#(how it goes in my head is siegbert also used to call him that when he was small but eventually switched to father)
honeydots · 1 month
Xander & Soleil Father-Daughter Support
tried my hand at what i'd imagine their in-game support would be c: accompanying fanart here!
Soleil: *Sigh* Xander: … Soleil: … Soleil: *SIGH* Xander: Is it really so much to ask that you focus, Soleil? Soleil: But this is boring! There’s way too much to do. Xander: Perhaps if you would participate in your duties as a princess rather than flirt with the women in town, you’d have more time on your hands. Soleil: Humph. I still don’t get why I had to get locked in here with you. You could’ve at least given me a pretty tutor! Xander: On the contrary, this method has brought me success before. Xander: I dealt with your father’s philandering in precisely this way, and he stopped toying with the feelings of women all together. Soleil: You know why he stopped flirting with girls? You got MARRIED, Papa! Xander: Study. Soleil: Ugh. Fine. Xander: … Soleil: … Soleil: You’re looking sleepy. Xander: I’m not. Xander: You won’t be getting out of this early. I won’t leave until you’re finished. Soleil: Yeah, because you’ll fall asleep and it’ll take me all night… Xander: And what was that? Soleil: Nothing! Just working. Xander: … Soleil: … Xander: … … … Xander: Zzz… Soleil: Oh wow. He’s actually asleep. Soleil: I don’t wanna wake him up. I guess I could leave now! Soleil: Though… I might need a nap, too. My eyes seriously hurt after staring at all this. Soleil: Hmm… Soleil: …Zzz…
Soleil: Papa! Xander: Hello, you. Soleil: Hi! Listen, I have big, big news! Xander: Oh? And what’s that? Soleil: I’m getting married! Xander: You’re what? Soleil: Yup! Isn’t that something? Xander: I… To who? Soleil: Who? Oh, well. It’s a… Secret. She’s really shy. Xander: …Is that so. Soleil: Uh huh. So, um, anyway. You don’t need to keep tabs on me anymore, because I’m gonna be completely faithful. Just like Dad, heh! Xander: Ah. Of course. Xander: Though, Soleil. You understand, as you’re a princess, that there is a certain procedure which must be undergone when it comes to marriage. Soleil: Huh? Xander: It isn’t something as simple as putting a ring on a finger, it’s a royal affair. Xander: You must introduce her to our family formally, as well as engage her in the courtship process—there’s etiquette to be learned, and we’ll have to make completely certain she doesn’t intend you any harm. Xander: Not just anyone can marry a princess, you know. Soleil: Oh. Soleil: Um. Okay. Yeah, okay. Soleil: I’ll… Introduce you to her. Sometime soon. Xander: Thank you. We’ll be expecting her. Soleil: …Okay. I’ll, uh, go tell her! Bye! Xander: Goodbye. Xander: … Xander: ...That girl.
Soleil: …Hi, Papa. Xander: Soleil, what’s that expression for? Soleil: I, um. I need to confess something. Soleil: There’s no girl, I’m not getting married. I just didn’t want you to know I was out flirting again. Soleil: It was all a ruse. I’m really sorry I lied, I probably got everyone so excited. Xander: Soleil… Xander: Thank you for telling me. Xander: Though you don’t need to worry, I didn’t tell anyone. I knew from the beginning that you weren’t really engaged. Soleil: Oh, man. Was I that obvious? Soleil: …So I’m in huge trouble now, huh? Xander: It’s true that your actions aren’t exactly becoming of a princess. But I would like to clarify something with you. Xander: I’m not particularly upset that you’re flirting. But I’ll be strict with you if it gets in the way of your duties, as it has been. Xander: It was just the same with your father—he was causing trouble, and I felt I needed to step in to prevent it. Xander: You don’t need to lie to me. If you’d like to to spend your free time with girls, you’re welcome to. But it mustn’t continue to hinder your learnings and responsibilities as a princess of Nohr. Soleil: Oh. Soleil: Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. I really thought you were going to be angry with me. Xander: No. I only want you to understand. Soleil: I think I get it. No, I KNOW I do. Soleil: I admit that I was putting things off for a little too long. Soleil: I’ll do better, I promise. I’ll devote more time to my princess things. Xander: I’m glad to hear it. And thank you for being honest with me. Soleil: I’ll make sure I tell you when I really get married, okay? Xander: Alright. But not too soon. Soleil: Well of course not, Papa! I haven’t met all the women in the world yet!
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Image: Freja och Svipdag (1911) by John Bauer
My text "Freyja en Svipdag" published in Covidnine-zine, a magazine edited by the wonderful Winnie Sluis, idealized by Winnie and Lisa @oppergod, with collaboration of several amazing artists.
“With her eyes closed and very sleepy, she could feel the sea breeze on her face and hear the sound of the tide breaking in nine waves, one after the other, until she finally managed to open her eyelids.
At first, she discerned arches and pillars through the blurred image, which she later identified as the ruins of an old cathedral. The stone foundations of this structure immediately reminded her of Glastonbury Abbey. The sound of the violin came to her, as well as the seagulls’ song and the gallop of a gray horse mounted by a masked young man, who headed in her direction. On the beach, an old lady recited the stanzas of ancient poems. Coffins swept across the sand, such as fragments of a shipwreck. The corpse of the violinist, who once was Yorick, the court jester, suddenly stopped the music, marveling at the horizon and contemplating his next song, as follows:
'Oh  Páter if I only knew who she was...  I swear I would have sought her earlier!  Oh Páter, here comes Gwena, who traces  This plot, full of diminished chords...
Tis  fire, aye, ‘tis pipe’s ember,  Burning slow and steady, steaming  And if I inhale, choke and clear my throat  Bitter-sweet is her surrender, such a delight  This woman...
Yet  I think she keeps  Something restrained  For the One of the strings...
She  dares not look but only glimpse
Her  bearing ever so high,  Still entrapped in a gilded cage  From which one tries to break  With a treble clef... Egnis! Egnis!
Aye,  see as it burns strong,
It is painful for Gaius,  Her way of walking and fluttering  Always a promise of the foreign
 Though  beware not to cut yourself;  For she is like As-Sirāt,  Even if broken, she remains sharp.
More  so she is intricate and complex,  Full of ardor and nothing else,  And seems entirely anti-flustered  Ah! ... but if there is a breach...
 “Tis  for sure the apple-tree”  I answer myself.  Since when I wandered haphazardly,  Wandering, wondering, though not seeing  If there was indeed an olive tree...
 Thus,  if the fire she already brought;  And I always have some cider;  Only the gold is wrought...
What  fire is that?  Mighty and aristocratic,  Convoluted and anti-pragmatic.
Alas,  we get to the story’s end,
If  you expected me to be light-hearted
To  speak of her beauty or noble
 You  don’t see me for who I really am
For  only the sublime pain of a burn
Compares  to shall be required
To  conquer her troublesome
 Nevertheless,  if I allow myself
A  final indulgence, I think it goes
Without  saying.. that she’s beautiful,
Dignified,  and a relief to the eyes,
(Though  quite difficult to contain)
That’s  why I have fallen...O Páter!”
The rider dismounted and removed his mask, revealing a quite familiar face.
Then he burst into tears, moans, and screams, calling out the name “Sophie! Sophie!” A cacophony of chimes and carillon began at an Episcopal belfry, the imposing figure of a castle appeared behind the mist. Brísingamen, the fiery torque, sparkled around her neck as she rose, entirely dressed in white. The young man, who wore black garments, offered her his hand, and spoke:
 “Dear Sophie, your father awaits us.”
 The strangest thing happened; she felt her lips moving without having ordered so. “My darling Joris, at last you have come for me.”
 Although she did not know exactly how, she remembered the young man in front of her was her betrothed, and that they referred to each other by the names of the saints which the ephemeris fell on their respective birthdays. His on the feast day of Sint-Joris van Cappadocië, and hers on that of St. Sophie van Rome.
 “Sophie, the owl told me the baker shall hold a banquet in our honour!”
 “O, here, have a daisy” she said, taking a flower from the garland adorning her long blonde hair. “I would give you give you some violets, but they all withered when the fishmonger sailed to Crete.”
 “Indeed, Aerope told me that Catreus’ ashes are still warm.”
 They walked side by side, with hands intertwined, wearing wicked smiles as they climbed the hill where the castle's Tor stood. Upon arriving, they were received by the King of Guilder and the rest of his progeny.
 “Welcome, my children, to Kasteel Groninger! Our earthly paradise. Pray, remember the road ahead is still long. Fredegund anxiously awaits Siegbert's return, in deep sleep at the Mountain of Obstacles. Do not forget that: Fafnir must yet perish and Sigrdrífa still needs to be stripped of her armour” King Aegir affectionately warned, embracing both Sophie, whom he recognized as his youngest daughter, and Joris, his future son-in-law.
 "Your majesty, I assure you I shall be worthy enough to wed Lady Menglöð" replied Joris, referring to Sophie, the princess of Guilder, by her true name.
 “Heer Valentijn,” asked King Aegir, also calling Joris by his birth name “I believe the sacrifice of Galswintha will not have been in vain: Faith, Hope and Charity shall be glorified, but do not forget to greet your new sisters.”
 With their faces veiled and sitting on the stairs of an old church, the nine daughters of Aegir, presented themselves one by one. The oldest was called Schnecke, “Bloody-hair”, thus called in virtue of her red hair; the second went by the name of Mimi, the “Billow”, therefore known due to her being prone to fits of nervousness; the third was called Caroline, the “Comber”, because of her explosive temper; the fourth answered by Lily, “Pearl-transparent”, on the account of her translucent complexion; the fifth was named Henriette, the “Small-Wave”, due to her short height; the sixth answered by Olga, the “Lifting”, on account of her extraordinary intelligence; the seventh was called Hannah, the “Great-Wave”, thus known for her bulkiness;  the eighth daughter was Jeannette, called the “Well of Origin” for having the habit of reciting prophetic riddles every time somebody asked her something; the last of them, Friederike, the “Cool-Wave”, was therefore called on account of her cold manners.
 Each of them, as Joris approached, answered him with witty sentences related to each of their epithets. At the end of these parables, King Aegir once again addressed him:
 “Valentijn van Florin, I give you my word as sovereign of Guilder that the most beautiful flower in my garden is your dear Sophie, who at this very hour tomorrow you shall take as your wife. Such a marriage will unite our two rival kingdoms under a single crown, as intended your kinsman, Prince Humperdinck, though in far less auspicious circumstances.”
 The bride and the groom waltzed through the castle, covering the walls of each room with snow. Whenever Joris asked if she wanted to be his wife, Sophie burst into hysterical laughing, which echoed throughout the stairs. Sometimes she replied she first owed vassalage to another lord, who was certainly sterner and bonier. This ‘danse macabre’ continued until they faced the stained windows of the cathedral, when the black priest signaled them to stop. For this reason, the nine waves blew out the candles on the candelabrum, one by one, forming a fairy-ring around the two of them and joining their dance wildly.
 Joris mused for a moment and said:
 “Three times nine girls, but one girl rode ahead,
white-skinned under her helmet;
the horses were trembling, from their manes
dew fell into the deep valleys,
hail in the high woods;
good fortune comes to men from there;
all that I saw was hateful to me.”
 For the celebrations to continue Sophie was taken to the hall of Suttungr, while Joris was given the task of finding the severed head of Mimir. Locked up in the chamber of Invitation to Battle, Sophie was punished for exercising her prerogative in choosing differently from what the All-father had commanded. There, Huginn and Muninn, her liege's crows, whispered bad omens at her ears as she repeatedly painted a Byzantine icon of the Virgin of Mercy.
 “Torture me all you want,” she said to her tormentors “a tearing joy overwhelms my soul. Plato's aesthetic dictates the beauty of forms is equivalent to the greater good and that which is purer. I merely follow the example of Paris in his preference for the ‘kallistei’; the beloved is always chosen for blind love, and only love. I admit I may be wrong, but I still believe that his heart is as good and generous as I sensed on our first meeting. The world is sustained by hope, we believe in what we want to believe and how we want to believe; it does not matter if nature and experience tell us otherwise. My dreams have never betrayed me, my heart has never lied to me: it is necessary to follow one’s deepest desires, for they are ordained by the Norns.”
 In retaliation, the crows of the one-eyed king pecked at her ears until her neck was covered in blood. Ignoring the pangs of pain, Sophie continued to draw the icon that depicted a beautiful sleeping maiden, whose closed eyes showed an expression of tenderness and parted lips outlined a tenuous, albeit provocative smile, as though she was caught in a sensuous dream.
 Hence, Sophie chanted in low voice:
“What sort of dream is that, Odin?
I dreamed I rose up before dawn
to clear up Valhöll for slain people.
I aroused the Einheriar,
bade them get up to strew the benches,
clean the beer-cups,
the valkyries to serve wine
for the arrival of a prince.”
At the same time, Joris rode up to the Mountain of Obstacles, where the earth shook and a pit of flames reaching the sky surrounded the red gold of the gods. In this desolate place, the guardian at the gate, who was also the chieftain of the dwarves, gave Joris the sword of anger and the shield of wisdom with which he was able to defeat the horrible serpent, Jörmungandr.
After licking a drop of the creature’s blood on his finger, Joris was given the gift of understanding the crows’ language, which then instigated him to come to the chamber of Invitation to Battle. As soon as he entered the room, he blew on the horn he carried on his neck by a chain. The Virgin awoke from her feverish dream.
Sitting on a golden throne, the queen-like Sophie gladly received him in her father's hall:
“For nine lives I have awaited you, and for nine days you have hanged on the Sefirotic Tree. To you I give my gray horse, so you can ride to Gamla Uppsala; for Memory can only be restored when Gjallahorn descends to the well of origin. There, Heidr will offer you one of her full tits. Drink patiently, but steadily.”
“Frigga, my dear wife, all I ask is for you to grant me knowledge of the nine worlds.”
Before proceeding with her husband’s request, Sophie prayed for eloquence and intelligence, taking her lute in her hand, singing the most beautiful song of shadow and dawn. She praised the day, the night, the gods and goddesses, and the Holy Land where the Nazarene was crucified. After prayer, she harvested liquid from three of her father’s most precious cauldrons and prepared the elixir of life and death, stating it contained enchantments, blessings, songs and runes of power, manliness and pleasure of the flesh and soul.
Sophie told Joris that in the beginning there was nothing, and this nothing was called Njörun. When Njörun became aware of herself, she begot Njöðr. From the union between these two, Mardöll was born. The latter was self-suficient, loving herself and being therefore happy. However, curiosity caused the goddess to create a mirror from her own breath, and when she contemplated her own reflection, she fell madly in love with it. Since then, she divided herself in two: Mardöll of Fire, who saw the image, and Mardöll of Ice, the image seen. After tracing a runic symbol on her body and whispering over it, her reflection became Yngve, her twin brother. The two of them began a frantic dance that culminated in intercourse, from where emerged the rest of the runic spirits.
Sophie then told him how Mardöll first taught the runes to the All-father, how he held the head of Mimir and uttered wise words; and that from them flowed the worlds of the Æsir, Vanir, giants, elves, and humanity. She went on to count all the kinds of runes that Joris needed to know and how to use them. At last asking him if he would like speech or silence from her. To which Joris replied he was not afraid of knowing his fate, even if that meant death.
Shortly after, she took his horn, in which she poured the Mead of Poetry, while rambling: “The beautiful should not perish; the fair should not perish. Eternal love of immortal soul, glittering through my skin like fins. Drop by drop, your spirit will return to me, the first drop will be heavenly!”
The moment Joris took the last sip of this precious drink, the walls opened, and the drums played. King Aegir and the nine waves were finally welcomed to the wedding feast. Circling an oath-ring on a trunk, the sovereign of Guilder joined the hands of his daughter and son-in-law, making a cut on each of their palms so that their blood could mix. Joris and Sophie intertwined their fingers and together declared:
“Ubi tu Askr
Ego Embla;
Ubi tu Embla,
Ego Askr.”
“When thou art the Ash
I shall be the Elm;
When thou art the Elm
I shall be the Ash.”
“Grímnir, the greatest of all gods, is here, he proclaims you to be one flesh, consecrated to him” decreed King Aegir as the newlyweds resumed their bridal dance, accompanied by the nine waves, who happily sang:
“Stampa hårt i marken,
Låt säden flyta  runt,
Ta emot den unga  flickan,
Frej i älskog,
Freja i älskog.”
“Step hard on the ground,
Let the seed fly,
Welcome the Young Maiden,
Freyr in lovemaking,
Freyja in lovemaking.”
Joris enveloped Sophie in a lustful embrace, with each whirl more ardent than before, ‘til they both lost their balance and fell backwards in the hay. At this moment, Thanatos, the black priest showed up uninvited:
“I am a polar bear who has floated here from Greenland on an iceberg. May the gods bless your matrimony with such perennial beauty as that from the coupling of Zeus and Leda. As a wedding gift, I bring you a veil made for an Arabian princess. Please, accept it. O Vanadís, daughter of the king of kings.”
Upon hearing this, Sophie let out a long shriek. She understood what those words meant. For three nights, she and Joris made love at moonlight, in the presence of the court of Guilder and all the creatures of the universe. On the morning of the fourth day, he had to leave her side to wander the nine worlds, bringing the sacred knowledge he acquired to whichever mortals he found. Weeping, Sophie bade adieu to her husband with the following greeting:
“My will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom as great. My sisters receive the heroes at Fólkvangr, serving mead to those slain in battle. When the ash commune with the elm, you shall return to me. Not a second after, not a second before.”
The black priest then proceeded to lead them to the calvary, placing two wreaths of thorns on their heads. “I crown thee, Freyja and Óðr.”
For nine days and nights, Sophie bitterly mourned her lost husband, crying tears of gold for his sake. Once again trapped in the Mountain of Obstacles, she cried out for mercy to the one who was older than time itself:
“That man hon fólkvig fyrst í heimi,
er Gullveig geiru studdu
ok i hǫll Hárs hana brendu;
thrysvar brendu thrysvar borna,
opt, ósjaldan, tho hon enn lifir!
Heidi hana hétu, hvars til húsa kom,
vǫlu velspá,  vitti hon ganda
seid hon hvars hon kunni,
seid hon hugleikin,
æ var hon angan illrar brudar.”
“She remembers the first war in the world,
when Gullveig was hoist on the spears
in the High-One’s hall they burned her;
three times they burned the three times born
often, not seldom; yet she lives! 
She was called Heidr at the village,
the wise völva knew how to cast spells
she practiced seiðr whenever she could
with ravished soul, she performed seiðr,
She was always sought by wicked women.”
As she asked for divine intervention, Sophie devoted herself to the hard work required by the spinning wheel. As though passing in a trance through Psyche's trials, she was accompanied by her sisters, who danced around her, hand in hand. The first branches of the elm emerged from her heart, which enwrapped her in just a few minutes. From her withered body, the most majestic tree of Fensalir was formed. Three times she was struck by lightning, three times she burned; only to be three times reborn the next dawn.
When Joris at last returned from his travels around the world, finding her in such a state he declared:
“Nu em ec aptr kominn,
fát gat ec thegiandi thar;
margom orthom melta ec i minn frama i Suttungs sǫlom.
Gunnlad mer um gaf gunom stóli á
drycc ins dyra miathar; ill ithgiold
let ec hana eptir hafa
sins ins heila hugar
sins ins  svara seva.”
“Now I have come again,
I’d have hardly made it so far;
without speaking great words to my advantage in the hall  of Suttungr.
Gunnlöð gave me, from her golden throne
The precious drink of mead; a poor payment
I gave her in return
for her whole soul
for her  burdened spirit.”
With these sorrowful words he also became an ash tree, his roots becoming entangled with hers. From their union emerged a magnificent swan egg which cracked in two beautiful girls. The Æsir called them Hnoss and Gersemi, the Twin Treasures.’
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giratinalove3 · 3 years
Beyond the Water's Reflection - Chapter 1 - softwhiskeyjack - Fire Emblem: If | Fire Emblem: Fates [Archive of Our Own]
I've reread Beyond the Water's reflection so many times I wish that there was a new chapter with how gorgeous they have witten it.
(Spoilers up ahead if you want to read it for yourself)
To satiate my thirst for more of their story I've decide to come up with ideas of how I think the story would of gone on if they didn't discontinue it/no longer had an intrest on the series anymore. I could be absolutely wrong about all of my ideas, but my imagination has run wild for too long on this and there is no going back!!! Also the person that wrote Beyond the Water’s Reflection uses most of the Japanese names for the story.
First Idea!
•Shinonome and the other half of the gang rescue Matoi, Hisame, and Rhajhat
•Shinonome opens up to Xander a little more and tells him stuff about his and the others past with as vague of details as to not find out who they truly are
•Siegbert's gang escapes Hoshido during the night, but are caught escaping. Most of them escape, but Siegbert. Ryouma decides to use Siegbert as a hostage to lure the Nohrian group to get Shinonome back to Hoshido
•By shear luck Siegbert's group finds Shiro's group using either Velour's sense of smell or Opheila's warping ability (maybe a bit of both). They're all winded and some of them are still hurt from their previous injuries or from escaping Hoshido
•The next couple of days--or weeks who knows?--when everyone is in a more talkative Kisaragi finally snaps telling Shinonome about what happened and that he accidentally told his dad and Shiro's dad on who they actually were and that they don't know where Siegbert is (Siegbert told them to split up and meet up again. They don't know yet that Siegbert has been taken hostage)
•Shinonome is horrified at this revelation. He tells Kisaragi to tell the other half of the group he came with to also not tell the truth. He wants to kept this a secret for now until he finds the right time to tell the truth. He doesn't want mass panic to settle into their group, especially now Kana doesn't have her dragon stone
•Shinonome tells Xander that he and the rest of his group are going to travel to Hoshido since one of their friends is still there. Xander sees the obvious worry in Shinonome's face and asks him why he's worried. Hoshido is a wonderful place and is fairly peaceful, why should he worry? He then replies, "Not if your Nohrian."
•Siegbert is held in a deep—dank (no not the good kind)— dungeon where the sun don’t shine and everyone that is normally on death row is held: neat.
•Shinonome asks to talk to Xander again in their usual spot by the river. Xander shows up as Shinonome slowly starts to ask weird questions like, “What if you found out that the Bottomless Canyon isn’t so bottomless?”. Xander finally asks what is Shinonome trying to say and he lets all of the truth flow out of his mouth (he doesn’t, howerever, mention the fact that they are actually their children in an alternate timeline and that Siegbert is his kid. Xander thinks that Siegbert is just a different timeline version of him or the king of Nohr)
•Skipping forward a few weeks/months? The group heads to Hoshido and stops at the Nohrian side of the bridge at the Bottomless Canyon where they are met with that world’s Hoshidan royal family. Ryouma holds his hand out and asks Shino to come home along with Kisaragi. He says no. He then brings Siegbert out all battered and bruised. Thinking this will convince him to come home he asks again, but Shinonome being Shinonome, he takes that as a sign of war against his group and promptly goes apeshit (as you should)
•He fights with Ryouma who is absolutely surprised to his that his son from another world would willingly attack him, his own father, over a Nohrian Prince. What he doesn’t know is that before his dad’s death, they never really got along; hence, Shininome has already accepted the fact that his dad is already dead to him both figuratively and literally.
•Ryouma realizing, but still not fully understanding, Shinonome loves Siegbert more than he fears Ryouma
•While fighting he compliments Shino on his fighting skills. Shinonome says he talks to much
•Kisaragi just sadly looks over at Takumi from over the boarder. Takumi feels betrayed by Kisaragi and decides to shoot at him
•A battle happens. Shinonome get Siegbert and books it with him
•Xander calls off the battle. Ryouma, being a little shit, decides that if he can’t have Shinonme then Nohr can’t either. He cuts the bridge while Shino is running with Sieggy and is just about to make it to the other side
•Xander reaches out for Shinonome’s hand
•Xander fails
•Shinonome and Siegbert fall into the Bottomless Canyon
•When they breach the other world instead seeing familiar lands they were used too; They were greeted by floating islands, broken lands, and the edge of the world
Second Idea!
•Happens similarly in the first part. But, when Sieg’s group escapes from Hoshido happens differently.
•They almost leave the premises without noticing with Shiro’s Rajinto. But someone, we never truly find out who, sounds the alarm. They panic rushing into groups with missing pieces of armor on and a few weapons on hand. Raijinto, Fujin Yumi, a bow and a couple of arrows, a healing staff, stuff that is light and easy to carry
-Siegbert and Soleil are traveling on Velour’s back (Wolfskin Form)
-Percy and Nina on a flying unit (found out that Ace and Avel are dead because the author said they died in their old world)
-Ignatuis and Sophie on a horse
-Dwyer and Ophelia are traveling using a warp spell
•When Siegbert and Soleil were getting on Velour’s back the were hit with poisoned arrows from enemy lines and when Ophelia was just about to warp out of there with Dwyer a spear’s master cuts the area where she was when she warped
•Back to Shinonome’s POV we see him fall on one knee. His group and Xander panic over him asking, “What’s wrong?” And, “Are you okay?” When Shinonome answers them he says something along the lines of, “Somethings wrong.” Like, he can’t even explain it, but in his gut he can feel the dread of something going to happen or is happening at this moment and it is coming here fast
•A couple hours have passed by and Ophelia warps her group the Shinonome’s. Velour follows her scent as Ace and Avel follow behind her.
•Kinu smells Ophelia and Dwyer’s scent as Forrest sense a magical presence. When the find that it’s Ophelia they are ecstatic to see her, but before they can get a closer look at her, she collapses into Forrest arms as he feels a warm liquid start to seep onto his shirt. As he looks down at he sees blood. He then touches Ophelia’s stomach to see blood is covering his hands as Dwyer, Mitama, and himself start to heal her to the best of their abilities.
•Kinu hears the tell tail signs of a wyvern and a few horses. Siegbert and everyone else arrive mortally wounded.
•Siegbert and Soleil also pass out from exhaustion and being poisoned by an arrow and all of that. Mitama is using all of her energy to save her(girlfriend). Shinonome is panicking over Siegbert.
•Next day; Siegbert and everyone else that was in his group that was injured was put into a pop up medical tent for the time being.
•Xander wants to meet this boy that Shinonome is fond of as he wonders why he cared so much for a single stranger. Maybe it was the look of pain he was in or maybe it was how young he was to experience such a painful wound. Xander wonders how he got so many painful scars that littered the entirety of his frail, small body.
•When Siegbert wakes up he isn’t surrounded by familiar faces, but instead wakes up to find King Xander next to his bedside diligently looking over something important. Siegbert is obviously freaked out by this since his last interaction with a king didn’t end up so well for him and his family. Plus he wasn’t exactly comfortable seeing a living version of his father. Seeing someone you’ve already accept as dead is kinda not good.
•Siegbert doesn’t want to seem rude but he also really doesn’t want to interact with Xander, so his solution is to say he want to check up on the others. Xander says he’ll lead him to them, but Siegbert being uber stressed, lashes out instead saying he doesn’t need any help.
•Even though most people would of thought that as rude(But since Xander royalty most people would think Sieggy insane and wishing for a death sentence.) Xander feels sad more than anything. He should be mad, but can’t. Did he do something wrong?
•Ignoring all of the Xanny and Sieggy Angst(TM). Kisaragi is dealing with his own angst because even though Takumi was—Is his dad—he can’t help but feel guilty for leaving. He knows this is the right choice! Everyone that his group was looking for is with them, sure they are a little worse for wear, but they are still here! He was told about them leaving and decided to leave with them even though he could of stayed back in Hoshido! All he wished is that his dad could one day understand his choice.
That’s all I have for right now! Maybe I can make a part two if I get any more ideas. If any one wants to add on to this after reading it I would like to know about it! That’s all, bye
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yukiwrites · 6 years
Truly, a Blessing
ITTT’S XANDERSDAY!!! HAPPY XANDERSDAY EVERYONE! I’m so happy because of this that I’ll try to post something with Xander every sunday for as long as I can! Please don’t hesitate to send me nice messages encouraging me ;D  Of course, they’ll all range around him and his love for his wife Kamui and his three children Sieggy, Kana and Katie <3 Today’s is the first part of a single prompt that’ll end next week on Xandersday 2 ;D Enjoy~
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -  Part 4
The sealing rites of Valla. After being crowned Queen of the Forgotten Kingdom, Kamui had many meetings with the people's representatives from Valla, Hoshido and Nohr alike, as well as their rulers (since she herself was also part of the nohrian rule, things ran smoothly on their side, for one) so as to determine whether or not the decaying land was still habitable.
And where to send its people to if evacuation was the solution.
First, search parties were sent all throughout the land so as to gather as many survivors as possible (rather, to find all of them) and then distribute them between the allying kingdoms.
However, after Anankos' defeat, the curse plaguing Valla and all of its portals connecting to the worlds above the Bottomless Canyon were unlocked. Anyone with vallite descent would be able to cross the borders were they so much close to a natural body of water. As the daughter of the ancient being who cut off all communication in first place, Kamui brought it upon herself to close every portal with the help of Azura's song and her own innate power.
She would need to travel through the land, sealing any possible portal as well as locking the area so no one could get close -- that way she would know which places were completely evacuated and were ready for a complete sealing. She would then erect a barrier  around the perimeter so that, when the day came that she was finally done sealing the entire land, she could close off the whole domain and lock it from the outside of the last portal inside Krakenburg Castle.
It had been two years since she had started the rites and she was only at the beginning -- her first pregnancy and nursing had also a hand at delaying them.
Crown Prince Siegbert was barely three when he pulled his mother's performing gown, mesmerized at how beautiful she was. "Mommy..." He called with a small voice, holding one hand over his mouth, almost biting it as though his growing teeth bothered him.
Kamui felt her heart almost explode with cuteness -- her son's pointy ears were even droopy because he was unsure of what to do! Too cute! -- and picked the boy up in her arms. "Hmm? What can Mommy do for her boy?" She smiled brightly, the crown and accessories that came with her gown jiggling over her forehead, catching Siegbert's attention.
"Sieggy go too..." He said, chewing on one hand as he reached out for her crown with the other.
The Queen almost cried as she dug her face into her boy's belly. "Of course Sieggy goes too!" She said at the same time a quick knock was heard on her door.
"Are you ready, my Queen? I have come to pick you up," Xander asked from outside, opening the door shortly after only to find his wife cuddling with their son, both of their matching hair colors standing out over her colorful outfit. A warm smile grew over his lips as he watched the scene with a bubbly feeling in his heart.
Kamui looked at her husband and trotted to his side, giving Siegbert for him to hold, her eyes shining with expectation. "You're coming to watch today too, right?" She exchanged glances with her son and they both looked at him with pleading eyes. "Riight?"
"Wiight?" Siegbert asked, copying his mother.
Xander stretched his neck back, feeling his cheeks redden with the adorable display of underhanded manipulation his wife and child performed. "You rascals," he covered his face with one hand, the other one securely holding his son by his chest, "planning to blackmail me, are you? A rather bold course of action to use on your King." He fought a smile under his hand, enjoying how both Kamui's and Siegbert's deep-red eyes sparkled.
Kamui simply put herself on her toes so as to steal a kiss and jump beside her husband. "It's going to be the first time Siegbert's watching me! I'm so excited!"
The King squinted playfully at his wife. "I never agreed to this coercion, my Queen."
"Oh!" Kamui let out a fake gasp, putting one hand over mouth so Siegbert would look at her. "A King who doesn't listen to his people!" She trotted towards him and placed her forehead on her son's. "Don't be like that when you grow up, hm?"
"P-pwomise!" Siegbert replied, not really understanding what was going on. But Mommy and Daddy smiled afterwards so it was probably what he was supposed to say! "Eehee... Mommy is sho pwetty." He giggled and kicked his small feet, excited to see what his Mommy did from time to time whenever she dressed like that.
"The future King has spoken." Xander said solemnly, then bended down to steal a kiss from his wife's lips. "I shall accompany him in his adventures, then."
"Yayy!" Kamui took both of Siegbert's chubby hands and waved them. "We're all going together!"
The young prince laughed happily. "Tog'der!"
The rites Kamui performed were unheard of -- so she and Azura had to come up with everything from the scratch. A dance to plead for the ancient gods to give her strength; a song to enhance the powers bestowed upon her; a myriad of priestesses around the area to contain the surge of power should it ever spiral out of control... Each ceremony needed a lot of people for it to go smoothly, and although closed off for the public, it was truly a sight to behold.
The water would bend to Kamui's every movement and Azura's every note -- the lake would seem as frozen as the dragon Queen would walk over the water and harness its power so as to seal it from the outside world.
"Wah! Mommy went poof!" Siegbert pointed, sitting on Xander's lap as they watched from a distance, under a large tree. "D-daddy, Mommy is..." His small cheeks puffed up and his face started to redden.
Before he could cry, however, Xander caressed the small face with his thumb -- so big for the boy, in comparison -- and urged him to keep looking. "Your Mother is truly magnificent, is she not? Look how she controls the water."
Sniffling, Siegbert obeyed and noticed that Kamui hadn't disappeared -- the water was simply dancing around her. Immediately he regained his smile. "It's Mommy again! Daddy, it's Mommy!" He bounced back in his sitting position, swinging his arms excitedly.
Xander chuckled and patted his son on the head, lovingly looking at his wife. "Indeed, there she is."
"Mommy made water go swooosh and waashh..." Siegbert muttered, trying to imitate his mother's hand movements. "A lot, lot, lot, lot, looot water..."
"Hm?" As though he remembered something, Xander looked back at his son. "Ah, yes... You still have yet to visit that place, Son." He mused as he put one hand over his chin in thought. Siegbert's head tilted in confusion, but he waited until his father would speak again. "There is a place with even more water than this, were you aware?"
The boy blinked. "MORE water?" He let out an exclamation of surprise as Xander nodded. "More swoooosh and waaash?"
"Indeed. Would you like to see it?"
"Can I?!" Siegbert got up on his father's legs and smiled widely. Xander's shoulders sagged as he placed a hand protectively behind his son's back.
"Certainly. We need but tell your Mother."
The boy's eyes sparkled again and, frankly, all of that rescheduling Xander had to do to accomodate a short trip to the Deeprealm would be worthy for that single smile. Siegbert snuggled on Xander's neck and strapped himself on him, rubbing his cheeks on his father's.
The King's fond smile grew as he stroked Siegbert's head. Curious just like his mother. Frankly, was there even something of himself in that child? He looked so much like his Mother it made Xander's heart almost let out a physical sound whenever they were together.
Once Kamui was done, Xander's back pats on Siegbert had made him fall asleep with a big smile on his face, melting her mother's heart. "Did he watch it through?" She asked as they walked back to the castle, taking off the crown and accessories.
"He was very excited about everything." Xander replied as he adjusted the sleeping boy over his chest. "Of course, I was mesmerized as well." He took his wife's hand and kissed it.
Kamui felt her face redden and took her free hand to cover it. "Just a word from you and I'm already flustered like this..." She giggled.
"It is only the truth," Xander replied, then added: "Siegbert was also very interested in your water manipulation, so I proposed we go to the Deeprealm so as to show him the sea."
He knew just how much his wife loved that place -- she was excited from the very first day they were there, and at all subsequent visits, as well. Her face brightened just as he expected it would, and once again no rescheduling would make him regret making that proposition.
"Can we really?!" She touched his arm, then glanced at their son. "Oh, I'm so excited for his first trip to the beach!"
The very same reaction, Xander mused as he caressed her hand with his thumb. Truly, I am blessed with her as my wife and a son who looks just like her. "Yes. Let us make the necessary preparations."
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yukiwrites · 7 years
Spending More Time with Him
Ittt’s Father’s day where I live! This one focuses on my Siegbaby wanting to spend more time with his precious father, enjoy!
The Kingdom of Nohr had been blessed with the birth of the second prince a few months previous -- Young Prince Kana and Crown Prince Siegbert now were the light and joy of the palace, though a very conflicted boy sulked about around the corridors.
Not to the point of getting behind his classes, heavens forbid! No, he always made sure to be as focused as he should during his lessons, but a few side glances and some blank stares caught the attention of one of his instructors, who promptly reported to the Queen.
"Siegbert is acting strange?" Kamui repeated the report, placing one hand over her cheek in worry. "He's always been such a good child, I wonder what ails my baby..." She murmured the last part to herself, the music teacher excusing herself while the Queen made her way towards the Crown Prince's chambers.
She needn't bother, however, for the small prince was absent-mindedly walking through the large corridors with a book under his arm, his round face almost contorted into a pout.
"Siegbert?" Kamui called, making her way to her son and crouching before him. Only after he almost bumped into her did the boy notice his mother.
"M-mommy!" He gasped, the surprise making him drop the book he carried. His face lost its color and he had to put both hands over his mouth as a way to cover his face.
Kamui almost winced in pain, worried about her little baby's heart. She reached out to him, putting a tuft of hair behind his pointy ear. "What's happened, Siegbert?" She tilted her head to the side as he tried to avert his eyes as they welled up. Kamui took her free hand to her chest, clutching her heart. "Can't you tell mommy?"
The young prince gulped, feeling the tears burn his eyes, guilt washing over his entire being. "Am-" he stuttered, a ball inside his throat making it hard for him to speak without shouting. "AM I A BAD BOY, MOMMYYY?" He cried, crouching and sobbing uncontrollably. "I am, aren't I?!"
"Oh, my sweet boy," Kamui immediately held him up on her arms, his thin legs wrapping around her torso as his hands grasped on her back, sobbing by her neck. "What brought this on, hm? You're the best behaved child I have ever seen... shhh, shhh..." The Queen cooed him as his sobs never stopped, walking towards his room just a ways ahead.
"Id's jusd... id's jusd..." He sniffled, trying to speak with a clogged nose as sobs still shook his body. "I don wanda beel like bis...!" He sobbed more as Kamui entered his room and sat on a divan close to the door.
The Queen sat Siegbert up on her leg and lowered her face so as to look he small prince in the eyes, his hands still trying to dry them as much as he could. "Shh, my precious boy, it's okay. Mommy is here now; I'll listen to you..."
Still sniffling and shaking with sobs, but finally stopping the tears, Siegbert gulped more than once before he could find his voice again. "I-I must be one, right? A b-bad c-child... B-because see I... I love m-my little brother very much! B-but I also w-want... I also want Daddy to stay with me moreeee!" He fell into guilty sobs once again, lowering his head as his hands dried the tears before they fell. "I-I want Daddy to r-read more for me, b-but Kana's getting more... more attention! I don't wanna feel this wayy, Mommmyyy!" he cried, hugging Kamui again.
The Queen couldn't help but smile, though her brow as hopelessly furrowed. "Oh, my baby, you're such a good brother!" She bounced her leg, kissing the small prince's head all the way till his nose. He stopped sobbing due to the confusion.
"B-but these ugly feelings..." He looked at her from below, sniffling.
Kamui booped his nose. "Say, would rather still be a single child? Would you want your brother to disappear?"
"NO!" He replied immediately, his big eyes round as peas in surprise. "No way! I don't want Kana to go awayy!" he cried more, imagining a world without his precious baby brother.
Once again Kamui bounced her leg, lowering her head so they could look each other in the eye once more. "Then, do you hate the idea of spending time with Kana AND with your Father? Or do you want Father just to yourself?"
That got him to think -- he never thought of spending time with both of them, or rather, with the three of them (he wanted to spend more time with Mommy as much as he wanted with Daddy, after all!) since he was always the only one around them for five years. "I can... stay with Daddy while he r-reads to Kana?"
"Uh-huh!" Kamui nodded and the prince started to blush.
"Can I hold his hand when he goes to wish Kana good night?" He continued with the questions as Kamui nodded to each of them. "Can I also hug Kana when Daddy comes to visit? Can I also pat Kana's head then have Daddy pat mine too?" With each affirmative nod, the boy's smile grew. "C-can I... Can I sleep with youDaddyandKanaonthesamebed?" He asked quickly, burying his face on his mother's chest.
Kamui had a mental squeal at how cute her son had grown up to be and squeezed the boy in her arms. "Of course you can! But I'm afraid only the three of us can sleep on the same bed for now... Kana is still too small to share it with us."
"Just the three of us?" He raised his head, conflicted. He wanted so so so so very much to hold his parents in his sleep, but he also wanted Kana to share their warmth -- he was so small, surely he was going to be cold all alone! "When can Kana sleep with us too?" He sniffled, forgetting about his tears, but his nose still a bit clogged from all the crying.
"You're such a good boy," Kamui mused, using her sleeve to dry the son's cheeks and nose. "I have an idea: why don't we go to Father's study and ask him these questions? About Kana sleeping with us as well?"
Siegbert flinched. "I- I couldn't bother Daddy with this... He'll know how bad I am..."
"Nonsense," Kamui booped his nose again, ready to get up. "Then let's make a bet: if he tells you you're the most precious thing in this world then you'll ask him to sleep with us tonight, deal?" She winked and raised her thumb, bringing it close to his small hand.
"B-but if he doesn't...?" He held out his tiny thumb, touching his Mother's, a smile and a pout fighting for dominance in his face, his small chest going up and down in excitement.
"Trust Mommy, hm? Come now, let's go."
They walked hand in hand throughout the corridors towards the King's study. Once there, the Crown Prince gulped with his hand ready to knock and stole a glance at his mother. She nodded and urged him to do it, which he obeyed.
They all had specific set of knocks so the person inside would know who to expect, so Siegbert's three fast knocks followed by two slow taps made Xander lift his gaze from the papers to the door.
"Siegbert? Come in, Son." He said as he got up and circled the desk, arriving at the door just when the boy had opened it.
Seeing his Father made Siegbert instantly straighten his back and gulp, scared that his own ugly feelings would make him disappointed. Xander looked from the prince to his wife, who only lifted her index over her lips and smiled fondly. Confused, but trusting of his wife, Xander knelt in front of his nervous son. "Is something wrong, Siegbert? You know you can tell me anything."
Siegbert felt the lump on his throat come back, but swallowed it and stuttered. "I-I've been bad, Daddy!" He said and quickly added: "I wanted to spend more time with you after Kana was born!" He said in one breath, huffing for air right after.
Xander's frown disappeared with the surprise, a smirk making its way at the corner of his mouth, but soon it came back. "Do you want me to neglect your brother for you, Son?"
"N-no!" his head shot up, his small hands grasping at the hem of his shirt. "I just... wanted to be with... you both..." He said the last line in almost a whisper, but Xander heard it clearly, melting away his frown for good.
"Come here, Siegbert," Xander urged, taking the boy's hand and guiding him to a nearby chair. The prince obediently followed, then sat on it as Xander stayed on one knee. "You know you, your mother and your brother are the lights of my life, do you not?"
A soft gasp left the boy's lips and he looked up to his mother who was by the door. 'The most precious thing of his life'! in another words, but still! He blushed and looked down before concurring.
Xander caressed the round cheek before kissing Siegbert's forehead. "Then you know you can ask me anything -- if it is within my power, I will do so."
"Even..." He said in a low voice, placing both hands over his mouth and whispering by his father's ear. "Even spending the night in together with everyone?" He soon sealed his mouth with his hands, a blush so deep in his face some of it bled into Xander. He smiled softly and once again caressed his son's cheek.
"Especially then, my Son. Whenever you wish it."
Siegbert kicked his legs in anticipation, but then stiffened himself. "B-but that's too good to happen all the time! W-what if when I get good grades? Or when a teacher praises me? Then we can bring Kana along, too...!"
Kamui chuckled by the door. "Then we'll turn in together every day, hm?" She gave two steps towards them and placed a kiss on the boy's head. "Every single day I hear praises from your teachers."
"Indeed," Xander nodded, putting one hand over Siegbert's shoulder. "I could ask for no finer Crown Prince."
Siegbert let out a muffled squeal before squeezing his eyes so hard his whole body trembled -- he was trying very hard not to laugh and scream out how happy he was, choosing to jump into his father's arms as an outburst, squeezing the hug with everything he had. "Thank you so much, Daddy! I'll do my best to earn that spot!" And I can't wait to share it with Kana, too! He thought as a surprised Xander held his son with one hand, the other one patting the small head.
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