#''next week?'' no i have finals coming up and they're gonna be rough and i need to study
reginaofdoctorwho · 1 year
i got asked out again by bi dude! i said maybe!!!
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ma1dita · 2 months
im begging on my knees for you to see my vision of riding Luke in the driver’s seat of a car after a stressful and dangerous quest 😩😭 THE TENSION!? THE ROUGHNESS??
luke castellan x reader
a/n: it's 7am... i... don't know either. smut. unprotected sex. semi public. slight exhibitionism
wc: 835
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riding luke in the driver's seat of a car he stole while accompanying you on your first official quest.... having a car was a quicker way to get the job done he said, and chris also reasoned the old lady they carjacked won't know what she's missing. with two sons of hermes against you, even if you disagreed with them they still wouldn't hear a single complaint from your lips once you could sit in the ac instead of trod through the summer midwestern heat.
a week later you're sitting in the parking lot of a motel in rural illinois. one second you're grinning over the success of your quest and waiting for chris to come back with the room key and the next second luke's pulling you over the console into a bruising kiss that makes his cracked lips bleed. days ago you remember watching luke pick the locks of this car just as easy as he flicks your belt open just now, your knees digging into the hot metal of the seatbelt mechanism next to his thighs as you rise up from your haunches and he can see the sweat glistening on your tummy, back arching over the steering wheel. your shirt flies over his shoulders and lands somewhere in the backseat. shorts following as quick as he can pull them off you, slick rubbing against the meat of your thighs so much that when you sit back down on his lap he can feel it through his jeans---the heat isn't just coming from the red glow of the motel sign almost vibrating with the words 'open 24/7'.
he presses your back across the wheel, one hand snaking up to your throat and the other dragging your panties to the side for him to peek and prod at in the dim light. with his seat leaned all the way back, he watches you like you're something out of the porn magazine chris jokingly nicked from the gas station earlier, shiny with sweat and something he can smell, desire reeking from every pore of your tired body. demigod aside, you're a fucking fever dream, a nasty thought that keeps luke hard at night until he can jack off when everyone finally goes to sleep in cabin 11. the only thing he'll be thanking the gods for is the fact that his brother left you two long enough for a quick fuck.
"luke, we're still dirty," you mumble, but he knows you couldn't care less, both of you covered in blood and grime and unable to know where he ends and you begin once his fly goes down and you sink onto him like a perfect mold. this is filthier---the feeling of your pussy clenching down on him tight with every thrust of your hips downwards like he'd ever want to leave this small slice of heaven.
"f-fuck, just like that...you're so tight f'me..."
you grab onto his curls to make him look at you in the dim lighting, dipping your fingers into his mouth as you rock your hips hard and he sucks on them like they're covered in nectar---sharp tongue and plump lips dancing around your digits despite the dirt under your nails but he's entranced by the way your eyes roll back once he starts fighting against your rhythm. it's not a competition but with every noise that spills from your lips as he pistons into your sopping warmth, he thinks he might be winning.
"so dirty baby... you're right... feels too good to stop though huh?" he grins at the sound of sticky skin slapping once he bucks his hips up faster. through the steamy windshield, he can see curtains rustling in the windows near where he parked the car. maybe it's the way the whole vehicle is shaking with the force of your hips, the headlights he accidentally turned back on when taking your clothes off, or maybe its the way you're screaming his name like you want someone to hear.
"oh, luke, i can't! slow down, people are gonna...see!"
you're holding onto his shoulders and peeking at his face through teary lashes and this motherfucker has his tongue between his lips smiling---mortals be damned. they can watch if they want, regardless he fucks into you like he means it. until you fall apart on his cock and there are red handprints on your hips from where he pulls you off of him, the both of you pulling at his cock with his hands over yours until hot streaks of cum paint your tummy to your tits.
there's a knock at the window. rolling the window down at eye level, luke makes eye contact with chris who looks at his brother with a knowing grin. you've thrown your head onto his shoulder in embarassment, sandwiching the multiple stains and fluids between your shaking bodies.
"shower's open. you guys were... occupied so i went ahead. you both need it," chris smirks, before sliding luke the extra key card.
and he's right. the both of you need a shower. good thing the next step after getting dirty is scrubbing each other clean, right?
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rogueddie · 3 months
The Final Campfire T | 489 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is a fire that never goes out
Steve and Eddie had a little tradition that has built up over the years; whenever they're both able to get a week off of work, they go camping together.
For a week, they are alone and together.
They haven't been able to go camping for a while now, but it isn't because they don't have time off.
"It's a bad idea," Steve points out.
"One last time," Eddie pleads.
Eddie's hands shake slightly as he takes hold of Steves. They didn't know why his hands sometimes shake, but the doctors had reassured them that it was fine. It was a common thing that comes with old age.
"We can go to one of those tourist type ones so people are close by if we need anything," Eddie adds.
Steve's face scrunches up, emphasizing the wrinkles littering his face. "No. We just... won't go as far into the woods as we used to."
It takes them longer to get ready than usual, but that's mostly because they need more now. Steve's meds alone need their own little bag.
"You remembered to tell Dustin and Suzie?" Eddie asks, as they get in the car the next day.
"Yeah. They said they're gonna tell their little Steve all about it so, if we need help, he'll be ready to come save us."
The woods of Hawkins used to be a scary place. The first few times they went camping, Steve had a rough time of it.
After fifty years, it's hard to feel that same fear. They both have too many happy memories amongst these trees. Too many times where they laughed, cried, played.
"I missed this," Steve admits, reluctantly sitting while Eddie sets up the campfire.
"Yeah, I did too." Eddie pants, finally pulling the last twig down and sitting next to Steve with a groan. "Didn't miss how much fucking work it takes."
Steve laughs, gently batting his arm. "That's nothing new."
Eddie lights a small branch on fire with his lighter, placing it amongst the smaller twigs and dry leaves, slowly setting the campfire alight.
He leans against Steve's side, whilst they watch the flame build, resting his head against his shoulder.
"I love you," Eddie mumbles.
Steve hum, grinning, bringing a hand up to play with his grey hair. "I love you too."
"It's hard to believe that it's been so long."
"Nah. More that, like... I didn't expect you to stick with me this long."
"You remember what I said? First time we were out here?"
"Back when we were dumb and cheesy?"
Eddie is quiet for a moment, before whispering, "yeah, I remember."
Steve presses a gentle, lingering kiss to Eddie's forehead.
They both quietly sit, watching the flames of the campfire dance, Steve's words from so long ago echoing in their heads.
"I don't think I'll ever stop loving you. My love for you will burn long after our fires are extinguished."
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Uncle Jesse x fem reader!!!
where one night he plays a gig at a bar with his band and during a few songs he sings, they lock eyes and he’s really interested in her, so during his break he goes and talks to her and they hit it off. She invites him back to her place and things get a little steamy until her shirt rides up a bit and he sees bruises on her torso. (Insert protective Jesse!!) (tw abuse.) maybe you could use the line “the last guy was a little rough.” But Jesse knows those aren’t those kinds of bruises and that someone later their hands on her
Season 3/4 era
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Sounds Good To Me
Fandom: Full House
Pairing: Jesse Katsopolis x Female Reader 
Characters: Jesse Katsopolis, Female Reader
Word Count: 1363 // Rating: Mature
Summary: Reader and Jesse get off to a good start until her past makes an unpleasant appearance 
Tags/ Warnings: Kissing, Requested Fic, Request, One Night Stand, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Physical Injuries, Bruising, Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence, Angst, Protective Jesse, Jesse and The Rippers, Uncle Jesse, Set around Season 3/4
Notes: Here ya go @americaarse Hope you like it.
Just a memo other requests might be slow as I'm busy next week and this weekend. I'm going to be doing EP fics for his birthday so I'll be ignoring my inbox till they're done lmao
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‘We’ve been Jesse and the Rippers! Thanks for coming out,’ Jesse said as a wave of cheers and applause rippled around the club. He left the stage and headed to the small dressing room the venue owner provided for them. It had been a good show. The crowd liked their material and they’d even managed to sell a good deal of CDs. But that hadn’t been the highlight of his night. No, the highlight of Jesse’s night had been the cute girl who’d been watching him throughout. She didn’t seem to be a fan of theirs, but rather someone who had attended the club they just happened to be playing at, but she couldn’t take her eyes off him. And Jesse loved that. As the band packed up their stuff he headed out into the bar to get himself a drink.
He was standing at the bar, waiting to be served, when he felt someone appear beside him and turned to find the girl from before. She glanced at him and smiled. 
‘Hey,’ Jesse said.
‘Hey,’ she said with a soft smile, ‘great set. You guys are really cool.
‘We like to think so,’ he chuckled. 
‘I mean it. I wasn’t even gonna come out tonight but I’m glad I did,’ she said. 
‘Well how about I make your night a little better,’ he said. 
‘Oh yeah?’ she smirked, ‘how are you gonna do that?’ 
‘Well I’ll start by buying you a drink,’ he said with a smirk.
‘Sounds good to me,’ she smiled.
The guys had decided not to stay after the gig but Jesse didn’t much care. He was having a good time without them. He and Y/N had spent hours tucked away in a booth at the back of the club. She was a nice girl. Sweet, funny and smokin’ hot, just Jesse’s type. As the night wore on and the drinks flowed he found himself losing the thread of the conversation as he started getting distracted by her. The way she moved her hair out of her eyes. The way she smiled when she told him something funny. The way her lips formed a perfect pout as if begging for him to kiss her. She was telling him a story, enraptured in the tale, but he had no clue what was going on. He wanted to kiss her. Badly. 
She seemed to catch him staring and blushed, ‘what?’ she asked after a moment. Jesse didn’t say anything, instead, he leaned in and placed his hand on her cheek before he kissed her tenderly. She tensed for a moment and then melted into it allowing him to continue. He pulled her to him and rolled his tongue against her lip as if asking her to go further. She responded and soon enough they were making out. When she finally pulled back Jesse watched her carefully. She was smiling, though a little shy, and said, ‘wanna take this back to my place?’ 
‘Absolutely,’ he said. 
They left pretty sharpish after that, taking a cab to her apartment. Jesse figured it would probably be better than taking her home and having to explain why kids' toys littered every room in his house. Or having to explain to Joey and Danny who she was and why she was there. They were barely out of the cab before they were back on one another kissing one another as if their life depended on it. She forced them to break away so they could walk up to her apartment, though Jesse couldn’t help but come up behind her as she unlocked her door, kissing down her neck as his hands caressed her sides. 
Once they were inside they were back together trying to make their way to the bedroom without breaking apart for too long. His lips were everywhere, nipping and sucking along her neck as he pushed her jacket off her shoulders. As they got into the bedroom Jesse pulled his shirt off, watching as she climbed onto the bed, lying down and watching him with an inviting smile. 
‘Come here,’ she said beckoning him to her. Jesse didn't have to be told twice. He was on her in a shot, hovering over her as their lips reconnected. He made his way down her neck, his fingers tracing along the hem of her shirt before he hiked it up. She moved up so she could pull it off but as she did he noticed something. 
Across her stomach were deep purple bruises, tinged with green around the edges where they’d started to heal. He stopped in his tracks and so did she, noticing him staring at her. She could see what he was seeing and nervously pulled her t-shirt down so they were no longer on show. 
‘It’s fine,’ she said.
‘Those bruises-’
‘Aren’t a big deal,’ she said going to kiss him again but he pulled back until he was sitting up on the bed. She moved to sit up properly.
‘How did you…’ he said, trailing off mid-sentence. He had his own ideas. None of them good. 
‘Let’s just say the last guy was a little rough,’ she said quietly. Jesse felt rage flow through him. He hated bullies. No matter the context. Those who used their fists to get their point across rather than their words. They made him sick. And he didn’t know how anyone could lay a finger on her. They’d only known each other mere hours but it was clear to him how special she was. 
‘It’s fine,’ she said placing a hand on his knee, ‘and it doesn't have to ruin anything between us. I mean if the bruises bother you I’ll keep my shirt on.’
‘Bother me?’ Jesse baulked loudly making her wince, ‘sorry. Honey, I’m not bothered by them. Well the look of them anyway. I’m bothered by the person who did this to you. They shouldn’t be able to get away with this.’
‘It’s not a big deal,’ she said self-consciously. 
‘Yes it is,’ he said as he placed his hand on her knee, ‘you’re a great girl. And whoever this guy is he didn’t deserve you. He doesn’t deserve any woman.’
‘I know that,’ she said quietly. Jesse could see something behind her expression as if she wanted to say something but she was holding herself back whether in fear of him judging her or admitting to whatever it was. 
‘But?’ he said gently. She looked up at him panic-stricken, ‘you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.’ 
‘No it's okay,’ she said, ‘it’s just…I know it’s wrong. I know I shouldn’t let him in but he talks me around. Every time I tell him it’s done and every time he lures me back in until something like this happens. Then it’s like I see sense. You must think I’m really stupid.
‘I don't think you're stupid. Guys like that are just good at getting their way. They know all the cards to play to make you trust them again. It doesn't mean you're stupid for believing they might be a decent human for once,’ he said. Y/N nodded. 
They sat in silence for a moment and she looked up at him with a meek smile as she said, ‘I bet this wasn’t the night you were planning on huh?’
‘Eh,’ he shrugged, ‘I had a good gig, a few drinks and I got to hang out with a pretty girl. I can’t complain.’ 
‘Still a bit of a mood killer though,’ she said. 
‘Maybe,’ he said, ‘but maybe it just gives us a chance to take another run at this whole first date thing.’
‘You wanna go on a date?’ she said.
‘Well, we did take this thing at a hundred miles an hour. Maybe we just need to slow down a little bit,’ he said with a smile. 
‘Sounds good to me,’ she replied.
‘Though,’ Jesse said, clearing his throat, ‘I’m still hoping for something.’
‘What’s that?’ she said in a whisper. 
‘That I can keep kissing you,’ he said, ‘just for a little while longer.’
‘Like I said. Sounds good to me,’ she replied.
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via-val · 2 years
listen i love timkon/timberkon just as much as the next person but lately i have been Obsessed with the idea of kon just being this Straight Dude that's so comfortable with his sexuality that he freely holds hands with his male friends and kisses the homies goodnight without it having any further meaning
fast forward to tim realizing he's bi and may have had feelings for kon, postponing coming out to him because of this very reason. listen tim is Stressed. he's like "okay maybe i dont like kon anymore but in hindsight there's A Lot of evidence pointing out to the fact that *kon likes me* and how do i tell him i've got a bf without making him feel bad..." teenage angst u know the drill. it gets so bad that even bernard is like "well maybe he likes u but he still is your best friend like, tim, honey, he might have a rough time accepting it but it's not like he's gonna come kill me or anything... righttt?" and yeah no he's right. he's right.
so finally tim comes out to kon and he tries to make it like an innocent comment, something quick and easy to slip into conversation to soften the blow... and kon kinda stops like "you've got a bf???" and tim is like mentally preparing himself to deal with whatever comes but kon just goes "dude that's dope!! lemme know when i can meet him!" and that's... that
tim being tim is Not Convinced kon isn't just swallowing his feelings so he like, siccs steph and cassie and bart onto kon so he has someone to talk to and they're all like "heyyy, so did tim tell you he's got a bf??" and kon is always like "yeah that's cool, i didn't know he was bi lol". Everyone Worries. they're all waiting for the inevitable breakdown but weeks go by and it just... never comes??? things remain as normal and kon doesn't seem to be struggling or whatever so finally jon deadass stops kon like "dude are you aight??" and kon is all "???? are you alright???" "no i mean i am but like, idk how youve been feeling since tim's got a bf and... yknow" "actually i dont???" three seconds of awkward staring later "DO YOU THINK IM HOMOPHOBIC???? HAVE I BEEN MEAN TO YOU OR JAY????" "WHAT NO" cue the most fucking insane "it's okay to be sad if you like tim" "i don't like tim??? i don't like boys???" "kon it's like... okay... you don't have to den-" "jonathan i dont like men??? did you think i liked men????" "well we kinda assumed-" "DOES EVERYONE THINK I LIKE MEN???"
tim gets woken up at like three am by kon blowing up the young justice chat like "fyi i like only WOMEN!!! WOMEN!!!" and everyone collectively losing their shit because holy shit kon is straight????
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dk-wren · 3 months
A Letter to the Me I Was Four Years Ago Today
Hey Dakota,
Or, perhaps, I should address you as *****. I don't think we were Dakota quite yet.
In a few weeks, your whole life is gonna change. Okay, maybe a bit hyperbolic compared to the situations other people are also about to experience. But, take your time and enjoy today.
Its leap day, an extra day to do something, so take advantage of this supposedly "extra day of magic." I know you worked hard to get your homework under control so we could see the new Magic Happens parade on its opening weekend.
I remember the joy of getting to text our good friend "Happy birthday" on their actual birthday and not figure out if I should text them on the 28th or the 1st. The anticipation of waiting in a crowd of people to see this new parade, which could possibly run for the next decade like its predecessor. And sharing the specialty sundae at Gibson Girl and some of the dishes at this year's Food and Wine Festival with Dad. That chicken in a waffle taco was so good.
Smile and take your mind off of the pile of work you know you still have waiting at home, the APs you should be studying for, not to mention your upcoming SAT. That Coco float is more beautiful than anything you could have imagined and the Moana float is just beautiful.
You don't know it, but this will be your last trip to Disneyland as an annual passholder, or really your last normal day off for a while. In two weeks the world's gonna shut down, and no amount of optimism we try to muster will keep that initial two weeks as two weeks. But before that, take my advice, you should definitely apply to that Life is Strange fanzine you saw on Twitter. Then, you'll finally know who Dakota is. And who knows what else you may discover on this path.
Also, what took you so long to start writing for you? I know junior year of high school is not known for students having a lot any free time, but if this is what you wanna do for the rest of your life, you gotta start sooner than later. And hey, call me a hypocrite, I know I'm still trying to find a good work/life balance. But we're getting to use our free time in a way that makes us happy and productive. Just keep writing.
Over the next four, really two, years, you're gonna lose contact with a lot of friends. But the two who you do stay in contact with, let's just say you wouldn't wanna be (occasionally) texting with anyone else. They are gonna make you feel safe to be yourself and introduce you to some future obsessions. One of them will be the inspiration for the first piece you write truly for you and for fun. And they're gonna be so supportive when you tell them about what you've been up to/asking their help for.
There's gonna be a lot of rough nights and disappointments before you graduate. And the decision of what to do about college, let those tears fall. There's no need to keep holding those emotions in. It's a tough choice and while I'm still in the middle of it, who's to say I made the right decision. But, I can tell you this, you are gonna be so much happier when you start college. Maybe it's not the experience your sibling had or you dreamed of, but you are gonna fall in love with a whole new city with so much to do (and so little time!). And not to be narcissistic, but I know how proud you would be to see all the things I've done so far in my coursework.
Keep listening to that voice telling you to go for it. You're gonna start writing for some of your favorite fandoms (including ones that you'll meet down the line - I'm so excited for you to watch BD and TS for the first time). Then you're gonna join Tumblr, then AO3, and who knows what's next. Some incredibly sweet people will interact with the things you made (yes, you!) and you'll be introduced to so many talented writers and artists on here! Literally, every day I come across multiple fanarts and fics that I can't help but stare at cause they are sooo good!
I know I skipped over a lot of exciting (and not so exciting) things, but that's for you to discover and enjoy in the moment. Enjoy this moment of happiness, and don't let yourself get too consumed with all the things out of your control. I think the parade is just about to start over at It's a Small World. Take care. We'll meet again soon.
Dakota Wren 💜
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saint-bestial · 7 months
@ygoc-week - Day 6
(sooo i know free day is tomorrow's prompt but i didn't really have anything for today's. so i'm gonna do free day today and AU tomorrow if that's ok ;-;)
doing a general lore dump today!! i love rambling about Sylvester, so i thought it'd be fun to talk about a bunch of stuff i couldn't fit elsewhere. i need a bit of a break since i've been drawing nonstop all week. this isn't exhaustive by any means but i know for a fact it'll get long. Sylvester has been in development for like 2 years now and it shows.
i tried to organize everything in rough categories under the cut:
As a Signer Dragon:
like the rest of the Signer Dragons, Sylvester was created by the Crimson Dragon to serve it and the Signers. he participated in the Signer Wars of the past, fighting Earthbound Immortals by air and sea.
his main ability was producing electricity. the orange markings that ran down the sides of his body and tail gave off devastating electric shocks. additionally, he could fire great bolts of lightning from his mouth. he had a high degree of control over the strength of his electricity, but he could overwhelm his natural resistance and injure himself if not careful.
at first, Sylvester served faithfully like the other dragons. but he soon grew resentful of the cycle of war. his only purpose was to serve the Signers, fight, and then lie in wait until the next Signers were born thousands of years later. he desired more out of his life than simply being used as a weapon.
the Earthbound Immortals, feeding off his negative emotions, approached him with a deal. if he agreed to turn on the Crimson Dragon and help them defeat it, its death would break the cycle of war, thus freeing him from servitude. of course, this would mean sacrificing humanity's existence, but he valued humans very little. he was apathetic at best toward them. so he agreed.
when the Signer War 5,000 years prior to 5Ds began, Sylvester turned on his fellow dragons as planned. he received additional power from the Earthbound Immortals, making him even harder to stop. he mortally wounded Life Stream Dragon and facilitated Ancient Fairy Dragon's capture by Uru. it took both Stardust and Black Rose Dragon to finally subdue him, but a final burst of energy allowed him to break free.
actively dying, Sylvester soared toward the Crimson Dragon to engage with it directly. discharging at full power, he flew into its body as a last ditch effort. he was incinerated instantly by the sacred flames. ultimately, the plan failed and the Signers won the war once again.
Relationship to the other Signer Dragons:
Sylvester's mind may have long forgotten his feud with his brethren, but his soul has not. he feels an ancient anger rising in him if they're summoned in a duel against him. in turn, they become similarly aggressive.
he is capable of understanding Signer Dragon speech during duels, and can respond in dragon tongue. this is done unconsciously, the language is embedded so deeply in him that he can't speak in it at will.
Identity and Body:
Sylvester identifies as nonhuman. he comes to strongly believe he deserves dignity regardless of his species, and that he shouldn't need to act human to be respected.
he has a complicated relationship with the body he inhabits. he frequently suffers from phantom limbs and the sensation of being suffocated, crushed, or otherwise attacked by his own skin. most of the scars on his forearms come from him gouging/biting at his skin during episodes where he can't recognize his own body.
despite all the grief his human body gives him, Sylvester refuses to give it up. it's what allowed him to meet Kiryu and experience a taste of a real life. he wouldn't change anything even though he's been through so much pain.
his attachment to his Signer Dragon self is really weird. he doesn't directly remember anything he did, he only knows what others have told him about himself. and while he wishes he could remember, at the same time he's glad he can't. because if he remembered it would change him. he would become someone else. and deep down he doesn't want that, he wants to be who he is now and free himself from all the expectations and preconceptions heaped onto him. and that's the real reason the Dark Signers can't bring him back to his full dragon form.
he can and does talk when he has to, but it's not his preferred method of communicating. his voice is low and rough sounding.
due to being a duel spirit, the process of becoming a Dark Signer produced strange effects on his body. he gained longer, sharper teeth, which he kept even after proper resurrection. notably, he would temporarily grow scales, fins, or even small extra limbs for brief periods of time. they would simply disintegrate, though. despite not needing to eat, he became constantly hungry for raw meat and fish.
after being revived after the Dark Signer arc, he would sometimes experience digestive issues after eating non-meat foods. the issue comes and goes, tending to occur more often in periods of high stress.
if Sylvester's soul were to be removed or partly removed from his body, his eyes would change from orange with a soft glow to blue. the host body has blue eyes, which are overwritten when Sylvester is inside.
On Death:
Sylvester has died three times. Once as a dragon, again as a human, and lastly as a Dark Signer. he's terrified of dying again because he's afraid of being brought back. there's always some god deciding he isn't done.
mostly, though, he fears being separated from Kiryu. he even briefly researches complete fusion at some point, an act that would ensure they can never be apart from each other even in death. ultimately, he decides against this. (this process would combine them into a single consciousness to create an entirely new self, it wouldn't be like a judai and yubel thing)
he prefers to shower or bathe at least once a day. being dirty just makes the body more unbearable to be in than it already is. he's pretty good about his personal hygiene.
prone to getting depressed if he hasn't been near the ocean in a while. becomes a big problem when he lives permanently in Satisfaction Town. when Sylvester starts getting apathetic and laying around the house, Kiryu knows he should schedule a beach trip soon.
he enjoys physical activity like climbing, running on all fours, etc. he needs enrichment or else he'll get bored.
likes to have small, dark, enclosed spaces to hide. closets are typically best for this.
needs things to chew on
Affection and Intimacy:
after Sylvester and Kiryu become a thing, Sylvester is very physically affectionate toward him at least in private. he's like a cat, rubbing his face on him and laying all over him. a really big cat.
he nibbles too, but he's careful with his fangs.
he reeeally likes to lay on top of Kiryu while Kiryu talks to him and pets him. one of the most effective ways to get him to relax.
Sylvester also likes to show his affection in more practical ways like doing favors and such. care is kind of a big thing for him. he'll brush out Kiryu's hair and help him wash it once it starts getting long. bc good god Kiryu doesn't take care of it and it gets so bad.
doesn't really care for PDA. he's too anxious in public settings to focus on it.
Stuff he likes:
cats!!! he loves cats!!! he likes to collect cat-related objects!!! he's been carrying around an old cat plush he found since he was a kid!!!
speaking of which. he loves plushies. so much. there are so many on the bed.
anything to do with the ocean. fish, birds, water, beaches, anything. he also really loves to eat fish.
there is a part of him that will crave violence always. hey man you can't shove a giant predatory creature into a human body and expect him to not want to do predatory creature things. if someone is an ass to Kiryu he will look at him with sad puppy eyes like Can I Maul Them.
his animals :) besides all the stray cats that hang out he ends up getting some chickens and even a horse. the horse's name is Tempest and he's a black and white paint horse. eventually he gets himself a fish tank too.
to Sylvester dueling is more like a mechanism for survival than a fun hobby. he learned how to do it in Satellite because it was a way to avoid a physical altercation in some situations. he prefers to win as quickly as possible.
his first deck before he got his current one was composed of dragon cards.
in terms of skill, he's about equal to Kiryu. they've both won and lost duels against each other.
Sylvester's salvaged dragon card slowly heals post Crash Town arc. it appears less decayed visually until fully recovering and gaining a new effect. it is distinctly different from how he looked as a Signer Dragon, combining its design with new elements. it represents Sylvester making peace with himself and his place in the world.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
If you have the time and inclination I would absolutely love a list of the best sex scenes you’ve read this year!
For sure!
Managed by Kristen Callihan. I actually just read this one and this scene... lives rent free in my head, as they say. The hero and heroine are platonic friends but staying together while the band he manages is on tour, and he finds her dirty underwear in their shared bathroom... Inhales it... and uses it to jack off. She later finds this underwear (handwashed) underneath his mattress. What makes this scene especially good is that a) he's so uptight and snappish and this is truly deranged behavior b) she starts knocking on the door mid-masturbation which *REALLY* does it for him. If that doesn't seem like ~sex to y'all, there's also a scene where he's fingerfucking her after he comes inside her and starts pushing his cum back in there. That was also nice. (THIS. HERO.)
The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe. Obviously, the guided masturbation carriage scene. What makes this scene really really good is that he does not touch himself at all during, and just stares at her like a hungry dog.
Lothaire by Kresley Cole. Like, every sex scene in this book is an absolute banger... The dry humping on the couch when he bites her lip to scare her, is shocked when she grabs the back of his head to kiss him even harder, and completely loses his mind; the scene that goes from him biting and sucking on her finger in a trance like it's his pacifier to like.... straight tittyfucking and light d/s; the "let me give you boundless pleasure because I'm probably gonna have to kill you next week" scene, after which Ellie bursts into tears and he stares at the ceiling trying to convince himself that he doesn't love her; the "Ellie loses her virginity on the couch and it's actually very sweet because he's so nervous about accidentally murdering her" scene, which begins with his knee bouncing with anxiety because he wants her first fucking to be superlative; the blood blowjob/69 -> rough "TELL ME YOU LOVE ME" sex (she does not tell him), which is also, despite being written on the page, somehow the loudest sex scene ever, RIP for his neighbors.
Lead by Kylie Scott. I really love the "let's fuck on my kitchen table to get it out of our systems" scene, but I really really love the scene where Jimmy and Lena have SUPER INTIMATE MISSIONARY KISSING SEX and he's never had that kind of sex before and it's verrrrrrry intense.
Of Visions and Secrets by Kathryn Ann Kingsley. The hero is possessed by an evil monster thing that takes over him and kills when people scream, so he's very specifically like "I am going to fuck you on my desk now, DO NOT SCREAM" and when she does start to scream, he gags her with his bowtie. Great choice.
Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid. The scene where Ilya wins MVP or whatever so he makes Shane edge himself in front of him while Ilya sits there, fully clothed, drinking vodka, super cool, calm, and collected, UNTIL HE ISN'T and he has to go over there and fuck him IMMEDIATELY. And they're in a penthouse where nobody can hear them so they're finally able to be as loud and wild as they've always wanted to be.
The Long Game by Rachel Reid. This is the sequel to Heated Rivalry but I'm doing it anywaaaay because the scene where Ilya fucks Shane in his trophy room??? To hype him up about all his accomplishments??? And afterwards they're like "that got weird"? It was so soft and couple-y????
MacRieve by Kresley Cole. The "pump her full of cum with positive vibes or she'll LITERALLY DIE" scene. The heroine is a succubus, and has to receive semen to live, that's just the facts. The hero has a lot of succubus-related trauma and so while they had enjoyable sex (eventually) his feelings of self-loathing and resentment basically affected the... product quality. So she got SICK. And was DYING. And he took her to her succubus relatives and they were like she needs POSITIVE VIBES CUM and YOU CAN'T GIVE HER THAT so don't worry, we have TRAINED HEALERS who CAN. And, being a Kresley Cole werewolf (whose primary drive is to Guard and Protect the Pussy and Satisfy It), he basically short circuited and was like OH I'M GONNA GIVE HER ALL THE POSITIVE VIBES. Glorious. Chef's kiss. So glad I read this novel.
Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley. Hero and heroine are separated marrieds having breakfast together, and they basically start teasing each other. I think he's all "haha I have food on my thumb bet you won't lick it off" and she's like "oh put it on your dick and see what I'll do then asshole" and he is SHAKEN. Anyway, devolves into a lot of oral sex at the breakfast table.
When the Duke Was Wicked by Lorraine Heath. Hero licks rum off the heroine's pussy in his office, I've discussed this one a lot and I still love it. I think my favorite part is when they're in the carriage on the way home after and he's thinking to himself like "well that escalated quickly; that got really out of hand".
Preferential Treatment by Heather Guerre. It's a tie between when the heroine reverse cowgirl'd the hero in his chair while they played chess and he had to keep from coming until she said he could (they're in a femdom relationship)... or the scene where the heroine spanks the hero for being bad before they have super passionate sex on the floor. Or the scene where they're Facetiming and he has a vibrating cock ring on and she quizzes him on facts about her and every time he gets a question wrong she takes the vibration up a level?
Run, Run Rabbit by C.M. Nascosta. I really enjoy .... all the sex in this book? Though I think the sexiest scene actually isn't a sex scene--it's when the hero, who is a werewolf, can smell that the heroine (also a werewolf) is aroused and leans in and is like "You smell like prey". But there's also a scene later on where she's riding his face and is like "maybe I can smother this asshole with my vagina" and that was great.
Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole. The scene where Rydstrom tied Sabine to a tree and ate her out all night, never letting her come (as revenge for his own edging imprisonment lmao). Made funnier when she has a meltdown the next day and is like "AND MY BOOBS ARE ALL RED AND SCRATCHY BECAUSE YOU JUST WENT TO TOWN ON THEM ALL LAST NIGHT" and he's like ".... my bad".
When the Earl Met His Match by Stacy Reid. Hero and heroine have really passionate sex after their marriage hits the rocks re: many issues, and she says I love you for the first time when she comes and it's like.... oops.
The Hawk by Monica McCarty. Hero and heroine are on a raft that's getting rocked by a storm, and in order to distract her he naturally starts having sex with her, and the waves literally enhance his stroke game. Iconic.
Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole. Conrad and Neomi's first time was so good--in part because he was like, a 300+ year old virgin, and in part because there was such a great buildup to them being able to touch, let alone have sex. Also, like, every sex scene with this pairing is him being on the brink of mindless madness and Neomi being like "WHOOOOAAAA BESSIE" and I love that. So much.
A Caribbean Heiress in Paris by Adriana Herrera. The fingerbanging scene on the Eiffel Tower. It's LIT!
The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham. The big femdom sex scene in the book is so good. Not only because we rarely see femdom in historicals, but because it's such a beautiful moment wherein the hero is finally truly himself with the heroine, and she unlocks an aspect of herself she hadn't really been able to access before. Also, bondage.
Forbidden by Elizabeth Lowell. There's a scene (hint o' femdom, I'd say) where the hero and heroine have really fallen out, and he's being such a cold dick to her, and refuses to touch her. So she starts touching him all over while he tries not to react (and fails). It's again, a surprisingly femdom-coded scene for a 90s historical, and I really loved his gradual caving to her.... ministrations.
How to Steal A Scoundrel's Heart by Vivienne Lorret. Hero and heroine both think she's not a virgin, so during their first time he sticks it in kinda abruptly. They both immediately realize that she was wrong and she just didn't understand what losing your virginity constitutes lmao. So he pulls out and slowly starts over, beginning by eating her out. And he licks the virgin's blood~ (which also occurs in Lothaire, as I realized a few weeks ago).
A Week to Be Wicked by Tessa Dare. Everyone loves the dry humping through a sheet scene, and they love it for a reason.
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall. The (trans) heroine tops the hero in their first sex scene, and I believe it's the first time she's had sex ever--certainly since she transitioned. It's a really lovely, vulnerable scene, and I found it to be super well done.
Heartbreaker by Sarah MacLean. The first time Clayborn goes down on Adelaide and realizes that she has a praise kink... So he proceeds to praise her super hard.
Fuck! Forgot these:
Bound to the Battle God by Ruby Dixon. Heroine eats this super juicy piece of fruit while the hero eats her out. Very much a memory maker.
Sworn to the Shadow God by Ruby Dixon. Heroine and hero start making out but she pumps the breaks and tells him she’s on her period. He’s like “I am the god of death, blood doesn’t concern me” and fingers her anyway.
Wed to the Wild God by Ruby Dixon. Heroine pegs the god of the wild and he comes so hard that a giant acorn falls from the tree above and hits her in the head mid-stroke.
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inkabelledesigns · 1 year
Hey, been having a pretty rough start to the week, and really, a rough several weeks. Lots going on, lots of dread about the world, honestly just wanna go back to bed. But we're trying to look on the bright side and appreciate the little things. So I'm gonna list some good things that have happened recently and that are coming up so we can psych ourselves up. I find that putting something down on paper or in a place where I can see it makes it easier to embrace and appreciate, makes it more visual.
-Someone left a really sweet comment in the tags of my Gooliope custom. I've noticed a lot of people liking that post, and I love all the kind words in the tags so much. Thank you! She's one of my favorite dolls, and it makes me happy that she sparks joy for more than just me.
-I got to see my middle sister for her spring break. She just left to head back to school, but the time she was here was great. We celebrated my mom's birthday with a lot of great food and laughter, and there were many late night conversations that were fun. It was nice to reconnect.
-I got to play Animal Crossing for the first time and found that I love the fishing in it! It's a really fun game and I want to get back to it soon. I also found the Sanrio Amiibo cards for cheap, and I'm eager to see how they function once I'm a bit farther in.
-I'm slated to go to a convention soon! I can't wait to put my cosplays back on and go to panels. Two really awesome voice actors are going to be there, and I'm gonna try and work up the courage to take photos with other cosplayers. I'm especially excited to see the cosplay performers, I missed that last year but won't be this time!
-Another Splatfest is coming up! I can't wait to play more of Tricolor battles, they're such a good time. Thinking of playing on Team Nessie, but we'll see, depends on what my teammates think. I'm not a competitive player, I just have a group of four that enjoys playing together.
-It's my birthday next week (and also international mermaid day)! I'm not sure how I'm gonna celebrate just yet, but I do want to celebrate. I may ask my mom if we can go out to Goodwill or something during the day, I've wanted to check it out for a long time. I have friends who are streaming that night that I'd like to watch, but I'd also like to make some time for my annual birthday stream that week. Birthdays tend to be a time where you talk to a lot of people who haven't checked in in a while, and while I can get a little overstimulated, I do love having a portion of the night where I get to see a bunch of my friends for some drawing or other art. It's the one time of year where I like being the center of attention, it means getting to decide what I want to do and getting to do it together with the people I love. <3
-My persona doll is closer to done! She has a face, she has hair, she has shoe options that I can paint, she just needs clothes and wings (she's a fairy, and I'm debating how I wanna do them). I have some new clothing patterns that I'm excited to try out for her too. It's so cool to finally have a doll that feels closer to me. I loved drawing a face on G3 Draculaura.
-Dollightful released a new video showing off some of the face sculpts for G3 Monster High dolls, and I'm really excited about that! It got me wanting to customize more of G3, namely Lagoona, I have a great idea for a Shiny Vaporeon doll for her, but we'll have to see if it sticks. It also got me going on collecting resources for customizing G3 dolls, I have a post in my drafts that I wanna share soon that may help other doll customizers out.
-I got to design a character that I absolutely love, and brainstorming about it with my friends has been really fun. It's really pushing me to try more with hair. Been feeling really grateful for my friends in general, both those I talk to daily and the ones I haven't seen in a while. You're all wonderful and I'm so fortunate to have you in my life. <3
-Actually, I'm having a lot of fun all around! I got a great new idea for an AU where Henry is a guardian angel type character to Joey and gets stripped of his powers, so now Susie is watching over him and the studio with a cartoon Alice to show her the ropes, and it's SO FUN! I may have to bring that to my Bendy blog at some point. I'm brimming with ideas and gosh I wish I had more time to do art and audio for it, I'd love to voice some skits with Susie and Alice talking to each other.
-Mario Day passed and I finally got my hands on Bowser's Amiibo (thank you little sister for helping me out). I haven't collected Amiibo in a long time, but the siblings and I used to, and this is one we missed. I look forward to training him in Smash Bros. It'd be fun to pit him against Leg Day (Wii Fit Trainer) and Knave (Sonic).
-Been having a lot of fun at the Streamily Livestreams with the Bendy voice cast, lots of really funny fandom memes have come out of those and it's great. They never fail to make me smile. Been having a lot of fun at the ShazzandBoo Pokemon Livestreams too, what an absolute treat those have been!
Yeah, maybe life isn't so bad. There are a lot of things stressing me out, but there's so much to look forward to and enjoy, and those are the moments I'm gonna live for. Life is too short to let it keep you down, so we're gonna do our best and make it through!
Here's sending all of you the good vibes for a great Tuesday, a great week, and a great rest of March! Love you so much!
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per-oceanum · 3 months
How would you describe your favorite OC?
How dare you ask me the MOST DIFFICULT ONE- /j
This is genuinely difficult for me bc I love all of my OCs, but I'll keep it to one of the ones I have for OP for this.
This is Suma. She's 21. She likes the color pink. She doesn't like skirts because she can't move the way she wants without the fear of accidentally flashing someone. She's also a Gunner / Explosives Expert for the Straw Hats! She had a pet snake when she was little named Bubble. She's hard-headed, can be difficult at times, and doesn't trust easy. But God, she would do anything for the crew she's come to love, despite keeping them all at an arm's length for so long.
Tumblr media
[ art by: spitfiregobrr on x. ]
And here is where I'm gonna drop this under a cut because we have some trigger warnings:
-Attempting to kill your child
-Child abuse
-Patricide / Matricide
-Attempting to kill your sibling ( Cain & Abel Complex )
-Loss of loved ones.
Suma goes from "I am not your pet. I never liked you, I don't care about you, I won't wait for you. I bite." to "I'm not a violent dog. I don't know why I bite."
She comes from Janoshima, an island in the East Blue, where her family is the ruling royalty there. Technically, she's a princess, but don't call her that. When she was born, her mother [ Daiyū ] already had four other children. Two of which she tried to kill. She almost succeeded with Suma.
So. Her aunt, Ayame, took Suma in as her daughter. For seven years, Suma lived in Janoshima. She was raised alongside Ayame's children, was treated like she was her child. Until Daisuke & Daiyu returned- and took Suma back. From there, her life went from living like a Princess ( literally ) to a living hell.
I'll spare the details, but Suma's tongue was split ( against her will ) at 13, and she has a branded 'P' on her wrist from her mother.
When she was fourteen, Mizuki- one of her older sisters- killed their parents while they were all out at sea, and Kiyomi, the eldest child, took control of the Sapphire Serpent. Suma remained on the ship until she was nineteen, when she and Kiyomi got into an argument and Kiyomi, in retaliation, chummed the water and shoved Suma in.
Suma made it to port, and spent the next year in the Grand Line, island hopping- until running into the Straw Hats in Alabasta and, in a failed attempt to pickpocket Sanji ( getting caught by Zoro ), unintentionally joins the Straw Hats.
She's with them until the events of Sabaody, where she learns that Ayame had returned to the sea- AND been captured & thrown into Impel, with a looming execution date over her head. Pair that with Kuma McBapping everyone into the ether, well.
Suma had it rough.
And it got worse when she learned, weeks later, that her aunt sacrificed herself to save Ace at Marineford. ( we love donuts here. )
Suma was stuck on an island called Gravedigger Island for the two years of the timeskip; there, she meets Marigold and Drew Kiciloff who essentially adopt her into their family. They teach her how to actually fight in hand to hand combat, then with a sword, and finally return her guns to her to begin using it all in combination with one another. Marigold is the one she calls Father, now. Drew is her sister.
Literal weeks before she reunites with the Straw Hats- Mizuki finds her on pure accident. And they fight. It's not good. Suma blows up the beach. Mizuki tries to, literally, rip out Suma's guts. Mizuki gets some fun injuries of her own, and escapes. Suma- at the point of returning to the Straw Hats:
-Has beefed tf up. Went from the soft, sweet chubbiness of a princess who lived a good life to having the ability to break open a watermelon with her thighs, and throw punches like a MMA fighter.
-Is no longer holding everyone at arm's length but rather HUGS everyone the first time she sees them and immediately starts checking them over to make sure THEY'RE okay
-Is still healing from the rib to hip, cross stomach gashes from her own sister.
-Finally healed from her trauma.
( of course that's not the end of shit for her but. That's where her story is so far. )
This became so much longer than I anticipated I hope you enjoy reading BYE.
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monsterrae1 · 2 years
Buddie Fanfics Masterpost
One shots:
You're not my home land anymore (so who am I defending now)
5.5k | Read on AO3
Buck thought that he and Eddie were in the same page, when Eddie starts dating Ana its very clear that they werent, so whos gonna mend Buck's broken heart?
Always taste like you
2.4k | Read on AO3
(A story about Buck and Eddie’s relationship, or lack thereof, told by Eddie)
Eddie still didn’t understand what it was that he had with Buck. Eddie and Buck start sleeping together, but they dont talk about it, Eddie wants more, Buck apparently is happy with how things are, how long can Eddie go like this?
Tis the damn season
5.2k | Read on AO3
Evan and Eddie met one night and fall into bed, for the next four years they keep coming back to each other. Would they be able to keep each other?
Eddie Diaz discovers the secrets of the universe
3.9k | Read on AO3
After leaving the 118 Eddie has too much time on his hands and comes across a book that would change his life. He finds himself dealing with all his past repression and trauma, coming the other side better, happier.
You weren't mine to lose
4.3k | Read on AO3
There's a Gallery in New York with objects from failed relationships and people that've left, it's called the "Broken Hearts Gallery" and when they open an exhibition Buck runs into a very familiar item that brings on a lot of realizations and new light on his relationship with Eddie, who he hasn't spoken to in weeks. Eddie on the other hand is trying very hard to accept that Buck's happy with someone else and move on, when he goes back to the gallery and find and item that changes it all. Could their broken hearts be mended?
Hear full of grief
1.6k | Read on AO3
Eddie's having a rough day, in a awful month, during a shitty year. Naturally he falls apart, somehow it gets worse before it gets better.
You were the only safe heaven I’ve known
12.6k | Read on AO3
Buck ran away from his pack after his parents told him they had arranged a mating for him. Years later he's finally settled and ready to take that last step with his real mate, and best friend, Eddie, when his parents show up in town demanding he honor the mating they had arranged for him, and Buck is not letting go of his happiness so easily, he's ready to fight for his happy ending.
Bound to you
4.1K | Read on AO3
At 12 years old, Eddie does a ritual to show him the person he's gonna spend the rest of his life with. At 29 he meets Evan Buckley.
“Alright then, I have one, it’s not an urban legend, it’s a ritual, and if goes well, you’re supposed to see the person who you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with” They all smiled excitedly at him, turning all their attention to Eddie “I heard it from our cousin”
“Which one?” Sophia interrupted.
“Marina” Eddie answered and Sophia nodded in approval “She was telling it to Andrea, and I managed to hear the entire thing”
Don't let go now (somebody is lying)
44.2k | 8/8 | Read on AO3
One missundertanding let Buck's mother to belive that Eddie was his boyfriend, and Buck foolishly didn't correct her, thinking it wasn't hurting any one. When the buckleys announce they're coming for a visit Buck has to ask Eddie to pretend to date him while they're there, if Buck is hiding the fact that he's in love with his best friend that's his business. It's only for two weeks, right?
The 118 Protection Program
28.4k | 3/3 | Read on AO3
King Evan Buckley III is ready to rule his country, after finishing his preparation and coming of age he is ready for his coronation, only for it to be interrupted by General Kendall who's been after their kingdom for years. His sister has arranged a plan B for him to be safe, even if it means leaving her behind and be placed in the care of one Eddie Diaz and his team. * Or another story about King Evan falling in love with his protector Eddie Diaz, and Eddie falling in love with his charge.
Till now i always got by on my own (i never really cared until I met you)
101.8k | 19/23 | Read on AO3
After Abby packed her bags and left, Buck felt suffocated by LA and the reminders of her, so he throws himself into his work until Bobby makes him take some vacation time, Buck ends up taking a small roadtrip from Texas to LA, until his jeep breaks down in El Paso and he finds himself pulled to his mechanic and his adorable son, and somehow finds himself staying in Texas trying to help them get a surgery for Chris, when other options don´t work, Buck decides to ask Eddie to marry him so he can use his insurance. Sure things can´t get too complicated right?
Tumblr Prompts dump
16k | 19/? | Read on AO3
Collection of prompts ive answered on my tumblr, figured they could be accesible in one place.
The Love affair
Complete | Works 2
Just between us (did the love affair maim you too?)
16.4k | Read on AO3
Evan met Eddie during the summer of 2012 while they were both drifting through their lives, finding a safe place in the other, until Eddie unexpectedly walked out of Evan's life, leaving him heartbroken and disbelieveing in love. In 2018 Buck meets Eddie again, and as much as he tried not to, he falls in love with him again. Too bad Eddie moved on with his life. Or did he? (Also known as the summer fling/Exes to lovers fic, Buck's version)
What we had (sad, beautiful, tragic, love affair)
20.7k | Read on AO3
Eddie met Evan during a summer in 2012 while they were both trying to find their place in the world, and fell completely in love, but when has Eddie ever gotten to keep what we wants? After leaving Evan behind without word, he spend 7 years trying to get over him without succeeding. In 2018, Evan walks back into his life, leading to Eddie to fall in love with him again, even with the mountain of guilt and mistakes he's made in the past, too bad the universe doesn't grand second chances. Or does it? (also known as the summer fling/exes to lovers fic, Eddie's version)
Cordolia Verse (bakery AU)
On going series | Works 7
Be still my foolish heart
14.7 | 8/8 | Read on AO3
Eddie Diaz moves into his Abuela's small town, Cordolia, after she breaks her hip and needs help running the family bakery, it something he always wanted to do and now he finally has the chance to go back into the path the thought he'd follow when he was a kid. He just wasn't counting on falling in love with Evan Buck Buckley, the cute barista at the 118 café, given his track record with relationships he tries to court Buck with the one thing he's sure he can't screw up: baked goods.
State of Grace
2.9 k | Read on AO3
Buck and Eddie have been dating for a few weeks when they finally have sex for the first time.
I don't wanna wait my whole through (to say i'm in love with you)
1k | Read on AO3
They've been dating for three months when Eddie tells Buck he loves him.
I will hold you in my arms (right where you belong)
1.4k | Read on AO3
Eddie is an excellent baker, he's not the best cook, after almost giving Buck food poisoning one time, Buck decided to teach him how to cook.
You're gonna be alright kid
1.7k | Read on AO3
It's Buck's first big accident now that he's a firefighter, Eddie's freaking out a little.
I sing songs about the past
6.9k | 2/2 | Read on AO3
After his injury Buck moves in with his boyfriend, Eddie; his sister shows up back on his life and Buck's learning to trust that he get's to keep the happiness he has. What could go wrong?
This is Halloween (Halloween! Halloween!)
3.7 | Read on AO3
Buck think Eddie's bakery is haunted, Eddie's sure it's not.
“We have about 10 minutes, wanna make out?” Eddie told him, trying to get him to relax, his shoulders were tense and this was supposed to be the one night of the week where they both could relax.
“What if the ghost gets angry?” Buck asked seriously.
“I think I’d known if I was working in a haunted bakery for over two year”
“It could be a new ghost”
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doubtingthomasin · 2 years
kinktober: hellcheer edition
prompt 22: pregnancy fetish word count: 3.3k
(since i'm about 95% sure i have tokophobia (pregnancy phobia) i wasn’t gonna do this one at all.
but the angst called. and i answered.)
It starts with a skirt, of course. Just like always.
Laura calls Chrissy to the sewing room one evening, in a rage.
"Th-That doesn't make any sense," Chrissy stutters, already shaking. "I've been on a steady diet of c-celery and cranberry juice for a week."
"Well, it's not working, missy!" She throws the skirt down on the sewing table, rounding the corner of it to get in her daughter's face. "Keep this up and I'm sending you to fat camp again this fall instead of college."
"Mom, please, no, I'm trying–" She cries out as her mother's rough hand closes around her arm, dragging her out of the room and pushing her into the hallway.
"Figure it out!" She slams the door, leaving Chrissy on the verge of tears.
She rushes directly to the bathroom from there and weighs herself. Sure enough, she's gained two pounds. Perplexed, she cries herself to sleep that night.
Eddie hears about it the next day when she knocks on his door, already crying before it opens. "I've gained weight again."
He sighs while she clings to him, stroking her hair as they settle onto the couch. "And what have I told you every time before, baby?"
"I know, I know," she says anxiously. "'It doesn't matter. You need some to survive.' I get that…but it doesn't make sense this time."
He shudders at what that means she's most likely been doing, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Chrissy…you told me that the doctor said you're destroying your body. Remember what we read about Karen Carpenter–"
But she's already shaking her head, so he stops. "I'm late again."
He stares at the floor, eyes growing wider as he swallows hard, rubbing a hand over his mouth. "That…that's two months in a row." She nods before he looks up at her, their eyes meeting as they gauge each other's reaction. "H-...How sure are you?"
"I haven't taken a test," she admits. "I don't even know how to get one without some…busybody noticing that it's me buying one, and I…if my mother finds out…" 
The tears well up again and he wraps his arms around her, resting a cheek against her head. "I think I have a solution for that."
Two hours and one phone call later, they're standing in the alley around the corner from Melvald's, waiting. Finally, Joyce comes into view with an unmarked paper bag. "Now, there are two in here, just in case one's defective or…you just wanna make sure."
Chrissy nods, reluctantly taking the bag from her. "Thank you so much, Joyce, I owe you one."
"We owe you one," Eddie corrects.
"You don't owe me a thing," she says a bit forcefully before giving them a sympathetic smile, embracing them both. "I had Jonathan when I was twenty. Everything's gonna be okay no matter what, alright?"
They nod against her shoulders, stomach turning. "You let me know how it turns out and if you need anything else," she adds as she lets them go, rubbing their arms. "Promise me."
"We will," they both say almost in unison.
But nothing feels okay when both tests come back positive and Chrissy runs to the bathroom in tears, locking herself inside for an hour. Nothing feels okay when she runs to escape her mother the night she tells her, making it all the way to the other end of Loch Nora–to Steve’s house.
Joyce and Jim are staying there until they can find a place, and it’s Joyce who answers the door. “Oh, sweetie,” she coos, gathering Chrissy in her arms as she breaks down.
“What’s going on?” She looks over Joyce’s shoulder to find Steve staring at her, terrified, and she cries even harder.
Nothing feels okay when she mutters, “It isn’t yours,” curled up in the passenger seat as he drives toward Forest Hills, trying to stem the bile rising in his throat. 
Nothing feels okay when she peeks through Eddie’s bedroom door to find him crying on Steve’s shoulder that same night. They talk, but she knows she won’t be able to bear what they say, so she stays in the living room.
And there’s definitely nothing okay about the moment Joyce, the Cunningham’s, and both Munson men start a screaming match, Jim trying to calm them all down as Chrissy runs away again. She curls up in the back of Eddie’s van, sobbing harder than her lungs can handle.
She awakens to the sound of Jim loading up her suitcases, almost missing her small frame entirely. He helps her out of the back and into the passenger seat as Eddie gets behind the wheel.
But when Eddie turns his back to her as they try to fall asleep later that night, she knows the truth with heartbreaking clarity.
Nothing is okay, and it’s all her fault.
That thought repeats intrusively for the next week, wearing her down like water on stone. She and Eddie say good morning and every other basic nicety under the sun, and he offers her juice and sets toast down in front of her. 
He assures her that she’ll always have a roof over her head as long as there’s breath in his body, he’ll make sure of it. They work on separate projects, her reading a book (trying to, despite her anxiety) and him practicing guitar or scribbling down D&D ideas, sitting on opposite sides of his room.
He still makes jokes and does things on purpose to try and make her smile or laugh, which isn’t as easy as it was the week before. He gets the prenatal vitamins himself because he doesn’t want her to have to deal with all the judgemental stares and whispers. He’s already used to that anyway. 
He’s taken to changing his clothes in the bathroom and knocking every time he enters his own bedroom if she’s in it. He gently pressures her to eat because now she has to. And it takes him a few days, but he finally broaches a sensitive aspect of the situation.
“You know…there are options, Chrissy…if you don’t want to keep it.”
He swallows the lump in his throat as he looks up at her over their lunch, and he thinks the anxious look on her face is just from the topic itself. But she’s heartbroken all over again, thinking he’s already decided that he doesn’t want it, yet how can she be upset over that? Of course he doesn’t want to be a dad at twenty, and it’s her fault that he will be. So she rounds her shoulders, on the verge of tears she doesn't deserve to weep.
“I don’t think I could live with myself…with either one.”
He nods in understanding and goes back to eating, and that’s the end of the conversation. After lunch, she excuses herself from the table, walks out to the porch, and cries as quietly as possible.
Later that night, lying in bed, she builds up the courage to look over her shoulder. He’s turned away from her again, just like every other night since the sky fell in on their world. The tears fall, soundless, as she drifts to sleep.
Another week passes, somewhat identical to the first, always with him acting like himself during the day. Except he doesn’t touch her anymore, not even for a hug or a peck on the cheek, and she knows it’s purposeful because she tries and he jumps back, claiming that she startled him. And, of course, he continues to leave distance between them in the bed at night, a few feet that might as well be a chasm threatening to swallow her whole.
She starts wishing that was possible.
She’s fairly sure Wayne hasn’t said a word to his nephew about the whole ordeal since the night her parents threw her out. (That’s what she is now, she thinks: an ordeal.) However, the day before everything comes to a head, he does say something to her as he’s leaving for work.
“I’m so sorry for this whole mess…and the fact that it was my nephew who got you into it. I thought I raised him better than that.”
But as he’s walking away, she just can’t let it stand.
“Wayne?” He turns toward her small voice, her expression resolute as she speaks calmly. “This is on me. He didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to do.” Her eyes are already burning for the fourth time that day. “I need you to know that.”
He hesitates, then nods– “Of course, kiddo.” –and leaves.
When the tears don’t come, she figures she’s finally all cried out.
The next morning, that proves not to be the case rather quickly. She lays in bed alone for a few minutes, forming a plan for the day in her head. She gets dressed before leaving the bedroom, walking slowly into the kitchen to find him washing dishes, a towel slung over his shoulder.
“I’m gonna go out,” she says, glancing at what must be her glass of juice on the counter. “Gonna go visit Steve.”
He turns around, slightly confused because she doesn’t have a car since her parents took it back. “Okay. You might have to put gas in the van.”
“Okay.” After he’s turned back to the sink and her hand's on the doorknob, she hears it.
A sigh of relief.
It’s unmistakable because she knows what he sounds like when he’s relieved, when he finally presses into her after building himself up to the breaking point, when he finally gets to climax. It’s almost the exact same sound, just quieter. But not quiet enough.
Her eyes are instantly filled as she turns to his back, and there’s no other reason she can think of for that sound than that he’s relieved she’s leaving. There’s not stopping the tears, no steadying her voice because it’s impossible with how much agonizing pain is in her body now, but she has to know.
“S-So are we over now?” Her voice is high and shaky and she hates it, hates it.
He faces her, alarmed. “What?”
It all comes crashing out of her like an avalanche. “I…I know this is all my fault because I must’ve messed up my pills somehow, and I’ve ruined your life…but you said I could stay. I didn’t think that you’d…that you’d stop loving me. I mean…you don’t touch me at all, and I know I’ve gained weight, but I can’t help it, and you said that was okay anyway before this shitstorm even started! But n-now it’s like you don’t want me at all or I disgust you, and you’re just pretending to make me feel better but I don’t deserve that! I don’t deserve to feel better because I messed up!”
But it's no use as she sputters on through inhales and exhales. “So, I’ll g-go if you want me gone, you don’t have to pretend, Eddie, just tell me because I can’t live like this. I can’t live with you hating me, I’ll raise the baby on my own if that’ll help, I just don’t want you to hate me–”
“Chrissy, stop!” She flinches at his yell, hiccuping as she looks up to see that he’s crying, too. His voice breaks as he forces out the words. “I’m sorry, I just…I just needed you to stop. Sweetheart, you’ve got it all backward.”
She's sniffling pretty hard, so she's not sure she heard him correctly. “What?”
Eddie throws the towel on the counter before rushing to her, taking her in his arms. “I’m so sorry, baby. You could never ruin my life, but I’ve ruined yours." Her arms wrap around him, both of them try to stem the tears. "I was careless with you when you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And no, of course I don’t want you to leave, I never want you to go. I love you, I love you so much. And now I’ve fucked it all up.”
Her lips tremble, her forehead creasing as she looks up at him. “But I don’t understand. You said there were options.”
“Because it’s up to you." He brushes her hair off her face, cradling it in his hands. "Even if it breaks my heart, I don’t get to decide for you, but I’ll support you.”
“Break your heart? Y-...You want the baby?”
“Absolutely!” Her heart soars as he continues. “Chrissy, the moment you told me you might be pregnant was one of the most…terrifying in my life. But the more I thought about it and the more I talked to Steve, the more I realized how great it could be. I mean, sure, I’m still terrified, but I love you. But you’ve been so miserable ever since we found out. I didn’t know how to tell you how happy I am without sounding like a total ass.”
She shakes her head a little, the words on her tongue turning to sobs as he pulls her in again, hugging her tightly. 
"After everything we all went through earlier this year…this feels like it could be a good thing. Even if it's the hardest thing we've ever done."
He still hears her words, though they're muffled by his chest. “Then why won’t you touch me?”
His heart sinks, nerves hitting full force as he pulls back to scratch his neck. “Uh…”
“Eddie, please, just tell me. It’s been weeks. That’s why I was gonna go see Steve.” She pauses, her stomach turning. “Is it my weight?”
“No, no, no, baby.”
“Then what?”
Eddie leaves her to sit on the couch, almost every nervous tic of his that she knows of on full display. “I don’t know how to say it. I mean…we joke about me being a pervert, but…” He tries to make eye contact, but it's sporadic at best. “I noticed…when your…tits got a little bigger. Then your ass, and I just…I just thought, you know…you were getting better. Then we found out the truth and…the night of that big fight, when we were laying in bed…”
It's a loaded silence that hangs between them, oddly charged by whatever he hasn't yet voiced. “What?”
“Well, I definitely didn’t want to go to sleep, but I felt kind of…ashamed, I guess? I still do." He tries to swallow the lump in his throat, but it won't budge this time. "I've felt that way every day.”
A lightbulb of sorts comes on in her head, but it's still rather dim as she asks for clarity. “Eddie…are you saying that you like how I look pregnant?”
“Oh, you’d need a word much stronger than ‘like.’” He looks up from the floor to see her pacing slightly, and he sighs anxiously. “See, I knew it would freak you out. It freaks me out.”
“Because, you’re…kind of in a delicate situation, and still all I wanna do is…”
“Mess me up?”
He nods, eyes closed, completely missing the brief lust-filled expression on her face. “I feel like a fucking creep.”
“And that’s why you turned away. That’s why you stopped touching me altogether.”
“Yeah, 'cause it seems like almost every time I do, it causes a, uh…situation." He briefly angles his hands at his crotch, pointing to the partial hard-on she hadn't even noticed. "And I know I’m a freak, but where does it fucking stop, y’know?" He forces himself to meet her eye then. "I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I made you feel unloved just because I’m going through something really fucking weird.”
“It’s not weird." She says it right away, moving to sit next to him. "And you’re not a creep.”
He's immensely relieved that she isn't running away screaming, but her words don't really make him feel all that much better about what he's experiencing, so he shrugs. “I don’t know what to do about it, though.”
“I guess there’s only one thing you can do.” Her soft voice makes him look up from his lap, and he knows he's done for by the way she's biting her lip, the needy look in her eye.
"That's…only if you want to," he says quietly, almost shaking. It's on the last word that she's already straddling his lap to kiss the life out of him. They do their best to devour each other, her hands sliding up his stomach until he pulls his shirt over his head.
His hands tangle in her hair even as she tries to pull away, grabbing his hand once she succeeds and rushing them both to the bedroom. Slamming the door, she pushes him down onto the bed, groaning and rubbing herself against his leg as their lips clash feverishly.
His fingers nimbly undo her jeans, and he shoves his hand down to stroke her, the sudden contact making her break away with a squeal. They smile at each other, seeing how broken they already are, but her face goes lax as his fingers work her clit.
One swift motion and she's down on the bed, his other hand moving up her shirt and under her bra to squeeze her breast, choking out a curse. He makes her come with her jeans still on, bucking against his hand and the constricting fabric for more friction. Her bottoms and panties are down to her ankles by the time she recovers enough to kick them off, and Eddie’s on his knees kissing up and down her thighs.
She grabs his hair with necessary roughness, directing his mouth to her soaked cunt as he pants into her, licking and sucking while she whines. One hand tightens around her thigh while the other rubs her taut stomach as he tongue-fucks her toward another climax. “Oh, God!”
He suddenly stops, dragging her up the bed and her head clears enough to start working in his belt. Her hands are shaking so he helps, stripping his jeans and boxers down to below his knees. “Christ,” he exclaims as she pumps him in her hand. “I’m not gonna last long as it is.”
“Need to feel you,” she moans, her legs spreading wider. “Please, I feel so empty.”
“I’m so sorry–” His lips crash into hers, cutting off his own apology as he finally gives her what she wants, sinking all the way down her in one quick stroke. Her head falls back with a shout and he’s not much quieter, rubbing a thumb into her nipple as he rolls his hips. “Fuuuuck.” He draws out the word, overwhelmed by how goddamn good she feels, the added fullness of her skin and the slick heat of her pussy greedily pulling him back in on every stroke.
He fucks her slowly despite the urge to nail her to the sheets, knowing he has to make it amazing for her because he’s already about to burst. She cries his name as he slides in and out, never completely out, grinding his hips side to side just to hear her sob a little louder. Her breasts bounce on even the shortest thrusts, and he gives into the desire to take one in his mouth. 
Her keening voice reaches into him and rips him apart, his movements shallower and frantic as he pumps into her, his fingers digging into her hip bone. She follows closely behind as he presses against her, riding them both through the high with shuddering groans.
Even when he’s done, he can’t help licking at her nipple, swirling his tongue and sucking before doing the same to her neck. She strokes his hair as their breathing returns to normal and their eyes dry, giggling when she realizes he still has one hand glued to her breast.
He groans in response but it trails into a laugh. “I’m sorry, I’m such a fucking weirdo.”
She places a kiss on his forehead, nuzzling her cheek against his soft hair. “Even if that's true, you’re my weirdo.”
And as they fall asleep wrapped up in each other, everything finally feels okay.
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
Just read your pantalone fic
I'm gonna be thinking about it for the next 3 weeks
Ive been having a little pantalone X reader novel floating about in my head and I might just have gotten the motivation to write it out finally
And this isn't even my final form yet
Aw, I'm glad I could inspire you to write! Also yes, they're going through some rough times but they're so in love with each other and Pantalone may be a scary villainous business man but when he comes home he's just a guy who really loves his s/o and I think that's beautiful.
Also fun fact: The pocket watch that contained their photo is Moment of Cessation, that artifact that talks about Pantalone's backstory!
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birindale · 6 months
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Page 3 of S J Stine’s Production Journal. Rough transcript below the cut to maintain edit-ability down the line.
Once again I ask for help deciphering this handwriting. I am begging you.
bold means ‘I’m pretty sure this says X’, italic means ‘based on context i assume this says Y’. Don't worry about the links they're for underlining.
27) What do you guys think about (blah blah blah) [???] what it’s [???] [???] - [???] [???] [???] [???] [???] [???] it as a better idea
28) You’re not always gonna get what you want [???] [???] resources. Be ready to compromise. “It’s your call what do you think [???] [???] “plan things” It’s [???] your final call
29) Tell your board artists NOT to jump around (cause then you won’t see anything [???] & complete [???] [???] [???] Don’t allow anyone to jump around w/o sequences 
30) The only way to succeed is to anticipate problems as though everything’s gonna fail
→ Plan for everything [???] [???] [???] I can go in & monitor and help out. YOU WANT TO ANTICIPATE PROBLEMS
Everyone needs to FINISH each sequence before they move onto the next one - doesn’t matter if they go in order if there ARE problems during the 1st few weeks give solutions
31) You HAVE to be the most calm person on the show 
32) Grade the 1st pitch of show, Sam gives 1 short sequences everytime (most amount of notes) to send in as [???] [???] to editorial. What [[When?]] you [???] make sure you give a few SHORT sequences to people who can deliver unfinished notes 
33) Go directly to the editor and say “Hey do you have time to edit?” Don’t go through production [???]
“Is this good enough for the pitch?”
35) It’s a matter of spreading your workload throughout the 15 weeks
36) You can be a good director if you can worry about everything 
37) The [???] is definitely the hardest
38) Ben believes that whatever you do, you have to be the best board artist on your team
39) If you see something that’s a big problem during boards, think up a solution to the problem & call it out during the 1st pitch. Ask the board artists to fix other problems during board time though. However, if the “big problem” isn’t called out during pitch meeting, just let it go
40) “Do you have time to fix those parts before the pitch? If not I can take care of it. That way we’ll probably get less notes on the pitch.”
41) You have to let certain things go, though it consumes you.
42) “This doesn’t quite work for me. What do you think?”
43) Notify staff if addressed after 1st pitch & before 1st screening
44) Sit down w/ board artists day after pitch to come up w/ solutions to notes given in pitch.
45) Frontload the work in the 1st 3 weeks. With help, Sam [???] [???]
⭐46) Don’t be afraid of facing your problems, anticipate them - don’t let the problems bottleneck!
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silvertsundere · 9 months
Silver Talks AniManga (24/09/23)
I was gonna say no anime next week since pokemon is on break but then remember that we're still getting zom 9 (before it goes on break until god knows when) and the frieren 1h:30m premier on friday
blue - finale/completed green - new series/new to me
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Pokemon Horizons Ep23
nice episode before the cour break, it's good to see riko get some time in the spotlight and help move the plot forward. seems like next time there should be a lot of plot too since they're finally meeting the grandma but show is gonna be on break for the next 2 weeks so we'll see eventually I guess
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Zom 100 Ep8
good episode, it was p funny and we finally got the introduction of bea. the fanservice was good too, and the seeds of the akira and shizuka romance were good too
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch144 (Finale)
aaaaaaaaaaah it's actually over 😭 it's gonna be sad not having yabuki on sundays for a while again but hopefully he'll come back soon enough but anyway ayakashi was a very fun series, ofc it's not an actual 10, but there's nothing else I could personally rate it as, it's just a good ecchi manga with a little bit of battle manga thrown here and there as yabuki is an expert in making. honestly I liked it even more than I would've if matsuri had stayed a boy cause I'm a slut for yuri, as is known, but it would've still been a 10. not really much more to say really, the art was top notch as you'd expect from yabuki, the story wasn't deep or complicated since it's an ecchi series, mostly just a way to bring up Situations to put our characters in, but it moved at a decent pace, and all the cast was likeable and fun to see, even the villains later turned allies. if I had any complaint it'd be that the final arc felt a bit rushed? I thought after the hotel stuff they'd get together and storm the exorcist hq and have 1v1 fights with all the main characters vs the baddies but that never happened but oh well I'll be impatiently waiting for yabuki's next work 🙏
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Two on Ice Ch1
hey that was actually better than I expected since I didn't really have any interest in the theme. tho the art was pretty rough at some points, the characters are pretty decently written at least. we'll see how the next chaps for this and mamayuyu go tho cause I can easily see either of them getting axed in the near future, kagurabachi should be fine for at least a couple serialization rounds with how explosive it's debut was
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Dandadan Ch121
I didn't expect the new baddie to show up so fast, let alone even meet our protagonists so that's surprising. I'm gonna assume that he's gonna take over the school with whatever power he's using here and our mcs are gonna be the only ones that notice it and they're gonna have to stop him at school without standing out too much. we'll see how right I am
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Ice-Head Gill Ch13
gill got a powerup that goes along with the series name. I haven't talked about this series in ages cause.. there's no much to say, other than it getting axed on the next serialization round for sure, it's just not that interesting. the art's p decent but the previous chap it was really hard to follow, along with what the hell was going on with all the charas moving around
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MamaYuyu Ch3
if chap 1 felt like a one shot or prologue this felt like the end of the actual first chapter. corleo is off to train and actually become capable of fighting all the creatures coming from other worlds, like I predicted 😏. I'm assuming there's gonna be a timeskip after this OR a training arc of sorts that's gonna introduce some other cast members and allies for the mc before we do get some timeskip. he might be the hero but I don't think he's just gonna be proficient in fighting instantly but we'll see I guess
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Kagurabachi Ch2
nice ch2, went over what happened with the dad that they skipped on ch1 and set up the overarching plot with the mc having to retrieve his dad's 6 special swords and defeat the 3 baddies that killed him. nothing brand new or innovative but a serviceable starting point, it's the strongest out of these 3 new series easily that's for sure
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
We're due to get like at least 5 more pages so there is some stuff we are missing, obviously.
But, thoughts on the summary and the leaked panels so far:
I stand by what I said after last chapter---this wasn't really positive development for Bakugo--he still isn't there yet. I mean.....show me where the positive development was. I don't see it. Team work is great and all, but when the team you're working with is not so great idealistically, by the story's standards, well, things don't work out for you.
This is definitely NOT Bakugo's "greatest moment" 🙄
Bakugo getting seriously injured is really rough, but no I don't think he's out of the battle after this, so....hopefully hysteria doesn't arise from this. I don't have the energy.
As I guessed based off of last week, Bakugo went for the kill, and now....things are worse. This battle is so much mirroring Endeavor vs. AFO, and the tables are turning in the villains' favor at both of these battlefields (it's supposed to), and now Bakugo is seriously injured. They both lost use of their right arm, even if Bakugo's will be fixed later---they both went for the kill and now they're going to have a very difficult time for the rest of the war it seems. Again, not to compare the two characters, but these fights are distinctly similar and paralleling each other. There is development and growth to be had for both of them, clearly.
The identity crisis is still happening (I mean, it's not gonna stop any time soon). It seems to go back and forth between Shigaraki and AFO, at certain times. If the summary is accurate though, it seems that Shigaraki is the one connecting Bakugo to Midoriya in this moment, as the lip scar that was previously very noticeably NOT there, is there when he is saying this.
The Big 3....tbh I'm not expecting much. I was wondering why Mirio wasn't brought to this battle field at first because he's perfect to combat decay, so it's cool that he's there. But tbh....I don't care lol. He always gets a super grand entrance and it never really matters later, I'm not expecting anything different here. Yes, they'll probably have a badass "Big 3" moment next chapter, but honestly, how much will that really hold up in the end lol.
Some rambles that aren't super serious:
Shigaraki....that one panel, Horikoshi stop it I can't take it. He's too pretty
Bakugo, you don't deserve what's happening to you, but the growth is coming and I'm sure you'll have no regrets later
Hori please don't dedicate an entire chapter to the Big 3, I am begging you, we don't need it
Aizawa...I hope your time is coming soon. I'm sure when we get back to Spinner we'll finally kick start your growth
I don't think Shigarako/ShigAFO is gonna kill Bakugo, as stated that he could be useful. So maybe, just maybe, Shig will take kidnap him again and leave Sky-High UA (idk how this would happen but god I can dream)
This looks like a fantastic chapter, and I'm so excited.
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