#pyro also wears their mask less
prettyboypistol · 6 months
How the Mercs Like to be Topped || TF2 x M!Reader +18
You see that 18+ and read more tab so minors fuck off
If you can actually convince him to bottom, he LOVES to be babied
"Good boy, Jeremy." "Oh come on darling, breathe for me?" are his FAVORITE
Caress him, kiss him, love on him!!! Scout loves the gentle touches and reassurances. You know he's always a little worried about bottoming, so you alwasy being there for him greatly eases his worries.
Yeah he'd like you to be a little rough and manhandle him, but you know he's far too flighty to handle a rougher touch. The most you'll do is pull his hair and push him deep into the mattress.
Same hesitantcy as Scout, sees it as "unmanly" to bottom. (brother you are dating another MAN). But unlike Scout, Soldier loves to be ordered around in roleplay.
His favorite is commander/private with you acting as a drill sergent. Replace spanking with pushups!
Prefers no penetration but is open to blowing you/touching you/grinding
Isn't opposed to being hit with his crop but y'all haven't gotten there yet.
Pyro likes to be on the bottom most of the time, but the dynamic you two have is that you must be blindfolded to not see them without their suit.
You two are actually really conversational about your sex life and open about each other's boundaries. Pyro likes to be topped and cared for, but they are massively uncomfortable being seen.
They love to be praised and gently guided as they worship your body. Pyro guides your hands to their hips as they ride you, from the noises they make, you know they're wearing the mask.
Bro this mf gives the most IMMACULATE head you're convinced under the mask is a tentacle mouth.
Y'all do a coin flip to determine who tops lmao
The dynamic doesn't really change much between topping/bottoming unless you guys plan it beforehand to be kinky and even then the kink is just like, mild bdsm
He loves how playful and nonserious you are during sex, it puts him at ease. Tavish doesn't think sex should be all that serious, it should be fun!
Doesn't mind a bit of roughness around the edges, especially when you grab him by his face and demand he looks at you when you two are kinky. Instant bust.
Just a matter of personal preference- he likes to top more than bottom, but he isn't completely opposed to bottoming once in a blue moon.
He'll never admit it, but Dell loves when you "seduce" him in his workshop when he's working, especially since nobody comes around to hear how loud he gets.
Dell likes when you tease him a bit for being so loud! Call that cowboy a whore!!!
Secretly enjoys the shame of being filled up with cum and having made a mess of himself.
He didn't think he'd like it at first, but the feeling of you spreading his legs and filling him up was fucking amazing.
Mikhail loves when you bite/mark him up! He can take the roughness of haphazard thrusting and god he loves it when you lose yourself inside him.
Watching you try to dominate him is adorably hot to him. That isn't to say that he thinks less of you, but the situational cuteness of a man smaller than him actual all macho-
Although, seeing you so serious and dominant is rather sexy. Heavy had always liked the serious types in bed.
Medic is so down to let you top, especially when he's feeling rather fiendish and coy. Sometimes he wants to be pushed against against a wall and taken as he playfully resists is just what he needs to destress.
Ludwig is so fucking down HORRENDOUS for you beating him the hell up during sex. Slap his face. Tie his hands up. Edge him and drive him insane.
If you're not feelings rough that night, Ludwig also enjoys the loving and languid sex that just takes joy in your company.
choke this bitch. do it.
Yeah he's a vers, but the vulnerability of letting you domtop would be too much for him. If he bottoms for you, you're the one begging for him.
Watching you hungerly look over him, seeing the lust in your eyes turns him on more than he can describe.
Handcuffs are a favorite of his, especially when you struggle against them to beg to touch his hips as he rides you.
Secretly fucks himself to fantasies of you ravaging him and ruining his pretty and put together facade.
Whatever gets his rocks off the best is what he's down for.
When you fuck him, expect your back to be marred with scratches and your shoulders riddled with bite marks and hickeys.
Mundy is suprisingly whiny after a good while, eventually breaking to growl and whimper for you to "just get on with it, you fucking tease!"
Likes to go multiple rounds and has the biggest libido out of all the mercs. He's a self-aware needy man and will give every alleyway and storage room a once over when you two are walking together.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
Tf2 going go the amusement park
TF2 Mercs at an amusement park!
Anon, you have my heart, I've been wanting an excuse to do this, but it was too long for my headcanon lists.
So when they first get there, it's chaos. Everyone wants to do different things, but it's also not a good idea to let these men run free.
Scout, Soldier, and (suprisingly) Medic are all ready down to hop on some rides.
Pyro, Engie, Heavy, and Sniper want to try their hands at some games.
Demo is just enjoying the fact that everyone is having fun. He's also popping a couple of motion sickness pills prepping himself incase he wants to hop on a couple rides.
Spy whines the entire time. This man is complaining, it's hot, it's expensive, it's loud. I think this man is incapable of having fun (kidding). Stick him on a bench in the shade where he can see how sick Scout and Soilder get after trying to show how cool they are by going on the biggest rides, and he'll eventually be happy.
We're gonna make each merc go on some rides, for the laughs :)
Basically, what rides can they handle and what rides destroy them 😭
Scout makes a show of going on the biggest ride. He's not scared of heights! Put this man on the Top Gun (look it up, it's insane I swear. I went on it once and never recovered. It's kind of like a salt and pepper shaker but with less protection, like no cage, just a over head like plastic vest thing. Plus, it's like 120 feet in the air). And point and laugh as he tries not to throw up afterward. Or comfort him. He'll need it. But put him on a ferris wheel or the swings, and he'll genuinely enjoy himself.
Soldier is also going to talk a big game, but for the most part, this man can back it up. Put him on any Rollercoaster you'd like, and he'll handle it well. I want to throw him on a tall ride? He's fine. Do you want a really good reaction? Send him off to the Grava-tron.
Medic is the only one who can legitimately ride any ride without getting sick or being absolutely terrified. It's a little scary how good this man can handle rollercoasters. Just straight faced after words "Oh is it over?" Type of guy. What he won't tell you is he is actually terrified of heights, like man is crying on the inside. He'd rather die and admit that.
Pyro is off having fun on the kiddie rides. They may be a grown adult, but let's he honest. If you were getting paid less than minimum wage and some person came up to wearing a gas mask and started giving you the most horrific staredown of your life, would you really tell them no? Let them have fun! Put them on any major rides, and it doesn't really kill them, but they aren't having a good time anymore.
Engie is content going on the kid rides with Pyro. Sure, is it a bit weird that two grown adults are waiting in line with literal five year olds? Yes. Do they care? No. I actually don't think any rides would kill him or actually scare him. This man is the only merc who can handle any ride.
Heavy. This man does not like rides. Like at all. He was perfectly content on staying at the games, but Scout literally begged for everyone to go on some rides. I think he'd be fine on the tilt-a-whirl or the elephant ride. He wouldn't like any big rides at all.
Sniper is a lot like Medic. He's pretending it's fine, but he's literally turning green. He can handle heights just fine. It's the spinning over and over again that gets him. He's fine going on some coasters, especially gravity driven ones, but hates the idea of going on the swings with Scout. (He did it anyway)
Demo literally can't ride any of the rides without throwing up. He's already half drunk, and that motion sickness pill he popped can only do so much. Take him on the ferris wheel, and he'll manage. Suggest he go in a mirror maze, and he'll never forgive you (kidding).
Spy. Oh my god, this man. Just like Scout (are we surprised?). "Oh, this is so childish and stupid. No, I'm not scared! I just have better things to do with my time." Literally turned white after most rides. He'd be fine on a big coaster, though like, he's totally fine with going upside down and shit, he's just a baby when it's combined with heights.
Okay, time for games!
Scout honestly thinks the games are boring. He's a thrill seeker after all (even if he can't handle the thills we speak of). But introduce this man to the wack-a-mole, and He's enamored. Batter Up Baseball is also a favorite. He won an inflatable baseball bat!
Soldier likes playing any games with a fake gun, even if he's not the best at it. He'd also play football throw (basically, you throw a football through a swinging tire). He wins a plush football.
Medic is staying at that fill a balloon by spraying water in its mouth thing. He loves how endearingly horrific it is! He wins a small stuffed bird. (Archimedes got jealous the second he brought it on to the base).
Pyro loves the Duck Pond! (Pick a rubber duck from a pond and win a prize). They also really like frog catapult. I think I'd be mean to suggest they didn't win a unicorn rubber duck.
Heavy is strangely good at bean bag toss games or games that require a general skill at aiming. He can knock down those blocks that you'd swear were glued to their post. He wins a stuffed axolotol.
Engie is playing the same games as Pyro, but also gets a chance to sneak off and play some basketball games, which he's shockingly good at. He also looks at every game to find a game with a stuffed unicorn for Pyro. (I literally picture that one scene in Dispicable Me if Pyro tries to win the prize and loses).
Sniper. Do I even need to tell yow how well this sweaps the darts and cross bow game? Probably not. Will I? Yes. He genuinely doesn't even need to look half the time. He knows exactly how to hold the rigged crossbow for a perfect hit. The attendant is horrified. He goes to the dart game and teaches a kid how to hit the balloons. He gives the kids around the park his winnings.
Demo. For someone with almost no depth perception, this man is scarily good at the ring toss game. Like, this game is rigged to hell and back, yet he's sweeping every prize from them. He lets the stall keep everything, thankfully hes in it more for the fun. He does take some smaller prizes to give to kids and wins a giant plush cat for himself.
Spy doesn't see the need to spend more money at this place, so he's mainly wandering around to kill time. Until he sees Scout trying to win the horse race game. He sucks at it. Like, really bad, it's almost embarrassing. He's trying to win a big prize. It's a stuffed dog, and it's really cute, but he's having no luck, so he gives up and leaves. Spy walks up and absolutely kills, like he beats the game, no problem. He finds Scout a few minutes later and just hands it to him without a word. (This totally wasn't written because I want some wholesome SpyDad content).
So, finally, the days are almost over, but before they leave, they pick up some food!
Scout is getting pizza and the most horrendous deep-fried food you can think of. He has definitely eaten a deep-fried twinkle before.
Soldier is getting corn dogs and funnel cake. He's okay with the classics sometimes!
Medic is appalled by most things here. He's panicking, thinking his team is going to go into a diabetic coma. But he does end up eating. He figures street corn, and a pretzel is the best option here. But don't worry, this man is letting himself get some unhealthy food. He gets a churro and a candy apple.
Pyro is off finding anything and everything sweet. They grabbed cotton candy, caramel apples, and a cherry snow cone before anyone could stop them. Someone does convince them to eat some nachos or fries so they don't get as sick from all that sugar.
Heavy is off getting cheese curds and an elephant ear. He also gets a snow cone. His is lime, though. He also finds a stand selling subs and is thrilled.
Engie is getting chicken strips and both kettle corn and caramel corn. He is careful to hide the popcorn from Pyro, who looks ready to devour anything that has sugar at this point.
Sniper is not so much horrified as he is disgusted by the food selection. Like don't get me wrong, this man is gross himself but holy fuck. He gets why Americans have a reputation of being obese. He ends up getting a hotdog, and he also decides to see what the hype is about and tries a deep-fried pickle. He now knows why Americans love fried food so much.
Demo doesn't actually think the food is gross. We gotta remember this man probably at Haggis growing up. (Also, I didn't know this, but some amusement parks have turkey legs. So he's totally fine getting a turkey leg, some fries.
Spy. Let's just assume that all the non Americans are horrified and / or disgusted (except Heavy and Demo). But by far, this man is the most horrified. He definitely almost had a stroke watching Scout try and eat all the deep-fried fair food he could find. He ends up settling for a kebab and popcorn. But he may or may not have snuck a deep fried oreo, just to see why Scout liked them so much.
They all go on the ferris wheel together once before they leave!
This ended up being way longer than I expected holy shit 😭
I had so much fun writing this! Thank you again, Anon, for letting me write this, I absolutely love amusement parks and fairs, so this was super cool!
Also! Thank you, guys, for all the love on my other posts. I'm so glad I get to make things people love <3
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cheemscakecat · 3 months
What dogs would the Tf2 mercs be? Pt 2.
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RED Medic is a German Shepherd. He’s already got that dove imagery and tries to play god, so I think he’d like being called a shepherd in a twisted way. They’re also very intelligent and sassy dogs.
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BLU Medic is a Doberman Pincer. They’re a breed that frequently gets their ears and tail cut to make them look scarier, and are usually assumed to be aggressive by looks alone. The dog version of BLU Medic hasn’t had the cosmetic surgery to dock his ears and tail.
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But his alternate personality from the Em Blue funeral does [in the mental world] since he’s meant to look scary and off putting to people like Jules Archibald.
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RED Heavy would be a Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Big old beefer of a dog. They are not for first time owners. Neither are a lot of other dogs, but these big guard dog breeds especially. They’re good with their family and wary of strangers.
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RED Engineer Tf2 is a Pug because he has a lot of cosmetics for them, and they look small and nonthreatening. Engineer is 100% dangerous, but he seems less criminally insane than the rest of the team because of his personality.
I tried to find 1930s-40s pictures of pugs with healthier snouts, but the search came up short. Guess they had the breathing issues at that point too. I hope someday they’ll be bred with healthier dog breeds to undo the nose. Even if the result doesn't count as a pug.
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I don’t know of RED Pyro is a man, alien or mineral, but he gets to be a borzoi dog. Imagine being another dog, and not only is this one out of proportion like a skinwalker, it’s also wearing a pyro suit and mask? They already freak people out when fully visible, so…
Also, the comedic stylings of having a big lanky Pyro and his short Engineer dad.
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evil8keta · 2 years
mercs x reader who steals their clothes!
- gets an immediate ego boost from it. seeing you in his clothes makes him feel so cool and important!! he will totally brag about it in front of the other mercs like "hell yea guys my s/o loves me SO BAD. they're even wearin my stuff!!" but honestly all his clothes are ugly and smell funny so....just saying. i wouldnt wear them if i were you but if you really wanna wear them then go for it. you're gonna make scout really happy :D
- holy shit!!!! you look like mini him!! he will NOT shut up about how cute you look. he's gonna convince you to train with him because uh oh now he actually thinks you ARE a mini version of him?? have fun being his recruit lol. but other than that his clothes are surprisingly comfy, 10/10 would wear again. plus you get soldier yelling about how badass and awesome you look and how much he loves you
- pyro doesn't really wear anything else other than their hazmat suit but they have a huge collection of gas masks! and since you are their s/o, you can totally wear those :D just please ask for permission first! when you actually do put one on though? they're gonna SQUEAL. legit they did NOT expect you to look so cute in one of their gas masks but...you do?? wowie!! pyro wil grab your face and give you a bunch of head boops and nuzzles because OH MY GOD you are so adorable
- ohhh heavy's clothes are very comfy. they're SO big and made from very good material and they smell like books and gunpowder (ah yes what a comforting smell...). if he sees you wearing his clothes he's gonna get this SMALL but very very happy smile on his face. his thoughts rn are like "s/o you are tiny and so so cute heavy love you". he's just silently appreciating you, yknow. also i think heavy always liked to offer you his clothes, either because he thought you seem cold or for some other reason. but now, heavy offers you his clothes just because he thinks you look very cute in them :)
- acts casual everytime he sees you wearing his clothes but as soon as you leave he turns to the others guys all wide eyed and blushing like "HAVE YA SEEN THAT??? THEY'RE WEARING MY CLOTHES!" one time you 2 were just chilling and demo just straight up asked you WHY you wear his clothes all the time. you said they smell like him and that it reminds you of him and my man pulled you into a tight hug and started sobbing. he loves you so much
- thinks you look very cute. very silly. engie lowkey has the most normal reaction out of all the mercs, but that doesn't mean he loves seeing you wear his clothes any less!! he sees you wearing his overalls and he's like "ah yes that's my s/o wearing my stuff right there, aint they a cutie?" engie likes to leave his clothes in visibly convenient places so there's a higher chance you wear them.... he acts very cool about it so you don't suspect anything, but eventually you DO notice. if you tease him about it he will blush so bad and try to deny it
- medic wears VERY stylish clothes so if you wanna look like a smart doctor (like him) i 100% recommend stealing his clothes. but other than that, medic really likes seeing you in his clothes :) he actually gets very dramatic about it and can't keep his hands off of you. he once saw you wearing his lab coat and literally couldn't stop hugging your for HOURS!! he kept saying how adorable you look and how you should wear his clothes more often and how much HE LOVES YOU AND AAA
- actually, don't. just don't. he won't let you use his very expensive suit no matter what and i highly advise you to NOT wear his stinky balaclava either. it's for your health i promise. however there's a bunch of other shirts he wears so if you want you can wear those. they're comfy and high quality and they stink-- i mean, smell just like him :)) when it comes to his reaction, it seems like he doesn't even notice since he doesn't comment on it...? well SIKE!! this man DOES notice and he is SCREAMING of joy on the inside. he's just very good at hiding it because he doesn't want the others to think that he's a weak and lovesick fool (everyone knows that he's an absolute simp for you dw)
- absolutely LOVES it but he also tries to hide how he really feels. except unlike spy, he actually fails HORRIBLY. there's literally a big goofy lovey dovey smile on his face and yes everyone can notice including you. also i said this already but you're the only one who gets the privilege of wearing his hat. he even bought another one for you so you guys can match but turns out that you like wearing HIS hat SPECIFICALLY. this realization made me him feel very special and warm inside :D
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majorluz · 6 months
Red/Blu Pyro Headcanons!!
To see my lil doodle featuring what I personally believe Pyro looks like under the mask go here pls!!
Red Pyro
Pyro doesn't really try to be mysterious. He just likes the anonyminity and is a little self conscious about her looks. The other mercs are skeeved out by him bc they've NEVER seen her face and have never seen him shower or use the latrine at night. That's bc she's Scary Good at moving around without being detected while unencumbered.
The first person he ever showed her face to is Engie, because he never questioned her motives or showed any fear while interacting with him and treated her like a trusted comrade, with all the friendly back-slaps and fistbumps that came with it. Of course, it was spurred by a conversation where Pyro was teasing Engineer about being scared of him while getting in his personal space, but when Engie reiterated, "No, son, I ain't scared," that's when the mask was peeled off and Dell was met with a yellowed grin and two haggard but gentle brown eyes. "How about now," Pyro signed with her free hand.
Binds with gauze sometimes to aid with the body dysmorphia and the "running-around-in-the-blistering-desert-wearing-an-asbestos-lined-suit" situation but started doing it less and less because Medic threatened to slice off his tits if she kept binding that tight. He's running out of salve and painkillers. Stop making his job harder.
Pyro is very vocal when wearing the mask but when he's not, she's selectively mute and speaks almost exclusively in SL aside from small grunts and vocalizations that are too specific to emulate with signing. (Audible frustration/sarcasam, sobbing, laughter)
Pyroland is less of a "delusion" and more like an inappropriately-timed daydream. Pyro knows what his job is and she is damn good at it, but an active battlefield doesn't really give you any time for escapist fantasies soooooo why not combine the two? it's not healthy or viable long-term but nobody's gonna intervene if the other team's good n crispy right?
Sweaty. All the time. Doesn't matter the time of day or the temperature outside. She smells like sweat, his hugs are slightly damp, and her skin sticks with the person he's touching. This is actually a very pleasant experience.
Uses novelty weapons like the Gas Passer and the Thermal Thruster because they're just so damn FUN. Favorite taunt is Gas Blast, you can probably tell why.
Blu Pyro
He's not nearly as vocal, not even while wearing the mask, she communicates almost exculsively in SL. His demeanor is a lot more docile and shy in social situations, but is arguably even more spine-chilling in combat because she doesn't always laugh maniacally when roasting the opposing team, but rather tilts his head in curious, almost childlike fascination.
The other Blu mercs are a little less scared of him than the Red team are of their Pyro because of her gentler nature, but it's still freaky to wake up in the middle of the night for a glass of water only to be met with your Pyro standing in the hallway in his full gear, staring, unmoving, at a wall...
Is also Very Sweaty but instead of smelling and feeling like a warm sweaty body he feels clammy and ill. Nobody's fond of bunking with her because it feels like sleeping next to a corpse. which is double unfortunate because he's a cuddle bug
He LOVES drawing. She'd dip her fingers in blood and draw on concrete if he had no other viable surface. Blu HQ's walls are COVERED in Pyro doodles. some of them drawn in blood The subjects of her drawings usually consist of her coworkers, houses on fire, Ms. Pauling, houses on fire, cats wearing silly hats, did I mention houses on fire? One time, he drew the entire base in flames, so her drawing materials were confiscated for a week. Which ended in the base being set on fire because he had nothing constructive to do.
Absolutely devoted to the stock Flame Thrower. When questioned about it, Pyro signs matter-of-factly, "Fire makes bad things disappear."
She gets injured. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. Not enough for a respawn, but he has shown up at the Medic's office with a butterfly knife stuck firmly in the back of her skull, a fire axe stuck in his spine, and her leg blown off from a rocket. It's become sort of a game among the others to bet on how he'll end up mangled on the battlefield. Their Medic doesn't find it very funny.
Very clingy and protective of the mercs she thinks are the 'smartest' like Engie, Spy, Medic, etc. He seems to value intelligence very highly due to her own perceived lack of it.
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elysianstarl1ght · 1 year
au where engie and medic are experimenting, the other mercs are in the room when something goes wrong. they get it contained and don't think anything went wrong, until they all go to sleep, wake up, and find that they all have new animal features.
medic - dove heavy - grizzly bear pyro - scorpion engie - bumblebee demo - 'unknown sea creature' (nessie) soldier - eagle spy - rattlesnake sniper - tarantula scout - rabbit
i wanted to avoid mythical creatures but i really had no idea what to do with demo. but i think imma stick with it because technically its not mythical in the tf2-verse and i have a rlly funny hc about it.. so..
(warning you. theres alot. a l o t .)
scout constantly complaining that he "got a rabbit of all things and not a cool animal" and refusing to admit he's actually having a lot of fun as a rabbit. he really likes his new ears he'll just never admit it
(also pauling trying to talk to scout through the headphones but his ears are on the top of his head and he cant hear through the headphones
one of the mercs calling pauling to let her know what happened and she shows up at reds base and is just like "what the fuck did you guys DO" and she goes on a huge rant and eventually asks if medic can make an antidote, to which he says yes.
demo having a huge ass tail and constantly knocking things over because he doesnt know how to control it.
medic officially banned him from the infirmary until he could get a cure to un-animalify them. demo went in there ONE TIME on the first day and knocked over an entire cabinet filled with medical supplies and he never went in there again (he darted out of the room instantly because he was worried medic was gonna kick his ass /lh)
engie absolutely loves his wings, he doesnt use them often but when he does he gets so excited and giddy bc theyre SO helpful!! hes probably also rlly protective of them too!
soldier knocks shit over with her wings all the damn time too. she randomly flaps her wings because she Loves Them and wants to show them off and whatever she's next to goes flying. she was also probably one of the only mercs that wasnt extremely concerned when she woke up; she probably shouted "AMERICA!!!!" at the top of her lungs and woke up half the base
spy wearing his mask significantly less because she has scales on the side of his face and under her eyes and the mask rubbing against the scales makes him cringe (sensory issues moment)
also i just find it slightly cruel how i made spy a SNAKE and scout a RABBIT. just- just think about that real quick.
sniper would have the time of his LIFE fucking with his team and the opposing team with his new spider powers!! some examples below
creating web traps to catch them. he especially does this to blu spy when he tries to backstab sniper (and scout just for fun. he falls for the traps every time)
web nets just around corners in the base that the mercs run into
crawling along the ceiling and walls to scare the shit out of his team, especially at night
swinging down infront of them when hes hanging on the ceiling also to scare the shit out of them
yeah sniper probably hated being a tarantula at first, but after he discovered what he could do oh BOY. he never realized how much fun messing with people was!! (he no longer blames scout and pyro for doing stupid shit)
pyro lowkey struggles with their mask and suit because of their new scorpion features. like they have those extra leg thingies and it was a huge struggle trying to get those to work with his suit
and dont get me started on his pincher hand things. pyro struggled. alot.
and his stinger thing. houh boy they probably accidentally killed the mercs a lot of times with that thing...
i dont really have anything for heavy yet (please feel free to drop any hcs) but i can tell you this much he has HUGE bear hands and he has bear ears and medic finds it absolutely adorable.
adding onto this medic wrapping his wings around the mercs while healing them when theyre standing still. like theyre hiding around a corner and medic brings them closer with his wings.
ALSO MEDIC HAS BIRD FEET (he hates it) and he had to cut holes in a pair of his gloves because he got bird talons (he REALLY hates that.)
oh my god thasts... thats a lot of writing... thats not even all of it... oh yikes...
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What all of your femme!tf2 headcannons?
Feral. And I mean feral. Scout is to this team what Pyro is to the canon mercs.
Medic gave her some sharper teeth so she can bite people.
Also she’s from New Jersey.
Not as fast as C!Scout but hits much harder.
She’s Miss Pauling’s girlfriend. Pauling likes her because she’s chaos incarnate but is also just very sincere. No over-trying, no posing, no filter, it’s attractive to her. 
Has an incredible sense of humor. If she met C!Sniper she’d probably say something like “Mate, you’re paid to blow up idiots in the dessert. Loosen up.”
Her best attribute would probably be her stealth. It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t hit her target the first time because you’ve no idea where’s she’s coming from.
Her second best would be her gymnastic skills. She finds perches anywhere and climbs just about anything.
Basically, she’s really hard to spot. Almost better at camouflage than the Spy.
Much like her counterpart, she is incredibly patriotic and was prevented from joining the army. 
However she was denied for stupid reasons like 
“this is the 40s and girls can’t be soldiers” 
and “No you can’t be a nurse either, especially when you tell us you plan on going AWOL” 
and “For Christ’s sake girl you’re obviously not 18. You can’t join the army, you’re a child.” 
Didn’t stop her from training though! By the time the 60s rolled around she’s more than able. 
She’s really good at playing the trumpet. Absolutely shreds that thing. 
She’s also an idiot, but a happier idiot. 
Good relationship with Scout although they’re not related. Basically the inverse of C!Scout and C!Spy’s relationship.
Hear me out. She’s a stoner.
The predominant way she attacks is via poisons. They have effects such as temporarily blinding a player or reducing their muscle movement.
Also holograms. She has hologram gadgets.
She’s still French and has expensive taste, just less uptight.
Does not wear a full gas mask, but wears a face covering and goggles and usually has a hood up along with gloves, long sleeves, and boots. So it’s the same effect. 
They are completely nonverbal. (Can’t talk, not just a muffled voice.) 
They really like cars. Surprisingly, not just for the gasoline. 
They’re about as much of an enigma as canon!pyro, with the exception that their hair is sometimes visible.
Bit of a loner honestly.
She’s British! She is also exiled from England and banned from the UK.  
Yes it was for the medical malpractice. 
She has antidotes for Spy’s poisons. They have a rivalry that matches canon Spy and Engineer’s but with fem!spy being more like engineer in this case. 
She’s an aunt in personality. “Love, dear, darling,” etc. are an integral part of her dialogue. 
She’s crazy as the canon medic but in the opposite way. She has an abundance of calmness and apathy as opposed to his surplus of exuberance. 
Probably the most similar her counterpart. 
She’s got the Southern charm. the subtle god complex, and the country-isums.
Unlike C!Engineer, however, she’s not a patient person. She has a temper like hot coals. 
She remains a sweet smiling Southern bell when she’s furious, her tone doesn’t change but her actions do. She gets violent.
She never shows physical signs of anger. No red face or growling or anything like that. Just gets a vicious smile and glare.
Also very similar to her counterpart in personality but not in background.
Really jolly and friendly. And loud. 
Has extreme bad luck. Like, comically bad luck. Her last name may as well be Murphy.
She, however, does not believe in luck.
She’s an orphan who grew up apprenticing under several types of demolition jobs.
Eventually she was refused by everyone else because every mentor that took her on would end up blown up by their own had within the year. 
She builds her weapons herself. She’s incredibly resourceful and a scavenger by habit.
She likes collecting little things. She has a giant doll house filled with miniatures of everyday objects. 
She’s completely stoic when in battle. Big, intimidating, quiet, doberman type.
Outside of fighting, though, she’s a really gentle and good humored person. She has an affinity for Sniper’s antics.
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ithaquasbbg · 9 months
Hey, for the matchup can I have an IDV matchup my oc Wendy?
For appearance Wendy has dark skin, braided hair in a ponytail and some burn marks across her right eye, hazel eyes and wears a black dress with some rips on it and a fighter fighters jacket, gloves, boots and a gas mask.
For her personality, she often distance and have trust issues but she can hold a normal conversation and but she’s very observant of things and is very polite, but she can be rather dangerous when she knows there a threat to her, she would get rid of it or someone if they get in her way but Wendy has her moments when she struggles with her constant isolation and generally miss having people to talk too, she can sometimes even be a bit shy and isn’t used to complements, she’s also very smart and keeps rack and tries to get information on the people around her in order to see if their a threat or not, she also hates needles or being restrained like a mad man because of her time at the asylum.
Her carrier is a pyro.
Omg I love reading about peoples ocs it’s just so fun fjgjsksn!
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Matchup 06
I match you with my favorite 2 for one combo meal (iykyk)
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God I love these two.
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Xie Bi’an - White guard
⭒❃.✮:▹He’s a polite person, very polite and good at holding a conversation.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Outside of matches he doesn’t strike me as the threatening type, instead he seems much more like a calm person.
⭒❃.✮:▹ He gives a lot of compliments, though not necessarily in a flirty way. Every once in a while he’ll stare over at her and suddenly blurt out things like “you’re so beautiful” ect, ect.
⭒❃.✮:▹Though he doesn’t mean to get her flustered, per say, he’d likely be quite amused by the fact that she’s unused to compliments.
⭒❃.✮:▹ In terms of hating being restrained, I doubt she’d have to worry about it at all with him or Wujiu (ahem.. Bian’s death)
⭒❃.✮:▹ Loves having little chats all the time, though he’s not the most extroverted in the manor, he does enjoy having chats with the people he enjoys being around, like her!
⭒❃.✮:▹ He’s also intelligent and would be quite happy to speak with somebody else who’s quite smart, getting to learn more from Wendy, in a way.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Super patient and gentle, on days she struggles he’d be there embracing her and muttering on and on about whatever is on his mind. She’d never have to be lonely again
⭒❃.✮:▹ After Wujius death, he probably has issues with leaving people, attachment, ect. He will claim that he’s not clingy in order to save his face, but Bi’an is probably one of the more clingy people at the manor.
⭒❃.✮:▹ A worry wart, constantly checking to make sure she’s okay. He also keeps an eye on her though discreetly, of course.
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Fan Wujiu (Black guard)
⭒❃.✮:▹ He’s much less chatty, more blunt. Upon first meet, he may come off a little rude or threatening.
⭒❃.✮:▹ He’s not though, at least outside of matches. Simply put, he doesn’t want to be a bother (nor does he want to be bothered)
⭒❃.✮:▹ Once he’s Romantically involved in somebody, he’d be much less blunt and a lot more conversational, willing to chat occasionally about whatever is on her mind.
⭒❃.✮:▹ I say this in the nicest way possible, but I don’t think he’d be the most intelligent academically (though he’s still intelligent in other ways, if that makes sense?). He probably gets puzzled trying to keep up with how smart she is.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Much more flirty than Bi’an, and when he realizes she’s not used to compliments, he’s going to milk her reactions.
⭒❃.✮:▹ says things like “You look gorgeous”, ect. While holding onto her chin, cupping her cheeks, you get the gist! He loves getting a reaction out of her.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Though should she return the favor he’d probably get all flustered himself. Wujiu seems to be all bark and no bite.
⭒❃.✮:▹ He seems like the type to have a thing for scars, as strange as that may sound. Wujiu sees them as beautiful, things that prove how strong others are.
⭒❃.✮:▹ His loyalty is unmatched (he literally died bc he didn’t want to break a promise), she’d never have to worry about being left when it comes to him. When Wujiu says he’ll love somebody forever, he means it.
⭒❃.✮:▹ Wujiu Doesn’t strike me as the comforting type, but on days she’s struggling he’ll do what he can, mostly non verbal communication though,
⭒❃.✮:▹ aka, if she checks under her pillow on one of these days she’ll find a handwritten note from him with all the comforting thoughts he can’t bring himself to say verbally, he’s not as harsh as he wants to seem!
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leorawright · 2 years
Mercs with a butcher S/O? Like, they have multiple knives and sets up bear traps for the enemy team – but they’re scarily quiet and wears a gas mask similar to Pyro’s?
Oooo that sounds like a cool character!
Mercs with butcher s/o
He's so scared of you
He'll often start rambling around you and then slow to a stop when he sees you
If you encourage him to keep going he's surprised your interested and maybe you aren't as emotionless as he though
He'll purposely lure the other team into your traps
He finds your fighting style so cool and he'll beg you to teach him how to make traps
He never notices that you're so quiet
He'll just talk and it takes him 6 conversations to realize he's almost never heard you talk
He'll try to encourage you to talk but won't force you
If you let him help you lay traps es ecstatic and will happily place traps around
Soldier is not at all fazed by the gas mask since he knows Pyro and he's Soldier
He's pretty intimidated and cautious around you when he meets you
But he soon sees you as someone he can talk to and trust to listen
And he strives to be that person for you
You and him make the deadliest of traps with your bear traps and his bombs
He's so intrigued by your mask and he really wants to see your face but he won't ask
Mask twinsies!!!
Cut to Pyro decorating your mask while the screams of people being caught in your traps echo behind you
Pyro is so happy that someone else has a mask because then they feel less alone
They'll happily help you set up traps and even let you borrow a custom flamethrower to use in battle
He's pretty surprised by your fighting style and stature
You're definitely not like anyone else on the team that's for sure
Heavy is glad comfortable silence exists between you two because he doesn't like talking much
Heavy can carry many of your traps so he'll often follow you and help you set up
He improves your traps in his own Medic way
He'll try so hard to see what's behind your mask but he never succeeds
Whenever Medic is low on health he'll run to you and lead the other team through your traps so he can get to you
He'll often be found near you during battles because he wants to know you're always healed
He didn't talk to your for the first couple weeks you were at the base
The first time he did was to ask if he could borrow a trap because people kept sneaking up on him
Soon Sniper loved the comfortable silence that formulated when you two hung out together
Sniper also gave you a spare gun just in case you ever would need it
Hey knives are his thing
Spy at first didn't speak to you much but when he did you two became fast friends and soon, more
Spy was a first confused by your use of traps but after seeing how efficient they were he stopped questioning it
Spy would often come to you if he ever needed a spare knife and vice versa
He's not fazed by your mask since everyone had their secrets
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kellanved-ammanas · 1 year
Valentine's Week Fluff Day Four: Engie/Pyro - 'Til Death do us Part
Day four of @dontneedadispenser Valentine's event.
“… in sickness and in health, ‘till death to us part,” Engie finished reading out their proposed vows. “That sound good to you?”
Pyro nodded. Coming up with what they wanted their vows to contain had proven to be easier than he’d thought it’d be. The hard part had been making them concise will also doing their combined best attempt to make them sound at least somewhat poetic. Neither of them were poets so maybe it wasn’t great in that regard but this third draft sounded good to him. Though, probably Engie’s voice being nice to listen to contributed to that.
Engie placed the paper and pen back down the table between them. “All right, guess that means we just gotta get this typed up, make a copy of it, and then pick out what we’re gonna wear and we’ll be good to go. We still got some time though so we might wanna sit on this for another couple days before deciding for sure.”
“Not a lot of time.” The wedding was less than two weeks away. They’d started planning it a couple months ago. Which even if that was far less time than weddings apparently usually took to plan, had still felt like plenty of time. Now though it very much didn’t. That time had gone be so fast and what little time there was left didn’t feel like much at all. Not that that was a bad thing.
“True, true.” Engie nodded as he leaned back in his chair.
Their important business done for now, Pyro shifted in his chair too, looking around the room a little. Once just his room but it was closest to Engie’s workshop – not by a whole but still enough to make the walk there and back a little faster – so he’d partially moved in a while ago and then recently, upon their engagement, officially moved in. So now it was their room even if it still felt weird to think of it that way. Things had been going fast lately. Not a bad thing but… “You nervous?” Pyro certainly was.
“A bit, yeah, I suppose. Excited too though. You sure you wanna show your face to the whole team during it? I mean, there’s already a lot going on, you don’t gotta take that step too. You’re not obligated to do anything just ‘cause tradition says you gotta. I don’t mind kissing the gas mask. Or you could wear a balaclava like Spy’s got.”
“No, I’m sure.” He’d thought about it shortly after Engie had proposed but had only mentioned the idea last night, saying he wanted to do it even though he hadn’t been sure yet. He was now though. It was a special occasion and he wanted his friends to see his face at some point anyway. It was already going to be just the nine of them and Miss Pauling who was marrying them so it’d be the perfect place to do such a thing.
“Welp, I suppose then I’ll just have to come to terms with the fact that I’ll no longer be the only one who knows how handsome your face is.”
No matter how many times Engie complimented his appearance, Pyro somehow still hadn’t grown used to it as it still made him feel warm and special inside. Seems he would have the rest of their lives to get used to it though, if he ever did. He looked forward to it.
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Do you have any autistic Scout headcanons? :P
Hell yeah!
I’ve actually thought about this a lot. A lot of people might think that Scout has ADHD, but I think he either has both ADHD and autism or just autism.
This is both because labeling Scout as having just ADHD is kind of a low-hanging fruit, and I also want to explore his symptoms a little more. So, in a word, I do, and thank you for asking about them!
Scout’s Spectrum:
So, where exactly does Scout fall on the autism spectrum?
First of all, he probably has both ADHD and autism, but wasn’t diagnosed with the latter until much later. This means that some of his symptoms were taken into account, but not all.
The ones that were paid attention to ramped up out of control, and the ones he didn’t hear about were stuffed away.
His ADHD symptoms include impulsiveness, need for stimulation, hyperfixations, forgetfulness, and insomnia; his autism symptoms include trouble with social skills, stimming, near inability to remember names and faces, lack of eye contact, hyperfixations again, and sensory processing issues, especially with noise and touch.
He used to have a lot of meltdowns when he was younger, usually about wearing new clothes and the amount of noise his eight brothers generated.
However, he was teased and pushed into masking nearly all the time, and made his whole personality about his ADHD, since that was what everyone accepted.
As he got older, he usually wrote off any autistic tendencies as either his ADHD or just “little habits” of his.
During his middle school years, he used energy drinks to bounce back from being exhausted every day after school. This would work, except those energy drinks would upset his ADHD, and would make it much harder to focus on even basic conversation.
After a while, he got such bad grades and had such a hard time making friends that Scout just stopped going to school altogether.
Baseball helped his focus, and the quick movement and thinking made a lot of sense to him. He never had to wait very long for the next development, and the instant gratification and community it provided supplemented what he never got at school.
With sports on his side, he rarely ever drank any energy drinks (the coach would never let them on the field), and he drank bucketfuls of water during every meet and game. Those teenage years were probably the healthiest he ever was.
However, with the amount of rumbles he got into with his brothers, and the turf wars that constantly raged in those neighborhoods, it was only a matter of time before his crime caught up with him.
After his first incarceration, he was booted from the team, which led to a downward spiral of unhealthy coping mechanisms - which included fighting someone tooth and nail whenever he could.
Even if he lost the fight, it not only catered to his impulsive nature and impatience, but also gave him roughly the same sense of friendship and camaraderie that baseball had.
One thing led to another, and by the time Mann Co. found him, Scout was a monster in hand to hand (and bat to bat) and had racked up quite the criminal record.
A perfect mercenary, ripe for the picking.
On The Team:
Scout very quickly adopted the “stupid, scrappy Boston boy” persona.
It was the only thing that made sense, and it kept him from having to try too hard in both the battlefield and socially.
Besides, that meant that he could be as silly, forgetful, and fidgety as he wanted, and no one would bat an eye.
And if he ever needed to take a break from the team, he figured everyone would appreciate the quiet.
The only thing that ever gave him away was him occasionally dissociating right when battle began, especially if the day had been stressful.
It was usually how he calmed down after a fight when he was young, but now he sometimes slid into that state when he was overwhelmed.
However, a yell from one of his teammates would usually snap him out of it.
Medic noticed this pretty early on, and wanted to look more into it, but Scout would keep making excuses not to get a mental examination.
He would blame it on zoning out, being tired, drinking too many Bonks - whatever it took for people to stop asking.
And, eventually, they did.
Even Medic stopped asking after a while - he couldn’t get a thing out of Scout.
This “try so little that when you do try it’s above average” charade worked for a long time. In fact, it went on for so long that Scout forgot how much he was actually capable of.
He began to internalize the stupidity, the exacerbation, the many comments on how dumb he was, everything.
The only time he ever gave his all was on the battlefield - moving fast, memorizing strategies, doing complicated footwork, knowing exactly how much force it took to crush someone’s skull with his bat.
That was one of the only things that he felt good doing, the only thing he could really work on without him being “found out.”
That and drawing, though he never showed the actual pieces to anyone. It was all stick figures and crooked lines with everyone else.
Sometimes, though, Scout wouldn’t be paying attention and he’d let something slip.
One time, Engineer was looking for his screwdriver, and couldn’t seem to find it anywhere.
Scout, not looking up from his comic, said, “Under the couch cushion, hard hat.”
Engineer bent down and reached into the couch, and his hand came back with his red and yellow striped screwdriver.
“Well I’ll be damned…”
At first Engineer thought Scout had just hid it, but Scout explained, still not paying attention:
“Last time we went out on th’ field, you had it on your belt, like always. But I was walkin’ by your workshop, you were usin’ a quarter to tighten a screw or somethin’. Your screwdriver had to be somewhere between the battlefield and your workshop. Engie, you’re like freakin’ clockwork. Every day, after a fight, you go to the kitchen, get a water, go to that couch, between the second and third cushion from the left, and sit there. Then ya go back to the fridge to get lunch and a beer, and ya go to your workshop until somebody needs you for somethin’. Your back loop in your tool belt is looser than all the others, ‘cause the screwdriver pulls against it when you sit down. The shank was probably in between the two cushions, and when you got up, it fell in. Demo, Pyro, and Heavy all sit on the second or third cushion at some point, so it got shimmied down. And since that’s the only time you sat down, ‘cause you woulda heard it if it dropped on the floor, and I…uh…”
“I’ll be damned,” Engie repeated, and felt the back tool belt loop. It was indeed loose.
Scout finally looked up, and realized what had happened.
“Uh, uh - l-lucky guess, huh Engie?”
Engineer squinted behind his goggles. “Yeah…real lucky…”
What ensued was Engie trying to get Scout to turn into a B.L.U Spy by chasing him around with his wrench. After a few good hits, though, Engineer saw that it was the teammate he knew and loved.
“But…how didja…?”
Scout threw his hand up, the other rubbing the back of his head where he’d been hit.
“I toldja Engie! Lucky guess! Jesus!”
Ever since then, Scout chose his words more carefully.
The Breakdown:
But, unfortunately, Scout could not pretend forever.
There was one week where Scout’s assignment count was so high that, if he wasn’t in a fight, he was on a mission.
Usually, Pauling wouldn’t trust him with so much, but no one else was available - or willing - to do the jobs.
Even when she was getting concerned about the amount of hours Scout was putting in, he blew it off.
“It’s no sweat, Miss Pauling! Their practically givin’ me the pay day. Those yahoos don’t know who they’re messin’ with.”
Over time, though, Scout had a harder and harder time staying focused and alert.
He’d sleep through alarms, stare off into space, zone out completely during briefing (not that he didn’t already do that), have a hard time hearing people in battle - even through his headset - ignore Spy’s taunts, and even forget to bring his bat onto the field.
Nothing seemed to help - Bonk!, warming up, stretching, cold showers, setting reminders, nothing.
And the team was starting to notice.
At first it was with the regular frustration - maybe Scout was just being lazy.
But as time went on, and his condition grew worse, their scorn turned into worry. They implored Medic to do something, but he had no way of getting through to Scout.
The doctor wasn’t above simply sedating him and dragging him into his lab for a check-up. However, he had a feeling that this was more than a physical issue.
The worst came when Scout was doing a routine battle with the B.L.U team on the field.
Everything had started out okay - he even remembered to bring his bad this time - but suddenly, everything was ear-splittingly loud.
He couldn’t focus on more than one sound at once, much less communicate the best course of action to his teammates.
He ended up hiding in a dilapidated shed, in a dusty, dark corner, somewhere between zoning out and panicking.
Scout’s head was in his knees, he was shaking, close to crying, when a sudden splitting of wood roused him.
A B.L.U Soldier had kicked his way into the shed, either having heard Scout or to hide from the other team.
Scout was stunned at first, but something of a blind terror filled him. He picked up his bat, screamed, and started pummeling the surprised Soldier.
At some point, he threw aside his bat and began to swing punch after punch, just like he did in his gang days when he had felt overwhelmed. Still screaming. Still crying.
By the time Scout had dissolved into a rocking, sobbing mess, the Soldier was long dead, with a gigantic pool of blood staining Scout’s shoes.
No one even knew where Scout was until a few hours later, when Spy heard a faint note of “Sexbomb” coming from Scout’s Walkman.
Scout had crawled into the shed’s framework, between the outer and inner wall, and was playing a specific verse over and over and over again, looking like he was on another plane of existence.
Spy immediately called for Medic, who had to lift Scout out by the underarms through a jagged hole in the side of the building. By then, the fight was over, so they could take him directly to the lab.
Medic’s Evaluation:
“I’m guessing zhis is your first mental breakdown?”
“Mental…doc, I ain’t crazy. Wait, you’re not goin’ to put me in a straight jacket, are ya?”
“If you’re not doing anyzhing later.”
Medic started to laugh, but quickly realized this might not be the time.
“No, Scout, everyvun has a mental breakdown at least vunce in their lives. It’s a…how do you say…a vake-up call of sorts. Vhen your body has no other options left.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“For zhe past few months, you health, both physical and mental, has been deteriorating. You eat less. You talk less. Your attacks are lackluster. You have bags under your eyes. You flinch vhen somevun yells for you. You stare off into space. Your routine, vhich usually has at least some changes, has become stringent, as if you can’t possibly expend any more energy into extra activities. You have avoided Demoman on zhe battlefield, even though you usually use him for cover.”
Medic flipped through his notes.
“I have pages and pages of your decline. However, as a scientist, I believe it is caused by zhe same source. And, though I usually respect my patient’s right to privacy vhen it comes to these sorts of matters, I believe you’ve been keeping something from me. Something that I should know as your general practitioner…your doctor.”
Scout shrugged, already shutting out the conversation.
Medic sighed.
“Maybe I tried to talk to you about zhis too soon. After all, you’ve just had a very sudden and exhausting episode. But…perhaps…”
Medic took a sheet of printer paper from his clipboard and a spare pen from his pocket.
“…zhere is an alternative.”
Scout was still unresponsive, but Medic continued.
“Zhere is a patient in my vaiting room vis a metal pole through the chest. It vill take me at least an hour to properly remove it, and a few minutes more to heal zhe area. Vhile I do zhat, vhy don’t you draw how you feel?”
Medic smiled.
“I know how much it grounds you.”
It wasn’t until Medic left that Scout actually picked up the pen, but he began drawing immediately.
For the first time in a while, he wasn’t trying to hide his strokes or scratch up the cleaner lines. No more stick figures. No more pretending.
Five minutes later, he was fully engrossed.
Medic started to walk in at one point, but, seeing how relaxed Scout was, decided to give him a few more minutes.
He deserved it.
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starfinss · 3 years
hello!! i’m new to your blog but if your requests are open how about childe with a harbinger s/o? someone who help fuels his need for battle and keeps him warm at night?
Ah, hello, Anon! Welcome to my blog! My requests are very much open indeed!
I‘m unsure of if you wanted headcanons or a short fic, but I’ll write both for good measure. Also, if you’re on my blog’s actual page and there’s no read more button on this post, click the date just above the post and it should show you the whole thing. I have no idea why it won’t show the read more and can’t seem to fix it.
Anyway, please enjoy!
- Tartaglia would be smitten with someone who has that fighting spirit.
- Of course, if you’re not much of a fighter, there are certainly other aspects of you he likes.
- But having someone who will give him cuddles and sparring matches?
- This boy is in heaven.
- If you’re a fellow Harbinger, he’ll find any chance he can get to work alongside you.
- The two of you together have more than a little sway in the Snezhnayan military as literally two of its aces, so you’re more often than not the dynamic duo of the Fatui.
- Harbingers Eleven and Twelve are a package deal and everyone knows it.
- Power couple? Power couple indeed. The definition of a power couple.
- Literally. With the combined power of your visions, combat ability, and your looove, you kick ass.
- Tartaglia is literally like “look at my girl, off to destroy people.”
- He’s proud of your power and will brag about how strong you are any chance he can get.
- Your sparring matches are fierce.
- The two of you are pretty evenly matched in terms of power, so you need a wide open space to spar or things will get… messy.
- Like I’m talking vases smashed, tables broken in half kind of messy.
- It’s best you spar outside so you don’t wreck the house.
- You’re his enabler, like he’ll say something really fucking ominous about how the snow is a perfect backdrop for bloodshed and you’re like ‘shit, you right.’
- I’m getting Rakan and Xaya from League of Legends vibes but with way less freedom fighter and way more murder and battle hunger.
- I don’t know why I like the thought of him calling you his ‘little dove,’ but I do and I will be using that.
- You treat each other’s wounds after battles, all that fun stuff.
- Partners in Crime 100%.
- But at the end of the day, the two of you end up snuggled close at night no matter where you are, be it out camping in the wild or stationed in Liyue Harbor.
A huffed chuckle, and you felt the bandages around your waist go slack.
“Sorry,” Tartaglia said, “That pyro arrow really came out of nowhere, hm?”
You snorted. “Nothing I’m not used to.”
Another chuckle, and you felt him press a kiss to the crown of your head, making you smile.
“That’s my little dove,” he said, and you smiled wider at the affectionate nickname, “tough as nails.”
“You’re the same way,” you said, “Always— shit!”
You felt the bandages tighten again, and Tartaglia muttered a soft apology as he finished tying them around your wound.
“There,” he said, “all wrapped up.”
You pressed a palm to your bandaged waist, wincing at the tenderness beneath it, and Tartaglia pulled your hand away, making you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Don’t mess with it too much,” he said, “it’ll form a lovely scar, but it’s best to let it heal for now.”
He loved your scars, something you’d been insecure about before you met him. But he told you they showed you were strong, that you were a fighter befitting the title of Twelfth Harbinger. And in turn, you loved his scars. The uneven skin beneath your fingertips reminded you that the man you loved was real, and that what you had with him wasn’t just a dream.
“Thank you for patching me up, love,” you said, and Tartaglia smiled, lips pressing tenderly to your forehead.
The door to the office swung open, revealing a young Fatui foot soldier. When he saw your state of undress, he covered his masked face, turning around.
“L-Lord Harbingers, headquarters have sent further orders. Please pick them up at your convenience.”
You reached for your shirt, buttoning it on over your chest, followed by your jacket. You hadn’t been fully naked, you were wearing a bra, but you still felt a little bad for giving the young man such a surprising eyeful.
“Thank you,” Tartaglia said, and you noticed a sliver of venom in his voice when he spoke again, “but maybe consider knocking next time.”
The foot soldier turned around, his cheeks beet red. “Y-yes, Lord Harbinger, sir! Will do, sir!”
Nearly tripping over himself, the soldier scurried from the room, closing the door after him.
“You scared the wits out of the poor kid,” you said, and Tartaglia scowled.
“Nobody but I am able to see you like that.”
His jealousy was a little adorable, you had to admit. You stood up from your perch on the edge of the desk and crossed to stand close to him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“It was an accident, love. Give it a rest.”
He sighed, resting his chin on your head. “Okay, if you say so, dove.”
The two of you stayed like that for a while, happy and warm before heading off to take care of official business. As you walked, you stood close, fingers brushing together every so often, just on the verge of interlacing.
The Eleventh and Twelfth were a package deal, everyone knew that. Even your new orders knew that. And as you looked up at your love, meeting his smile with yours, everything was perfect.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
October is almost here!! Any idea what the mercs would dress up as to celebrate halloween?
Love your writing :D
TF2 Mercs Halloween Costumes!
I'm gonna cry I love Halloween and I'm also really glad you like my writing 😭
Mutual appreciation comment: Thank you for such a fun request and thank you for being a mutual, ily 💖
I tried super hard to come up with originals ones and not like opt out into easy costumes, I sorted through many a costumes and my god some were so bad.
Demo dresses up as the Grim Reaper and doesn't hold back on making his costume as scary as he can. Like this man is going to make at least one kid piss themselves. His costume gives people (Scout) Nightmares. It's even scarier/funnier when he gets drunk and starts stumbling around and groaning, looks like he's about to actually harvest someone's soul. The other mercs end up having to carry him home, and apologizing to multiple angry parents, Demo is only allowed to wear less scary costumes or at least not get wasted while wearing a scary one.
Engie and Pyro have to go together, I'd be so wrong not to put them down as having a duos costume. Kronk and Yzma, please it's such a funny concept to have Engie as an evil (semi) mastermind and Pyro as a well meaning but slightly dumb sidekick. I just love this idea so much. Their so silly going trick or treating together, people are a little freaked out by them but it's all in good fun I'm sure. If anyone dares say anything about them being "to old." there will be hell to pay from Engie.
Heavy is Michaels Myers, I just think this fits so well? Like? I don't know how to elaborate on this one other than the fact that he'd play the part so well. Also, if we're talking about the fear factor like we did with Demo, and costume this man wears is terrifying everyone, it just so happens that dressing up as Michael Myers yielded the most terrifying reaction. Made kids cry, felt bad about it, probably went back to the base after that happened, or just took off the mask. Gets made fun of for this for at least a month afterwards.
I have rewrote this for Medic at least six times now. I want this man to dress up as a nurse so bad it's not even funny. I'm going feral over here guys, I'm using all my restraint to not go into graphic detail about Medic being a nurse for Halloween. But for this prompt I will attempt to be a normal and sane human being, and go with an almost cliché, I think he'd be a plague doctor for Halloween. He loves his job, what can I say, of course it'd transition over to his Halloween costume. I think he'd also just like the look of it, and it doesn't help that this man is a history nerd who was obsessed with the plague. Dresses up Archimedes as a tiny plague doctor so he can take him with, introduces Archimedes as his assistant. Also manages to get the bird head tilt thing on point and pull that move every so often to freak people out.
Scout is going as Beetlejuice. I think he'd be able to act as gross and silly as Beetlejuice. ALSO kind of obscure but not really, in an episode of The Amazing World of Gumball, Gumball dresses up as Beetlejuice while scamming the entire city of candy and I honestly saw that and though, oh yeah scout would do that. Like my man manages to get as much candy as he possibly can, he is ruthless. Accidently uses semipermanent hair dye instead of the washout stuff and has green hair for about six months after Halloween.
Sniper was planning to just go as he was, Scout begs him to dress up, it being traditional and all. Decides he's pretty much dressing like a cowboy at all times anyway, so why now just roll with it? Manages to beat the system with this one, and bearly puts on anything new for his costume. Makes a lasso buys a sheriff star and some boots and deems his outfit complete. Scout is mildly disappointed but still happy he could at least convince him to dress up.
Is it to much if I say Spy would be a princess for Halloween? Is it too much if I say a specific Disney princess? I mean it's not my fault that Cinderella is so iconic, and that Spy would slay so hard in that dress, like come on, I can't stop putting him in dresses now. If that's not what people wanted they wouldn't have made the art of Spy in a dress. And you know this man has the glass heels, takes dressing up very seriously. Maybe even makes a couple of stuffed mice to keep on his dress to make it look more accurate to the movie, who knows.
I think it would be so funny if Soldier dressed up like a revolutionary soldier, but I won't go for something so easy, I refuse. I'll say he'd dress up as a werewolf, but with a twist, he's a were-raccoon! He'd make the costume himself and be so proud. Shows it to his raccoon pals (I don't know if this was someone's headcanon or actual canon but either way, I agree he has pet raccoons), and they cheer.
Sorry it's not super long! I don't know why my headcanons have gotten less detailed, maybe the brain rot is that severe, but I still loved doing this one. and I'm glad I could at least get this one done!
I promise one of these days I'll get back into being able to do longer posts!
Love you guys 💖
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camellia-salazar · 2 years
Well I know that you all don't mind me saying this but I too have a sort of AU for the Mercs on both teams that I've been wanting to get off my chest.
I call it (for now), Turbine AU.
Basically, I just like to think that there are different versions of each Merc in different maps. The ones that I thought of are in two maps (apparently). 2fort and Turbine.
I'm not gonna go use the whole lore behind it but I'll share with you the character traits they will be. For both RED and BLU.
Here we go.
Scout: Just like usual, loud, energetic, only less egocentric. Because he has another in his mind that he would be willing to fallow around. (BLU Sniper)
Soldier: A bit cocky, in your face kinda guy. Talks in grunts I guess (I don't think of him that much).
Pyro: Just like normal, childish, joyful, mostly to deaths. He would totally wear the unicorn mask.
Demoman: idk, I can't think of him. Just like soldier, I don't think of him so much. Only how he's more queer? I guess? Much more feminine, gay. He loves Soldier. That's about it. (Idk which soldier, possibly both? Idk.)
Heavy: The leader of the team, only a bit more vicious than the other team's heavy. Mostly seen as the big bad guy, idk why I think of that.
Engineer: Angry, bitter, kinda aggressive, he is one of those unthinkable characters, only a bit more interesting. Also him and both spies have a bit of history. (Mostly RED but I'm not so sure about BLU just yet)
Medic: Insane (more than normally a Medic would), kinda like the team's dog, he's animalistic. Kinda up there in the scary level with Heavy.
Sniper: one of the most friendly Mercs off of red. Probably is the most friendly accualy. He and BLU Engineer hang out all the time. At first he didn't trust him (because his team is badsh*t crazy) but he warmed up to him. (Spoilers?? Idk)
Spy: possibly the most interesting (I hope). Basically he doesn't know who he is, normally wears a Pyro disguise mask. He's the most ominous one in red. He's RED Scout's dad (of course), but only Engineer, Sniper, and Heavy know that. Spy doesn't tho. He did once but now.. eh.
Now for the BLU team
Scout: Unlike every other Scout, this one accualy knows that his dad is Spy. He and Pyro are brothers (no explanation other than they just say so), so Spy thinks of him as his son too. Scout has a bit of a traumatic experience. Sometimes (if not most of the time) he goes crazy and gets into a killing spree. He isn't like most Scouts because of it. He is more jumpy and skittish. Scared most of the time. Except with BLU Spy, Pyro, and Engie.
Soldier: Unlike the other Soldier, this one is much more interesting. He and BLU Demoman are best friends (because why not?), and are usually together, even in battle. However, because of Demoman ending up down in the dumps all the time now, Soldier will do whatever it takes to protect his dear friend. Phisically and emotionally.
Pyro: They are a bit different than other Pyros, because he is more understanding to the world around him instead of seeing the world through Pyrovision. And like I said, He and Scout are bros. He gives hugs to Spy sometimes and hang out with Scout. He also had a huge friendship with BLU Medic. Then something happens.. that made Pyro sorta hate himself. (Idk just yet, all I know is that something bad happens to Medic)
Demoman: Like I said, he and Soldier are the best of friends, until he became depressed and didn't do much. Soldier gets angry at anyone that tries to step into his space and stuff. Idk.
Heavy: Unlike RED Heavy, this one is nicer. He of course, has Medic as his right hand man (just like RED, just to let you know). When tragity struck, Heavy was more focused on the war than anything. (Like these guys don't respond, c'mon.)
Engineer: the nicest individual in the war. Kind hearted to everyone. Has a bit of a soft spot for RED Sniper ☺️. His only problem is the fact that he's always sorry, even when he didn't do anything (wrong), he's helpful, but he doesn't think so. He's kinda insecure about himself. Smiles when he's sad.
Medic: Close on the kindness factor. Second in BLU, and second overall. Friends with Heavy and Pyro. Kinda sees Pyro as a son-ish (idk just yet about that). Not much to say but how he's part of the tragity. (Don't know what to make of him accualy)
Sniper: Quiet, don't talk much. Hates both Scouts because he fears them. He wouldn't have hated the RED Scout if 1: He isn't RED because let's face it, RED is crazy. 2: If BLU Scout didn't go crazy in the battlefield. 3: if Crazy BLU Scout didn't get all creepy with him in the first place. (Another reason why BLU Scout dislikes himself, not only is he a monster, but he is also hurting the man he lo-). So yeah, trust issues. (Why not?)
Spy: Friendliest. Spy. Ever. I'm not so sure about the Kindness Scale after the first three, but he would be somewhere higher than the middle. After telling Scout that he's his dad, he was just as afraid of rejection as any other Spy, only this time he's a bit braver?? Idk. He has some beef with the other team's Spy tho. And is quite fond of the other team's Scout. To the point of wanting to adopt him too. After all, he technically adopted BLU Pyro so why not? It's not like his actual father would care for him, right? He doesn't even know himself! So yeah, other than the thing I just thought up now, there wasn't anything to think about for him. Until now that is.
I hope you like the idea here. There's more to it, much more. Probably fanfiction material. Idk.
I even made a playlist of songs dedicated to this AU. I'll link it later.
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sexysilverstrider · 3 years
Thawed Heart (Kaelumi)
  He doesn’t deserve to be loved.
  “You’re not my brother!!”
  Those words ring clear in his mind no matter how many times he tries to shake it off.
  A twisted smile curls the corners of his mouth. How pitiful it feels, to know that the grim memory will always plague him no matter the amount of alcohol, no matter the amount of knight work he has drowned himself in. The brutal reminder that he was at fault—he is, still. The sickening images of him clashing steels against the young boy whose innocence he has killed. The cruel slap of reality that he felt no guilt, but instead satisfaction at the death of the man who took him in.
  He doesn’t deserve to be happy.
  And yet, happiness is what mocks him at arm’s reach.
  Crystal blue eye gazes at the young woman next to him. “Yes, my fair hero?” he responds, simple and sweet, just as the smile that he so craftly curls due to years and years of practice.
  It seems to pass right through her.
  “It’s getting dark.” She simply states. Her head cocks upwards, amber eyes gazing at the orange hue. “Let’s find a place to camp out.” Her voice is as cold as ice, yet laced with gentle sternness that radiates her entire being. Giving her head a turn to the left, she spots Paimon and Razor eyeing a couple of wild hogs not far from where they are standing.
  Judging by the glazed looks and drooling mouths, Lumine stands firm on her suggestion.
  “Let’s go hunt for dinner and then I’ll ask Amber to build a campfire.” Not waiting for the knight captain’s response, she finally brings her gaze back to him.
  She always seems as if she is looking past the mask he so deliberately wears.
  And yet, “Your orders, Ms Lumine.” His smile remains in place.
  Moonstadt doesn’t have seasons as far as he remembers, but the weathers can differ between long months. And as luck pushes it, their little quest together is brought upon a season that is warmer than usual. Thankfully, they are shrouded in a land filled with thick trees, but even that brings sweat and fatigue faster than usual for the group.
  Amber doesn’t seem to mind, though, but Kaeya figures it must be the vision in her that makes her adapt to the hot weather.
  The crackle of fire soothes their sights. After a hearty dinner, both Amber and Paimon are knocked out for the day. The pyro-user snuggles with her doll, all while huddling into a sleeping bag that Lumine assumes has thinner material considering the low heat for tonight. Paimon is sprawled next to Amber, tiny arms and legs spread apart as if she is making a dirt angel on the grass beneath her. Razor remains awake as he stands on a nearby cliff, keeping night-watch as usual despite Lumine’s disapproval.  
  “I keep Lupical safe.” He merely answered when she insisted that he should rest before their journey for tomorrow. Before Lumine could retort further, Razor simply ran away and kept watch at a distance so that she wasn’t able to lecture him.
  Smart boy, Kaeya thinks back with a twitch of a smile.
  “Are you not sleeping?”
  Her voice, soothing as it is, brings him back to reality. “Ah,” he replies, head turns to the left, “maybe in the next hour? I do want to enjoy these precious moments with the most famous hero in Moonstadt.” There it is again with her sugar-coated words, with the perfect curve of a masked smile.
  It always goes through her.
  “You don’t have to push yourself.” Amber eyes are fixated in the flickering flames. “I saw that you fought your hardest when we faced that Oceanid. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t think we were able to face those stupid water creatures without slowing them down.” God, she still feels the ache on her lower back every time she thinks back about the water crab. Stretching her legs forward, Lumine sighs slowly.
  Her actions somewhat tickle his throat.
  “It was all thanks to your brilliant planning.” Though he was at shock when she told him that they were going to face the dreaded Cyro creature today, Kaeya was—in rare cases—at lost for words at the amount of times they faced the Oceanid today. As calm as she looks, the knight captain oftentimes forgets how…ruthless the mysterious traveller can be.
  Well, they all survive, so that’s what really matters.
  “So,” he eyes the abundance of materials piled up next to Amber and Paimon, “what’s the occasion? I don’t think you wanting to annihilate that Oceanid 5 times per day is some sort of new dangerous hobby?”
  He sees her shift.
  “It’s…” Hesitance bites her tongue, “for a friend.”
  He ignores the slight twitch in the corner of his good eye.
  “Ahhh…” A simple reply and a single nod. Curiosity clouds his mind. An emotion he does not wish to acknowledge flicks his heart. “And dare I assume that this friend didn’t actually request all of those materials?” Legs crossed, Kaeya leans further to get a closer look. The light of the fire allows him to see the shape of her face, the shape of her body. Though legs are bent and brought closer to her chest, he can see the tiny frown that tugs the corners of her mouth.
  She looks absolutely adorable.
  “No.” She shakes her head. “It’s more of a gift. He helped me a lot back in Liyue and I figured all these materials will help repay him for his cooperation.” Slender arms hug her knees. “Besides, he did show me around in Liyue, so all the more reason I should repay him for all the kind deeds he did for me.”
  Crack. Crack.
  Kaeya ignores it as best as he can.
  “I see.” His tone dips quietly. “That’s a shame. And here I thought I showed you a great time in Moonstadt despite the lack of rewards.” His words are masked with a smile. His words are hiding the aching vibrations in his chest.
  He sees her eyes roll.
  “I did pay you back. Remember that time we fought that Cryo Regisvine?” Oh, she especially does not want to remember that, either. “I couldn’t feel my fingers for a few days after fighting it. Amber almost had half a mind to shoot an arrow of fire at me if it means I get to feel warm.”
  Oh, he definitely remembers her gifts, alright. That was one of the days where it actually brought a sense of surprise from the knight captain.
  It seems that he is…unnerved that he isn’t the only one with the special treatment.
  “Ah, but I joined that fight too, remember? So it felt less like a surprise and more like a task.” Beautiful lips curve to a playful frown. The action brings back another roll of her eyes. Cute.
  “Are you suggesting you don’t want to join me in those quests then?”
  His eye widens. “Now how did you conclude to that idea?”
  Her head lowers until her chin rests on her knees. “Because it sounds like one.”
  Fuck, his rapid heartbeat is betraying him.
  His mouth holds back a smirk. “Now, now, Lumine.” Slowly he slides closer, itching to feel her warmth that soothes his traitorous heart. “Don’t sulk, my dear. I was merely teasing.” The light of the fire illuminates the curve of her nose, the glint in her eyes. Strands of blonde locks cascade down the side of her head, and his fingers itch to gently brush it to the back of her ear.
  He wonders if she feels the throbbing in her chest too.
  “Hmm…” Either lazy or tired to respond properly, Lumine looks back at the fire. Despite night has blanketed the sky, she still feels trickles of sweat on her neck and chest. Discomfort causes a tiny growl that bubbles behind gritted teeth. Legs once again stretched forward, Lumine wipes away the sweat on her neck.
  Her palm moves to her collarbone. His eye follows her movement.
  “A bit.” She isn’t a fan of hot weathers, anyways. Her other hand fans the open spots on her chest.
  Crystal blue eye remains silently on the place she is fanning.
  Emotions hidden behind the dim light of the fire, Kaeya then opens his mouth, “Do you want me to cool you off?”
  That ceases her wiping and fanning. “I’m sorry?” Quickly she looks to the side, amber eyes finally meeting a single glint of such mesmerizing azure.
  He should stop himself. He should brush it off again as a joke.
  “I’m a Cryo user.” Instead, he continues. “My body basically radiates cool.” Lost between the fine line of jest and seriousness, Kaeya spreads his arms open. “See? I’m not even sweating.” A smile he so proudly wears beams next to the dancing fire. “If you need to cool off, your personal cooler is right here.”
  He stops. Finally. He should have stopped at her quizzical response. He should have stopped before he could even breathe the first question out loud. As much as many Kaeya is also famous for his flirtatious advances, he should know that Lumine, of all people, would ignore—or in some rare cases, tease back—his shameless teasing—
  His heart thumps the hardest when he feels something—someone—moving closer to him.
  Immediately his eye opens, widens, at the petite figure that huddles closer to his chest. A fluff of blonde fills his vision. A flow of warmth caresses his stiff body.
  “You’re right,” she peeps, meek and softer than usual, “you are cool.” Slim fingers flinch and curl into small fists, Lumine bents her legs closer to her chest. He was taller than her, her head barely reaching his neck as she lightly bumps her cheek against his chest. She is careful as to not hit his bare chest, afraid and nervous that she is invading his privacy even more than she already is.
  Her body welcomes the soothing breeze. A sigh slurs unwarily to feel such cooling comfort seeping into her skin. Momentarily forgetting about her invasion of space, Lumine finally feels fatigue enveloping her.
  Her heart continues to thump madly, to scream in shame at her thoughtless action. A part of her was taking vengeance in all the constant teasing he had given her. Another part jumps to the invitation, despite knowing it was just Kaeya being Kaeya with his playfully empty words.
  She wants nothing more than to look at him now, to gauge his reaction. But the deed has been done, and Lumine knows she will be in deep shit if she were to pull back now after her foolish action.
  So with arms tight around her legs, Lumine hides her face on his chest.
  Her nuzzling merely causes a single flinch from him.
  She’s warm. The only thought occupies his mind like a beacon in a dark storm. Arms still spread apart, Kaeya gawks at the tiny hero on his chest. He wonders if she can hear his screaming heart. He wonders if she can feel the heat that starts to melt the ice within.
  He then suddenly hears a small snore.
  “Lumine…?” Her name feels so right on his tongue. Arms slowly dropped to the sides, Kaeya casts a peek. Shock continues to intensify to see her finally succumbing to slumber. He cannot believe it. To know, to feel, to see that she has put so much trust in him to be this vulnerable, Kaeya almost feels a laugh rumbling out of him.
  He doesn’t deserve to feel this happy.
  His smile wavers. His eye dims under the faint light. “Oh dear…” Feeling sluggish, defeated by the beautiful warrior so close to him, Kaeya slowly wraps his arms around her. One arm caresses the side of her waist. The other brushes her shoulder until his hand pats the back of her head.
  She feels so warm.
  “How dare you!!!”
  How cruel, he thinks, that the grim memory starts to play in his mind right now.
  She looks so innocent, so content with her dreams. The furrow in her brows is gone, revealing a creaseless forehead that entices him. The curve of her nose catches his eye, observing, memorizing the perfect shape until it rids the one memory he so deeply wishes to forget. Her breathing is gentle, even, caressing the open space in his chest, causing prickles in his skin until he forces a sigh.
  His eye then stops at the sight of her lips, pink, full, hypnotizing him with a desire that burns deep into the pit of his stomach.
  He wets his suddenly dry lips.
  Finally, Kaeya sighs, feeling tired as ever. Though his vision has prevented him from having a proper body heat, he finds it ironic how to feel hot from top to bottom.
  He doesn’t deserve this at all.
  His muscles feel sore. His heart aches terribly in his chest. The memory keeps playing on and on, taunting him as long as he walks on this very earth.
  And yet, his smile softens to a genuine curve at the sight of her.
  “Goodnight, Lumine…” He doesn’t deserve her. Any of this. He knows. “Sweet dreams…” So he decides to be selfish, decides to be foolish as he lowers his head.
  Chup… His lips meet her forehead, then lingers for a few seconds longer so that he can memorize the soft taste of her skin.
  Before succumbing to the screams of his past, Kaeya tightens his embrace and closes his eye.
  He wonders if this temporary happiness can stay forever.
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
Can i get some hcs of an s/o kissing the mercs scars and just an really emotional moment overall🥺
I’m sorry this is so so long, I got carried away and I still have like seven requests to finish up-
Ok so I only wrote the characters who canonically have scars and those who I head canon have scars.
Note: Scout’s head canon is kind of based on another I read somewhere, and I kinda accepted it as a headcanon for Scout because I think it makes sense. I just thought it’d be important to establish.
Warning: Self-harm, trauma
Growing up was really hard for Scout. He was always really small and was often bullied and beaten by his classmates, and some of his brothers weren’t too nice to him either. He also didn’t receive a lot of attention from his mother. Like I said in the past, his mother wasn’t bad by any means, but it was hard to give all of her boys the attention they needed and hold down multiple jobs to support them all. But even then, sometimes there wasn’t enough food and the table and they would all still be hungry when they went to bed.
All of these things culminated in Scout having an extremely stressful childhood. School was a nightmare for him and he dropped out as soon as he could. The stress, insults, and abuse he received regularly had a horrible effect on his mental health that led to him often harming himself to feel better. The way he would do this is often hiding and harshly biting his hands when he got really stressed. He started bandaging his hands to hide them from his family, and he was careful enough that they didn’t realize what he was doing to himself. He stopped after he became a merc and built a healthy friendship with some of the other mercs, but he doesn’t want anyone to ever find out what he did to himself.
But one day, Scout had just come out of the shower and was already dressed, and he was sitting on his bed, wrapping his hands. His head shot up when his S/O called from outside and started opening the door. He called out, “Wait, babe, I-“ but it was too late. His S/O’s eyes were on his hands, following the lines of the short, pale scars dotting his fingers and palms.
He turned to hide his face and hands from them, but they hurried over to sit next to him and put a hand on his back. He didn’t look up at them; he couldn’t work up the courage to. He was horrified and panicking. He wanted to get up and run away, but he couldn’t move. What were they going to think of him now? Were they going to think he’s weak? Were they going to tease him too? Were they going t-
He almost gasped when they took his hand in theirs. They looked at his hand closely, making sure there were no new red marks, and sighed shakily when they found none. Scout’s head snapped up when his S/O lifted his hand and pressed a soft kiss to the back of it. They looked up at him and were surprised to find him on the verge of crying; His face was bright red and tears were welling up in his eyes. “Babe…” his S/O started, “I’m not gonna make you talk about this if you don’t want to, but I’m just letting you know that you don’t have to hide your past from me. I love you, and I’m here for you.”
In response, Scout’s face scrunched up and the tears finally spilled down his face and he yanked his S/O into a hug and cried into their shoulder. Scout absolutely fell apart, and to comfort him his S/O ordered some food and spent the rest of the day cuddling him and kissing his fingers and the back of his palms. He was so grateful to have them there and he’s so happy that he can talk to them when he needs to, even though emotionally he’s not ready for that. Just knowing that he can pull them close without the expectation of opening up yet makes him feel so much better.
(I tried to describe Pyro’s appearance or gender as little as possible so the reader can imagine them however they want, so sorry if this is a little short or vague). 
No one knows about Pyro’s background, not even their closest friend Engie or their S/O. Because of this, no one knows who they are or where they’re from. Because of this, they can’t even guess anything about Pyro’s appearance, not even their gender. Pyro really doesn’t want to ever show their face, but after a few years with their S/O, they finally worked up the courage to show them. They pulled their S/O into their shared bedroom and sat them down. They sighed softly before reaching up to pull the mask off of their face.
Their S/O took in the features of Pyro’s face. Their hair, their nose, their gorgeous eyes… but then their eyes settled on the scarred skin on their cheek, chin, and nose. They were burn scars.
For a few moments, Pyro’s S/O could only stare and take in the scars. Pyro whimpered and softly called their name. Why were they staring? They think their scars are ugly, don’t they?
Their S/O quickly snapped back to reality when they realized they were making Pyro feel self-conscious. “No, Pyro, I…” they couldn’t continue. They reached out and pulled Pyro close to show them they weren’t disgusted by their appearance. They quickly pulled back and pressed a kiss to their cheek. It took Pyro a few seconds to process the affection, but once they did, they threw their arms around their S/O’s neck and began bawling into their shoulder. Their S/O pulled them as close as they could and pressed more kisses to Pyro’s face.
They spent the rest of the night cuddled together and watching cartoons on the couch. Their S/O made sure to press a kiss to their skin at least every few minutes, which always made Pyro giggle softly and sniffle.
It took a little while longer for Pyro to work up the courage to take off their suit, though. Even though they knew their S/O couldn’t care less about what their body looked like, they couldn’t help but be a little nervous about showing the scars that covered their arm and parts of their back and stomach. They pulled off the suit so they were only in a t-shirt and shorts and looked up at their S/O. They smiled weakly and reached out for them, and their S/O giggled and pulled them into a gentle hug. This time it really wasn’t a big deal, but it was still a very loving and intimate moment for them.
Pyro never explains to their S/O where the burns came from, but his S/O never pushes for them to share and it never causes any tension between them.
Demo can be really, really self-conscious about himself because of the constant beratement he receives from his mother and the BLUs. Hearing over and over that he’s not good enough made him feel horrible about himself, which is most of the reason he started drinking. But one of the things he’s most self-conscious about is his missing eye. Other people often make fun of him for only having one, and his mother always tells him that he needs to lose the other. It makes him feel a little torn sometimes because he really wishes he had two eyes but his mother’s made it almost a taboo in his mind to have either of them.
Because of all the abuse he’s received over it, he refuses to talk about it with his S/O or show him what’s under the eye patch. He never takes it off unless they go to bed, and even then he always makes sure the left half of his face is on the pillow so his S/O still can’t see and won’t move until the lights are off. This goes on for several months, and it worries his S/O because they want him to trust them.
His S/O eventually gets to see his eye, but it’s completely by accident. They walk into the bedroom to clean some things up but find Demo passed out on the bed from drinking. He was laying on his back and was facing up, and his eyepatch was tossed aside. His S/O turned to continue cleaning, but their curiosity got the best of them and they turned back to lean over his face.
It was true, what he’d reluctantly told them about his eye in the past; there really was no eyeball. His eyelid was slightly open, showing that there was nothing inside, just a small empty space. His S/O couldn’t help but laugh. This is what all the fuss was about? It was certainly strange, but Demo had acted like they would dump him in disgust if they saw.
They almost jumped when Demo opened his eye and looked up at them, obviously groggy from the hangover. After taking a second to process, his eye went wide. He quickly sat up and clapped a hand over his eye socket to hide it from them, then hissed at the sharp pain from his sudden headache. He angrily questions why they were looking while he picked up and put on his eyepatch. His S/O apologized and reached out to touch his shoulder, but he pushed their hand away. “I don’t need your pity… I know what you think about it!” he hissed.
His S/O sat down next to him and exclaimed that they weren’t pitying him. They apologized, saying that they should’ve respected the fact that he wanted to hide his missing eye from them, but they aren’t grossed out by it at all. Demo shook his head and spoke, his voice breaking, “I don’t believe you.”
His S/O sighed and put a hand to his face to pull him closer, and pressed a soft kiss just below his eyebrow, then another to his lips. “I wish I could prove it to you,” they said softly. When they pulled away, Demo stared at them in surprise. He practically broke when he saw the sincerity and the hurt in his S/O’s eyes as they stared back at him. He pulled them close and pressed another soft kiss to their lips. 
After this, he becomes comfortable with the idea of not wearing his eyepatch when they’re in private. It’s also a bit of a confidence boost for him. Kissing just below the eyebrow becomes a greeting for the two of them.
Sniper isn’t really self-conscious about the scar on his face; he thinks it looks badass. He will never mention the fact that he got it in a fight with a Spy that he lost.
It’s the scars on his torso and arms that he’s really self-conscious about. They’re closely tied to such a traumatic part of his life. They remind him of the feeling of quickly drifting away while he bled to death in New Zealand, the shock of losing the only people he had, his parents. Then there’s the additional shock of learning he was actually adopted then learning that his birth parents didn’t care about him at all. He’s reminded of all the pain and emotion he felt during that time in his life when he looks at the bumpy scars across his chest, to the point sometimes he feels a little sick when he looks down at them.
One night, he and his S/O were in his camper trying to fall sleep. It was ridiculously hot outside, so they had a small fan going inside, and his S/O was only in their undergarments. He was only wearing his boxers and a loose t-shirt. His S/O shifted to look at him and scowled when they saw how sweaty his shirt was. “Babe, aren’t you hot? Take your shirt off.” Sniper declined, saying that he was perfectly comfortable, and they jokingly told him that the smell of his sweat was absolutely disgusting and he needed to take the shirt off so they didn’t have to smell that the whole night (in reality, they just wanted to see him with his shirt off).
He awkwardly reminded them of the time he died and his S/O responded, “Oh… is it the scars? I’m sorry, Mick. I wish I could make you feel better about that. If you ever need to talk, I’m here.”
Mick frowned for a second, but then he sat up and pulled his shirt off and laid back down, and stared at his S/O, who was starting back in surprise. He took their hands and asked them if he really could tell them about what he was feeling, and they nodded. He had realized that bottling everything up could ruin his relationship with his S/O, and he can’t be alone. Not again. He can’t hide from this.
It was finally cooling down, so his S/O cuddled close to him and pressed kisses to where the scars stretched across his collarbones. Sniper was already emotional, but feeling his S/O’s arms around him and their lips lightly brush across the thing he hated most about himself made tears slip down his cheeks. Once they finished and buried their head in his shoulder, he wrapped his arms around them and kissed their forehead and temple. He cried softly until he fell asleep.
The next morning also mostly consisted of Sniper and his S/O cuddling and kissing each other, though it was much less emotional and more just content affection. After that, Sniper was much more comfortable with himself now that he had unloaded the weight from his shoulders. Of course, that didn’t fix everything completely, but it was certainly a step in the right direction.
Spy, like I said, has scars that he hates more than anything. They’re thin, pale scars across his nose and left cheek, and down that side of his neck. He got them when he was young and had just started working as an assassin. At the time, he was bold, confident, and very, very reckless. He would never admit it now, but his confidence often made him extremely sloppy in his performance. One day, he was stuck in a melee fight with a very skilled nemesis. His lackluster performance got him pinned to the ground underneath them as they beat him until he almost passed out. The enemy was particularly sadistic, so they decided to ruin the handsome face that Spy was so proud of. They started with many light cuts to hurt him as much as possible. They were about to try to tear his cheek when Spy managed to grab their knife and use it to kill them. 
Even though they were very light cuts and healed nicely, Spy was still extremely self-conscious about his face and believed it was ruined forever. That’s one of the reasons he began to hide his face, though the main reason was to hide his identity. So he vowed he would never show it to his beloved S/O in fear that they would leave him and he would never find someone that would accept someone like him.
One night, Spy found himself standing in front of the mirror with his mask off. He put his hands on the sides of the sink and leaned forward to stare sadly at his face. He had high, sharp cheekbones, bright blue eyes, and beautiful, thick brown hair that greyed slightly at his sideburns. He really was a handsome and elegant-looking man, but he could only focus on the scars on his face, which had slightly blended into his skin with time. He hung his head and allowed himself to cry in silence. They would never find him attractive, they’d be disgusted with his face, and they’d leave him…
He was interrupted by hearing his S/O call his name behind him. Merde, he had never closed the door!
He turned his head in an attempt to hide his face, but his S/O could see his reflection in the mirror. He choked, “Get out, now.” His S/O approached them, saying his name softly and reaching out to him, but he only loudly demand that they leave again.
He heard their voice soften to the volume of a whisper as they said OK and stepped out. After a moment, he looked up at the mirror again. His face was red from embarrassment, and more hot tears were rolling down his cheeks. He stayed there for a while, replaying the moment in his head again and again. He eventually got up and straightened his suit out. He knew his amour would never stay with him now, but he still owed them an apology.
He arrived at their room and knocked lightly. His S/O opened the door and looked up at him, obviously upset and annoyed. He asked if he could come in, and they stepped aside for him to step inside. He turned to them as soon as the door was closed and apologized awkwardly. He wasn’t used to being the bigger person and apologizing, so at first his S/O wasn’t sure that he meant it, but he pulled off his mask to show he was being sincere. They stared up at his handsome face, their eyes following the length of his scars, which made him shift uncomfortably. He acknowledged that they probably didn’t want him any more, but at that his S/O threw their arms around him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. At this, he teared up and pulled them into a soft, long kiss and wrapped his arms around their waist. His S/O could feel the warmth radiating from his bright red face.
After that, his S/O always makes sure to pull his mask up and press a kiss to his face in private whenever Spy is feeling down. No matter how stressed or upset he is, it never fails to make him smile softly.
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