#keta writes
evil8keta · 2 months
Ok so I have a request and it’s kinda like a self-insert..
So.. A Platonic mercs and fem!reader who wears masculine clothing and has short hair. (Like a pixie cut or half-shaved head) The mercs think she’s a boy at first. But then they find out that.. *gasp* it’s a girl! How would they react? Again, platonic please, I don’t ship myself with any of them!
- Random Anon
I LOVE THIS REQUEST SO MUCH!! the scenario for this is that you had no idea that the others think ur a boy lol....also they all found out during a group meeting or something
the mercs find out that... *gasp* you're a GIRL?!
- WHAT?! WHAT???! he can't believe it.... scout immediately ran up to you and drowned you in questions like "are you sure you're a girl?? are you ABSOLUTELY sure??" eventually he was peeled off of you by spy cause he was being too annoying lol. anyway this big gender reveal surprisingly doesn't change how he behaves around you he was just very dramatic when he found out
- gasp!!! no way!! pyro is so surprised!! they all have been misgendering you this whole time and you had no idea!! :( because of this pyro feels bad... but again, it doesn't change how they feel about you at all lol. they would definitely go up to you later and apologize to you for thinking that you're a man (not like you can understand their muffled voice through the mask anyway)
- stares at you like this >:O for a whole minute then shrugs it off like eh whatever. nothing changes, he's glad they got your gender right now but it's not a big deal! he's going to treat you the same... at least NOW he understands why you gave him a feminine flowerly deodorant when he asked to borrow one from you
- oh... well, that's interesting. he tries his best to stay calm and not look surprised but the confused expression on his face and wide eyes say otherwise. he eyes you suspiciously, but stops suspecting you pretty quickly. it's obvious that you weren't hiding anything, and they all just assumed incorrectly, so it's their fault not yours lol. he's pretty chill after that, and the way he treats you doesn't change either, maybe he's just a little bit more careful towards you
- starts shouting and is the second one to question you right after scout is peeled off of you, smh. "SINCE WHEN WERE YE A LASS???" really confused and dramatic and it takes like 10 minutes to calm him down. after that he might actually start acting nicer towards you? idk to me he just seems like he really respects women. it's not a big difference he's just more of a gentleman
- bamboozled but not for long. like at first he's like scratching his head and thinking about how come no one noticed sooner. but then he shrugs it off, smiles and starts congratulating you as if you had your own gender reveal party. you're his daughter now
- ALWAYS knew you were a girl, he read it in your medical files, but after he noticed that most of the other mercs view you as a man, he played along. for fun. however when you said you're a girl in front of everyone he was like gasping and covering his mouth, like omg?? you're a girl?? wowww right he sure had no idea... /s
- is....very surprised, but tries to not show it. spy ran background checks on literally everyone in the base, including you, so how did he not figure out you're a girl sooner..? perhaps he was too convinced that you are a man that he didn't bother to check lol. anyways after his initial surprise he's quite indifferent but he might but he might be more wary of you from time to time. like what else could you be hiding, huh?? you're secretly the president of Czechoslovakia or something??
- not gonna lie bro was sleeping the entire time of the meeting....then he heard the world "girl" lol and immediately woke up, looking around in confusion. after he came to his senses he was speechless for a while, like woah... you're a girl? okay. yeah he really doesn't care and just went back to napping. like yeah, good thing that everyone knows now, but it's really not any difference to him. he might treat you more gentlemanly afterwards tho, but that's just his manners
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leafiion · 3 months
I really really do still think it’s funny that Both dads with death flags got my attention b4 they fuckin died. Last words I said to Aelita and Heather before the incidents were “damn is he single” and then they both died… I have to apologize twice
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abyssus-aeterna · 11 months
From John Koenig’s Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.
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boardgametoday · 2 years
Roll the Dice: A New Roll and Write, the history of railroads in the Caribbean, Escape Mars, and more!
Roll the Dice: A New Roll and Write, the history of railroads in the Caribbean, Escape Mars, and more! #boardgames #tabletopgames #ttrpg #stl #kickstarter
Crowdfunding helps creators bring their projects to life by going direct to consumers and delivering the funding to help make the projects a reality. With so many launching, we’re providing an easy way to discover new projects on Kickstarter (with other platforms to come!). See what’s come to Kickstarter on December 1st. Ovia Ovadore – .STL Files for 3D Printing – Female Mage Miniature Figure,…
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clickerflight · 7 months
Esial: Part 10 - Night walk
Aaaaand we're back, bois!!! I know I said I was going to do Fallen, but Fallen is complicated in my head right now so I came over here. Hopefully there will be even more writing since I'm feeling recovered from the story I put on here in October.
Part 9
Content: Mostly just sad boi hours. Mentions of tramatic expiriences and that's about it. Our boi does break down.
Joseph was tired, but significantly more relaxed as he went back into work after his day off. He had to keep from opening his phone to look at the pictures he’d taken with Muir at the museum together. 
He reached the front desk to pick up the paperwork he needed to do for the evening before he got on with his other tasks and nodded to the vampire behind the counter. 
“Evening, Paliop.”
“Evening,” she said, not looking up from what she was typing. “You clocked in?”
“Not yet.” 
“I’ll wait to tell you, then.”
Joseph felt his heart sink as he opened his phone and clocked into work. He put his phone back and asked, “What?”
“Now, don’t get too freaked out,” she said in the way of person who fully understood that you would freak out upon hearing their next words, “But there was an accident with Esial yesterday. One of the glass hallways got smashed and he got roasted. I did most of the paperwork for you since you weren’t there and it needed to be done quickly. I deserve a coffee for that, by the way. But he’s fine. Anastasia took it upon herself to watch after him and he seemed fine. Well, as fine as he could be, I guess. It would probably be a good idea if you talked to him.”
Paperwork and chatting would have to wait, then.
“Right,” Joseph said, trying to keep the sigh out of his voice. “I’ll get right on that, then. Thanks.”
Paliop nodded and went back to typing as Joseph picked up his packet of paperwork, stopping at his office to drop it off, and headed through the halls to Esial’s door. He didn’t hear anything inside, though he could smell the ancient vampire. Esial was a strange dilemma. He was so incredibly old, but really not mentally older than a couple centuries. It made the task of helping him a little more tricky. Joseph would of course do his best, but it was a lot to try and navigate on top of all of his other tasks. 
He knocked gently on the door and listened quietly as there was movement inside. 
Esial opened the door, dark eyes watching Joseph with a softness that wasn’t there before. 
“Hello,” Esial said politely before simply turning and disappearing into the darkness of his room. Right. Even before Esial’s incident he was a loner. Manners weren’t really necessary out on your own. 
Esial came back with the two crocodiles that Joseph and Muir had picked out for him, one tucked under each arm. Joseph noticed the damage the two appeared to have taken, and after a long moment of silence, Joseph asked, “Did you like them? I hope it didn’t upset you. I just wanted to get you something that might help.”
Esial looked down at each one carefully and nodded. “Yes. They are….” he cleared his throat and Joseph recognized the emotion that filled his face. “They are good.”
“Do… did you name them?”
Esial nodded. He turned to show the one with damage to the tail and said, “This is Jesep. And this one is Keta. They were… my favorite crocodiles.”
Joseph nodded. “Right. I’m glad I got them for you, then. Um… do you want to go for a walk?”
Esial hummed. “Is it dark?”
He nodded and turned, putting the crocodiles back and coming back out with a cloak that appeared to have been made of one of his blankets. Joseph didn’t comment as he turned to lead the way to an exit, opening the door for Esial. 
They stepped out onto the grass, which had Esial pause to feel the soft plant life on his bare feet before he continued. 
Joseph put his hands in his pockets and cleared his throat as they started walking. “So, I know that things are… confusing. And hard for you. I want to help you in any way that I can. If you have questions you can ask me or anyone else, for that matter. We want to help you feel comfortable in the world again and go on living your life.”
Esial was silent, but nodded faintly, watching the ground in front of him as they walked, like he was making sure he wouldn’t step on anything that could hurt him. 
“I think we’ll just start you off in the language classes. You’ve learned English really quickly, actually, but I know it’s hard to really get everything when you still don’t-”
“You lied to me. You said they were called forms. They are called paper.”
Joseph nearly choked on his surprise at the accusation. He searched his memory and faintly remembered the small talk they had at the precinct. “Oh, right. I didn’t lie to you, Esial, though I should have been more clear. I’m sorry. Do you want me to explain what forms are?”
Esial seemed to approve of the apology and nodded. 
Joseph breathed an internal sigh of relief and said, “Right. So, paper is a sheet made from wood pulp. It’s used to write things down on.”
“Oh,” Esial said, nodding a little. 
“The things written down on them can have different names as well. Like when you start classes, you’ll be giving homework, which is usually paper with the tasks witten on it given to you to help you learn. And forms are kind of like that. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to explain it very well to you, but forms are just important things written down on paper so we can look at them and remember what happened.”
Esial nodded, brow wrinkled with thought. “Okay. I understand.”
Joseph, once again relieved, said, “Learning a new language is hard. You’ll get it, though. Hey, I heard you made a friend yesterday. Anastasia, right?”
Esial nodded again. “Yes. Although, I do not know if we are friends.”
“Ah, gotcha,” Joseph said. “Well, she wouldn’t be a bad friend to have.”
The two vampires walked through the dark for a few more paces in silence, Esial still watching the ground and giving no indication of what he was thinking until he spoke again. 
“I do not think I am safe for the humans to be around.”
“Oh?” Joseph asked, more worried than confused this time. 
Esial nodded. “I… ever since I drank her blood, I want to drink theirs. I was hurt and I wanted to bite the human who came to help. I do not want to hurt them, but I want human blood all the time now.”
Joseph was surprised by this revelation and asked, “Wait, you never had any human blood before Joanna?”
Esial shook his head. “Only hippo blood and grains. Occasionally pig’s blood.”
“Ah,” Joseph said. “I’m surprised. Being a vampire born in the age you were, I would have thought you needed human blood to stay healthy.”
Esial shrugged. “I feel…. Stronger now. Breath better, sleep easier.”
Joseph nodded slowly. “Sounds like you needed some human blood. Animal blood will get you by, but you would have eventually gotten sick. I’ll get you into one of the therapists that help with the bloodlust issues. Controlling yourself really isn’t that hard and they can train you to help you keep your cool in intense situations so you don’t bite anyone on accident. Okay? You’ll be fine.”
“You’re sure?” Esial asked doubtfully. 
“Yes. I’m sure. We have a lot of vampires who have some issues with controlling their thirst. We have people who will be able to help you pretty easily. Alright?”
Esial relaxed and nodded. “I am… glad. It is strange to not be on my own in things anymore.”
“I can imagine. Were you always alone? Besides your crocodiles?”
Esial shook his head. “No. I lived in a village with my parents, once.”
“How and when did you turn, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“There was a man traveling through. He spoke to my father about his magic… I think my father refused? I cannot remember well. The man stole me in a rage. I don’t remember anything until my father found me. I was unable to die after that, and I craved the blood of the forest creatures.”
Joseph nodded. “Do you remember what the man looked like?”
Esial shook his head, leaving Joseph not surprised but a little disappointed. There was a tale told by the older vampires that the whole stock of them originated from a single man who had gained immortality at the price of almost everything else. The stories changed from telling to telling, but Joseph entertained the idea and asked because Esial was old enough it was possible he had been turned by the oldest of the vampires. 
“That’s alright. It was probably pretty traumatic. You don’t have to try and remember it for me.”
Esial nodded. They fell into another silence, this one a little more comfortable than the last before a detail registered in Joseph’s mind. 
“Wait, magic? Your father could use magic?”
“And he was human.”
“Yes. Is that strange?”
“Well, there’s never been a first hand account of a magic user being human. Some vampires can use magic and there’s a few giant folk around still that can give it a go, but no humans.”
Esial simply shrugged. “My father used magic. He created a stone for me that would protect me from the sun. It was the last thing I had of the village when that man came back and killed all of them while I was hunting for blood. I did not see him, but I recognized his smell.”
“I’m so sorry, Esial,” Joseph said softly. He wanted to hold back, to not let his curiosity and burning eagerness take from this moment, but he had to know. “That stone must have been incredibly precious to you. What happened to it?”
“I lost it,” Esial said, stopping in his tracks with great sorrow in his voice. “I lost it while I was being hunted. It was how they finally caught me.”
He rubbed at his eyes as Joseph gently put a hand on his shoulder, but Esial dropped out from under Joseph’s hand, soft sounds escaping his lips as he buried his face in his crouching knees. 
Joseph sat down in the grass next to him, folding his hands in his lap while he waited. 
Esial cried for a long time, occasionally slipping into the ancient forgotten language he had been raised with, pleading or apologizing from the tone of it over and over and over again until he finally calmed down. 
He slowly leaned back till he sat on his butt, uncurling his legs and staring at his feet. 
Joseph opened his mouth to say something, to comfort him or ask him if there was anything Joseph could do, but Esial got there first. 
“Kyle,” he said, voice still watery. “I would like to speak with Kyle.”
Part 11
Let me know if you want to be on the tag list
Esial: @whumpsday @honeycollectswhump @writereleaserepeat @tragedyinblue @hyrules-sleepiest-knight @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @thecyrulik
From Dust to Ashes: @whumpsday @writereleaserepeat @currentlyinthesprial@pigeonwhumps
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jazz-kitty · 1 month
I offer you a 1, 10, and 20
1. favorite character[s]
flora and kenneth r my FAVORITE favorites. i'd kill a family of four for them id PULL a kenneth for them. kenneth is my favorite because i hated his writing so much in v13 i thought about him daily, and i feel like 13.5 fixed like. all of the issues i had with it. and ooohohohoho. kettaaaaa :3. keta weta. kenny boyyyy. meanwhile, i like flora cuz i love sibling characters in general. i think the fact that she's so much of her father's daughter- and at her core, DOES have noble causes. she just. can't help being who she is! that being exactly the kind of person her father wanted. and its. oouugh. she's so good. she doesn't WANT to be alone- with her trying to get rune to join her- but ends up that way anyways cause it's just par for the course leading bladestar!!!! ahhhh i love both of them .
honorable mentions though that i cant really consider my FAVORITES because otherwise the word would lose it's meaning: delpha, adam, nastasia, cera, patty, taelia, & alice
10. favorite villain/antagonist[s]
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20. what got you into rejuvenation in the first place?
reborn. played reborn that my friends got me into and was like Damn where can i get me More Pokemon. more pokemon was here. but also frankly mutuals that are into rejuvenation. fear of missing outs a bitch and so 13.5 came out and here i was! i had tried a couple times before for the same reasons, but this is the first time ive gotten so far LOL. i believe the first time i was fully aware of rejuvenation at all was watching my friend play through it. i was sick as hell and he had an aevian milotic named scourge and i watched him fight like a big fucked up version of the puppet master & stuff blew up. i dont remember the specifics but figured at some point after that that i wanted to figure OUT the specifics. any day now
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yukii0nna · 9 months
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Shiyou to shimasu Academy twisted from the characters of Rumiko Takahashi's works. Its location is the Rising Islands
Ask such ,the academy has 4 Dorms each based on the Protagonist of her manga and stories. The school is Co Ed so there are many students. However it is not as old as NRC or RSA but it is as prestigious. The students all can be just as egotistical as regular mages and made of pretty tough stuff
Yasema: Dorm of the Great Martial Artist
Ranma Satome
Dorm masters: Arata and Yukari Keta
Suruoni: Dorm of the Shocking Oni
Dorm Master: Rai Van
Noroshi: Dorm of the Cursed Fisherman
Mermaid Saga
Dorm Masters:Ronin Mimikawa
Desubā: Dorm of the Clever shinigami
Dorm Master: Shiko Monril
Ketakuma:Dorm of the Determined Yokai
Dorm Master: Baku Hakusho
@danika-redgrave124 @kousaka-ayumu @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @adrianasunderworld @childofwitches @the-weirdos-mind @abyssthing198 @nproduction626 @zexal-club
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compo67 · 1 year
struggle bus
this is a mental health/chronically ill post/personal info dump
cn for suicidal ideations, bipolar disorder, depression, mental health
my therapist is on leave for a month, so in the meantime, i'm meeting with my DBT group leader for therapy once a week
the mental health struggle has been real this past month. lots of depression, anxiety, and voices that get so loud that tell me what's even the point of living
i struggle a lot with managing my bipolar disorder and depression. i struggle with getting dressed and showered most days. even the stimulants i'm on don't help as much as they used to before. i spent all day last saturday asleep or crying. i lost a whole day of working on my big bang, something really important to me, because i just couldn't wrangle my brain into functioning in a positive or healthy way
i'm hopeful about sitting with my psychiatrist this thursday and talking about switching antidepressants and maybe upping either the mood stabilizer or the anti-psychotic
i'm also hopeful that he'll be on board with one of the two treatments my other providers have recommended: keta and TMS
both are concerning to me, but they're both recommended for treatment resistant depression
i can't hardly picture what it's like not to be depressed
i know this might be weird to read, because i write such happy/romantic stuff, but it has been a continuous struggle to deal with being so depressed, especially in the past 2 years
i can't keep up writing or my patreon as much as i want to because i'm either too depressed or in too much pain and i just... feel like i let people down because of it
i have been avoiding doing really important paperwork (applying for financial hardship assistance and LTD stuff)
now it *has* to be turned in and the deadline is looming
coming back to this post a few hours later and i feel a bit better sharing this. it's important to me that i share not just the happy stuff but the other stuff that's going on too
i know i will get out of this spiral/flare. it's going to take time and effort, but i *want* to do it
it just gets really hard sometimes
especially when i'm under so much pressure from financial stress
like, i am doing my best to take my benefits and dig myself out of debt while at the same time trying to stay afloat with things like my car payment, car insurance, gas, phone bill, groceries, medical/dental premiums, medical expenses, and everything else
i am hopeful that doing some light SP work will be another income stream and lessen the pressure, but i can't depend on that until you know... i actually start. and who knows how many hours or projects i'll be offered and can physically do?
this flare up has just been awful. i've been flared up since the end of march and prednisone is not doing the trick, which means it's not inflammation, it's probably just EDS
i say just EDS like it's a cold or something when it's a genetic debilitating disorder/syndrome
i think EDS is one of my biggest struggles. it just takes so much energy to keep my joints together
i just want to be back working full-time, thriving and surviving on my own
but it's not possible at the moment
if i go back to work too soon, i'm just going to wind up in the same place i was in 2021--a big mess
i've been on and am still on the struggle bus
even if it's a struggle bus, i still want to stay on a bus
i still want to be "here"
even if some voices get really loud and try to convince me otherwise
if you made it this far reading, please know i appreciate it
you didn't have to read this but you did and therefore, i <3 you
things will get better.
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Care to tell us some facts about the ROs?
A detailed post about the ROs is coming soon, so here's some facts in the meantime !!
-Nita is fluent in nearly all languages on Earth, as well as several extraterrestrial languages. They still have communication issues however.
-Dorian/Delilah isn't their "true" name, they like to come up with a new one once in a century or so. More often than not, it's a name that starts with D.
-Kiello/Keta hates making decisions, they can often be found carrying around a dice to settle their business, whether it's trivial or of utmost importance.
-Samu/Selena taught themselves how to write with both hands, just so they could continue sending cute little handwritten letters to their family if one hand ever got broken.
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witchygirlgray333 · 11 months
Some Youtuber recommendations
Not sure if anyone's interested but I always love to find new favourite Youtubers and I'm constantly watching Youtube so here's some of my favourites (and if I remember I'll write a brief description of the content they post). Please let me know if you have any other recommendations!
Spill sesh (I love when I actually know about things happening so I can contribute to conversations and these are short videos about current celebrity drama and things like that)
Wood Dweller
Grav3yardgirl - She posts loads of fun content about crazy purchases
Mother the mountain farm - Vlogs of 2 sisters living together in the Australian countryside and running a homestead farm, they do lots of DIY's and it's so inspiring seeing them run the farm, building things such as shelters for the animals, spending lots of time adventuring and spending time with their animals (my favourites are the goats), sewing clothes and lots more
TED-ED - Short informative videos posted regularly posting about loads of different topics
Lady of Faewood - Witchy and fantasy themed DIYs and makeup
Ilymation - Animated story time videos
Zoe sugg - Vlogs about her life, motherhood and family, makeup and beauty, running a successful business and spending time with her friends
Hannah lee dugan - Living in the woods, DIY's, home improvement, teaching herself new skills and her adventures travelling and living in the middle of nowhere
Alyssa Nicole - Vlogs about her pets, witchcraft, reading etc
Hello kitty and friends - Short episodes of the Hello Kitty and friends youtube show, they're so cute and they make my day, they also post cute DIY's
Samantha Jo - Fun vlogs and she has such a funny sense of humour, lots of relatable content and she has the cutest doggo called Dunken
Darling desi - Cosy wholesome videos, major autumn cottagecore vibes
Paperworms cat - Journal flip throughs
Lindsey Kaba - Journalling videos and flip throughs, she has such a fun and creative journalling style and it matches my style so well, so motivating and inspiring and always helps me when I'm in a journalling slump or just need some cheering up
Mindful witch - Spooky / halloween / witchcraft hauls, alt fashion and living a mindful and magical lifestyle
Sierra ann - Vlogs, self improvement, her videos are so fun and I love how open and real she is in her videos
James welsh - Skincare advice
Chloe bunny - Another favourite, her videos are so comforting and relaxing and she does vlogs, book hauls, reading vlogs and more
ANJA - vlogs of her trying new things and living an amazing exciting life and experiencing cool things such as her videos 'I flew to NYC for the love of my life', 'living alone with a nudist in the woods', 'i moved to berlin baby' and 'no phone, 7 countries, 1 month'. I'm chronically ill and on bed rest and I lowkey live vicariously through her videos hehe
Hitomi Mochizuki - Sisterhood, yoga, spirituality, wellness, self love, self improvement
Jaiden animations - Animated videos telling fun stories and vlog style videos such as 'the time when psychics read my future' and 'my childhood stories' and 'my dog stories'
Sophia K - Book videos such as reading vlogs and book hauls
Coco day - Reading / university / lifestyle / art vlogs
Cecilia Blomdahl - Interesting videos about her life on Svalbaard which is an island close to the north pole and she has an adorable dog called Grimm. It's so interesting and fun to watch someone living such a totally different life to me and learning about things such as life in the artic, the midnight sun, polar night etc and there's some beautiful content such as when she's watching the northern lights!
Remi clog - Cleaning motivation, relatable videos about motherhood, living with ADHD and maintaining a clean home
Sky life - Learning about different spiritual practices, wellness, alternative lifestyles etc, such as her video 'learning ancient magic with the modern day cleopatra' and 'I tried ketamine meditation therapy'. She gives me lots of ideas for things to add to my life bucket list and it's so interesting to learn about so many things
Cate van luven - Journal flip throughs, journal with me, journaling supplies haul and they have a really similar journaling style to me so I love watching their video for inspo for my journalling, art and grimoire
Werallgonnadie - Vlogs about starting to learn ballet in your 20's which I love (I'm not particularly interested atm in learning ballet but I love that she posts vlogs about learning ballet for the first time as an adult, shopping, clips from her ballet lessons, coquette hauls, advice, grwm etc)
Karissa love - Witchy videos and vlogs, poetry, self love, makeup
Haley pham - Reading vlogs and other book related content, daily life vlogs, book hauls etc
Dakota Warren - Dark acadamia vibes, book content, vlogs, fashion, hauls etc
Alwyn Oak - Such cosy videos about her witchcraft and these videos always make me feel better, motivate me and help me to connect with my inner child. I look up to her so much and I aim to make my everyday life more like hers. Her videos include her altar, vlogs, exploring the forest near her home which she calls the enchanted woods (she's made a map of it and has named different part of the woods that she connects to and this kind of thing brings me so much happiness, my inner child loved doing these kind of things and her content reminds me to take time to connect with my inner child and enjoy every little part of everyday), DIYs and arts and crafts, books, home makeovers, nature, going on adventures, celebrating the sabbats, recipes and so much more
Lilymaexo - Relatable teen girl content, mainly vlogs
Skalababy - Productive and motivational vlogs of her daily life
Leena norms - Being more eco friendly, making her own clothing, trying new hobbies, books and advice
Brittany Broski - Funny, stupid videos that never fail to make me feel better
Mint Faery - One of my all- time favourites, witchy vlogs, witchy advice and informative videos, showing their beautiful altar, spells and rituals, everyday magic, storytimes, hauls and unboxings, chronic illness witch content
Madi's nursing journey - Nursing vlogs (I'm not even interested in becoming a nurse but I love her vlogs so much)
Fawn child - Vlogs and book videos such as reading vlogs and book hauls
Keelin Moncrieff - Vlogs of being a young mum, self improvement and self care, books, realistic and relatable videos, advice etc
Rachel Maksy - DIY's, cosy cottagecore / wholesome vibes fashion, trying new hobbies such as her video 'I found an old knitting machine in my basement', historical videos (I'm not quite sure how to call them but I love them) such as her video 'I found an 1800's book of etiquette' or 'I tried some old Hollywood eyebrows'. She posts really cosy autumnal videos and she has a really fun sense of humour.
Rattus rattus - One of my top favourite youtubers, alt fashion, DIYs (including ones you can do on a budget), vlogs, thrift hauls and lots more, such a perfect youtuber to subscribe to especially if you're a halloween lover!
Luna Seranova - Witchy videos (vlogs, informational videos, books, divine feminity and seggs magic, hauls and unboxings, makeup and grwms)
Danelle Hallan - True crime videos handled in a polite and respectful manner
Zhirelle - Motivational yet realistic vlogs of a college art student navigating life
Emmie - I love her videos so much, she posts lots of book videos, weekly vlogs which include reading, studying, her adorable kitten Calcifer and general lifestyle things
Drama Kween - Short videos discussing current topics such as celebrities, social media people, bad tiktok trends, tv shows and films etc
Stephanie Harlowe - True crime videos, she handles the topics in such a respectful way and in my opinion she gives non-biased information
Throneofpages - Reading vlogs and other book related videos
Perfectpaperbacks - Reading vlogs and other book related videos
Didn't realise how long this would be... oops!
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evil8keta · 2 months
Mercs with a reader (PLATONIC)
who’s personality is kinda like invader zim? Not exactly like him, but just has that loud, crazy, demeanor?
mercs with a loud and energetic reader
- i'm gonna be honest, scout was probably scared of you at first lol. he thought you're actually insane, but i think over time he would kinda grow a liking for you? so congratulations, you're now his prank buddy. actually, you're pretty much his buddy for any and all stupid shit that scout wants to do
- oh he LOVES you!! i mean you're kinda like a mini version of him, so from the moment he saw you he pretends he's your dad or something. you two often yell at eachother and soldier is very proud of you and loves your enthusiasm, he thinks you're a fighter. this man does a lot of stupid and dangerous shit with you and hypes you up 24/7. you two are a powerful duo
- now, pyro can be a bit immature, but i don't think the're the type to be very loud and eccentric like you. because of this pyro was also probably a bit scared of you at first (having pyro scared of someone is quite an accomplishment might i add). but over time pyro will most likely get used to you. i mean it's not like you're an evil threat or something you're just loud and off the walls lol. you two do get up to a lot of silly shenanigans together
- ughhh...so loud. heavy doesn't like very loud people, but he will tolerate you. eventually he kinda grows a soft spot for you, idk why. maybe he just likes weird crazy people like that (looks at medic). anyway, heavy actually really enjoys having you around despite your high energy. unfortunately for you, he can be a killjoy. he will often talk you out of new fun things that you wanna try if he finds them too dangerous. or he straight up just man handles you and throws you over his shoulder to make sure you dont do anything stupid. anyway he loves you, you're like a little chihuahua to him
- oh you two are very similar so i think you'll get along very well. i'm talking buddies in crime, constantly getting up to weird and crazy plans that may or may not result in a few broken limbs or mental trauma (not for you two, but for those watching you). you both literally share one braincell. also he kinda views you as his younger sibling
- for someone as laidback as engie, he surprisingly doesn't mind people with high energy. he actually thinks you're pretty silly and enjoys watching you do crazy shit cause it's kind of charming to him?? he's just happy to see you have fun. the only thing that he's a bit scared of is letting you in his workshop... like yeah, he trusts you! just.. maybe not THAT much..
- omg he loooves your high energy. you guys can be unhinged together all the time, he definitely hypes you up. however, sometimes he needs his calm moments so he can focus on his work. don't take it personally but he might lock you out his lab so you don't disturb him. but other than that you can bet he pulls you into a lot of crazy shit, even sharing all his strange medical plans and findings with you
- TOO LOUD TOO LOUD! sorry buddy spy will avoid you like the plague. he does think you're fun to watch but only from a distance. he's got enough maniacs on the team already y'know? it's not that he dislikes you but whenever you try to engage with him he acts irritated and just tries to escape you. get his ass
- same with spy, too loud. you know sniper, he's a quiet guy who keeps to himself and overall prefers silence. he does think you're cool and funny though and even joins in on your crazy shenanigans from time to time. as long as you don't yell his ear off he will definitely like you
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scribl1ta · 8 months
Tag someone you want to get to know better!
Thank you for tagging me @theromaboo ‼️
Favorite color: emerald green🥬
Last song I listened to: "PROFUMO" by M¥SS KETA
Favorite movie: I usually tell people it's Fellini Satyricon because even if I say Satyricon if anybody's even heard of it they usually assume I'm talking about the Fellini version anyway, but I kind of go back and forth between the two depending on which I've been thinking about or which I saw most recently lol. Fellini's is more interesting and almost objectively of higher artistic merit but Polidoro's is more fun to watch and kind of fits how I imagined the novel a little more😖
Currently watching: I have some stuff on my watchlist but nothing new since I'm back at school :/ I'd also love recommendations if anybody has any! especially anything you like to put on in the background while you draw or study
Currently reading: mostly Plato's Apology for my Ancient Greek class :)) I've also made some progress in The True Story by Lucian but there aren't many useful translations or commentaries I have to check my work with so it's a bit slower. I do not have anything I'm reading strictly for fun atm (procrastinating on ordering the next Daughters of Rome book).
Currently working on: some illustrations for a really special faculty publication that I am so so so excited to share more about!! I don't want to post anything before I know for sure they will be published but it was just a huge blessing to be able to make them. I'm also editing a youtube video I've been working on for a few months that is finally coming together, and making some more time every day to write a little in my screenplay.
Current obsession: saying ha ha ha where's the freaking gabagool
tagging @boydrudolo @illegible-scribble @kostekkaz and @emperornero! no pressure to do it and ofc anybody else who finds this post and feels like sharing please do!!
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In this new episode of "H please stop bullying characters on whiteboard" i bullied TWO characters on the whiteboard i did yesterday, btw i'm the one writing in black
It all started with this drawing (i'm the one who said omg tiddie man lmao)
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I stole keta might's man and the bullied him lmao
And then i bullied zero kirby
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No regrets ❤
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ketastore · 2 years
hi! im keta/vuk and i like making stuff🫶
this blog is like my archive for multifandom xreader fanfiction that ive written over the years,,, im planning to write more though!!!! so feel free to request!!
fandoms i write for: bfb, hlvrai, transformers (tfp, earthspark), madness combat, ihnmaims, deltarune, okegom, hetalia, fnf, bandori
sideblog for my tf2 stories 🐕 @evil8keta
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saintdelilah · 2 years
Myss Keta could write Hamlet but William Shakespeare could never write Col Cuore In Gola
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yukii0nna · 9 months
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Arata and Yukari Keta
Age: 17(Arata)16(Yukari)
Twisted form: Ranma Satome
Voiced by: Newton Pittman/Ryōta Ōsaka(Arata)Faye Mata/Mai Nakahara
School: Shiyou to Shimasu Academy
Dorm: Yasema
Homeland: The Chaos Hallows
Family members :Saro Keta (father) Hana Keta(mother)
Favorite subject:P.E, It is after all my family's specialty. / Economics my best subject
Least favorite subject: Writing is really hard....but who needs it?!?/Math is quite frustrating, but I can manage
Favorite food: Steak, though I would like to try mochi/ Tea of course,but pizza smell heavenly
Hobbies: Practicing Fighting of course!! I would like to sew and sing and not be a fighter for once/Cooking, cleaning, sewing are proper for young ladies. I wish I could read comics and play video games
The Keta's always produce the best. As such,their children should be no different . Raised separately to be the perfect son and daughter,they were proud of the dolls children . For a long time they were jealous of each other for having the freedom they long for,never realizing that they were both caged. That jealous grew to resentment.
Unique Magic:
Wild like you: Can cause any kind of chaos for a half hour. Can't choose how it affects target .
It's love: Is able to make any one fall in love ,last for how long she chooses
Ronin Mimikawa (both)
Arata likes pop and is a closet fan of Vil
@the-weirdos-mind @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198
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