#<3 lola🌸
imafangi4l · 9 days
I am gonna head butt Bruce and hopefully kill his bitch ass.
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theoglola · 1 day
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Me after finding out Jason may freaking die AGAIN
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sincerelyyoursg · 1 year
summer lovin' (moots only!) - send me anything you want, pic, song, quote... in return, you'll get three items from my wishlist which i think would fit you!
i'll like to see you try to do this with sirius black babe. just love him so much. congrats for 200 !!!
thank you babe! here are some things I think would fit you and Sirius Black's vibe <3
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first we have some docs! i've been begging my mom to buy me these for like two years, but still nothing...
then Hot Fuss album by The Killers! I actually collect cds, but I could only find picture of vinyl now!
and in the end, Ralph Lauren shirt because oh my god I love Ralph Lauren and it's just so pretty!!
gabi's 200 darlings! (summer's version)
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
Faye!! Congrats on the milestone my sweet 🎂 your event is so precious and thoughtful and I just love it as much as I love you!!! 🩷🌸
Pretty please could I pick a toy for our lovely Zen? I was so tempted to go for dark chocolate you don't even know like I'm just thirsty all the damn time tbh
Lola! I was so excited to do this request, I love any chance i get to unpack some of Zen's backstory (though I must say, it was quite fun to imagine Zen's fantasies for a minute)
I'm so happy you like the event theme! I wanted it to be something special for such a milestone, and I'm really fond of how it turned out.
I'm also really fond of this fic, I love some Zen lore. I hope you enjoy <3
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✧ Toy ~ Memories from their past
Hyun at age six is quiet. His mother once told him that good boys don't call attention to themselves, so he tries his best to blend in.
Secretly, he wishes he didn't have to be a good boy. He likes singing (especially where others can hear him), he likes playing like the other kids do. He doesn't like pretending to be invisible. He tries so hard, and it so rarely works. He can duck his head and hold his tongue all he wants, but there is always someone who wants to talk to him or touch him.
The other day, a lady in the supermarket tried to hold his hand and pat his hair. His mother was very upset (with her or him, he's still not sure).
He doesn't like going outside very much anymore. The only place he really likes going is school. Not because of the classes. They're difficult and boring. But his classmates are usually nice. They choose him first when making teams for games - sports is easier than anything they learn at school. He likes how it feels when they all cheer him on. He definitely isn't invisible then.
It's less fun when his classmates make him ask the teachers for things they want (recently it was for a longer breaktime which the teacher did not want to give). They don't care that it gets him into trouble. They believe the teachers like him more than the others. He doesn't think that's true.
Sure, some teachers are nice to him, but most of them are so strict. They get upset with him when he makes mistakes (Hyun does not like maths) and give him harder exercises. A lot of them tell him the same thing:
"Don't expect life to be easy just because of your looks."
He isn't sure what that means. He doesn't think his life is easy.
He likes his brother. He's the smartest person Hyun knows. He has answers to all the questions he asks (even the ones about maths). Even more than that, his brother is kind. He doesn't laugh at Hyun or tell him that he's being bad, even when he draws attention to himself.
He didn't even laugh after their mother gave Hyun a terrible haircut recently, even though all the kids at school did. She had been telling him that he was ugly, that his hair was too long, that it was distracting. Despite how much Hyun had begged her not to cut it too short, she ended up chopping most of it.
He liked his hair. He misses it now that it's all gone.
His brother did not laugh. Instead he ruffled his hair and told him that he looked older. He promised him that he would help Hyun style it as it grew out and maybe even comb it the way he does. They have never looked alike, but perhaps that way there would finally be a similarity.
Maybe Hyun would be able to be a good boy if he was more like his brother.
Hyun at age fifteen is angry. He left home a few months ago, after a particularly nasty fight with his mother. She had found the scripts he had hidden even after she had made him promise to drop performing and work harder at school. It had resulted in a screaming match (another one, they were becoming increasingly common recently). That wasn't the reason he left, though.
He had gotten used to tuning out the yelling. The final straw came a few hours later when his brother came to talk to him. For just a few seconds, Hyun had felt the sense of comfort that he had only ever felt with his brother. He was good at reminding him that her words were just a result of her frustration, that he wasn’t ugly or useless or one of the other things she liked to call him.  
But that feeling didn’t last long. His brother's eyebrows were furrowed, a look that did not suit his face, and Hyun knew something was different. Instead of comforting him, his brother had said something along the lines of why haven’t you given up this hobby yet, you know this isn’t going to get you anywhere. You can’t do this forever.
Something like that. Hyun’s ears were ringing too loudly for him to properly hear everything. To have to hear these things from his brother was a betrayal bigger than he had ever felt.
That night, he packed up his most important belongings and slipped out of the house. He hasn’t looked back since. That doesn’t mean he isn’t still angry, though. In fact, the longer he has been away, the angrier he gets.
He has started to see things more clearly. The way he was treated as a small child, like a nuisance who could only do wrong, whose hobbies were annoying and looks were burdensome. The way he has only ever been discouraged, the way he has always been wrong wrong wrong. All while his brother was praised as the perfect child.
The injustice of it makes him seethe with rage. He doesn’t recognize this version of himself, the one who is always a step away from exploding.
It has helped him survive out on the streets, though. His new friends use his anger to help them pull off robberies. He is taller than most kids his age, and when he squares off his shoulders and clenches his jaw, he can look very intimidating. He doesn’t like how it makes him feel afterwards, but he needs the money. Even when he isn’t trying to be intimidating, store owners are usually to busy admiring his face for them to notice the things he’s stealing.
His hair is growing past his ears. He’s not going to cut it again if he can help it. He pins it back and makes tiny little ponytails to keep it out of the way when he’s training.
And oh, he trains. He’s attending auditions like crazy, whenever he can fit them between the short work gigs he lands. He keeps reminding himself that he’s waiting for just one break, that one good show will kick start his career, and he won’t have to live like this anymore.
If only someone would cast him. Every director he has met so far has complimented his skills (which feels good) and his looks (which feels less good) but tells him that he still needs time, and to come back in a few years.
Hyun doesn’t have a few years, he wants to tell them. He wants to scream it, after a while, in each of these director’s faces. He is crashing at a different house every night, on blow-up mattresses and lumpy sofas. He eats only what he can scrounge up in a day, be it from the little money he earns or whatever he can steal. He has his eye on a cheap apartment listing, but it will be a while before he can afford even one month’s rent.
It's the idea of this mythical home (one with no rules, no arguments, no forced haircuts) that keeps him going when his doubts start to creep up on him. He has to believe that he hasn’t made a big mistake, because he’s in too deep now.   
Little does he know that he's a week away from landing his first role.
Zen at age twenty is unsatisfied. He keeps getting cast in the same archetype over and over again. His lines feel repetitive, his monologues uninspiring. He wants more for his characters, more for himself. At the same time, he cannot afford to branch out and take risks because he needs the money. On top of that, modelling gigs pay more than acting, so he’s spending more time in front of a camera than he’d like.
With a lot of his jobs centring around his appearance, he has been learning how to care for himself in a way he has never done before. He has treated himself to a few hair care products, and enjoys brushing out his hair every night after stressful days. Investing time in himself feels like an escape from everything else in life. He can be playing the fifth romantic interest character in a row, but at least he will be beautiful doing it.
It’s a phrase he has slowly been learning to get used to. He is beautiful. He is handsome. It’s funny, he has heard it countless times throughout his life, but only recently has it stopped feeling wrong.
He feels like he has hit a wall in his career, and his personal life is not looking any better. His girlfriend broke up with him a week ago and it still doesn’t feel real. He should probably be sadder about it than he is. All he feels is lonely.
She was great, really. They had met after a show and hit it off quickly. At first it was nice. He liked the company, craved the affection she gave him. But with his workload as it is, it was impossible to manage a relationship at the same time. He never got more than a few hours off of work (most of which he spent resting), which cut down on the time they could spend together significantly.
They drifted apart; it was inevitable. And despite him knowing this deep down, he didn’t expect her to leave him like that.
Now he’s lonely and anxious. Not a good combination. For all his regrets about his time spent with the gang, at least he was never lonely.
Some of that anger he carried with him as a teenager can sometimes still flare up in him. He sees people his age who have the support and care of their loved ones, when he ends every night by himself in his crappy apartment on the sofa with a beer and a script. He remembers how unfair things are, how he wishes things could have been different.
Oh well, it's no use dwelling on what could have been. He can only face the future head on and keep pushing. He will try his best to remind himself why he chose this path, despite all the difficulties he is facing.
Zen at age twenty-four has butterflies. He’s on the phone talking to a bubbly stranger and something feels different. They call him often (he’d like to think more often than they call any of the others) and ask him about his day in detail. Despite having received so many compliments throughout his life, when they compliment him, it makes him blush. He feels comfortable, more so than he has in a long time.
He wants to follow this feeling, the excitement and anticipation for as far as it will take him. Something tells him something good is waiting at the end of it.
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bluesylveon2 · 17 days
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
hi lola jess hehe
Thank you Lola Cashew for sending me this lol
I just graduated with my Master's degree
I love Disney princess movies so maybe that's why I love Twisted Wonderland 😅
I LOVE sweets and rn I'm craving chocolate covered strawberries 😂
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abbiesfilmblog · 2 months
Film Project Master Post
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The Man Who Fell in Love with the Sky 🌀 (Producer):
Choosing the Script
Getting the Team on Board
How I Managed Production Workflow
Preparation for the pitch
Our pitch and feedback
Project Research
Filming dates & Booking Equipment
Final Script Developments
Location Scouting (Interiors)
Location Scouting (Exteriors)
Recces/Test Shoots
The Casting Process
Meeting the Cast
Having a Child Actor On-set
Meetings with the 1st AD
Meeting with Script Supervisor
Favourite Set Photos!!
The Original Schedule
On-set Considerations
On-set Day 1
On-set Day 2
On-set Day 3
On-set Day 4
On-set Day 5
Post-Production Schedule
The Edit & Picture Lock
Sound Design & Layback
The Colour Grade
The Score
The Final Film
The Crit & Feedback
Poster Design
Lola's Room 🌸 (Art Director):
Research and Development
Collecting Props
Production Design Meetings
Production Design & Location
Graphic Design
Favourite Set-up Photos
On-set Day 1
On-set Day 2
Starstruck 🪐 (1st AD):
Preparation and Research
Weekly Meetings with HoD’s
Meeting with Director & Cinematography
On-set Day 1
On-set Day 2
Creative Exercise 1
Helping on Grad Shoot ‘Anna’
Working on ‘The Photograph’
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lovable-chica · 6 months
💛Welcome 🤎
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Welcome to Yap’s Hyper Mart!! Hope you enjoy your stay here, I’m snowy and i run this Blog
🤎Ask Yap or Her friends anything, yap is my favorite character!!
💛Anyway, Yap and Yip will Show you how to get around the store so Good Luck to anybody here, I Make Random Posts Here
Favorite Character Yap and Yell?
Ages in your Au?
Ages 14-16
Excited For the 2nd game?
Others Things? ★Make Gacha Club or Gacha Life 2 Videos ★Asks ★Making Stories ★Drawing Fnaf FanGame Characters ★Making Cute Ocs
Things I Hate ★School ★Annoying Brats ★Talking Forever to Draw Something ★Not Getting Enough Attention Favorite Thomas and Friends Characters? 💙★Thomas 💚★Trevor 🩷★Rosie ❤️★Harvey 💛★Rebecca 💚★Percy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sodor Adventures
Characters/Steam Team: Thomas,Percy,James,Emily,Gordon, Edward, Henry, Nia and Rebecca
Ocs: Amber, Abby, Angel, Honey Husky(mother of the 3 girls), Darla the Reindeer, Luna the penguin, Chantal the Cupcake, Suzi
Main Leader of this blog: Snowy the weredog(Me)
Fun Facts
Yap and Yell and Mlp is part of this Au, and the Characters are friends with the engines especially Amber and her sisters.
In this au the human engines are Regular engines that turn can engines and the yap and yell crew are teenage were human animals in this au and sometime turn into animatronics by magic, Engines Can Still Shut Trucks Even As an actual engine and blow steam from their noses.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🚫This Blog Contains Some Stories That Have a Little Violence and Rude Words like “Shut Up”,or Stupid Idiot”, If You Threaten Me?! I’ll block your A$$ Right Away!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HeadCanons+ Story’s
Yap the Dog Sodor Red Stone
Part 2
Part 3
Amber Mary Husky
Rosie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🌸My Bio and Information🌸
💝Name: Snowy The WereDog🎀
💝Real Name: Lola(Do Not Tell Anyone Else!)🎀
💝Age: (Don’t Give Information About This)🎀
💝Gender: Female🎀
💝My Hobbies: Drawing, Watching Videos, Reading, Listening to Music, Dancing
💝Favorite Shows: Thomas: The Trainz Adventures(YouTube Show), MLP: Make Your Mark, Big City Greens, Home🎀
💝Hates: Bullying, Stubborn People, Being in Damn School(yeah I hate school so muuucch!)🎀
💝I’m A Young Artist, Do Not Judge Me!🎀
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Besties @jessythebunny
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aurynne · 1 year
✨, 🌸, and 🎁 for the ask game !
HI MOON!!!!! i just want you to know that you started smtn terrible by asking the first one. ask game here!
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✨ ~ which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
oh my gosh so back when i was active on tumblr before the porn ban (i must’ve been like 15) i found out what kinning was after being on this terrible website for too long. and i made a kin list and STILL UPDATE IT but most of this is how it was when i was 15 like i haven’t edited the titles of different parts of it or whatever and it’s just a messy piece of shit. i love it tho 🫶 i was actually in the process of making a section for it in my abt page way back then!!! idk if i still have it saved but i’ll have to get back on that teehee
i don’t take kinning seriously it’s literally just characters i rly relate to and if anyone is seeing this that kins then please kiss me if you’re a double <3 here you go moon you asked for it:
Mii when I’m mii:
- Star Butterfly
- Yui (Angel Beats)
- Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
- Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club)
- Uraraka Ochako
- Luluco
- Gou Matsuoka
- Pearl (Splatoon)
- Pink Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Top Speed (Magical Girl Raising Project)
- Elaine Benes (Seinfeld)
- R. Mika
- Felicia (Darkstalkers)
- Lola Bunny
- Cerebella (Skullgirls)
- Squigly (Skullgirls)
- Usagi Tsukino
- Emiri Kisaki
- Haru (Beastars)
- Ann Takamaki
- Princess Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Mary Saotome
- Sophie Jang (Collapse & Rewind)
- Sophie Lim (Death of a Pop Star)
- Shinoa Hiragi
- Princess Devilotte
- Pops (Regular Show)
- Judy Hopps
- Spinel (Steven Universe)
- Subaru Natsuki
- Elle Woods
- Kagome Higurashi
- Alberto Scorfano
- Emilia (Re:Zero)
- Tomoe Koga
- Chika Fujiwara
- Suma (Demon Slayer)
- Kelly Kapoor
- Mabel Pines
Mii when I’m a n g e r y e m o j i:
- Taiga Aisaka [without the violence hh]
- Sayaka Miki
- Kirby plushie with a knife
- Lizbeth (Sword Art Online)
Mii when I’m baby:
- Kofuku (Noragami)
- Asia Argento (from High School DXD not the fucking celebrity)
- Madoka Kaname
- Yui Yamada
- Tama (Magical Girl Raising Project)
- Cream Puff Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Silica (Sword Art Online)
- Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls)
- Birthday Cake Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Cotton Candy Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Pancake Cookie (Cookie Run)
Mii when I’m trying to seem tough at skool 😤😎:
- Kyoko Sakura
- Rio Nakamura
Mii when I get sleepy bitch disease:
- Nemurin (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Mii when I’m depresso espresso:
- Lapis Lazuli (SU)
Mii when I‘m horny on main:
- Fukawa Toko [her normal self]
- Stocking Anarchy
- Panty Anarchy
i should’ve been put down before making this list. you can actually tell a 15 year old made it. i can’t believe i have a fucking seinfeld and regular show kin….AND I HAVE A KIN FROM A PORN COMIC??????? i should be shot dead right now. i hope you enjoy this sick shit. follow me guys!!! 🥺
🌸 ~ what is your favorite flower?
hmm i actually don’t have any faves but pretty much any pretty pink flowers!! :)
🎁 ~ when is your birthday?
march 26!!! i turned 20 recently :D i know it’s hard to believe considering this blog looks like it’s ran by a preschooler but here we are. sad but true
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dying-angel-111 · 1 year
Hey this is my new Tumblr account.
୨♡୧ ִ° ⋆ something about me ୨♡୧ ִ° ⋆
- My name is Lola, I’m 16 yrs old
- I’m a pisces and an isfp
- I’m from europe
- I’m trying to lose weight (10kg)
୨♡୧ ִ° ⋆ Things I LOVE ୨♡୧ ִ° ⋆
• Pastel colours
• Gloomy coquette aesthetic
• The ocean, forests and the moon
• Mermaidcore and all that stuff <3
• Movies like Palo Alto, V1rgin su1cid3s
• I go to the gym
What I’m going to post
• Aesthetic photo dumps
• Th1n$p0
• Weightloss updates
• Whispers and pins
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imafangi4l · 29 days
I just found the best website to reading free comics oh my god-
It's www.comicextra.net- it has ALOT of ads I know but you can continue reading by simply going back.
I don't usually do this but I was just so happy to find a website that shows comics INCLUDING DC comics :3
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theoglola · 4 days
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Heyyy it's Lolaaaa,18yrs and a massive fangirl<3!
Okay let's get into it immediately!I have some rp blogs,some are still being written. Some are already made. However this is the og blog. Where you will be talking to the real Lola rather then the ocs.
For the rules of roleplaying:
*please keep in mind that I have a life outside the role-play,I may sometimes reply quickly. Sometimes It takes awhile hell sometimes it takes weeks. Remind me once a day,but don't spam
*I am okay with one liners,i do have a liking for longer paragraphs but as long as the message is through I am okay with it.
*please for the love of everything don't assume things about my ocs,I created them and seeing someone so blankly change everything is annoying
*I can follow dark themes,just warn me first in dms and tell me your idea,somethings can be Triggering to me such as: misogyny or incel behavior being shown in a good light, any time of abuse being show as 'love'. It's alright if your gonna clear that you don't agree with it,but if you do agree with it?yikes big block on your forehead
*most of my ocs are multiships, so keep that in mind. I mostly keep every ship in another AU then the other unless the person specifically tells me to make it in the same
So keep that In mind!
Sasha Dc: @imafangi4l
Natasha Dc: @thetruthshallshine
Glitch Dc: @eletricenergy
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sincerelyyoursg · 10 months
i’m literally in love with your new theme !!!
lola thank you soo much! 💕
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lavenderknight · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
1. My daughter Lola (cat)
2. Gardening, baking, hot cups of tea 🫖
3. Snoopy
4. Warm snuggly blankets, soft plushies, and the sound of rain
5. Animal crossing pocket camp💜💖
Thank you!!!☺️🌸🤍🎀
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sleepingfancies · 10 months
☁️ 🌸 🍄 🌧? :-)
Hello hi oh my god hello friend ik am answering this 2 months late i am so sorry but i am here SOBS
☁️ WIP you want to write but haven't started yet: there's an idea rattling around in my head for a story centering on a duo stealing a historical record that would otherwise be destroyed, but I haven't gotten around to fully fleshing it out yet! It'd be super self indulgent of me as a history major tbh SKDJGHBSG but it'd be just a funny little self-amusing story =)
🌸 WIP you've been working on the longest: there's a WIP called Chronicles of the Lost that I started in high school! Originally it was about different systems of magic and one in particular being very powerful but very corrupting. Unfortunately the world swelled wayyy too big and the plot got incredibly unruly and convoluted, so it's been on hiatus basically ever since I graduated. I'd like to revisit it (and trim it down) someday though!!
🍄 Name a song that represents your mc: "Glass Piano" by Kathleen remains not only one of my favorite songs of all time but also the certified Conall Vellym anthem =) "Angry Too" by Lola Blanc likewise is the certified Ylena Tsezeren anthem. "Dark Side" by MISSY remains the certified Sonya Nachtnabel anthem. I'm obligated to mention the three of them all together bc they're joined at the hip as my Arbor of the Wicked mains <3
🌧 Book you hate: Pure vitriolic hatred award definitely goes to A Court of Thorns and Roses by S/J/M. I dislike plenty of books and some I'm like "come on, what were you thinking" about, but ACOTAR is the last book I can remember reading where I was genuinely Angry when I finished it. It wasn't just a book I'd never read again because I didn't like it, it was a book that will actively make me go "eugh" in disgust every time I see it.
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moonwonuu · 2 years
Shuta teka. Parang ang haba ng i-u-unpack ko for today’s bidyeow.
First and foremost. DYAN. DYAN NAGSIMULA ANG STORY NG LOLO’T LOLA KO. Actually hindi. Di ko rin alam history nila kaya wag niyo na ako tanungin hahahha. Pero HOY 🫵🏻 12 am?? Para sa anatomy? (Actually record ko nga mga 3 am nag aaral pa rin tas gising ako 5 am para sa 7 am class. Saya no?) shuta grabe hahahhahaha pero di talaga ako informed na ang pagaral pala ng anatomy ay by pair. Wow naman. Naol.
Lele, kung ako sayo, ang ihampas mo yung anatomy book mo. Kasing kapal lang din naman yan ng law book ni wons. Maghampasan kayo. Unang maalog utak may prize. Hahahahhahahah char.
Ako lang ba pero masyadong attractive naman na naiimagine ko si wons with courtroom terminologies? Shuta ang rupok ko na naman bhie. 🫠😭 what eaf, sa au niya yan lang gawin niya tas hulog na hulog na ako? Kasi vebs tignan mo naman. Meant to be talaga kasi yung umagahan namin same lang oh? Espresso shot is da 🔑
Speaking of umagahan- langya shuji. Ganyan ka lumandi??? Parang grabe yung bawi ah? Lahat ng suppressed emotions ba yan? Hay grabe. Iba talaga ang isang joshua hong. Lolololololol
- 🌸
ou, kailangan daw 2 kayo mag aaral para mas gets na gets mo yung subject 😭🫵🏼 shuale, tama na kayo AHAHAH chz, kaka simula pa nga lang 🤪
POGI TYPINGS NI JEON 🫠 iba po talaga pag isan jeon wonwoo na ang nag type tapos may halong law terms pa edi sana okay pa puso natin ALDJJD 🤺 ano ba kasi meron sa espresso shot at gustong gusto niyo yan 😭 redbull is the 🔑 pero wait skl, alam niyo yung monster na energy drink na parang laging ininom ni jeon? hayuf yan!!!!!! half lang yung ininom ko before ako nag attend ng org chem lecture noon and BHIE LEGIT DI AKO MAPAKALI LIKE GISING NA GISING AKO PERO nag shashake na yung mga kamay ko 😭 kaya naur tayo sa monster 😭 iba talaga si jeon 😭
AHAHAHAHHA joshua hong “cookerist” era niya na ‘to 😂😂 the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach daw eh?
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threeweekz · 3 years
the other day i got a temporex tiktok on my fyp and it all came back to me.. miss that era sm nice boys was literally the best song id ever heard i was mind blown lol
literally!! i had the whole album downloaded on this cheap mp3 player without a screen and i used to listen to it on repeat. honestly the whole bedroom pop scene was ahead of its time. like, i swear on my hairline the youngers on tik tok are going to be romanticising it like they are with 2014 soft grunge atm. matter of time rly <3
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