#( i never rlly do that bc i love to wing it but )
isa-ah · 2 years
nicoles gunna get here tomorrow to start packing our stuff into her car for the drive and i have work to do but all im doing is sitting here going hmmm i wonder if i should try to draw bird grian
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wornlilac · 2 years
rolls around in the grass
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29121996 · 11 months
0ainting fob clock to cure a xiety
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shadebloopnik · 1 month
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"Even when stripped of all light, you're still the brightest of all I've ever laid eyes upon."
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A shining Star, whether in Heaven or Hell
Lil design and sht rant that y'all can rlly skip cuz it aint much
Finaaaaally got to sharing this. Inserted my own lil pre-fall Lucifer design there. Was initially a bit frustrated with how the halos should look bc i don't usually do a lot of designing for those, but I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. I went with a huge princely crown vibe for Lucifer, inspired by his lil ball of flame in his demon form to represent his, like, Morningstar-ness. And yes, I hc his eyes being gold when he was in heaven; gives royal vibes. Also one of the reasons Alastor in this AU loves his demon form, as Luci's eyes shine in the same gold as it did back then, along with being surrounded by blood red sclera(huge upgrade in his opinion and infinitely hotter-)
For Alastor, I went with an earthy tone. My design for him in this AU went through a lot lol, tho they were subtle. Im sticking with this tho i think, the color scheme for me is just the right amount of simple and unassuming, as well as still standing out amongst other angels. Idk might change it who knows. I was originally going for antlers for his halo, but my finger slipped and it turned into that and I have no regrets-
He's the Earth to Lucifer's Morningstar
Also, the little flowers in his halo react to his mood! Halos are tangible in the Hellaverse, but I imagine ofc it bears a deep connection to their wearer. The roses bloom when he's happy, wilt a bit when upset, thorns get more prominent when angry, petals flare when startled, etc!
Also observe as I do not draw them with wings, y'all can't force meee
Also guess who's an idiot- lmfao i didn't realize I never posted these when i finished them around a week ago lmao. And no, I have not given up on this little Angelic Alastor AU of mine. Yes, im shocked too, I usually lose all motivation for my ideas and the fact that this is living through abt a month now??? I just...wow ok im really into this.
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mywifealhaitham · 4 months
hiii, i saw ur lil request to send sunday reqs so here i am!!!
anyways, can i ask for sunday hcs with an s/o whos like dominant (for lack of better words lmao) and extremely wealthy?
the s/o probably part of the alfalfa family since they manage the economy and stuff and they probably like a contrast to sunday’s personality; tough, reckless and bold (maybe flirtatious too, hehe)
s/o rlly looooves spoiling sunday even tho mans feels bad bc hes the head of the fucking family, he feels like HE should be the one spoiling u but s/o is like nah u manage too much, lemme spoil u and help u relax ☺️ OH and heres this $1000 designer, customized bracelet i bought u btw <3
anyways have a good day!!!
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honestly as much as I can see him as the more dominant and caring type he definitely needs this lmao. Sunday definitely isn't used to getting spoiled so I feel like he might get overwhelmed at times. he doesn't really pay attention to how wealthy you are nor your family lineage he's big on personality over everything else.
a calmer and gentle man like sunday can surprisingly handle your personality quite well. he's used to cleaning up messes of others so if you ever do something extremely reckless he'll be there to quickly pick up the mess, the price is a scolding though. even though the rest of your personality doesn't phase him one thing that does is the flirting. like I said before he's never really had any affection like that directed towards him so this is all so new. he gets flustered so badly and normally ends up covering his face using his wings.
and again his poor heart can barely handle the spoiling. like you said he fully believes he should be the one spoiling you with all his love and affection but alas you refuse to let him do that. after awhile though he starts to come around to accepting and even relaxing a bit more than he used to. be prepared though because he'll also take any chance he gets to spoil you in return.
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
Hey! I saw your Bakugo x reader with wings headcannons, and was wondering if you could write the same thing except for Kirishima? And could you make the wings black as well? :) Please and thank you!
YESSSGVJLUGYTFGVBHNJ tbh rlly wanted to do him just couldn't find motivation-
characters: Kirishima
reader: GN
summary: Kirishima loves his partners wings :}
warnings: possibble swearing
other: 1A!reader, reader has black wings but its not rlly mentioned, wings are feathered(like hawks)
bakugo version.
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🪨- honestly hyped tf up when he first saw you.
🪨- that was due it being the first day of ua.
🪨- honestly he was hyped up about everyone's quirks but especially thought ur wings were cool af.
🪨- in the last fic I mentioned Bakugo likes playing with your wings yet won't admit it.
🪨- bros the opposite.
🪨- mainly in the sense that he loves messing with them and will very much admit it.
🪨- like you don't even have to ask-
🪨- hell just be messin' with ur wings and will randomly say how much he loves them.
🪨- you know how some birds' wings fluff up when you blow on their face?
🪨- if ur wings do the same be prepared bc you will never not feel like you have a constant breeze on your face.
🪨- asks you to carry him while flying.
🪨- very upset that you declined lol.
🪨- I would love to but istg with how much muscle this man has built up he's probably heavy af.
🪨- you know how sometimes you can see Denki in the back messing with ojiros tail?
🪨- that's him but with ur wings.
🪨- will ask dumb questions relating to it.
🪨- "So like- can you still eat chicken?"
🪨- "...what?"
🪨- "yknow- your wings... means you are part bird right? So can you eat chicken still?"
🪨- "Kirishima what the fuck are you talking about-"
🪨- he loves you and ur wings sm.
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love kiri sm
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isa-ghost · 16 days
I'm gonna do Richas because he's my favorite after Chayanne and Lullah :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Richas scares Phil a little bc he's a brand of wildchild he's never encountered before. And his parents?? For the most part are just fine with that?? Survivalist man is screaming.
If the Cellbit and Baghera rescue mission had actually happened, Phil would've seen a whole new side of Richas and it'd change his perspective a bit. Still an unhinged gremlin, but also fearless, determined, full of endless love and loyalty. He knows what he's doing and he does it well, he just needs adults to trust that he can do it.
This goes for Pac too, but any jokes Richas makes with his prosthetic leg make Phil lose it, they always take him by surprise and they're always the right amount of out of pocket to make Phil reel. It's even better if Richas removes the prosthetic and does some wild ass shit with it. He's made Phil screech before. It was a mistake on Phil's part, now he tries to make him scream on purpose.
A lot of "peak qsmp era" horrors felt centered around the Brazilians and goddamn does Phil think Richas is so unbelievably resilient bc of it. That kid is so happy go lucky and comes off so carefree despite everything that's happened to him or his myriad of parents and Phil just cannot fathom it bc he would've broken by now.
Which btw Phil thinks it's rlly fucking funny that Richas was collecting parents like Pokémon and every now and then he'd try to come up with a funny convoluted way to Also become Richas's parent purely for the bit. Never came up with one good enough though, being previously FWB with Fit didn't feel like a good enough pipeline. Richas totally would've accepted that reason though.
Be it through his usual brand of unhinged fuckery or genuine persuasion, I think Richas could've gotten Phil to try any Brazilian food or snack, even if Phil was like "there's no way I'll like that." I'm truthing Richas would get him addicted to smth besides Guaraná.
GOD Richas would've loved to spar with Phil. Phil would be far too nervous to go all out on the kid but Richas would absolutely love it.
Richas's tiny arms never fail to make Phil laugh. He just can't. All Richas has to do is Orange Justice and it's all over, Phil's dying until he gets the hiccups.
Richas would be the motherfucker constantly badgering Phil to go fishing if he was able to go back to the Hardcore World with him.
He's, like many others, is in the Phil Take Me Flying When Your Wings Work club.
Tbfh more accurately I think Richas is impatient to hatch in the hopes he'll have wings so he can be taught to fly himself. (And the heart attacks he'd give Phil then.... MAN)
I don't know where in the deep recesses of my brain this came from but I need them in a laser tag fight on the same team because Richas would THRIVE watching Pro Halo Sniper Tío Philza Minecraft absolutely obliterate motherfuckers.
Phil feels a teeny bit bad about it but he's genuinely surprised Richas didn't perma-die with how reckless he could be.
Phil 100% noticed a change in Richas post-Purgatory and isn't sure if it was because of that or because of a death he had around then. Whatever it was, he picked up on Richas seeming a lot more Fuck It We Ball but in a kinda,, maybe needs to at least talk about it to someone way. Not his kid so he didn't want to butt in or overstep, but he still felt worried about it.
100% thinks Richas is overall underestimated though. Or maybe Richas intentionally fools people into thinking such. But Mr. Angel of Death can see it, that kid's TNT in a shell.
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24hrfrog · 1 year
flower au stuff :3
what i have in my head when thinking abt it~
best way to talk abt dynamic is a football player vs the present of student council trying to get the new guys attention
mav doesn’t automatically fall and isn’t easy to fluster, more like takes the flirting head on 💀
slider is interested immediately because ice is, monkey see monkey do
if ice wasn’t around, the tattoo and piercing business he & slider owns would shut down fr
slider and baby brad interactions is chaos vs ice and baby brad is a well distinguished gentleman and his polite son lol
if the daggers would make an appearance it would be pretty brief and just referring to pre school peers brad has, side story of baby brad having a playdate and the three adults trying to control them lol
slider’s tattoos are ocean/sky war themes, like full sleeve tapestry of a huge ship and a anchor trailing down his arm and a dog fight scene on the forearm of the planes falling, lots of cloud/debris, and angel wings on his neck, on the opposite arm it’s basically following the same theme (these go all the way to his pecs), on his back its three chained up dobermans and smaller scattered stuff on his thighs n legs
ice is very much a drawer too but is more secretive about his work, hes not fond of tatting and hence he just sticks with piercings
slider has more piercings than ice bc ice literally uses him as his model (like when a kid would use a teddy bear and give them piercings lol)
ice has only a few smaller tattoos of more calming scenes (still thinking abt what)
when slider pulls up to mav’s with a new piercing or tattoo he’ll gross him out with it and thinks its amusing 💀
mav never wants a piercing due to the very understanding fear of it getting ripped of. he also just never thought of wanting a tattoo but just cuz he wouldn’t know what and why he would need one
ice is a germ freak real.
slider picked up ice’s habits of waking up early and cleaning so the shop and their shared living space is always clean
idk ice and sliders relationship situation but theyre real comfortable with each others presence and a lot of customers end up thinking its a couples business when they walk in lol
ice is actually rlly warm body temperature wise and slider on the colder side
carole is a successful wedding planner and travels internationally for her work, typically she brings goose if she needs an extra pair of hands and brad is in mav’s care often (doesnt mean they dont love him tho!)
baby brad says he has two dads and one mom bc of how much time he has with mav
mav is the owner of the flower shop after carole gave it to him due to her schedule just getting too busy, goose is still a co owner and is in the shop whenever he is able
both shops have their living space above it
slider throws pebbles at mav’s window across the street to bother him
slider and ice share a bed, when they first moved in there was only one bed they could afford and they just didn’t mention buying a second, ice says it’s bc than they’ll have to rearrange the whole place to make a new bedroom and it would take too much effort
brad looks more like how miles teller was when he was a baby than 86 baby brad
ice and mav and slider are a lil different looking than in 86, maybe just a lil older, mav has a bit more muscle on him for sure and sliders hair us more grown out and curly
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seongminiz · 7 days
pls!! i was about to ask u if u received it or not but also i didn’t want to rush u into replying lol 👉🏻👈🏻😔
what do u think of. too. like. i love what u said and if juyeon keeps going deeper into depravity (forgive me if that doesn’t make sense) um he begins to grow horns?😈😈 and becomes a demon as well and it’s all because he would rather lust over u than be an angel or smth idk
also. idk if this is too fucked up or doesn’t make sense? but like. if u literally become addicted to their cum and are unable to function unless you’ve been fucked and filled up by them (i’m talking jumil) recently? like u get sick if they don’t take care of you and they mock u a lot for being unable to survive with their attention.. idk if that’s too weird tho so😶
pls rizz!matthew is always doing a fish eye stare of some kind pls!!🤭🤭 he’s so funny my little loser /pos
so yes i also loved everything u said and how he would manhandle u but then also!!!! i desperately need jiwoong to wreck u and break u down and punish u for being such a spoiled little silver spoon gobbling brat!!!!!! need him to cum all over ur face and humiliate you omg.. (jiwoong filming u??🫢 jiwoong filming u and matt together maybe.. idk) i need some fuckin humiliation of both u and matthew at his hands oh god
- 🧁 anon
im rlly sorry i just didnt see the notif this morning n then was out the whole day 😕
(mattwoong sandwich part is under the cut btw i yap too much for my own good)
NO YEA THATS EXACTLY WHERE I WAS TRYING TO GO WITH THAT‼️ angel juyo who starts to grow horns n whose wings start falling apart n getting darker the more hes attracted to you and wants to ruin you 💔💔💔 n hyunjae 'teaching' him how to be a demon (= how to ruin u even more) n omg !! needing their cum to live .. thats insane but also i love fuck or die situations so ,, :3 not to get too fucked up but ngl since they're both immortal i think sometimes they'd hold the 'threat' of not giving you their cum and letting u die instead . they won't do it , probably , and they have a way of making you an immortal demon too if something goes wrong and you do die bc they could never let you go - BUT its such a fucked sadistic thing of them to do and sometimes when you get a little too spoiled they need to remind you what your place is and that you are the fucktoy here :3
im like 95% sure this made no sense help
nowww 🥪 mattwoong sandwich 🥪 time‼️‼️‼️
srry this has some slight pet play n maybe dubcon idk i use the word 'forcing' but its not rlly forced omfg im rambling . idk . i went insane bye
im sorry my brain just tunnel visioned on jiwoong filming u n matt omg ★_★ it's so humiliating bc he's calling both of you his desperate puppies who can't wait for their owner and need to mess around behind his back ,, giving you orders on what to do and how to do it , forcing your head so you have no choice but to kiss matt , making out with him until you're both two drooling messes grinding on each other for any kind of release - and ofc jiwoong films all the little disgusting details , like how your spit runs down your chin and the pathetic wet patch at the front of matthew's shorts , and maybe gropes your tits a little and pinches your nipples through your top just to make you squeal and whine for his enjoyment („• ᴗ •„) calls you a spoiled brat n his little slut , and calls matthew a dirty mutt who can only think with his dick omfgfhfbf im going crazy
now i'm thinking of jiwoong having you n matt on ur knees right in front of him to suck n worship his cock too ohhhh i feel sick
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neptuniadoesstuff · 13 days
"Duaghter of Illusions"
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Some art of Rei, the duaghter of Haku (& another being but that being is NOT from the Doctor Nowhere Universe or from this Modern AU)
Btw no, that is not her actual face, that's just a mask she wears just so she can actually INTERACT with ppl without having to deal with the fact she's basically a anomaly with Cognito-Hazardous properties.
Bio (Major):
|| Code Name: Phen 369 | Aliases: Duaghter of Illusions", Rei (by a random civilian), "The Link Faker", "A fallen being's offspring" | Year & Place of Discovery: 2018, [REDACTED] | Current Wearibouts: In some civilian's (who wants to be anonymous) basement | Other: Was discovered to actually be a variation of "Phen 228" due to the colors being somwhat similar to the melted... face | Main abilities: Cognito-Hazardous properties (Similar to Phen 228 abilities, but can make a person spiral down into insanit as well), Tech Possession (Possesses any Link/tech that is unused for a long time) | Ways to combat the effects: NEVER EVER TAKE OFF THAT MASK! I REPEAT, DO NOT TAKE OFF THE MASK. Especially do not click any suspicious links that can cause any pseudocoma & spiral into Insanity. For better safety precautions, wear blue light glasses, turn off the screen, & look at the wall. If these don't work, call the authorities... it's your only hope... ||
(This is documents created by the Ephrata Branch about Rei, as me, a outsider, will make the true bio of her... Although despite that this is all canon info about her)
(Btw this is the full body ref... Don't murk me plz IT ISN'T SUS I PROMISE YOU, THIS IS JUST TO SHOW WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE W/O THE MASK & CLOTHES)
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Bio (But written by a outsider):
|| Name: Rei Ahsikk Phenirell | Aliases: "Child" (By Haku), Duaghter of Illusions | Gender: Female, She/Her | Age: 19-20 | Height: 11'6 ft | Pride: No Idea, prob straight but might be leaning a bit to AroAce | Species: Fallen Angel/Shadow Demon Hybrid Thing | Family: Phen 228/Hakunata (Her bio Father), Some Shadow Demon (Other Bio Father), Some other Phens. (Might also be related to Follower as a cousin but who knows) | Personality: Is naive & thinks doing bad thing is right due to her of... taking the things her parent says literally. Is obsessive of making her parent proud & hoping that she becomes the successor to him (although she does not know that her aunt is the true successor). Is mostly a introvert & the only true frend she has is a human named Deka who us not affected by her properties for some reason | Occupation: Unknown (Sorta) | Powers: Same thing as her dad but with a hint of... Insanity! :) /hj Can fly but doesn't know how to rlly (Her wings aren't rlly visible), is also really fast (but prefers to walk bcs l a z y ) | Other (aka unimportant stuff): A literal basement dweller, loves pocky sticks (either strawberry or cookies & cream), stealing sparkling water with the human she lives with, loves being weird. Also, might be a bit on the side of.... Stoopid? Well, not really, but that's what she thinks she is. In reality, she is very smort ||
(Don't mind the fact she is clearly a Phen 228 x Room (From Boisvert) Fanchild, DON'T MIND THAT. Plz ignore this for the love of god.. Don't read it, don't think about. If you do ill have to put u in gae bebe jail)
Character: Rei Ahsikk Phenirell (Mine)
Art: Mine.
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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elysianstarl1ght · 1 year
au where engie and medic are experimenting, the other mercs are in the room when something goes wrong. they get it contained and don't think anything went wrong, until they all go to sleep, wake up, and find that they all have new animal features.
medic - dove heavy - grizzly bear pyro - scorpion engie - bumblebee demo - 'unknown sea creature' (nessie) soldier - eagle spy - rattlesnake sniper - tarantula scout - rabbit
i wanted to avoid mythical creatures but i really had no idea what to do with demo. but i think imma stick with it because technically its not mythical in the tf2-verse and i have a rlly funny hc about it.. so..
(warning you. theres alot. a l o t .)
scout constantly complaining that he "got a rabbit of all things and not a cool animal" and refusing to admit he's actually having a lot of fun as a rabbit. he really likes his new ears he'll just never admit it
(also pauling trying to talk to scout through the headphones but his ears are on the top of his head and he cant hear through the headphones
one of the mercs calling pauling to let her know what happened and she shows up at reds base and is just like "what the fuck did you guys DO" and she goes on a huge rant and eventually asks if medic can make an antidote, to which he says yes.
demo having a huge ass tail and constantly knocking things over because he doesnt know how to control it.
medic officially banned him from the infirmary until he could get a cure to un-animalify them. demo went in there ONE TIME on the first day and knocked over an entire cabinet filled with medical supplies and he never went in there again (he darted out of the room instantly because he was worried medic was gonna kick his ass /lh)
engie absolutely loves his wings, he doesnt use them often but when he does he gets so excited and giddy bc theyre SO helpful!! hes probably also rlly protective of them too!
soldier knocks shit over with her wings all the damn time too. she randomly flaps her wings because she Loves Them and wants to show them off and whatever she's next to goes flying. she was also probably one of the only mercs that wasnt extremely concerned when she woke up; she probably shouted "AMERICA!!!!" at the top of her lungs and woke up half the base
spy wearing his mask significantly less because she has scales on the side of his face and under her eyes and the mask rubbing against the scales makes him cringe (sensory issues moment)
also i just find it slightly cruel how i made spy a SNAKE and scout a RABBIT. just- just think about that real quick.
sniper would have the time of his LIFE fucking with his team and the opposing team with his new spider powers!! some examples below
creating web traps to catch them. he especially does this to blu spy when he tries to backstab sniper (and scout just for fun. he falls for the traps every time)
web nets just around corners in the base that the mercs run into
crawling along the ceiling and walls to scare the shit out of his team, especially at night
swinging down infront of them when hes hanging on the ceiling also to scare the shit out of them
yeah sniper probably hated being a tarantula at first, but after he discovered what he could do oh BOY. he never realized how much fun messing with people was!! (he no longer blames scout and pyro for doing stupid shit)
pyro lowkey struggles with their mask and suit because of their new scorpion features. like they have those extra leg thingies and it was a huge struggle trying to get those to work with his suit
and dont get me started on his pincher hand things. pyro struggled. alot.
and his stinger thing. houh boy they probably accidentally killed the mercs a lot of times with that thing...
i dont really have anything for heavy yet (please feel free to drop any hcs) but i can tell you this much he has HUGE bear hands and he has bear ears and medic finds it absolutely adorable.
adding onto this medic wrapping his wings around the mercs while healing them when theyre standing still. like theyre hiding around a corner and medic brings them closer with his wings.
ALSO MEDIC HAS BIRD FEET (he hates it) and he had to cut holes in a pair of his gloves because he got bird talons (he REALLY hates that.)
oh my god thasts... thats a lot of writing... thats not even all of it... oh yikes...
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fumiku · 1 year
Chlonath wips
I have so many Chlonath art and fic wips… I am such a slow writer and I’ve had most of these written down for like 2 years, so I wanna share most of their premises now in case I never get around to them! For joy and prosperity and whatnot, if someone wants to write one of these just ask me first! Someone needs to feed the chlonath masses. My next fic is going to be the camping one I think~
My fave picks:
Your majesty: Despite his bright fiery hair, he was all too easy to erase, to fade into the background. Garish, but unmemorable. Talented, but lame. Chloe decides to change that, takes him on as a pet project as fashion coordinator. "Come on, look at yourself! That hair, those eyes. You were *made* to pop! Everyone’s eyes would turn to you when you’re in the room!" He flushes, was that how she saw him? "But I don’t *want* to be the center of attention..." She smirks confidently/slyly. "Well too bad! Chloe Bourgeois will make a peacock out of this ugly little duckling!". Much later there’s a much quieter, sweeter scene of him voicing not wanting to be that different or flashy and she takes out some accessories that suit and enhance his style, comfy and like him. Eventually oop! She rlly needs a date and it’d go with her pet project, "besides you could use this for networking". "Hm? Oh yeah, a half up half down ponytail would look cute on you, in a street kind of way. But bangs in your face can go for cool and mysterious too. It can give you some personality that goes with or contrasts with your outfit, I guess. But this *is* still a fancy event, so a simple well-groomed swept aside style would keep it prim and formal, and it *is* your first entry into high society... But I *suppose* if you do your big debut with the aesthetic you’ll keep with, it’ll probably help your brand long term, attract the right kind of contract for you right away-" "Wow, where was all this perspective when you were doing the analysis on the blue curtains?" She smirks, "I have more experience in keeping up appearances —and everything it entails— than you think, apparently"
Everything else under spoiler bc I have tons of prompts haha
Chloe becomes designer & coordinator, director, for marc & Nath’s comics! She loves outfit coordinating, set designing, composition etc. Marc handles the writing and Nath the drawing, Chloe helps with the visual design. It starts with Chloe suggesting lil things to Nath when she sees his drawings, like add a common accessory to all the team. And since she was queen bee she can fact check some things. He loses his sketchbook while walking and she picks it up, not in her usual mood, n she sees his sketches and starts rattling off about details and fashion. Nath: "oh I- I’m not very knowledgeable in fashion designing..." she looks him up and down, taking his garish outfit in. "That I could have guessed." He huffs, sarcastic "Well, *thank you*, Chloe. That’s not a half bad idea, I could ask Marinette for some designing help, actually!" He lights up at that idea. She grits her teeth, angry and snatches his sketchbook back. She starts drawing on another page and her drawing isn’t really good but the ideas? Wow, they work. Chloe knows her aesthetics. "Stupid Marinette would *not* know how to arrange queen wasp’s hair, thank you very much. Ugh, this is outrageous! Utterly outrageous! You can keep the changes, and keep your god awful awfully thought out designs out of my sight, next time!" With his open sketchbook shoved back into his hands, he stares down at it n truly appreciate it. Wow, this is some serious good job. He thinks about it, kinda smug, oh I can *definitely* play her. He starts leaving his sketchbook behind on purpose n she starts giving him more and more notes when sabrina isn’t around. At some point she comes to the art room and everyone is silent but she’s shy and makes an effort not to be mean. The art dude takes her a bit under his wing and she starts channeling her time n energy into art, peeps of the art room start tolerating her. She takes Marc under her wing confidence wise, and sabrina tags along and rediscovers a love for scrapbooking. Omll marc & sabrina besties qpr cuties?
Pas de deux: they have a random ballet class in PE and they get paired up for the project and chloe 1) wants a good grade for her dad’s rep 2) is goal-oriented 3) has much less barb when teaching. Also prob a sad side note about impressing her mother with ballet classes as a kid.
But Are the Curtains Blue or Just Your Tear-stained Veil: Nathaniel tended to notice things, notice people. To dissect them, as if they were a comicbook character. What was surprising about Chloe is that while her attitude was bolsterous and always seemed so heated, her eyes were like ice, distant. A deep blue, and curtained off, like she could not let anyone else see what they hid. But Chloe was mean and cruel, and sometimes, Nathaniel dug too deep at wasn’t there. Maybe, they were just blue. He always came back at the mystery of her, though, and was pushed and pulled in a one-sided dance with her like the come and go of waves. //Maybe they just weren’t any curtains, whatever that meant. Maybe he was making everything up. Tags: kinda like The Girl Of the Train tbh
Name ideas:
Buzz off
Sweet as honey: What chloe turns out to love in a man is how sweet he can be
Preen my feathers (peacock holder Nath + motif with Chloe & appearances)
Quick ideas:
"I’ve spent so long hoping to be saved, that it feels weird to save people."
Chloe realizes her mother will never love her, or even respect her. Everything changes. //She lets herself be and experience pain and failure
By fake dating chlonath can make adrienette jealous! A scene: chloe tightens her grip on his arm with a crestfallen gaze at adrienette, nath is like ...? and realize Chloe hated Marinette bc abandonment issues
Sabrina chews chloe out and is done with her when they were on an outing, chloe runs into the nearest building, a museum, to hide and cry her eyes out. She bumps into Nath, and a friendship goes from there.
Ever since nath learned chloe is queen bee, he calls her stuff like yes your stinginess.
Nath brings chloe to a emo concert to throw her off, all hell breaks loose. (She likes it)
Two works linked together, one from chloe pov about nath n the other vice versa. "It’s wicked how sweet you are" and "it’s sweet how wicked you are"
Impression, soleil levant: they have a run in in the museum. Chloe genuinely likes fine art. Nath likes popping color, lineart, contrast and stylistic appeal, more contemporary stuff. Chloe really like impressionism, it calms her down, she could spend a lot of time just watching a painting. When she was a kid her dad would bring her when talking business at the louvre so she ran off with Jean and she knows the museum very well.
Chloe’s dad keeps bothering her about rules and standards and finding a partner, so Chloe resolves to find the lamest lousiest boyfriend. To make a statement, of course, she tells herself so when her eyes keep flicking to the redhead sitting at the back of the class.
What better way to learn to be vulnerable with each other than ice skating, when you’re both awful at it? A date <3
She points out a panel with queen bee when he’s doodling it, she has no context she just chilling "why is her hair down?" Nath answers without missing a beat "It’s a metaphor for vulnerability".
Nath starts disappearing quietly to places more and more, now that he has a miraculous. Chloe susses him out. W-what?? How did you notice it? Nobody ever pays attention to me- Ugh, you’re *impossible* to miss with that fluorescent hair of yours. Well you’re the only person who pays attention to it, apparently. Hah, blame my superior eyes if you must. Well if *I’m* what your superior eyes choose to watch then- U-um, we’re getting sidetracked! W-what are you doing here! Reverse universe where she’s still denied being queen bee so she’s Nath’s sidekick? He doesn’t really have any friends besides Marc which not in this universe bc it comes before, so he wouldn’t have anyone else so lowkey he’s grateful. He notices her really truly changing for the better as they hang out more.
I dig my hole, you build a wall: As Chloe Bourgeois doubles down on being an irredeemable bully, Queen Bee continues to rise on a pedestral of adoration. It doesn’t help, nothing ever does, and it’s getting harder to make herself ignore how miserable she is. Chloe drowns herself in her superhero job, squeezes every drop of appreciation from her fans she can. Nath happens to be one of them, hardcore. She just needs someone to lean on.
26/11/‘22 Chloe gets akumatized into a dollhouse lover like with her teddybear mr cuddles, and she wants to kidnap some ppl and keep them like dolls to play with her and listen to her every want and choice of activities. Sabrina is mad at her so elle la boude. She picks Nath and they have a tea party isolated at Le grand paris etc etc. Maybe after Adrien cuts it off with Chloe so she freaks out amd wants friends, even if toxic controlling, but she’s not shooting for Adrien bc she’s upset at him and ignores him.
He forgets some comic pages behind, vs queen wasp, and goes back to get them and finds chloe reading them intensely, seeming genuinely invested. She’s lowkey having a panic attack n shoos off an akuma?? He’s shocked, but that requires introspection so in the moment he’s doubtful and bitter. She’s panicced and embarrassed about having been found out. He’s like, wtf was so upsetting about my comic?? Jealous of my art? Mad that something isn’t about you? Angry that I have talent and dreams, unlike you? she flinches. She upsetti "you wouldn’t understand." "Oh, try me. I have experience in being put down, after all." He bites coldly. She explains half-heartedly "Oh, here comes the self-pity." Her lips quiver, she looks down. "You’re right. It is self-pity. I’m miserable." The "and I have no one else to pity me but me" is muttered so quietly. Her fists clench, chin tucked in her torso. Then her gaze hardens and she snaps her head up. "Whatever." He blocks her way out. She grits dangerously "*Out*. Of. The way." Her eyes prickle with tears. He doesn’t even flinch "That won’t work today." She’s so close to snapping violently but instead just cries. Blabla "Yeah well, when you’ve dug a hole as deeply as I have, you can’t get out. Not without a miracle, anyways." She says, you could do one about queen bee next, please. N leaves quietly and he’s never seen her so... non-agressive.
Entracte/solo act: Picking on Nathaniel Kurtzberg when alone with him, Chloe found, was a much different experience than humiliating him in public. It turns out, he only unleashes his fury on the most deserving of private audiences. Notes: I headcanon Nath, bc of the reflekto ep, would stand up for himself more if he wasn’t being bullied in public. I feel like having all the eyes on him motivates him to shut up and try to make the ordeal as brief as possible & leave the situation, so when he’s alone and getting sass he has less qualms about snapping and ripping into ppl lol. Chloe goes to the art room and Nath is alone in it. He asks where Sabrina is, she rolls her eyes "She had *something important* to attend to." She goes to see what he’s working on and makes her snide remarks as usual but unlike usual he snaps and rips into her, she loses her haughty attitude real quick. The next time they make eye contact in class, she grimaces and looks away. He wins. But then she gets a fire and glares at him head on. Let the war truly begin. 
To Nathaniel’s and Choe’s horror, the class goes on a mandatory camping trip. It does not go well for either of them. "Um, I’m sorry mme Bustier but I won’t be able to come. I’m sick, yes, cough cough, how unfortunate." Bustier is not amused. She groans when it’s announced they’ll have a camping trip. Nath keeps his in, but for once they agree on something. Ugh.  Nath just wants to draw in his tent, that’s too much to ask??!
Royalties: nath finds out chloe is queen bee and threatens to tell it to everyone so that ladybug will take her miraculous away. In exchange for his secret, Chloe must praise him and his art on her social media, throw his name in at fancy soirées, become his "fan". To Nath’s surprise and Chloe’s horror, it backfires. Royally. Her "Nath is so cool" post was half advertizing half for public humiliation. Being the daughter of the mayor of one of the most famous cities in the world meant she has a lot of followers, quite a few in the elite sphere of Paris. The post’s a bit rebellious on her end because he doesn’t like her calling him Nath. Since Chloe *never* praises anyone and the tone was overeager/affectious, people start theorizing they’re actually dating. He takes the logical leap to be invited by her at an event, but as a plus one because it’s not her party to invite people at. Normally he wouldn’t want to have anything to do with a fancy party, but he begrudgingly has to admit networking is very important as an artist, plus he’d do it to piss off Chloe alone.
Vampire au!! Summary: Beyond her humanity, which Chloe had never truly cared about anyway, becoming a vampire hadn’t really, concretely, taken away anything from her. She was still rich, loved by all of Paris, and beautiful. And yet, she realized then that she had lost herself without knowing when.  //Chloe has been a vampire for a lil while, very upset. Mr cuddly is also a reminder of her past life. She longs to see herself again, she has had to keep out of the spotlight because she has no reflection and can’t be taken a picture of, she asks Nath to draw her like in Mirror, Mirror the awesome fic which I recommend! Nath finds out her new identity so he becomes tied up in it all, he’s the only one who knows so he becomes who she feeds on. "I can pay you. What do you want? A thousand euros per night? The latest drawing tablets? A gallery showing? Publishing deal? Just help me." Right from the start she feeds off from his neck despite his hesitance. She goes "a wrist? Are you kidding me? I settle for nothing but the best." But the reality is she just wants to feel close to someone, one time the bite turns into a hug crying session. -"... Does that mean my blood is the tastiest?" She’s shaken at that, "That- was *not* what I was implying. It’s not like I would know, anyways." She huffs n looks away. "Your blood is... satisfactory." He smirks, from her, that’s a huge compliment. He can just hear it in his mind "My taste buds are only the most refined!! I can tolerate only but the best!!" She does tell him he’s sweaty n stinks the first time tho. He has to hide his neck bite, ppl tease him about hickeys. At some point a classmate figures out it’s chloe that gives him his hickeys and Nath has to damage control and people start sussing they’re a couple.
No lullaby: No one liked her, but she could dream, couldn’t she? The delusions she lulled herself to had never really been dreams, but maybe to reborn anew she could find a lullaby in someone new, too. // based on the song No Lullaby by Siamés. Also La la la by Jason Chen Akuma that calls itself Lullaby, it was made because they have to move away from their parents or smth like that, so it lashes out and makes all kinds of kiddy & wholesome parenthood stuff. It turns people into happy kids/babies by tapping into childhood memories of parents(something like that), but doesn’t affect Chloe. Because Chloe never had her parents be around much, or them being much like parents at all. Chloe is fighting as Queen Bee, of course, in an AU where people know who she is but Ladybug still trusts her to want not to smear her family name by being a bad superhero. "I could be a superhero and my mother still wouldn’t blink my way... Oh, sorry, that actually happened, not much for an hypothetical." Everyone stares at her in shock. "What? I can have a smart vocabulary!" People look at her with pity and sympathy. "T-that’s not it..." Chat says. Anyways they’re fighting it and a lot of other miraculous holders get hit and she does too but is immune bc it taps into their happy parents childhood memories, meanwhile it’s only able to conjure up her plushie for her. Anyways so she gets swinged up to a rooftop where Nathaniel is sitting and drawing Queen Bee, he jolts and goes "Q-quee-Chloe?" but they don’t have much time since the akuma comes swinging in too and gets Nath under its spell. She carries around baby!Nath around because for some reason she feels a sort of duty to people she knows irl. She goes to the building the other holders are in or something but still ends up alone with Nath since everyone got affected, she panics as her miraculous beeps and she’s alone to fix everything, but Nathaniel draws with his fine art colored pencils like kids use crayons and does tons of kiddy imaginative drawings, and starts humming, bringing her out of her torpor. As the tune calms her, she does a “what would Ladybug do?”, "Ugh, I could have used Evillustrator right about now." She strategizes on how to break the spell over Ladybug for purification, and goes in to break the akuma item holder. When Nathaniel comes to, he’s mad to have ruined his pencils, now with blunt deformed tips, but then he looks at his sketchbook in utter confusion he sees pages and pages of kid’s drawings, recognizing his own infantile style, but the most curious are that some drawings include Queen Bee. His feelings are conflicted and he wants to know what happened, but dreads asking her, but he laughs at a drawing of him pulling her ponytail, and stills at the one of her hugging him. End notes: Next time Queen Bee gets swung onto his rooftops by an akuma, Nath jolts but responds to that adrenaline by crossing his leg over his other knee and raising an eyebrow over half-lidded eyes: "Somehow, I’m not surprised." You know, like sometimes when people flirt as fight or flight response lmao.
22/2/‘23 Chloe was trying really hard to be kind like a true superhero now, and with the birthday of her classmate Nathaniel coming up she would have to, painstakingly, do everything in her power to give him the best gift ever. One problem is, she doesn’t really know him, like, at all. She asks him what he likes. She thinks of supherhero stuff and art stuff. She doesn’t know about drawing tablets so she’s like, what about this professional drawing desk I’ll have my bodyguard carry? As if everyone has the privilege to have the space for a new furniture on a whim. She asks Sabrina for help like this close to a meltdown, maybe even Marinette: "The fool was in love with you, don’t you know anything about him that could help??" And then at the end shes like "omg. I can get him an interview with Queen Bee!" Ooh does she get akumatized with some gifter gimmick? Would be neat but naaah. Maybe two parts, idk what the end should be! Copic markers maybe
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 months
Tim Shepard (Tv series) Head Cannons
🟦 ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷█ ▇ ▆ ▅ 🟦
This is if you seen the Tv show or not its fine :P
🟦 ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷█ ▇ ▆ ▅ 🟦
But take your time!! NO RUSH THANK YOU🙏🏻♥
🟦 ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷█ ▇ ▆ ▅ 🟦
Sorry to ask this! Its just over seen the show and in my opinion i was a great show I loved it! I LOVES IT EVEN MORE CAUSE OF TIM. HE REALLY IS MY FAVE!🙏🏻😭 (IM OBSESSED WITH HIM! NOT IN A WEIRD WAY GOD NO😭) I KIN WITH HIM SO MUCH I RELATE WIT HIM SO MUCH🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Also your my favorite "OUTSIDERS" fanpage! Your my favorite person! (Love'ya :D )
🟦 ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷█ ▇ ▆ ▅ 🟦
i havent seen the show in a while so what i remember is rusty and i dont think tim was rlly there a bunch so i only have like 3 hcs im srry BUT to make up for it i will go into depth about them kinda sorta, and by hcs i mean aspects of his character i liked in the show and just went “yea thats tim im including that in my tim most definitely” but i do have like 2 hcs
•hes a good artist
loved this part of his character in the show, i feel like he was one of those kids who would doodle on like desk n stuff like that, and maybe he was one of those kids who was into graffiti and he just liked designing things but had no real outlet, sometimes at night when he cant sleep or somethin or hes thinking of like idk gang stuff he draws cause it helps clear his mind, he also just thinks its funny to draw a lot of weiners, hes still a teen hes a lil immature, but i also hc that his artistic abilities kinda inspired angela and curly as well and they become artist in their own right
•hes close to pony
OK LOOK I LOVE THIS AS A FOIL RELATIONSHIP TO DARRY AND CURLY ITS GREAT, but HOW did they get close??? most likely after johnny and dallys deaths, pony spends more time w curly which means more time at curlys house which means seeing tim a lot more as well, at first tim would just pop in and go like “do yall want somethin to eat” and ofc pony was afraid at first but l as time went on, they just kinda clicked, maybe over art, bc each other using creativity as an outlet, or something or bc tim was like “o he is a bit fucked up actually” and took him under his wing
•hes somewhat involved w the curtis gang
mostly based off that one rumble episode, BUT i hc that after dallys death, tim became not close but definitely not a stranger to the curtis gang, he doesnt rlly hang out w them or anything like that, but he does see them quite a bit and talks to them, and especially teams up w them when they need it, think of tim as what dally was to the gang, the guy who came n went but was down w them, but in his own “yall cool but i got a gang to lead so ill help darry a bit when it comes to handlin yall” way if that makes any lick of sense
•i hc that angela and curly werent there bc they were off w their grandma, y u ask??? man idk they love their grandma i guess who r we to judge
•perhaps it was around that time that angela and curly was gone that tim started getting closer to pony cause he kinda missed up and wanted someone to look after, he just got that “damn i need to b a guardian to a fucked up kid or else im gonna go insane my damn self” thing goin on and pony was there so
•i said it before but idc ill say it again, tims art is influenced by haitian art, maybe not like the style exactly, but the idea of it being vibrant, black ppl being shown using the actual color black, yknow that thing
•tim mostly draws ppl and landscapes, maybe he goes out of his way and draws like anatomy stuff wether its normal things or like horror
•he would never actually show his drawings to anyone, he rlly only shows pony it cause he knows pony wont judge, ofc angela and curly knows and have seen it but thats bc theyre nosey and poke around his things, he knows about it but they havent said anything so it’s whatever
thats all i could think of mb</33
and thank u im glad my acc beings some sorta joy, luv ya 2 anon🙏🏽🙏🏽
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dahliaes · 2 months
1, 4, 7, 18, 20!!!! for Eren!!!
MOCHI. FOR EREN!!?!?!? HEKSJKDJSKDKSKD OH GOD!!!!!!!!! TBEBEBEBEBEBEEBEHE im like actually gonna explode i love eren so muchakjxksjsj but ive never thought about him and ME!?!? WE ARE NOW MARRIED!!!! GOD I LOVE TBIS DKKXJSKS
1 - nose kisses or forehead kisses?
eren loveeeeesssss nose kisses!!! receiving and giving bc everytime i kiss his nose he gets so blushy and cute like :))) i love tackling him and covering him in kisses all over and he gets so overwhelmed bc !!!!!! it feels so good!!!!! :) but hes rlly the clingy and annoyingly sweet because he loves kissing me ALL the damn time.
4 - spooning or one person laying their head on the other’s chest?
THIS IS MY FAV THING W EREN BC—eren absolutely loves cuddling. hes so clingy and touchy and needy. he loves coming home and FLOPPING on my chest and looking up to me with his big sparkly eyes n begging for MORE love!!!
as much as he is a wittle baby he loves being the big spoon late at night and resting his head on my shoulder n kissing my neck thehehehe
7 - romantic dinners at fancy restaurants or take out dinners on the couch?
take out dinners on the couch by FAR. eren eats like a little goblin (he can devour two dozen hot wings all by himself) and i love being able to cuddle him in pajama pants without having to dress up lololol
during these little take out dinners i hand feed him chicken and rice and he opens his mouth big n wide like AHHH :O and he always makes an excuse to play w my feet okay hes disgusting
18 - cuddle in bed or need their space to sleep?
we NEED to cuddle so close and so tight that we almost mold into one. we wanna live in each others skin so there is really no world where we arent snuggling and fucking and curled up w each other
20 - value anniversaries/important relationship dates or nah?
i had to think about this one bc!!!! we both wanna celebrate we rlly do but neither of us know what we should be doing ykwim?? i think our most passionate n important moments in our relationship comes when we’re least expecting. it doesnt have to be our anniversary to feel like we’ve been in love for 10 years but sometimes he just looks at me and i feel it
god mochi this actually makes me wanna tear up jdkxjsksk sorry im gonna be thinking about a selfship uni with eren for the rest of the night thank you sm you picked the best questions jskxjdkd
ask game questions
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st4rry-sh4rkz · 1 year
Modern MMU Headcanons
Ok let’s start with Daisy:
she plays electric guitar but doesn’t rlly tell anybody so when Hazel went over her house she just pulled out an electric guitar, did a kickass riff and Hazel was just like:    what.
defo listens to rlly loud thrash music that would break her eardrums 
but is also a clairo stan 
she relates to class of 2013 on a PERSONAL LEVEL 
her style is either light academia or like cottagecore lesbian??
her room is messy but she knows where everything is and refuses to clean it because “it helps her work”
it doesn’t 
has posters over every inch of her walls but they don’t make any sense because there will be like an ominous detective poster right next to a saiki k poster 
she defo watches saiki k as a comfort anime
refuses to wear AirPods or wire headphones and will only wear a rlly chunky pair of classic headphones 
a major procrastinator 
wears SO MANY RINGS omfg 
is actually a rlly talented artist but doesn’t tell many ppl and Bertie is one of the only ones who knows so he hangs up her drawings in his bedroom
Bertie also def bought her a pride flag to put in her room bc ✨supportive older brother✨
keysmashes (Hazel doesn’t understand them at all)
she became the cool mum friend because she didn’t have a mother figure
but then realised nobody else in the friend group had one either 😭
Hazel nowww:
a bake off stan (I saw it on somebody else’s post idk who)
def got daisy into watching k dramas and now they binge them together
plays piano
listens to romantic music from the 60s-80s 
especially Good Old-Fashioned Loverboy by Queen bc it reminds her of Alexander 
also a Beatles stan 
I think she would either dress comfy and oversized OR be light/dark academia
her room is so clean omfg 
she tried to help daisy clean but it didn’t end well
if there is a party in the friend group Hazel WILL be bringing the home cooked food 
Pinterest addict (you know I’m right)
is supposed to wear glasses but doesn’t most of the time
her room is just COVERED in bake off merch
prolly started a homework club 
but now everyone just goes to hang out
will never swear and hasn’t at all 
won’t admit it but is actually rlly good at painting her nails
and everybody in the dorm convinces her to paint theirs 
is the girlboss guru of the friend group
does everybody’s winged eyeliner 
tries to do group therapy sessions but everybody just ends up venting 
she’s GIVING pansexual energy and I can’t explain it 
def listens to doja cat and nicki minaj 
the kind of person to impulsively dye her hair when something goes wrong
like she’ll walk into the room with neon green hair and everybody will be like OMFG WHATS WRONG DO U NEED A THERAPY SESSION
her style is prolly streetwear 
sneaks out all the time
but daisy always catches her and lets her go anyways 
her room is messy and she always attempts to clean it and fails miserably 
uses slay and girlboss ironically and her and daisy talk fluently in gen z 
this confuses Hazel and annoys Lavinia
would rock up to a party in a suit
but the next day wear a dress
gives relationship advice to everybody who will listen
is a sarcastic gay
istg she will have ALL the rainbow merch
she loves reading but doesn’t tell anybody
she usually reads by torchlight but everybody has caught her doing it by now
dyslexic af
when she texts with horrible spelling the others just have to deal with it
the only person in the homework club to actually do work 
idk why but she seems like a trans girl???
kitty does her makeup 
she def listens to cavetown with alexander 
it helps her sleep
her style is probably comfy clothes with cute animals on them and stuff 
she also started wearing beanies as a joke but now has a whole collection
attempted to sneak out with kitty but they ended up just lying on the grass watching the stars
relationship goals 
unironically uses lol in conversations 
the most innocent of the friendgroup
binges Saiki K with daisy while they do each other’s nails 
is a cat person and wants to own at least 4 in the future 
has a rlly neat room to everybody’s surprise
but it turns out she invites Hazel over regularly to help her clean it and so they can watch bake off together 
she knows about daisy being rlly good at art so sometimes they go over each other’s house and just draw the whole time 
is terrified of dogs 
allergic to cats 
it’s an inside joke that she starts pretending to sneeze when near kitty 
paints her nails black 
pretends to listen to rlly loud rock music and will blast it in the room
but secretly listens to the Beatles with Hazel because it helps her sleep 
plays the drums (this is a FACT)
tried to make a band with daisy and Hazel and Alexander 
it didn’t work out 
her style is prolly streetwear and she wears SO MANY NECKLACES 
her rooms messy af but nobody’s been over her house cuz they know about her family issues 
watches demon slayer 
Hazel is terrified of her cuz she thinks that it’s way too gory 
this is one of the reasons why she watches it 
she actually has a soft spot for little kids 
and decided to become a babysitter but instantly regretted it 
sneaks George into the dorms CONSTANTLY 
the girls aren’t surprised anymore when they wake up and Lavinia and George are sitting cross legged on the floor debating communism 
this is a regular thing
worked at Starbucks but is rlly bad at customer service 
Swears SO MUCH and Hazel is just like:
ok so now Alexander:
trans boy?? I think so
he def struggled with toxic masculinity but George and Hazel and kitty helped him out 
now he paints his nails with Lavinia n Hazel 
started listening to Taylor swift as a joke but now is lowkey obsessed and debates with George about the best era (obviously reputation)
also listens to cavetown w beanie
his style is def oversized jumpers and dark academia 
Hazel also helps him clean his room so it’s usually neat af
he has cavetown posters everywhere 
his comfort song is This is Home
him and George helped the girls write a petition to start the Deepdean GSA
it was successful 
him and Hazel spend so much time planning their life together it’s rlly wholesome 
the girls have heard it so much they are willing to disagree 
he plays bass guitar and was in the band (he also sang alongside daisy)
they broke up cuz he argued w Daisy SO MUCH 
he wears contacts most of the time but Hazel thinks he looks cute w glasses so he’s started wearing them more often
He enjoys scrapbooking but nobody knows except Hazel 
plays the trumpet 
only to annoy Lavinia because whenever he sees her he’ll start playing Careless Whisper 
is a major Taylor Swift stan 
he thinks reputation is the best era AND HE IS RIGHT 
didn’t want to be a part of the band because he already knew how it was gonna end 
a master at sneaking into the girls dorm
or so he says (he actually just wakes everybody up)
his style is just whatever he’s feeling at the moment which leads to some questionable fashion choices 
he’s the kind of guy to wear a nirvana band shirt and then when asked if he can name songs (he’s a major nirvana fan) he’ll start naming ac/dc songs just to piss ppl off
he says he won’t get political and then starts ranting about the corrupt government 
it doesn’t help that Lavinia encourages him
actually enjoys baking and will go over hazels house to bake stuff w her 
because daisy is a terrible chef 
her style is rlly confusing cuz she’ll dress fem one day and then be masc the next 
her and daisy need to get a room, according to the ENTIRE FRIEND GROUP
listens to girl in red unironically 
also sneaks into the girls dorm room
it’s just normal in there to wake up and Amina, George and Alexander will already be there
she plays acoustic guitar but just doesn’t tell anybody except daisy n Hazel 
actually a rlly talented singer 
her room is so tidy but nothing makes sense 
she keeps rats as pets especially the ones w red eyes 
this terrifies daisy (and everybody else) on so many levels 
also wears SO MANY RINGS
her and kitty are rlly good friends 
even if she’s also allergic to cats
She doodles on herself when she’s bored and started drawing daisies up her arms 
She is def a theatre kid
Daisy & Amina:
They go to feminist marches and pride parades together
they sneak out together ALL THE TIME
they have cute lil picnics in the flower fields n they make daisy chains together 
Amina’s big spoon (you know I’m right)
daisy tried to teach her gf how to dance but they ended up just falling over each other in a pile of laughter 
Amina calls daisy flowergirl as a pet name 
the others place bets on how many times flowergirl is gonna be said 
Kitty always wins
they’ve been to a girl in red concert together 
Bertie was def the first person to know they were dating 
they do each other’s makeup 
they decorated the dorm rooftop with fairy lights and blankets so they could sneak out there and fall asleep under the stars
they always know exactly what to get each other for valentines 
so daisy and Amina both individually give advice to the other couples 
except daisy charges money 😭
They braid each other’s hair and doodle on each other when they’re bored
Hazel and Alexander:
Hazel constantly steals Alexander’s jumpers 
they have a scrapbook together 
Alexander worked as a florist for a short period of time and sent Hazel flowers everyday with poems
They always try to outdo daisy and Amina in couples competitions 
daisy and Amina always win tho cuz they’re super competitive 
they insist on going into photo booths  together whenever possible so they can get pics for the scrapbook 
Alexander is big spoon obv 
They adopted a cat together but still can’t decide on the name
daisy thinks they should name it after her 
they’re def not doing that 
Hazel bakes cakes every year for her bfs birthday 
Daisy attempted to do it for Amina one year but miserably failed 
Alexander tries to carry Hazel but almost drop her every time
They have rlly complex secret handshakes
Kitty and Beanie:
Beanie used to go to Kitty for relationship advice even tho it was Kitty she was crushing on
the first time they kissed was when beanie was in the middle of confessing to her 
Beanie has night terrors and trouble sleeping so Kitty sings to help her fall asleep
they didn’t have to tell anybody they were dating
they just randomly started kissing each other and nobody questioned it 
Kitty’s big spoon 
Lavinia did start wondering why Kitty stopped sleeping in her own bed and would wake up in Beanies 
she never asked tho 
They go on shopping sprees together 
Kitty def does beanies makeup and teaches her how to do rlly intricate hair styles 
George and Lavinia:
Lavinia gets a lot of shit for dating a non white man obvs 
they get through it tho 
they stay up rlly late debating their existence in the universe and politics 
This annoys everybody except Hazel and Alexander who think it’s pretty cute 
When Lavinia worked at Starbucks George would order a drink everybody but she would make sure to pronounce his name wrong every time
“Can… Jorge? … collect his order please?”
George loved her for that
They’re annoying at road trips cuz if you pass them the aux you better prepare for horrible renditions of Taylor swift songs 
They once turned up to the school dance with George wearing a dress and Lavinia wearing a suit
they enjoy breaking gender norms cuz who doesn’t 
they paint each other’s nails 
George leaves random post it notes for Lavinia to find when he stays over at the dorm
If the other girls or Alexander find them they get so confused 
Alexander would find one and be like:
“George why are you confessing your love to me? I have a girlfriend??”
“Ohhhh this is for Lavinia. Got it.”
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midnights-doodles · 7 days
Metamay 25-31
Was trying to get this out for the 31st and before you know it June starts 😒
(But my birthdays soon not complaining-)
And rn it is literally past midnight here in UK so 2nd of June has begun but that is ok everyone knows I'm not punctual
I did take these pics in the dark with my flashlight so apologies if it's hard to read. I played around with filters but eh. Didn't rlly make a huge difference 😪
What the drawings say under the cut <333
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25th :
Free (But he's not). He just finished all this work. 11pm
(Tried drawing toon link but I've never played sorry zelda fans 😅 ((I do love playing as zelda or link in ultimate tho they are amazing fighting and style)) but as u can see its not great)
Toon link/the attempt to draw him: That guy looks familiar but the meta knight I know would never wear a hat. This isn't him.
Meta Knight The Elder: *Pissed bc u skipped hid dialogue smh.
Text beneath: You have skipped the Wise Elder's dialogue -> X
(I have a funny opinion that mk thinks he can add one change to his outfit and think he's a whole different guy) sorry I'm rambling 🤐😬
Random trainer: I wonder where that new pokemon went... 🤔 It had wings and could talk and everything!!
Meta Knight used.... shrink!
He's literally smooshed himself together, wings and all behind the mask. (That doesn't look comfortable and it didn't feel comfortable drawing it 😭)
Meta Knight: I must win! I cannot be upstaged by Kirby again!!
If he ever did this it would be manga meta I kid you not <- opinion
Hmm... who's this???
Dedede: Who lied to you and said adding a moustache would make you unrecognisable?
Meta Knight: I made an attempt, be grateful.
1) He woke up late smh. Ran to the throne room 🙄. (He could've warped/teleported)
MK: Apologies for being late to the meeting...
2) No one tells him... (Their thoughts/reactions)
Starla Rosa (OC): That's odd... but I guess he trusts us...? <- Knows somethings wrong but gives benefit of the doubt.
Kirby: <- Also thinks Meta's just opening up.
Bandana: <- Tries to not look but is also very amused.
King D³: Is laughing shamelessly (same tbh) and refuses to explain why.
3) Realisation
MK: tilts his head.. (why would D³ laugh...) is touching face and then realises he has no mask 🥲
31st: Thank you card
MK: I'm going to fall I'm going to fall I'm going to FALL
Phew, done!
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