#(again I KNOW a lot of fans here genuinely do mean well but you HAVE to recognize if you're acting this way IF NOT)
Angel Reader - Last Preview
One last preview for you all! Surprisingly, Lucifer does not appear in this section, but I promise he will! He is mentioned a few times though, it's all about the set up baby!! No active warnings for this part again! I'm saving all the juicy bits this time ;)
Days turned into month, months turned into years, years turned into decades, and decades turned into centuries. Not a day passed when you didn’t think about him. It took a few millennia before you stopped crying every day. Even the thought of mentioning his name caused your anguish. But now, you were numb. You went about your duties as instructed, but your will to dream and create had all but vanished. It wasn’t the same without him there. And now you were a perfect virtue, always did as she was told, never straying, and never questioning. You were broken. Even more so when you had mistakenly learned about the extermination of demons led by Adam and his soldiers.
No one was allowed to know, not even Emily, who had become the closest thing to a friend you’ve had since Lucifer’s fall. She was the one who helped you through your darkest moments. Her pure joy was enough to pull you out of your deepest pits of despair. For a little while at least. Your sadness never truly left you. It was like a black hole that could never be filled and could never truly be satisfied.
Your heart sank from the devastating revelation. You knew deep down that this was wrong; the slaughter of souls that were already doomed for eternity. They didn’t deserve that fate. But there was nothing you could do. What could you do? So, you stayed silent.
That is until one day, you learned of the arrival of Princess Morningstar's arrival to heaven.
You had known Lucifer had a child with Lilith, Charlotte. There was a great panic in Heaven, concerned over what a child of Lucifer could mean for both of the unearthly realms. But the last two hundred or so years had brought nothing. Until today. You had seen her walking alongside Sera and Emily on the promenade, as well as another person who looked awfully familiar to you, but you couldn't quite place where you'd seen her before. It was odd considering you had never met a sinner before. You wanted to follow them but had caught Adam and Lute discussing the demonic pair amongst themselves and thought it best to avoid fanning the flames of an already tense situation. After waiting some time and asking around, you learned the princess was visiting the zoo. You'd flown there as fast as your wings could carry you. After circling the enclosures, you spotted the princess gawking at one of the koalas that had fallen asleep in its tree. Luckily, you didn't see any signs of anybody else around her. Silently, you landed behind her, now realizing you hadn't thought about what to say. You sucked in a breath and took one step closer.
"Charlotte Morningstar?" you practically whispered. The princess turned her head cautiously at the sound of her name. "I'm sorry to bother you but-"
"Oh, hi there!" she beamed at you, using both of her hands to shake one of yours, your body jerking slightly with each motion. "And you can call me Charlie!"
"Charlie," you repeated. You took your time studying the princess in front of you. Her golden hair and pale face with rosy cheeks stuck out to you the most, as well as her genuine and unadulterated smile. She truly a reflection of her father. "You look…so much like him."
"My dad?" she questioned. "Yeah, I get that a lot!"
You shook you head, finally breaking eye contact and letting go of her hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. Your father and I, we…we were really close when he was here. He was my best friend. I was there the day he…" you couldn't find it in you to finish your sentence. "I tried my best to help, to save him. But he saved me instead. I should have been cast out with him." Your voice drifted off. You could feel tears began to prick your eyes. "This was a mistake, I shouldn't have come, I should go-"
"Wait!" You felt a hard tug on your wrist as you tried to step away. "Please don't leave! I'm sorry if I upset you in any way!"
The utter compassion and sincerity in her voice felt like a stake to the heart. You fell to your knees, not being able to hold back the tears any longer. Charlie kneeled next to you, wrapping in a tight embrace. This felt all too familiar. "I'm s-so sorry. This…this isn't your burden to bear."
"It's alright," Charlie soothed, "it's okay to cry. To feel sad. Your feelings are nothing to be ashamed of." She unwrapped her arms from around you and placed them on your shoulders, now lifting your head to see her empathetic stare. "My dad…he never really talked about his life here in Heaven. I imagine it's painful for him to think about, just like it is for you." Charlie swiped her thumb across your cheek to catch a tear that had fallen. "But I'm happy to know that he had a friend like you who cares about him as much as you do. I'm more than glad to have met you, so now we can be friends too! That is, if you want that."
A small smile spread on your face as you reached out to return her hug. "Yes," you replied, "I'd like that, Charlie. More than you know. You really are your father's daughter. Sweet, and kind, and caring." You felt Charlie's arms around you once more, the tears at last beginning to dry. You pulled away and cleaned the rest of your face with your sleeve. "If I can ask, why are you here? Not the zoo, but, in Heaven, I mean."
"Oh! Yes!," Charlie shot up straight, offering her hand out to help you up as well. "My dad got me a meeting with Sera! I'm running a hotel in Hell right now in order to rehabilitate sinners! I want to convince them that redemption is possible so that they can have a long fulfilling afterlife here!"
"Redemption…" you pondered aloud. "Do you think it's possible?"
"IIIIIIIIIIIIII don't know," Charlie admitted. "We haven't really had a successful case…yet! But I'm hopeful! We have a few patrons already who are making great progress! I'm presenting my case to Sera and the council soon, and I'm hoping I can persuade them!"
Charlie had just given you much to process. The idea of redeeming sinners had not once crossed your mind. It almost seemed too big of a dream, and knowing Heaven's attitude towards the demons in Hell, you were weary of how Sera and the rest of the court would react to such a proposal despite Charlie's seemingly boundless optimism. Another well intentioned idea from a starry-eyed dreamer shot down and ridiculed by Heaven; the parallels were impossible to ignore.
"Charlie, no matter what, know you have an ally in me," you told her. "Whether or not Sera and the others choose to listen, I believe in you, as I believed in your father all those years ago. I know for a fact Emily will listen to you. You remind me of her, she's a good soul."
"Thank you," Charlie smiled. Suddenly, an alarm sounded from Charlie's pocket. "Oh geez, the meeting! I have to go!" Charlie gave you one last quick hug before she darted off towards Heaven's courtroom, waving to you as she ran. "I'll see you later! Oh! And I'll tell my dad I had the chance to meet you!" she called out! You tried to wave back, but she didn't see you as she sprinted away.
That was the last time you saw the princess of Hell.
It's been a month since your conversation with Charlie and with each passing day, your anger had risen. Emily had told you that Sera had ignored Charlie's proposal, that she now knew about the exterminations that have been taking place, and how Adam had threatened to attack her and the hotel as he forced her out of the courtroom and back to Hell. In turn, you had told Emily about your brief conversation with the princess on the same day. Thankfully, the two of you were on the same page and decided that you were going to fight for Charlie. You had asked Emily if she could make arrangements to meet with Sera privately to discuss the matter. Of course, the only time Sera agreed to meet was the same day as the extermination. You spent so much of the day collecting your thoughts and practicing your speech that you didn't realize you were running late for the meeting. You flew across the city, barging through the front doors and making your way up to Sera's office in the blink of an eye. You swung open the doors in a panic.
"I'm sorry I'm late Sera, I was-" you began to apologize until you realized that the was their attention was not on you. You turned your head and noticed another angel in the room. He was slender, tall, and was wearing an incredibly unique hat. It was easy to tell by the look on his face that he was confused and a bit startled by your sudden entrance. Perhaps he was a new soul, but he didn't look like a soul you've ever seen.
"Oh, hello to you assss well," the new angel greeted you with his unique accent, his forked tongue slipping between his teeth.
Before you could respond, Emily shrieked stood up excitedly, rushing over to greet him. “Hi there! I’m Emily! Or you can call me Em or Emmy! It doesn’t matter, I’m fine with whatever! Welcome to Heaven!”
You looked over at Sera who had not moved since you entered the room. Her face was a strange mix of horrified and uncertain. Sera remained motionless as Emily refused to contain her unbridled joy.
“I recognize you!” she exclaimed. “You were the one in the club with your friends in Hell!”
“Wait, in Hell?” you chimed in. “How do you…”
Emily flew over to you suddenly, pulling your body closer to the stranger. “He was one of the residents of Charlie’s hotel! We saw him while she was pleading her case to the court!”
“Emily, wait,” Sera finally spoke up, but Emily ignored her. And so did you.
“What’s your name?,” you asked him.
The angel smiled and bowed before you. “I am Sir Pentiousss, a pleasure to meet you!” He straightened back up, looking around the room curiously. “I’m terribly sssorry to ask, but, where am I? I don’t recall how I came to be here. I was in my airship, ready to take on that dastardly angel, the one with that obnoxiousss guitar. And in a sudden flash of light, I was here!” His eyes grew into saucers, gripping onto his hat. “My friendsss! I have to get back to them, they’re in danger!”
You watched as he slithered back and forth across the room, mumbling to himself when it all hit you at once. This soul was a sinner. He was in Hell. And he was someone who was staying at Charlie’s hotel. The one meant to save lost souls.
“You were redeemed,” you finally spoke.
"What?!" the three angels asked in unison.
"Emily, don't you see?" you asked, reaching down to grab her hands. "This was Charlie's plan all along!" You turned to look at the redeemed soul. "Sir Pentious, I think you may have been killed."
"But I wasss already dead, my dear," he responded.
"Yes, but only souls who have passed on can face divine judgement," you explained. "Whatever you had done must have sent you here!"
You and Emily looked at each other and smiled, now hovering in the air. “He was a sinner!” Emily belted. “But now he’s here! He’s here in Heaven! Charlie’s hotel works! She was-”
“That's enough!” Sera cut in unexpectedly. You and Emily frowned; your feet placed firmly on the ground again. "You two need to leave, now. I will handle this matter."
"But Sera-" Emily tried to reason.
"Please do not question me, Emily," Sera warned, "remember what I had told you."
Emily hung her head and sighed, starting to make her way towards the door, still holding onto your hand. but you refused to budge when she had tugged on your arm.
"No," you replied sternly through your gritted teeth.
Sera narrowed her eyes at your defiance. "I'm not asking. It would be in your best interest to do as your told. You were already pardoned once before. Don't make this worse than it has to be."
You took to the air and were now at eye level with the high seraphim, a righteous anger surging through you. "I'm done listening to you," you spat. "I should have been cast down with Lucifer that day. He told me everything, I knew what he had planned. He protected me and not a day goes by where I don't regret not staying by his side. I did nothing to stop him because I knew he was right in giving humans free will. And now I can see Charlie was right in her quest to redeem souls. You were wrong back then, Sera, and you're wrong now!"
Sera's angelic eyes appeared; her anger peaked to its boiling point. "Emily, take the new soul and leave immediately."
Not wanting to anger her further, Emily took ahold of Sir Pentious's hand and rushed him towards the door. You caught a glimpse of her teary expression as she looked back at you. I'll be okay, you mouthed to her, but you knew it was a lie. When the door finally closed, you glared back at Sera with a fiery intensity that you never knew you were capable of.
"You know the punishment for an act of defiance," Sera spoke sternly.
"I should have fallen eons ago," you retorted, holding back you sobs. "Do it, Sera, cast me to the pits of Hell!"
"So be it."
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dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
Phantom's Number 1 Fan Part 3
John Constantine calls a joint Justice League and Justice League Dark meeting.
It's not something he wants to do. He barely works with the LJD, but at least that lot understands his work and knows what to do and where to go.
The JL members always ask questions and forget proper manners when working with the paranormal- John isn't the most well-mannered bloke around, but even he knows to permanently say goodbye to ghosts so that they don't follow him home- and it's like trying to teach an intern while dodging bullets.
He prefers to avoid the whole origination, especially since Bruce's death; everyone has been walking on eggshells, and there is a sense of disorganization drenched in grief that John breaks into hives just thinking about, but this is big.
Bigger than he can handle it on his own or with just the JLD. Even if the whole group gives the bats not-so-stable glances as they filter in.
John notices that one of Batman's brats is missing- the smart one- but he has heard that the kid suffered some kind of psychotic break from his father's death. It's sad, really, mainly because John used to believe that the third Robin was the one with the good head on his shoulders.
What's worse is that the Third Robin up and ran off, having gone off the grid when he refused to accept Batman's death. The boy hadn't said anything besides, "The portraits told me!" after having a miniature breakdown in his home.
It didn't help that around this time, the boy teammates had all dropped like flies except for one. So yes, John knows it wasn't a big surprise that he lost it, but it was still sad to see. Kid is only seventeen.
He hopes they find him soon to give him the help he needs. John would offer a spell to try and find him, but he needs to learn about the kid better, which means his spell can only point in a general direction.
Nightwing looked downright ragged, but losing a father on the battlefield and a younger brother to his grief did a number on anyone.
John hates himself just a little for dragging the grieving family here. He does, but again, this is bigger than all of them. This is a matter of life and death- literally.
"Listen up. We have a bloody level ten on its way to Earth if it's not already here." His words cut through the muttering crowd, shutting everyone up. A level ten makes even the big, lousy Superman sweat. He snaps his fingers, allowing his magic to shift into the image of a King Phantom sitting on his throne- painted in the early 1200s and the picture that can be used to identify him.
The art style would have been almost modern if it wasn't for the unease that the painting could cause due to the glowing green from his majesty's portrait. They say the green was ectoplasm from the king himself- and that alone should warn others to not mess with him.
Everyone Justice League Dark member hissed through their teeth, sitting up straighter and a few even pale. John is once again grateful that they understand just how deep in shit they genuinely are.
"This is the Ghost King. He is not to be confused with a god or king of gods. He's something else entirely because he makes gods nervous. He is on his way here to kill whoever is dumb enough to threaten his pregnant fiancee, and I fear the rest of Earth will be collateral if we don't prepare-"
"That's Danny Phantom," A young voice cuts John off. He is surprised someone would talk over him in a level ten briefing. All eyes turn to Robin- er, the new Robin.
The kid is frowning at the image, his signature scowl already deeper than usual. He's also heard the new Robin was a spoiled boy who was not a team player.
"You know King Phantom?" John asks.
Robin nods. "Placeholder is obsessed with him. Half his room is covered with King Phantom's heroics."
"Do not call him that.," Nightwing hisses a second later. He frowned when Robin ignored him but returned to the room without further comment on the boy's cheek. "Danny Phantom is a low-level search and rescue hero. He pops up around the world but only sometimes interacts with people. Robin- Young Justice Robin- was obsessed with him."
The room gains an awkward weight as no one is willing to bring up the mentally unsound MIA teenager.
It's too bad for them. John has never cared about making anyone comfortable. "You said his room is covered in images of King Phantom?"
From the corner of his eyes, John catches sight of Zatanna's face. She's pale white, with a horrified expression as if though she was standing before the grim itself. Every other member of the Justice League Dark is in a similar state.
"Yes, he has a whole wall of posters and stuff." Nightwing conforms, and shit John knows who Phantom's after now.
The thing is, one just doesn't have pictures of King Phantom. No one knows why, but the Ghost King can not be documented. Not without having some kind of connection to the King.
Throughout history, the only ones who have ever had even one solid picture of the king- John's magic doesn't count cause he can't well hold the thing up forever- usually meant that the King would appear before them at one point.
There is also a myth if one could beat a member of the royal ghost family, then one wish is granted to them. If one can kill a royal ghost member, death can be overturned.
It's not true, obviously, for death is not easily beaten like that, but John knows that as an expert, would a mentally unwell teenager know the same?
It was also known that if the King appeared before you, something terrible would happen. The sighting of King Phantom often came as an omen and usually right before a terrible disaster.
In the last disaster, they lost Batman, and if King Phantom had shown up, where the Third Robin have spotted him? Where the Third Robin have thought the King could return the dead?
Not to mention the rumors!
King Phantom was hunting down a group of humans known as "The Bats." John hadn't put that much stock in that rumor simply because it could have been anyone- hell, when he looked up the bats seven different groups appeared, varying from boy bands to zoologists.
But if he placed the name "The Bats" next to the Third Robin's psychotic break, his obsession with King Phantom, and his intertwined fates...well, shit.
There is a slight chance that the Third Robin's fate could be intertwined with the Ghost King in a positive light, but John has learned to not be optimistic in his line of work.
"I think the Third Robin is gunning after the Ghost King's fiancee and unborn child in a misguided attempt to bring Batman back to life. He may have kicked started a war that humanity can not win," He announces. He hates to say. hates to even suggest it, but the needs of the many outweigh those of the few. "We have to find the Third Robin and attempt to stop him. If we can't reason with him, we must put him down."
Wonder Girl gasps a sob, pressing her hand against her mouth.
John hates himself a little more as she sobs; a few rushes to confront her, but no one is unaffected by the news.
"I'm ordering a hunt for the Third Robin," Wonderwoman speaks up to her steady leadership, returning everyone from their despair. "Every available hero will help. Do not use lethal force unless there is no other choice. We may be able to find him before King Phantom's armies arrive."
John just hopes they are not too late.
Meanwhile, across the plane of existence, unaware of the manhunt for his head, Tim Drake is trying to stare down a Yeti, attempting to put him in silk clothes that are just fabrics held together by strings.
"But-But- but you have such a flattering figure! You must flaunt it! The Great One will barely be able to contain himself if he sees you in this!"
"No. It looks like something you wear on a honeymoon to seduce your spouse. I'm not walking around in that."
"Well, you don't need to bewitch his majesty. You already have a child on the way." The Yeit mutters, considering the fabric in his claws with a frown. He is Frostbite's royal tailor and has been attempting to dress Tim for over an hour. Everything he's suggested so far looks like it came from those romantic fantasy games.
It's like they want to make him a sexy consort or something.
Tim's teeth grind against each other. He hates how often his role is reminded, how casually the yetis mention that Ra's expects a child from Tim.
He doesn't even know how that child will come to be, and it makes him sick. He's been bidding his time, waiting for his wounds to heal and to find a weakness in the frozen fortress, but so far, he is unsure how he will escape.
And Bruce is still out there, waiting for Tim to get him. He can't waste any more time here.
"How about this cloak?" The Yeti offers, holding up a dark metallic fabric that reminds TIm of his Robin cape. "If we are going for a more conservative look, something that screams power is just the way to make the masses wild!"
Ugh, he really needs to think of a plan soon.
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togrowoldinv · 5 months
Meeting the Team
Carol Danvers x Female Reader
Carol brings Monica and Kamala home to take refuge for an evening and to meet her wife. Fluff ensues
Note: I was just thinking about Carol having a secret wife and the lovely Monica and Kamala meeting her. Enjoy this one!
Carol Danvers Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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You’re stirred from your sleep when you hear the sound of a ship landing near your house. You hope it’s Carol’s.
When you hear the sound of the front door unlocking, you roll out of bed and walk to greet her in the front room.
She’s in her suit but it looks a little worse for wear. Carol catches sight of you and the weight falls off her shoulders.
“Hey sweetheart,” Carol says softly, a smirk rests on her face.
You cross the room quickly and pull her into a hug. She flinches due to her own soreness but keeps hugging you anyways.
“Are you okay?” You ask her, grabbing her face in your hands.
“I’m okay,” she says.
Her eyes are determined. You realize she’s here just for a short time to regroup or gather some information.
“I missed you,” you say.
“I missed you,” Carol replies.
You lean in to kiss her but you stop short when you see two women, or rather one woman and one teenage girl, walk in the door behind her.
“Carol?” You alert her to the presence.
“It’s okay,” Carol says. “We’re- well I guess we’re a team.”
“We are so a team,” the teenage girl says.
Carol tries to hold back a smile but you see it on her face that she likes these teammates. She turns around and holds you by the waist.
“Y/n, this is Kamala and Monica,” Carol says.
“Wait, the Monica?” You ask. The woman’s eyes flash to Carol’s at your words.
“Yeah,” Carol says. “Our powers are entangled.”
“Right, okay. It’s nice to meet you both, come on in and make yourself comfortable,” you say.
They move to sit on the couch. Carol goes to the bathroom to freshen up first.
“What was your name again?” Monica asks you.
“Y/n,” you supply. “I’m Carol’s wife.”
“Oh my god,” Kamala says, mostly to herself.
“What?” You ask.
“Oh, she’s just a fan girl,” Monica explains. “She’ll be writing fanfiction later about Carol having a secret wife.”
You chuckle at the girl’s antics. You can’t blame her for loving Carol enough to want to create new versions of her.
“Carol and I got married a few years ago,” you say. “But we really haven’t been able to spend much time together. Planets need saving and all that.”
“Sounds familiar,” Monica says.
Carol enters the room and sits down next to you with a sigh. You want to ask more about her reuniting with Monica but that’s for another time when it’s just the two of you.
“Do you have powers?” Kamala asks. You realize this girl has a talent for breaking awkward silences.
“I do not,” you say. “Although, wrangling this one in should be considered a power.”
“Wow,” Carol says. “I’m offended.”
“Don’t be, baby,” you say. You kiss her cheek and she tries to hide her blush. “It’s a privilege to love you. Even when you run off to space for months at a time.”
“You could go with me if you want,” Carol shrugs.
“Nope. That’s your world up there. Not mine,” you reply. Carol only smiles. “Are you guys hungry?”
“Starving,” Kamala answers. “I mean no, we’re good.”
“Come with me,” you tell her.
You lead the girl into the kitchen and let her take her pick of food to eat. She settles on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Kamala asks you a few questions about Carol and your relationship. She seems genuinely excited with every answer she receives.
Monica and Carol are in the living room still. You don’t hear much talking, so you make Carol a sandwich and go get her.
“Babe, I made you a sandwich,” you say. “Please eat at least half. I know you haven’t been remembering to eat a lot.”
“I’m fine,” Carol says. “I get enough.”
“Go.” You leave no room for argument. She sighs and goes to the kitchen. That leaves you alone with Monica.
The woman is sitting on the couch. You know from her vantage point that she can see the framed photo of Maria that Carol keeps on the shelf.
“I’m sorry to hear about your mom,” you say, not really knowing what to say.
“Oh, thanks,” she replies.
“You know I think Carol has some more pictures around here somewhere,” you say. “Maybe next time you come by we can look for them.”
“Yeah,” Monica says noncommittally.
“Do you need anything? A drink, food, medicine?” You ask.
“Thank you. I’m okay,” Monica says.
“Are you sure? I can tell Carol is sore so I can imagine you all are,” you say.
“You can tell that about her just from looking at her?”
“From the hug. She flinched,” you explain. “She never admits she’s hurting, but I know she is. Although, I do see a part of her healing. Probably from reuniting with you. She seems happier.”
Monica nods. She knows that this has meant a lot to Carol. It means a lot to her too, but right now she’s still a bit hardened to the idea of being in her presence again.
Carol and Kamala come back into the room before you can say anything else. You help show them where to sleep and then end up back your bedroom with Carol.
She changes into some pajamas and snuggles into bed next to you. You rest your head against her shoulder.
“How long?” You ask her.
“Just until morning,” Carol replies. “I need to fix a part of my ship. And I wanted to see you.”
“How are you doing with this whole Monica thing?”
Carol takes a deep breath. She hasn’t really had time to stop and think about it.
“I’m okay I think,” she says. “I’m good. It’s amazing how she’s grown up to be so wonderful.”
“Yeah? She has powers, that’s insane.”
“I know,” Carol says. “I didn’t know that until I saw her with Fury. She’s really a great person too. I definitely couldn’t keep Kamala as safe without her.”
“What’s the deal with Kamala? She’s a kid who loves you?” You ask, a chuckle escaping from your lips.
“Apparently,” Carol sighs. “But I really don’t feel like I’m a good role model for her. Maybe she’s seeing that in the choices I’ve already had to make in front of her.”
“Hey, you always do your best. Sacrifices are necessary. You know that, baby,” you try to encourage her. “The way that girl looks at you definitely makes me know that she looks up to you.”
Carol kisses your head and rubs a hand over your back. It’s slightly warmer than normal, meaning she’s using her powers to help you relax.
“We need some sleep,” Carol says.
“We do,” you reply. “Hey, don’t let me forget to tell Kamala in the morning about how we met.”
“Oh god, she’s going to write a story about it,” Carol says. “Whatever fanfiction is.”
“It’s fantastic,” you reply.
“You know what it is?”
“Of course, babe.”
“And you’ve read it?” She asks. You nod. “About me?”
“No,” you laugh out. “I don’t need to when I have you already, my love. Although, I do need some new content.”
Carol grins mischievously. She’s sent you countless videos, pictures, and voice memos over the years. But it has been a while since she has done that for you.
“Tell you what, when this thing is over I’m coming back home for a while,” she says. “And we can spend our time doing whatever we want.”
“I’d love that,” you say. “Goodnight, my love.”
“Goodnight, my beautiful wife,” Carol replies.
You kiss her lips for a few minutes before you both feel the weight of sleep fall over you.
When you wake in the morning, you spend a few more hours with Carol, Kamala, and Monica. The goodbye is always hard, but you know Carol will come back to you. She always does.
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slvtforoldermen · 3 months
Pedro’s Characters: The Dick-tionary
How big are Pedro Pascal’s characters and some NSFW headcannons
Part Two <3
A/N: Sorry I never continued Fluff February :(, I lost motivation so I’ll just write them and post them as a prompt list for whenever…
Joel Miller:
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Okay, all his characters are big, it’s a known fact, but Joel is 100% the biggest. Probably about 8.5 inches, with a pretty pink mushroom tip, and GIRTHY AGH! There’s a vein on it that is really visible when he’s hard. Oh and his balls are big too. Everything about Joel is just big. Not only is he big but you best believe he knows how to use it too. He’s got a daddy kink… Fav positions are missionary and cowgirl, however when he’s angry doggy or the mating press are a no-brainer. Daddy kink! DOMINANT!!! There’s no way this man is a sub, it just doesn’t work, he’s just so dom yknow, and when he’s soft, he’s the sweetest he’s ever been, but if he’s angry, hard dom Joel comes out and that’s a man you don’t wanna piss off if you wanna cum. He’s got such a daddy kink. “Fuck babygirl/boy, you’re so fucking sweet, sugar. So fucking good for daddy. Yeah baby? You like that? Such a good little girl/boy, so fucking sweet.” Daddy kink is such is a big thing for him. Hair wise? Well it’s the apocalypse so it’s probably hard to find the Manscaper 3000 or whatever. He trims his hair with some scissors, honestly he didn’t really care for shaving before you, so he just let it grow, but once when you were sucking him, you almost sneezed from how much it tickled your nose and made a little joke about it after, which made Joel feel a little bad so he cut them just a little shorter. Oh I’m sorry and did I mention… DADDY KINK!!!
Javier Peña:
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(Here I’m purely writing about Javier Pena in a fictional sense AS PEDRO, not the real guy, this has nothing to do with the real Javier Pena)
Okay, Javier, my baby daddy. Um, who said that- ANYWAYS! Javier is probably the second biggest, in joint place with Oberyn, definitely about 7-7.5 inches, as he’s nicknamed by moi, the Pussy Slayer of Medellin. It goes without saying that Javier is rough, as we’ve seen, side note: I don’t know why I thought watching Narcos with my family would be a good idea… I was sat on the couch like “😀 okay, I’m watching Pedro have sex next to my mum, just a normal Saturday morning…” anyways back to it (hehe Negan reference) but Javier is rough, doggy and cowgirl are his favourite positions, but sometimes when he’s feeling a little somber he likes a little missionary. As how domestically-kinky I like my men, I’m a little disappointed that Javier isn’t a committed man, but he does have a tiny 🤏 breeding kink, he defo isn’t a fan of being called daddy, in fact just call him Javi and he’s yours, and he’s dom obviously. “Oh carino, you take my cock so well, you good little whore… fuck… my sweet little angel.” I mean, we’ve all seen his hair, so do we really need address it, that also might genuinely be my fav sex scene in all of cinema history.
Oberyn Martell
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Okay, admittedly, I haven’t seen any proper scenes of Oberyn, because I’ve just started GOT, so I have no clue what his character is like apart from being a HUGE BISEXUAL SLUT, so he’s just like me 🤭
Oberyn, tying with Javier, is about 7-7.5 inches, and I feel like his cock is definitely a lot more tan than others, idk why, it’s just an instinct. Defo uncircumcised. His fav positions are definitely cowgirl OH and dude is the literal definition of a pillow prince, again, just like me. Suck his dick, please, just suck his dick. Again, I don’t know how he’s presented in GOT, but I’m like 74% sure he’s dominant? From the clips I’ve seen 🫣 Hair wise, do razors exists in the GOT world? Or does my man just shave himself with a sword.
Javi Gutierrez:
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Oh my sweet baby Javi… he’s so kinky. I’m fully convinced he’s into full BDSM, not so much where he has to do it every single time, but maybe like once a month. When I was watching TUWOMT for the first time, when Nick is about to go into the room with all his merch and stuff, I was dead convinced it was gonna be a sex dungeon. There’s no way a man is this sweet and adorable without being into some freaky shit.
Anyway, Javi is about 6.5 inches, with a sweet pink tip and he’s definitely a giver not a taker, don’t get him wrong, he ADORES you with his dick in your mouth, but he prefers to eat you out/suck your dick for hours on end. Oh and he’s a sweet talker, when you guys aren’t being full kinky, he’ll praise you to hours on end, mumbling in your ear how good you are in that sexy accent of his. Is a little bit of a switch, but mostly dominant, soft dom if it’s a normal night but if it’s that special night, only your safe word will pull him out of hard dom space. Definitely the type to overstimulate you in a sweet way “you can take it right sweetheart? Mi amor~ just take my cock nice and good, ahí tienes.” Um, daddy kink for surely, but not like every single night like Joel. But when he’s between your legs, and he’s stimulated you so far into sub space, and you’re struggling to keep your eyes open, and you’re reaching up for him, babbling how good his cock feels in your hole, he can’t help but coo down at you and praise you so hard. He’s not bald, but his hair isn’t long, just trimmed to the point where it tickles your nose when you suck his cock.
Din Djarin
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Okay, so I think it’s canon that Din hasn’t really ever felt human touch, so I feel he’s really inexperienced… but the dude’s got a pretty dick. Like it’s just so… pretty. About 6 inches with a sweet baby pink tip, he’s so sensitive too. He loves head but he really can’t say it, he’s just too embarrassed. I just get the vibe that he’s mostly subby. He tried to be dom once but the poor baby couldn’t handle it all. But then he tried again and he did so good, but it tired him out, so if he’s domming, which is once in a blue moon, he’s going to be soft, maybe even softer than Javi. Mommy/Daddy kink!! “Please, I’m good right? Please, please tell me I’m doing good… you always feel so so good, I love you so much.” Please, he’s so sweet I love him. It’s rare that you guys get off together because of reasons due to his upbringing and stuff so he just likes being taken care of, the sweet boy. Before you, he never really cared for shaving, so when you first strip together, he’s a little nervous about it, and then after that he trims it, quite short.
Marcus Moreno
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If anyone says this man is a hard dom they’re just kidding themselves, this man is the sweetest man out there, obviously not as much as Din ofc <3.
Marcus has an obsession with using his hands, making you cum just by fingering you. Then when he’s inside you, he slips his fingers into your mouth, or around your neck, or on your cheek. His dick is about 7 inches, and like everyone else, knows how to use it perfectly. Angel is one of his favourite nicknames to call you. “My perfect Angel, taking my cock so good baby…” whilst hes thrusting into you ever so gently. Would never EVER do it when Missy is around, so quickies before picking Missy up from school are his go to, but he loves the days where his mom can take her out for the day or even a grandma sleepover so he can be with you for hours. You under him, over him, him inside you, his good girl/boy, his good angel. Pleasuring you until you get numb. The armpit hair in the scene of the gif gets me and idk why, I have never had a thing for armpit hair but maybe I’m just really horny, but his hair down there is nice and trimmed, not bald, never bald.
Tim Rock(Hard)Ford
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Here we go…
Oh Tim man! I have a teensy 🤏 detective kink so when Pedro played this role it was over for me.
Maybe it’s the greying, like Joel, but I feel like he’s huge, just like Joel. He’s 8 inches, living his best life. But he’s just a tired old man, so when he gets home, please just get on your knees for him, he’ll just lay there, stroking your hair, praising you, telling you how good you suck his cock. Then he’ll bring you up to the bed and return the favour, making sure to always get you to tell him about your day as he does so. Saturday nights are always his favourite time to rail into you, he’s had the whole day off, just resting, watching you walk around, getting him so worked up. He has a domestic kink. So seeing you do chores get him so hard. Loves fucking between your thighs when you’re sleeping because he gets home so late and just needs a little relief, but you look so cute and peaceful while you sleep and because he’s so considerate, he doesn’t wanna wake you. “So good for me baby, so good for daddy, gonna fill you up, you’re not gonna let any of my cum slip out right, gonna keep it all in your tummy, yeah, that’s it, cum for me.” TALKS YOU THROUGH IT!!! Sleeps naked. Not trimmed, not shaved, just grows it out, he’s old so he doesn’t care, it’s not like anyone but you would be seeing him like this anyways.
Dieter Bravo
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I love Dieter, he’s so cute.
Not dom, but not sub either, just dom enough to see you break under him but sub enough to whimper and get soooo desperate. Such a huge pillow prince, he loves it when you suck him, especially when you grab his balls and caress them, he cums so quick when that happens. He’s about 6.5 inches, and it loves fast, not as in quickie, but he loves seeing you fall apart as he jackhammers into your hole. When you ride him he gets so sweet, and he can last long, don’t worry, but you just look so pretty on top of him, he can’t help it, please don’t be mad at him. Has a thing for dry humping, especially in the morning when he’s too lazy to move properly. “So good baby, oh yeah, fuck, grind against me just like that, mmmf fuck…” loves to beg and watch you beg, he’s so good to and for you, don’t doubt him ever. He doesn’t shave, he trims it, but he’s so goofy, so once he shaved it into a heart.
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milaisreading · 19 days
Maybe Ness rambling about his interests, but gets quite thing y/n would think he's weird or annoying.
Y/n notices it and tell him that she loves seeing this side of him. Just overall someone loving ness as ness. My baby needs it 🤧🤧
🌱🩷: Hope u are fine with this!! Thanks for the request 🩷
Warning: Reader is crossdressing so I am using a mix of she/her and he/him. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
'Kaiser... He isn't paying any attention to me... Ever since Isagi spoke back to him he has been more distant with me. He just tells me what to do. But, it's not like I can say anything back. I have nobody but him. He is my only friend-'
"Ness. Ness. Ness!"
The magenta-eyed boy shook himself out of his thoughts as he heard (Y/n)'s voice and felt her shake his shoulders.
"What?" Ness looked back at her, blinking in confusion as the girl raised an eyebrow.
"Are you ok? You look lost." He flinched at her words and glanced at Kaiser, who was annoying Isagi and Kurona.
"I am fine. Did you need anything?" Ness asked while looking back at her.
"Can I sit here and eat? Gesner and Grim want to sit here as well."
(Y/n) said as she pointed at the two boys behind her.
"Uhm... Sure." The boy nodded his head slowly as the three sat down and started eating.
"Are we practicing today?" Gesner wondered as he looked at (Y/n), who slowly nodded her head.
"Sure. You guys wanted to practice passes, anyway."
"Wait... You two are working with him? Are you betraying Kaiser?" Ness asked the two Germans with an irritated tone, earning a sigh from Grim.
"No, we are not. On the field we are on Kaiser's side, but off the field we hang out."
"Calm down, Ness. Nobody is going against the king, or whatever." Gesner laughed and continued eating. Ness growled a little in irritation, but stopped as (Y/n) put a plate on his tray.
"What is that?" Ness raised an eyebrow, recognizing that it was one of the chocolate puddings he liked at the facility.
"You told me you liked that pudding, you can have it. I am not much of a fan of it." (Y/n) shrugged, taking a bite from her rice and chicken. Ness' eyes widened for a moment and gulped as he looked down at the food.
"You... How did you know?"
"What do you mean how do I know?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow and gulped down her food.
"You told me that. You said you liked it so much since that was what you mom made you when you were sick."
"You... You listened?" Ness asked in shock as (Y/n) slowly nodded her head.
"I might not look like it, but I do pay attention." She said, a little offended and started eating again.
The magenta-eyed boy could feel his heartbeat pick up for a moment as he stared at (Y/n), who was busy talking with Grim about something he couldn't catch.
'He cared enough to remember this... He cared enough to give me his dessert... Something Kaiser never did.' Ness glanced at the blonde and shook his head. No! He can't betray Kaiser like that! He shouldn't have someone else in mind! He slowly ate a spoon full of the pudding as a blush appeared on his face. For some reason, today's pudding tasted a lot sweeter.
'They probably changed the ingredients.'
"Haaa... Hair washing is so nice~" (Y/n) hummed to herself as she walked to her bed while drying he rhair with a towel. Ness looked away from one of his books he was reading and glanced at her instead.
"Why do you wash your hair always first and then shower?"
"Hm? I don't know. I always washed my hair first and then showered." She shrugged he shoulders and glanced at the book Ness was reading before she walked inside.
"What's that?" The girl stopped with the hair drying and looked in curiosity at the book. It was dark purple with a few golden stars on it. Ness at first thought she was joking, but the genuineness in her voice and eyes quickly told him something else. Taking in a deep breath, the boy contemplated for a moment.
'Should I tell him? Whatever, he will laugh at me either way...'
"It's a book I had ever since I was little. It's a story about witches and wizards."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened a little, surprised he was into those things.
"You like magic?"
Unconsciously, Ness smiled and nodded his head as he started going off on his explanation.
"Yeah! Ever since I was little I liked magic, magical creatures! The fantasy world is so interesting and the best way to escape everything! I have had this book since I was 7, actually! It talks about a boy who embarks on a journey to find- Oh..."
(Y/n) blinked as she saw Ness quickly shut up and look back at his book, face red in embarrassment.
"Embarks on a journey to find what exactly?"
"You were listening? Do you really want to know?"
Ness' head shot up to look at (Y/n) in surprise. This... this was the first time someone cared?
"Yeah? What is it about?"
'Weird. He has been acting off ever since this morning.' (Y/n) thought as Ness gave her a huge smile and started rambling about the story. The girl tried to keep up with what he was saying, nodding every once in a while and asking questions as signs that she was listening.
'Well, if it makes him happy.' She smiled a little, enjoying the rare moments of peace she had with the German.
This continued on for the next few days, Ness would talk about random interests he had with (Y/n) sharing some of her own. The boy would try to keep up with what she was telling him as he didn't want to come off as rude for not remembering anything. Noa, just like the rest of the team were surprised how much the usually bickering duo talked. It looked more like two friends talking than two guys who didn't like each other. And, while (Y/n) for the most part stayed oblivious, or enjoyed the peace, Ness did notice the shift. He noticed it when he would miss her presence during his practices with Kaiser, when she would leave him to eat with one of her Blue lock friends. He just felt alone. He didn't like it. But, Ness knew that things were meant to be like this. She served Isagi as his midfielder, and Ness was Kaiser's. There was nothing the German could do. Or, was there?
Ness felt weird ever since the match against PXG started. He didn't like the feeling of being stuck at Kaiser's side. He didn't like the closeness Charles and Shidou showed towards (Y/n). And most importantly, he didn't like her loyalty towards Isagi!
'I hate this! Why can't he score for himself?!' Ness gritted his teeth as he stole the ball from Shidou and looked ahead to where Kaiser was. This was the blonde's chance to make up for the failed goal from earlier!
'But...' Ness stopped and so did (Y/n) who as she looked at Ness in confusion.
'Why did he stop? Kaiser is right there.' She looked at the confused blonde, then back at Ness.
"Here! Do with it what you want! I don't care!'
The girl's eyes widened as Ness kicked the ball towards her. Hiori and Isagi were stunned as well as they looked at Ness, the boy hiding a blush and ignoring Kaiser's yells as (Y/n) kicked the ball towards Hiori who would assist this time.
"Ness?" The girl questioned as the boy ignored her as well.
'This isn't good for my heart at all!!' Ness yelled on the inside as he put his hand over his racing heart.
'I hate it so much that I love you!'
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eddiezpaghetti · 4 months
It has come to my attention that SOME OF YOU who read my last Byler post remain UNCONVINCED. So I'm gonna tack onto it this:
I'm older than fucking God and air, and I've been out and proud since 2007. Yes, I know what homophobia is, and yes, I know what queerbaiting is. I know about Supernatural and Teen Wolf and Sherlock and blahdyblahdyblah. No new ground is being covered here. I thought I made that clear in the original post, but, clearly, I did not.
I am aware of queerbaiting and homophobia, and I'm still wholeheartedly certain in Byler being canon anyway.
Okay, so there are three types of relationship I want to discuss when it comes to queerbaiting. They're all, like, "queer relationships that could have happened, but didn't".
First off, queer-coding. This isn't really a thing so much anymore, but it still crops up every once in a while. I'd argue it probably happens most with male-male relationships in family shows these days. First example that comes to mind is Mr. Smiley and Mr. Frowny from Steven Universe. You can't make a relationship canon because some shitty overhead bastard overhead said no, so you get as close as you can without compromising the show. Can't make someone gay? Well, now their comedy routine is a blatant allegory for a romantic relationship. Boom-shaka-laka. This is something I don't see being a problem with regards to Stranger Things, but I want it to be there as contrast, a demonstration of one of many things queerbaiting is not. However, one could argue that, thus far, Will Byers is, canonically, queer-coded. It's pretty fucking heavily implied in the show, and the creators have confirmed it, and you're gonna be able to see it if you're not FUCKING BLIND, but word of god is not technically canon which means that interviews don't technically make something canon, blahdyblahdyblahdyblah, technicalities, Robin has been explicitly stated in the text to be queer while Will has, thus far, not, outside of good ol' Show-Don't-Tell. Of course, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can tell that that's going to change by the end of Season 5, but, hey, for what it's worth, I'm throwing this out there.
Alrighty, Thingamajingama Number Two: "Oops, I accidentally made the greatest love story known to man." AKA, a genuine, honest-to-goodness mistake. Unfortunately, we do live in a heteronormative society. Sometimes people who don't think about being gay much write a friendship that's incredibly compelling and don't even consider the possibility that it could have been read as romantic. Something something Top Gun something. This is, again, not queerbaiting. This is Steddie, this is Ronance, this is Elmax, this is your favorite flavor of non-canon ship this week, this is not Byler. The creators know DAMN well what they're doing. They've talked about it. We know this. Nothing new here.
Which brings us to the topic of discussion here. Actual queerbaiting. This usually starts out as an "accidental greatest love story", and then reacts to fan response. And when I say "reacts", I mean like a goddamn chemical reaction. Like bleach and ammonia, bitch. It's noxious and it's gonna kick your fucking ass without mercy. This is when a creator is like, "Hey, let's get our queer audience invested, but we're not actually going to give them what they want because our straight audience isn't here for that/we personally think it's gross/we don't give enough of a shit to want to research a goddamn thing to write a real gay character," blah blah blah whatever excuse they want to come up with this time.
And when you think "queerbaiting", I want you to think "bullying". Because that's what it is. It's lucrative bullying, like beating us up and taking our lunch money, but it's bullying all the same. And it's a real goddamn thing, even if people misuse the word a lot, often when they mean one of the two above, sometimes when they mean "bury your gays", which is another homophobic thing entirely that I'm not going to get into here. Queerbaiting is the thing we're focused on, and it's real, and it's bullying. And here's the reason I want you to think of it as bullying:
They are actively making fun of us.
That's why Dean had the "Cas, get out of my ass," line in Supernatural. It's why the "Do you like boys?" line happened in Teen Wolf. It's why "Lie with me, Watson," happened in the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies. Because "It's just a joke, mate." "It was just a prank, bro." "You didn't really think it would happen, did you?" "You should see your face."
So here's probably the biggest reason I don't think it's specifically queerbaiting in this specific instance of Will Byers and Mike Wheeler.
Stranger Things has never, not once, made a gay joke. Ever.
Every single time queerness comes up, it's dead serious.
Lonnie calls Will a fag, and the show is not at all reluctant to show what a goddamn horrible person he is. And when Hopper latches onto that, it's not as "Hahah, is he gay, though?" It's because he's trying to determine a potential motive for Will's disappearance, and even if someone had interpreted it as a joke, Joyce immediately has a line that functions as snapping her fingers in front of the audience's face and yelling "FOCUS" when she says "He's MISSING." Basically outright saying "This isn't funny!"
Troy calls him a fairy, along with targeting Lucas and Dustin for their skin color and disability respectively, and Mike gets damn near murderous. Troy is portrayed as a goddamn monster and the show portrays it as justice when El makes him piss his pants and later breaks his arm.
Steve calls Jonathan "queer" as a slur and gets the shit beat out of him for it.
Billy's father is revealed to be homophobic and abusive in the same breath.
Mike says "It's not my fault you don't like girls!" and we're shown how devastated Will is and Mike immediately follows him to beg for forgiveness.
There is a joke in Robin's coming-out scene, but it's not at Robin's expense. It's at Steve's. Specifically for being heteronormative.
Jonathan has multiple scenes where he's trying so hard to tell Will that he's always going to love him as he is, whether he's gay or not, without pressuring him to come out before he's ready.
Even when there's a little bit of ribbing at Robin's expense, it's always because she's an awkward nerd who's nervous around pretty girls, just the same as Lucas and Dustin are teased when they both first develop crushes on Max, and even then, even then, it always comes as a package deal where they make fun of Steve's girl problems at the same time.
Stranger Things is an emphatically pro-gay show. It may not be the core point of the show the way it is in, say, Our Flag Means Death, but there is nothing less than respect for its queer characters. Its queer characters are always taken completely seriously. No one is making fun of us. They never have. That's why I have serious doubts that this is queerbaiting. It would come completely out of left field for the bullying to start in Stranger Things' final season.
So it's not at all likely to be queerbaiting because queerness is taken completely seriously. The creators have talked about Will's queerness, at least, so it's not an accident. And queer-coding would be silly to expect from this show when it's already on its final season. Like, what is Netflix gonna do? Cancel it? Not to mention all the explicit queerness that's in there already. And no one's gonna "What about the children?" a show that's had sex scenes in it since the first season.
There's no fakeout here. It's gonna happen. Breathe.
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missycolorful · 6 months
The scene with q!Forever and q!Philza at Global spawn in Pugatory is something that will always kinda sit in the back of my head. Because it truly, truly solidifies the strength in their dynamic, and neither of them will probably realize it lol. Hello, I'm here to be insane about q!philever, so buckle up
Like everyone else, q!Phil was dealing with a lot in Purgatory. He began to lose trust in close friends. He wasn't sure he'd even be able to save his children. While trying to uphold his morality and not kill except in self-defense, he was very much walking a fine, jittery line. All while trying to keep his team organized and motivated. Aside from kind of losing his mind like the others, there was no clear indication that Phil's composure was dangling by a loose thread.
But then he's allowed a moment of peace to exchange information with another team. It's just him and Forever. No kills planned, nothing. Just two people allowed to talk about the absurd situation they've been thrown into. A moment to really take everything in.
During the conversation, Forever doesn't hold judgement toward Phil or anyone else due to the event, even when he comments on Philza's kill on Rivers. Even when Phil tries to justify his actions, Forever doesn't hold it against him. It's hard to say exactly how important this is to what happens next, but I feel like it means something here.
It's when q!Forever says that once they leave Global Spawn, that they become "enemies" again, this is when q!Philza breaks. And I think this moment has been glossed over by many (I want more fan art, dammit >:T) cause it doesn't feel big on the surface. It's not like cc!Philza genuinely sounds heartbroken, his cries sound... a little exaggerated/dramatic, you know? What he cries about isn't anything groundbreaking, it's what many of them feel ("I don't want to be here." "I don't want to kill my friends."), even though Phil fans can sense a deeper meaning here. And after Forever briefly consoles Philza ("Everything is going to be good. This is what we need to go through."), Phil, like a flick of a switch, is right back to his composed, level-headed self. It was like that moment never even happened.
But it did, and it drives me crazy that he did it in front of Forever. cc!Phil made that conscious choice to have his character lose composure, his character that he and his fans knows is an emotionally constipated motherfucker. And the reason it drives me nuts is because how the fuck did we get here?
I can imagine this scenario with lots of characters, and it never plays out like this (i.e. with Tubbo, he'd likely just keep it all in. Et cetra.). I don't see him letting himself be this vulnerable around most others. Hell, before this, I never would've imagined he'd do this in front of Forever, either.
But the more I think about it, it kinda makes sense.
Phil and Forever's relationship is a funny one. Early on, Phil wouldn't trust Forever with a toothpick. He'd never be emotionally open with him. Forever even held a bit of animosity toward Philza after Phil'a final rejection. But that rocky start is honestly a huge part of why it is as strong as it is now. Cause, well, the strength of any relationship comes from accepting all parts of a person. Flaws and all.
Some characters hold Philza up on a pedestal (i.e. q!Missa). They don't really see his flaws. They don't think about his ugly sides. They just see a pillar of a man who is always willing to help, who can do anything and everything, who keeps composed and lighthearted and level-headed in any scenario. q!Forever was kinda like this, at one point.
But Forever realizes that isn't the case eventually. Because Phil's not great at dealing with emotional situations, and Forever learns that the hard way. Phil's not good at talking about feelings, he can be blunt and a bit harsh, because he's a pragmatic sort of guy. But it takes a softer, gentle approach to reject someone, and Phil wasn't ready for that. So, in retaliation to the hurt Phil caused him, Forever had a conflicted relationship with him. It didn't last long, but I digress. This brief shift in their relationship was for the better. By not placing him on this pedestal anymore, Forever began to see Philza in a different light. One that didn't cast Brunim in its shadow.
With Philza, Phil saw Forever at, arguably, his worst in the beginning. Obsessive, threatening, clutching onto a pipe dream with no regard for Phil's feelings. But over time, Phil got to see the much more real sides of Forever. When Tallulah lost her first life, when Forever made NINHO. He saw a passionate and intelligent side to this guy who was obsessed with him, and he respected that person. And with this recognition, he offered his trust to Forever, such as giving one of his presidential votes to Forever.
Both of their perspectives for the other changed throughout the first few months, and I believe they gained some level of appreciation between them because of that. They share this newfound respect and trust. And that is the core to their new relationship. Consistently, Forever and Phil have given each other open and mutual respect and trust. Never is either of these things taken for granted, abused, or manipulated in any way.
When Forever is hooked on the happy pills, he subconsciously seeks out Philza's help, which Phil offers with ease. Before Forever goes to the Nether, Phil expresses his worry and wants to help. But he doesn't push, because he respects Forever's agency, and trusts that Forever is doing what he thinks is best. (also during this scene, when Forever gave him access to the warpstone in that secret part of his base, only Forever and Richas had access to it beforehand, which feels like a big moment according to his fans, so! :D). So when Forever returns to the Nether, while he doesn't believe Fit and Pierre when they say they tried to save him, he absolutely, 100% believes in Philza.
Because he knows Philza by now, and Philza knows Forever. Maybe not on equal levels, but still. After merely a few months, they've slowly begun to understand each other a bit more. So I guess it's only natural that they'd be more open around each other.
I'd even argue that this isn't the first time Philza lets down his walls around Forever. It just didn't happen when Forever was awake.
I wouldn't say that Phil talking to Forever while he was in a coma is the same level of vulnerability as the scene in Purgatory. Because Phil wasn't totally direct with his feelings, he sort of deflected (the story, banging the pots and pans, calling him an idiot, etc). Hell, even when he is expresses how he feels, he's not entirely direct: "We just really care about you. We wanna see you come back. You're making us worry." Like, of course everyone cares, but to say this as we when it's just the two of you obviously feels like a moment of vulnerability but not wanting to admit to it. Cause, hey, under different circumstances, he absolutely would've committed to visiting Forever in the hospital every day. Still, his very open worry did give off a sense that his walls were crumbling.
So with all of this, if Philza can meet with someone alone in practical hell, and that someone, a person he openly trusts and cares about, can look him in the eye and say "I don't judge you" on the things he's has done, maybe that allowed the floodgates to open for a bit. Maybe once Forever said they'd be enemies outside those doors, the situation hit Phil like a truck, and he just couldn't keep it in anymore. And maybe knowing it was just the two of them, Phil knew he could be a person around Forever, not a leader or a mentor or a force to be reckoned with. And Phil really needs someone on equal footing with him like this. He needs someone he can feel safe around. So for him to find this in Forever, of all people, even if it's just for this moment, is extremely important to me.
The way their relationship has progressed, perhaps it would've been simply a matter of time for Philza to be open with Forever. I dunno when Phil will be quite so open around Forever again, but I do say when with a fair enough of certainty (or I could be wrong and I'm simply talking straight outta my ass but who knows). Because to have this moment with Forever was intentional, even if it feels like a blink and you miss moment. It may have been under a minute, it may not feel important to other viewers. BUT to me, it genuinely says so much about their relationship, how far they have come, and where they are now.
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Here to once again advocate doll pilot reader this time with a clown performer mix. Quirky scientist reader who has the brains, but not the smarts when it comes to interacting with real people and partners with a tech company for the funds and equipment to make a functioning robot to get around town. The contract comes with the added deal of reader becoming a star on a show they've had in the works for a while about an android learning the ropes of life as a human - which in turn works in favor for reader and their poor social skills
Reader presents far more cheerful than they are in person most of the cast assume their robot to be advanced a.i. Their genuine confusion on basic human educate and them stuffing bagels in their mouth to take to their human self sells their clueless act well. A few might've developed a little obsession crush on the bot but alas it could never be... If only...
"Hey, can you pass me that charger?"
"Sure." Their co-star smiles as the android unstraps the bracelet from its arm and plugs the cord into an outlet on their wrist - hooking the charger up to the phone in their hand. It yawns without a breathe - rubbing at its eyes. So cute♡- Just where did they get the parts to make this bot.... what's that room on their screen?
"This? It's my bedroom. Needed to do some cleaning today but obviously I had work. Might do some while I'm sleep since my link we have is neurological."
It sure is.... wait- huh?
"Nobody ever tell you? Actually, only like... three people know so I don't blame you. I'm human just like you.. well, the me back home is. I have severe anxiety and not as chipper as I am on stage. Nice to meet ya - name's Y/n, but I'm sure you already knew that."
... ah.. that - definitely wasn't in the pamphlets.
In come the - innocent queries about the real you. Your bot is modeled off you - are you as cute as it? What's your full name? Address? Oops- looks like your charger disappeared. Filming took extra long today - might run out of battery before you get home. Maybe your kind, well meaning coworker can bring it to you?
crackpost under cut
Yan: I'm so happy to finally have you home, angel. Anything I can get you?
Human Reader: Just a glass of water, please-
Yan: anything for you dearest~
[Human Reader kicks off their shoe and takes the sleeping pill from their sock as their Yan returns]
Human Reader: Thank you- [swallows the pill and passes out - their robot kicking down the front door, smacking the shit outta their yan, and carring their human body back home. Yan, broke jaw and all, takes a picture of their sleeping angel carried away in their own arms]
Yan: worth it...
[Robot Reader picks up groceries after work covered up by a surgical mask and an oversized sweater. One of their fans sneaks up and tags magnet to their backside]
Yan fan: found you, dear~
Robot Reader: oh! Haha, ya got me! Would you like an autograph? Here- [wheels their cart into the fan and sprints off into the parking lot.]
Human Reader, watching Yan make out with their robot before their identity is revealed thinking noone is watching:
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raythekiller · 1 year
Can I have a BEN drowned nsfw alphabet?
🗒 ❛ NSFW Alphabet ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Ben Drowned
#Notes: what yall so horny for (← also horny)
pronouns used: none, gn! reader
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Gets super clingy. Doesn't want to let go of you, even if you just wanna get up to clean yourself. He just buries his face in the crook of your neck, holding you tight while asking you not to leave.
He's a chest guy, boobs or no boobs. Just loves laying his head on it or maybe playing with your nipples.
As mentioned above, since it's his favorite body part, it's also the one he loves coming on the most. Don't worry, he'll lick it clean after.
He gets off to hentai pretty regularly. He doesn't even know why and won't let ANYONE find out about it. He's pretty embarrassed, which is rich coming from him.
Again, he died when he was like, twelve, so the most "experience" he ever got was from watching porn, which is... Not great.
The classic cowgirl. Absolutely loves seeing you ride him, hands grabbing at your hips like his life depends on it. Might get a bit too desperate and thrust up if you're teasing him too much.
After he gets over the first-time embarrassement, he's back to being his silly and cocky self. Will probably crack a few jokes and you both just have to stop to giggle for a few seconds before continuing.
Doesn't have much body hair generally, so he doesn't bother with grooming. It's still blonde, but a little darker than his hair.
Honestly, though he doesn't admit it, it means a lot to him that you're willing to do something so intimate with him of all people, so while he seems to not take things so seriously most of the time, he genuinely appreciates it and is willing to do anything to satisfy you in return.
Avid masturbator, to the point where it's a little concerning. Gets horny super easy, so he just takes it out on the socks.
Here's my full post for his kinks.
Mostly his room, since it's more private and he doesn't have to risk anyone walking in, but honestly? If you're up for it, he'll do it just about anywhere. He can't say no to you.
In all honesty, anything gets him horny. A new outfit, a lingering touch, a seductive look or whisper and he's gone.
N - NO
He's pretty subby, so he wouldn't do anything to hurt you or that could possibly upset you, like humiliating you or being a bit rougher while domming. Even if you assure him that it's fine, he just isn't comfortable with it.
Prefers receiving because he has no idea on how to give and is kind of insecure he isn't going to be able to satisfy you this way. Though, again, if you want him to, he just can't say no.
He's not slow, but definitely not fast either. He wants to savor every thrust, every bit of you squeezing around him. Unless you're the one controlling it, he's gonna go pretty easy on you.
Pretty big fan. Just a quick one in-between rounds of whatever game he's invested in at the moment. Loves it when you ride him as he's playing, too, trying to keep quiet so his teammates can't hear him whimpering.
He's pretty reluctant to try anything new, honestly, and he considers you suggesting it a sign he's not satisfying you currently. He's a little insecure due to his lack of experience.
Can last for about 2 or 3 rounds. Anything more than that and he's crying from overstimulation, begging you to slow down.
Doesn't own any, surprisingly (unless you count the body pillow he fucks every so often), but doesn't mind using them on you if you have any.
He tries to be a teasing bastard, he really does, but his body betrays him. He has no self control when he's horny and will always budge before you do.
Oh, he's quite loud. More so whimpers and whines, but when he moans it's fairly high pitched as well as shaky and a bit breathy, he simply sounds desperate. W - WILD CARD
Jerks off thinking about you for months before actually trying to make a move, watching you undress before going to sleep through your computer screen while he strokes his cock. X - X-RAY
Not too big, about 7.5 inches. Pretty fair girth for the size as well. Y - YEARNING
Horny all of the time. Will beg to fuck you in the middle of any occasion, genuinely doesn't care if it's inappropriate for the moment, he's hard and he needs your help with it. Please? Z = ZZZ
Falls asleep minutes after coming, which is one of the reasons why he doesn't want to let you go once you're both done. He wants to wake up in your arms.
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franzkafkagf · 15 days
I noticed that Aegon's fans are divided into two teams - the first one sees him as a completely heartless, almost psychopath, the other one like in this analysis.
What do you think about it and how do you see him?
Basically I've written a few things on him already; here, here and here as well as the many web weavings i have on him hihi <3
I see him as a super nuanced character; he is deeply (and I mean deeply) broken. That's why I love him, there's so much there in terms of characterization, even with the little screentime he had.
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He is so desperate to be loved but destined to be hated by everyone around him (thank you tgc for this quote, lives rent-free in my mind forever)
Rhaenyra sees him as a threat (she has this fear that her father will replace her with him, someday)
Alicent deeply loves him but is too hard on him (she genuinely thinks all her sons will die if she doesn't make him king; he needs to be strong. strong for them, strong for her.
Aemond is resentful towards him. Resentful of his weakness. He has everything Aemond ever wanted. Why isn't he happy? He would be happy and grateful (he wouldn't).
Viserys wanted Baelon. He is not Baelon.
Forced to marry his sister, he never wanted this for them (in canon,,,, I'll live in my little helaegon delulu land)
He is the kicked dog of the family. He is the only one we see being physically reprimanded. It happens time and time again, this was a deliberate choice by the writers. All of Alicent's fears and grudges and love (ugly, desperate love, but still love) towards Rhaenyra are loaded onto him -> I wished we saw them interact, they are so alike :(
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What does a kicked dog do? He runs back, tail between his legs. He tries so hard but somehow it doesn't work. He feels like a failure, he runs off, avoids the pain. He doesn't want to face his reality. He drinks, he indulges in anything that will make him forget
I did not ask for this. I've done everything you've asked me to, and I try so... I try so hard, but it will never be enough for you or father.
He acts out, engages in super self-destructive behaviour -> remember when the brothel madam said that Aegon doesn't go to nice places? It's like he is punishing himself.
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I'll also have to speak about his assault; kind of a baffling writing choice to introduce him as a r*pist but it is in line with his characterization. He is a prince, of course he can take anything he wants, right? It was just harmless fun, right?
This behaviour doesn't stem from cruelty (like it did with Ramsay or Joffrey) it comes from the entitlement he feels. He might be the scapegoat of the family, but he is still a spoiled prince -> I actually love this about his character too. Purely good/purely victimized characters are BORING! He is interesting, there's both evil and good in him, he is so extremely complex I want to SCREAM.
I can see him going on an arc, not repent, but change. Grow into the man who can sway the people of Dragonstone to his side, grow into the role of king. Become the type of man who would rather live in pain than dull his senses with milk of the poppy. HIS ARC WILL BE INSANE!!!!!
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I know a lot of fans want him to be less whiny, less pathetic, less grey… but honestly? He is perfect the way he is in the show. I genuinely love how he is written (I would've wished to see some interaction with his kiddos and Rhaenyra, that is all lmao) and I know he will be amazing in season 2.
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blue-jisungs · 4 months
RADIO SILENCE ,, chap 07 — do we hear a breakup song?
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synopsis. hwang y/n and park sunghoon do not like each other. end of story. god knows why (well actually, niki is the only one who knows why). but when they’re put as co-hosts on a radio show, they’re bound to bond.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🎙️ ꒱ main masterlist
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you were rushing to your studio, a grin plastered on your face. today will be a hard day, but a good one. it’s the day. the album is already out so you decided to go live for a moment before rushing to the studio. oh and inkigayo! you were excited, more than ever. after the hiatus you were finally able to perform again! to go on music shows! and to think you were so close to losing it because of one–
your eyes snapped up, meeting riki’s. he was smiling softly, snacks in his hands.
“hi” you said, trying not to let a hint of bitterness show on your face. riki looked around nervously and stepped closer.
“hi. congrats on the comeback. we listened to your album and it’s really, really good. amazing job, truly” he said. and you knew he was being genuine “and i mean it. i’ll… uh… if you want to film a challenge…”
you smiled tenderly, nodding your head
“sure, nishimura. i… thank you. and…” you gulped, not really sure how to phrase words. ‘please stay like that?’ ‘don’t ignore me anymore?’ ‘what’s up with all this?’. you sighed, hoping he’ll know “thank you, really. it means a lot”
he nodded and walked away. you watched him for a brief moment and reassumed the walk to your studio, excitement buzzing through your body. what will your fans say? did they like it? did they like the mv? which track is their fav?
you asked all those questions once starting the live, viewer count growing. it was way more than in your pre-hiatus era and it made you proud, you couldn’t lie.
“what’s your… you mean mine? favourite track?” you read one of the questions and thought of an answer.
in the meantime, riki returned to their dorms. sunghoon had his earphones plugged, watching something on his laptop. one was hanging from his ear so he could hear if someone was talking to him. which, someone was.
“yo, i ran into y/n in the hallway. are you seeing her today?” riki asked, placing the ramyeons down. sunghoon perked up, frowning.
“why would i?” he asked, stopping the video. then he grabbed his phone, realising there’s an unread notification: “y/n went live: d-day! :D”
“her comeback? you have the radio show later? just… friendly stuff? i congratulated her, she seemed so happy” riki mumbled. the boys looked at each other, the younger one biting his bottom lip “i… i feel bad about how i treated her in the past. i hope she will forgive me one day”
sunghoon closed his laptop, a sinking feeling in his stomach. it was all his fault. and if riki feels bad, then what about him? he feels… guilty.
“she will” sunghoon smiled and stood up “now i’ll go bug her a little”
riki scoffed, watching his friend leave. he hoped so. (that she will forgive him, not that sunghoon will bug her - because it was inevitable when he was around)
in no time sunghoon barged into your room, the wall cutely decorated with balloons and deco that reassembled your concept. happy comeback! was what hung above your head while on your head there was a… birthday hat? and birthday glasses–
“what the absolute f– fudge are you doing here?” you deadpanned, moving your hands away from the cake. he stepped closer, a devilish grin on his face. ha, you can’t cuss him out in camera!
“i just popped in to congratulate my co-worker on comeback!” he hummed and sat next to you, immediately leaning closer to the phone “hi everyone!”
you let out a defeated sigh and handed him the birthday themed glasses. he took them and put them on.
“just don’t disturb and i might give you a slice” you grunted and leaned closer to the screen to look for some questions.
your arms brushed slightly, sunghoon freezing flustered. he adored your focused profile when suddenly…
“"what’s ‘radio silence’ about?"” you read one of the questions. you hummed and leaned back, smiling softly “well… while the title track, ‘back in vogue’ is more on the girlboss side… ‘radio silence’ is uhm…”
you felt sunghoon’s soft gaze lingering on you. you wondered if he listened to the album. to the song.
“it’s about silence after a break off with a person whom you loved. it’s emotional and edgy” you cracked a smile and ignored his eyes on you “and… it means a lot to me. anyways– "hand in marriage?" when and where, baby?”
“ew” sunghoon scoffed and you just sent him a small smile.
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taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ocean-minho ,, @s-e-s-a-l-e-n-e ,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @yenqa ,, @eneiyri ,, @aaasia111 ,, @catecita ,, @jebetwo ,, @rubywonu ,, @jiawji ,, @jeongintwt ,, @seunnimg ,, @isawritesss ,, @splat00z ,, @ilovejeongin007 ,, @sasfransisco ,, @saythenameseventeen178 ,, @hyuzaa ,, @flmtunes
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
hi!!!!!! can i request the minecraft post u did for the dateables but for the brothers? i love ur writing sm it's so cute <3333
obey me brothers playing minecraft with you
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thank you so much for the love <33 this was actually a lot of fun to write because all of these men are so very ridiculous. cheers to my first ever request!
[dateables version]
content warnings: language, bullying the villagers, killing the animals, you know how minecraft is
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prompt: you've somehow convinced these guys to play minecraft, a human world game, one night, just the two of you. but how exactly does that experience go?
{established relationship, obey me x reader with the brothers}
oh. oh peepaw.
you really have to coax this man into playing with you. he's perfect at everything, all the time-- to engage in activity like this one, in front of you of all people, wounds his ego more than he'd like to admit. he doesn't want you to see him be bad at something. what if you no longer respect him? what if his inability to comprehend the little block people's actions are enough to ruin your love for him? he's genuinely distressed about this (not that he'd let it show), but you seem interested, so he reluctantly agrees.
two key things are necessary when playing minecraft with lucifer: patience and teamwork.
leaving him to do any task alone is daunting. the perfectionism paralyzes him a bit in these moments. take him with you! collect wood together, mine in the same mineshaft, hunt monsters together-- all of it starts to ease his mind when you work together. he starts to focus not on his pride but his love for you and spending quality time by your side.
as time progresses, he does eventually get a grip in the controls and mechanics-- well, as much as you can expect a dinosaur like him to understand. you still do a lot of tasks together in-game, but it's more of camaraderie thing by that point. he just likes being by your side, okay? don't make him say it, or you'll be hunting monsters by yourself bestie.
lucifer is also a really big fan of the soundtrack. it's so simple yet well-composed, a stark different to that garish video game music levi listens to. please play with the sound up and let him enjoy the sound of the rain intermingling with the music; his relaxed face is very cute.
what's that? you wanna play minecraft with the great mammon? of course you do! he's gonna be the best player you've ever seen, just ya wait-- what's that? no, he's never touched the game before, but he knows he'll be fantastic. watch and learn, baybee, cuz the great mammon is here to show up and show out.
what he lacks in skill, he makes up several times over in enthusiasm. this is important, because he absolutely lacks skill.
mammon is a dangerous combination of unobservant and overenthusiastic, leading to every stupid situation you can think of. he thinks he sees an important resource, so he leaves for juuust a second... boom. he's lost. he somehow manages to attract lava in every. single. cave. at this point, you have to ban him from carrying anything important.
one thing he is good at is monster hunting. he's made it his mission from day 1 to protect you, whether it be real life or in a video game. he'll face a monster-- enderman, creeper, sneaky skeleton, you name it-- without an ounce of fear if it means you'll live another in-game day (some might call this excessive, but you just call it cute).
like everything with mammon, sometimes his instinct to protect you goes overboard. he tries to ban you from entering the mines and going outside at night because what if a monster gets you, human?? fortunately for you, he never figured out how to run in-game, so just sprint past him and carry on.
on a completely unrelated note-- this greedy motherfucker (said with SO much affection) hordes all the treasures in-game like a dragon. his goal is to build you two a mansion of diamond and gold. this is very cute if you once again ignore the fact that he keeps FALLLING IN LAVA with all his vauables. y'all are never getting anywhere in this game.
levi is, hands down, the best person to play minecraft with. you don't have to teach him a thing-- in fact, he's probably the one that brought it up to you!
he's very pleased that you'd indulge in one of his hobbies like this, regardless of whether you actually play video games or not. just the thought of you there, sitting next to him, hanging out with him because you want to be around a shut-in otaku like him... the thought gives him butterflies.
... y'all can't actually share a house by the way. he gets too flustered. make a joke about putting your minecraft beds together and he's blushing. it does not matter how long you've been together, his reaction will always be the same.
he's one of the only ones that you can progress through the game with. bashful levi is amazing in the mines. he's got a system down pat that'll help you guys find your way back to the entry point, where he's set up a base camp with chests and resources so you won't have to resurface until you're done. smart, right?
y'all actually go to the nether and the end. he's very quick to pick up the game's mechanics and use his luck to to help you guys progress. every victory is shared; what's the fun of winning if you're not winning together?
levi will play with you basically any time you ask. he loves when you refer to it as "our minecraft world". better yet, praise him for all his hard work in making your world and watch him melt. he's just a sucker for your love, and the fact that he's actually good at this activity makes him all the more happy to do it with you.
satan doesn't really know much about this game that you're describing, but he's willing to play it with you if you're really that interested. he's always ready to learn more about things from the human world; when you tell him this is one of the most popular games up on earth, he wants to try it at least once.
satan is not the best in general at video games, but he's quick-witted and resourceful, so the two of you get by just fine. the problem mostly lies in the fact that satan's audacity gets you into trouble sometimes. there is no little voice in his head telling him not to do something potentially dangerous and stupid, especially if there's some reward to gain on the other side. he is fully convinced he can take on an iron golem with a stone sword and no armor, just you watch--
be carefully with letting him run around freely. there's lots of ways to die in this game, and each failure pokes at the embers of wrath below his cool exterior.
this intelligent lil guy figures out redstone pretty damn quick. he'll use this knowledge to create lots of little creations meant to make your camp better. whether or not this actually helps is an entirely different story... but look! a gate! aren't you so proud of him? (please praise him, he needs it so bad)
and you wouldn't be playing with satan if all progress didn't come to a stop the moment he spots an ocelot. when you tell him you can befriend them, he's overjoyed. look at how cute they are! one ocelot turns into two, then three, then four... suddenly there's a small army of ocelots in your house that he's caring for. y'all better make room in your joint minecraft bed or satan will feel like a bad cat dad. he's so ridiculous and i love him
this man plays minecraft with his priorities straight-- he spends way too long creating a cute character skin to play with, then builds a cute house and decorates it to the nines, then focuses on finding himself the cutest armor and weapons... all before doing literally anything productive, btw.
do not expect asmodeus to be much help. he's mostly there for moral support. he cannot do things "for survival" like gathering food and resources or building a starter home. everything must be perfect, or it doesn't get done. asmo did not craft himself a bed until he was able to dye the wool pink and have a cute pink bed. he cannot bring himself to live in an ugly house, so you either need to help him or listen to him whine about getting rained on or attacked by monsters until he's done.
this is not to imply that playing with asmo is not fun!!
asmo is not a monster hunter, a miner, or any good at gathering resources. however, his experience with makeup makes him insanely creative. while you might not have a house for several days, the end result even gives barbatos' house a run for its money. his decor is always very cute and clean, soft even in the blocky 2D world. he'll make your whole base camp aesthetically pleasing if you let him (please let him-- his smile is worth it).
asmo often finds himself a damsel in distress. he'll fall in holes and get very confused, scream when he gets attacked, and generally need you to protect him at every turn. succeed, though, and he'll hail you as one of the most amazing people he's ever met. the game will be discarded as he throws his arms around you, kissing you all over the face and showering you in praises, all for saving his house from a stray creeper.
oh, and he'll definitely put your beds next to each other and smirk at you. what did you expect from the avatar of lust? cornball
sweet, beloved baby beel. he's ready and willing to play with you whenever. if you want to make some actual progress, prepare lots of snacks and set a cozy atmosphere to keep him full and content. playing with the avatar of gluttony does require a little prep in that regard.
this (metaphorical) angel really has a hard time killing any of the livestock. he apologizes aloud anytime he has to slay one and explains to the poor creature why he's killing them. sorry, little sheep guy, but you two need to make beds. the cows make him feel especially bad because they remind him of belphie.
he's really big on making sure you guys have a secure, safe home to hide away in. sometimes, things get really overwhelming in the game, so he wants you to have a space where you feel safe and protected enough to calm down. this bunker is definitely a bit ugly, but we can't win them all.
play with him long enough and all the food will start looking really tasty to him. that bread looks a little too real, doesn't it, mc? and that cake is so life-like... redirect him to his snack horde, stat.
he also wants to do all of your tasks together. when he's there with you, he can make sure you're safe or offer you help when your struggling to complete a task on your own. he want to make sure you're having fun! let him help you, please, it makes him feel loved. he likes spending time with you.
definitely doesn't get the "putting your minecraft beds together" joke. you can either explain the to him and watch him blush, or let him live with the assumption that it's for extra cuddle room.
you've got to coax belphie into playing with you for a few days, because honestly? that sounds like a lot of work. not only does he have to participate, but he's also got to learn, too? he's already yawning just talking about it all.
he'll eventually snuggle in with his back against your chest and your arms clumsily holding the controller in front of him. he doesn't particularly care that this position makes gaming difficult for you, not when you're cuddling him like this. it's really a win-win situation in his eyes: he'll play the little block game if you shower him in unconditional affection any time he wants. what a deal! his youngest child energy really shows in times like these.
belphie is heartless when it comes to raiding villages and collecting resources. what's that? you feel bad? they're not real, mc. they don't have feelings. they don't care that you're stealing from them. if it really makes you feel bad he'll stop, but he will complain about how much easier things could have been if you'd just robbed a village or two.
somehow, some way, he's also super lucky?? he'll stumble upon rare resources with little to no effort and snicker about how you're still scrambling for supplies. don't worry, he'll share. only if you beg, though. go on. he wants to hear it. maybe, maybe he'll be willing to give you the diamonds he found if you convince him. (what a fucking menace!)
he will, eventually, fall asleep while playing. the music is too soft and your arms around him are too warm for him to not drift off. that's okay. carefully take the controller away from him, save the game, shut down the system, and settle in for the night. he'll cuddle closer in his sleep, unconsciously touched by the gesture, and drag you into dreamland with him.
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therapycat21 · 2 months
Hi, I love your writing! I’d love a Travis one shot where he’s a guest on our podcast or we’re one of the sports interviewer after a game and we engage in a lot of flirty banter which ends up with him sliding in our dm’s!
Call Her Daddy?
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Request? Yes/No! Description: Having the most famous podcasts on the internet, You have a guest who loves to flirt. Note: Thank you so much! It means the world. Here is your request! Much Love, TherapyCat21
"Hello, I'm Y/n and welcome to call her daddy, on today's episode we have three three-time Super Bowl champion and tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs, please welcome, Travis Kelce!" I smiled and looked over at the 6'5 bearded man in the lavender fluffy chair with headphones and a mic.
He smirks before bringing the mic to his mouth "Hello, hello thank you for having me" He smiles at the camera and turns back to face me. He never fails to have a smile on his face.
"So congratulations on your current win, I was grateful to be one of the fans in the stadium watching live this year and it was amazing to witness, how have you felt recently after all the chaos with winning a third Super Bowl?" I ask.
"Uhm it definitely has been chaotic since but things are kind of slowing down now, right now I'm kinda just relaxing and taking a good time off, eating a bunch of junk food before the next season" he chuckles.
I laugh "Hey, I would do the same if I did what you do, what's your favorite junk food?" I questioned "Definitely gotta be spicy nacho Doritos or the chunky chips ahoy cookies. " he smirked
"ooh, those sound good! but the real question is, what drink?" I smirk back. "how bout this, I'll give you the brand and we both try to name the same?" he suggests. I nod in agreement "Okay, I'm down." I tell him.
"Okay so the brand is Fanta" he looks at me with a lazy smirk. I squint my eyes at him before they widen. He claps his hands together in excitement "You know damn well which flavor I'm talkin about! On the count of three, we say it at the same time!" He tells me. I nod
I laugh before sighing "Okay ready?" I questioned, He nods
I jump from my seat laughing, as I settle back in my seat, he leans over and we high five "That's my girl, I knew you'd get it, great minds think alike" he says with a lovesick smile.
I smiled back "This has been awesome, thank you so much for coming on today, I definitely needed this!" I say with the most genuine smile I've had in months. He nods, clasping his hands together "No thank you, It feels good to be interviewed like this, We really have to do this again." he suggests.
I nod over at him "Absolutely, thanks to Travis for making room and coming onto Call Her Daddy today," I look at the camera "Please remember to like and subscribe and remember to check back soon to see who the next guest is next week! Bye everyone!" I wave at the camera before the signal is off.
I look at Travis "Seriously thank you so much for making time and coming on today, it means a lot " I tell him as I stand up from my seat. He stands "No thank you needed, It was refreshing, I needed this"
My social media manager comes over to us "Okay, can we get a picture of you two together to upload for this week's episode?" She questions.
We both nod and shuffle closer together and I finally see how tall he is compared to me, He places himself practically touching sides, throws his arm around my shoulder, and lays his head on the top of mine and we both smile as the picture is captured.
"thank you both so much," she says before walking to upload the picture.
We let go and hang out for a little longer before his manager tells us it's time for him to attend another event. We stand up from the seats we sat back on to talk more and hug each other goodbye.
I finally get back home and decide to take a shower and watch some TV with my cat when I get a notification, I open Instagram to see tons of notifications from the picture of me and Travis my manager posted for the new episode.
I look over to see a new message request, I click and see it's Travis, I smile before clicking the notification to see he tried sending me a message.
"I had an amazing time with you today, I was hoping we could do it again but this time at a nice restaurant at 8 this Friday? Let me know soon!"
I sit in shock before I respond
"Absolutely, here's my number so we can discuss this more (xxx-xxx-xxxx) ;)"
@user212121: Did y'all see how he was looking at her??!!!???
@furefchids: Their vibe is amazing, they go so well together!
@fhrhffds: Did not expect this pair but absolutely living for it!
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raayllum · 10 months
some of the questions & answers i was most interested / validated by from this interview between The Reel James and Aaron Ehasz
INTERVIEWER: He used dark magic again, there’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it?
AARON: Yeah he did. He did what he had to do, and he saved her. Like I don’t know what would’ve happened if he hadn’t made that decision when he did. 
INTERVIEWER: Another wonderful moment in S5, well actually several moments, something that I and so many of the fans are asking for, which was just having more Rayllum this season. And Aaron, you delivered, sir, because I can tell you - I was putting together a compilation video and they are like five, six, seven genuine Rayllum moments. Was that something intentional? Did you always kinda knew you were gonna do that in S5?
AARON: I thought people were gonna hate us. I-I’m glad people feel that way, cause we - we were very distinctly decided let’s focus on rebuilding their actual relationship as friends and as trusting people who care about each other and not build the romantic part. So I thought people were gonna be like “No kiss, what?!” and it turns out people actually respond to the genuine connection and reconnection that happened between Callum and Rayla this season, and that makes me really happy. 
INTERVIEWER: Yeah, I think we all got a little bit of closure too, with that scene with Amaya and Rayla in the Great Bookery. They’re having that conversation and it sounded like Amaya was gonna tear her head off, and then she ends up saying she sees “a lot of me in you” and I think that’s such a mature moment. I was wondering if you could kinda talk through that cause that ended up being one of my favourite scenes of the entire series, because it was just so much more mature than I ever expected it to be.
AARON: Yeah, I mean, it’s something we knew we were gonna have to grapple with from more than one side [...] Amaya’s also this super protective aunt who saw what happened and saw how hurt her nephew was, so it’s just great material and also they’re both such strong characters, so seeing them kind of go at it a little bit, but also each show some vulnerability was just really delightful, and it was a great opportunity. Sometimes you find those scenes that are almost [...] but yes the time between Rayla and Amaya, it was just a joy finding the drama and the humour in their conversation.
INTERVIEWER: [Rayla and Callum] have their Han Solo - Princess Leia moment where Callum looks over to Rayla and says, “Rayla, I just want to tell you--” she says “I know.” And I’m like whoa! Hold on. So I’m guessing he wanted to tell Rayla that he loves her, or he forgives her?
AARON: Some combination, but I think he’s seeing in that moment - you know, you have those moments where you’re hurt by someone and they come back, and they wanna be welcomed back or treated warmly or something, and we all understand this, and instead of... Part of you wants to be warm and normal again, but you’re a little cold, cause you’re waiting for them to do whatever they need to do to process the wrongs that you perceive that they did to you. Like we have those moments in our relationships all the time and they’re hard not to do. Part of it is you’re standing up for yourself and all this stuff it gets complicated. And I think to some degree in that moment, Callum recognizes, like, he’s kept these walls up and maybe he’s hoping she’d do the work to get through them, and in this moment he’s regretting that the walls were up, maybe. And trying to tell her, you know, that - cause he, he thinks that’s it. Like they won’t have time to process, and maybe he... So, I dunno, I agree it’s a sad, beautiful, lovely moment. 
INTERVIEWER: Do you see a world where they actually have that ‘sit down and have a conversation’ about “here’s how I felt, Rayla, when you left for two years” and “here’s how I felt when you came back” and “you gave me the cold shoulder” or do you think that was enough closure? They can move forward from now?  
AARON: Um, what do you think, do they have more to talk about? 
INTERVIEWER: Yeah, I think they do.
AARON: Yeah, I agree. They have a lot more.
AARON: [About the “I hope you know--” “I know”.] He’s regretting that he’s held the walls up to protect himself and not given her a chance to make things up to him more easily, and not express to her that he missed her, that he still... 
INTERVIEWER: Was Callum using dark magic in a way to darken and make it easy to be controlled by Aaravos next time? Or was it just a convenient way for Callum to get free and safe his friends on Finnegrin’s boat?
AARON: Yeah I don’t think so. I think, Callum recognizes correctly that using dark magic somehow is creating some vulnerability in him that allows Aaravos kinda more access in a way to controlling him or be inside him in some horrible way. The fact he recognized the risk and vulnerability of using it- that it poses to himself but he took that on anyway because he felt like he had to to save Rayla.
AARON: The wait for S6 will be similar to the last gap [between S4 and S5], slightly less or slightly more. We’re concurrently working on S6 and S7 right now. 
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I always said I'd never post anything like this when I was actually active on this blog as I didn't want to start drama but you know what, screw it, I'm not here anymore and I'm tired of staying silent on this.
The way some of the fandom treats Yui is absolutely nuts.
And no, I'm not talking about people who call Yui "weak" or who get jealous over her situation (that's a whole other can of worms), I am talking about the other obsessive fans.
I'll start off by saying I am not saying all Yui fans are bad (some are delightful) but I swear she also manages to attract some of the most unhinged people I've encountered on the internet.
I can't even begin to name all the posts I've seen defending her and arguing against anyone who would call her weak or criticise her in any way etc. And while I know there certainly are people who call her weak or fanfictions where she acts as a love rival for one of the boys versus an OC or reader character, I've actually seen far less of those posts than ones defending her, to an almost problematic degree. Like I literally once saw a post where someone was genuinely telling people to kill themselves because they were treating Yui badly in fanfiction and like what the actual fuck?
I personally have no gripes with Yui as a character. She's written to be exactly what the story needed, and if you like kind cinnamon roll characters, she definitely falls into that category, but people don't have to like characters just because they're good people.
In the same way, the diaboys are all terrible to some extent and if they were real people, you wouldn't want anything to do with them. However, I would argue all of them are well-thought out characters with interesting backstories that clearly tie into who they are by the time the series starts. An immoral character =/= a badly written character in the same way a moral character =/= a well written character.
Now I'm not trying to say Yui is a badly written character, as I mentioned above, I think she fits the role she needed to in DL perfectly, but I do think people need to stop treating her like literal perfection at the expense of actual real human beings. I'll admit, I have seen people dislike Yui for immature reasons, but you can't have a go at people for not liking a fictional character.
I know, and have seen, some people argue that your attitude towards Yui reflects your attitude towards rl abuse survivors and just no. That's not how that works. If someone is reading an account of actual abuse and starts victim blaming that's one thing but DL is NOT REAL and it was never meant to be an allegory about abuse or abusive relationships, it's made for people who are horny about vampires. That's it. There is no deeper meaning. I cannot emphasise this enough.
I think if there's any real point here, it's that if some of these fans genuinely value morality and goodness as much as they claim, they would take a good look in the mirror at how they treat real people. If you love Yui so much, use her an example (i.e. being nice), not some icon to beat people over the head with. And people liking and enjoying the darker aspects of DL doesn't make them bad people in the same way watching a horror film doesn't make you a future serial killer.
Anyway thank you for coming to my TED talk. Again, I am not talking about all Yui fans, just the worst ones I've seen. And to be fair a lot of the points I've made here are true for rabid diaboy fans as well. At the end of the day, it's how you treat other people, not fictional characters, that matters.
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kitorin · 11 months
009. flowers
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"Just do it" It's good advice from Yoichi, but unfortunately it doesn't help when you're nervous beyond words and could ruin someone's entire life and career if this charade of yours fails.
It's not like you were uncomfortable around Chigiri, in fact it was the complete opposite. He's a lot more than a play pretend partner for you, a genuine friend you feel like you could rely on, someone who you felt safe around.
His plan had worked on your behalf, you've been free of sex jokes since you and Chigiri walked out of that janitor's closet, no more rizz comments every time Kira approached you. Sure, strangers still approached you, but they did it out of curiosity and congratulated both of you.
The media wasn't responding negatively, fans around the world were begging to see who you were, buzzing with interest.
Now, all you had to do was entrust the rest of the deal to Chigiri.
"y/n, over here."
The red head calls out to you, as you're about to walk into the library. Unlike how it typically is at school, his hair was done messily, instead of the usual intricate braid. It's also the first time seeing him out of school uniform (photo shoots don't count), white collar of a button up shirt peeking out of his wool jumper. A shoulder bag was slung over his left shoulder, one of his arms wrapped around a bouquet of flowers, the pastel shades of pink, purple complementing the white flowers and the sage green leaves. A black mask concealed the lower half his face.
"Chi- Hyoma, hey."
You were awkward. Really awkward. What are people supposed to say when they great their boyfriend, who technically isn't their boyfriend? All you could do was hope that anyone nearby didn't care enough about celebrity dating or simply didn't know who Chigiri was.
He doesn't seem to find though, as a grin spreads on his face. With his dimples and the way his eyes disappeared, made it contagious it was hard not to smile too.
"For you, my love." Chigiri hands you the bouquet of flowers, you accept shyly. Not only it was your first time receiving flowers, but you'd never expected your first to be from an idol you were fake dating. His romantic action slowly gains attention, a few girls walking past and whispering enviously how they wish it was them, and a group of boys calling out "w rizz'.
"Thank you darling." You cringe a bit at the pet name, it wasn't even that bad, it just felt wrong calling a friend that. "I love them!" Unlike the attempt at using a pet name, your exclamation was truthful, making it a lot easier for you.
"Let's go inside, shall we?" Chigiri reaches out a hand, and by now the strangers nearby were swooning, regardless of whether they knew who he was or not.
You accept, fingers intertwining with his, as you go to your designated room.
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"y/n, this literally doesn't make sense."
What was initially a 'study date' became a confused tuition session, with Chigiri staring in disbelief how you're able to do math well with ease.
"Okay, all you have to do in sub in the values into quadratic formula, it'll work as long as it's in standard form, which is ax squared plus bx plus c." You write down the process with your explanation, but it doesn't seem to help.
"But the answer comes out as a long decimal, doesn't that mean it's wrong?" Gosh he wasn't lying when he said he struggles with math.
"Hyou, I hate to break it to you, but we've reached the age where annoying numbers doesn't guarantee that it's wrong."
But he completely dismisses your clarification, now grinning like an idiot.
"You called me Hyou. Not Chigiri. We're not on last name terms now."
"That's lovely, but that will not make you pass this exam, Chigiri Hyoma."
"No- Go back to Hyou, please? If Rin finds out you called me by my full name I don't think I'll ever see the light of day again."
"Then, Chigiri Hyoma, I advise you at least attempt the first question to avoid that." You continue with the formal tone, finding his reaction to his full name hilarious. "Why are you studying though? You're successful enough without academics and college." You had assumed the same for Rin, but it turns out he was actually considering a change to sports psychology instead of entertainment.
"Hmmm, I guess it's just interesting to have goals outside of work. It'd be cool for my image if I perform well and do well in school."
Right, of course to someone like Chigiri grades are just a form of bragging.
Contradicting your thoughts, you smile. "For that to happen you've got to understand someone as simple as this." Your mechanical pencil taps at the worksheet. "I assure you, decimals and surds aren't that scary."
"What were surds again?"
Oh my god.
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"Am I really that bad at math?"
Together, you walk out of the library and it's already dark, with buildings illuminating the night sky and the moon greeting the world hello. You're exhausted, you've studied for a lot longer before but tutoring someone who rarely pays attention in class was a lot worse.
"Yeah, you are." The blunt and dry answer has him gasping with forged shock.
"How could you... I'm better than Rin though, right?"
"No." Another honest answer, this time he's genuinely shocked.
"Surely not...?"
"Rin knows what the asymptote is."
"So do I, they only touch a line once."
"... The asymptote doesn't touch anything at all. The whole point of it is that the line approaches it but never touches it."
"I was close enough."
"You really weren't-" By then, both of you were bursting into laughter. You'll admit you didn't get as much done as you wanted, but it was fun. More importantly, the awkwardness and tense you felt around him died down after spending hours convincing him that it isn't the end of the world if the answer isn't an integer.
"You're catching the bus here, right?" You nod in response. "I'll wait for it, I can walk home from here."
"Hyou, it's really fine. The bus app says only 5 more minutes."
"I insist, and," He takes out his phone, "Photo, remember? Like I said I'll keep your face out of it. Lift up the flowers a bit."
With the help of Chigiri's instructions you're able to position the bouquet perfectly, it conceals your face entirely but the photo still looks pretty.
"Is this good?" He confirms with you, posting it after you approve of how the photo turned out. "I'll see you at school." The bus is approaching now.
"Yeah, thanks for today." The flowers are held tight in your arms, against your chest.
"I should be saying that, you've helped a lot."
And you've done a lot more. "It's really fine, let me know if you need more help with math another time."
Chigiri nods, accepting your offer. "Text me when you get home, yeah?" You promise him you will, as you get onto the bus and stare at him through the window until he disappears from your view. The flowers remain hugged to your chest, with a smile refusing to leave your face.
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PAIRING. chigiri hyoma x reader
SYNOPSIS. school gets overwhelming with constant rumours and accusations, thankfully someone is willing to help. but what happens when this mutually beneficial agreement escalates into something more?
GENRE. social media au, fake dating, idol / actor au
TAGLIST. @izzylovestnbhd, @angelchigiri, @punkhazardlaw, @silly-ez, @y-sabell-a, @mellozhi, @luvlunazx, @oldest-dream-pdf, @misfits1a, @hoshithinker
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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