#☾ i could never be your woman ╱ interactions
impervicus · 1 year
open starter ft. anyone / @chqstarter​​  location: club 303
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brinley was having a night, day, maybe even week. but that sentiment loses does start to lose its meaning when its almost every other day turns into a thing. they woke up on the wrong side of the bed, their favorite pair of jeans ripped and the diner was packed when they went for some food. it was like the stars had all perfectly aligned to ruin their day, whatever. brinley would be able to find a way to turn her whole week around and that would come in the form of going to club 303 and having a bit of fun. 
the one good thing about the week, however, was a rather large tip she had gotten the previous night while bartending. it’s crazy how much money some of the people in the longue are willing to throw out there. but brinley definitely earned their fair share by adding a few extra splashes of alcohol when pouring their drinks out. its the least they could do for a few extra dollars. but this one turned out to be an extra hundred dollars. “i’ll have a vodka soda and whatever they want.” brinley announced to the bartender, gesturing towards the person sitting to the next of her. 
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xileonaaaa · 1 month
Thinking of a wealthy Nanami who is absolutely smitten for you
Nanami x reader au
*He isn’t some uptight goody two shoes.
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!NanamiKento who met you through a mutual friend at a work gathering.
!NanamiKento who found himself entranced at the way you weren’t afraid to speak your mind at any given chance. Not to mention, just how much you seemed to shine in the midst of his drunk coworkers.
!NanamiKento who took to silently admiring your drunken mannerisms as the night progressed.
!NanamiKento who was quick to follow you when you went to the bathroom just to make sure that you’d be okay.
!NanamiKento who paitiently waited for you to reemerge from the ladies room, ignoring the groups of drunken women who tried their best to throw themselves at him.
!NanamiKento who ended up getting distracted trying to free himself from one of them who had somehow wrapped herself around his waist.
!NanamiKento who nearly panicked when he happened to look up, and see you getting cornered by a very drunk man.
!NanamiKento who nearly shoved the woman -who was literally grinding on him- off in one move as he made his way over to you to try and help you.
!NanamiKento who found himself frozen in his tracks when he saw you reel back and kick the man straight in the balls, before prying off your pretty heels and clunking the hunched over man on the head a few times.
!NanamiKento who didn’t realize his mouth was agape until he saw you hop over the guy who was groaning in pain on the floor, and grab his wrist, swiftly making a beeline for the exit before you could face any repercussions.
!NanamiKento who found himself actually going along with your very ridiculous act.
!NanamiKento who let you guide him outside, and felt a little cold when you let his wrist go.
!NanamiKento who was about to speak up and ask if you were okay, before his breath was stolen once more when he saw you converting your dress into a bodysuit.
!NanamiKento who quickly looked away to maintain some sort of decency, and only looked back when he heard you bid him a soft goodnight.
!NanamiKento who felt his heart actually stall for a second when you placed a finger to your lips and winked at him, saying “No witnesses.”
!NanamiKento who could only nod and try his best to swallow with his strangely dry throat.
!NanamiKento who went back in that restaurant feeling like he’d never felt before. For the first time, in a long time, he was actually holding back a smile.
!NanamiKento who wanted nothing more than to see you again, and maybe even get to know you.
!NanamiKento who thought about your very brief but strange interaction all week long.
!NanamiKento who actually ended up asking his mutual friend (in a very subtle way) how you were doing, and deep down, he wondered if he’d ever get to see you again.
!NanamiKento who learned that you might be getting let go from the company due to your overly smart mouth.
!NanamiKento who had to keep himself from outright laughing at the thought of your tiny self trying to go toe to toe with your boss.
!NanamiKento who went about his days trying his best to work up the confidence to ask you to dinner.
!NanamiKento who let a whole three weeks pass, before he finally approached you.
!NanamiKento who almost deviated from his usual laid back attire he usually wore out to first dates, simply because he genuinely wanted to impress you.
!NanamiKento who pulled up to your little apartment 30 minutes early, and was surprised when he saw you already waiting by your doorstep.
!NanamiKento who took notice on how you didn’t seem repulsed by his rustbucket of a car. (He’s the type to use the most mundane things for the first date. It’s an easy way to see if you actually want him, or want what you think he’s worth.)
!NanamiKento who sat across from you, listening as you talked about a little bit of everything. If you were just trying to patch up the awkward silence, or if you just loved to talk, he couldn’t tell. He loved it either way.
!NanamiKento who found himself genuinely interested in the things you had to say. Even going so far as to finish his food so that he could give you his full, undivided attention.
!NanamiKento who offered to cut your steak for you, but was taken aback when you politely declined, and dramatically stabbed your knife into the meat, cutting it with force, before popping it in your mouth, and grinning at him.
!NanamiKento who couldn’t help but smile back at you, genuinely feeling convinced that you had to be the most strangest woman he’d ever met. (In a good way of course.)
!NanamiKento who spent the most time in that restaurant just conversing with you, than he’d ever spent anywhere else besides his home.
!NanamiKento who felt a bit sad when he had to take you home, and was quick to ask for a second date before you could turn in for the night.
!NanamiKento who felt just a little let down when you told him that you’d think about it, but immediately perked up when you offered to stay in touch.
!NanamiKento who cursed himself all the way home for not trying just a little bit harder. Maybe he shouldn’t have went with his usual method.
!NanamiKento who made it a point to stop by your cubicle every morning just to say hi, and sometimes bring you coffee.
!NanamiKento who started to notice your very apparent eye bags, and the piles upon piles of work that began littering your desk.
!NanamiKento who felt like something wasn’t exactly right, and took it upon himself to do a little bit of digging through corporate files to see just who oversaw your work.
!NanamiKento who took his time gathering evidence to bring up to the big boss to prove you were being targeted by your own boss.
!NanamiKento who would pass by your cubicle to check on you, and take a chunk off of your enormous pile of paperwork for himself to do.
!NanamiKento who would often see you hurriedly rushing out of the office without your stuff, going who knows where.
!NanamiKento who caught you trying to take the bus one evening, but ended up missing it, and hurriedly stopped you, and asked you if you noticed that you’d left your stuff behind.
!NanamiKento who listened as you explained that you needed to get home to feed your two cats their dinner, and come back before the security guard locked up the office for the night.
!NanamiKento who offered to drive you to your apartment, and was beside himself when he heard your genuine thanks.
!NanamiKento who hesitated when he dropped you back at the office. Feeling a bit concerned at just how dark it was, he asked if you needed him to stay and help you, but his help was of course refused, and a part of him understood why. You were a very independent woman, and he respected that, so he let you go, but not before asking you to stay safe, and bidding you a goodnight.
!NanamiKento who found that through all of his research, he was too late in helping you keep your job.
!NanamiKento who happened to walk in early the next morning to a you tearing your boss a new one. You didn’t use a single swear word, and you didn’t even raise your voice. You gave it to him plain and simple, before storming back to your cubicle and collecting your things.
!NanamiKento who was beyond stunned, tried to stop you, and have you reconsider your decision, but the minute you looked up at him, he was able to see just how much your overtime was having an effect on you. Dark circles were under both of your eyes, you looked a little under the weather too.
!NanamiKento who let you walk out of that office, and made it a point to stop by your place to make sure you were okay.
!NanamiKento who was correct on his assumption that you were sick when you opened up your apartment door to let him in.
!NanamiKento who was glad he chose soup for his takeout option, and did his best to help you around your tiny apartment.
!NanamiKento who returned home that night thinking about something he would’ve never in a million years thought about, had it not been you.
!NanamiKento spent the next coming weeks visiting you, thinking about your predicament, and what he could do to possibly help you out. He knew well enough by now that you were the last person to ever except handouts, no matter how low you were.
!NanamiKento who considered asking you to be his girlfriend, and moving you and your two cats in with him.
!NanamiKento who thought about that possibility for days, weeks, hell a whole month went by, and he started to notice the bills piling up on your kitchen counter.
!NanamiKento who finally broke, and ended up asking you to be his on Valentine’s Day. He was so happy when you accepted, he even smiled!
!NanamiKento who immediately proposed that you move in with him, maybe until you got back on your feet. Hell, if you wanted, you could just stay and not bother getting another job. He didn’t want to ever see you with eye bags again. (You agreed to move in with him, but of course declined his offer of not getting another job.)
!NanamiKento who took note of your reaction when you saw his house for the first time.
!NanamiKento who yet again was surprised that your first thought was at how cold and barren his home seemed when he gave you a tour of it.
!NanamiKento who offered for you to decorate it for him. He didn’t particularly care for stuff like that, but if if made you happy, then he was all for it.
!NanamiKento who came home from work the next night to the smell of a delicious aroma filling his home.
!NanamiKento who was beside himself when he found out that you’d cooked dinner for him, and was waiting on him to get home so the two of you could eat together.
!NanamiKento who’s favorite part of the day was coming home to you, with dinner on the stove, and you diligently applying for more jobs on his sofa.
!NanamiKento who enjoys sitting down for dinner, and telling you about what’s been going on in the office.
!NanamiKento who is always eager to be the taste tester whenever you decide to try out a new dish.
!NanamiKento who doesn’t mind staying in the kitchen and helping you with the dishes after the both of you finish eating.
!NanamiKento who loves winding down, with you perched up on one side of the sofa doing some online shopping for things to decorate his house with, and him laying right next to you reading a new novel he’d checked out from the library. (He was not comprehending anything he was reading because he was too busy thanking his lucky stars that he got to meet someone as wonderful as you.)
!NanamiKento who usually waits for you to get up and start on another task because you can’t sleep, before he goes ahead and orders whatever it is that you have in your cart.
!NanamiKento who is more of a lover boy than you could have ever imagined. He would sometimes show up from work with a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers, claiming that he saw them on his way home, and they reminded him of your smile, so he stopped and got them for you.
!NanamiKento who lets himself relax around you, and lets you in on his more secret, vulnerable side.
!NanamiKento who laughs the most when he’s around you. You’re always making him chuckle, whether you mean to or not.
!NanamiKento who shows his appreciation for you by taking you out almost every weekend, and letting you pick out whatever it is you desire from the mall.
!NanamiKento who’s only reason to continue going to work is to be able to make you the happiest, and most comfortable woman alive.
!NanamiKento who loves you with every fiber of his being, and never knows what expect from you, and to be honest, he loves that the most about you.
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stevenssacrab · 5 months
Meet The Parents
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Summary: You bring Jake home to meet your parents and expect a peaceful night's rest after a successful dinner, but even with your parents sleeping right next door, Jake can't help himself.
Rating: 18+ smut (minors, do not interact)
Warnings: Decent amount of Spanish dirty talk, oral sex (male and female receiving), sneaky sex, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, overstimulation, cream pie, aftercare
Word Count: 2.0k
a/n: The dirty talk has changed me as a woman, I will never be the same lmao, may or may not have fantasized about this exact situation, but I can neither confirm nor deny, translations are at the end :D
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“Here you go, Mom.” handing your mother a stack of dirty plates.
“Thank you, angel,” she says lovingly as she submerges the plates in the soapy water, the sound of the evening news filling the cool air; you sigh in relief; the hard part is over, bringing someone home to meet your parents is always so nerve-racking, but Jake did so well, what with being able to speak to your father and mother in their native tongue; that will always win you some extra brownie points.
“I like him,” your mother says contentedly, moving clean dishes over for you to rinse.
“Yeah? I knew you would,” you giggle lightly, hugging her softly; your smile has not left your face since you got home.
“He makes you happy, and that’s all I could ever want for you, angel.” She smiles brightly at you; you suddenly hear a loud boom of laughter coming from your living room; you beam, relieved that you had built it all up in your head; of course, Jake is doing well; he’s the most charming man you’ve ever met, he could charm absolutely anyone.
“Smart move getting one that speaks Spanish,” she elbows you gingerly and smirks to herself.
“I know!” You laugh easily, carefully rinsing dishes and placing them in the drying rack.
“He’s just the sweetest thing, and he treats me so well, mama,” you said with delight laced in every word; you leaned against the counter, sighing happily, savoring this moment, every emotion, every thought, for years to come.
“I’m glad, angel,” she says, caressing your arm tenderly. “Let’s join them,” she said excitedly, pulling you into the living room. You spend the next few hours discussing how you met and everything in between before heading off to bed.
“Que tengas buenas noches” Jake says, shaking your dad’s hand.
“Y que tengas buenas noches señora,” he says enchantingly to your mother, kissing her hand gently; your mother giggles and playfully slaps his arm.
“Por favor, Llámame mamá,” she says, squeezing his hand tightly.
“Goodnight, Mom,” you whisper in her ear as you hug her, walking back to Jake with a smile. You reach out to him, and he smoothly captures your hand, interlacing your fingers, and smiles back at you; you lead him into your childhood room and gently close the door behind you. You squeal excitedly, jumping into Jake's arms; he catches you, laughing with you.
"That went so well!" You cheer happily; Jake captures your lips with a smile as he roams his hands all over you; you whimper into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck, getting lost in the feeling. Jake caresses your neck, tugging you into a deeper, hungrier kiss, his tongue begging to enter your mouth; you part your lips; you've never been one to deny him; he messily walks you back into your dresser.
"Jake," you whine between kisses; he holds you in place, hunger growing with each passing second
"We can't; my parents are next door," you say feebly; Jake kisses down your face and leaves a trail of wet kisses down your neck, stopping only to suck harshly in all your sweet spots; you close your eyes and let out a quiet, breathy moan, Jake grips your hips and lifts you onto the dresser, slotting himself between your legs, lips still abusing your sensitive neck. You place your hands on Jake's chest and try to push him back; he growls and grips your wrists tightly, pinning them to your side.
"I don't care; you've been testing me all day today; you looked so domestic, and fuck, it was so sexy," he says lustfully; taking your lips in his, you surrender to the growing ache between your thighs and feverishly kiss him back as if you're trying to steal the air from his lungs, you grip his shirt tightly and wrap your legs around his waist, drawing him closer, he groans lowly. He slides you to the edge of the dresser, grinding into you agonizingly slow, desperate for any friction; the room fills with your panting and suppressed moans. Jake growls and picks you up effortlessly, moving you to the bed and gently setting you down; the room feeling sticky and hot, you reach for him and pull him closer by the belt loops; you slowly undo his belt, staring intensely into Jake's eyes, pupils dilated with lust and hunger, you know you shouldn't do this, but you want this just as much as he does, maybe even more, you tug his pants down, pooling it at his ankles, your mouth salivating at the imprint of Jake's hard cock through his underwear, you lean in and gently kiss the tip of his cock, locking eyes as you hum from the taste precum leaking from his tip. You lift your hand and rub his shaft up and down slowly, licking your lips; you pull his underwear down, whimper at the size; it stands tall, the tip red and leaking, suddenly aware of how much saliva you have in your mouth you swallow, sticking your tongue out you lick a low streak from the base to the tip wrapping your lips around the head, and suck gently, just enough to feel good, but not sufficient to satisfy; you close your eyes at the taste, losing yourself in the soft groans Jake lets out, he buries his hand in your hair, guiding your mouth down his cock, he hums with a satisfied groan, throwing his head back, slowly fucking your mouth.
"God, you're perfect," he says breathlessly, watching how easily you take his cock; cock deep in your throat, you moan at the praise, gritting his teeth, he suddenly buried his other hand in your hair, pushing down his cock, he holds you there for second before pulling away to let you breathe, you gasps and cough slightly, a string of saliva connecting you to his dick, eager to please you swallow his cock again, hitting the back of your throat, you focus on not gagging and moan around his cock, Jake groans and snaps his hips in and out of your mouth, punishing the back of your throat, his eyes closed, face contorted in bliss, wholly engrossed in your mouth.
"Fuck baby, asi," he moans quietly; you can only moan, devouring his long cock, mascara running down your face.
“Que hermosa te ves asi,” he whispers, gently wiping your tears away.
"You like me fucking your mouth like this?" he whispers lowly, panting faintly, gripping your hair tightly; you whimper all over his cock, nodding slightly.
"With your parents in the next room? Dirty girl," he says sensuously; you whimper quietly, grinding your aching pussy into the mattress, whining hushedly.
"So close, baby," he breathes, picking up the pace, brutally fucking your mouth; you feel his cock twitch you know he's almost there; you lift your hands and softly cup his balls; Jake grits his teeth and holds your head down as he cums down your throat, you swallow everything he gives you.
"Fuck" he says, pulling you off him; you whimper, lightly rubbing the base of your throat.
"Lo siento, cariño," he coos, caressing your cheek, leaning down to kiss your lips gently; you smile up at him.
"Lay down for me, cariño," he says affectionately; you follow his directions and lay back, and he crawls onto the bed, slowly kissing up your legs, then the insides of your thighs. You shiver, and he laughs softly, letting his hands roam.
"Relax baby, let me take care of you," he assures you; he gently pulls down your pants and underwear, groaning softly, he kitten licks your swollen clit, and you gasp louder than you meant to.
"Shh, tranquila mi vida," he whispers softly to you, kissing your inner thigh soothingly, gradually kissing up to your pussy, and placing light kisses on your clit.
"Jake, please," you say, grinding into the air, desperate for anything he'd give you; Jake laughs lightly to himself; he licks from your entrance to your clit, and you whine louder than expected; you quickly cover your mouth with your hand, eyes widen in fear.
“It's okay, mi vida, they’re sleeping, don’t worry,” he says reassuringly, his calloused finger massaging your clit in painfully slow circles, watching your face twist in pleasure.
“Fuck, Jake,” you sigh breathlessly, bucking your hips lightly; Jake gently caresses your clit, his tongue teasing your hole before tenderly sliding inside, savoring your taste with a low moan.
“Mmm,” you keen quietly, biting your lips harshly to suppress your moans. Jake fucking your pussy with his tongue, rubbing your swollen clit.
“Más, por favor,” you utter. Jake groans loudly; he loves it when you speak Spanish to him, especially if it’s during sex; he plunges two fingers into your tight hole without warning, your mouth dropping open in a silent scream, chest rising and falling rapidly, your eyebrows knitted together as you watch Jake mercilessly fuck your wet pussy.
“Oh fuck, Jake,” you whisper harshly, hand covering your mouth; Jake wraps his lips around your inflated clit, sucking gingerly even as he abuses your taut hole with his long rough fingers, eyes locked on yours, you feel that familiar burning in the pit of your stomach, you bury your hand in Jake’s hair, grinding yourself against his buttery tongue.
“Dámelo todo,” you whimper impatiently; Jake growls loudly, smacking your hand away; he shoves a third finger inside, hitting your sweet spot perfectly; you whine muffledly, panting loudly; Jake sucks brutally at your clit; you can do nothing but take it all, selfishly; you pull your legs back for better access, watching Jake eat your pussy like a starving man.
"Jake, I'm so close," you mewl, gasping for air; Jake moans against your clit, adding a whole new sensation; you cum around his fingers with a quiet wail, legs shaking violently, even still, Jake doesn't relent, sucking your sensitive bud cruelly.
"Otra vez," he says possessively, curling his fingers inside, hitting that familiar spot; it's all too much. You're cumming again, body shaking vigorously; Jake slips his fingers out of you; he sucks your cum off his fingers with a groan, eyes closing, fully enthralled in your taste; he grabs you by your throat, pulling you to his mouth, he kisses you possessively, sliding his tongue inside, you moan lightly, tasting your cum on his tongue, he bites your bottom lips harshly, before uttering.
"Think you can handle one more baby?" he coos, thumbs caressing your lips; you say nothing, just nod slowly, scooting further back on the bed, pulling him along by his shirt; he kisses you with a smile; he knows you can take everything he gives you and more, settling between your legs, wrapping them around his waist, he slides in with ease, you both groan softly, entranced by the way your velvet walls pull him in, silently begging for more, he brutally snaps his hips forward, burying his cock deep inside you, your jaw falling slack, pants falling roughly out your mouth, you look down, watching his cock disappear in you, Jake grabs your right leg and flings it over his shoulder, pounding viciously into you, you open your mouth to moan, but Jake catches your lips silencing you, Jake picks up the pace, sadistically flicking his hips into you, you grip his arms tightly, nails digging into his skin, he hiss, enjoying the pain, he's always had a sadistic side to him, you maneuver your hand to your clit, expertly rubbing circles, Jake smacks your hand away, and replaces it with his thumb, flicking over your frail bud, you whine behind pursed lips, your walls pulsating around his cock, Jake growls lowly, his hips stuttering.
"Cum inside," you choke out, wrapping your legs around his waist, locking him in; Jake growls, fucking you savagely.
"Fuck fuck fuck" he pants, gripping your hips brutally; he cums deep inside with a stifled groan, you following right behind him; after a while, he pulls out of your leaking hole, gritting his teeth, he swiftly lifts off the bed, are strides to the bathroom, he comes out with a moist hand towel.
"Relájate, déjame ayudarte," he says warmly, carefully wiping up the mess; being extra cautious around your more sensitive parts, he gently massages the bruises forming on your hips, kissing them delicately, kissing his way up your torso, across your neck, and stopping on your lips, kissing you affectionately, he smoothly pulls the covers over you both and give you one last kiss.
"Te amo, mi alma"
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Que tengas buenas noches = Have a good night Señora = Ma'am Por favor, Llámame mamá = Please call me mom Asi = Just like that Que hermosa te ves asi = How beautiful you look like this Cariño = Dear Lo siento = I'm sorry Tranquila mi vida = Calm down, my life Más, por favor = More, please Dámelo todo = Give me everything Otra vez = Again Relájate, déjame ayudarte = Relax, let me help you Te amo, mi alma = I love you, my soul
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crow-raven-crow · 9 months
can you write a story where the reader has mommy issues and always got insulted by her mother for her stretchmarks, but she doesn’t seems insecure because she always wear revealing tops and has kind of a „reputation“, she’s still a virgin though because she’s afraid anyone would judge her for her stretchmarks especially on her chest.
larissa somehow finds out and the reader throws a tantrum about how she isn’t insecure and stuff.
ends up with comfort, fluff and maybe smut if you’re comfortable.
Thank you:)
𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 - [𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝟏𝟖+]
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧ Larissa Weems x f!reader words: ~3.2k
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: description of stretch marks, mention of toxic parental relationship, insecurity, inner denial, some dread, mommy issues, COMFORT, FLUFF, nsfw: dom Larissa, sub reader, praise kink, virgin reader (slightly touched on), fingering, oral sex, reader receiving
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: see ask above
AO3 link in title
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as someone who dealt and still deals with that insecurity from time to time, I love being able to write about it because it gives me some comfort as well. it’s something I love and praise on others because it shows signs of life and being human but always had a hit or miss feelings about it when it came to myself - i’ve since learned from it lmao but it’s something i love shedding light on.
some things got changed slightly but trust when i say it’s gonna wrap up and be all so cute because pookie Larissa is gonna be all over it
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You couldn’t help but continue to seek validation from your mother, even if it was just a sliver of a complement. Your relationship with her has always been.. rocky.. to say the least. Ever since your body showed early traces of womanhood, comment after comment was thrown at you from the woman.
Stand up straight, wear this, do this, how do you expect anyone to like you when you present yourself this way, why don’t you do this instead, don’t you see how hard I try for you, cover up those ghastly marks before anyone sees..
That last one always seemed to hit more than the others. There was nothing you could do to change your body from growing let alone in which places it chose to grow. It was something you always threw to the back burner, never wanting to resurface every little comment your mother would bring your way about them..
Regardless of how you felt about the marks, once you moved away it didn’t stop you from expressing yourself. Since you opened your own little flower shop in Jericho, nothing was stopping you from dressing the way you liked - even if it was slightly revealing. But you were your own boss at this point, so who could stop you?
When you first moved to the small town, it was hard for you to adjust to the crowd.. well.. more like a bit hard for the crowd to adjust to you. As you walked down the streets, whether it was to open your floral shop for the day or go on a break at the Weathervane, there were always eyes taking in your form. At first, the looks made you a bit uncomfortable - it made every insecurity you had run to the fore front of your mind. After a while though, it didn’t fail to give you the kick of confidence you needed your entire life.
From then you almost fed into the stares, revealing every curve you slowly learned to love, bringing out colors that were more your style and brought your eyes out more - all these were like the steps you needed to feel better in your own skin, even if you still had your off days. Your looks gathered the attention of some, but after they finally got to know the woman behind the looks, you started to know a lot more people all around Jericho. Though, you’d hate to admit you got sad after some interactions had a little more intentions than purely getting to know you..
You loved that this town operated on a ‘help one for the sake of all’ type of motto. It wasn’t rare for you to help out in the library or for others to come by for a chat and help you put away your orders for the week. The boost of confidence in your skin also helped grab the attention of the beautiful principal of Nevermore, Larissa Weems.
You remember you went to the Weathervane during your lunch break one day, your mind filled with information about your incoming flower order - what kind of arrangements you could make and offer, which flowers were more in season than others, etc - that when you walked into the warm coffee shop, you ran right into the woman.
A hot liquid ran down your chest and soaked into the fabric of your lacy crop top causing you to take a few rapid steps back while taking in the damage that had been done. The fabric got heavy with the liquid, causing it to pull itself down and stick to your skin. When you began to look up with an apology already leaving your lips, you froze as your eyes met piercing, worried ones. You took in her form and were glad to see that nothing had gotten onto the woman - she looked expensive and you weren’t sure if you could replace even one piece of fabric she wore. Her eyes raked in your form, stopping at your chest before meeting your eyes again. A blush appeared on her features, before you both caught up with reality.
She helped you back to your shop to clean up, using her scarf to clean the spilled hot chocolate on the way, and you took her back and bought her a new drink to replace the one you accidentally ruined. That day was the start of your relationship with the woman and you couldn’t be happier that you got her number to give her back the scarf once it was cleaned - both of you coming up with excuses to see the other at the start of it all.
It’d been months into your relationship now and you both learned to adjust to each others lifestyles. As you turned the key to lock your shop up for the night, your chest filled with butterflies at the thought of going home to the woman that completely captured your heart.
You stepped into her office after giving your secret knock, something you talked about in case she was in a meeting, and took a deep breath of the smell of sandalwood and vanilla that filled the warm space. Your eyes landed on her form and you couldn’t help but smile as she came to meet you halfway, enclosing you in her arms and pulling you close.
Her lips met yours in a slow, soft kiss. You rested a hand on her cheek to deepen it, eliciting a low hum from your lover and your heart couldn’t help but swell in delight. She broke the kiss before leaving a slow trail down your neck, then stopping and pulling you flush against her. You were glad she was a patient woman, but you wouldn’t be lying if you said you grew to want more.
“Hello, my darling,” she said, her voice low and vibrating in her chest as she spoke. You both caught each other up on your day as you got settled - any issues you had, things you found fascinating, and… one thing your love thought was important to mention.
“Your mother called me today..” She said quietly, knowing you wouldn’t like the thought of the two talking. You let out a slightly frustrated groan as she finished her sentence. It wasn’t that you hated the thought, it was just that you knew your mother only approved because you were both successful, knowing that she would want a slice or more of the accomplishments you shared with your partner.
“What did she call about?” You asked while tending to some of the flower arrangements that sat on the bookshelf.
“She asked how we were doing, how your business was going.. She seemed very happy to hear all was well.” Her eyes were on you the whole time, loving the way you were so passionate about your job. It made her fall in love with you more and more whenever you brought her an arrangement home and explained what each flower meant and how they all went together.
“But?” A sigh left your lips, knowing that there was never only something good coming from the woman that raised you to have thicker skin. You turned your attention to the tall blonde and walked up to her desk, preparing yourself for anything hurtful to be thrown your way.
“She asked about your outfits.. if you’re covering up some things. Darling.. I’m sorry if this is a sensitive topic, but I need to ask.. Are you insecure about your stretch marks? She mentioned them a few times during the call and I-”
“No! I- no.. sorry..” Your gaze on your lover faltered and turned to anything else but her eyes as your voice weakened. Your mother never failed to mention your weak spots..
You heard slight shuffling come from in front of you and you closed your eyes, waiting for the worst - your mother had done a good job in making you expect nothing but that. Soft, gentle hands met your waist as one trailed up to capture your chin causing your eyes to flutter open. She moved your face to look at her, and her gaze translated nothing but love and concern - it pulled on your heartstrings.
“Love.. there’s nothing to be sorry about. Stretch marks are only-”
“No-” Your voice boomed slightly as your ripped yourself from her touch. You felt the dread your mother always managed to give you settle into your chest as you took a few steps back, tears threatening to fall from your eyes, but you pushed it down.
“I-I can’t- No. I’m not insecure about them. I-I can’t change that, I can’t help that my body created them..” Your voice was barely there towards the end of your small outburst. You hugged yourself tightly as you turned slightly away from Larissa.
She stepped towards you, placing her hands on your arms and guiding you to sit on one of the chairs in front of her desk. She ran her fingers up and down your arms and legs, tracing small patterns that brought you back to earth, brought you back to her. As your eyes fluttered open, she placed a hand on your cheek and stroked her thumb along the smooth skin. You let out a sigh and opened yourself up again as you leaned into her touch.
“I am insecure about them..” You whispered weakly, still avoiding to meet the sapphire gaze your love threw your way.
“They’re only natural, my darling girl.. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve always thought about them as blessings from the gods - their touch leaving beautiful, iridescent lightning strikes along your skin as they thought about your creation..” She spoke with a loving tone as she grabbed one of your hands and kissed along the skin softly.
She never failed to make you feel loved, and she always gave you new ways to think about things. You were lucky to have Larissa Weems as your lover.
“I’ve.. never thought about that before…” A small chuckle left your lips as your eyes fluttered shut, savoring her touch. “I’m sorry..”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, my love.. Can I show you how beautiful I think they are?” She asked, your eyes opening and meeting hers. You let out a shuddering breath as a shiver ran through your body, a blush settling itself on your cheeks.
“Yes..” She took in your answer with a smile as she guided you up and out of the chair. She guided you to your shared bedroom that was attached to the office and sat you down on her lap as she sat on the bed.
“If at any point you become uncomfortable, feel free to say anything and we will stop. I want you to feel loved and beautiful, so if I’m doing anything to make you feel otherwise I want to know. Okay, my sweet girl?” She stroked your sides softly, moving her touch along your thighs and up your sides before going back down and repeating the process.
“Yes, Rissa.. I’ll tell you..” You couldn’t help but lean forward, wanting more of her touch to explore your body, after she settled some of your nerves.
“Good girl..” She whispered against your lips causing a whimper to leave your throat as your lips met.
The kiss started slow as your hands wandered each others bodies. She pulled you closer by your hips and you couldn’t help but let out a low groan at the slight friction. Her fingers trailed under your top, erupting goosebumps in their wake, as she slowly pulled the garment over your head and tossed it aside.
She took a moment to look at your form, her pupils dilating as she took in a breath. Her reaction alone caused your body to heat up and a deep blush to creep onto your features.
“You’re absolutely beautiful..” She whispered as she traced her fingers lightly along your sides, along the fabric of your bra and down your arms before capturing you in another kiss. The kiss was deeper this time, more hungry and slightly more urgent from the both of you. You both started to take off every piece of fabric that was between you, littering the floor around you in different pieces of clothing before she shifted you onto your back.
Your arms wrapped around her shoulders as you pulled her as close as you could, but it didn’t last long as she wanted to see everything she was about to worship. She kissed a trail down your jaw before pulling away, her gaze moving along every curve, every bone, every mark your body had on display, to commit it all to memory.
She moved a hand and softly ran her fingertips along the stretch marks that littered your chest, the cool touch leaving goosebumps in its wake as your nipples hardened. She took the opportunity to run her thumb over your left bud, erupting a whimper from your throat as your pushed your chest into her hand more.
“You’re breathtaking, my darling..” She said, her gaze meeting yours before shifting her attention to your chest again. Her right hand held onto your side, her thumb tracing along the bottom of your rips as the other continued to tease your left bud. She kissed down, making sure her lips met every stretch mark your body had to offer on your right side before licking your right bud, capturing it in her mouth.
The sensation sent chills through your body and a warm feeling to fill your lower abdomen as you let out a breathy moan, one that you quickly used your arm to cover up. Her ministrations along your body stopped as she moved up and pinned your hands on either side of your head gently. She leaned in close, her hot breath traveling along your skin.
“Don’t hide those intoxicating sounds from me, my dear.. I want to hear how good I’m making you feel - can you do that for me, love?”
Your eyes fluttered shut at her words before rapidly nodding your head yes. She would be the death of you, and, if there was a god in the afterlife, you were sure it was the woman above you as you continued to give into her every touch.
“Words, love.. I need words..” She whispered firmly as she squeezed your arms gently.
“O-ok yes.. yes just please-” You begged, your tone desperate causing her to slam her lips into yours. You moaned into the kiss as your back arched wanting more of her, needing and taking any and every new sensation she would give you.
Her lips trailed back down, this time leaving a trail of deep, purple marks in its path, covering your skin for the first time, as she gave your left bud the same attention she gave the other. She dragged out all her actions as her lips traced over every inch of your skin, making sure to praise every inch of your skin.
Her lips moved down as her arms hooked around your thighs. Her lips and tongue met your hips, touching every mark there and lower. She kissed down, avoiding where you needed her most as she kissed along one of your thighs and back up the other.
She took two fingers and gently ran them through your folds, letting out a loud groan at how wet you were. The slow touch was agonizing as you let out a low moan, curious as to how this could get any better.
“All of this for me?” She asked, moving her gaze to yours as she placed the fingers in her mouth and sucked, letting out a moan at your taste.
You couldn’t take it anymore - you wanted, no, needed more of the woman. The desire you felt for your lover was all consuming, and she could tell as you moved your body closer to her. She kissed your mound and down to your clit, leaving a trail along your slit. She paused for a moment, her hot breath slipping out and dragging out the moment causing you to whimper. She flattened her tongue against you before running it up through your folds and swirling around your sensitive bud. The action made a near pornographic moan leave your lips as her tongue sent waves of pleasure throughout your body.
You gripped the sheets underneath you as you threw your head back as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your body, moving through your abdomen, to your chest, and to your fingertips and toes. Your legs were shaking with the ferocity she used as she sucked your clit. A finger teased your entrance, collecting your juices before plunging into your cunt.
Your back arched at the feeling, loving the stretch as she built you up to pure bliss. Another finger followed, slowing pumping in and out of you before curling at just the right spot. Each movement she graced your body with had you seeing stars as you were built closer and closer to the edge. Everything felt light as the world faded away, the only things existing in this moment were the two of you, intertwined.
“You’re doing so good for me, my darling girl..” She said before circling around your clit, shocks of pleasure shooting through you.
More moans left your lips as your chest heaved with every gasp that left it. You felt a tug in your lower abdomen, and, with a few more curls from her fingers, you came as her name left your lips. Hot pleasure coursed through you as she helped you ride out your high before pulling away, a whimper leaving you at the loss of contact.
She kissed your thighs before rushing to grab a glass of water and a towel to clean you up. When she came back, the bed shifted down and your eyes fluttered open, meeting hers. You drank some water as she cleaned the sensitive area gently. When you were done, she set the glass aside and captured you in her arms. She stroked your hair out of your face as she placed a kiss to your forehead.
“You did so good for me, my love..” Her voice was gentle and so full of love. You couldn’t help but cuddle into the crook of her neck, her words making your heart swell. She littered your face with small kisses as a smile grew on both of your faces. She traced her hand along your side and back, using the softest touch as she met every stretch mark underneath her fingertips.
You looked up at her before cupping her face in your hands and placing a long, loving kiss on her lips - your smile noticeable as you did so. Your thumbs stroked along the smooth surface of her skin as she leaned closer to you.
“I love you, Larissa.. thank you..” you whispered against her lips. “I’ll come to love them, I’m sure of that now..”
“Good,” she replied softly, her tone full of adoration. “I’ll be right here if you ever need a reminder.” She winked, causing you both to laugh in each others embrace.
You were already down that path to loving your lightning marks more. She helped you realize a lot about their beauty, after all..
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𝐚/𝐧: LOL HI
so this was my first smut HAHH UHHMMMMSAHSKFJB
i hope you guys liked it. there are some amazing writers out there so i’m hoping i did good????
it was so fun to see another ask in my inbox this morning and it’s nice to be able to shoot something out like i did this so fast guys it was so fun
i’m probably gonna work on my next series this weekend with some things in between - I posted the title of the next one on my masterlist already! this is the hella angst one i hinted at a bit ago and i’m so excited to start that. i don’t really know how many chapters its going to be (probably not long) but i think the deeper i get into it the more i’ll be able to update you
this was fun so i hope you enjoyed and FINN !! ty so much for the ask. it was nice to write something i related to :)
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: (tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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opa ╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ
Hi, my name is rachii. just your average ADHD ridden young woman who loves video games and tons of other things! I'm a self taught roleplayer and recovering fanfiction writer who's been harassed over what I ship, and how I portrayed a certain character on an rping site.
More on that in the next section.
(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚ 𝒫ℯ𝓇𝓈ℴ𝓃𝒶𝓁 (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
My brother and I were born prematurely, so I have developmental issues, like a horrible math disability, ADHD, vision impairment, and processing issues. Growing up, I didn't really connect with other girls my age, because I had different interests, and in turn was bullied when I was a child and in high school, so that severely damaged my self esteem into adulthood.
I thought everything would be fine, and that I could make friends, and yes, I do have friends online, but I ended up getting harassed/bullied/witch hunted just last year ( 2023 ) on an RP site where I has roleplayed as my version of Volo from Pokemon Legends Arceus.
This annoying clique decided that I was a threat and a pedophile when all I did was roleplay canon Volokari ( Volo x Akari) with another person. And they said they had evidence against me, but in character RPs don't count as concrete evidence. And then, they started telling people new to the verse to block/report my profile, and to stay away from me. All I ever wanted was to RP in a place without judgement, but I couldn't even do that. And the worst part? There was a user who ran in their circles and I never knew. Before all of this drama occurred, we RPed together and were pretty chill, but apparently she lied, and said she was never my friend. That betrayal hurt. So yeah, after going through something like that, I’m obviously gonna have trust issues.
As for my personality, I'm soft and quiet and sometimes I'm very weird bc of my ADHD, but I usually am very cheerful and a sweet person who just wants attention, but at the same time, is scared of opening up due to past negative experiences. I'm also incredibly very sensitive, and cry easily in some situations.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛs & ʜᴏʙʙɪᴇs ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Writing fanfiction - I'm a recovering fanfic writer on a03. Still somewhat struggling with my self esteem in that regard though.
Enjoying and making aesthetics, like character tumblr aesthetics as well as vaporwave!
Watching various TV shows on Netflix.
Playing video games like Pokemon, DOOM, Halo, Cyberpunk 2077, Animal Crossing, and Nier Automata
Anime! I LOVE ANIME! 𝑴𝒀 𝑨𝑵𝑰𝑴𝑬 𝑪𝑹𝑼𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑺 Johan Liebert from Monster
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Ryomen Sukuna from Jujustsu Kaisen
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Gojo Sotaru from Jujustu Kaisen
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Volo from Pokemon Legends Arceus ( He’s my F/O. Even if I do hardcore ship him with Akari. )
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Griffith from Berserk
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Super Sonico from nitro plus ( I love putting her in horrible situations with other male characters in media. )
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Samuel Hayden from DOOM (2016)
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Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!!
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2b from Nier Automata
My ships - Blackice ( Pitch Black x Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians)
Volokari ( Volo x Akari from Legends Arceus. I only ship her when Volo is an adult and Akari is a teen. )
Super Sonico x various male characters lmao
Ferriswheelshipping ( Touko x N from Pokemon Black and White)
Master Chief x Cortana from Halo
9S x 2B from Nier Automata
( These are the ones I can pull out of my head.)
As for fanfiction, I enjoy making AUs and character headcanons.
As for kinky stuff, I'd share, but I'd feel awkward sharing what I’m into publicly.
Anyway, in closing, if you want to interact with me, please be respectful and please don't judge — I had enough of that already.
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ladylobotomyy · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy - Part 4
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Hi, IM BACK!!! I hope yall missed me. Sorry, I was gone for so long, I had a medical emergency, will be getting surgery soon so wish me good luck on that! I hope yall are still interested in this story. A lot of people seemed to like the To Hell and Back series, so thank you for the support, it really makes me smile. This is kind of a filler chapter so I hope that’s okay. This was an original idea thought up by @shelikesloki. So thank you so much for the recommendation. If you have any suggestions/requests or want me to write a specific idea then feel free to ask, my dms and asks are open, but for now here’s part 4! Part 5 will be up tomorrow. PLEASE give me some suggestions of what you want to see! This series spans across the beginning of season 8.
Concept from @shelikesloki: After overhearing Morgan and Reid speaking about Maeve, Y/n has trouble with the idea that she’s missed her chance with Spencer. But after the team helps save Maeve, will Reid and Maeve even work out?
The stalker was a woman JJ had decided when she’d noticed black eyeliner had been used to draw the crosses through Maeve’s face. That’d been why she’d masked her voice on the phone, why Maeve had been so willing to open her home to her. The only question left had been how the stalker had known about Maeve and spencer's… relationship. When Spencer had noticed that Maeve’s ex fiancé, Bobby Putnam’s (a former suspect in her disappearance), current girlfriend had identified Spencer upon first meeting without being introduced to him. 
Standing in Bobby’s apartment wasn’t as upsetting, glass from what looked to be a bottle littered the dining room floor, a small pool of blood left in the middle of it. Compared to the state of Maeve’s apartment, it seemed that the unsub had had a normal conversation which abruptly turned violent again, a running trait it seemed. 
Diane Huntington had appeared to be a fake name, her entire identity had been preplanned, she’d listed a fake address and used a burner phone to contact Bobby. With no trails to lead off of now, we’d had to work off of Spencer’s mind, details he’d subconsciously remembered throughout their interactions that could point us in the direction of the unsub, 
We’d just started talking about the possibilities of the stalker being a former lover of Maeve’s when my phone had buzzed for the fifteenth time that day. Gritting my teeth and setting my jaw, I removed myself from my chair, offering a quick apology, before making my way out into the hallway before flipping my phone open. 
“What, Tony?!” I’d whisper screamed as I made my way for the stairwell. 
“Been bugging you that much, has he?” The familiar voice on the other end of the phone chuckled. 
“Gibbs,” I breathed, “Sorry, I’ve been busy.” 
“Too busy to pick up a call for the past three months?” My former boss mumbled. The door to the stairwell groaned as I closed it behind me and inhaled deeply. 
“Things have been… hectic lately.”
“Well, I’ll say,” his tone came out rough, annoyed. 
“Is this about the case Tony mentioned, cause I really can't get in the middle of that right now, I’m swamped and-”
“No, no, we got that fixed up,” he reassured, “That’s actually what I was calling about, Tony mentioned your case.” I suppressed a bitter comment as I listened, of course Tony had mentioned it, I’d expect nothing less. “Is there anything we can do?” He asked.
“I don't even know if there’s anything WE can do. We’ve got no leads right now, I’m worried she won't make it, Gibbs,” I started. Gibbs had always been a father figure to me and my old coworkers. That’d been part of the reason I’d been hesitant to speak to him, once you started talking, it was hard to stop. He had that effect on people, it’s what made him so good at his job. “I’ve never seen him like this over a girl… over anyone really.” Bitterness seeped through my body once again. 
“Really, y/n, we can be there in the morning, say the word and we’ll consult,” Gibbs tried. 
“You don't understand, “ I tried to explain. “The section chief doesn't even want us on the case. It was hard enough to convince Strauss to keep us on, considering we’re too close to the victim. It’s a conflict of interest. Getting the okay to have you consult would be impossible, you're not a current profiler, you're not in the unit.” I finished. 
We sat there for a moment before he broke the silence, “I understand.” I paced the stairwell platform nervously as I waited for his next words, the team already noticed my absence, making it any longer would be a problem. 
“Y/n, are you okay?” He asked. I didn’t know how to respond for a moment, Gibbs didn't indulge in conversations about feelings often, or hardly ever. But if Penelope had noticed how I felt for Spencer, surely Gibbs had too. My voice broke as I tried to keep my composure, “I don't know what to do, this will ruin him. I don’t know how to watch that, to watch him break, Gibbs.” My throat felt like it was closing. “How do I sit by when we know the probabilities of how this will end? And even if it doesn't end badly,” my mind raced as I struggled to put my thoughts into words. “How do I sit across from him day after day knowing how I feel?” I knew I was being selfish, this wasn’t about me, I needed to stay present to stay focused. Thinking of the future was a bad idea currently. Heat flooded my cheeks as I struggled to regain my composure. 
“Kid,” Gibbs’ voice came out softer, “You can’t think like that, you have a job to do. You can't worry about those things while remaining helpful to your team.” 
“I know…” I struggled to find the right words, “I just can't think of anything else.”
“Listen, if it really becomes too much, you can take some time off, or- or you can come work for us again. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that actually,” His voice trailed off towards the end, my head cocked as I registered his words. 
“Gibbs, I-” He cut me off before I could finish. 
“I don't need an answer now, we just-” He was struggling as much as I was, that must’ve been the reason he’d asked Tony to call, so he wouldn’t have to be the one to ask. “We want you back, kid.”
I was silent as I thought it over. Could I really leave him like that, after going through one of the worst things imaginable? As his best friend, could I really leave in his time of need, just to avoid watching him suffer? I didn’t think I could, in general, saying no to Spencer was hard, let alone when he was in pain. But if she survived, could I really face that either? The past few weeks had been hard enough, and I’d known nothing about her. Now I knew what she looked like, I knew her history, I knew her achievements, I knew what they’d talked about. He deserved his best friend, but would I be able to be the friend he needed? To be able to focus on my work everyday with a picture of her sat atop his desk? To lay it all aside? To potentially meet her one day? To attend their wedding? My stomach turned once more.  
“It’s just an option,” He muttered in response to my silence. 
“Yeah, I’ll think about it, Gibbs. Thank you,” I said, checking my watch for the time. “I’ve gotta go, I’m sorry.” I said as I opened the staircase door. 
“Stay safe, okay?” 
“Always.” She promised, “Tell Abby I said hi,” I smiled as I imagined the perky forensic scientist’s reaction. 
“Will do,” he chuckled. 
okay, that’s part 4, and like always, i hope it didn’t disappoint. and if it did then, again, that’s chill too. sorry it took so long. and again if you have any suggestions or recommendations just ask, and if you want to be tagged in part 5, let me know! part 5 will be up tomorrow. have a beautiful day loves :)
Thanks again @shelikesloki
tags for those who asked, if you want to be tagged or untagged just lmk. <3
Part 3
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lazulihearth · 2 years
[ kiss ] Out of nowhere, Nyx appeared behind Rock, giving a small kiss on the cheek. “Hey there, I thought I recognized that blue flame eye of yours!~” The demoness chirped without a care in the world.
(I remember their one brief interaction in the past)
nonverbal  meme  prompts
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The small mutes first response to the sudden kiss on the cheek, Was a small flinch - the words quelling her much stronger desire to fight what she initially thought to be an attack. Her cold cheeks puffing up in response to the sneak attack. Unfair.
Her flame was what caught Nyx' attention? she believed that there were many things more easily recognized than her flame.. but this woman usually did as she pleased. There was no point in correcting her.
Her gleeful attitude was always confusing to Rock. How could one be so energetic, Despite all? it was something that Black Rock Shooter could never begin to understand. But her blank face.. rather poorly replicated what she perceived to be a smile. It was worth an attempt, After all.
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baejl · 3 years
ateez 9th member
moon meeting her biggest idol and inspiration 
[this is set right after moon’s comeback after her injure. if you like this kinda interactions, i’ll bring more! just let me know 😊]
masterlist ☾ requests are open feedback is always important to me!
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"So, tomorrow we have an interview with ELLE in the morning, then we go back to the studio to record the commercial for MNET and then we come back to rehearse with the dancers..." MOONBEE's manager said, reading their schedule on her agenda. "And then, Moon has to leave earlier to her physiotherapy. Right?"
Moon nodded as she took a big sip of her water as her manager fanned her.
For the past weeks since her return to her 'idol life', her routine was twice as busy as it was. She would wake up before the boys and go directly to the place the rehearse for MOONBEE would be happening - sometimes it'd be on KQ building, sometimes on a rented studio, and sometimes in SM, like that day. They'd rehearse all day and by the night she'd go back to KQ and have her schedule with ATEEZ.
Quite opposite it'd look, she wasn't tired. Of course, somedays days all she wanted to do was go back to the dorm and sleep, but she was so happy to be back that tiredness wasn't enough to keep her from working.
"I think that's all for today!" the manager said. "We can't go home now."
"Finally!" Bee celebrated, laying on the floor. "I'm so tired!"
"Me too..." Moon agreed, helping her to get up.
"Moon-ah," the girl's manager called her and she turned around, confused. "we have to go. The boys are waiting for you."
"What? Already?" Moon asked, shocked. "But it's not even-"
She stopped talking when she checked the hour and it was later than she expected.
"Okay, we're late." she agreed with the woman, going to get her bag in the corner of the room.
"Remember to eat something. You're getting really skinny." Bee made sure to remind Moon as she watched her friend quickly gathering her stuff. Moon walked to her and they made their handshake, loosely hugging each other as they were sweaty.
"Okay, mother." Moon emphasised, laughing. She turned at the staff and waved them a quick goodbye before finally leaving the dance room.
As she walked to the elevator, Moon took the chance to send the boys a quick message to Hongjoong, warning she was done and that she was already heading to the company. Waiting for the elevator, she decided to check her other social media.  
"Sorry, are you going down?" Moon heard someone asking.
When she looked up to see who it was because that voice was more than familiar, she stopped moving, with her mouth opened and her eyes widened. 
That woman was stunning. More than stunning, she was ethereal. From her outfits, it was obvious she was practising but even so, she was so beautiful. 
She was THE Choi Somi. 
"H-hi, sunbaenim!" Moon said, giving her a nervous bow. 
"Oh..." Somi said, looking at Moon. "You're Moon, from ATEEZ, right?" 
Now, Moon was sweating as she had never sweat before. The ring from the elevator brought her back to reality and it didn't get any better when Somi stood right beside her inside it. 
Moon looked at her manager, who winked at her, and then looked at Somi, not believing that was happening. Because of Somi, Moon was able to debut in a group with boys. If Somi didn't have debuted in EXO almost 10 years ago, Moon couldn't think about where she would be now.
"That's right." Moon nodded. 
"My fans talk about you every time I go live or something like that. They're always mentioning me on videos of you dancing and singing." Somi told Moon. 
Moon didn't know if that was a compliment or a critic, but either way, it was Somi talking. She smiled widely. 
"I wanted to meet you." Somi said, making Moon nervously giggle.
"I think I'm gonna pass out." Moon said before she could even stop herself. Somi chuckled and patted Moon's arm. 
"Why?" Somi asked. "I should be like this. Your dance is amazing! Maybe you should give me some tips on how to make those facial expressions."
Moon felt her cheeks warming and tried to hide with her hand, bowing her head at Somi. Unfortunately, their moment was interrupted by the elevator's door opening.
"I need to go now because I'm sure my bed is waiting for me." Somi said, still holding Moon's arm. "Can I give you my Kakao? We can go shopping someday, or eat something."
Moon nodded and unlocked her phone and gave it so Somi could dial her number. Moon would never send her a message, but when Somi gave her phone back and she saw that she had sent it herself, there was nothing Moon could do.
A couple of seconds after, Somi got a notification and checked it, giving Moon a thumbs up.
"That's it!" she said, smiling. "It was really nice to meet you, Moon. Don't give up, okay?"
"Thank you, sunbaenim." Moon bowed once again.
Waving at Moon and her manager, Somi got out towards the parking lot. Moon looked at her manager, who had a big smile on her face.
"Oh. My. God."
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impervicus · 1 year
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brinley reed tag dump !!
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