#[ if you have a multi muse then pick a muse or i will pick at random c:
dangaer · 4 days
one thing i will say bc i do think it's important to note, if I have a fandom down on my muse list, im never not into it. you can approach for any fandom here, it's nice to think of all the different ones!
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tvrningout · 6 months
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may i impulsively offer a sweet kaiya for your inboxes in this trying time?
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mechahero · 6 months
muse aesthetics!!
instructions: bold what applies to your muse. repost, do not reblog!
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[SOFT] baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | minimalist tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old Barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | cute stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
[DARK ACADEMIA] neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a conversation | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
[EDGY] closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low-quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
[70′s] colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid-heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
[PREPPY CASUAL] collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old Hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
tagged by: @demonsfate (ty!!) tagging: @electricea, @earthforsaken (bulma if you want :3c), @pzfr, @outofthiisworld (sofia for a curveball?)
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quick-drawn-a · 1 year
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          i have decided — i would like to participate in reiikon’s DEVELOPMENT MONDAY again !
     i had fun doing this a few years ago and really enjoyed learning all the odd / new things about y’all’s muses. SO:
     like this post and every MONDAY for the month of FEBRUARY i’ll send a headcanon / character development question(s) for one or more of your muses via ask box !
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roguesenses · 1 year
like this post for something in your inbox!
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billyloomisisarat · 1 year
starter call, cap at eight 🔪🩸 :o)
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wildwoof · 2 years
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ghostfacesvalentine · 8 months
HALLOWEEN DAY 5: Spooky parties - Multi!Muse x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Multi!muse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of drug use, alcohol, pretty much anything messy at parties. A little bit of nsfw but nothing severe
Type: Blurbs
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: Spooky parties with them
Notes: I have no hopes for my own doing of these things.
Jason Voorhees: Doesn’t really like parties, but is always dragged to them by you. Loves Halloween ones though, so there’s not much pouting coming from you. He’d let you dress him up to match costumes with him. Jason keeps himself occupied at the sweets table while you’re around saying hi to everyone. Terribly shy when you would introduce him to your friends, but would try to smile with a mouthful of cupcakes. He kind of becomes a favorite at the parties, participating in games from time to time. 
Michael Myers: Also not a fan of parties, but would follow you to them. It’s usually how it goes though, everywhere. He kind of just sulks everywhere behind you, turning his head to stare at whoever is staring at you both. Everyone tries to avoid you two the most they can, but you seem to be too fun to be around, so you’re still invited. You are at least, you and your plus one. After all, Michael does add onto the spooky aura of the party though. The plus side is that if anyone is causing trouble at the party, Michael easily takes up the security roll.
Tiffany Valentine: LOVES Halloween/spooky parties. Always wants to dress up for them and is even willing to dress you up as well. Tiffany always wants to match with you, whatever you want to be, whatever she wants to be, you always come down to an agreement. The more parties there are, the more costumes/outfits you both can put together. Getting ready is one of Tiffany’s most favorite activities. She’s so fun at the party, drinking, singing and keeping her arms around you, she’s definitely a crowd favorite.
Billy Loomis: Also kind of loves Halloween parties, he’d go to every single one he knows is available, always dragging you with him of course. Billy would drag you to every house party, drinking and smoking with you by his side. Sometimes things get a little too hot between you two. Billy would drag you into a room with him “just to make out” but most of the time it escalates. Either way, parties can be fun with Billy, though if you’re always needy for his attention, perhaps parties wouldn’t be so fun. Billy would keep you on his lap, but maybe pay more attention to the current topic at hand.
Stu Macher: Also loves Halloween parties and becomes a crowd favorite within time. Sometimes he even hosts the parties, bringing in all kinds of alcohol, allowing all sorts of drugs and whatever kept the party going and happy. Sometimes Stu would be a little blind to the way things work, not able to pick up directly on your discomfort. Still, Stu is always drunk, always singing at the top of his lungs and dancing lazily across the room. You’ll never be bored with him and his foolery often at times. 
Patrick Bateman: Kind of a fan of parties, just maybe not the house ones. His coworkers would host events celebrating the Halloween vibe to the atmosphere. You’d insist on going in costumes, but Patrick wouldn’t be exactly too thrilled about the idea. Shockingly though, he manages to get some blood splatter on his coat to which then he decided to just keep it, then go to your room telling you to “fix it” but then deciding the would be the perfect costume and no matter what you say,  he thinks this would be the best costume. To those who love to talk, Patrick definitely would be a favorite to them.
Leatherface: Also has fun at the party like Jason, he’s very innocent with what he likes and what he tends to enjoy. More childlike than anything; he is prone to being timid as much as possible, but when he discovers the sweet, he becomes a child. There’s chocolate all over his lips and fingertips, he looks at you with a mouthful, smiling and waving from afar. Bubba doesn’t talk to anyone, instead just keeps his head down and waits for you to come back from your karaoke session.
Harley Quinn: The queen of Halloween parties, can always whip up the best last minute Halloween costumes. It’s settled that no Halloween party is complete without the one and only Harley Quinn. She kind of overshadows you, but when does she never? Still, she always does her best to keep you included, bringing you on stage with her or to the center if you were having a dancing session or a karaoke session. Harley would for sure wear you down to the bone during these nights. Not to mention, she would be the type to go party to party to party back to back, so it’s best you keep up!
Poison Ivy: Not entirely fond of any kind of party. Ivy would gather socially with her beloved villainous friends, but nothing too extreme. Still, if you really wanted to go, she wouldn’t fight you. She’d throw on her best red silk dress and big Hollywood curls, elegant as always, even if it was a costume party. “I’m a rose-” She’d explain as she would click on her last earring, fixing her dress as she’d turn to you. Ivy would drink a glass of wine or whiskey while you dance along or sing along, admiring you from a far, just as when she first met you.
Bruce Wayne: This man was notorious for parties, though not the kind you were going to in order to actually enjoy yourself and have fun. While he would prefer to keep the night to yourselves, if you insisted, he’d deliver. Bruce rather be by your side more than anything, plus seeing you in costume could be fun. No matter where you two would end up, Bruce’s hands and eyes just can’t stay away from you. Not in a sexual or possessive manner but in a way where he truly is enjoying himself.
Jason Todd: Similar to Bruce, though he’d rather keep the party between you two, Jason would love to go out with you. Halloween parties downtown at different bars and house parties of friends of his would be such a great time. You knew you could truly have fun and let your guard down around Jason. Lots of watching you dance, drinking and letting loose to loud music and neon lights. Wouldn’t leave you for a second, even if you had to take a piss.
Billy Hargrove: So excited for any kind of party, ever. Not the kind to dress up though, but would encourage you to if you wanted. “No Billy, I can’t go dressed up if you don’t.” You’d shy away as you took off the bunny ears, but he’d insist you looked cute in a bunny costume, kissing your cheek and pushing your hair behind your ear. Whether you wanted to keep your costume or not, he wouldn’t mind, after all, most of the time, he’d want to go home early with you. Billy kind of grew out of parties when he fell in love with you.
Steve Harrington: Loved all kinds of parties before, would even host half of them, but it’s no fun when he keeps getting pulled away from you or interrupted by others while he’s with you. Of course there would be times where you two could hide, but then what’s the point of even hosting a party? Like Billy when he fell in love with you, Steve also kind of grew out of parties. Still, one or two Halloween themed parties wouldn’t kill you two, he does agree to match your costume after all. Maybe nothing too out there for him, but anything subtle, he’d be down for. And of course, all his attention is on you throughout the whole night.
Steve Rogers: Also not the biggest fan of parties, big ones at least, but he would be willing to go if all his teammates were going or if you insisted on going with him. You wouldn’t have to beg, the second time he’d bring it up, he wouldn’t hesitate. Also would go dressed up with you if you wanted. Steve’s shoulders would kind of drop when he’d see the costumes you picked out for you both. Your immediate pout would change his mind instantly. “No no, sweetheart, I love it. I’ll wear it! It just looks a little uncomfortable, but anything for you, you know that.” Steve wouldn’t stray away from you once, talking with his teammates and mingling with others as he’d drink and have his arm around you. If you wanted to sing or dance, there he went with you.
Bucky Barnes: Not a huge fan of parties either, the only reason he’d go at all is because you wanted to go or Steve did. He’d be a little bit more reserved with costumes, but he’d accommodate with you. Bucky would even give you suggestions, helping you put outfits together and even helps you with your makeup before the party. Like Ivy, he stays in the back, watching you from afar, drinking and with eyes locked on you and only you. Bucky would agree to taking pictures with you to add to your scrapbook and they’re probably the cutest ones from all year.
Wanda Maximoff: Depending on her social mood would depend on how she would react at the party and how much she’d dress up. Of course Wanda would match you, being genderbent versions of certain costumes to match the couple costumes. Without question would help you with your makeup. Her favorite couples costume would be the vampires, sultry and fun, intimidating but so enticing. No matter her mood, she’d dance with you if you wanted, letting you take pictures of you both. LOTS of bathroom pictures and overall she reflects with you on how much fun she actually had that night.
Loki Laufeyson: You’d have to be the one to invite him to even have him consider going to any party, spooky party or not. Either way, like Wanda, he’d help you with your makeup, wiping off the excess and making sure your eyeliner is sharp and ready to strike fear into the hearts of those around you. For sure would go as the vampire couple as well or even a Victorian ghost costume. Hands down you both would be the most stunning at the party, which doesn’t help Loki’s ego at all. He’d watch you from afar, not really one to be dancing too much, maybe he’d join you for a dance or two, but would rather watch you sing in amusement and awe.
Cloud Strife: Not another event you’re dragging him to again. Still, this kind of seems a little bit more fun to him than anything else you’ve made him do before. Doesn’t really want to dress up in any costume. MAYBE will go as the matrix with you but that’s about all. Cloud would be too shy for anyone that would come up to him trying to talk to him, instead looking for you. You said you were only going to be gone a couple of minutes. Still, would drink with you, keep himself from getting drunk so he could keep an eye on you. After all he was the one taking you home.
Aerith Gainsborough: Has honestly never been to a Halloween party before, but is super interested in them. Kind of excited to dress up for it too. She’d go as a fairy or an elf of some sort and would love for you to match with her. You two would hands down win the cutest couples costume. Aerith would have so much fun meeting new people and singing and dancing with them as well as her best friends that she already knew. Pictures of this night would be perfect to keep them in a scrapbook for memories. Honestly kind of the most fun to go to a Halloween party with.
Sebastian Michaelis: It’s kind of routine to have the Phantomhive household either host or participate in some sort of Halloween party themselves. Even if you insisted Sebastian would refrain from dressing up in costume at the own household. “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m still the butler and dressing up as a rabbit would not seem appropriate-” Only to be interrupted by Ciel who would ask him to follow through with your request. Well, there goes that.
Spencer Reid: Always down for any kind of Halloween party, anywhere. Him and Penelope would be the first ones in, planning out costumes, what they were going to bring, there would be too much excitement for one person to handle. Of course Spencer would constantly brainstorm what costumes you two were going to wear, no matter how ridiculous it may seem for others, it would be thrilling for him. Spencer always wants to appreciate the holiday as much as possible and that includes Halloween parties. Would do drunk karaoke and swing around as his excuse for dancing. Lots of videos of these moments would keep his embarrassment immortal.
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serpentarius · 2 months
“Do you know the story of Scylla and Charybdis, Daniel?” 
Daniel scoffs. “'Course. Any writer worth his salt knows Homer.” 
Armand gives him an expectant nod.  
The human sighs. “Odysseus faced Scylla and Charybdis on his way home," he continues. "Scylla’s the multi-headed demon, and Charybdis - y'know, the whirlpool, or whatever."
The vampire hums. “And what is your interpretation of the story?” 
Daniel simply shrugs. But a glint of excitement flickers in his eyes. "I mean. There’s the obvious, ‘lesser of two evils’ thing everyone takes away from it. But it ain't just about picking your poison, you know? It's about - I dunno, the messiness of life choices."
As he speaks, Daniel's voice gains a subtle enthusiasm, betraying his initial feigned indifference. "It's like, you're not just flipping a coin and hoping for the best. You gotta dive deep into the consequences, face 'em head-on with some guts and smarts. And you can’t just pat yourself on the back for dodging the bigger disaster, either. I mean, he still lost guys, right, so he has to own up to the fallout. Wade through it with some goddamn backbone. There's gotta be a lesson learned from the whole ordeal. Otherwise he's setting himself up for more trouble down the line."
"That's all well and good," Armand retorts. "But survival is the thing that matters most, in the end. Sometimes there's no time for overthinking or philosophical musings. You've got to act swiftly, to prioritize pragmatism over philosophy, in order to get out alive. So, Daniel, I ask you - who do you think is the lesser evil?"
"Between a man-eating monster and a ship-eating vortex?" Daniel huffs. "Odysseus chose the monster. I choose the monster."
Armand shakes his head disapprovingly. "A naïve decision. But then again, you are just a naïve boy."
Daniel bristles. His agitation is evident when he spits out, “Don’t fucking belittle me. You're probably just saying that because I'm actually making some good points, and you don't like being outsmarted.” He presses on, “Odysseus only lost six men that way. They all would’ve died in the whirlpool.” 
Armand meets Daniel's gaze evenly. "Odysseus was selfish. He only opted out of the whirlpool due to self-serving motives. There was a chance, however slim, that they might have survived it. But by choosing the monster, he risked the lives of his men for his own gain."
"It wasn't selfish if the odds were stacked against them!" Daniel argues. "You can't convince me it wasn't the best option they had. 'Prioritize pragmatism over philosophy', eh? What a fucking joke, coming from you."
Armand stands firm. "He should have gambled everything for a chance at survival," he asserts, his eyes fixed on Daniel's now. Despite Daniel's defiant posture, Armand can see the telltale signs of uncertainty flickering on his face; the creases on his forehead, the slight dilation of his pupils. It betrays his wavering resolve. "You should know by now, Daniel, that the watery abyss may spare you its grasp…”
He makes his way towards the door. Daniel's gaze follows, helplessly reverent.
“But the predator of men knows no mercy.” 
as long as I find you interesting (I won’t kill you)
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mytheoristavenue · 18 days
MHA Mezo Shjoi x Reader - Make Believe - V
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Summary: You ask Shoji to pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner with your parents.
Warnings: Slow burn, fem!reader, fake dating trope, multi-parted, fluff, angst
With burning cheeks, you hastily hopped a variety of vegetables, the many embarrassing moments of the day playing on loop in your mind. "Honey, slow do, you're gonna hurt yourself." Your mother scolded lightly, stirring a large pot of stew.
"Sorry, Mom..." you muttered under your breath, slowing up a bit. "I think I'm about finished with these, just need to do the carrots now." You sighed, trying to shake Shoji off your mind. A lot good that did.
"Hey, is there anything I can help with?" His voice was smoother than earlier, calmer somehow, and you could hear the smile in it.
"Well, thank you, Shoji!" you mother gushed, patting his bicep as she passed him to make her way out of the kitchen, carrying a tray of food. "If you really wanna help, there's a sinkful of dishes that need washing."
He nodded, walking over to the sink and running hot water on one side. As soon as your mother was out of earshot, he spoke. "Seems like your quite the chef, huh?"
"Not really, I'm just chopping vegetables." you responded, almost in an uninterested manner, though it was unintentional.
"Still, you seem pretty good with a knife." he mused, wrist deep in soapy water.
"I guess so," you sighed before smiling to yourself. "Not as good as Bakugo, though."
"Got me there," he laughed. "That was such a crazy trip." He carried on, rinsing a plate and setting it in the draining rack. "It was kinda fun though, at first at least." Without warning, you fell into a fit of laughter, snorting and folding over, holding your stomach. "What?" he chuckled, setting down the bowl he was working on and fully turning towards you. "What's so funny?"
"N-Nothing, nothing!" you giggled, taking a shaky breath. "It's just, when you and Midoryira came back from dealing with Tokoyami you looked-!" You burst into another fit of laughter, imagining it in your mind. "You looked like you were traumatized! Your hair was all messy and your eyes were so wide! It wasn't funny at the time, but sometimes I remember it and it cracks me up."
"Well, one of my best friends tried to kill me," he rolled his eyes, trying not to smile at your antics. "Safe to say I might have been a little traumatized. But I'm so glad you look back on one of the scariest nights of my life fondly." He feigned annoyance.
Noticing this, you set the knife down, wiping your hands on a rag, before stepping over to him. Instinctively, he turned towards you, slouching- something he'd developed a habit of when talking to someone, considering his stature. With a gentle smile, you reach up, running a hand through his hair, mussing it. He was silent, praying you couldn't see the blush creeping up toward the hem of his mask.
"Don't be like that," you said softly," I think you look kinda nice when your hair's messy. Makes you look kinda rugged."
"Uh, thanks..." he replied, his hand slowly tracing up your arm to hold yours to his cheek as it rested there. Something in the back of his mind- most likely your grandmother's influence, screamed at him to come clean with you, right here, standing in your parents' kitchen with your hand cupping his cheek. Now was his chance. "L-Listen, (Y/N), I gotta tell you something..."
"What is it, Mezo?" You wondered, thumb slowly beginning to caress his skin, sending shivers down his spine.
"A-After we finish this..." he trailed, whispering the next part into your ear. "Faking dating thing." His breath hitched, tickling the shell of your ear when he released it. "I was thinking maybe we could...go out on a-" Before he could finish his thought, he picked up on footsteps making a beeline for the kitchen door, prompting him to abruptly push you away on instinct. "N-Nevermind." He sputtered, turning away from you and back to the sink just in time for your mom to walk in.
You looked at the back of his head, a look of hurt flashing across your face, something that he didn't miss, having morphed a hand into an eye to gauge your reaction from the other direction. Your mother looked between the two of you, puzzled before asking: "Honey, you're not done with those carrots yet? It's been 15 minutes."
"S-Sorry, Mom..." you shrunk away from the center of the room, returning to the counter where you were working.
Awkward silence befell the kitchen, hanging there up until the meal was finished, nearly an hour later. Your mother had thought to ask if something had happened, thinking she might have interrupted a lovers' quarrel, but thought better of it.
You sat at the table, Shoji beside you, so close that you more than occasionally brushed elbows when shifting or reaching for a drink. It astonished you how quickly he could go from being open to affection-sharing it even to being totally shut down. Once again, you wondered about the validity of the agreement, but luckily, the lively conversation kept your mind off it sufficiently enough. Yes, the distraction was nice, spending time with your family, and for the first time in the day, not focused entirely on him. That was until he nudged your shoulder, a pair of lips coming around to your ear asking a question that made your blood run cold.
"Hey, what time does our train leave?"
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Assorted Musings: A Jumbled Collection of Owl House Rewrites
So, I've been thinking of ways to improve The Owl House and the short answer is: make it actually stick to its premise. Show how the Boiling Isles is under the thumb of an oppressive dictator, make Luz an actual outsider in her home world, better explain how Belos came to power, etc.
The following is just a loose assortment of basic premises without rhyme or reason:
On Hexside and Amity-
Hexside and all schools (all buildings really) have a portrait of the Emperor that they say a vow to commit themselves to eradicating wild magic and upholding the Titan's laws. Luz is creeped out to the max by this as it reminds her of North Korea and other dictatorships (in addition to loving Azura, she's also a massive history nerd, to the point of correcting her teachers back home. She doesn't have many friends because she's rather intense about her hyper fixations and can be rather judgy). Hexside is also an exclusive school where a lot of students end up getting into the EC or in the upper echelons of the coven system. They have portraits of all the Hexside alumni who served as coven heads.
Amity is the top student of the school and a firm believer in the Emperor, since her mother is the ceo of Blight Industries and works closely with the Emperor himself. It is guaranteed she will be in the Emperor's Coven. She doesn't actively bully Willow, but does shun her and because of her influence, other kids avoid "half-witch" Willow as well.
On Luz in the Boiling Isles-
Eda is lazy and only took Luz in to help her in her illegal trade and sends her to Hexside so she will at least be out of her hair. She disguises Luz as a witch with undetectable magic (it can only be used in small amounts and only for minor spells). The detention kids don't multi-track as such an idea is sacrilege and it takes Luz to introduce the idea to them. Even then, they're nervous as hell about it. But Luz being Luz, she convinces them that it's not "wild magic" it's just trying out different methods to see if this is the right track. You don't want to upset the Titan by choosing the wrong magic, right?
While she is disguised as a witch in Hexside, she obviously can't use magic, which everyone makes fun of (like Akko in Little Witch Academia). She excells in Potions and Tarot Card Reading, basically anything that doesn't require a bile sac. Everyone calls her a half-witch (a term for a witch with weak or no magical abilities--sometimes witches are born with a malfunctioning bile sac). She makes friends with Willow and Gus, who is still a nerd for all things human related but keeps that secret because human trash is quickly picked up by the coven scouts. Luz steals some of Eda's human junk and explains what they are to Willow and Gus. He's thrilled but also terrified because his new friend is showing him contraband. Willow is suspicious and questions how Luz knows so much. Luz hems and haws for a bit before changing the subject. Hooty is pretty much the same. 10/10 character. King is not a child in this rewrite. His egg was in stasis for a long time and when he hatched he's functionally an adolescent but being in the egg for so long stunted his growth. He's very immature and still thinks he's the King of Demons. He pretends to hate Azura but rereads Luz's book when she's at school. Then Luz stumbles upon his fan fiction. Eda figured out right away that Luz stole her stuff ("but I gave it back, Eda!" "yeah, and I was going to sell it this afternoon but then it mysteriously wasn't in my inventory. You lost me a customer, Luz.") Eda then teaches Luz how to be a better thief and find more human stuff before the EC does.
On Belos-
Under Belos' reign, witches are judged by their strength and power; certain covens have more prestige than others: Abomination and Plant are near the top. Construction and Healing are more in the middle. Bard is at the bottom. Back in the days of the Titan, magic was communal and while, you could specialize in a specific type of magic, it was not regimented and more seen as a preference. All of it came from the Titan and all witches shared their knowledge and gifts equally.
In the days of the Titan, the Titan could speak to people but only through mediums. Although, there were some who argued that the Titan could commune with anyone if you listened and kept yourself spiritually open. Even then, some doubted how the Titan could talk at all if it was dead and perhaps the mediums were just powerful oracle/illusion witches. This led to some factions and divisions over what magic really is in the isles and how it is best used. Over time, fewer witches shared their gifts equally and petty squabbles warped into tribal conflicts. Belos manipulated these tensions by claiming the "elite" mediums spread lies about the Titan's wishes. He claimed that there used to be peace because there was one system and one way of doing things instead of all of this confusion and division. He passed himself off as a humble witch who received a vision from the Titan saying that magic should be unified. But this vision was so powerful that it left his face scarred, hence the mask (although he will show the doubting crowd his face). That only the wisest and most experienced witches could realistically practice all forms of magic while the rest would do the Titan's work in their chosen field. That way, the gifts of the Titan is still being shared among the populace but now with proper guidance. And thus the coven system was born.
Belos uses his curse as proof of being the Prophet of the Titan; when he regenerates an injury without healing magic, everyone is shocked but most importantly, they believe him. He spends his time proselytizing from town to town amassing a following. He calls them his "little birds" and they all wear bird masks as a precursor to the coven scout uniform. When they (rarely) experience violence, Belos whips them up into a frenzy as proof that the "wild witches" are against them. In one incident, Belos and his followers are prevented from preaching in a town. A fight breaks out and one of his followers is killed. Belos declares them a martyr and asks if his followers will sit by and not defend themselves? The crowd--already upset of course--then burns the town to the ground. As the years go by, people notice that Belos doesn't age and doesn't eat or drink, leading more people to believe in his divine message and join him.
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shingekinomyfeelings · 2 months
Reiner x reader master list
If you're here for AOT fics, I should probably mention that I'm not the most prolific fanfic writer. I write when the inspiration and energy hit me, and frankly, I have zero self discipline!
That said, even with AOT now finished, and fandom activity dwindling, I will still write and update fics as the mood takes me - but with less rampant AOT energy on my dash, my inspiration has taken a bit of a nose dive.
At its heart, though, this is still primarily a blog I made for exploring the AOT fandom, and I'd like to keep it that way, even if the AOT content becomes less frequent. For now, my fics aren't going anywhere, and neither is my silly Reiner obsession.
My fics are mostly x reader, and yes, they're basically all about Reiner. This is a very very shameless Reiner blog, I'm not gonna pretend it's not. Fluff and angst are generally my strong points, but I'm becoming a little less shy about writing smut.
I generally don't take requests, but I'm open to... suggestions? If you wanna bounce headcanons around or thirst dump or just talk about Reiner, my ask box is always open. Don't be shy! I'm nothing but a doofus, I promise.
Finally, I'm doing this for fun and because I enjoy it, so please don't yell at me about whatever thing you didn't like in my writing. Comments absolutely do make my day, though, and reblogs are so very appreciated and encouraged, no matter how long ago the fic was published.
one shots.
short and sweet - or, short and upsetting!
preservation (drama/fluff) - an injury during training leads to a bit of bickering and a bit of a confession. ~1600 words.
too much, not enough (hurt/comfort) - Reiner talks with you in the midst of a depressive episode. ~450 words.
Shh (smut, pwp) - Reiner is a tease in the best possible way
multi-chapter fics.
longer stories, but still in bite-sized chapters. updates happen when they happen, I'm sorry.
you can't prove I'm not right.
sex headcanons - pre-timeskip Reiner vs post-timeskip
misc nsfw musings: vocal | too sweet to talk mean
fun thoughts.
lies Reiner tells himself | flirty sparring gone horribly wrong | Reiner whose SO is afraid of the dentist (request-ish)
character analysis.
overanalyzing and wildly speculating as god intended.
on the idea of Reiner having a separate 'evil/cruel' personality part 1, and then part 2
not Reiner fics???
sometimes I pick on other characters.
misc weird shit.
The Saga of the Cursed Reiner Bot: A Love Story in 8 Parts - everyone's favorite slow motion trainwreck from when these AI chat bots were still an exciting novelty
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shdwtouch · 1 month
please like this for a starter ! this will be within Shades main universe (as a companion), taking place within Act 2, unless otherwise discussed ! at this time, this call is for mutuals only. multis please specify a muse; if you don't I'll either pick myself or you may not receive a starter at all. starters are most likely gonna be a couple paragraphs in length, iconless. be advised it is very likely that I will reach out to say hey and get a vibe of you / your muse ! at that point we can also plot a bit, or just discuss, there's never any pressure. my goal is to have these starters out by May 5th, muse and energy permitting ! again, that is my intended goal, but if we end up plotting / discussing I'm a-okay with it taking longer as long as you are ! (I am slow orz) as a note, this is a limited and selective starter call, meaning while I hope to write a starter for everyone who likes this I may not have the muse to. owo; I'm setting a soft limit, but I'm gonna keep that a secret so no one feels like they can't like this if the notes exceed it. and it is a soft limit, I may do more, I might also do less. simply put, just like this if you are interested in receiving a starter.
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florencc · 12 days
i always get nervous specifying muse for memes for multis because what if i pick one you don’t have muse for ? what if i pick one you don’t see meshing with flo? what if what if what if
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nkirukaj · 7 months
I Want You, Simon- Chapter 3
I’m in love with Simon Petrikov and I need more content of him, so here’s a multi-part fic
Pairing: Simon Petrikov x Fem! OC
Warnings: implied sexual feelings?
Genre: Angst and Fluff?
Word Count: 2.8K
Link to Chapter 2
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It took Simon an entire day to find the Enchiridion. He looked on his bookshelf, where it was supposed to be and all the books in that row were off-kilter and leaning, indicating that one was missing. The books were sorted alphabetically, and looking over them with his finger, upon reaching ‘E’, he found the spot where it was supposed to be, empty.��
He checks under his covers and under his pillow. Nothing. He checks under his bed. Nothing. In his desk, in his bag, on his coffee table, on his kitchen table, on his kitchen counter. Nothing.  While checking the kitchen counter, he noticed that the cornish hen that he had bought from the grocery store yesterday was sitting there, unrefrigerated.
“I thought I put this in the freezer,” Simon mused to himself
He picked up the chicken while opening the freezer, and when placing the chicken inside, he glanced to the back of the freezer.
“You have got to be kidding me,” the Enchiridion sat at the back of the mostly empty freezer. Only a few bags of frozen vegetables to keep it company.
He places the chicken in the freezer, and leaves the door open. He returns with mittens and pulls as hard as he can. After a few moments, the book is free from the ice.
Simon stares hauntedly at the open freezer before shutting it quickly. He stares at the frozen book before sighing in annoyance. How was this going to work? It’s not like he could put the book in the microwave or in the oven. And it could take days for it to thaw on its own. 
He hands Sami the book the next day, still wearing his mittens. She is confused.
“Why…?” she points down at the book
He chuckles awkwardly in response “I don’t know,”
“How do you not know?”
“You know how it is, I like to keep things chill?” What?
She raises an eyebrow “Boo!” she gives a thumbs down
“Yeah, I’m sorry.” he blushes “I don’t know how to get it off-”
Sami throws the book on the ground with great force. Simon flinches. “Wait! What are you-?”
She kneels down to retrieve the book, once she does she looks back up at him, smirking “Breaking the ice.”
It took Simon an extra second to understand the pun. 
“Oh,” he laughs a hearty laugh 
“SHHHHHHHHHH!” Turtle Princess is heard from the front of the library 
Simon and Sami stare back at each other, and laugh again, this time covering their mouths. Simon clears his throat “Enjoy the book. I hope you find it…enjoyable.” He grimaces at his awkwardness 
“Wait, are you giving me this?”
“No! It’s a…it’s a loan. Return it in 7 days.” He smiles
“Is that a library pun?”
“We loan our books out for three weeks” she smiles back
“Three weeks then…or I could come back tomorrow and-“
She stares into his eyes “Or you could read it with me now,”
He looks back “Okay. I like that idea better.” He sits down on the library carpet, and pats the spot next to him, she takes a seat, sitting cross legged. He cracks open the large book-which was free from the ice, but still felt cool in his hands- to the first page, and Sami leans over to read it with him. 
For the next couple of weeks, Simon was at the library everyday. Not exactly surprising to anyone on the outside looking in. He did indeed love books. But what he loved more was discussing those books with other intelligent people. So for the next few weeks, his goal was not to find comfort in books, but to find comfort in Sami. 
Every day he would come in and ask for help finding a new book, and when he ran out of books to ask about, he started asking for the same one. Over and over again. Every day he would come in, skip the main desk and walk up to Sami, asking for the same book as he had yesterday, and she would respond by giving a look that told him she knew exactly what he was up to. One time she said:
“Getting a little up there in age Dr. Petrikov?”
“To what exactly are you referring?”
“You seem to be having issues with your memory. Seeing as how I showed you exactly where that book was yesterday. The day before that, and the day before that, and…shall I continue?” 
“I guess I’m just forgetful,” He shrugs playfully
“Because you’re old.”
He looks taken aback “I am not old,”
“Right, sorry Mr. Gray Streak- sorry Dr. Gray Streak,”
“Apology accepted…nerd,”
Sami stares around flabbergasted at his boldness. She found it endearing and amusing yes, but flabbergasted nonetheless.
“What?” she squinted 
“You’re a nerd,” he spoke casually, as though they’d known each other for a while.
“I….don’t know what I’m supposed to say to that.”
“You can help me find the book then.” 
She rolls her eyes “Come on then,” and led him there. “Here you go,” She hands it to him.
“Say..have you ever read this book?” He flipped through it absentmindedly
She shakes her head. He hands it to her. “You should. It’s a very good story.”
“Is this what you came here for? To give me recommendations?”
“No. But I came to have an intellectual conversation.”
“About this book?” She flips open the picture book “You strike me as more of a strictly ‘no pictures’ type of man.”
“I’m an all books kind of man,”
She shoves the book back into his arms “Then read it to me Dr.” in a deep, mysterious tone.
“Okay, take a seat nerd.”
She sits down and looks up at him as he begins to read. This was her first time realizing how tall he is. He looks down and notices her eyes wide as ever.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Am I boring you? I can give it to you to read.”
She stares back and shakes her head “No,” sounding mesmerized
“Alright,” he blushes from flattery and continues reading. 
After a minute or two, an alarm on Simon’s phone blares. Sami snaps out of it. 
“Turn that off!” She whispers yells as she gets up 
“Sorry!”  He reaches into his pocket and pulls his phone out, seeing an alarm EAT
NOW!!!!!!! He turns it off. Sami laughs a cute giggle. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s alright, I just don’t want Turtle Princess breathing down my neck. Remember she’s technically my boss.”
“SHHHHHHHHHHH!” went Turtle Princess “If you’re not going to be quiet then you can leave!”
“Who are you talking to?” Sami questioned
“Him!” she points to Simon
“Sorry,” he says again
She returns to manning her cart. Once she leaves, Simon looks back at Sami apologetically.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be getting you in trouble.”
Samira appears amused “You’re not getting me in trouble, if anything you’re getting yourself in trouble.”
“Yeah, I suppose so.” he awkwardly stuffs the phone back into his pocket “Well, I guess I should get going. You know, to eat.” He hands her the book “Here, finish it on your own.”
“Aww, I need your impeccable reading to help me finish it.”
He blushes a little more “Well, I really have to go.  And I think your voice is just as amazing.”
She accepts the book and holds it tight, “Um, bye” she waves at him. 
Back at his house, Simon hung up his blazer and removed his vest in silence. He entered his barren kitchen and opened his freezer. Donning his mittens again, he removed a tray of food from it. The tray had steak, mashed potatoes and corn each in separated squares. A sad tv dinner. As he peeled back the plastic of the tray and placed it into the microwave to cook, he thought about how long it would take for the night to be over.
The next day Sami was stacking books based on the Dewey decimal system of course and wondering what she would tell Dr. Petrikov of the book. Should she say that it was riveting? Horrifying? Or that she couldn’t really see the lesson that the author so obviously intended for the reader to take away? What exactly was she supposed to learn about two kids almost being eaten by a witch? Why would those kids even try to befriend the witch? Anyone can tell what a witch looks like and you can easily tell which ones are evil. These kids were a bit dense. 
Stacking books was a bit difficult for her, she wasn’t exactly a giant. She’s been this height forever. She never hated being short, but things like this were clearly meant for tall people.
Dr. Petrikov could definitely put these books away with no sweat. She noticed that he towered over her in a way that wasn’t intimidating, but was comforting for a lack of words. The warmth she felt from being near him was unlike anything she’d known before. She loved when he read to her, his voice did magical things to the words in books, filled them with a passion and a love for stories, that made even the silliest of tales come alive.
He had left so quickly yesterday, and it was the middle of the day now, maybe he wasn’t coming. Sami glances at thee entrance of the library, and saw nothing and no one entering the door. All there were the regular elderly who just enjoyed the quiet, and the “quirky” teenagers who thought they were better than everyone else because they read books. 
She had just one book left in her arms, and this one belonged on the 5th shelf, a shelf that was always notoriously just out of her reach. She never understood why Turtle Princess would give her these books to put away without giving her the mechanical arm to use as well. Sami’s toxic trait was thinking that she could reach things that she very obviously could not. If there was less than an inch of space between her fingers and the shelf, she would go for it. She jumped and jumped, grunting each time reaching and just barely missing the shelf. Each time the book would fall right back into her hands. She jumped one last time and the book did not land in her hands when it came back down. She was not aware of where it went, but then again she was not aware of anything in that moment, anything other than minty cool breath on the back of her head, and that comforting warmth on her back. 
Sami turns around and sees him holding the book.
“You need some help?” a smile on his face
She nods with a hint of shock on her face
“Where does it go?” he asked with a genuine desire to help
“Uh, up there on that shelf, right where I was reaching.”
“Directly above you?”
She nods again, and he obliges.
When he reaches up to put the book back, his arm goes straight past her face, and she can smell him. A peach candy smell hit her nostrils with full force, and took over her entire being. And for the few seconds that he was pushing the book into its place, he leaned into her slightly, putting his weight onto her back and leaving her feeling-
“Is that okay?”
“Hmm?” she looks up at him, barely listening
“Is that okay? The book?” he repeated
She nods a third time “Oh yeah. Totally. Thank you.”
“No problem.” His smile drops a bit when he takes a good look at her face. “Are you alright?”
She rocks back and forth on her feet, “Yeah, definitely”
“So why do you look like that?”
“Like what?” Her head snaps up in concern 
“No!” He catches himself before he accidentally began yelling. “You just have this look lik you’re upset. Not that you look bad or unattractive or anything,” He blushes a little and doesn’t meet her gaze
She smiles a little and looks down a bit “I just… didn’t think you were coming today. You weren’t here earlier, so I thought I’d be alone for the day.”
“I’m sorry, I just had to stop and talk to a lot of people on my way here.”
Sami looks back up with a smirk on her face “So what I’m hearing is that everyone wants a piece of Dr. Petrikov. I’d better get in line then,” 
“Ha,” he rubs the back of his head, “I don’t think there’s much of a line. It might be just you.”
She smiles “Do you have any friends. Honest question, I’m not trying to be mean.”
He purses his lips and touches his face, “Ehhh. I have people that I talk to, I’m not sure if I would call them my friends. I always feel so much older than everyone that I talk to. I like them a lot, but I do feel a bit more awkward sometimes.” He sits down on the floor. She sits down next to him.
“Do you have a partner?” She queried
Simon opened his mouth to explain the specific intricacies of the situation that he was in regarding relationships. However he thought that that subject may have been a bit too much for someone that he had only met about a month and a half ago. So he decided to go with the simple answer. “No,” he responded flatly. 
He didn’t know it, but his face betrayed how uncomfortable he was with the question. Sami saw it right away. They both played with the texture of the carpet on the library floor. However, Sami was just a bit too curious to leave subject alone.
“Why not?” She finally spoke up and broke the silence
Simon grimaced and fiddled with his jacket “The last time that I had one, a lot of….intense things happened that kept us apart.” He moved down to fiddling with his pants legs. “I’d really rather not talk about it.”
Sami looked away “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable” She looks back to him “I just think it’s a bit strange.”
“What is?”
“That you don’t really have anyone. It sounds like all you do is come here.”
Simon was beginning to feel slightly self conscious, was that all he did? “Oh, I didn’t realize you were getting sick of me.” He puts on a small smile with a hint of sadness.
“Oh God no.” She says “That’s not it at all. I very much enjoy your company. I just think that a peson like you would have tons of friends.”
“A person like me?”
She shrugs “You know, like smart and friendly I guess? Nevermind, I don’t know what I’m trying to say.”
Simon stopped playing with his pants legs and finally looked back at her. “No, I understand.” he said simply
“I don’t know, when you’re here you’re full of life and incredible insight. But when you have to leave it’s like ripping a kid away from a candy store. You seemm like you want to live here or something.”
“Huh,” Simon sits back in disbelief, he’d no idea that he was behaving that way. He now felt a bit embarrassed to look forward to coming here to the library everyday. Was it super obvious to everyone around him that while he was trying to work on himself, he didn’t really have anything going on?
“Just something I noticed.” She stares straight ahead at the bookshelf in front of her. 
“Is that bad?”
She purses her lips. “Not bad per se, but I think-based off of what little I know about you, is that maybe you should do other things? Or at least allow other people to enter your life? Ugh, I sound like those psychology books in section 57. Whatever, it’s just my opinion. You don’t have to do anything that I say. Do what you like.”
He reaches out and places his hand on hers “Can you please say more, I think I need to hear this.” 
When she looks back over at him, he is much closer to her face than he was before. She blushes from the warmth she feels. 
“Um okay…You don’t have to move too fast, just reach out to people I guess?” Her voice gets quieter and a bit slower the longer she looks at him. “Maybe even, just one…person?”
She pauses and inhales deeply “It’s nice to be able to rely on people. When I learned that I was finally able to relax. We as humans need others to truly live.” she leans a little bit forward, getting closer to him “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.”
At this moment the silence was enough for them both, as they for the first time, truly took each other in, and knew for sure, that they both simply enjoyed being in each other’s presence.
Chapter 4
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halofcrged · 23 days
Like / reply for a starter in one of the following verses: BG3, Star Wars (pick an era!), Fallout.
Two options for plots: either John is freshly arrived and trying to figure out wtf is going on or John will have been around for a while, long enough to know what’s going on (to a degree)
Specify what verse & if you want noob or integrated John! Multis - if you are feeling a particular muse at the moment lmk who it is you’d like a starter for - if I don’t know the muse I’ll read up on them; I want to write with whomever you’re feeling most.
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