#♡ they'll call us anything but lovers ♡
peachsukii · 2 months
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𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱
( chapter 4 - the grey )
『 ♡ pro-hero fem!reader x pro-hero bakugo; pro-heroes au | friends to lovers 』
status: on-going rating: mature (16+) #✩.hollowheart
꒰ summary ꒱ A glimpse of hope appears out of nowhere, giving Bakugo and Midoriya the lead they needed to pursue your location. It proves to be much more difficult than they imagine, so they call upon some friends for a search party.
꒰ tags & warnings ꒱ mentions of blood/violence, eventual & mild smut, kidnapping/abduction, experimentation, physical & psychological torture, PTSD, implied/referenced self harm, cursing, talks of trauma | angst with happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, regret, mutual pining, friends to lovers, insomnia, eventual romance
꒰ Ao3 version | word count; ~20.6k as of ch.4 ꒱ Master List Chapter 1 | Hurricane [5,092k] Chapter 2 | The Ghost of You [4,799k] Chapter 3| Choke [3,995k] Chapter 4 | The Grey [6,756k] Chapter 5 | The Good Left Undone Chapter 6 | Tourniquet Chapter 7 | There is Fear in Letting Go 『♡』 this fic has a playlist! ✩
"So...let me get this straight," Uraraka ponders, finger on her chin while staring up into her metaphorical thinking space. "She's underground?"
"Yeah, I know, it sounds fuckin' insane." Bakugo shakes his head as he crosses his arms defensively. "But we gotta try. She needs m- our help."
Midoriya nods in agreement and turns to the group. "Sorry to ask on such short notice, but thank you all for -"
"Like you have to ask!" Jiro interrupts, hands on her hips. "She's important to us, too ya know." 
Bakugo and Midoriya had called all of their friends the following morning of your text, gathering an emergency rescue group. Uraraka, Kirishima, Jiro, Mina and Todoroki dropped everything they were doing and met up at Bakugo's apartment the following night. They needed a plan, one that the agency won't catch wind of before they can execute it. It wasn't going to be easy, that much the boys knew, but the consequences did not outweigh the reward - getting you home, safe and sound, was their number one priority. 
"The agency doesn't give two shits about this, so we're takin' it into our own hands. I'm done sittin' around waitin' for a miracle." Bakugo's words are flat as he motions for the group to follow him over to the kitchen table to analyze the diagram that him and Midoriya drafted. He points to the left side to start explaining their plan.
"Ears, we'll need ya to figure out where the compound is located, see if you can hear vibrations or some shit. It's gotta be somewhere in this field. Pinky'll burn a hole to make an entry point for us. They'll keep guard while the rest of us go inside. I'm guessin' it'll have multiple floors, so we'll split into teams to cover it all. I'll take the first floor, Deku and Icyhot take the second while Cheeks and Red take the third. Get in, search for her and other hostages, get 'em out and fuck up anyone in our way." He stands back, shifting his gaze to everyone's faces. "Got it?"
"You sure you wanna go alone, Kat?" Kirishima asks, quirking his head to the side. "Not sayin' you can't handle it, but I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."
Bakugo grunts, casting his eyes to the floor. "It'll be fine. We'll have our comms and stay in contact."
Midoriya knew the reason why he wanted to go alone and didn't dare vocalize it to the group. He trusted Bakugo knew what he was doing, even if it meant going head first into danger by himself. They're top heroes - intuition is one of their strongest feats and he trusts his childhood friend with his life.
"Do we know anything about the drug they're making?" Todoroki asks, directing his question at Midoriya. 
He frowns in response. "Not much, unfortunately. I tried to analyze it in the agency lab and couldn't crack anything about it, didn't have enough of a sample to properly break it down. The only thing we know is that one dosage lasts about an hour."
"Deku, come with me for a sec," Bakugo demands, stomping past Midoriya and into his bedroom away from the rest of the group. Midoriya obeys and follows him down the hall, stopping in the doorframe.
"What is it, Kacchan?" he asks, unsure of what he needed him for. Bakugo droops his shoulders in defeat, palming his face in embarrassment. 
"Izuku, I need a favor." His voice is hushed.
Midoriya walks up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder to gather his attention. 
"Anything, what is it?"
"Don't make me say it," Bakugo grumbles, shaking his head in disbelief that he was asking him for support a second time.
Midoriya knew exactly what that meant. He silently wraps his arms around Bakugo, enclosing him in a soft hug.
"We'll find her, Kacchan, I promise."
Bakugo loosely returns the embrace with one arm. 
"What if I'm not strong enough to save her again?"
Midoriya pulls back to look him in the eyes. "That's not going to happen, we have your back - all of us."
Bakugo knows his friends would support him through thick and thin, but that's not what he's questioning. The possibility of letting you slip away a second time is slowly eating away at him, afraid he'll have to experience you disappearing all over again. A quiet 'yeah' is all he can muster before composing himself.
Bakugo pats Midoriya on the head as he leaves the room.
"Let's get goin'." 
~ TIME: 8:39PM
An hour goes by as the group makes their way to Sector 42, enough time for the sunset to fade into a starry sky and help hide their presence in the night. The seven of them re-group in the same area that you'd previously disappeared in - the barren field. 
"Where did you say the portal opened?" Jiro questions.
Bakugo walks over to a set of rocks, pointing at the area. "Right there. Deku marked it a few days after it happened."
Jiro nods and kneels to the ground. She plants both her headphone jacks to the dirt and focuses for a few moments, listening for any frequencies below them. She hears it straight away, the sounds of metal clanging faintly in her ears. 
"Found it!" she exclaims, unplugging herself from the soil. "About 20 feet deep, and it's a huge facility. I can't quite tell how many floors, but it's big." 
"Knew I could count on ya. Pinky, you're up. Make a big enough hole for us to fit through," Bakugo orders, standing back with the others. 
"Roger that!" Mina gathers a coating of acid around her hands, forming makeshift armored gloves. She began to dig while oozing acid into the ground, carving out a tunnel for the group. The others stood nearby, keeping lookout for any potential sneak attacks. Bakugo can’t help but repeatedly thump his foot like an angry rabbit, his patience wearing thin as he’s forced to wait, not able to direct his anger at anything in the moment. He wanted nothing more than to blow the whole place to smithereens, scoop you up, and take you home. Uraraka notices his fidgeting and pulls him to the side.
"You wanna talk?"
"About what?" Bakugo grumbles, scrunching his brows at her in annoyance. Obviously, he didn't wanna talk about anything at all, let alone his feelings.
"Fair enough. How about I make you a promise?" she says, extending her pinky to him. "When we find her in there, you'll be the first one we call."
Bakugo stares at her, blinking a few times before sighing contently. He wraps his pinky around hers. 
"Thanks, Cheeks. I...really miss her." He lets his hand fall away from hers as she gives his shoulder a light squeeze. 
"Me too. You better make a move once she's back!" Uraraka bats at his arm playfully before skipping back to the others. Bakugo's got his arms crossed and nose to the sky, failing awfully at hiding his flustered expression. Meanwhile, Mina crawls out of the hole she's dug, covered head to toe in dirt. 
"Hah...okay," she pants, out of breath and wiping the sweat off her brows with the back of her hand. "It's wide enough for two people. It takes you to a hallway...that's all I could see. Bit of a drop, so just be careful."And with that, the plan was in motion. The five infiltrators shimmy down the hole one at a time, dropping into the hallway as quietly as possible. Bakugo and Midoriya exchange quiet glances, noting how off-putting the silence is to their entrance. 
"Eyes up, keep a low profile, and call immediately if something happens," Bakugo whispers. "And try not 'ta get hurt."
The four of them nod in agreement at him, partnering up according to plan and going their separate ways.
~ TIME: 9:18PM
Things are quiet in the compound tonight - eerily quiet. It's been days since your distress text was sent to Bakugo, leaving you yearning for escape to the outside world. Did he have a plan? Are him and Midoriya on their way? The lady who helped you steal your phone hasn't returned since that night, not since she took your phone back to the contamination room. Something felt wrong about this setup, that same gut feeling invading your body like the night of your abduction. You can't help but feel guilty about pulling the boys into potential danger, but what choice did you have? There was no possibility of you being able to escape yourself, much to your dismay. It was physically impossible without your quirk. Being helpless has been humbling, but a fucking aggravating experience.
You roll over on the cot, tracing imaginary drawings on the metallic wall as a distraction. The annoying 'beep!' of a keycard sounds from the cell door, but no footsteps follow. You're expecting a barrage of harsh commands, but they never come. Even though that's peculiar, you don't turn over to investigate - you couldn't give two shits about anything in the place any longer.
~ TIME: 9:43PM
Once they've successfully navigated their way through the compound, Uraraka rounds the corner of the steel corridor on the third floor with Kirishima at her side. She stalks slowly down the hall, taking time to examine all their surroundings. 
“Hey, up there! Looks like another cell,” Kirishima mutters, pointing over her shoulder. She silently nods in response.
The two of them approach the glass wall of the cell and carefully peer inside. Uraraka audibly gasps and she scrambles to the door, anxiously fidgeting with the electronic lock. She kicks the door as a last resort and is shocked when the cell door pops open, loosely swinging inward on its hinges. She pushes her way inside, a soft smile crosses her lips when she spots your form on the small cot. You don’t move out of habit, assuming it’s a pissed off guard coming to grab you for another round of testing.
“Found ya,” Uraraka sighs, desperately trying to hide the tears pooling in her doe eyes.
Is that…?
You flip over at the sound of her voice, bewildered at her physically standing before you. 
She’s not an illusion...right?
“Ochaco?” You compose yourself as you sit upright. “Is that…really you?”
Uraraka doesn’t hesitate any longer as she’s rushing toward you, wrapping herself around your frail form. One of her hands makes its way to hold the back of your head, trembling fingers clutching a handful of your messy locks. Her warmth engulfs you and coaxes the emotions to the surface that you previously submerged, soft hiccups bubbling in your throat. You return the hug, squeezing her tightly and shrinking in her arms. 
“Yeah, I’m here. I’m really here,” she assures, quietly stroking your hair. Kirishima comes into focus over Uraraka's shoulder.
"Hope we didn't scare ya!" he says while wiping a tear from his cheek. He strolls over to the cot and takes a seat next to you, gently patting your back. "Good to see ya!"
Uraraka pulls back and moves her hands to your shoulders. Her eyes are glassy as her lips curl into another smile, her signature dimples adorning her cheeks. You haven’t seen the sun in a months time, but seeing her euphoric gleam more than made up for it in the moment. 
“Before we talk about anything, I promised someone a small favor,” she says, nodding her head. She clicks the earpiece that adorned her helmet with one hand while thumbing away a stray tear off your chin with the other.
“Hey, Dynamight,” she says over the intercom. The mere mention of his hero name from Uraraka is enough to make the butterflies in your stomach flutter ferociously. You can barely make out his voice through the device, but hear Bakugo’s signature twang when he replies. It makes your cheeks flush strawberry. 
She grins at you as she replies to Bakugo, "I've got a message for ya."
Your heart stops as Uraraka releases her hold on you and reaches for her helmet. Her hair ruffles from underneath when she tugs it away and shifts to place it over your head. She runs her fingers over your hand delicately, urging you to talk to him. 
She mouths ‘go ahead’ while holding the intercom button for you. Kirishima pats you twice on the shoulder for encouragement. 
How does she know?
You swallow, hard. Every nerve in your body is firing on all cylinders. There’s an endless amount of things you want to say to him, but that moment isn’t here yet. You choose to settle on a greeting, praying you don’t start bawling your eyes out. 
“Hey Katsuki,” your voice quivers as his name leaves your lips. 
You hear Bakugo suck air through his teeth over the radio communication, knowing he’s probably cycling through a million emotions over the sound of your voice, too. 
He clears his throat briefly before responding. “Hey…y’doin’ okay, Lite-Brite?” 
You can tell by the way his voice trembles that he’s doing his damndest to keep his shit together. Uraraka continues to hold the button on the helmet, motioning for you to continue talking. 
“Never better,” you joke, huffing out a laugh. “Food sucks here, though. I had to trick myself into thinking it was your cooking to even stomach it.” 
He exhales a quiet laugh. “I’ll make ya whatever you want when we get home. Now get your ass movin’ so we can get the hell outta here.” 
The signal turns off with a click. Uraraka takes the helmet from your head carefully and places it back on her own. 
“You’re gonna have to tell me everything about you two when we get home!” she exclaims, pinching your pink cheeks lovingly. “I’ve missed you - we all have.”
“It’ll be a relief to have you home,” Kirishima chimes in. “C’mon, lets get a move on.” 
He stands from the cot and extends his hand for you to take. Him and Uraraka help you to your feet as you brush yourself off and fluff your hair over your shoulders.
“Are you hurt at all?” Kirishima asks, removing his arm from your back. He takes a look at your arms - they're covered in bruises of varying sizes and colors.
“Not on the surface, no. It’s a long story,” you explain. “The condensed version is they’re formulating a quirk suppressing drug. The experiments they’re running down here are fucking horrific.”
His face morphs into shock and slowly fades into sympathy. Flashbacks of the Overhaul situation from high school come flooding back to him, wincing at the thought of another anti-quirk uprising.
“But you’re okay?” Uraraka asks a second time as she takes your hand in hers, one pinky lifted to prevent her quirk from activating.
You decide to spare her the mental agony you've been through, saving it for later. “...yeah, I think so. Just exhausted. My quirk isn't fully restored, either.”
Kirishima’s earpiece beeps twice when a muffled voice comes through. He turns his head while clicking the button to respond.
“Yeah, we’ve got her. How’s it goin’ up there?” he asks. The voice that responds faintly resembles Midoriya's. He responds once more before clicking off the communicator. "Alright, we'll head up now. Hang tight!"
“There’s one stop I’d like to make before heading upstairs,” you say, knowing you do not want to leave the prison in your current hand-me-down clothes. “It’s around the corner.”
~ TIME: 9:54PM
Once you've successfully retrieved and changed into your hero suit, along with collecting your cellphone, the three of you proceeded to the second floor to meet up with Midoriya and Todoroki. You can't help but notice how the material hangs from your frame and no longer hugs you comfortably. It's to be expected, all things considered. Even though they fed you, the stress was more than enough to cause you to lose weight and muscle strength over the course of the month. If anything, it pissed you off to know you'd have to work hard to build back your prior stamina. 
They didn't bother to wash the damn suit, either. It thankfully didn't smell, per se, but was covered in aged splatters of dirt and grime. Your phone screen was also cracked, hinting that the lady who helped you dropped it "for effect," or some other stupid excuse to inconvenience you.
Your ears perk up at the sound of voices around the corner as Uraraka, Kirishima and yourself are approaching the second floor corridor. 
"There's only 10 hostages here, that's strange," Midoriya explains aloud, presumably to Todoroki. "I thought the reports noted more than 10. Maybe I'm misremembering..." his voice tapers off as he begins mumbling to himself. Oh how you've missed the sound of his rambling, something so minuscule but endearing about him. 
The three of you come into view, catching both of the boys' attention. Midoriya's eyes whip up toward you, emeralds glistening when they widen under the pale hallway lights. He’s charges down the hall to you, tripping over his own steps from the pure adrenaline pumping through his veins. 
"Izuku!" you cry out when his body engulfs yours, gripping onto the back of his costume and squeezing the material as you buried your face into his shoulder. You can't help the tears reforming in your eyes as he spins you around, overwhelmed with joy to see you safe and sound. Before you can stop the tears, you're sobbing into the crook of his neck - a combination of relief and dread. 
"Hey...it's alright, Y/N. You're safe," he soothes. "It's okay."
Midoriya places your feet back on the floor, pulling back and cradling your face tenderly. Not surprising, he's got tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, too. He wipes some of the tears from your eyes with his gloved hand.
"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" he asks, dropping your face from his hands while assessing your body for any visible harm. 
"N-no. Couple bruises, but that's about it," you stutter, a sudden tremble taking over your body. "Quirk's not..." you trail off while your vision dilates out of focus for a second. Midoriya doesn't skip a beat and catches you by the shoulders.
"Save your energy, Y/N. I'll carry you upstairs, okay?" his smile is genuine, but you can tell it's laced with anxiety. "We'll get you back to the entrance with Ashido and Jiro, they're keeping watch outside. We'll get the hostages out of here, too."
You nod, the vitality within you draining at a brutal pace. Could it be withdraw symptoms of the quirk suppressant? Is it possible to get addicted to such a drug? You're not sure what in the hell they mixed with the drug itself, it seemed to be different concoctions with each test. You're praying to any deity that would listen to be free of this hell.
Midoriya gives you a quick peck to your forehead before turning around, arms out and ready to lift you onto his back. Uraraka places a hand on your back to help you into his hold, securing your arms around his neck and legs tucked at his sides. 
"Uraraka, Kirishima, come help me gather the hostages," Todoroki notions, waving a hand to the cells at the end of the corridor. 
"Go ahead, I'll regroup with Kacchan upstairs and get her to safety," Midoriya vows with determination. The others hum in acknowledgement as the party separates.
~ TIME: 10:02PM Bakugo's stalking the area of the first floor, seeing a bunch of empty laboratories and rooms with no one in them. No one has reported any sightings of scientists, workers, or anything since they broke into the compound.
What the hell? Ears said this place was rattling with vibrations. Somethin's not right.
He's habitually calm during patrol missions, but now? His nerves are on fire, shoulders tensed from the stress in his heart. Bakugo couldn't shake his intuition, guts churning with unease at the silence of the facility. A faint scraping sound catches his attention, spinning on his heel with an arm raised. Taking careful steps, he makes his way back toward the entrance and into, what he presumed, the large concourse.
"It's about time one of you shows up," a woman's voice calls out, reverberating off the walls. Bakugo jumps back a few feet, gauntlets raised and hands prepared to fire explosions at any second.
"Who the fuck are you?" he seethes, biting the inside of his cheek to prevent his anger from overflowing. 
He hates that his gut feeling was right. ~ TIME: 10:12PM Midoriya is taking his time with you on his back, vigilantly navigating the two of you to the first floor. He's attempting to keep you as steady as possible, even though you've told him multiple times you're unharmed. Your head is tucked against the back of his shoulder.
"You holding up okay?" he asks, tilting his head back toward you.
"Yeah, thank you. I feel like if I let you go, I'll float away," you mutter, bitting your lip to prevent more tears from spilling out of your eyes. You're so fed up with crying, not wanting to be perceived as weak - a damsel in distress. Midoriya would never think you're anything less than strong, and you knew that in your heart, but still can't help feeling powerless in the moment.
He gives a reassuring squeeze to the back of your thighs. "Don't worry, no one will take you away from us ever again."
Midoriya halts in surprise, looking upward as the floor shook. The sound shakes you out of your self-deprecating chain of thought.
"Kacchan?! What's going on?" he asks frantically into his earpiece. There's static on the other line - no response. A few more explosions ring out above you two, increasing in succession.
"Dammit! Hang on tight," Midoriya warns, rocketing down the hallway while green energy begins crackling around his legs.  ~ TIME: 10:14PM "Talk about jumping the gun," the woman taunts Bakugo, sneering in his direction from across the lobby. "Afraid of the presence of a strong woman?"
Bakugo stood his ground, eyes fixated on the woman in the lab coat before him. Was he scared of her? Fuck no, not in the slightest. The thing that frightened him was she was alone - no one else showing their face in the facility thus far. Where was the man that took you away into the portal? Or any of the "henchmen" from that night?
"What an honor to have a top ten hero visit our lovely establishment, especially number four himself."
"Don't flatter yourself, especially 'cause you're alone," Bakugo yells back at her. He's trying to weed out the possibility of a sneak attack and rile up the woman to reveal her hidden defense. He knows she's got backup here, but where the fuck are they be hiding?
"Am I, though? I thought heroes were trained to have keener senses." 
Shadows appear on each side of her as her words hang in the room, revealing two more white cloaked men armed with dart guns. They simultaneously aim at Bakugo, the canisters reflecting the dark liquid in the chambers under the dim lighting.
Shit...! ~ TIME: 10:15PM Midoriya is approaching the open lobby with Bakugo in his sights in the main concourse. You can see over his shoulder that he's standing defensively, presuming that the enemy finally played their ace. 
"Izuku, I need you to launch me in front of Katsuki," you instruct, pointing a finger to his location.
"What?! No! I need to get you out of here," he retorts, shaking his head.
"Izuku. Please." 
Midoriya huffs, knowing you will not take no for an answer. Your heart is in the right place - he's right. You're in a weakened state, you should be rushing to the exit.
But that's not what heroes do. ~ TIME: 10:16PM "It was nice of that naïve little bitch to drag more heroes into our testing ring! Want a sample, darling?" She boasts, one hand on her hip as she points toward Bakugo with the other. "I think he'd benefit from it."
Bakugo hears a dart gun fire, but is distracted by a burst of energy shot out of a nearby corridor, blinding him momentarily with its radiance. He covers his eyes with his gauntlets, bracing himself for a surprise attack from the front as he takes a knee to the ground. He could hear the sounds of feet scuffing in front of him, along with glass hitting the ground, as if someone slid in from the sidelines. 
It wasn't an attack - no, it was a defensive shot. He squinted to sharpen the image of the shadow of whoever rushed to his defense, assuming it was Midoriya.
Time ceases its natural flow as Bakugo realizes who’s standing in front of him. He was speechless, mouth agape as he couldn't help the few stray tears fall from his awestricken eyes and roll over the leather of his mask. 
A glimmering energy shield danced in front of the two of you as you peer over your shoulder, shooting him wink and a smile.
"It's fine now, Dynamight. Why? Because I am here!"
Bakugo snorts, laughing hysterically at the absurd comment. His laugh is contagious and gets you giggling - your heart soars into the heavens hearing his laughter again, his joy curing the darkness swirling in your head temporarily. You never thought a moment like this would return to you anytime soon, and yet here you are, cackling at a dumb joke with your best friend on the damn battlefield. 
"Get up already, idiot," you chuckle, turning toward and extending a hand for him to take. His signature shit-eating grin spreads over his lips as he takes your hand with no hesitation.
"You came," you whisper, his hand lingering in your grasp.
Bakugo smiles, his eyes the gentlest you've ever seen them. "You called."
He tugs you into a hug, careful not to crush you too much with his gauntlets. He wants to melt into a puddle with the way you're clutching onto him like you can't get close enough, burrowing your face into his chest. You breathe him in, the faint scent of burnt sugar filling your senses while clawing at the back of his hero suit, not able to contain the heartache of being apart for so long - how it could have been your final days in this wretched hell.
Finally - you're reunited. You've found him, and he's found you. 
Everything's going to be...okay.
"Y/N, Kacchan - watch out!" Midoriya calls from hall, black whip vines reaching for the two of you. 
But it's too late. 
The energy barrier crackles behind you as it evaporates into the air. Everything begins to fade into a haze, that all too familiar filtered vision returning to you. Soon enough, you're slumping into Bakugo, your feet failing to keep you upright. 
"H-hey! What's wrong?!" he panics, clutching you tighter as your arms go limp, letting go of his back. "Talk to me, Y/N! What's happening?!"
That's when Bakugo peers over your shoulder and sees one of the dart capsules stuck in the back of your thigh, the injection mechanism switched on with an empty vial. There's a set of broken glass nearby, but that was only one of the darts. The second broke through the forcefield, your quirk not strong enough to parry both shots.
You can take it - you've endured it for a month. 
What's one more dose?
"Fuck! Lite-brite, hang on, I got ya," he reassures while taking a knee, lying you down as daintily as he can before ripping the dart from your thigh. You don't react - shit, you can't even feel the needle being pulled from your skin. He watches your eyes glaze over, their usual shine lightless under whatever chemicals are working their way through your system. 
"K-Ka-Kat-suki...," you whimper through broken syllables, unable to form a coherent sentence. 
Bakugo strokes your shoulders. “I’m here, I’m not leavin' ya.”
"Aww, what a lovely reunion!" the woman chimes in mockingly, regaining Bakugo's attention. The guards next to her have sheathed their guns and stand with their arms crossed.
"Color me surprised that she not only has connections to top ranked heroes, but close relationships with them? Talk about luck."
"What did you do to her?!" Bakugo's chest tightens, fury brewing hotter within himself. Midoriya makes his way over and slides to the ground beside Bakugo in a defensive stance.
"Little miss hero has been such an obedient subject, our best results thus far. Her quirk factors are strong - exactly what we were looking for."
"What did you give her?!" Midoriya repeats, eyes narrowing in her direction. 
The lady cackles to herself, proud of her accomplishments in breaking you from the inside out for her own benefit. 
"She was gullible enough to believe I was an undercover hero! I let her reach out so it would be easier to round up more test subjects - especially heroes. These civilian quirks were getting tiresome and boring to study." 
You were so fucking stupid for believing her. How could you be so naïve? The torture of this place was getting to be too much...you needed a miracle, no matter how narrow the possibility of escape looked. The desperation to be free was stronger than the ability to see through her lies. 
"She fell into our laps at the perfect time. Her psionic energy quirk has been groundbreaking for our serums, especially the hallucination and forced quirk exertion compounds. Speaking of, that one should be kicking in any minute now."
On queue, your body begins to twitch on its own, a surge of energy zapping you back to life. It's as if you're being puppeteered by an invisible handler, rising from the ground and to your feet. 
Both boys rocket to their feet, taking a guarded step back from you. Your head hangs low while your fingers flex, a glow emanating from your palms. Before they can ask any questions, your head snaps up at them, a spellbound look in your now flickering irises. 
"-the fuck?" Bakugo mutters, a horrified expression on his face. The pain is excruciating as the pressure of the energy is begging to be released in any way possible. You can't vocalize the pain through your quivering lips, the only hint at the anguish being the lone tear streaming down your face. 
"Now, subject 57 - begin sequence 23," the lady dictates, clapping her hands.
The instinct to fight becomes impossible to ignore, drowning out all of your attempts to regain control of your body. Instead, you're on auto-pilot, launching an attack toward Bakugo and Midoriya. They dodge out of your range, but you pivot lightning quick toward Midoriya, gunning to attack him.
"Hey, it's me! Izuku!" he yells as he weaves through your strikes, thinking it could wake you up from the mind control of the drug. "You know me!"
You successfully land an energetically charged punch to the right side of Midoriya's jaw, knocking him backward before kicking him in the chest and sending him skidding across the concrete. 
Bakugo approaches you from behind while you're distracted, gripping your shoulders firmly. 
"Calm down! We can work-"
You silence him by placing a hand on both his gauntlets, not bothering to turn and face him. Shockwaves of energy come bursting from your hands - his gauntlets shatter into pieces instantly, leaving his arms and face cut open from the shards. Next thing he knows, your fist is connecting to the underside of his jaw.
Bakugo grunts from the impact, gritting his teeth as he's trying to hold onto you a second time. 
"Hey! I know you're in there!"
Should we answer the door, or slam it in his face? 
…who the fuck is in my head?!
The devilish grin settling on your lips is enough to send shivers down his spine - that's not you. Something’s gotta be fucking with you in your head from the drugs. He swallows nervously, not knowing what to do to help you. You shove him away from you with an energy blast to the chest, sending him careening to the concrete like Midoriya. 
Your chest is heaving, huffing and puffing as the drug surges through every avenue of your body. You can barely form a cohesive thought, let alone understand what's happening around you. It's as if you are seeing yourself through a kaleidoscope lens - this unknown version of you  in the drivers seat. 
“What a marvelous display of success!” The woman cheers, hands clasped in front of her happily. “The ‘Overdrive’ serum is exceptional in true combat.”
Something whips at you from behind and wraps around your arms and torso. 
“Stay…still!” Midoriya shouts, pulling the black whip vines taut to keep you in place. You wiggle in its grasp, grunting and thrashing around like a caged animal. 
“Ah, fuck that hurt…Deku! Let her go,” Bakugo calls out as he’s picking himself up off the ground, wincing at the pain in his jaw. “I got her. Take care of that bitch in the coat!”
“But Kacchan, the drug-”
“Trust me, dammit! Let her go before I make you!”
Midoriya retracts black whip as it releases its hold on you. He’s about to leap toward the group of scientists when the rest of the rescue team appears with the hostages in tow, scurrying down the far hallway. He motions for them to keep going to their exit as planned. Uraraka shoots him a nod and thumbs up. 
“Huh? Who opened the cell locks?!” The lady yells, pointing to the rescue team as they disappear down the corridor to freedom. She’s about to charge after them when Midoriya stomps in her path, fists raised in preparation to fight. 
“Your fight’s with me, lady. No matter what, you’re under arrest according to the laws of hero society. You can surrender, or I can make you surrender.”
“It’s gonna take a lot more than a threat to bring us in, hero. We’re making world changing progress that's far beyond your jurisdiction.”
Midoriya winds back and jumps into action against the scientists. Meanwhile, Bakugo’s got his eyes locked on you on the far side of the room, gesturing for you to come over to him. 
“I’m not gonna hurt ya, I don’t wanna fight,” he starts, taking cautious steps in your direction to close the gap between you two. “I wanna help, Lite-brite. I know you're in there.” 
You can't trust him, he's a monster and you're his prey. He's only here to hurt you, to keep you down. Don't let him near us...don't let him near us!
He stops in his tracks when you visibly recoil, clutching your head in your hands with a blood curdling scream. Midoriya whips his head around to the sound, catching him off guard and causing him to take a hit from one of the men. He shakes it off, trusting Bakugo with your well being instead of rushing to your side. 
Bakugo sprints to you, wrapping his blood stained arms around you with no hesitation. You flail, smacking at his arms with open palms, weakened energy pouring out of you with each hit.
Hurt...kill him. Take the monster down.
"Let go of me, Katsuki!" you shriek out of nowhere, hopelessly trying to shove him away from you. 
"No! I'm never letting you go again!" he shouts back, squeezing you tighter. The bursts of energy from your palms are kicking up in strength again as you continue to swat at his body, red marks forming on his exposed skin. 
"I'm not fuckin' losing you a second goddamn time!" 
He can tell that you're spiraling, that this serum is driving you mad inside your head. If only he could go into your mind and pluck out those vicious thoughts, free you of the agony and take some of that weight onto his shoulders.
If you don't take care of him, I'll make you.
"I don't want to hurt you, I can't control this!" You're sobbing, the looming thoughts forcing you to wallow in the pain. "Please...!"
Bakugo grapples the back of your suit, the neoprene material bunched in his shaky hands, locking in his decision to stay put. "I can take it...don't you dare let me go!"
Something in his declaration to stay by your side snaps you back to reality, enough to control the output of your quirk for a split second, stopping the outbursts of energy. The clouds in your eyes start to disperse, clearing the fog from your sight.
You can fight me all you want. I'll always be part of you, waiting in the shadows for you to break again. 
No words leave you as tears gush from your swollen eyes, bawling against Bakugo's chest in defeat. He loosens his grip to pull you away from him, forcibly making eye contact with you. His heart sinks at the sight of your bloodshot stare, but he can see that you're eyes are not as nebulous as before, energy no longer dancing around your pupils. Maybe the drug is wearing off? It's hasn't been an hour, but it's possible this version has a shorter fuse than the normal quirk suppressant.
"No need to cry," he comforts, thumbing away the tears dribbling off your chin. "Everythin's fine. See? Just a few scratches." He points to his biceps and cheek, tiny cuts from the shards of his gauntlets explosively bursting apart. 
That well-known lightheadedness from past experiments returns tenfold, your body's energy depleted to nothing. Bakugo must see the exhaustion in your body language as he helps you settle onto the ground. He takes the mask off his face, untying the back of it. 
"Sit back for a sec."
Bakugo pushes the hair out of your face and runs his hand into your hairline, brushing it back as he stretches the leather of the mask over your forehead. He ties a small knot at the back and tucks it under the remainder of your hair, creating a makeshift headband. Once he's satisfied with it, he taps the earpiece to call into the rescue team.
"Need someone to call the agency, get the cops here an' round up these assholes."
Kirishima responds instantly. "You wanna call the agency? I thought-"
Bakugo cuts him off. "Change'a plans. Get on it, Red! And have Cheeks come back down, need her to lift Lite-brite outta here." He huffs before tapping the earpiece a second time to disconnect the line and casts his eyes toward Midoriya. Two of the scientists are knocked unconscious, the only person left being the witch that started it all.
Bakugo's attention is drawn back to you at the sound of your sniffling. Your tears have dried on your cheeks, faint stains reflecting in the light. He knows you're safe now, no longer lashing out uncontrollably from the fucked up substance in your system. You look like you could collapse and pass out at any moment, but are fighting the urge to let yourself rest.
"Hey," he mumbles, almost too quiet to hear. You turn, head tilted to the side like it's too heavy for your neck to hold, blinking lazily at him.
Even in this disheveled state, Bakugo is aching to kiss you. He knows it's not the right time, not even close to the perfect moment, but the desire burning a hole in his chest is difficult to ignore. Fuck - he didn't even know if he was ever going to see you again outside of his dreams, and here you are.  ~ TIME: 10:38PM "You think you have me cornered, don't you?" the lady jeers at Midoriya. "A revolution is upon us - my revolution. My masterpiece is ready."
Without warning, she pulls a dart gun out of her lab coat, positioning it against her jugular vein. The sounds of her wicked snickering fill the concourse as the dart gun fires, injecting an unknown toxic into her bloodstream.
"Kacchan!" Midoriya cries out, catching Bakugo's attention. "We've got a problem!"
The dart gun clatters to the ground as the scientist convulses, her limbs spasming unnaturally as she wails in pain. She composes herself after a moment, raising her gaze from the floor to Midoriya, her eyes aflame with energy pulsing out of them.
Holy shit. 
She's got your quirk.
"Not so tough now, boys! Now come on, let's dance!"
⋆ ˚ʚɞ — i'm so, sooooo sorry for the delay on this chapter! hopefully it being the longest in the series makes up for it! i honestly just kept writing, deleting, writing, deleting for over a month. but i'm content with this. enjoy the ride! ⇢  tag list! @bakugouswaif @k1tk4tkatsuki @bells2319 @st0nedbitch @deftonianfr @musicbecky @bakubae-by @slayfics @maddietries
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yandereunsolved · 1 month
Imagine polyamorous Malon and Time with reader. Reader had been friends with them both since they were young. You always had a crush on Time, but realized Malon did too. Perhaps you harbored some non-platonic feelings for Malon. You never allowed them to flourish because both of them seemed like soulmates. Little did you know that, as they became a couple, they wanted you to join in as well.
They had both stalked you since you were kids. That's when Time and Malon really bonded. They became lovers, and their hearts still ached for you to be theirs as well. Their mutual obsession caused them to miss your feelings for them as plain as day. They kept putting off marriage because they wanted you to love them. 
Eventually, your feelings came out, not because you told them but because they read your journal. 
"Link, they love us."
"This is perfect. The three of us can be a happy family."
They approached you with the idea, and your fate is sealed. They baby you; you are their little house spouse. They love each other and you more than the entirety of Hyrule. They would lay down their lives for you. So they make sure you don't leave the house. They don't allow you to do any hard labor. If you are even feeling the slightest bit off, then you must rest all day and allow them to cuddle you. 
They are mostly respectful of your boundaries. The only time they cross them is if you try to escape or injure yourself.
(afab) They both want you to carry a baby. Malon wants to be pregnant, but she'll let Time impregnate you first. She doesn't want to be pregnant at the same time as you because then she wouldn't be able to give you all of her attention. Her body would be so busy creating life that she'd be neglecting you. Both she and Time just want to dote on you. You'd look so precious with a swollen belly full of babes that all three of you would raise together. 
(amab) Malon and Time want you to be the one to give Malon her first child. Time does call dibs on the second one, though. They chuckle and tell you that they have been planning this for a very long time. Malon would just be over the moon to have a mix of her and you in her womb. She just wants to hold the baby in her arms and coo about how much it already has your personality and features. She'd be even more honored if you took care of her while she was pregnant. You would do that for your wife, right? If you aren't very skilled with it, it's okay. Time is right there alongside you. He's learning how to take care of a pregnant woman as well. If you do your best, then both will reward you for it.
(infertile) Adoption... kidnapping a child is what they'll do. Anything to keep you tied down to them. So many children need a good home; they'll make sure you have one of your own, blood or not.
Escape? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They will not allow it. Both realize that Time is better equipped to track you if you escape than Malon. If you escape and Malon can't find you, then Time will always be there to drag you back to Lon Lon Ranch, where you belong. He'll stop the entire Chain just to get you back.
They just love you so much. ♡
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♡ ~Beautiful boy~ ♡
Brahms heelshire x gn!reader
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Gif not mine!
Fluff? Goes into a little make out session but that's it.
Maybe a bit angsty because brahms gets all touchy feely
Plot- you had just bathed brahms as you were sick of his stench and now you two are in bed happily until brahms takes him mask off unasked.
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Brahms had snuggled himself into your side as you flicked through a magazine. The smell of the shampoo you had used on his hair intoxicated your nose in a rather good way.you were glad to finally have a clean boyfriend next to you.
You felt his body fidget next to you, turning your face to see what the problem was, you noticed his head looking down and no white porcelain mask noticeable on his face. You looked over to the bed side table and notice the mask on there. You raised a brow and placed the magazine down.
"Brahms? Why did you take your mask off?" You asked. No response. This concerned you a little. You opened your mouth to say something but his large hand gripped your wrist. Now you were worried,brahms has never ignored you and now that he's holding a firm grip on you like it's his last moments on earth? Something was totally not right.
"Babe? What's wrong, talk to me please" you pleaded, sitting up as brahms did the opposite and sunk into the bed more, especially hiding his face. Your expression sulked even more and you were petting his hair soothingly trying to get him to talk.
This hurt brahms very much. He was trying to control himself into not pouncing at you and giving you the most loving hug ever. He thought that now was the time to show his face to his lover, wanting to feel more intouch with you, not wanting to hide anything from you but this.this may of been a step too early. He pushed himself up in a curved sitting position. His head still hung low. A gentle hand reached for his face but he pushed it away a bit too harshly.
"Why are you hiding your face from me? Do you think ill make fun of you" You choked out. He shook his head violently. "N-no, it's me. I'm scared of what you'll think because....because I'm ugly." He whimpered. You gasped and tried to hold back your tears as he insulted himself. "Brahms stop it. Your beautiful and I would never find you anything else but that, your my baby boy after all" you knew the last part was going to make him melt. He loved it when you called him any sort of childlike nickname.
He slowly lifted his head letting you take in one bit at a time. You noticed how wrinkled and redish one side of the face was than the other. The bumps and curves interesting you more then anything, you liked the way it toughened him out and made him look extremely handsome. His eye was what caught your interest. The glossy and cloudiness too it wowed you. You held onto his cheek, letting your thumb rub circles.
You let out a chuckle as to think that he was insecure of this gorgeous feature legitimately shocked you. " Oh brahms~ your so silly. Why would you ever think I would be disgusted but this? Your so fucking perfect." You smiled as he looked up at you with the most thrilled expression. " Oh thank you y/n, you have no idea what this means to me" he said as he pecked your lips. Happy to have you kiss his lips than the mask.
Your hands planted themselves on brahms muscular chest as you smothered his lips with your own. He groaned underneath you, thrusting himself up into your thigh. You pulled away slowly. " brahms I hope you realise they'll be nothing more then kissing tonight" you smirked when you saw his face. "But y/n~" he whined, swinging his head back giving you a chance to attack his neck with wet kisses. He grabbed your hips rubbing his hands up and down.
His little gasps and moans as you bruised his neck was so arousing to you and you just wanted to take him whole there on the spot but you had to have some self control and not give in to your pleasure. You pulled away admiring the small little circular marks on his neck. Shame that there was no one to show them off too but you still liked the look in his eyes knowing he's all yours.
He flipped you over so you were now underneath and smashed his lips onto yours. Sloppily kissing you all while Trying to contain himself. He slipped his tongue in as soon as your lips weakened and roamed around inside your mouth. You took the opportunity to catch his tongue in between your teeth and hold him there for a second or two before going back to tongueing eachothers throats.
As much as brahms didn't want to let go he parted him self from the kiss looked down at you with a cheesy grin. " God your beautiful", he breathed as he stroked your hair. You let out a giggle and pulled him down into a cuddle. He wrapped his legs around you and hung onto you like a baby koala, nestling his head into the crevasse inbetween your shoulder and neck. You fiddled with his locks as he hummed.
"I love you" you whispered, kissing the top of his head.
"I love you too" he mumbled as he slowly went to sleep.
You followed soon after....
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zoi3e · 8 days
"if it's you and other, it's no need to worry, cause I can sleep between you."
dazai osamu x reader
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warnings: agnst, hurt no comfort, song fic, unrequited love, dazai feeling guilty, implied female reader but no pronouns, reader is engaged someone un-named, suggestive implications, suicide implied (only at the end), reader is only with un-named person due to a forced marrige, death.
everything was great. it was only june in yokohama, yet it was so hot. especially more in this alley. well it'd probably be less hot with dazai's hands and mouth being all over you. he was always so clingy. but today he seemed more...well, off. he still was all over you whenever he could find a opening to pull you into some dingy alleyway. yet he seemed to drift off into his mind more often. he was so close yet so distant.
"darling, darling, darling, there's no need to worry! it's just a couple things in my brain, you know?"
originally, when one of your colleagues confessed to you, you had no answer. you were engaged at supposed to get married that summer to some rich business man who was from tokyo. not messing around with your senior colleague at a random job you got as a intern at a agency. in fact, he knew you were engaged with the ring on your finger. yet somehow you accepted. no one knew. but you were fine with that. he could sleep in between you and him. you didn't mind.
"if it's you and other, it's no need to worry, cause I can sleep between you."
"you know it won't work out. your just going to make things worse, they'll stay waiting for something that will never be between you unless you end it." is what ranpo told him. it itched at him all day. anytime he'd pull your hand into that alleyway and try to make himself feel better and distract himself by planting small kisses all over your neck and face. it just didn't work.
"i'm a third wheeler. i'm a side better. i'm a homewrecker. give it up."
he loved you. truly he did. but he was just a leech on your side. your smart, and yet somehow to him he's manipulated you self-consciously to make you feel as if this can stay. this can be. he wanted this so damn bad. but he knew some random detective who barely makes enough to get by himself would never be good enough for you.
"i can play the side (-) role easy, but not for too long. i'm the side (-) i gotta sneak around and hide with you. i wanna see you, give me five minutes. paparazzi probably like five pictures."
"but i just want you!" "i know, but we can't keep doing this. i can't just ruin your whole future you've built darli-" "just get out osamu!"
"don't want to fuck what you've got up. i would never blow your spot up. i know my place, i'm the landlord. i'll carry the weight till my hands sore. i can't keep doing this."
it was the day before the wedding. you couldn't take it anymore. you couldn't have dazai, but you just wanted to have freedom. even if you had to die to obtain it. you stared at the contact name on your phone screen. "osmau♡" you tapped the call button.
"dazai-kun. i think i want to take you up on that offer." .... "yes. 10? at the main docks?"
beep. beep. the sound of hospital machines beeped in dazai's ears. he opened his eyes, only to find yosano.
"...(name)..." he gasped out. his throat burns from how much salt water he took in when they jumped in hand in hand. she shook her head no. my heart hurts.
"i'll keep your best interest."
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i kinda just used yōzō's story with him dying and his lover surviving for this lol.
the song is BEST INTEREST by Tyler, the Creator. I really like his music. anyways if you couldn't tell reader and dazai died together. yippee!
anways. have a good day, drink some water and don't do anything written in this fic. xoxo
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ghuleh-recs · 4 months
♡ Fandom Faves Tag ♡
Tag 1-3 (or as many as you want) of your favorite creators (writers, artists, outstanding members of the community etc) and link your favorite creation if you can.
Thank you for the tags @midnight-moth and @coffeeghoulie! I'm gonna challenge myself to not wax poetic and keep these extra short and sweet. That way it's not as intimidating for others to participate (hope that makes sense). Oh and I'm not putting a "keep reading."
Witness my faves (ง •̀_•́)ง
@midnight-moth (who started this tag game ♡) drew THE Phantom art of all time and I recently went absolutely feral for:
Buried in Treasure - Dew x Phantom - E, 3.6k
When his eyes roll forward again, he notices more than just the same riff playing over and over. He notices Phantom’s grip on his hand simultaneously go still and tight. He notices the rosy flush on his cheeks, and the tent in his pants that he tries to conceal with the hand holding the phone. It takes more than a few seconds for all of the dots to connect and when the thought is fully formed, Dew grabs the phone and launches it to the end of the bed.
@ramblingoak hey why is there an angel in the satanic band fandom? I created this whole blog so I could shout about:
The Cardinal's Bride - Cardinal Copia x F!Reader - E, 91k (wip)
A Romantic Adventure in the Old West: After being forced into a marriage with Mr. Saltarian by your father you are sent west to his estate in Nevada. Along the way you end up meeting one of the cowboys you have always fantasized about…
@conjuring-ghouls finds the perfect moments and turns them into the loveliest gifs. On top of that she is endlessly kind and supportive. Look at these!!!
@coffeeghoulie is writing the Aeon x Swiss hurt/comfort fic of y'all's dreams and I got to do my first "official" art collab for it yay!!
Eternal Heatstroke - Aeon x Swiss - M, 17k (wip)
For once in their life, Aeon feels lucky. Whoever's opened this portal, whoever's summoning ghouls Up Top, specifically wants a quintessence ghoul. They may not be the biggest or strongest quintessence ghoul, far from it, but they'll do anything this summoner wants if it means they get to live. Or: being Topside is a drastic change from the life Aeon's used to.
@writingjourney truly the kindest soul and an absurdly talented writer. I screenshot Ibi's tags on my posts all the time because they cheer me up so much 🥹🥹
Friday Nights (series) - Papas x GN!Reader - E, 40k
“But to die as lovers may - to die together, so that they may live together.” ― Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Carmilla Each of these stories features a vampire papa and a gender neutral reader.
@anamelessfool writes some of the best world building and characterizations that I have ever read in fanfiction AND she's a fantastic artist.
Violence & Gentleness - Primo x OC - E, 50k (wip)
You made me forget myself...I thought I was someone else, someone good... LATE OCTOBER 1979 Primo has his work cut out for him as the bodyguard of the beautiful and fearsome Mater Emerita Jocasta. As mystery after mystery unfolds, it becomes harder to remain a honest man in this den of thieves called the Ministry.
@foxybouquet makes wonderful art and her colloquial Italian posts are an incredible resource for the fandom.
@angellayercake has angel in her username for a reason tbh. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I learned important things about myself and my love language whilst reading the brilliant:
Banchetto - Terzo x F!Reader - E, 22k (wip)
Papa Emeritus III is struggling to adapt to his life after the Ghost project but perhaps some good homemade Italian food will do the trick.
(I'm cutting myself off here because I could do this all day. I will probably be making another list in the near future because I love and admire so many of you. 😅)
No pressure at all but I would really love to see this tag game keep going! If you're reading this please consider adding some of your personal favorites to the list! This fandom could use some positivity right about now ♡
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕍 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕖𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: When I am sending this, the requests are still open, but if it is no longer possible, just ignore this, I would like to request a Akito and Mizuki with a reader edit or produce videos/MV's, perhaps they met Akito thanks to An which I asked help for VBS, Mizuki maybe they met through Ena…I don't really know about Mizuki but enough with Akito, you decide! Thank you!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ They indeed were! I guess it could be read as fluff too but I unintentionally made it more on platonic side... But hey, read it however you want! Well maybe Akito's part is on slightly more fluff side actually...
Anyway, I really hope you'll like what I wrote in class <3
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic/fluff
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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✧ looking at the fact An most likely invited you because of friendship connections, Aktio first thought it was stupid to invite another person to their group
✧ but after seeing your skills and how passionate you are about it... he wasbujder big impression
✧ definitely gave good composition affixes thanks to being in family of artists
✧ his ideas may seem like a lot sometimes but believe me, he means no harm for this project, he just wants it to look it's best
✧ you most likely get along with him and Toya the most because they're usually helping you on spot while girls go look for inspirations
✧ but with time, it becomes just him. Everyone will assure you it's just that Toya is busy lately but An's smirk twllsnyoubirs not the entire truth-
✧ he doesn't know much about MV making si gell usually just trust the process and judge the final look
✧ he usually answers like he doesn't care, when in fact he just wants you to take a break or can't find anything bad about it
"It looks okey, quit worrying! C'mon, let's just go get some pancakes and made just now."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane - come get your pancakes lover!
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✧ Mizuki is too! So the day Ena brought you to Nightcord call was such a nice time for them!
✧ you definitely rambles so much at first, you got no work done and even some Nightcord members ehem Mafuyu or Ena has to remind you to go to bed or shut up finally
✧ if you're supposed to help them with MV for n25, it'll be both fun and hard time...
✧ they're really fun and easily think I'd Topix for you to chat about but they're also very picky... so they WILL make this MV perfect, no matter the cost
✧ but don't worry, if you decide you're tired or so, they'll be happy to make the project last longer for do some work later themselves, they understand beauty of the sleep!
✧ but if you're really just great friends, they'll hustbasi you for honest opinion about recent video they finished
✧ complaining about how shitty the program you're using is and how bad some MV's you found are is like tour second nature in this relationship by now
"Sis you saw that?! They didn't even made it transparent! It's just a square! Ugh... and whole song is less pleasing just like that..."
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison - come get your cuties lover~
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estradasphere · 2 years
a bunch of poorly-machine-translated questions from vacon's ask.fm
i don't feel like linking the individual questions so my source is "dude trust me"
a few are kinda nsfw so watch out
Q: What do you think about the culture of hip-hop diss tracks? A: There are many ways to diss, so it stays fresh-- I think it's special that even when the lyrics are just raw hatred, it's still quite acceptable as a piece of music!
Q: What's something you'll keep believing until you die? A: Simply put, be yourself!
Q: What do you ask for at Starbucks? A: Ice cocoa (soy milk) (without ice), and, American waffle
Q: Do you tend to compare your current romantic partner to your past ones? A: Neveeer! Nobody should do that! There's nothing more self-righteous, meaningless, and foolish than to shove someone into some stereotypical "lover" archetype and then measure them by some arbitrary yardstick. What is the value of comparing one person to another? Never let someone else's made-up words frame something so formless and precious! Always use your own senses to go about it delicately! Boys and girls!
Q: Do you find songwriting to be a burden? Or, do you enjoy the process? A: For me, songwriting is just plain fun! It is a quiet immersion in the pleasure of a large puzzle that is nearing completion. (I sound like a pervert when I write this.) Struggling to find the pieces is also a pleasure! I have my ups and downs no matter where I go, so I accept the slumps and go along with it. I'm not good at anything else. LOL
Q: Was it largely due to Diggy-MO's influence that you fell in love with the English language? A: I'm sure that Diggy is the biggest influence on me, but it was actually Mr. Ichikawa, my English homeroom teacher in the third year of junior high school, who gave me the opportunity to fall in love with the subject. I hated it until then, that English…
Q: How long do you take baths for? A: Thaaat's ・ aaaaa ・ ssssseeecret ♡
Q: Should I keep my nails short? A: Everyone should keep their nails short in case of a serious fist fight. If they are long, the force will unintentionally disperse into your nails, scarring yourself. Put your strength only in your fists. Understand?
Q: I've been sleeping naked lately. Do you also sleep naked? Or in your underwear? A: Quite a while ago, I slept naked with the AC on and got hypothermia and almost died for reals, so I'm wearing pajamas……. No, I'm not sure how a slight drop in body temperature could make a person feel like I did. I thought it would be better to go up a little…
Q: What do you like at McDonalds? A: I'm addicted to McFlurries. It's bad. Diabetes is inevitable.
Q: The most important thing(s) you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? A: I like a lot of alone time, so I wonder if they'll respect that.
Q: How much do you spend on food monthly? A: I did the math and broke out in a cold sweat, so I guess I'll stop thinking about it any further… (finished)
Q: I feel like I hate everything. Do you ever feel that way? A: "I hate everything"! When you feel like this, the intensity of that feeling will consume you, but it never lasts. Such vague yet extreme feelings. You should go to sleep immediately.
Q: Are you good at English?? Please teach me English~~ A: I'm not very good at it, but I like it a lot.
Q: Tell me the happiest moment of your life! A: This place called VACON, it's something that everybody came together and created.
Q: Tell us about your ideal album! (Number of songs, total runtime, whether or not there are instrumentals/interludes, etc…) A: I think the ideal number of songs is between 13 and 20. If there are instrumentals, it could be more than 20. Time should be 75 minutes or less. I love album versions of existing songs. I would love it if the beginning and the second half of the album were different. A strange album with all the different songs would be great. I guess it's something like that!
Q: What if your son or daughter wanted to be a rapper? A: I'd support them with all my strength. However, in the case of girls, if they go in the direction of loose-fitting subculture poetry or fake rap, I might want them to quit while they're in high school LOL. I want you to rap powerfully and coolly like Nicki Minaj and Pink, my daughter whom I have not seen yet!!!
Q: What are the main influences for your lyrics? A: Delusions, imagination, recollection.
Q: How has your experience at StudioLama benefitted you in your current creative endeavors? A: LamaOS was fun like a culture festival until I finished it, but I then realized that this wasn't what I wanted to do.
Q: You mentioned that Suckie Fxxxie Pop is a maniacal song like ニタニタTHERAPY, but I personally felt the flashiness/flamboyance all the way through the chorus. Please tell us why you consider the song maniacal! A: Ah~~~ I did mention that a while ago, I missed it ~ I'm glad you remember me so well. It was short, and with the theme being what it was, I felt like I had created an elusive song. Who on earth would understand it? I worried like that, LOL. However, I was conscious of creating a rather expansive sound, and developing it! I wanted to give the song a little bit of sweetness and sourness and sadness. I didn't want it to just be a lewd song…
Q: When you are creating, do you ever accidentally make a song that resembles an existing song, like "Hey, maybe I've heard this somewhere before"? It seems like the more history there is, the harder it is to be original. Have you ever had problems with this sort of thing? A: Something like that~ Some say that there are too many melodies already. I don't want to believe it. I'm always worried that the melody may have already existed. But we have to create. You should use the momentum to give shape to something that you are in the mood for, and let it exist for now. Whether or not you publish it, I believe that creating this way will lead you to your next creation.
Q: What made you start working out? A: I thought it was time to lose weight or I would die (seriously).
Q: When you were in high school, did you choose Japanese history or world history? A: It was world history! I wanted to know the world. (sophisticated)
Q: When you find criticism of yourself, do you get depressed? Or do you just take it in stride and use it as a reference for your future work? A: I do sometimes feel empty about it, but I don't dwell on it. I'll forget it soon! …But the people who were saying bad things about Ms. Saegusa in Binetsu Parade are now toiling in my basement.
Q: Is Vacon's preference for Western music due to language differences rather than musicality? A: Maybe. In terms of musicality, I think either has its own irreplaceable charm. There are sounds and grooves that can only be found overseas, and that can only be found in Japan!
Q: I have a high voice, but I really admire VACON'S voice, let's exchange vocal cords……………… A: Thank you very much. As for me, I envy those who have a high voice. I'd like to sing Bruno Mars in the original key at least once in my life.
Q: How did Vacon come across Nicorap? A: I guess it was ill.bell. Heh, I still like him…
Q: Which country would you like to visit before you die? A: Iceland! [ <- he mentions iceland a ton when asked about travelling ]
Q: I've gained 3kg before I knew it. Advice on losing weight? A: As I am becoming more and more indifferent to weight gain and loss, I think you are slim in spirit and are aware of the need to lose weight when you gain it. If you start to look like me, it's all over. Good luck.
Q: Do guys hate it when girls tell them they're cute? I told this to a male friend, and he gave me a subtle look. I thought I was complimenting him, but…..? Are you happy about it? A: That subtle look means he's trying hard to hide his embarrassment! I don't feel bad about it, but I do feel a little embarrassed, like "give me a break!"
Q: Do you like being scared? A: I love scary things!! I can afford a good scare or two!! Yes, I heard that the upcoming movie "Hereditary" is quite scary. I'm gonna go see it. I'm looking forward to it.
Q: How can I get the virginity of someone I love? A: Oh!!!!! Go get it!!!!!
Q: Do you prefer to pay by cash or by card? A: Definitely credit card!!! Because I don't feel like I'm spending any money!!! (idiot)
Q: People who play music are all weirdos, aren't they? A: All human beings are weird. Everyone's weird in some way. Those who are not strange are strange for not being strange! Weirdness is individuality. Let's nurture it and love it.
Q: How do you come up with such beautiful lyrics? I like them. A: I simply don't worry about how clean or dirty they are. Thank you. (But I do say fuck-fuck-fuck in most of them…)
Q: Do you have any hobbies other than music? A: Watching movies. If there's a work that interests me, I will immediately make time to watch it!
Q: Are you the type of person who can cook? A: I do a lot of cooking on my own, but I am a slave to recipes. Cookpad is god! Yep!
Q: What is your fetish? A: If I had to choose, I'd say it's the mouth! [ <- he got asked this question twice and said mouth both times ]
Q: I love Vacon's choice of words, so beautiful… I imagine that he is a kind person… am I being deceived? A: Even I can be harsh at times! The other day, when I was working as a torturer, a side job I started as an extension of my hobby, I didn't listen to any of the POWs begging for their lives!
Q: Is the torture officer side business doing well? How can I become a prisoner? A: I use rubber gloves less often these days! Don't be a prisoner. I shudder to think of torturing my lovely angels. I hope all of you are happy, every last one of you.
Q: How are you so cool, sexy, genius, humorous, kind, and irresistible? A: That's just how you see me!! This is embarrassing ~~ i'm honestly happy ~~
Q: What kind of person does Vacon become when he gets angry? A: The kind that shuts up! [ <- or "the kind that is silent" ]
Q: What instruments does VACON handle when composing? A: Piano and very occassionally guitar! I only tinker with them to get ideas flowing! I can hardly play them!
Q: I'm not sure if I should cut my hair! Can you tell me if you prefer short or long hair? A: Oh… you're asking for my preference? I guess it all depends on your face and general style! I like the hair that's unique to that person more than anything else! It sparkles the most!
Q: Is Vacon-san self-taught in music composition and other musical knowledge? I love music and would like to learn, but I would like to know where you started! My dream is to one day create a cool track and give it to Vacon….? A: "Daigasso! Band Brothers" on the Nintendo DS was my introduction to music composing. At first, I was just having fun typing in my favorite songs by ear, but once I got the hang of composing, I discovered the joy of creating my own music! This is not the type of game where you have to rhythmically press buttons in time with the finished music, but a game where you press buttons to play and become part of the music. I can play while understanding how it's created. And moreover… oh no, I'm talking too much…! Ahahahaha!!! I am looking forward to your track offerings….?
Q: Please reveal something private about yourself. A: You pervert!
Q: I love Vacon's laugh so much, I've listened to it hundreds of times on repeat, but I still can't get enough! What to do… what to do… (˙-˙) A: So dirty!!!
Q: Are you afraid of falling in love? A: I heard it hurts to fall in love if you're in too deep…
Q: What's the most interesting thing in your room? A: Donkey Konga
Q: What would you buy if you had the money for it? A: KFC's Red Hot Chicken! (fat)
Q: Please tell me your height and weight! A: Ehh-- I dunno, cuz I've never measured it, cuz I was born and raised in the jungle.
Q: Vacon-san… virgin… you are a virgin… please tell me you're a virgin! A:
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[ i'm serious he just responded with this gif ]
Q: What's the best medicine for a broken heart? A: Tears, of course! Cry as much as you can.
Q: Are your ears pierced? A: I don't have an opening. I've never even thought about it. I don't know much about fashion.
Q: I found out about VACON from Bad Romance. He is very husky and erotic, and I liked him immediately. I will continue to support him. My question is, what do you think of nqrse? Do you have a good relationship with each other? Do you ever collaborate? A: Thank you! I'm afraid that sexiness was mostly because of nqrse-chan's assist and Giga-san's mix. I think nqrse is a hard worker. He also has a great sense of humor. He is witty. I think we have a good relationship. (We don't keep in touch very often, but… LOL) We have two projects in progress! Working with nqrse-chan is stimulating and gives me a lot of experience, so I'd like to make it happen more and more!
Q: vacon-san!!! I like you!!! A: Shut up, ya old hag!! You could at least knock!! (rebellious)
Q: I really really like Vacon's voice, but what should I do about this feeling? A: I will try my best not to deteriorate. I don't like to drink or smoke, so I guess I can do whatever. I just have to make sure not to use it too strangely…
Q: I love Vacon!!!!! By the way, I am an active high school girl virgin!!!! I have no questions!!!!! A: Wow, thank you! I've been into black magic lately, so I was just in the market for some young virgin's lifeblood! But I need at least two liters… no? (๑o̴̶̷᷄﹏o̴̶̷̥᷅๑)
Q: What kind of cake do you like? A: Chocolate cake! Mont Blanc cake!! Ice cream cake!!! (fat) Q: My boyfriend told me about Vacon and I'm hooked. I love Vacon more than my boyfriend and I don't know what to do. A: Please give him to me. That boyfriend Q: Is there a poster on your wall? Post a photo! A: That's right
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also here's a few english questions that i thought were cute:
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angelic-loveerr · 2 years
Believe in yourself ☆& love yourself♡
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self love
Self love is so important for manifestating and many other things, anything u do can cause it to go up or down at times. But learning to love and accept yourself can be hard at times but you literally need it. No one is gonna want someone whos always in self doubt or always complains about themselves but doesnt do anything to help themselves. Its pathetic in a manner , if your like that in not saying u need to change just, be ur better self and try better.
Self love helps you in many ways , when it comes to any types of relationships and even a relationship with yourself and the things you do.
With self love it can reflect on your relationships with people , like you might not think it but if you always feel bad for yourself and are constantly negative, you can and probably will drain the person you're talking with about it. People can drain you and you can drain people , being negative about a subject will most likely never be helpful in life and you will have no fun and not be fun at all.
Friendships, you have friends maybe , and you're friends are around you for many reasons of course. And if they notice you dont have alot of self love they'll probably compliment you or try to help you. But if you always reject that help and do not change they will outgrow you and leave you behind , no matter what, people will change and with change people might come or leave. You shouldn't stop them for whats doing best for them and what they need to do to better themselves. But if you have self love you can still grow out people, life happens but you see life differently and Friendships differently , you guys will probably have more fun or be more lively than a non self lover because you arent focused on hating yourself and bringing yourself down. You still can drain people, high energy people can use alot of energy but you still can boost people of course and thats awsome. And when your like that, you probably will have more friends and figure out whos actually your friends or not. Just overall it affects how people can see you and how people are around you.
Relationships/ Bfs & Gfs, those can be heavily affected by your self love and how you see yourself. As i said before you can easily drain them, as much as they would want to help you out and make you love yourself , it can take a toll on their mental health and make their mental health worse. Relationships work out how they do, you support them with their ups and downs and they do the same. Something i like to say is "You can be stuck on feeling for some time but dont make it forever" I say that because you need change , everyone needs change and always changes. You gf or bf will change as time comes and you guys can grow towards or apart and thats normal. Heartbreak is normal , every feeling you have is normal and valid , how you deal with it is you tho. And self love will help how? it wont be as draining or in a nicer way, your partner wont be as memtally tired when dealing with your issue. If you know you have issues that can affect the relationship tell them, if they cant take it let them leave , and dont make them feel bad , just because someone broke up with you doesnt mean its the end of the world. You need time to heal and do everything to rebuild yourself , it can happen you just need to believe in yourself and be your best self for you and other people you might want to.
Yourself Relationship, of course you have a relationship on how you see yourself and feel about yourself either negative or positive. But that can affect you, as such you call yourself dumb and things, you will believe you are dumb and behave that way. But if you tell yourself youre smart and stuff, you will behave that way and get good grades. Simply how ever you treat yourself and talk to yourself will relfect in everything you do , interactions with people , grades, social life and even family life. Treat yourself how you would expect someone else to treat you and you will manifest that, you buy yourself things? you will get someone to do that for you too. Everything thing you do has karma and consequences and how you deal with it is you. Be careful with your words love and always love you.
Conclusion: Dont be mentally draining to others and hate yourself , of course seek help if you need it and if a friend wants to listen they can help you, just dont depend on them for everything. You are respected for you, if you have self hatred you need to fix that within yourself and learn how to love and accept yourself and people can help but the only person that can help the most is you.
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Belive In Yourself
believing in yourself is so important and self love has to do that with that, it causes you to believe more or less in you and either can make you or break you, always love and be proud of yourself cause no one can know you like you. impower yourself as much as you want to and can cause this is your dream reality and do whatever you wanna do.
Beileifs are what causes you to do things and how you act, your hold yourself a way because of your beileifs even ig you realize it or not. You believe you should get something and you'll go for it, you belive whatever you want and you will manifest that. So believe you desrve greatness and manifest it as much as you or how you want, no one is stopping you expect you love, so always live your truth and what you want to do.
(But remember love stay safe and dont go after anyway that doesn't want you or has moved on)
Anyways have a good morning/afternoon/night loves!!♡♡
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shatteredminds · 2 years
One for Raph huh. From here
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Patients- One way to win Raphiel is with patience. It'll also help with future development in the relationship. Which naturally means I'm going to go into detail about it.
After Echo died he blamed himself for causing her death by trying to have children with her. He never deemed himself worthy to have a mate or even a lover since. He's been celibate ever since Echos passing and that was in 1706.
So whenever he felt an attraction toward a women he annoys them by acting obnoxious and full of himself until they tell him of and break his heart with their words.
Since he's a cambion (he doesn't know his and Lillith's mother was a succubus) it hurts greatly when his heart is broken.
So if a women he fancies doesn't get snippy with him over the corse of him trying to get them to break his heart his walls will eventually crumble and he'll confess his love to them in hopes they'll reject him.
If they accept his love (for whatever reason) they'll have to be patient when it comes to affection as he hasn't done such things since Echo and is very rusty as results. He's going to end up being very old fashioned for awhile exspecaly with gifts, those are going to range from flowers and chocolate to hand made jewelry and delicious meals.
Like most of the Vittagarðr's, he isn't familiar with the monthly thing women go through that I like to call Shark Week. During that time he's unaware of potentially being yelled at and try to do anything to make his mates pain subside.
Hopefully his mate catches on soon and explains/teaches him what the monthly occurrence of mother nature taking potato peelers to their womb is so he can make himself of use. He'll actively ask her what she'll need and even fetch the women's care products needed, but she'll need to write it down for him or else he'll with buy every menstruation product under the sun.
As for bedroom activities... that's going to be a good few months to a year for him to be comfortable with. He's unaware of what condoms are and like most of the Vittagarðr males he most likely won't use them since they feel unnatural and uncomfortable to him.
So the pill or other female contraceptives will be the best way to go. He's willing to try anything she wants to try but he'll need some guidance and time to get a grasp on how to do it. There are styles of sex he'll be against that aren't just his dick being in his mates vagina (OH NoOoOo, I'm using medically correct terms for the male and female anatomy, Whatever shall we do~) that he'll have to be coaxed and warmed up to before he'll do it.
If his mate wants children they'll have to be incredibly patient with him on that and listen to him when he tells them he's afraid of what happened to Echo will happen to them.
Therfore, doing an essay/presentation/paper of sorts with information on how mother and infant survival is higher then it was back then, a lot of reassurance that what happend with echo won't happen to them since medical techniques have improved vastly since then, and convincing him that Echo's death wasn't his fault will do wonders for warming him up to being a father again.
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spitefulbalance · 3 years
harlow & zion farkle & maya h farkle & maya k lucas & farkle reggie & maya reggie & luke reggie & alex reggie & luke & maya & julie luke & maya reggie & lexie julie & maya iz & eli noah & maya reggie & luke ( secret relationship au ) morgan & cecil luke & reggie alexander & mattie morgan & carrie carrie & julie ( royal )
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