#📜.Care for a Fic!
yaekiss · 28 days
𝑭𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒉𝒔
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꩜ Room Content: GN! Top! Bathysmal Vishap! Reader x Subby! Bottom! Neuvillette, spoilers for Genshin Archon Quest 4.2, no gendered terms for reader, reader is a bathysmal vishap, Neuvillette has a dragon form, both reader and Neuvillette have hemipenes/two cocks, cloaca fucking (Neuvillette receiving), frotting, praise (Neuvillette receiving), lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ A/N: If you don't want to read about dragon vishap smut, don't read this one LOL. I know I said "between 800-1500 words". This one just ran away from me ok shhhh. I also made up some draconic courtship lore, don't look too hard at it (but please tell me if you think it's cute thank you <3) anyways ENJOY !!! ꩜ This was written for @coingbee as part of my Care for a Fic fundraising event for Gaza! If you would to request a fic of your own, do check out the event post above ^^
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The Hydro Sovereign has returned to their full power.
From beneath the surface, your head lifts. Judging by the excited clicks and chirps made by the rest in the community, it seems as if the others have sensed it too. 
Whilst your fellow bathysmal vishaps murmur and chatter wildly with each other about whether or not to head up to the surface, you’ve already come to a decision. Without wasting another minute, you’re already hightailing it upwards towards the surface, tracking the whereabouts of your Hydro Sovereign via the trail of draconic power traces.
Following the trail takes you all the way into Fontaine. Along the way, you’ve adamantly ensured not to take routes with higher human traffic. The very thought of even crossing paths with one sends your mind twisting with a hatred and loathing so foul. 
As your journey progressed, the ebbing and flowing stream of the trail you’ve been tracking gradually grows stronger and stronger as your distance travelled increases. Until, finally, you’re sure you’re close to the end and even closer to meeting the Hydro Sovereign when the trail stops and seems to be wholly focused and condensed into a solitary being nearby.
Your head emerges from beneath the water, breaking the still surface, sending ripples outwards. Eagerness bubbles within you as you anticipate finally meeting with the Hydro Sovereign that the bathysmal vishaps have been biding their time for, restlessly awaiting the return of their Dragon Lord. The moonlight of the evening is lovely, reflecting off the flow of the ripples.
And yet, as you crane your head to look over to where the water laps gently at the shore, to where the trail you’ve been tirelessly following should end, you feel your blood chill.
All you see is a mere human who stares out into the vast sea.
A split second is all it takes for any previous semblance of anticipation to morph into disbelief and bitterness. Surely, this can’t be! After all this time, was the undying hope in seeing the return of the Hydro Sovereign wasted on some farce? A prime example of a cruel sadistic joke the high heavens would play at your expense, just to see you inevitably crumble at the grand reveal? 
Consumed by your emotions for a moment, you can’t help but regret not having forsaken your sight as your ancestors did. For perhaps if you had followed in their footsteps, you would’ve been able to bask in the exalted presence of your Sovereign leader, albeit for the price of blissful ignorance. 
However, there is still a stubborn, restless part in your mind that wishes to understand just how you could have been so misled like this, how you had managed to be fooled into tracking the trail of a human all this time. 
In a bat of an eye, you swim and make it to the shoreline, the coarse sand crunching under your claws. The disturbance causes the human to notice you, startled by the sudden appearance of a bathysmal vishap. (Although, strangely enough, no trace of fear shows on their face, and they make no move to scurry away.)
As the tension between the two of you grows, you advance slowly towards the human, low hissing sent to them as a warning. And suddenly, they try soothing you in a tongue that’s nothing but familiar to you.
Before your mind can keep up with the fact that this mere human can communicate with your kind, your head has already instinctively lowered along with your gaze pointed down towards the ground in deference to the undeniable traces of draconic authority in their tone and voice.
And when you feel a gloved hand lightly patting under your chin, trying to usher you back up to your previous position, you're struck with the dilemma of relishing in the awe of the unmistakable power of the Hydro Sovereign thrumming beneath or scorning the fact that you've allowed a human to touch you so casually.
(Does it really matter if the human in question is technically your Dragon Lord? The uncertainty leaves a sour taste in your mouth.)
Nevertheless, with enough insistence, they manage to raise your head back up before they start up the conversation.
“Greetings. I am sure you must have many questions regarding my form-” you nod, “-Very well, I suppose an explanation of events both recent and bygone is in order.” Through this, you learn briefly about the matters that have transpired, that his name is Neuvillette, that he is the both Iudex and the Hydro Dragon.
“I expect that you would take this information back to the rest of the vishaps, and that soon I might see more of you on the surface-” his tone drops to one more stern and absolute, “-With this, should any of the human Fontanians meet any unjust or unreasonable form of harm from your kind, I shall not hesitate in enacting the appropriate judgement.” 
An understanding reached, you return back to your community as a sort of newly appointed mouthpiece. However, this proves not to be your last meeting with the Sovereign. No, far from it, really.
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The sun starts to dip below the horizon as you slink languidly behind Neuvillette on a stroll together at the area outside of the Opera Epiclese. A couple melusines ride atop your back, Blathine and Veleda. You’ve come to remember their names after Neuvillette encouraged you and the melusines to get along more. (And you might have a soft spot for them after realising the fondness the Hydro Sovereign extends to them.)
The sight of the Chief Justice, along with a literal vishap essentially piggybacking two melusines might seem to be an odd sight to most. However, Fontanians have simply gotten used to this after the first few instances. 
“Ah, there goes the Iudex and the melusines, and that big ol’... weird lizard he keeps around again, for the third time this week,” you hear someone in the surroundings say.
“Huh. Good for him, I guess,” someone else says in reply.
Despite all the time you’ve spent around humans while at your Sovereign’s side, you still haven’t quite managed to readily want to take up the form of one. Hence, the reason why there was a vishap right in front of the Fountain of Lucine. 
Sometimes the Fontanians comment that you’re some sort of big guard dog for Neuvillette. (Honestly, you can’t quite find it in yourself to be opposed to being seen as a protector for someone you hold dear. Plus, it made for easier piggyback rides for the melusines and you enjoy seeing the warmth on Neuvillette’s face when he sees them having fun.)
As the sky darkens and the stars above begin to twinkle, the both of you drop the melusines off at their destinations. Soon, you’ve strolled to the coastline, the soft sound of sea water crashing against the shore blending into the ambient noise in the peaceful evening. Admiring the moonlight glistening and skating across the body of water, you break the comfortable silence first.
“I shall be travelling back to the depths tomorrow, is there any message you would like me to pass on to the bathysmal vishaps?” 
Ever since your first meeting with Neuvillette, more and more of the others have been venturing out and up to the surface with the return of the Hydro Dragon. Due to your enthusiasm in meeting with the Sovereign, the responsibilities of monthly reports and announcements now fall on your back. (Sigh, is this what you get for being the first one back up? “The early bathysmal vishap meets the Hydro Sovereign,” or something of the like?)
“Ah. Has it already been a month since the last one?” He pauses to think, before continuing, “No, I don’t have any information or messages to relay.”
Another short lull in the conversation, you note that he seems to be mulling something over as he thumbs along the handle of his cane in quiet contemplation.
“I hope I am not overstepping as I say this, however, I find myself reluctant to part with you. I find that the time that we spend together is invaluable and that I oftentimes catch myself longing for your presence whenever we are apart,” he communicates this to you, the vulnerability apparent in his words.
“Perhaps, my confession would be more sincere if I were not restricted in my human form.”
As he says this, he wades into the waters, then dives under when deep enough. There’s a change in the atmosphere surrounding you, a heavier pressure forming and coalescing as a vivid bright blue starts to glimmer from the depths.
You look out expectantly, waiting with bated breath, and before long, the mirror surface of the water begins to ripple and distort from something significant moving underneath. Its streamlined movements rocket it towards where you’re standing, and as the level of the water decreases, more of its form is revealed until ultimately, the Hydro Dragon stands before you in all of his glory.
His serpentine frame towers high above you, almost double your height, with smooth iridescent azure scales covering the top of his body and claw-tipped flippers. The colour of his scales transition gradually from blue to ivory white in areas like his underside and neck. His powerful tail relaxes in the shallows, occasionally swishing, causing little waves in the water.
Casting your gaze further up, you see the familiar sight of his glowing tendrils, extending down from the two sides of the back of his head. He cranes his head downwards in one fluid motion, closing the distance between the two of you as he levels you with piercing lavender slitted pupils.
Driven by natural instinct, you bow at the display of ancient authority.
“Raise your head, after all, have you not managed to worm your way into the space next to my heart?” You hear his voice in your mind, the edges of his words pronounced with the slightest hint of a gravelly growl in this new form.
He shifts in closer, nudging his head under yours to lift your gaze back up so that it meets his own.
“As I expected. This form truly is more freeing for myself. Now, I am able to do this,” The tendrils by his head seem to glow more intensely before he can continue. The almighty Hydro Dragon is… blushing?
“Forgive me if I am too forward, however,” there’s nothing but sincerity in his gaze, “Would you allow me to entwine with you?”
Neuvillette's simple question sends your mind reeling. The act of entwining is an incredibly  personal act of intimacy and often indicates the start of courtship in draconic species, one that signals everlasting devotion and commitment.
Usually, entwining is done with tails in regular vishap species. However, species with tendrils can also choose to use them instead of their tails since many believe the gesture to be more heartfelt. It is also said that the closer the frills or spines that the tendrils wrap around are to the head, the stronger the affection that the dragon has for the receiving party.
“I ask this of you not as the Hydro Dragon but rather, as Neuvillette. The one who has seen you cherish and care for the melusines, the one who has had walks under the rain with until the stars have emerged in the clear night sky.” He tilts his head down, tone serious. “That is to say, I do not wish to have your agreement only be one made out of obligation to authority.”
A beat of silence passes as your brain scrambles to process Neuvillette pouring his heart out to you, and you realise that your lack of an answer causes him to hesitate. (His tendrils droop a little and you think you see rain clouds starting to form.)
Before he can apologise or backtrack, you shift forward, headbutting him lightly to shake him out of his crestfallen state.
“Of course, Neuvillette.”
Upon hearing your answer, he instantly brightens and he goes to nuzzle his cheek against the side of your snout. 
“Do excuse me if I execute this wrongly, I’ve never done it before after all,” he comments before gingerly manipulating his glowing tendrils so that they coil around the spines closest to your head on either side. 
Up close, you can see everything so clearly, the tenderness in his gaze that he holds specifically for you. You can’t help but playfully bump your forehead against his, making him emit a content low rumble.
When he untangles and pulls back up, you swipe your tongue briefly against one of his tendrils, something akin to a quick kiss. This elicits a shiver from Neuvillette, his eyes squeezed shut.
“Apologies, ahem, it seems that my tendrils are quite the sensitive area. This full form is still somewhat new to me, and I have not had the chance to discover and understand everything about it just yet,” he squirms lightly against you.
“So how about we find out together? No time like the present, after all,” your tone is sly, charged with a salacious intent that causes Neuvillette to stiffen, tendrils glowing even more intensely than before.
Saying nothing, he swiftly manoeuvres his lithe body until he’s lying supine on his back,.  he exposes his vulnerable underbelly to you, an act so trusting that it roots you to the spot in disbelief for a brief second. Your eyes travel down until you catch sight of his cloacal opening already growing slick.
“Teach me well, beloved.”
Using his tail, he ushers you onto his larger form, where you clamber until you've positioned your slit against his. And when you grind downwards, you can feel him tremble beneath you.
“Hah… I wasn’t aware that it would feel this good,” you hear his voice shake with arousal in your mind. Maybe it’s a side effect of telepathic draconic communication, yet, it’s almost as if you can feel everything he’s feeling, like all your sensations are linked with his, increasing the pleasure bubbling up within you twofold. 
He takes the initiative this time, pushing his bottom half upwards to rut against you. It’s not long before the both of you are reduced to grinding against each other, each moving in tandem in order to maximise the pleasure. 
Suddenly, Neuvillette halts all action, causing you to freeze and check up on him.
“I’m alright. I only stopped because it seems like your hemipenes have everted.” Bashfully, he averts his gaze elsewhere, as if he had been caught seeing something he shouldn’t have. (Which is laughable considering the fact that the both of you were just writhing on the ground, tangled up in each other.)
In your haze, you hadn’t even noticed your cocks evert. Neuvillette’s are still somewhat concealed within, only the drooling tips peeking out of his entrance. 
“Yours haven’t yet, that won’t do. How else are we supposed to help you understand your new anatomy?” you shake your head, a faux forlorn tone decorating your words. “Would you allow me to penetrate you, Neuvillette?”
He nods at your suggestion and you line up one of your tips at his opening. Aided by the copious amount of slick fluid, you’re able to slowly enter him, sandwiching one of his dicks between the one you have in him and the one rubbing against his exposed head.
The new sensation has him throwing his head back, drawing out a loud throaty groan.
“D-Don’t stop, please, beloved.”
Spurred on by how wrecked he sounds, when you’ve made sure he’s comfortable, you start to rock in and out of him, shallow unhurried motions to start then transitioning to a faster pace once he starts to meet your thrusts. Slowly but surely, as Neuvillette gets increasingly worked up, his hemipenes gradually evert until they’re fully revealed.
They’re slender, each with a pale white bulbous base that then curves and morphs into a tip that’s more flared on the bottom edge, like a blunt fishing hook.
“There we go, how are you feeling, still fine?”
“Yes, but allow me to catch my breath first before we continue. Thank you for checking with me, beloved.”
When he’s ready, he experiments and frots his cocks against yours, hissing at the heat and friction as they drag along your lengths. The slick sounds do nothing to quell the rising desire within you and you can feel yourself reaching your peak.
The dragon under you is faring no better as well, judging by how wound up he’s getting. His tail is flicking wildly to and fro in the water, churning up the sand as a desperate mix of growls, chirrups, and pitched calls leave him. Despite it all, he’s still the most gorgeous sight you’ve ever had the opportunity to witness.
“You’re nothing but beautiful, Neuvillette. Ah! I’ve grown to see the overflowing compassion you have within you,” he keens at your words and you can sense the pleasure he’s feeling melding with yours.
“How fortunate I must be to stay at your side, to call you mine, as I, yours.” And this is what does him in.
As he spills over, his tail goes to loop around yours tightly whilst his muscles lock and shake. You follow suit not long after, a sticky mess forming between the two of your bodies
A quick splash around in the water washes most of the evidence off. You rest next to where he’s curled up comfortably, the waves rhythmically lapping up against him. The atmosphere is relaxed as the both of you wind down and converse.
“I’d love to stay with you till the late morning but you have a trial scheduled and I promised to find Pahsiv first thing in the morning to catch up,” you lament.
A rumble from his chest, he’s chuckling. He tucks his head next to yours, caressing a tendril across your cheek.
“I’ll wait for you. Return safe, my beloved one.”
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
If you'd like to request a fic of your own, do consider checking out my event post!
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st4rrth0ughts · 5 months
a comfort fic for those who struggle with their body imagery, this can go for anyone <333 🫶🫶
ily yall very much, muah muah :33
feeling insecure over your body. feeling weird. your darling noticed it immediately, the way your so… hesitantly handling him tonight.
ft. dr. ratio, blade, dan heng, jingyuan.
Sex with you was always able to send Veritas to new heights, the way you somehow found his weak spot every time and make him weak in his knees was something he always looked forward to during sex.
But tonight, he immediately took notice about your movements. It was just as pleasurable, but even through his mewls and wails for you to have mercy, he can’t help but realize your expression and body language.
You looked more downcast than he has seen you before. His dazed red eyes took notice at how you ever so occasionally glanced at a certain part of your body.
He knows how you feel about it. It was the part you were most insecure about. Immediately, his mind is almost snapped out of its fucked out stupor, thoughts racing through his head. Did someone make a comment about it? Or did you just feel like absolute shit today and he hasn’t took notice?
When your both done, the professor finally coming down from his high as you ever so tenderly clean him up, he suddenly grabs your hand, his lips pressing on your knuckles ever so gently. His eyes shine softly in the dim light of your shared bedroom, his usually sharp tone replaced with that of a loving husband’s.
“I love you, darling. I love you for your body, your voice, your pretty eyes, the way you take care of me while at my most vulnerable state. I’ll always love you more than anything else, my dear.”
Blade is a strong man. He’s gone through many, many horrors in his life, from dying to someone he was once close to, to having to live and be a mere blade under Eilo’s commands.
It’s why moments in bed with you, his beloved spouse, he’s initially so hesitant to be vulnerable. He loves you, he really does, but years of being so emotionally cooped up makes it hard to express it in words.
Tonight, however, was a different night.
He would notice it a little later than Veritas, but he did nonetheless. Usually, sex with you was adrenaline filled, rough and left Blade's mind completely broken and fucked out while you gently carry him to the bathroom and rub your fingers through his hair in that comforting manner.
But tonight, that roughness wasn't there, in fact, you were more soft and slower than usual. it wasn't that the Stellaron Hunter was complaining, its nice to have a change in pace, even if he didn't want to admit it.
After your both done, with Blade still as breathless and vulnerable as always, he silently pulls you close, even with his weak limbs, and lets you play with his hair and gently kisses you. He doesn't say much, but his actions are enough to tell you one thing.
He loves you.
Dan heng is a little more shy in bed. He's been through a lot, having to be forced into a reincarnation, having to be kept in the Shackling Prison for a crime his past self committed, and being hunted after leaving the Luofu by a Stellaron Hunter he doesn't even know is already stressful enough.
With you, all those worries melt away instantly, the way your body warms him up, make him completely melt under your touch, his eyes well with tears while you fuck him silly into the mattress.
But he's also observant, he has to be, being the guard of the express and all. But he's even more so with you. With the addition that he's a vidyadhara, the man is wary of everything your happy, upset or anything else about.
He observes the way that while your slamming your cock into him, cooing soft words of praise into his ear as he sobs into the pillow, how your more softer than usual. almost like how your just- sad about something. His sense can immediately pick up on what it is.
When your both done and he's cuddled into your chest, his quiet breaths accompanied by a tender hug from him, he whispers soft praises about you into your ear, tender, loving and gentle from a gentleman like himself.
Jingyuan is the General of the Luofu, this man has been through, and still is going through things. Less important ones, paperwork and having to train his retainerson. More major ones, having to see his master, his friends all leave him, and having to be the one who has to bear all the memories left of them.
Thats why he cherishes every moment with you. When you come to his office just to pass off lunch for him and Yanqing, when you tap his paper when he's overworking for the 3rd time that week, when you shove your cock into him and make him mewl and shriek as his arms are tied up.
Even then, he knows that there are days when he's the one who needs to hold you in his arms, take you and comfort you just like how you do every night, the way you kiss, clean and cuddle him after fucking his brains out never ceased to amuse yet fascinate him.
When he sees your movements are less sure of yourself, the way your handling him, almost as if your afraid that one wrong move, he'll stop loving you. It breaks his heart, it makes him want to grab you into an embrace and never let you go.
While your giving the general a break, he turns over weakly, and grabs your hands, placing your hands onto his face, letting his flushed face grin at you with that lazy smile of his that always made your heart flutter.
"I love you, my finch. I love you more than the Luofu, I'd steal the sun and moon for you if it makes you happy. You give me peace of mind every night, and I want this to last forever, until death does us part."
A/n: I love you all so much, my lovely galaxies, thank you for 244 followers in less than a month, muah muah <33
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reallygoodplants · 4 months
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ETA: One more thing I forgot to add
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xoxochb · 10 days
<3 could we pls get a “love story” themed nico x Eros son (the one from the othe req you published which btw was awesome)? (Like Eros son asking out Nico for the first time or idk whatever you feel like. I love that song though I get it’s kind of a basic fav) thanks so much and happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
˗ˋ it’s a love story baby just say yes ˊ˗
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warnings: reader stays in hermes cabin, silena’s alive because therapy isn’t free
pairing: nico di angelo x son of eros
summary: basically a fic version of these headcannons
A/N: I love love story, grew up loving it, and will forever and always love it 💛💛
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you paced the floors of hermes cabin
you’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell the son of hades you wanted to go on a date with him
but it was kind of hard when your father hated him, and nico felt the same way about him
maybe eros doesn’t have to know…
no- that won’t work, he’ll find out, you know he will
you don’t like your father anyways, who cares what he thinks?
“you only live once” that’s what they say isn’t it?
you could always ask the aphrodite cabin…
that’s the best idea yet!
you rush to cabin ten, running through the doors, you realize how insane you look when all of aphrodite’s offsprings are looking at you like you have five heads
“sorry” you mutter, walking over to your best friends bed, taking a seat there, “silena, I need your help”
“yeah? with what?” she fixes her seating position, implying she’s eager to help
“well,” you sigh “I want to ask nico on a date but my dad hates him and he hates my dad, and I’m afraid of what my dad will do if he knows that I’m on a date with him”
“you’ve surely got a dilemma” she blows a raspberry
“can you help me? do you have any advice?” you ask
“your dad doesn’t control you, he’s not even present in your life, so I say that if you love nico, then you deserve to be with him” she gives you a reassuring smile
you blush, “how should I do it?”
“do what? ask him out?” she inquires
“yeah, I’m not good with this stuff”
she thinks for a moment, “have you ever thought about just asking him?”
“well it crossed my mind, but I want to do something thoughtful, I really like him” oh gods, why won’t this blush leave your face?
“so cute!” she squeals “speak from the heart, thats the most thoughtful thing you could do”
“very wise” you laugh
“my specialty” she hits your shoulder “now go get your boyfriend”
“he’s not my boyfriend” you stand up
- 📜 -
this is fine right? all you have to do is ask him on a date, the worst he can do is say no and never talk to you again
that’s not helping
think positive!
shouldn’t you be god at this? your dad is literally cupid
unfortunately for you, you were not blessed with his romantic abilities
“y/n? are you alright?”
you swear your soul left your body for a quick second upon hearing that voice
you know that voice
it’s your one and only crush
“yes! of course I am” you reassure.
he takes a seat next to you, and you think for a second
should you ask him now?
no- he just sat down, you want him in your presence for a little while longer incase he says no and thing get awkward
but if he says yes then he won’t leave
too many decisions!
you let mouth make this one for you
“how would you like to go on a date sometime?”
oh my gods! did you really just say that?
you thank your dad for your natural flirty and extroverted personality or you would have been toast
“a date?” nico looks like you just told him he was about to be publicly executed
“yes! a date!” you’re internally screaming over your word choice
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea” he says
“why not?” you ask
“because I know that you don’t actually want to. you flirt with everyone and you’re just doing the same with me”
you take back your earlier statement
you hate your dad for your flirty personality
“but this is different, I don’t like those other guys I flirt with” you pray that this will change his mind
“so why do you flirt with other people if you only like me?”
oh no
It shouldn’t be that hard to think of a response!
but why do you flirt with other people?
you’ve only been in love with nico since you got to camp…
“it’s just in my nature I guess” you shrug “but I promise I don’t like anyone else, I only like you, those other guys don’t mean anything to me”
he sighs “your dad isn’t exactly by best friend either”
“who cares what my dad thinks?”
you curse yourself for saying such a thing
you hope your dad never finds out you said that
“I do” he points to himself
“well I don’t, I’ve never even met him before, so why should he care who I’m dating?” you give him a begging look “just one date, and if you don’t feel comfortable then we won’t go on another and you never have to see me again”
he thinks for a second, “I’ll go on a date with you” he holds up his pointer finger “under one condition”
oh gods you sound like a helpless, lovestruck idiot
“we can go on more after”
you smile so widely your cheeks start to hurt
if you knew it would’ve been this easy you would’ve asked sooner!
but you could care about anything right now because your long-time crush just said he wants to go on not one- but multiple dates with you!!
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loserdiaz · 1 year
last line(s) tag! 📜
thanks for the tags, lovelies! 💗 @scarcrossedbuck @alyxmastershipper @gentoodiaz @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @buddiearemydads
this is from my buddie at dispatch fic!
Eddie's heart feels about to burst, soft and delicate and too big for his own chest— wanting to hold Buck inside of it, wanting to wrap him up with all the tenderness and care he can possibly muster.
Wanting to erase all of the pain from the man's face.
tagging (no pressure and idk it's late, sorry??): @cowboy-buddie @buddierights @bigfootsmom @maygrantgf @thespermdonorstorylineisstupid @the-likesofus @elvensorceress @comaboybuck @messyhairdiaz @dorkydiaz @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl @spotsandsocks and anyone else who wants to do it <333
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bluewaltz · 1 year
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🐋 — [ Tartaglia. ] 👤 — [ gender neutral reader. ] 🏷️ — [ enemies to lovers, good ending, fluff. ] 📜 — [ fic. ]
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You had a mission. Kill the Eleventh Harbinger, through any means necessary.
You had heard the tales. He's a monster, a killing machine that brought with him devastation and ruin. The Vanguard of the Tsaritsa, and someone who crawled out of the Abyss.
It was insanity. Your higher ups must have known that sending one person to kill Tartaglia was a death sentence. But you would carry it out, regardless.
You didn't know what you expected, but it certainly wasn't this lanky, awkward young man, talking with the confidence of a Harbinger. Your organisation had managed to sneak you into the Fatui as a new recruit, and you had been posted to Liyue, which was apparently under his jurisdiction.
"I wish you all glory; glory to the Tsaritsa, glory to our motherland, and glory to yourselves. Dismissed. Your captains will tell you what you will be doing, and Y/N? A word, please?"
You pushed past the crowds, uncaring of how all eyes were on you. Tartaglia was waiting for you, a small smile on his lips. Again, you wondered how he could seem so young.
"You weren't listening at all, were you? Did I bore you?" Tartaglia leaned forward, his tone one of mild curiosity.
You fought the urge to reach for your weapon, instead focusing on keeping your breathing even.
"No sir. Sorry sir, it won't happen again." You replied crisply.
To your surprise, Tartaglia threw his head back and laughed like he'd heard the joke of the century.
"Sir? Why so formal, recruit? Call me Childe; everyone here calls me that." Tar- Childe said, his eyes dancing with mirth.
"Understood, Lord Childe." You said carefully, testing the word out on your tongue.
Childe clicked his tongue, looking pleased. "Okay, that's a start. I know exactly where you'll be working. Katya!"
A Fatuus hurried over, turning to Childe.
He turned to you with a conspiratorial grin and whispered loudly, "Ekaterina here takes care of the shady side of things at the bank, so I can go out and play Harbinger without the metaphorical blood on my hands."
"Need I remind you of the times you appeared in the bank with blood all over you, sir?" Ekaterina replied drily, and you noticed that she didn't seem to use that reverent tone of respect most recruits did.
"It's just blood, and it wasn't mine."
"Blood doesn't wash out of carpets easily, and you're lucky it was closing time then." She turns to you, and despite how her face was obscured by the mask, you got the feeling that she was sizing you up.
"Is this who you want, sir?"
"Give them an office at the bank, okay? I'll be going now, I just came back from Inazuma!"
The two of you watched Childe hurry away, his figure shrinking into the distance.
"Good luck."
Ekaterina turned to you, her voice dripping with pity.
"Childe isn't an easy boss. Come with me."
Your days at the bank were long and dreary. It wasn't so bad, but there was a lot of work to be done. Mostly it was just the Qixing nitpicking some small detail or other, and your days were filled with passive aggressive letters insisting that the other party was far too kind, and that you would remember this.
All well and fine, until Childe crashed into your office like a dust devil.
"Y/N, can you fight?"
Your first thought was that the bank was under attack. Your second thought was that your cover had been blown, and your hand twitched towards the polearm that always remained just out of arm's reach.
"A little. I'm not too good at it, though." Technically not a lie, since you specialized more in subterfuge and assassination.
Childe seemed appeased by this response, gesturing for you to follow him.
He left the bank at an easy pace, exchanging greetings and words with people on the street. Vendors seemed particularly enthused to see him, and some even asked him where their "source of income was", whatever that meant.
He always replied with a sunny smile, and more than a few times you had to remind yourself that this was a bloodthirsty creature you were dealing with.
He brought you to a wide, empty field, and you suddenly remembered something.
Being the secretary of the Eleventh Harbinger, you heard things.
Things like how he would wheedle his way into spars with recruits, and he would always leave the field looking refreshed while the recruits all looked haggard.
To be picked for a spar with Childe was to have all the flaws of your technique pointed out with a smile. But it was also a good way to see how he fought.
So you let him tug you into position, and you watched as he pulled his bow into existence, seemingly giving you the first move. Not one to let go of an opportunity, you dashed forward, drawing your sword and aiming for his chest.
You longed for your polearm, but it was unwise to show your hand so early. The sword was shorter than what you were used to, but it would be fine.
Childe sidestepped, using his bow to send quick flickers of water at you, throwing you off. All the while, he was watching you intently.
You kept attacking, and he kept dodging. This frustrating game kept up until his face lit up. Then, with a casual gesture, your sword went flying out of your hands.
"You've got a strange style," Childe commented, catching your sword and inspecting it. "I think you would be more suited to a polearm, not a sword. Or, you were trained with a polearm, anyway."
"You barely fought me." You gritted out, glaring at Childe.
He shrugged and passed your sword back. "I didn't have to."
And just like that, another event was added to your repetitive routine. Paperwork, think of a way to murder Childe, and occasionally, indulge him with a spar.
When you took out your polearm and fell into a familiar stance, Childe's eyes lit up, and he actually did trade blows with you this time, though you could tell he was barely using his strength. But he disarmed you easily enough, which put an end to your plans of facing him in head on combat.
You wondered if he checked his food for poison, but then you dismissed it. Too risky, and if he didn't die, he would know who you were, and the mission would be ruined.
As you plotted in circles, you became aware of Childe's tells. How he lied, how he smiled when he never meant it. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and you wondered how anyone could fail to kill this bumbling man.
Childe's behaviour was becoming erratic and strange. Some days, he would be cheerful and bubbly, always chatting incessantly and overly generous. Those were his most common moods.
But recently, he had been moodier of late. More volatile, easier to provoke. He lost more of his spars like that, but he didn't seem to really mind. In fact, he seemed happier after those defeats, often treating you to a meal.
It happened during lunch. The two of you were at Wanmin, and Childe was regaling you with a particularly tall tale about a sea snake and a fishing rod when suddenly, his hand shot out.
Your head was snapped down, and Childe let out a hiss of pain. You scrambled out of your seat, looking down at the neat round hole burned into his arm and the smoking bullet bobbing in your soup.
Childe stood up, ignoring how his arm hung limply. His eyes were cold and dead now, scanning the rooftops and balconies.
"Lord Harbinger-"
"There." Childe hummed, and in the blink of an eye, something zipped past you. You only survived because he wasn't focused on you, but you felt the touch of electro-charged water against your cheek.
Electro? But how did he…
"Y/N, we have to go."
This was your chance. He was injured and distracted, you could easily plunge a fork or your knife into his chest and shock his heart to a standstill.
You grabbed his bleeding arm, ignoring the startled hiss. Of course he'd forgotten about the wound.
"Lord Harbinger, you're injured. Perhaps you should recuperate before tracking them down." You murmured. "People are looking."
"Fine." He snarled, summoning some Hydro to wipe up the blood and pick up the bullet.
He didn't let you touch him all throughout the walk back to the bank, and when he reached the bank, his murderous expression kept people from asking after his arm.
You retreated to your office to get a medical kit and returned to Childe surveying the bullet, turning it this way and that in its watery prison.
"Interesting build." Childe's voice was conversational, and you pulled up a chair to him and started working on the wound.
"What is, sir?"
Childe made a dismissive noise. "Just call me Childe. And I was talking about this bullet. It has been imbued with pyro energy, so touching it would burn very badly."
You tried to school your expression. That sounded like the work of your organisation. Bullets that cauterized the wound as it went, with a dense knot of pyro energy that would dissipate after a while.
But why would they steal your kill? You were promised Tartaglia. This didn't make any sense, so you just made an affirmative hum and continued to bandage his arm.
"Is that all you got?" Even pinned under your weapon, Childe still had that cocky light in his eyes, and he pressed his throat closer to the tip of your spear. A spar. that was all it was supposed to be, until he let slip that he knew your intentions and all of a sudden, it had become far more dangerous.
"Come on," he cooed. "You can kill me right here, right now. Unless you like seeing me helpless like this?"
"Shut up, Harbinger."
Childe sighed heavily, sounding very put upon. "I thought we were getting along swimmingly. What's with the sudden change in attitude?"
"Don't play dumb."
Childe snickered. "But it makes you so mad."
"You're not scared?"
"Why would I be afraid of you?" He cocked his head, sounding genuinely confused. "You were a spy sent by an organisation to do an impossible task. But you still tried anyway. Isn't that enough?"
"There's no use arguing." Childe pushed your spear away from his throat and sat up. "I did my research; the organisation simply wanted an easy way to get rid of you."
You gritted your teeth. You had long suspected it, but hearing it laid out so simply… it stung. Discarded like an old tool in order to make way for others.
"So? Are you going to kill me now?" You asked.
Childe burst out laughing. "Ha! I'm not letting myself get used like some attack dog for an enemy organisation. My loyalty belongs to the Tsaritsa alone. Of course I'm not going to kill you."
"What?" You were baffled. Was he really going to let an enemy live like that? But Childe didn't seem to sense your disbelief, his brow scrunched in an adorable furrow.
"I don't see why I need to kill you. Ekaterina already spent so much time training you to be my secretary, and it'd be a shame to put all her hard work to waste."
Childe grinned. "Of course, you can still try to kill me. But I will try my best to continue thwarting your efforts."
Well. Who were you to look a gift horse in the mouth?
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drcriticaldicezine · 4 months
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Professor Iidabashi faces the mission of a lifetime when tasked with caring for a unique Githyanki egg in this beautiful story of self-discovery by Deceit! Read the full story on March 6th!
⚔️TWITTER deceitdeception
📜 INSTAGRAM deceitxdeceptions
🛡 TUMBLR @deceitxdeception
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Hello Again Friend !
I think that this is my fourth interview this week (?). It's a pleasure for me that you seems to response from my mini interview here and there, tho I would like for you to take your health and if I'm started to take all your- please do not be afraid to talk that to me. I would gladly leave you be if my interview was stressing you out!
Which one of the yandere would like an s/o who act like a mother and 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗱 them to rotten, Constant praising , reassuring , affectionate , and of course kiss! Kiss!!KISS!! 💋💋💋
Remember... 𝗜 𝗔𝗟𝗪𝗔𝗬𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞!!!
📜🎙️- 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻
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Interview Anon I love doing these so keep 'em coming <3 also after posting that fic I felt a lot better XD... I did give into the small text form from now on. I am so sorry everyone-
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For ! [ 𝐅𝐍𝐀𝐅 ] !
You thought I'd say Glamrock Freddy huh!? Well you're right: Glamrock Freddy, Bonnie, Withered Chica, Toy Bonnie, Lolbit, Glamrock Chica.
Glamrock Freddy is already enough of a dad so you just acting like a mother to not him but everyone else as well has him hyped. Y'all a couple already. Although he wishes you don't do that with everyone cuz he gets greedy... And someone usually ends up dead.
Original Bonnie isn't much for the motherly aspect as he is for the affection that comes with it. Sure he'd like to pretend he's at the top of everything but when you start kissing him he melts- and he boasts about it too. Like "My Darling loves me so much they blah blah blah" Foxy is tired from listening to him.
Withered Chica is tired. So to have someone fret over her, make her feel better and spoil her is a dream come true, she usually gets shy when you praise her but also loves them a lot. Follows you around, probably worried you'll attract attention from unimportant and weird people so she's there to protect you!
Toy Bonnie loves getting praise and affection from you. What he also lowkey loves is having you scold him when he fights too much and gets hurt/a victim somehow harms him in the process because he knows you do it out of worry. Probably acts even more like a spoiled brat. Follows you around to hear you praise him more.
Lolbit just enjoys you acknowledging his existence, so to have you go all affectionate and spoiling on him? This bot gonna start swooning. Careful tho, you do this too much and he immediately gonna eliminate all things he finds as a threat because nobody deserves that kind of treatment for you- not even him. But he loves you so much so it's okay.
Glamrock Chica just loves the how you're always there for her to treat her so nicely. Gonna start acting like an angel just so you can praise her more, especially loves your patience when you explain something to her. You have competition about who kisses the most. You bet she instead manipulates you into hating people she doesn't like instead.
Lowkey honorable mentions are any Foxy cuz they just enjoy the affection together with Toy Freddy considering he adores how much you'll kiss him. And I definitely see platonic Gregory joining in.
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For ! [ 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 ] !
Lemme tell you smth: Mikey, Izana, Sanzu, Kazutora, Chifuyu, Rindou, Hakkai/Angry.
Mikey, bro MIKEY. Especially Toman and Bonten Mikey. Those two mf love to be spoiled and be taken care of. Mikey always clings to you and all but demands affection most of the time. Hugging you 24/7 as you walk. Kisses are a must. You miss giving him a kiss in a specific time and he gets all pouty = people who breath wrong gonna die. Just gets even more obsessive and violent towards others, lowkey scared you'll stop paying attention to him if you have anyone else.
Izana isn't as much about the motherly stuff as he is about the affection that comes with it. But here's the thing; once you start you are not allowed to stop. Demanding your attention and praise 24/7. Will do something and immediately turn to you so you can sing your praises. Definitely the boyfriend who would be the small spoon when you're like this then act tough if someone enters. Kicks anyone who tries getting close to you- literally, he kicks them.
Sanzu, man- the second someone who spoils him and takes care of him enters man is down for the count. Acts all tough but the second you call him over he goes to you with the utmost attention. Hoping you called over to give him praise and compliments. Another one who'd follow you around until you give him the attention he wants for the day. The second he catches someone looking at you it's on sight.
Kazutora this is a desperate man, as soon as you show just a little interest and attention on him he latches like a leech. But then you don't seem to mind? You hug him?? You even tell him he does a good job??? Kisses???? Confused boy. Then he gives in and is a koala. Probably the one who goes out of his way to beat up random people who just asked you for direction cuz he's that unstable.
Chifuyu might seem like the one who wants to spoil you but boy if you start spoiling him instead he's a puddle on the floor. Always holding your hand and hugging your arm. Gonna act like a good behaved kid just so you kiss him more. The second someone else gets your attention tho he's probably planning methods to ruin them. Only he should have your attention.
Rindou is a little brother. You bet your ass if you suddenly start taking responsibility and treating him like this he will get down on his knees and ask for marriage. Gonna act spoiled and expects you to spoil him of course. Will always request stuff and when he does something he expects praise. Still you're the only one who get to see this cute needy side of him, anyone who as much as talks to you is being beaten on the floor by him in seconds.
Hakkai and Angry are another pair of little brothers and they're lowkey the same. Though Hakkai lowkey expects to be spoiled most of the time- but when you actually DO IT he's left speechless. Gets shy and probably doesn't talk, only holding onto your hand as you walk. While Angry would do that regardless, but is probably more clingy. They're a little tamer than Rindou but will ask about stuff they can do so you will end up praising them. You know Hakkai's rich right? Gonna blackmail everyone to stay away from him- gonna beat them up too. While Angry had a menace of a brother who'd enable him to fuck up anyone who makes him upset.
Honorable mentions: Senju cuz she adores the affection, Yuzuha cuz she loves how someone is taking care of her and Shion because you put up with his shenanigans... Any little sibling honestly fits this category.
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kinnbig · 9 months
concept: pining era ArmKhun. Tankhun kills Korn. there is a fight - not quite a coup, but it gets bloody. Tankhun has barely touched a gun in nearly 20 years, but Arm watches him shoot his father between the eyes.
after, Arm takes Khun to his shower and helps him clean the blood from his skin. they’re both shaking from the adrenaline and it’s making Khun unusually quiet, and Arm is being as gently professional and methodical as possible - taking all Khun’s jewellery off one piece at a time before they get in the shower, asking Khun’s permission before unbuttoning his shirt etc.
Arm is also covered in blood, and Tankhun reaches over and starts undressing him too; unbuttoning Arm’s bloodstained shirt with shaking hands. Arm gets really close so he can clean and care for a wound on Tankhun’s cheekbone, and Tankhun is exhausted and full of adrenaline and has just killed his father and is the most free he’s ever been in his life but also terrified, and he’s being shown this tender gentleness in the face of the kind of violence he hasn’t experienced first hand since he was a child - but somehow, even bigger than any of that is the way his heart stutters whenever he meets Arm’s eyes and the way his skin tingles wherever Arm’s fingers brush it. and Arm’s very focused on carefully applying cream to this cut on Khun’s cheek but Khun just turns his head and leans up and kisses him.
it’s chaste and gentle and only lasts a few moments before they’re just clinging to one another, hugging each other so tight, and they’re both only in their underwear but it’s not even like that, it’s just the desperate need to be skin to skin, to hold and be held, and Khun’s sobbing into Arm’s shoulder and Arm’s crying into his hair and they just. stay like that for a while.
eventually, Arm wraps Khun up in a bathrobe and then finds him his favourite pyjamas and takes him to bed, and he’s barely turned to leave before Khun asks him to stay. so he stays, and they fall asleep holding each other.
send a book emoji for a fic I haven't written yet but daydream about 👀
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yaekiss · 15 days
𝑴𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝑵𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒙𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
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꩜ Room Content: GN! Dom! Reader x Sub! Kaveh, no gendered terms for reader, no mention of reader's anatomy, handjob & blowjob (Kaveh receiving), praise (Kaveh receiving), lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ A/N: I've been thinking about writing something for Kaveh again lately so thank you pringles for sending in this prompt!! Also a huge thank you for waiting! Hope you enjoy the fic !! <3 ꩜ This was written for @xxpringlesxx as part of my Care for a Fic fundraising event for Gaza! If you would to request a fic of your own, do check out the event post above ^^
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As he busies himself with washing the dishes after dinner (it’s his turn today), Kaveh hums along to the tune of that catchy love song that’s been popular in Sumeru lately, one that’s been stuck in his head all week. 
From where you’re seated, you can hear the water run and plates and glasses clink as he washes them and puts them away on a rack to dry. However, interspersed between the mundane noises and his light humming, you pick up frustrated huffs. 
Concerned for your lover, you crane your head over to look at him, and you see the problem. He’s constantly rolling his shoulders back and sharply tilting his head to each side, probably trying to pop a stubborn crick in his neck.
Making your way over to the kitchen, as you get closer, you can’t help but notice that his posture looks tense as he hunches over the sink. Mind processing, you recall him complaining about his latest commissions to you over dinner.
(“Can you believe the client even suggested that?” He sighs before lifting another spoonful of soup to his mouth.
“And don’t even get me started on the deadlines, dearest! I don’t know how I’ll survive this one without pulling a few all-nighters,” Kaveh all but wails. The soup doesn’t really make it into his mouth since he just sets the spoon back into the bowl so his hands are free to tug at his hair.
You laugh lightheartedly, take his hands out of his hair gently, then pick up his almost empty bowl of soup so that you can refill it. 
“You’ll need all the energy you can get then, I’ll get more soup for you. And I hope you’d still get some rest though, beloved,” you chide him softly.)
He hears you pop into the kitchen and he turns around to face you.
“Hey, just finished the dishes, do you need something from the drying rack?”
You shake your head, “Nope. I was just wondering if you wanted a massage, since you’ve been working hard and your shoulders are tense, is all.” 
Kaveh answers as he wipes his wet hands on a clean dry cloth hanging by the wall, his tone chipper, “That’ll be nothing but heavenly, thank you so much, dearest. Ugh, you don’t even want to know how much my shoulders have been killing me lately.” 
He allows you to lead him into your shared bedroom, where he promptly faceplants down onto the mattress, a tired muffled sigh leaving him. Reaching over to the bedside table, you pick up the tub of lotion in the drawer. Opening it, you look back down at Kaveh who’s still sprawled out prone on the bed and you sigh.
“Come on, don’t you think it’ll be better and easier for me without your shirt in the way?” He doesn’t answer but you know he heard you because of the way he kicks his legs, as if throwing a fit. 
“But I just got comfy,” he groans, his grumpy tone muffled by the mattress under him. Ultimately, he sits back up, pulls his shirt over his head, folds it quickly and sets it to a side, then flops back down onto the mattress, all in quick succession.
Clambering over him to straddle his lower back, you scoop a nice dollop of the lotion and spread it across the expanse of his back so that your hands can smoothly glide over his skin. You start from between his shoulder blades, where you rub it into his shoulders and take note of how tense his muscles are. While you work at the knots in his muscles, he relaxes more and more until he has practically melted and become one with the bed. 
Then gradually, your hands make their way down to his waist. When your thumbs dig into the area around the small of his back, he shivers under you, along with a low hiss. 
Unbeknownst to you, your beloved Kaveh lays pinned and squirming beneath your hands as he desperately tries to muffle the moans that itch to make their way out of his throat. He fights back the urge to buck his hips downwards, you were nice enough to help him wind down from a busy couple of days and yet here he is getting hot and bothered under your touch.
It’s not his fault that you’ve been running through his mind, who wouldn’t be enraptured by you? You’re the only thing keeping him sane in spite of his growing workload, his thoughts wandering to his dearest lover throughout these hellish days as a balm to soothe his weary soul.
The more he tries to tear his traitorous mind away from you, the more it conjures up increasingly scandalous fantasies of how this current situation could play out. What would you do to him? Tease him until he’s begging for his release, a full-body blush painted across his skin? Or perhaps the inverse, where you’d wring climax after climax out of him until he’s mumbling nothing but utter nonsense, limbless in your arms? How’d he love for your hands to drift further down his body, trail under the waistband of his pants to where he needs you the most.
Your voice snaps him out of his daze and drags him out of his daydreams.
“Done with your back, beloved. Flip around for me?” He hears you coo from above him as you move to sit on the bed so he can change his position and yet, hesitates to turn upwards and face you.
Mainly, due to the tightness in his pants right now.
“Hmm, Kaveh? What’s wrong?” The concern in your voice is evident and he tries everything to will away his hard-on until he’s confronted with the fact that he has no choice but to do as you say, lest he causes you to worry even more.
Slowly, he peels himself off the mattress on shaky hands while the tips of his ears are burning red. But before he flips over completely, he manages to mumble out a weak, “Um. Uh. Just don’t look down too much…”
When he’s finally done shifting positions, you’re able to see just how bright of a blush has settled on his face, his brows knitted together as he quickly moves his hands to the front of his pants. However, it’s too late and you’ve already caught a glimpse of what he’s trying to hide. (And really, the rumpled state of his pants aren’t helping his case.)
Kaveh knows that you’ve realised when a mischievous look flashes across your face, “Aww, why didn’t you just tell me? Just an innocent little massage and you’re already so worked up?” He didn’t know his face could get any hotter but it does when he recognises that you’re teasing him.
Fortunately for him, it seems like you’re in a merciful mood tonight as you drag your fingertips down past his navel, goosebumps rising on his skin along the path you trace out. When your fingers go to hook under his waistband, you ask, “Do you want this?”
Kaveh thinks he has never nodded this hard in his life.
Prying him free from the confines of his clothes, he’s already almost fully erect, to which you quickly fix. Wiping your hands of the remaining lotion still clinging to them, you procure a different container, a water-based lubricant this time, and slather it generously on your palms and fingers to bring it up to your body temperature. 
Wrapping a hand around his base, you stroke upwards in a fluid motion, making him jerk his hips up into your fist. Eyes squeezed shut, Kaveh hisses sharply when he feels your other hand snake up to his chest and flick at one of his sensitive nipples. 
Filthy slick noises fill the room as you take the time prying moan after moan from his lips and he looks utterly debauched lying under you. A messy halo of golden blonde hair frames his face aflame with colour and you sear this image of your beloved into your memory.
“Are my hands really that good?”
“Hnn… Ye-yes! More, please…!” He slurs, half out his mind.
The combined onslaught of pleasure proves to be too much for him as the telltale sign of his thighs tensing signals his oncoming release. Yet, just as he tips over the edge, you instantly stop your ministrations, pulling your hands away from him.
But before he can whine out in disappointment, you take him into your mouth. The sudden replacement of your hands with the warmth of your tongue takes him off guard and it rips a drawn out keen from the architect. Your hands rove around his body, alternating from pinching and toying with his chest to kneading at the muscles of his thighs and ass.
“Absolutely lovely, beloved. I’m so lucky to have such a hard worker, someone so kind and earnest in everything that he does,” he moans unabashedly at your praise, head pressed back hard against the bed as he tries to hold himself back from coming too soon. Unshed tears cling to his eyelashes as he blinks rapidly at the overwhelming sensations.
“Going to… hah! Need to-!” At this point, Kaveh’s mind has been reduced to mush, his fingers tangled in the bedsheets as he begs and babbles in between breathy pants.
“Go on, beloved, anything you want,” you coo, pressing a kiss to his inner thigh. When you lick up the underside of his shaft and take his drooling tip into your mouth, a hand twisting at the base whilst the other toys with his balls. His muscles lock up as his back arches off the bed and he cums with a shout. 
Stars dancing behind his eyelids, he moans when you press your lips to his and he tastes himself. His hand scrambles to find yours, fingers entwining as his thoughts fill with nothing except the love he has for you. 
When you break away from him, Kaveh sighs against your cheek, plastering kiss after kiss across your face. But you’re not done pampering him for tonight yet, and he knows this when you nibble at his ear.
“Looks like you’re still tense, how about we continue your massage, hmm?” 
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
If you'd like to request a fic of your own, do consider checking out my event post!
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kris-mage-fics · 9 months
📜 tell me your holler fics¡!
So there are two short ones I started and haven't finished. I like them both, but I don't know if I'll come back to them or not. (In reference to this post.)
The first is actually written and partly edited. It's based off of the Goop Teddy theory, with the my (incorrect) idea that he was the creature in the greenhouse. Obviously, this was before Episode 4 came out and we found out what's actually in the greenhouse. It's about Tabitha hating that she has to take care of Teddy (or 'it' in her mind, because she doesn't really believe what Pearlanne told her), but she's doing it out of a sense of family duty. Near the end is a line I still love:
“Tabitha.” Its voice crawled over her skin, leaving behind the residue of a sin committed over a hundred years ago.
The second is partly written, also before Episode 4, and is from Pastor Daniel's perspective. He's contemplating the implications of meeting a Talks to Animals cousin. Just really in his head about it, kinda freaking out, while trying to make Tulip a snack. The plan was to end it with him accidentally dropping a glass, and it shattering on the ground. Kinda as a narrative parallel to the way things in his mind shattered when he found out he wasn't alone in his ability.
Technically, there is a third. It's about Bo's thoughts one night as he's keeping watch over the chickens. There's some Madoka Magica influences to it. He also has a crush on Kaneeka in that one, which is inspired by Treevile's Chapter 1 of "On an autumn day in an autumn town". (Yes he knows, we had a lovely conversation about it!) It's fully written and edited, but I'm worried I didn't do Bo justice. I really need to get the courage to ask if any fan(s) want to beta read it for me. Otherwise I would've posted it months ago, lol!
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lathalea · 2 years
I hope you’ll enjoy my newest fic for the Armitage Summer Splash event :) Oh, and by the way, there’s angst…
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Trope: Illness
Quote: “I need space away from you.”
Relationships: John Proctor x Elizabeth Proctor (The Crucible)
Rating: G
You can find this fic on AO3.
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“I need space away from you, John,” his wife says.
Elizabeth had given birth to their youngest less than a fortnight ago. A strong little boy with a dark tuft of hair on his head. Blue eyes, just like his. When he smiles, the whole world seems to smile with the babe.
But Elizabeth does not.
She is weak. She barely eats. She barely leaves the bed.
The midwife leaves herbs for her. They will make it better, Goody Smith says.
They don’t.
He tells his Beth about how her favorite meadow looks in the morning sun. How the flowers are blooming.
She sobs into a pillow when she thinks he does not see.
He buys softly carded wool, the best in the village. For that sweater she wanted to knit.
She blindly stares into a window. Without a word.
He brings her fresh milk every morning. She used to drink it every day with a dab of honey.
Now she never brings it to her lips.
He forgets how her touch feels on his skin.
“I need space away from you, John,” his wife says.
Elizabeth’s words are like a slap. John knows he deserves it.
The feeling burns through him like fire since the day Elizabeth found him with Abigail behind the shed.
Since the day he broke the vow of marriage.
Because he could not control the carnal hunger that raged through his body.
He is but a man. And he has needs.
Elizabeth barely acknowledges his existence now.
He sees that emotion etched in her features.
It is not disgust nor anger. He could handle those.
It is disappointment. Flames of pain consume his soul.
“I need space away from you, John,” his wife says.
And then she offers him an embrace.
A morsel of food given to a starving man.
He clings to her beloved, frail body as if she was a steady rock in a stormy sea.
“Take care of our sons,” she whispers.
“Do not do this, do not confess, Elizabeth,” he protests. “I will sign that damn paper.”
“It is already done, John. You are safer this way,” she speaks as if to a child.
These are her last words to him before they part forever.
“Forgive me, wife,” he manages to mutter into her hair before the guards drag her away from him.
Their eyes meet for the last time and then he finally understands.
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📜Here is the masterlist for Week 3 of the Armitage Summer Splash event. 📜
General taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added/removed): @fizzyxcustard @shrimpsthings​ @dark-angel-is-back @sherala007 @amelia307 @anyaspidergirl-blog @jotink78 @rachel1959 @saltwater-in-the-afternoon @linasofia @legolasbadass @yourqueenunderthemountain @reblogunderthemountain @guardianofrivendell @elrawienthewhite @tschrist1 @nelleedraws @beenovel @vee-vee-writes @mcchiberry @dumbassunderthemountain @errruvande @laurfilijames @emrfangirl @s0ftd3m0n @lilith15000 @kami-chan1512 @ragsweas @enchantzz @aduialel @myselfandfantasy @thewhiteladyofrohan @elliepie1226 @middleearthpixie @i-did-not-mean-to @blairsanne @fckmini @clumsy-wonderland @wormsmith @mailinsblogofstuff @medusas-hairband @xxbyimm @guylty
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mistmarauder · 1 year
📜 - What’s your favorite fic of mine? 🙊 - What fictional character would you ship me with? 🥰 - What’s your favorite thing about me?
Favorite fic of yours. Hmmmm.
In the early days, it definitely would have been "Leading with the Left". It's what landed me here, after all. But you've written so much since then... Decisions...
Tbh, I really think I'm gonna have to go with "In the Gray You are Golden". I just can't get over how good that fic is. 🙈
You just so happened to ask me this shipping question right now when the F&F series is fresh in my mind, so I literally can't help but choose Letty. Like, girl. You'd let her step all over you. But also, she could fix your stupid car.
My favorite thing about you is how much you care about your friends. I don't think I need to go into detail about this. Just know I love this about you. I love how important to you the people in your life are.
Three Emoji Challenge 😎💃
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manyfandomocs · 1 month
📜 + Deryn
Most kids in District 10 start working in the various livestock industries when they're about 10 or so. Usually kids work on the farms feeding and taking care of the animals but Deryn only did that for a year before the demand called for him to move to his family's main area, the slaughterhouses
Send me 📜 + an oc/fic and I’ll give you a piece of worldbuilding from their story
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Five facts about my favourite OC:
Hal (Peaky Blinders) – Practically grew up with the Shelbys as his family, considering them closer than his own flesh and blood; Hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol since his mother’s death, sure there have been times where he was tempted to, but he restrains himself; Was the first of the Peaky Blinders to sign up for the War, determined to help with everything; Used to make up excuses to take his car to Cece to look at before the two of them officially started seeing each other; Has never really had an ear for languages, but was always determined to learn at least a little Welsh for Cece.
Four things I’m most excited to write for:
Oskar and Frankie being there for each other (Detroit: Become Human); Matt and Lucy date (Until Dawn); Just anything really where Lily and Eggsy get to interact (Kingsman); Part of me really wants to write something about A.J. and Jason being reunited (Nightwing).
Three OTPs and why:
Annie and Malcolm (Prodigal Son), I’ve not done much for them, but the way they look out for each other is something that I’m excited to explore more of; Alina and Marcus (A Discovery of Witches), I always love writing for their dynamic, and the gentle teasing that they have but complete care is something I adore; Lucy and Matt (Until Dawn), there’s something sweet about writing for them that I enjoy, even if I’ve not done much for it.
Two fic authors I adore and their OCs:
pondsocs - Cassiopea (Harry Potter), because after the Halloween crossover I can’t help thinking of her with a smile on my face; fiercefray’s Cami and Eden (Constantine) will always have a very special place in my heart.
One WIP paragraph:
From Elements, Brains and Fangs (Teen Wolf): She let out a long breath. ‘Oh yeah,’ she said, turning her attention away from Stiles and bouncing her leg slightly. ‘Totally can’t wait.’ She paused before finally looking at Stiles, trying for a bright smile but worrying that it came across like a grimace. ‘Anyway, I should go in and hear the death sentence that’s been passed on me for sneaking out. See you tomorrow.’
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letterstotheflre · 3 years
congrats on 1k again my love, for the celebration- 📜 sirius black and maybe a little best friend to lovers action? like a confession or smth- but seriously anything you want because your writing is so beautiful <
this turned into a whole fic lmao
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(you kiss on side walks) you fight and you talk
i suck so much at friends to lovers and confessions, so i had to make it an angry love confession cause i'm emotionally constipated lmao.
word count: 1.5k
warnings: mentions of sexual harrasment
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sirius doesn’t realise that you left the scene until james pushes him against the wall, the jagged bricks pressing against his back. he’s panting, his breaths coming out as smoke in the cold november night.
“get your shit together, man,” snaps james, his eyes scanning over the purple bruise that’s already showing on sirius’s left cheek.
sirius can’t focus on james; his eyes are glazed over in anger, a faraway look in them. he can still see the way that guy had groped you, the creep’s hand sneakily squeezing your ass as you stumbled drunkenly next to sirius. he can still hear the surprised squeak you let out, how you had turned around with your cheeks puffed out in anger, courtesy of the liquid courage coursing through your veins. the way you recoiled back into sirius when the guy stepped forward.
you had never been good with confrontation, especially with men. no matter how uncomfortable you got, there was a lingering fear that clung to the back of your mind, one that made you believe that if you fought back it would be worse for you.
so you kept quiet.
luckily for you, sirius had no qualms about violence, especially when it came to defending his friends.
it had always given him an incomprehensible rush. it made him dizzy with power when he felt bones cracking under his hands, adrenaline coursing through his veins when he hit muscle.
the first time it happened, you asked him why he did it. he shrugged, a very faint blush coating his scratched cheeks but he smirked, trying to play it off. “just defending your honor,” he had spoken in jest, but there was a softness to his words— a hidden depth.
sirius blinks repeatedly, his tongue wetting his lips and tasting copper. oh, he thinks, guess the guy did manage a few punches after all.
“where is she?” he asks, worry coating his voice when he doesn’t see you around. you're not hugging lily as you normally do in these moments, letting the redhead soothe you with her caring touch. you're not gripping remus’s lanky arm either, but remus is shaking his head reproachedly, like always.
“after she found me, she left,” james’s voice catches his attention once more.
“and you let her go alone? at 3am?” he snarks, his eyes narrowed.
james lowers his arms, making sirius stumble a little after losing his stability. “sorry,” the sarcasm is clear. “i was a little busy trying to keep you from beating that guy into a pulp. y’re lucky the police didn’t show up.”
he’s about to explain himself, but his mind keeps conjuring up images of you walking alone in the dark. “where did she go?”
james knows what he’s thinking, so he sighs and nods to the left.
sirius clasps him on the shoulder and starts running, trying to catch up to you. he curses you in his mind, why’d you have to be such a fast walker?
about three blocks in he hears heels clicking against cobblestones, a feminine figure walking with her head down and her arms around her waist trying to keep warm. that's when he notices the jacket, and the patch on the back. his jacket.
he calls your name. well, it's more of a shout. you stop walking for a second, wandering if you should let him catch up or keep walking, but you don't get a choice because sirius barrells into you.
"sorry, sorry," he pants, softly squeezing your shoulders. he notices your eyes are a little red, and you sniffle as you step away from him. his heart breaks a little when you do. "why— why did you leave?"
you furrow your eyebrows. "that's what you want to say to me?"
sirius gulps. he doesn't like the underlining anger in your voice. "i just— you shouldn't be walking alone at this time. s’dangerous.”
you roll your eyes. “right, because you’ll just swoop in and beat the shit out of someone if needed. my hero.”
sirius narrows his eyes. “don’t take that tone with me. i did it to defend you, why are you so mad about it?”
"god, sirius, you looked insane!" you cry out. "the poor guy had blood dripping down his face and— and you weren't stopping! i had to get james because you kept pushing me away." then you speak quitely, vulnerably, "it was so scary."
'you were scary' hangs in the air, not spoken but implied, and sirius's heart breaks fully this time. and because he's never been good with emotions, he turns to what’s familiar: anger. "what did you want me to do, huh? he touched you," he snarls.
"i know, i'm not saying he didn't deserve it, but one punch would've been enough. not— not that brutal thing you did," you try to make him see sense. "is he alright?"
sirius tenses. he squares his shoulders, prepares for a fight. "why don't you go ask him since you care so much."
you gape at him. "are you kidding me? are you seriously angry at me?"
"yeah! i was defending you, and now you're looking at me like i'm worse than that idiot who groped you and said all those horrible sexual things about you."
"i never asked for you to defend me! you've always done that, even when i told you we should just walk away because i didn't like the attention it brings!"
"well what do you want me to do when i see disgusting men catcalling you or trying to touch you!?" he steps forward with every word, anger coursing through his veins. "or my personal favourite, when i caught one guy trying to slip a pill into your drink? what do you want me to do, huh?"
you cower at his tone and the memories he brings up, but you still stand your ground. you raise your head and stare straight into his stormy eyes, nostrils flaring. "why do you care so much?! you never get like this with marlene or lily!"
sirius wishes he could hold back his tongue, that he had some semblance of self control. unfortunately, he doesn't. "because i love you, you idiot!"
you freeze up, your arms falling to your sides as you look at him wide eyed. sirius is so fired up he doesn't notice. "i love you, and i won't just sit back and do nothing when those men talk about you like you are a piece of meat— i can't sit back. because you are brilliant, and smart, and kind and brave but you get so small when they say all that shit and i hate it." he paces back and forth between the brick wall and the curb as he rambles. "when they touch you or whistle at you i can't take it, i just have to do something! i know you won’t, and that’s okay. i’ll do it for you, i’ll do anything for you." he cups your face softly.
he pants as he looks at you, chest heaving up and down with rapid velocity. "you love me?" you whisper disbelievingly.
sirius's mind finally caught up to his tongue. "shit," he curses, his hands falling from your face. "fuck," he turns around, gripping his hair and pulling it in frustration.
this is not the way he wanted to tell you.
he walks away, cursing at himself in a low voice when a tight grip on his arm turns him around.
"look, i—" he's caught off by a pair of lips. your lips.
you kiss him timidly, testing the waters, still a little afraid that he didn't mean it like that. but when sirius finally relaxes against you and pulls you close to him by the waist, the kiss turns hungry.
he kisses you like he's been waiting years to do so, like now that he's got a taste he can't bring himself to stop. he still tastes of vodka and lucky charms and blood, but it’s so irrevocably “sirius” that you savour it gladly. your fingers grip the collar of his leather jacket, trying to pull him closer and closer and closer even though it's impossible.
he bites your lower lip, swallowing the moan you let out with a smirk. your teeth clash together, but you're so desperate for him you can't bring yourself to care.
then, it turns slow, lips dancing together like waves meeting the shore. "i love you," you whisper against his mouth and you kiss him again.
"i love you," a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "i love you," a kiss on your nose. "i love you," a kiss on his cheek. "i love you," a kiss on your forehead. "i love you," a kiss under his jaw.
"i love you," whispered while looking into each others eyes, smiles wide and letting the wind carry it home.
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