsks at you.
“Open up now!”, Gwen yells and you turn to Jessica. “Let her in, she’s nice”
“If she’s so nice, go out and neck her then, Y/N”, she challenges you and you chuckle.
“Okay. And what do I get if I do?”, “If you do what?”, “If I neck her.”, “You’ll get AIDS probably”, your sister says matter of factly.
“If I kiss her, will you give me 100 bucks?”, she laughs and your request and offers 20 bucks, to which you agree and tell her she’ll have to leave.
“You won’t dare to do it, though”, she sneers and you whisper bet to her as you unlock the door and let the blonde in and your sister out. She doesn’t even acknowledge Gwen as she leaves the two of you alone in the room.
“Hi”, you tell her and she says hi back while picking up the notebook from the floor and putting it away. She leans on her worktable and avoids eye contact with you while you intently stare at her. The wine made your vision just a tad bit blurry, but even through clouded eyes you still admire the blonde’s beauty.
“Why can’t you sit over here?”, you ask referring to her bed on which you are sitting. “Why, what for?”, she asks back with suspicion laced in her voice. “There’s something I wanna tell you”, you answer knowing damn well you ain’t got nothing to say, you just want the 20 bucks.
“Can’t you just say it?”, she crosses her arms and you look around, catching Jessica’s eyes. She’s in front of the room watching you through the crack of the slightly opened door. You try not to smile when you see her and put a fake pout on your face. “I-I just don’t want Jessica to hear it”, you fake out a stutter, inwardly laughing at how stupid you sound.
She looks at you for a second before mumbling a fine and sitting next to you. “It’s just that”, you move closer to her. “You’re so pretty”, her eyes widen slightly when you say that but before she can react, you grab her face and kiss her passionately. She finally starts returning the kiss as the butterflies erupt in her stomach but you accidentally catch Jessica’s stare again and suddenly break contact with Gwen and run out of the room. Your sister grabs your hand, “Jesus, Y/N, you’re insane! That’s is so disgusting!”, she laughs as you two leave the house and run as far as you can, leaving Gwen in her room to process what just happened.
You kissed her. Y/N kisses her. But then you ran away. Your laughter and Jessica’s words suddenly echo in her mind. “That is so disgusting!” All the butterflies disappear from her tummy and that awful feeling in settles in her gut. She feels…humiliated. She guesses you probably ran of to all of your stupid bitch friends to tell them how you kissed Gwen and how stupid she probably looked.
Tears appeared in her eyes. She wanted to scream and to yell and to beat you the fuck up for making a fool out of her. But you were God knows where laughing and making fun of her. Gwen laid down on her bed and let out all of her tears, as if she hasn’t cried enough already tonight. This was the worst birthday ever.
I’m impulsively posting this and I’ll regret it in the morning.
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spoonsock · 1 year
Gwen Stacy x Reader
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Synopsis: You live a boring life, someone breaks into your house and you successfully convince yourself you are schizophrenic lmao
I don’t think I’ve specified reader’s gender anywhere so I guess this is gender neutral but I haven’t proofread it so I’m not sure srry
Warnings: Absolute shitty writing and mentions of an injury I guess. NOT PROOFREAD I WROTE THIS AT 3AM I SWEAR TO GOD THIS IS AWFUL!!!!!
“Best years of your life”, they would say. And you would listen. Daydreaming about adolescence and what it would be like. But no amount of daydreaming or storytelling could prepare you for what you were about to experience. Nobody told you you were going to have to face the inevitable, deadly boredom.
It’s summer, for God’s sake. You were supposed to be going out, having fun, getting drunk or high, partying or something of the sorts. And yet, here you are, laying on your bed and staring at the ceiling. It’s not late, the sun is just setting and still, you are in your pajamas. Just laying there, blankly staring at the big, white ceiling. You blink every so often. It’s pathetic. Frustrating. There’s so many things you wanna do, so many things you could do. You wonder, “what’s stopping me?”…. Oh yeah. You have no social life nor the social skills to be going out almost every night. Your best friend is your cat, the only people who text you are your parents, in school you barely talk to your roommate, even less to the people from your classes. You go to this prestigious school and study your ass off day and night to pass your classes, just like everyone else there. You doubt anyone from your school, even those with average grades, have a social life.
But all of that doesn’t matter now tho. It’s summer. No school, no pressure, no work. Just chilling all day. Having fun during the night. Not you though. You are once again starting at your goddamn ceiling, not moving an inch. Your parents aren’t at home, and won’t be back anytime soon. “I could throw a party”… you laugh at the thought. Tonight is just like any other night. You’ll listen to your music or draw or do whatever and then go to bed at 9 PM. How pathetic.
You close your eyes. Your chest is moving up and down while you breathe steadily. You slowly drift to sleep, thinking about how peaceful life is currently.
Fate is a funny thing. You say something along the lines “life is peaceful”, and the next moment, the window in the room next to yours, your sibling’s room, shatters into thousands of tiny pieces of glass everywhere across your room. Someone broke into your house. Your eyes are now wide open and breathing is fast and unsteady. You’re literally frozen and grasping at the sheets on your bed, scared to make sudden move or to let out a single noise. You can hear someone trashing around in the room, stumbling, stomping, kicking. You can even hear the person very silently curse a few times. The fuck are they doing? Some time passes by, the noises the person was making stopped. “Maybe they left? I need to check”.
You decide to muster up some courage to sit up, and grab a pair of scissors from your work table with shaky hands. You have no idea what you can do with those scissors, honestly, they are not even that sharp, but you do feel a little safer while holding them. Afraid to make a sound, you move on the very tips of your toes, one step at a time, carefully listening in case you hear something from the other room. You press your ear onto the door of it, trying to figure out if there’s someone there. Your hands are still shaking and sweaty from the nervousness. Nothing. Not a single sound. “They must have left”
You grip your scissors in one hand and put your palm over the door handle, before slowly pressing down and opening the door quietly. You peer inside the dark room, the only light is coming from your own through the crack between the door and the wall. The more you open the door, the more of the light comes in. Suddenly, you see something move in the dark.
“Who’s there?” You tried to sound confident, but it didn’t really work as your voice broke when you tried to speak.
No answer. Holding the scissors closer and tighter, you open the door fully to lighten the whole room. Someone is laying on the floor. Someone dressed up in a white costume or something like that. You come closer and squint your eyes trying to see who is that.
“Is that….? No, it can’t be”
Yeah, yes it can be. The spider-woman, or Ghost spider as some called her, in the flesh. In your house. Bleeding onto your floor.
“What the heelllll”
You sit on the floor next to her limp body. She’s obviously unconscious, not dead. There’s a small puddle of blood around her leg. She’s laying on her back directly under the window, surrounded by the glass. There’s a huge hole in her costume on her left leg, the one closer to you, from which she’s bleeding. All over your floor. You stare at her wondering what the actual fuck is going on. You’re stuck there for a few moments before pulling yourself back to reality. The Spider-woman is bleeding on your floor. You gotta do something bruh.
You quickly run out of the room and return with a first aid kit. Everything is moving in a blur, you can’t tell whether this is all some kind of a fucked up dream or reality, but whatever it is, the only thing you are sure of is that you gotta help her. You clean the cut on her leg with something from the kit, put something jelly on it, and then wrap her leg with a towel. You have no idea what you just did or will it help but it did stop the bleeding so you just move on and start wiping the blood off of the flor with a wet rag. After a while of cleaning the floor next to the unconscious body of Spider-woman while your mind is completely blank, you hear a few groans. The pit in your stomach grows and you wonder what the actual frick should you do when she wakes up, which will apparently be, any time now. You guess she opened up her eyes (you can’t tell bc, you know, the mask and all) as she slowly rose in a sitting position, holding her head in one of her hands, rubbing her temple. She looks around herself and, I shit you not, flinches so hard that she hits her head on the window frame behind her when she sees you. You let out a loud gasp when she does so, even more scared of her than she is of you.
“Ouch, damn it! Where am I? Who are you? What is going on? I-“ she starts frantically.
“Stop stop stop calm down please!” you wave your hands around her, not knowing what to do while she looks around in panic shaking her head. Her eyes land on her leg and widen even more.
“What happened to my leg??” She looks at you. Well, you don’t really know if she’s looking at you, you can’t see her eyes, but you suppose she is and attempt to answer to all of her questions.
“You had a cut on your leg so I did…something with it and now it’s not bleeding anymore” you *try to* explain.
It’s quiet for a moment before you narrow your eyes at her and decide it’s time for you to start asking questions about this weird situation.
“You broke into my house and then blacked out. What the hell was all that??”
“I-I don’t know, I don’t remember anything!” She raises her hands up in defense.
It’s quiet again. She’s intensely staring at you while you look at everything around the room but her. You don’t know what to do. The Spider-woman is in your house. Well, she broke into it but still. She’s there.
You always held some sort of admiration towards her, even though your parents disliked her. Said she was a vigilante, how she doesn’t really help the cops, how she wouldn’t wear a mask unless she had something to hide. You didn’t care why she wore a mask. You liked what she did and thought it was admirable. You thought about how cool it must be, to be a superhero, to save lives and have amazing powers and do amazing shit all day. How cool it must be to be special. To be somebody. To be somebody to someone.
She’s still looking at you. The fuck is her problem? “Okay” you sigh and get up. “Is your leg any better?”
She attempts to get up and slowly succeeds. She steps on her left leg and you can tell she made a sour face after doing so, but quickly hides the expression she thought you couldn’t even see. “Yeah I guess”
You made her tea. She sat on your couch and drank it. It was silent for a while. For a long while. But it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. More like a “we’re both too tired to talk, so it isn’t awkward, it’s just silent” silence, you know?
You would glance at her every now and then. Even in her costume, even under her mask, you thought she was pretty. You could just feel it. Something about her was so…inviting and…pretty.
More time passed and she had to go. Said something along the lines of having to run an errand. You nodded. She promised she’ll come back and fix your window ASAP. You let her know it was okay (even though the thought of attempting to explain how “you” broke the window in your sibling’s room to your parents AND to your sibling sent shivers down your spine) and escorted her out of the door this time. The absence of her presence kinda disturbed you.
“Whatever”, you thought and went back to your room, back to staring at the ceiling, waiting to fall asleep and hoping that when you wake up, the window will be magically fixed and your meeting with Spider-woman will turn out to be just a dream.
And magically enough, the window was fixed the next morning when you woke up. You asked your parents did they see anything unusual at home when they returned from wherever they were and the answer was a no. “Huh…weird. Maybe it was all a dream after all”
And that’s what you continued telling yourself. I mean, you didn’t have any proof that it wasn’t just a really really random dream. So you *tried to* believe it. And it kinda worked. But you couldn’t help but to hope you will dream of your intruder some time again.
Few weeks later, you met someone who goes to your school for the very first time. At your local grocery store, of all places. Her name was Gwen Stacy. She was really pretty and seemed nice, her dad was a cop and she lived actually really close to you. Surprisingly, you found yourself wanting to be friends with her. You, also, found yourself not being able to shake off a weird feeling that you recognized her voice from somewhere.
Once again I repeat, this was written at 3:11 AM and it has not been proofread, please do not come @ me☺️
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