#(my normal mutuals probably: it's literally just two dudes making eye contact???)
balfiere · 9 months
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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (January 26th, 2024)
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heyitsmerose · 3 years
Ateez reaction their s/o loving their scent (Maknae Line)
So for this imagine, to change it up a bit I decided to have it both ways, wherein they love your scent in some reactions, but you also love theirs in others. Thus, for the members that seem like they would openly tell you about your scent, the reactions have been written in that way. For the members that might not, I have written it so the reader loves their scent instead. Sorry that this is so confusing ahaha.
Also I probably sound so weird, I promise I’m not a weird person. Doesn’t everyone imagine what people smell like? no? just me? okay.
Word Count : 1.9k
Genre : Fluff
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You and San had just met. You recently got out of a toxic a few months ago, and promised yourself to stay away from any form of a relationship for as long as you could. To be honest, you didn’t even think you were capable of being in a stable relationship after your previous one. That was all until you met San. He made you feel loved and like the luckiest person in the world. 
There was once where he had finally come to your house and you had told him to wait in your room, while you changed your cloths in to something more comfortable. He simply nodded, and without saying anything walked into your room. You simply looked down and turned the other direction. You were starting to feel insecure. You had finally brought who you thought was the love of your life, to your house, only for him to not utter a single word ever since he got here. You quickly changed, and went to make yourselves two mock-tails. You brought it to the room, with a smile on your face, offering him one, only for him to take it, mutter a soft thank you and then become quiet again. You sighed and sat on the bed, deciding to make the first move. You sat on the bed, and slowly tried moving towards him, only for him to notice and move further away. On the outside, you simply smiled and nodded, but on the inside you were broken. You were embarrassed and felt so guilty for putting him in that position. You muttered a quick apology and went back to your original position. For the next few hours, he just occasionally looked at you, not saying a word at all. You started doubting whether he genuinely liked you, and started feeling insecure, maybe he liked you at first, but lost interest.
 All these thoughts, led to you spiralling down the same, dark chain of thoughts you had before you met San, and tears started to collect in your eyes. He didn’t notice at first, since you blinked and looked away, however as the tears kept flowing, he heard you sigh shakily. He instantly looked at you, only to find you with a hand over your mouth, trying to control the noises you made, with tears flowing out your eyes non-stop. His eyes immediately doubled in size and he called out to you.
“Y/n, Y/n, what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” He gently said in the most soft tone ever.
“No, San” You said quite frankly. “I don’t know if it’s something I’ve done, but I just feel, I- I feel like you’re losing interest in me, and I’m sorry for forcing you to do things you don’t want to” You admitted honestly.
“No way! Y/n, what would make you think that?” He asked genuinely. 
“You’ve been ignoring me the entire time here, what else am I supposed to think” You cried, raising your voice a little getting frustrated.
“No no no, that’s not what I meant” He stuttered realising his mistake. 
“Y/n, it’s just that, I don’t know whats wrong with me, I’m just surrounded by things that smell like you. To be honest, your scent is so enchanting and I have a feeling the second I get close to you, I won’t be able to control myself, you are making me feel some type of way, and I can’t control it.” He said finally, and you were definitely not expecting it. You wiped your tears, feeling more empowered now. You simply crawled towards him, but he didn’t move an inch. You finally straddled him and kissed him deeply. 
“Then, don’t control yourself”
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You and Mingi were classmates, and a few of your friends knew he had a thing for you. You didn’t see him as anything more than a friend, but recently were starting to doubt your feelings. Even small moments when he was leaning against his locker, laughing with his friends made your heart flutter, and you didn’t know what was going on. You blushed whenever you made eye contact, and finally realised you had feelings for him too. Not wanting to embarrass yourself, if it wasn’t mutual, you just kept your feelings to yourself. You had science together, and because of your amazing luck, you were partnered up for a certain presentation. You worked on it thoroughly for the entire week in the library, and you noticed, some signs of him liking you too. For example, he tried staying close to you, and made eye contact more often. In fact, on Friday, when you were parting and going your own ways, he even pulled you into a hug, his face buried in your hair and whispered.
“See you on Monday” He patted your head, and then simply left. You were astonished to say the least but, just went home, even more confused. 
Then Monday came, the day of your presentation. You were happy to get it finally over with, while Mingi, not so much. He looked quite on edge and nervous, you realised he must have been nervous for the presentation, so just pulled him into a tight hug.
“Yah, Mingi-yah! we can do this! Fighting!” You whispered only for him to hear, with a big smile on you face. He immediately held you tight, took a deep breath in, and let go of you.
“Let’s do this!” He said. It was safe to say, your presentation went really well. In fact, you got closer, more than friends for sure, and early on in your pre dating stage you realised he had a thing for the way you smelled, besides he hugged you and loved being near you, it was a little obvious. When you finally started dating, he openly told you. 
“Y/N, you smell like absolute heaven, how? how- I- what have I done to deserve such an angel, you’re like an actual goddess” He finally admitted when you were hugging once. You just giggled, and now hugging had become your thing. You were never a moment together without hugging and loved being close to one another.
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It was no surprise that Wooyoung loved the way you smelled. He always asked for items of your clothing when he went on tour so he could feel comfort, even when he was missing you like crazy. Initially, you found it a little weird, that he openly asked for your clothing, but then you realised how much it meant to him. In fact, being the talkative person he was, who would not shut up about how you smelled. 
“Dudeee, my girl just sent me such a sexy pic, I already want to go homee” He heard one of his childhood friends say when they were on a boys trip once. 
“For real, last night, we skyped and had the best time ever” He heard another one chime in, followed by a bunch of hollers and whistles. They then all turned to Wooyoung, expecting him to say something. Being one of the few people in their friend group, in a relationship, they expected him to tell them everything. Wooyoung just shrugged and muttered a quick “huh”
“Dude, did you do anything sneaky with your girl... Did you ask her to send you pics?” One of them finally spoke up.
“Oh... no, but I do have one of my hoodies I lent her recently. It smells just like her, and it reminds me of a garden of roses. I just love her so much and I miss her like crazy. It’s alright though, because I have the hoodie, and just smelling it reminds me of her heavenly scent.” He hummed at the end. All of his friends were quiet for a moment and then laughed and hollered.
“OUR LITTLE WOOYOUNG IS IN LOOOVEEE, HE’S FINALLY FOUND THE ONEEE” He heard them yell. They would never let this down.
When they all got back, you went to greet them. Only for them all to engulf you in a hug. Wooyoung shoved all of them out of the way, and buried himself in your embrace. You kissed Wooyoung’s chest and then looked at the others a little confused.
“Hey, guys? What’s going on?” You asked, quite confused. One of his friends quickly responded saying
“We just wanted to know if you smelled as good as he describe your smell”. You felt a little weirded out. But then they all laughed at your reaction.
“Don’t worry Y/n, Wooyoung would have yeeted us to another planet, before we would have even gotten the opportunity to...” You looked back up at Wooyoung only for him to pull you back into a hug.
“Where’s the lie in that? You smell like heaven.” He said, nipping your neck.
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It was a normal evening for you and Jongho, and you were both cuddled up on the couch simply talking and just enjoying your time together. To be honest, Jongho, to an extent was aware of how crazy his scent made you, you felt relief and comfort, and he was aware of that. As for you, you could never get enough of it. Even despite dating for over 3 years, you still always felt the same emotions and feelings when his familiar, musky yet comforting scent greeted you. In simply words, you would describe his natural scent as musky, a little smoky (not because of actual smoke duh), and irresistible. At the moment, your chin was on his chest, as you plopped yourself on top of him, and simply slept on him, chest to chest. 
“Y/N!” He grunted
“Hmm” you whined shifting your face to his neck subtly. Despite trying to be subtle, and he realised what you were doing and he simply laughed. 
“Am I that irresistible?” He snickered. You simply whined and intertwined you hands in his hair. 
“Hmmm, I love you so much” You said, your nose to his neck, he lifted his arm up to hold your waist in place and you took that as a sign to get closer, if that were even possible.
“Babe, what are you doingg” He whined like a child
“Jongho-yahh, not my fault my boyfriend smells like literal heaven, I just can’t stop, you just, it’s just,” you stuttered “so enchanting” you finished sighing. He just laughed and kissed you head. 
“Well, I’m glad to have a girlfriend who cherishes me so much” he giggled. You lightly shoved him.
“Ugh... now is when you say something like, oooh Y/N your scent is so irresistible too” you whined feeling a little annoyed. The rest of the night went on teasing each other and cuddling, with you taking every chance you got, to get closer and take in that heavenly smell.
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sapphosclown · 3 years
Kiss Him You Fool - Willex Oneshot
aka willie and flynn are best friends and she’s done with this mutual pining bullshit. (boys are alive bc i didn’t feel like thinking about ghost logistics today lmao)
so i didn’t get to participate in willex week nearly as much as i wanted to so this is my song fic/au fic (i guess? since the guys are alive? idk) for free day since i didn’t get the idea till last night at 1am. anyways i also didn’t sign up for the gift exchange but i still wanna dedicate this fic to @fairygclds for hosting this week bc she did an amazing job and i love her v much, ty mari <3
title is from Kiss Her You Fool by Kids That Fly, cute song highly recommend
rbs and comments appreciated :)
That was real right? He didn’t make that up in his head? That happened. Right?
Willie was abruptly knocked out of their thoughts as his board hit a crack in the sidewalk, sending him onto the pavement, scraping his knee. Although, the stinging did help them snap out of the daze he was in, making him realize that yes, this is real life, and yes, he and Alex Mercer almost kissed.
“Stop, you’re not allowed to be that good at everything.” Willie teased as Alex just barely completed a loop around him.
“I feel like we are experiencing different timelines here or something.” Alex let out a shaky laugh as he flailed his arms in an attempt to regain the balance he’d just lost. Luckily, Willie held out their arm for him to grab just in time.
“Come on, you’re doing great! Just need to have a little more faith in yourself.” Willie smiled gently, offering extra support with his free hand.
Alex scoffed. “I think I’m a roller skating kind of guy.”
“Well, I disagree but if that’s how you feel—”
Alex rolled his eyes, making Willies stomach flutter. He helped him off the skateboard and they sat down on the couch in the studio. Willie ignored the fact that despite having the entire couch to themselves, they sat right up against each other, and he especially ignored the way their knees touching made his heart beat faster than normal.
“Actually, I think solid ground is where it’s at.” Alex said, only half-joking.
“I guess, but the wheels add some spice that solid ground could never live up to.”
“Exactly. You know exactly what you’re getting with solid ground. Me and wheels have a complicated relationship.”
“Oh really? You guys have a falling out?” Willie teased.
“Ha, yeah. There was some falling.” Alex gave a sarcastic laugh.
“But that’s the fun part! You can get some pretty rad scars from skating.” Willie pointed out.
“‘Rad?’ What, are you from the 80’s?”
“Listen—” Willie shushed him, shoving his shoulder into him playfully.
They laughed for a moment before falling into a comfortable silence. Willie was really tempted to lay his head onto Alex’s shoulder, or hold his hand.
His hand was right there. It would be so easy... But instead he grabbed their own hand and started messing with their fingers.
“So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?” He asked lamely.
“We’re rehearsing for our gig tomorrow night. Luke and Julie are going over the set list one last time right now but we should be starting pretty soon.” Alex replied, checking the time on his phone before looking back at Willie. “Actually, if you wanna hangout while we rehearse, I don’t think they’d mind.”
“Oh, yeah! That sounds great!” Willie smiled.
“Cool.” Alex nodded, and maybe he was seeing things, but Willie could’ve sworn his cheeks were turning pink. That made him giggle.
“So, what’s the set list then?” They asked curiously. He shifted his body so that he could look at Alex, only mildly upset about the loss of contact, but being able to see the faded pink in Alex’s cheeks made up for it.
“Well, usually we start with Edge of Great, but Julie and Luke wrote this new song that is perfect to open with and I just know everyone’s gonna love it—”
Willie stared at Alex as he rambled on about the show and they couldn’t help the soft smile on their lips. Alex noticed almost immediately and stopped talking, almost embarrassed.
“What?” He asked.
“No, it’s nothing.” Willie said, waving his hand for them to move past it.
“No, I feel like you’re judging me!” Alex giggled.
“No! I’m not judging you!” Willie reassured. “You’re just really cute when you talk about music.” He said softly.
Alex went bright red. “Oh.” He replied in the same tone.
The air around them went quiet again, but this time filled with a different feeling. The feeling that there was nothing else in the world but the two of them. And suddenly their faces were a lot closer than Willie had realized. His eyes flicked down to Alex’s lips subconsciously and then back to his eyes, which he found were doing the same thing. There was nothing stopping him, all he had to do was lean in just a little bit more...
“WHO’S READY TO MAKE SOME MUSIC!” Reggie called excitedly as he entered the garage, making Willie and Alex jump apart. Reggie eyed them suspiciously. “Oh, hey Willie.” He said, eyebrows pulled together like he was piecing together what just happened.
“Hey.” Willie breathed uncomfortably. He felt like he couldn’t get enough air.
“Are you gonna hangout for rehearsal?” Reggie asked.
“Actually, uh, I gotta get going.” Willie sputtered before his brain could catch up to his mouth. They stood up and grabbed their things messily.
“I thought you said—”
“I just remembered I have to do something.” Willie cut Alex off. “I’ll see you tomorrow though?”
“Yeah. Yeah, okay.” Alex said quietly, failing at hiding his disappointment and making Willies chest ache.
“Cool.” Willie said. “See ya.” He threw an awkward peace sign at Reggie (who gave him one back) and skated out of the garage as fast as he possibly could.
“You are a disaster.” Flynn scolded, grabbing a dinosaur band-aid out of her desk drawer.
“I know!” Willie yelled into her pillow. She plopped down onto the bed in front of him.
“Why didn’t you just kiss him! You had the opportunity and he clearly wanted to kiss you too!” She yelled.
“I don’t know!” Willie whined, throwing the pillow back down into his lap. “I wanted to but I froze! And then Reggie showed up and I couldn’t stay after that! What if he didn’t want that to happen, what if he hates me now!”
“He doesn’t hate you! He’s very clearly in love with you, I don’t know what you’re not understanding about this.” She peeled the paper off the band-aid and carefully stuck it to Willies knee.
“You don’t know that.” He huffed.
“Who do you think you’re talking to? He likes you. When have I ever been wrong?”
They hated to admit it, but there have been very few times Flynn has been wrong.
“Fine. But what am I supposed to do?”
“Go back there? Ask him on a date or kiss him or just literally do anything.”
“I can’t go back! He’s rehearsing! I don’t wanna barge in while they’re rehearsing. And I left so fast it’d be so awkward—”
“Stop making excuses!” Flynn shook their shoulders, as they pouted. “Call him and say you forgot something.”
“I didn’t forget anything.” He said plainly. Flynn shot him a look.
“Duh! I know that, but if you tell him you’re coming back to get something then you can’t chicken out.” She explained, exasperated.
“Oh! Well what should I say I forgot?”
“Your phone, that's a reasonable thing you’d need to get back.”
“Okay. Okokok.” Willie mumbled to themself pulling out his phone and scrolling through his contacts before Flynn snatched it from them.
“What are you doing?”
“Calling him like you said!”
“Use my phone dummy! If you call him from your phone he’ll know you didn’t leave it there!” She opened her phone and before Willie realized what was happening, the phone was ringing on speaker.
“Hello?” Alex’s voice cracked through the phone.
Flynn looked at Willie and then back to the phone when he just sat there mouth agape.
“Um, hi. It’s Willie, not Flynn, I, um, left my phone in the studio and I’m on my way back to grab it.” They stuttered, hitting his head at his awkwardness.
“Oh alright. See you soon, then.”
“Yup. See ya.” Willie threw his head in his hands, their face turning bright red. Flynn ended the call and leaned against her wall with their arms crossed.
“You really are a disaster huh.” She teased.
Willie threw his pillow at them playfully and jumped off the bed. “I hate you.” He laughed.
“Love you too.” She grinned slyly. “Now, go tell your boyfriend he’s cool and you wanna kiss him!”
Willie groaned as he grabbed his things as Flynn shooed him out of her room.
“He’s coming back.” Alex said quickly. His friends shared the same look as they all “ooooooo”d at him.
“Guys stop! What do I do!” He cried.
“Man calm down, it’s alright.” Reggie consoled him.
“Why’re they coming back?” Julie asked turning her keyboard off so she can lean on the keys.
“Said they forgot their phone.” Alex replied.
“Mhm, right. Sure he did.” Luke teased. If he were closer Alex would’ve shoved him but he felt like he was glued to his seat.
“What do I do?” Alex asked again.
“I mean, we can keep rehearsing till he gets here if that’ll take your mind off of it?” Julie suggested.
God bless Julie. Alex nodded.
“I don’t know, it seems like he and Willie have some unfinished business.” Reggie winked.
“No! Nothing was happening! Nothing happened, it’s nothing. He just needs his phone back.” Alex tried to ignore his friends snickering but his mind flashed back to Willie on the couch in front of him. He really thought Willie had wanted to kiss him, but if how he left says anything, Alex must’ve misread the situation. They probably hated him.
“Dude, I can practically hear your thoughts and I promise you, he likes you.” Reggie assured him.
“You can’t know that for sure.” Alex mumbled, watching his drumstick twirl through his fingers.
“Maybe not but, we’ve all noticed how they look at you.” Luke cut in.
“It’s not exactly a secret.” Julie said sweetly.
“I just... I care about them a lot and what if you’re wrong and that’s just how he acts with his friends—”
“No, dude, we’re not letting you talk yourself out of this one.” Luke laughed.
“Seriously, Alex, you should go for it!” Reggie said encouragingly, walking around his drums to clap his shoulder.
Alex thought about it, he really did. He really thought for a second that he could do it, he could just lean forward and kiss him and they’d live happily ever after. But he over thought it, as usual.
“I don’t know. Maybe someday.” He shrugged.
“You can’t just wait for someday! You gotta go after what you want!” Luke exclaimed. Julie nodded.
Alex smiled at his friends. He appreciated their support but he couldn’t help but be afraid. Deep down, he knew they were right. He knew if Reggie had been just a minute later... But he still didn’t want to get his hopes up too high. Because there’s always that what if that won’t leave him alone.
There was a gentle knock on the garage doors as Willie stepped into view, he was hugging his arms and had a soft smile on his face. They carefully waved at everyone before he made eye contact with Alex, and suddenly it felt just like they were on the couch again. Just the two of them.
You know what. Maybe it’s time for someday.
Alex stood up from his drums and walked over to Willie, trying to act nonchalant. He heard Julie clear her throat to get the other two to stop staring at them and at least pretend to do something else.
“Hey.” Alex breathed.
“Hey.” Willie replied. “Can I actually see you, out here?” He asked shyly, nodding his head out side.
Alex nodded and followed Willie out of view of his band mates.
“Sorry, I probably should’ve looked for your phone before you got here but—” before Alex could finish his sentence Willie had cupped Alex’s face and pulled him into a kiss.
Alex felt like his heart had just exploded and he wasn’t completely sure if he was real anymore, but then he felt his hand rest on Willies cheek and he could confirm that yes, this was happening.
It didn’t last longer than a few seconds before Willie pulled away again. Their eyes searched Alex’s face for any sign of his emotion but Alex had completely stopped functioning and didn’t quite know what to do until he felt Willies grip on his face loosen.
“I’m sorry—” He tried to retract his hands but Alex held them in place, and he couldn’t help but laugh. He saw Willie’s worry fade and Alex pulled him back into a kiss. This one much softer, less rushed. No longer a question, but an answer.
They pulled apart and Alex noticed Willie shrinking down a bit and smiled to himself.
“Do you have to stand on your tiptoes to kiss me?” He asked cheekily.
Willie raised his eyebrows. “That’s the question you have right now?”
Alex nodded, his smile unmoving.
“I’m glad you have your priorities set.” Willie laughed.
“Definitely.” Alex whispered. “Priority number one, make you stand on your tiptoes to kiss me again.”
“You’re mean.” Willie pouted. Alex laughed and Willie gave him a playful shove before Alex pulled him back onto his tiptoes.
“It’s about time.” Reggie whispered as he Luke and Julie peeked around the door and watched their friend.
“Luke,” He stood up straight and held out his hand.
Luke groaned and fished for his wallet in his pockets, handing him a $20 bill.
“Thank you.” Reggie said smugly, pocketing the cash.
Julie laughed and shook her head at her friends and they all made their way back to their respective instruments. Julie pulled out her phone.
Flynn: did he do it??
Julie: yup. reggie’s $20 richer
Flynn: about time!! took those fools long enough, geez
Julie: really tho
Alex walked back into the studio a blushing smiley mess and sat at his drums again, not saying a word despite his friends staring at him expectantly.
He scanned their faces from his seat behind his drums.
“From the top?”
a/n: let it be known that reggie used that $20 to buy a fish and he named it Gil and he is the best fish dad ever
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keilemlucent · 4 years
lavender latte: iii
(T (for now!))
hawks | takami keigo x reader
chapter 1   ||   chapter 2   ||   chapter 4
word count: 4.2k
a cheeky drink and some mutual sabotage. 
warnings: oh no, they say s*x, fluff, pining, the usual, and a wittle angst on the side, reader smokes cigs bc its a salem trademarked fic thing
enjoy folks ;^) the whole of this piece is gonna be about? ten chapters. so. hold on tight!!!
beta read by @keiqos, heart EYES
“Let that sit for a second or you’ll burn yourself—”
“Don’t need to tell me twice, angel. I know the drill.” Hawks replied with a wink.
You weren’t ever going to get tired of that.
You really expected Hawks to disappear out of your life. You really, truly expected him to run off for good. How many bigger, better, and more important things did he have to do? Even if you managed to speak to him and regard him like any other customer (or, perhaps acquaintance, and more recently, friend — ), your mind swam with insecurities that only seemed to get worse over time.
You were waiting for the metaphorical thread to snap.
You waited for the day Hawks simply would stop texting you flirty bullshit on a somewhat regular basis.
But, holy fuck, the dude didn’t.
 You couldn’t think of why. You weren’t complaining about the attention, but you also were terrified of getting too used to it. Hawks was a part... bird (?) right? He was flighty by nature.
Despite this, Hawks continued to not only text you but also stopped by the shop fairly frequently for his special, quirk-fueled beverage fix. Politely, he’d text you the day before he planned to make an appearance to check and see if you were working, and then show up the next day like it was nothing. 
He usually wouldn’t stay for long; the hero was ungodly busy and always on the move. But, he always took the time to flirt and get a full description of his drink before dashing out to save the world once more. 
Most days he visited were his ‘hero work’ days. He’d appear in his costume, done up and dashing for a sip and a quick talk before disappearing once more into the skies. Every once in a while, Hawks had an ‘office’ day where he’d be confined to his agency to catch up on his insane backlog of paperwork. On these occasions, Hawks would talk (stall) at the tea shop for as long as possible. You talked and joked with him as long as he would let you. Sure, it put you behind on work, but no one at the shop was going to tell you off for fraternizing with the number two hero (whose repeated presence was drawing more customers anyways). You both reveled in each other's attention, drinking in the other’s slowly softening smiles and quick wit. 
 On this day, Keigo’s wings were the shittiest they had been in a while. Plucked and almost barren with how much he’d been working lately. Total exhaustion seemed like it was constantly on the horizon, tugging as his eyelids and weighing down his chest each morning.
It was easier to get out of bed when he got to think about seeing you.
Sure, your drinks were a perk. Very much so. He was getting so used to the artisan beverages you crafted that the taste of his normal canned coffee was starting to bother him. 
But, what his real thrill in visiting the tea shop was that he got to see you, and that made his heart pound. 
He sat across from you, looking down into your newest drink. It swirled between dark and milky, a heady, rich aroma billowing up with the steam it produced. He had requested something ‘surprising, new, and horribly caffeinated’ as deep fatigue was the worst villain he’d likely see that day. You had just nodded, cheekily starting to prepare his drink with a bounce in your step, pupils going wide. 
“I feel like you’re gonna start running out of ideas one of these days,” Keigo laughed, adjusting himself on his stool, gloves and jacket removed. He almost looked like a normal patron.
 You grinned to yourself, idly cleaning around you as you often did, “I dunno, I’ve got a lot.”
Hawks raised an eyebrow, “Tell me about them.”
“Nope, top-secret,” You shook your head, digging into your apron to flash him the small notepad you carried on you.
Scrawled in nasty handwriting, you carried your many ‘feeling’ ideas around with you. Different concepts and abstractions all scribbled down, a nice long list to look back on whenever Hawks would make his appearances and his own vague requests. Your backlog of ideas made it easy to find something more than suitable to make for him.
When Hawks saw your notepad his eyes widened, tilting his head and a devious smirk coming to his lips.
Your expression fell, and you stuffed the papers back into your pocket, hiding your hot face by idly cleaning some more. 
You left yourself very open for teasing, it seemed.
(Not that you or Keigo minded.)
“You keep a little list of all of your ideas! I’m beyond flattered,” Hawks ran a hand through his hair, flashing a cocky smile for you. 
“I have to stay prepared, can’t be disappointing my celebrity sugar daddy,” You winked as Hawks’s eyes went wide, half-hearing a choke get caught in his throat. (You loved it when you were able to get him visibly flustered. What a treat.) You nodded down to the drink, “Should be good to try now.” 
 Keigo really liked spending time with you. He knew it was always fleeting and short and consistently he wanted to find reasons to stay with you at the tea shop counter for longer and longer. Your quips and chides continued to get quicker and more clever and he was having an increasingly difficult time keeping his cool around you. Most of the time he smoothed himself easily, not showing a trace other than that which he neurologically couldn’t control. 
But sometimes, you were bold enough and ballsy enough to get him to gag on his literal words and he was positive that you were the only person to ever have him break composure in such a way. 
He covered his weakened poise by sipping the new drink, mindfully letting the taste wash over his tongue.
Increasingly, you’d been changing up the so-called ‘vibe’ of your beverages. It seemed like each time Keigo dropped in, you had something new and vibrant to show him. 
This drink was particularly different.
The taste was rich, dark, and smooth, rolling into the back of his throat and down his spine. It coated his insides with a warm, low heat. Peeking through were sweet, light accents, warm but almost... teasing?
His dick twitched.
 Hawks’s mouth dropped open, any and all professional veneers dropped as you just beamed so fucking smugly at him. 
“What do you think?” You leaned a bit forward, bouncing on your toes with excitement.
“Is... Is this supposed to taste like sex?” Hawks asked, taking another mouthful to confirm. Based on the way his eyes briefly shut and some of the tension rolled from his shoulders, he thoroughly confirmed it.
“Technically, it’s crafted based on like... a late-night rendezvous. I left it fairly up to interpretation beyond that. The rest is on you.” You shrugged, still bouncing as Hawks took another chug.
“What the fuck, (Y/N),” Pleasant shock colored his features, but clear amusement stretched across his lips as he continued to drink. 
“You wanted something surprising and horribly caffeinated. That’s a dark chocolate mocha with two extra shots, our in-house raspberry and rhubarb syrup, a bit of white chocolate syrup, and a few of my add-ins as well. It’s pretty different from what I’ve made you before,” You blinked at him, stomach twisting as his expression remained unguarded. “I... I probably should’ve asked before giving you a drink that definitely could’ve been taken as sex. That’s my bad. I can remake you something else if you’d like?”
 Keigo shook himself from his stupor, shaking his head and quickly regaining his composure. He took another sip to emphasize his words, “No, nope. It’s okay. Definitely okay. The drink is really good. I’m just now wondering something.”
“And, what’s that?” You asked, reaching behind the counter to grab your own iced beverage.
“Can your quirk be used to manifest bad feelings and concepts, just like good ones?” Keigo asked. Normally, he’d add more nuance, but he was getting impatient and sloppy around you. He’d have to keep that in check.
Especially with the way your shoulders drew up and tensed. You turned a bit away from him, any and all potential for eye contact torn away.
He hit a nerve.
“The type of abstract feeling doesn’t matter, I can emulate it,” You replied, pulling at your nails. Keigo had long picked up that it was one of your habits when your anxiety spiked. 
He dropped it, but didn’t forget. There were public files on quirks. Maybe he’d look into it. Maybe. It felt a bit invasive, but considering plenty of that data was freely accessible, it hardly was an invasion of privacy, right? 
(Except for the fact that it obviously made you very uncomfortable to discuss the more unsavory potentials of your quirk.) 
(He just wouldn’t tell you.)  
Keigo switched topics, easily rolling away from the topic, “Any particular... event that inspired this one?” 
You pressed your hands into the counter, leaning over it to glare at him, “Are you referring to something with that comment, Hawks?”
He shuddered when you said his name, but you don’t notice. 
“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not,” Keigo shrugged easily, going for another sip.
 The drink was inspired by the several day cinematic, wine-bender you went on a week or two prior. An entire weekend with just you, your cats, three entire bottles of wine, and a backlog of movies to catch up on. You tried to consume lots of different types of media, but what had been catching your eye lately had been anything with gushy romance for fairly obvious reasons.
(There was an embarrassing amount of ideas for drinks that were a bit too romantic to properly indulge with your quirk. You’d never tested the limits of how certain feelings could manifest, and you weren’t quite ready to face the reality where you could make people nut from caffeinated milk.)
“It is good though, the drink,” Hawks smacked his lips together as if it would make his coming analysis more credible. “It definitely does taste like sex, but more so complicated. Darker.”
“Deeper.” You smiled. “Your palette is getting more refined. I’m proud.”
“Are you saying it was bad to begin with?” Hawks pouted, flashing you falsely weepy eyes and a puffed out lip.
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, you yourself have admitted this. You drink canned coffee still, so I can’t even call your taste good.”
Hawks gasped, putting a hand to his chest, “I’m hurt, truly wounded.”
“I’m sure you are, tailfeathers.”
“I really thought I had reliably moved up to ‘birdboy’, angel.”
You snorted, covering your mouth with your hand, “Just goes to show how quickly the tables turn, tailfeathers.”
Hawks’s pager suddenly chimed, a familiar sign. He took a quick look at it and sighed, moving to re-robe. You were surprised by the speed at which he did so, and the way he became tense so quickly. 
It made you realize that he was always tense.
(Unless he was talking to you.)
“I thought today was an office day?” You asked, a bit of a disappointment clouding your voice.
Hawks just gave a small smile, fully plastering back on his heroic facade, “Duty calls. Lots happening lately.”
He flicked his visor back over his eyes, slid you your normalized wad of cash, and whisked himself out the door, immediately taking to the skies from the streets.
He’s in a bit of a hurry.
He... didn’t even say goodbye. 
Wonder what’s happening?
 Truthfully, Keigo was a bit startled by the notice on his pager. The whole reason he’d started patrolling the particular neighborhood the tea shop was in was because there was word of a villain syndicate working nearby. It hardly seemed right for the neighborhood, but Keigo knew that villains hid anywhere. Whatever they were planning was still relatively shrouded, but it was clear that it needed to be treated delicately. That particular neighborhood was rife with pedestrians, businesses, and homes and any sort of villainous activity had the possibility of reaping a heavy amount of collateral damage. Keigo and the Commission had been on their guards about it, but things had been steadily becoming more intense over the past few weeks. 
Plopping himself on a rooftop, Keigo took up residence to stake out his newest lead, watching figures and silhouettes in a nearby office building.
 Funnily enough, the rest of your week went horribly. Just downright shitty. You figured at some point, things would let up, brighten, but they didn’t. Each day brought some new, personal calamity. 
The first was a trip to the emergency vet with one of your cats after she swallowed a hair tie. An expensive vet bill later, she was perfectly healthy, but you remained wracked with anxiety. 
Another day, the owner of the tea shop paid a visit to chew you out for your newest tea blends not fulfilling his picky seasonal requests. You were relieved it had nothing to do with how Hawks monopolized your time. Still, getting yelled at easily within earshot of both coworkers and customers made your insides twists. 
The final small disaster was when a particularly asshole-ish customer chucked a hot drink all over you and your cute white sweater. One of the younger openers had been dealing with a difficult patron and an incorrect order, nothing out of the ordinary. When you tried to step in and de-escalate the situation, the man ripped the lid from his cup and splashed you with the burning liquid. You held back any sounds of pain even as your skin stung like hell when you offered to remake his drink.
One of your managers luckily allowed you to go home early. Thank god.
By the end of your shitty week, you fell into your apartment and just cried. White sweater stained and day feeling fairly ruined, you let yourself have a good, solid sobbing session to just release how terrible things had been. 
It would pass, you knew. But it sucked at the moment.
It also didn’t help that Hawks had been particularly absent after running out the last time he came around. He’d still managed to shoot you a funny text or two, but mostly, it was silence from him. You rationalized it by reminding yourself of how quickly he flew off at the end of his last visit, hero business forever more pertinent than you and the shop.
You reminded yourself to keep yourself grounded in Hawks obvious impermanence, even if you were starting to get used to (and really like) having the hero around. 
You decided that your Friday evening would be good. You treated yourself to a hot shower, noting with a hiss the pink scalded skin that covered your chest from your collar bones to just below your breasts. You threw on a facemask and uncorked a bottle of wine you had been saving for a rainy day. 
You clicked on one of your favorite shows, an older cartoon that brought you consistent comfort in times like those. Curled up with a knit throw blanket and your healthy cats, it did help soothe the burns, mental and physical.
That is until you got a bit too drunk on red wine and it turned into sad drunk.  
So, you made your way to the roof.
You weren’t fucked up beyond belief, despite the fact that you were towing an open bottle of red in one hand and a pack of cigarettes in the left. The cold would sober you up, along with the nicotine. You hoped it would force you out of your head. 
Upon throwing open the door to your apartment complex’s rooftop, you were made very aware of its wintertime disuse. The gardens that grew during the summer were snowcovered. The chairs and tables for lounging were in a similar state. You didn’t mind. 
The view was still nice. 
You set down your bottle and zipped up your coat. Quickly, you brushed off the flurries from a rickety lawn chair and plopped yourself down. You threw on some music from your phone, playing some sweet, old songs that made your chest ache when you needed it to.
The city stretched in front of you, beyond the rooftop. You didn’t live in a particularly wealthy district, but there was no shortage of dazzling neon and bright street lights dotting the ground below. You watched how the rest of the city stretched far beyond your little pocket, still gleaming with multi-hued lighting and dazzling in the wash of the crescent moon.
You took a swig, fishing for your self-dubbed ‘sad cigarettes’ and lit up. With your exhale, you watched as smoke lazily swirled away, carried by the soft winter wind. If you were any less drunk, you’d be freezing.
A shadow, winged, fell across the snow. 
“You know, I get nervous when I see pretty girls on rooftops with bottles in their hands,” You jumped at the voice, whipping your head to the source.
Hawks stood, scarlet wings fanned outwards, on the lip of the rooftop. 
Your eyes widened.
You took another sip.
He gave an affectionate laugh, jumping down into the area where you were seated.
 Keigo had just been out on his normal, nightly patrol. The leak had been correct and he’d been stealthily tracking the villains while completing the rest of his hero duties. He was able to laugh off his exhaustion, but it was starting to eat him. Several cans of coffee a day was hardly doing it for him. He hid his sleepiness and aches well, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t difficult. All the same, his typical roles had to be fulfilled. 
He was surprised to see you, all alone on a rooftop with a lit cigarette between your fingers. Keigo let himself be surprised before noting that ‘ yes, you definitely probably live in this apartment building and you’re just outside to smoke’, but the sudden jolt of panic he felt was crushingly unbearable. 
Mostly because it was personally protective and not heroically instinctual and he couldn’t start acknowledging that aspect of his feelings for you. Not yet. 
Keigo walked towards you, asking, watching you blink blearily at him “You doing alright?” 
Eyes downcast, you shrugged, “We all feel shitty sometimes. Just depends on how you cope, ‘ya know?”
“And how do you cope, (Y/N)?” Keigo asked, pausing before brushing off a chair. “Mind if I join you for a bit? I could use a second to rest my wings.”
You nodded, almost offering him the bottle, but quickly pulling it back to your chest before taking another inhale. Offering a pro hero alcohol while he was pretty obviously working seemed like a bad move, even in your tipsy state. 
“Most of the time, I watch nice stuff and distract myself, like most people, ya’ know?” You exhaled as you smoked, relishing the nicotine buzz. “Sometimes, though, I just feel extra shitty and need to extra cope.”
Hawks hummed in agreement, sitting back in the chair. His wings were folded up and over its back, the longest feathers trailing in the small snowdrift behind him.
“Do you get cold, being in the sky all the time?” You asked, eyes going cloudy as you stared up at the lights of the city and higher into the sky. 
“Most of the time,” Hawks chuckled, throwing his arms behind his head, “I’ve told you this, angel. It was one of our first conversations.”
Your eyes widened at the realization, mouth open with a hearty laugh.
 It made Keigo’s eyes water a little. He blamed it on the wind. 
 “I’m silly, I can’t believe I forgot,” You nestled back into your chair, tracing the lines between constellations. “It’s the whole reason you came to the teashop in the first place.” 
Your voice resonated, focus foggy. Somewhere else, old memories played in your mind, recounting your first few meetings with Hawks.
A warm, small smile stretched across your face as you traced the stars. 
 Keigo watched, enraptured. You were cute, especially like this. All bundled up in your winter coat, half-zipped. There was a lot less stress in your shoulders than he normally saw at the shop, especially as your thoughts were so far away.
He wanted nothing more than to commit the contours and shadows of your face in the white moonlight to memory, never forgotten in the blissful cold. 
 You interrupted his thoughts so beautifully.
 “Thanks for talking to me.” You took a sip from your bottle just after speaking, half-drowning your words, but Keigo caught each one. “I appreciate you.” 
“P-pardon?” Keigo couldn’t tell if you caught his stutter, but even if you did, you didn’t show it. The comment felt like a jab to his jaw, half-knocking the wind of him and turning him into a filthy masochist. He’d take any whiplash if it meant you saying such kindnesses to him. 
How could you just say shit like that?
What exactly did you mean by that?
Why did your attention make his legs tremble?
You turned your attention from the night sky to Hawks, something like uncertainty bubbling in your chest, “I appreciate you, ya’ know? Coming by the tea shop still, teasing each other and shit, you humoring me—”
Hawks interrupted you, feathers tensing at his back.
“I’m not humoring you.” Hawks deadpanned, staring at you oddly seriously. The yolks of his eyes seemed even more intense in the neon and night light. 
“You’re... not?” 
There was utter disbelief in your voice, accented by the way your jaw was half-opened.
Hawks shook his head, standing in emphasis, feathers fluttering as he did, “ No, angel. Not at all. I visit because...”
I like you.
“Because I like your drinks.”
  Because you make me feel good in a way I’ve never felt.
“You’re fun to talk to, too. Added perk.”
  Because I want to hear your voice when I breathe and when I die. 
“I enjoy it, you know? You're fun.”
 Some feeling in your chest, something full of hope, crushed itself and compacted to the point of pain. You sniffled at his admission, blaming it on the cold. In a fucked up, sad way, part of you was so relieved. 
He likes the shop. He likes your drinks. 
He’s around because he wants to be. 
But not because you’re special to him. 
 His words reminded you of your insignificance in Hawks’s life. No matter how much you craved his attention and words, and more recently found yourself staring at the plumpness of his lips and the curve of his cupids bow and daydreaming about how much you wanted to lean over the tea shop's counter and kiss the constant, teasing smile off his face—
You don’t matter that much to him.
Sure, he likes you, but he’ll never feel the same way about you. 
 You made the decision then to make the most out of Hawk’s affections and sweet words. You’d take what you could get, even if it was fleeting and probably  eventually heartbreaking. It seemed smart, to refuse to get your hopes up for someone so unattainable.
 You let out a shaking sigh, “Thank you, Hawks. I appreciate you coming around. You really light up my day.”
 Keigo saw the fall of your face and bottled himself up. Shoved down everything. Fuck his feeling, fuck how he felt about you, this was all fucking terrifying. It was getting to be too much and he had to try and control himself.
Just like he’d been taught so well.
He was just so happy to be around you. He could squash his feelings, even if they were fairly obviously somewhat mutual. God knows that he didn’t know how to handle anything like that.
On the gods, his pager beeped.
 “Duty calls?” You said, standing up yourself and brushing off the stray snowflakes. 
“Seems so.” Hawks sighed, nodding, “Thanks for letting me rest here. It was good to see you, (Y/N). I’ll see you soon, okay?”
You waved goodbye as Hawks disappeared as quickly as he came, launching himself from the roof with the heavy sound of wing beats. 
Soaring away, Keigo risked a final look at you. He swore he saw tears in your eyes.
He forcibly repressed his feelings, reminding himself that your company, words, and quirk-made beverages were more than enough. The flutter in his chest when he thought of you wouldn’t rest, but he could learn to ignore it. 
 On the roof of your apartment, you felt fatigue in your bones and wetness on your cheeks. You ignored both in favor of smoking another cigarette, soft, melancholy music being your only constant, reliable companion. 
You reminded yourself that he, Hawks, was a temporary fixture, more flighty than most and liked you just enough and for surface-level reasons. You could take that. You’d do anything to be around him more, even if it never amounted to anything. 
You, just as Keigo did, pressed down any larger feelings.
 (The thing about feelings, though, that neither of you was very good at remembering, was that they don’t go away. Sure, you can let them go, but that takes time or a practiced mind!)
(When you take feelings, big, aching, soaking feelings and shove them down into the deepest parts of you, they just tend to make you bleed. The ‘hidden’ feelings color your blood as it spills, even if you don’t notice when it falls and its change in hue.)
(One can only hope that both Keigo and you listened instead of lied.)
 Both of your hearts ached, and neither of you fully understood why.
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tsukki-rising · 3 years
pairing: Jirou Kyouka x Gn!Reader
genre: fluff
summary: Recently you’ve started daydreaming while watching your crush Jirou. She notices but assumes you’re mad at her over something and doesn’t know what to do about it until Denki decides to intervene. 
word count: 1.3k
warnings: misunderstanding as a plot device
Denki walked over to Jirou standing in the common room kitchen, thinking of something funny to say just because he likes to see her smile, even if its at the expense of his dignity, as it so often is. But as he got closer he could see she didn't look in the mood, quite the opposite in fact, she looked to be in some sort of mental distress. The electric boy definitely knew how hard thinking could be.
"What's with the face Rockstar?" he knew she appreciated his acknowledgment of her musical passions even if she whined of his nicknames being embarrassing or cheesy.
It seemed she was really focused, not even noticing the bubbly blonde walking over as she got spooked by the sudden noise. "Huh?" she looked up, assessing her surroundings and coming back down to earth.
"You seem really thinky, what's it about?", he perches up on the counter beside her and gives his full attention.
"It's nothing just- I'm probably just overthinking things but" Jirou lowers her voice, mindful that they are in a public space in the dorms, "Ivy keeps looking at me in this way like they're thinking really hard and I think they might be mad at me but I don't know what I did."
"You mean like that" Denki had looked around as soon as your name was mentioned because he remembered seeing you before chatting up his favorite classmate. Now he saw you again from his new vantage point, you were clearly staring daggers at Jirou and so focused you didn't even notice the electric boy looking back at you.
Jirou froze up, stiff as a board "Oh god they're right there?!" she was slightly panicky, "I should apologize. I should ask what I did and apologize so its sincere and I know not to do it again." It looked as if she was formulating a plan in her head as she said it, eventually starting to mumble out all the possibilities for what she could've done, looking almost like Midoriya when he writes his hero notes.
"Hey" Denki interrupts "I know you Jirou, you are the most considerate, shy person I know and you never step on anybody's toes, you are not a problem." Denki himself becomes perplexed at the prospect of someone disliking Jirou. "If they've got a problem with you, I've got a problem with them cause you are literally the best and their distaste with you is baseless"
His last words really pull Jirou out of her thoughts "woah... big words there Denki", she giggles lightly into her palm. She was so taken aback she didn't grasp the meaning of his sentiments till he came up with his own plan.
"I'm just gonna go ask them what their problem is." he hops off the counter immediately and starts his trek to the common room's couches where you reside. He starts off so fast that Jirou doesn't have the chance to stop him without making a scene of yelling or attempting to block his path. She turns back to stare, horrified at the counter, dreading the next few minutes.
Suddenly the view of your crush is completely eclipsed by a hand snapping in your face. You blink rapidly and try to get your head of of the daydreams you were just reveling in.
"Hm?" is the only thing you can muster at the sight of your classmate Denki standing in front of you looking less than his normal humorous self.
"Why do you keep looking at Jirou like that?" he asks, looking more serious than you've ever seen him.
Oh gods. You've been caught. And by her boyfriend no less. This could not be worse. You really should've paid more attention to your surroundings, you just couldn't help falling into daydreams about her.
"I'm sorry" you quickly blurt out, embarrassed. "I just- I wasn't thinking. I know you two are together I'm sorry for staring she's just- I just-" you're quickly working up into a ramble but you're cut off by the the look on Denki's face. His brows are furrowed and eyes wide, looking at you like you're speaking an alien language. You are horrified for the second that it lasts before it morphs into an expression that would warrant a lightbulb flickering to life over his head. He gasps then breaks into laughter.
"OH. HA, oh my god you don't hate her you just like her! Dude you had this really intense look on your face, it was confusing" He resolves like everything is explained, you however are still confused.
"What? Look?... You're not mad?" Seriously, is this a dream? You are beyond confused.
"Uh yeah. Look. You were looking all intense like" he pauses for a moment to think of a comparison when he spots his hot headed friend also in the common room, "like how Bakugo looks at Midoriya like he's plotting his demise", he laughs as the attention of said classmate has caught on your conversation. "Oh and no, we're not dating so I don't care if you like her-" it seemed like he had a little more to say before Bakugo stepped in to defend himself.
"I don't plot dumbass! I'm not some evil villain!", the blonde yells from his couch.
Never missing a beat or a chance to tease his explosive friend, Denki responds "Aww do you like Deku like Ivy likes Jirou?", he giggles in the second he has before he has to dodge a precisely aimed explosion from Bakugo and start running from more oncoming attacks, leaving you reeling and trying to digest his final words to you.
So they weren't dating. And he didn't care that you had a crush on her. This was a relief even if you knew yourself well enough to know you still didn't have the guts to do anything about it.
Though you totally forgot that Jirou was in the common room the entire time and most definitely heard every single word of that conversation. That is, you forgot until she walked up to you.
Jirou didn't even really know what she had to say. She was just overwhelmed with the relief of knowing her crush didn't despise her, in fact, liking her back.
When you do see her in front of you, you stand and start your apologies once again. Even if she wasn't in a relationship, you're feelings probably made her uncomfortable. "I deeply apologize. I should've kept my feelings hidden and to myself. I never wanted to make you uncomfortable, I-"
You're stopped when she speaks up, "That's really why you were always looking at me?"
You're caught off guard but respond immediately "Yeah."
She smiles shyly and cups your face in her hands, bringing her forehead to rest against yours. She doesn't make eye contact out of initial embarrassment but then flicks her gaze up to you, hoping to convey her emotions. For good measure though she kisses you sweetly.
"I like you too, Ivy", you're frozen, looking back at her, dazed. She continues, "I was worried because I've liked you for a while and I noticed how you'd look at me. I thought you hated me." she giggles now at the misunderstanding.
"Of course not. You- You're so wonderful Jirou." You confess. Finally. "I hated that I liked you so much, hated that I didn't have the guts to tell you."
"Then you've got nothing to worry about anymore."
And the two of you leave time behind as you stay there embracing and letting your mutual feelings be known to each other.
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mxnark · 5 years
♫ rk memes - song drabbles
now playing… you’re the reason (acoustic) by victorious ft. victoria justice 
because the acoustic one fits this better than the original
it was supposed to be like any other night for mina.
when it came to her favorite shows, she'd make a point in the house that she was going to stay in her bedroom and watch whichever one of her favorites was on from the start time until it ended. she never actually brought it up to her family though, considering everyone had other things to do than bother her with anything. not to mention, she'd just get another lecture by her mom, saying she was going to ruin her eyes by always keeping her eyes on whatever screen was nearby her. but she always ignored her because 1. she's a teenager and 2. she ignores her mom's commands on a daily basis anyway.
like the kids in her school and her mutuals on social media, she was a fan of survival shows. the reason why is because of her interest in the idol industry in general, as she's always looking for new songs to cover and new groups to fangirl about. she also just liked the fact that this one felt like any other western singing competition, except mixed in with real idol companies that were willing to make them become a star and not a dumb british man who looked like an egg.
she was prepared in the most extra way. she brought up microwaved popcorn (that she secretly brought up to her room so that her mom wouldn't yell at her about that), a bunch of blankets, a fully charged laptop for streaming, and her phone that was opened to her stan twitter account. when the show finally starts on her stream, she watches the episode with excitement over the possible superstars she'll see. she can't wait until she is able to get a good screenshot and make it her icon until the next episode where she'll get an even better icon and so on.
so far, each of the contestants looked promising to her and she doesn't seem to recognize any of them. it's expected, really. she didn't really think she'd be able to meet a future idol anyway since she's always kept to herself. however, as the episode progresses, she does recognize one face. she goes on her twitter account to tweet "omg i think one of my brother's friends is on this season of mgas holy Shit my bro knows a future celebrity".
she continues to watch more contestants go and she makes her comments on them, saying which ones seemed god-tier talented and which ones were super attractive. but when she sees him, she drops her phone on her lap and pauses the stream quickly to make sure that her eyes were not fooling her. no... no. it can't be.
but as she clicks play to return to it, she hears his voice and it only confirms her previous thoughts, leaving her shocked as she watches kang daniel, her older brother that literally lives with her, is on her laptop screen. he's on national fucking television. she stays in that shock until she sees the popup that says "hello, daniel’s parents!" where she tries to hold back a laugh. as if both of them, let alone their mother, would watch this.
“they don’t know i’m here, actually. think you could keep it a secret? between you and me?” he asks to who she assumes to be an interviewer behind the camera, but it also somewhat feels like it could be directed to her. it wasn't like she was going to tell them anyway, considering mina's very aware of how her mom would react to it all. if he's lucky, he could be able to get out of the house with his head still above his shoulders. plus, the two of them had each other's back since she was born. she's not going to snitch on her ride-or-die bro. maybe to james, but definitely not to daniel.
as the episode goes on, she opens her phone and quickly types her thoughts in a tweet: "yo, that dude who sang the jesus song is kinda crazy for not telling his parents abt this. but u know what? he's talented . u go jesus dude"
she prays to god he doesn't find her tweets in the future. sure, she's under an alias and doesn't have any selfies on her acc. but if he knew that she called him jesus dude rather than just saying straight-up "my brother"? that would be humiliating.
"hey, can we talk?"
it's surprising to hear that come out from her own mouth. usually, she'd hear it being said by him or her parents. she was never much of a confrontational person growing up, not to mention this quote sounded... mature in a way and that didn't suit mina. but, it was the appropriate thing to say in this situation, especially after the one dinner where she was basically giving him looks full of suspicion. she doesn't know if he knew that she knew about the mgas, so she waits until the appropriate time to go up to talk to him about it... a.k.a on the drive back to school.
he tenses up and it makes her frown. "you don't have to shit your pants. you know what i'm going to talk about."
"sorry, sorry," he responds, relaxing a little. he's silent, as if waiting for her to just say it. he knows her well enough that she's not going to beat around the bush.
"no offense, but you never seemed like a person who'd stand in front of a video camera and sing to it willingly," she says off the bat. "why did you audition for this? don't you know lots of people are going to watch you on stage?"
"i wanted sungwoon to audition, but he said he wasn't going to go alone," he explains, making the situation make more sense to mina as to why the both of them were there. "i only came as support but i..." he drops the sentence to let out a sigh.
just from the explanation, it made her feel a little bit bad for him. she understood why this was stressing him out, considering he actually cared about what their mom and dad thought of him. even if she wasn't able to relate to that, she knew that their reaction to it wouldn't be as supportive as both of them wished it would be. and the fact that he's stuck in this just because he wanted to give his best friend support? that was so on-brand of him. mina wasn't angry at him to begin with. sure, she was a little hurt that he didn't say anything about it to her. but after hearing this? it's practically impossible to be angry at him now.
"look, if you're worried about me telling mom or dad about this, i won't," she says as an attempt to reassure him. "snitches get stitches. if i tell anyone, you can run over my phone or something. but i won't, so you don't have to do that and make me hate you for the rest of my life."
the exaggeration makes him laugh and it makes mina internally sigh in relief to know that it worked. "oh god, i can't imagine taking you-know-who's title. that'd be awful."
"hell yeah it would," she says with a big smile. "don't even compare yourself to him, though. that's self-deprecation. you're obviously a little bit better."
as the car pulls up to their house, mina quickly unbuckles her seatbelt, assuming daniel had somewhere else to be since he wasn't parked at his usual spot. before she could open the door, he says something. "mina?"
she turns back to face him. "what?"
"thanks," he says. even if it's simple, she knows there's something more within it. and though she was a queen for the dramatics, she wasn't going to make it a big deal. she never did when it came to showing affection anyway.
she gives him a playful, light punch to his arm. "you're dumb," she says. "you know i got you. kang gang through everythang." as soon as that comes out of her mouth, there's a look of disgust on her face. "that sounds disgusting. forget i ever said that."
she ignores the amused reaction and leaves the car. when she walks to the door, she looks behind to see his car disappeared. she smiles when the feeling of refreshment comes down on her. it was always felt good to talk to daniel, especially when it came to family stuff. even if they were more different than they were before, it felt good to know that she wasn't alone in this. she can't say that she was lucky to be an only child because she definitely wouldn't be able to handle her mom on her own. she can't say that she's lucky for not being an only child either since their oldest brother was also not making her life easier when he was still living with them.
maybe she's just lucky that she has daniel as an older brother, too. in school, she's always surrounded by kids who constantly complained about their older brothers and sisters and while she can add to that discussion when talking about james, she never really had anything bad to say about daniel. the only time she does say bad things about him is to him personally, and most of the time it was just light-hearted teasing.
without him, she didn't know where she'd be.
home did feel a little bit different now that daniel wasn't around anymore.
it didn't really click on the night that it happened. to mina, it felt like he was on timeout and wasn't allowed to go back home until she calmed down her temper, even though she didn't show any big sign of anger to him during the discussion. even though he told her about it, she didn't remember showing any sadness. she only smiled and gave a thumbs up while saying "you're finally escaping the evil witch's lair! congratulations!" he gives a sad smile, but the conversation goes on as normally until it ends with a hug and an "i won't miss you too much."
but on the night after that, when she took notice of the empty chair, it finally did hit. it was for his own good, she told herself. if he stayed any longer, he'd probably feel trapped forever. you wouldn't want that for him, would you?
the table was quiet that night, save for their dad trying to get some small talk. mina went up to her room and cried about it before she went on the internet as an attempt to cheer herself up.
she did get used to it. by the time the fifth season of the mgas was on, she was used to the fact that he was off on his own like a dove or something. it's not like the both of them totally lost contact, anyway. even if things were a little different, he still drops her off to places when she needs a ride and she'd see him at their grandma's church once a month. even if she was on her own now with the "ultimate boss", it was still kang gang through everythang. she's said that twice in her life and she felt like a bigger clown for it the second time.
had it not been for their text conversation about the auditions (with a bunch of eye emojis coming from mina), she would not have known that he would end up in the fifth season. she was able to convince her dad to watch the show with her, no mom insight, and they watched the show together in the living room with the blankets and popcorn and mina going on her phone before her dad tells her to focus on the show if she was going to watch it.  she knew she was going to see his band, but she didn't expect to see songhee and yeji and jeongin on the show. when her dad points her cousins out, asking if she knew about this, she only shook her head, letting him know that she was surprised as he was.
the next few episodes go by and mina goes through an emotional rollercoaster, to say the least. she blames it on her being so sympathetic to her brother that after seeing minhyun and sungwoon get kicked off the show, she throws a silent tantrum rather than a loud one with a warning from dad. seeing the friendships her brother in the show as well as his interactions with the people he already knew makes her feel a sense of pride in her brother. she remembers her group chat being spammed with asking mina if she could ask him to get an autograph from convex (she sent a reaction image of a buff cat instead before saying "no").
though the finale was bittersweet, especially since she believed that her brother deserved a chance with his friends and yeji, she mainly felt pride in him for at least making it that far and for being less awkward than last time. she doesn't text him right after it aired since she thought it would be awkward to say all the encouraging bs after he technically lost. but, she doesn't keep that thought in her forever.
"he looks happier this time," she mentions to her dad. "like.. he didn't win, but he got further than last time and he's definitely better."
he nods in agreement. "i wasn't sure how he'd be doing after he got kicked out, but after seeing this, i think he'll be fine." he looks over to her. "you should get on this show, too. you like dancing, right? maybe you'll get as far as he does."
mina laughs at the idea, but it wasn't in a way to show that he was ridiculous for thinking that. "we'll see."
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dross-the-fish · 5 years
Today Someone Asked...
Why I gravitate towards LGBT romances more than straight ones. The first answer is p straight forward, I’m LGBT and I want to see people like me in relationships. The second answer?...
90% of straight romances absolutely SUCK. They are objectively terribly written, or toxic or completely forced and there’s just no real sense of love. And yes, I mean LOVE, not lust. Most het romances in movies or books tend to come off as really shallow at best and toxic and contrived at worst. And it’s not to say that LGBT relationships are always more wholesome or fleshed out but it feels like there’s more variety of content and more thought put into the characters actual feelings and the companionship that they have with each other. The bulk of mainstream straight romances always feel like they fall into some variation of these categories.  Pattern one: The Romantic Comedy.
 Obnoxious dirtbag loser aggressively flirts with a girl who’s not interested but about halfway through the movie they’ll have some kind of moment and she’ll warm up to him. In many cases the dude is noticeably less conventionally attractive than she is but somehow we’re supposed to read her as shallow for not immediately giving him a chance. Even so we as a collective audience know that him dating someone more average looking wasn’t really a consideration. Alternatively our guy is a dudebro who needs to learn to be less shallow so we find a conventionally hot girl with messy hair, frumpy clothes and glasses, give her a makeover by finding her a brush, sexy outfits and some contacts. That way we can show our dudebro that she was hot all along. This teaches the audience a very important lesson, don’t be mean to plain girls bc they might actually be hot. 
Pattern two: The Action Movie Romance.
Two characters that can’t stand each other get thrown into a tense or dangerous situation and their whole relationship is based around mutual trauma. They have sex usually right before the third act bc hey, we got a final battle approaching, let’s bone instead of having any kind of real significant emotional exchange! It’s rare for these characters to actually talk to each other, aside from maybe sharing a tragic backstory and swapping one-liners. They’re almost never seen in a normal setting just interacting like regular people. If they don’t hate each other or clash in some way then usually there is no real development, they just kind of hook up bc they’re both conventionally hot and if you have a guy and a gal on screen together that’s just where the story has to go. 
Pattern Three: The Classic/Modern Fairytale Romance
. This one is an old one and while it comes in different flavors the core of it is always the same. Our dude is some Main Character type who’s infinitely better than everyone around him and the gal is probably the only significant female character in the story and that’s if she even is a significant character. Basically she’s just there to be eye candy for our hero, both characters are about as deep as a puddle and their whole relationship revolves around him rescuing her in some way and chasing off the literal or metaphorical demons that haunt her. If she has some kind of lingering trauma it’s not really addressed, Main Character just kinda, kisses it better and you know that’s all you really need when you’ve lost your home and family or been through some harrowing ordeal. It’s not like you’d need someone to talk about it or maybe get some space and closure...nah, nah, our big strong dude will just pet your hair a little and make some shushing noises. Shhhh, that’s right, honeycakes, you just settle back down into that bedroll and forget about that pesky PTSD.
Pattern Four: Your Mom’s Romance Novel.
Abusive asshole is rich, handsome, damaged and in need of the right woman to come and fix him. A super attractive but morally pure woman puts up with his shit for 3/4 of the novel and through the power of being the one woman who hasn’t betrayed or abandoned our dude, earns herself a wedding ring and our guy with abandonment issues is magically all better now despite not ever really having his views challenged. I feel like this category has the highest volume of straight up garbage. Possibly because this is the genre where the romance is not secondary it’s primary and there aren’t any fantasy or adventure elements too distract me from how shit the characters and their relationships are (also way to much pointless sex gumming up the story, such as it is). In a many of these the dude’s toxic views of women are actually vindicated bc all women are “sluts” except our magical heroine who is “the one good woman.” If there are even other women present in the novel they are jealous, vapid or unfaithful and there only to make the heroine look good by comparison. I have seen some truly awful novels in this group. This one is my least favorite because when it’s bad, it’s really, really bad. 
Sensitive content under the cut
I think the worst example of the “mom’s romance novels” I’ve encountered was from a book I ran into back in highschool. Male protagonist thinks the heroine is promiscuous and it’s only when he is in the process of raping her that he realizes she’s a virgin. And his entire demeanor towards her changes. There are so many layers of WTF to unpack with this scenario that I don’t even know where to start with just how fucking BAD this kind of story is. The fact that these ones are usually written by women is endlessly baffling to me. 
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osmw1 · 5 years
Crowbar Nurse   Chapter 7 — An Unstoppable Hellish Army (of up to 10 People) Pops up out of Nowhere
“—Sera, hold on. There’s something weird.”
Our silly conversation ended abruptly when Kiryū raised his palm up, halting me in my tracks.
“The hell is going on there?” “Ah, that’s…”
I squinted into the distance. Ahead of us in the street was a crowd of people.
A crowd of people? Or was it a crowd of zombies?
There was a middle-aged man waiting around three zombies that were standing up straight with very good posture. It’s seemingly as if the man was just waiting to be attacked.
The only real movement was his breathing. Other than that, the man didn’t look like he is even trying to get away from the zombies. That’s a very curious situation.
“Hmm… it’s shocking how they are all just standing up so stiffly… maybe the three zombies are scripted to attack the NPC and correspondingly, the NPC is scripted to be attacked by them?” “Say what?” “In this game, there are often times where you can save people who are being attacked by zombies… they call them ‘survivors’.”
I pointed over to the four of them.
“The middle-aged man should be one of the survivors. He’s always scripted to be attacked around there… but I’ve never seen them just standing up straight like that. Maybe it’s a bug.” “Or maybe we just haven’t triggered them yet.”
“You know how we’re backtracking through the stage? Well, I’d wager that the zombies are scripted to attack when the protagonist gets close enough when going the correct way.” “Oh, I see, that makes sense.” “I’m not 100% on it, but it sounds reasonable, right?” “No, I’m confident you’re right.”
I had the feeling that Kiryū is someone who speaks almost too carefully as I shouldered my rifle.
“… well, that works to our advantage. Let’s do it.” “Hey, don’t go killing every zombie you see.” “But I’d like to save him.”
My bullets quickly found their way to the zombies and we walk up to the middle-aged man.
“… I’m guessing he’s thanking us in English.” “That’s right, as the official language of Confi City is English. This is exactly how they say thanks in the game as well… he’s a bona fide survivor.”
I ran around the NPC and then walked away from him with a satisfied smile on my face. The middle-aged man maintained a small distance as he followed me around. He would sometimes roll his neck or look around frightened at his surroundings with fright, but otherwise, he was generally emotionless.
… just like how they are in the game.
The man kept a blank face as he followed us around. When I picked up a broken off chunk of concrete off the street and handed it to him, he looked a bit more stern and brave as he wielded it a weapon.
“—Alright, we’re in business! That’s step one to raising an unstoppable army from hell!” “Wha—?!”
Kiryū was bewildered by what I had said.
“This regular everyday normal geezer… is our unstoppable army from hell…?” “…” “…”
We stood there in mutual silence.
“… sh-shut up! I told you it’s step one!”
I scrambled to quip back before falling back into silence.
“When you rescue NPCs in this game, they’ll follow the protagonist around. Give them a weapon and they’ll help you fight too!” We’ll rescue more and more of these survivors to build ourselves an unstoppable army. It’s all part of the plan!” “Man, you sure about this? The dude looks like he’s never even gotten in a fistfight before.”
Kiryū spoke as he pointed at the man. He’s right in that the middle-aged man is scrawny and doesn’t look like he’d be good in combat.
“The more we fight, the more we’ll level up. We’ll be fine. You get only a maximum of five followers in the game, but we’ll be so much stronger even with just five extra people… we’ll be an unstoppable hellish army….”
I pondered on my plan to raise an unstoppable hellish army to which Kiryū had nothing he could say but to simply mutually make eye contact with the old man. —but eventually, Kiryū’s eyes opened wide as he snapped his fingers.
“… I’ve got it.” “Huh?” “We can the soldiers in our ‘unstoppable hellish army’ as item boxes.” “What do you mean?”
I blankly blinked at Kiryū and he flashes a grin at me.
“I’ve got pockets of my own, but… look at them—they’ve got side and rear pockets too. We can stuff their pockets with herbs too and use them as walking inventory space, right?” “Oh, no…”
In other words, his plan is to pack items in the survivors’ pockets much like how Kiryū’s doing it right now. It looks so lame, I couldn’t stop myself from voicing my displeasure. However, Kiryū didn’t seem to care for my opinion and was already cramming herbs in the NPC’s pockets already, dirt and all.
“No matter how you slice it, that’s just too cruel…” “The end justifies the means, right? … besides, how much longer do you want to hold your phone in your hand?”
He points at the NPC with recently-filled pockets.
“You’ve got no pocket, right? Just stick it in any of his.” “What if he dies and disappears? I don’t want to put my phone on his body.”
I gripped my phone tightly as I shook my head at which Kiryū shrugged his shoulders.
“Alright, then pass me your phone; I’ve got an empty pocket.” “Thank you. If anything happens, could you please toss it back to me?” “Of course.”
We walked and talked at the same time and found yet more NPCs just standing around waiting to be triggered. There was a sickly pale white lady, a bad-tempered middle-aged white man, a lanky nerdy-looking white man… most of the characters in this game are white.
“… they get killed off pretty quickly, but let’s name our devils so we can tell who’s who. Let’s see… from the left, we have Bezos, Gates, Jobs, Buffett, and Zuckerberg.” “You’re really hoping for ‘eat the rich’ to happen literally, huh?”
Only a little ways more until we reach the Vital Watch. There weren’t any periods of awkward silence… or more accurately, we made sure to keep making small talk. Not that it was a bad thing though. This way, it was easier to distract ourselves from the fact that we’re inside a horror world… we were doing quite well in that regard.
—That’s right. We were merely distracting ourselves. Even in this bizarro world, it was important we stayed human and grounded.
On the way, we saved quite a few more people standing still. We gave them metal pipes, hammers, and other objects found on the ground so that we could fight and gain more experience. Everything was going smoothly.
“It looks like we can’t have more than 10 people in our squad…”
The NPC gave their thanks before continuing to stand up straight. I couldn’t help but feel a little disheartened.
“Probably because you and I are both considered as player characters and each of us can have five followers.” “Speaking of which, where’s the actual protagonist to this game?”
I scanned my surroundings as I asked my question to no one in particular.
“I wonder if we’ll meet at the starting point…”
We kept moving and came across a strange watch laying conspicuously on the ground.
“Oh, there’s our Vital Watch.” “Why’s it just sitting there in the middle of the road?” “Good question. It’s always just lying here in the game, but I’ve never really wondered why.”
I bent over to pick up it up.
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“We don’t have much time to play with it, so let’s just keep it safe for now. We should hurry onwards.”
I strapped the Vital Watch to my forearm, just before the elbow.
“… why are you putting it on such a weird place?” “Huh? Because it’s more hygienic? Otherwise, it’ll get so dirty.” “Huh?” “Huh?!”
… though health professionals and engineers may disagree on where to wear a timepiece, at least we were successful in retrieving the Vital Watch.
    It was no easy task, but we’ve finally made it to the beginning of the game. We were at a parking lot with spots for eight cars. Concrete walls surrounded us with burning cars and toppled trucks. There were also two zombies which were supposed to attack the protagonist… but maybe because they haven’t been triggered yet, they stood rigidly upright as well. Then I found something big. There was someone else standing upright… or it’d be more accurate to say he was standing in an odd pose—it was the protagonist of this game.
“Gah, look! It’s Nick! That’s Nick over there!”
I screamed out loud as I rushed over to the middle of the parking lot. Every one of the devils in our unstoppable army from hell clobbered the zombies with their weapons.
“Oh, I’ve seen Nick at the game show. So, he’s the protag, eh?” “What’s wrong with him…? He’s standing there like his character just got dropped into a level editor.” “You’re right… he’s just A-posing there.”
Kiryū corrected me with a more technical, detailed term.
“What… what should we do? We’ve got to get Nick out of here.”
Pushing and pulling did nothing to awaken him.
“Come with me if you want to live.”
Kiryū said with a smug look on his face.
“Wow, okay…” “You know, like Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator? Hey, those were great movies.” “I mean, sure, but it sure dates you.”
Nick didn’t react at all to Kiryū’s one-liner, for better or for worse. I tried dragging him by the arm again. It was an odd sensation, so smooth and weightless. Nick didn’t seem like a human being… but rather an object.
“Well, we can just leave him here, can’t we? It might be safer if he stayed put so he won’t trigger any event flags.”
Kiryū shrugged as he spoke.
“Umm, would that mean that we won’t have to fight any bosses? That sounds too nice to be true…” “Iunno. Since we were able to get these survivors to follow us around, that would make us the protagonists… it might be possible that we’ll trigger the flags and we’ll have to fight the bosses like in the actual game.”
What he meant was that we’ll have to find out ourselves. I nodded along to him… until I remembered something he said.
“That reminds me, Kiryū. I’ve brought you here to the start of the game. What did you mean by breaking out of the game?” “Oh, that’s right. I was watching a video about bug testing and I was just thinking… if we keep our chins up and look for them, I’m sure we’ll come across some.” “Look for them?” “Yeah.”
He walked over to the far end of the parking lot… and before I knew it, he jumped head-first into the wall.
“Ow! That hurts!” “I would imagine so! What are you doing?!”
Kiryū squatted down clutching his head.
“I was hoping to find a buggy spot in the physics engine…” “What do you mean?” “Like clipping through walls and such.”
He might have hurt his head, but he was still able to thoroughly explain what he meant.
“In some buggy spots of a game, you can jump over and over again into the wall and slowly go deeper inside it. Then, eventually…” “You go out of bounds…”
I didn’t know you could do that.
“Now that you mention it, I’ve written about bugs in this game on my personal walkthrough blog… but I don’t want you to hurt yourself trying to find them either…” “…” “Kiryū, I think you’re an incredible person, but perhaps… you’re incredibly dumb.” “… shuddup…”
I let him stew for a moment, but then suddenly, there was a loud scream outside of the parking lot.
“Wha… what was that?!”
We both looked behind us…
Oh, no, no, no, no…!
Our unstoppable hellish army (all 10 of its members) were being attacked by a swarm of special zombies!
A retro PC shooter, Doom is considered a classic by most people in their 30s and 40s in the West. For years, Doom was considered to be the game that defined the first-person shooter genre. Players control the protagonist—a brawny man slightly younger than middle age—and his arsenal of guns to single-mindedly blast away hordes of monsters from Hell (sometimes depicted as an army from Hell). Some may find this novel to be grotesque with its merciless depictions of gore, but it was for that exact reason why Doom was an incredible success in its day. The gibs and gore won the hearts of kids and the kids-at-heart. With over 10 million copies sold across every conceivable platform, this game is also famous for being ported to everything from cell phones to calculators. It has even seen theatrical releases and novel adaptations. In its day, Doom was notorious for the amount of gore, as unrealistic as it may be. It was perhaps the first video game to have such a great controversy over its graphic depictions of violence. Still, Doom is a game cherished by many and players continue to modify and add to the game—early versions of which were labeled “Doom clones”. Doom leaves behind a great legacy, both technical and historical.
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angelichl · 5 years
hii, i hope you’re enjoying your vacation, i know you said you wouldn’t be as active atm because of that but i did want to ask if you were still interested in writing a college au and if that’s something you’d do? lots of love
I keep trying to write a college au seeing as I’m a College Student™️ rn so I feel like I could write something accurate and I have a wealth of experience to draw from, but every time I try I keep getting stuck rip.
recently I’ve had an idea that’s kind of an ode to the wattpad stories I read when I was in middle school, with the good girl boy / bad boy dynamic, so I wanna write my own take on that and also try out the “I’ll teach you how to flirt with that guy you like if you help me with this stupid math project” trope. and also they live in different buildings but their rooms are across from each other and sometimes louis forgets to close his curtains (and harry “forgets” to close his) so they See Things like louis changing into his pajamas and harry doing bicep curls while reading romance novels.
so harry is the shady loner dude sulking around campus in the vintage army jacket, and everyone is intimidated by him bc of a dark backstory, even though he did nothing wrong. he may be brooding/moody/etc but he’s also the person to pick up earthworms off the sidewalk to save them from getting stepped on, so really he would never hurt a fly. he’s an english/psychology double major and he runs the eco club which is kind of funny bc no one would really expect him to be sitting at a table in the dining hall trying to get students to sign a petition for the school to transition to mostly renewable energy by 2025, but there he is. there are rumors that he gets loud and aggressive when he’s angry, so people stay away from him for the most part, but the rumors aren’t true. he works at the college’s writing center, where he has his feet propped up on the desk and some sort of obscure world lit book in his hands as he waits for the next nervous freshman to come to him and ask for help on an essay.
meanwhile louis is the quiet, shy physics and dance double major. he has approximately 2 friends but they both recently started messing around so louis is often left to either third-wheel ziam or go do something by himself. he can usually be found tucked into his favorite nook on the third floor of the library, or practicing his ballet form in the dance studio. on the weekends, he practices pottery at the craft center, where he sometimes sees harry heading into the dark room to develop his photos for his photography class. louis also has a stupidly hopeless crush on a stupid boy who works at the art center, so. they’re kind of friends but whenever the boy talks to him, louis gets all shy and timid and can’t form a sentence of more than three words at once. he’s lucky if he says anything at all and doesn’t make a fool of himself.
so, anyways, harry needs to take calc for some requirement, and while he was decent at math in high school, this class is really killing him. he’s talked to the professor about it and gone to the math center for help but all the other students are intimidated by him so they aren’t much help. so he’s frustrated and annoyed and decides to hell with it, he’s gonna go talk to that quiet little physics major he always sees rushing down the sidewalk, bundled up in warm oversized sweaters with the sleeves pulled over his hands. he’s good at calc, everyone knows he is, and he seems nice. he seems like he wouldn’t say no to harry, or try to brush him off.
so harry kind of corners him in the dining hall one day, and he starts to propose a deal: harry will literally pay louis for his time if he helps him pass this class. but then the guy louis likes comes up to them to say hi to him and louis gets all flustered and hardly says more than two words, making a fool out of himself, with harry watching it all amusedly. and realizing that it could be a mutually beneficial agreement. so harry says what he’s thinking and louis resists at first but eventually he’s persuaded, knowing he really could use some help from someone like harry—bc everyone is afraid of him, yeah, but they all respect him too, and he’s never had trouble finding someone to hook up with. people may be intimidated, but they’re also drawn to him.
so it’s awkward at first but eventually, through hours of studying together in the library trying to work out complex derivatives, and harry coaching louis through having an almost normal conversation with the guy he likes, they become sort-of friends. not that they would ever admit it to anybody. in late october, just before halloween, harry convinces louis to go to a party on saturday night to make a move on the guy he likes, or at least try to get his attention.
louis is a bit freaked out bc he doesn’t like large crowds of people, he doesn’t like to drink much, and he’d much rather stay in and watch true crime documentaries with liam and zayn, but. harry picks out what louis should wear, and they run through the plan one more time before heading across campus to the party they know louis’ crush will be at.
he’s there right when they walk in, but harry and louis decided it would never work if louis tried to start the conversation, they needed the guy to come to him first, so the plan was for louis to go dance in the crowd and hope he was watching. he was too shy to dance alone without being at least tipsy, first, but all they had wa a cheap beer and a toxic mix of alcohol in a trash can which was quite frankly disgusting, so harry rummaged through the cupboards even though he wasn’t allowed to and mixed rum and cider just for him. cue louis being wary and making harry take a sip first before shrugging and downing the cup, backing away into the crowd while making eye contact with harry the whole time.
and, like. he knows he should be thinking of the guy he likes as he’s dancing, trying to be sexy about it and probably failing, but. harry’s eyes are on him, they have been all night, and all louis can think about is how much they’ve grown to like each other these past few weeks, all the time spent in the quiet hours of the night studying calculus and trying to teach louis how to get a boy’s attention. lately it had been more than that, laughing more times than not at stupid jokes, asking each other about their days, hanging out whenever they had free time under the guise of perfecting the plan. last week they drove to mcdonald’s in the middle of the night because they were sick of studying for their exams the next day, and they ended up driving around for hours just talking about anything and everything. and when harry finally dropped louis off at his dorm just as the sun was beginning to rise, louis could’ve sworn harry wanted to kiss him.
so louis keeps dancing and the feeling of harry’s eyes on him burns under his skin and makes him want more, more, more.
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searching for a roommate: maybe also love
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gif originally posted by marksseunie
soulmates!au  (part 1/?)
genre: lots of angsttttt
pairing: Mark x OC
inspired by prompt: (i’ll add the link of the list when i find it)
8. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
100. ”You’re my soulmate?!”
note: i haven’t proofread this im sorry. another part is coming soooooon. forreal though. 
they say that your soulmate and you sometimes have the same birthmark on your body or some inscription just appears onto your skin one day; the exact same as your soulmate. but i’m convinced that soulmates don’t have to romantic. they really don’t. i think my friend ray is my soulmate. he’s funny and so smart. he’s also so gay. like makes out with his boyfriend in front of me; hinting that i should leave our apartment. he can literally read my mind; how could that be? we’ve been friends for years. we’ve been through everything.
when he’d come out to me the day we’d both come back to our hometown after a semester at our separate universities; we spent the night crying; him at being free and me because he was finally feeling like himself. he’s seen me through every speed bump in my life and still loves me. so like? isn’t that what soulmates are??
i tread quietly into our shared apartment; hoping that ray and his boyfriend (ed) are asleep or at least out of the living room. yeah, so we’re in a big city now but the rent is crazy; despite somewhat promising careers; we can’t afford an apartment without each other.  
letting out a sigh of relief, i put my bag down onto the couch. the apartment’s empty like they hadn’t just wordlessly told me to get the fuck out of here two hours ago. i’d gone to a local coffee shop; to get some writing done. (im a journalist but what i really want to do is write a goddamn book; about anything that makes me heart ring)
the next morning, i wake up to an empty apartment again; strange. assuming that ray’s slept over at ed’s place, i start my morning routine; a quick workout and heading into the shower. i’m not called in today so i can actually have breakfast today. normally, i’d be out the door at 5:30am for the 7am news or outdoor braving the weather to prove to the entire city; that YES it is bad out there; please stay at home.
i’m in the middle of humming to myself as i clean the apartment. although we’re not that messy, we could be cleaner. i hear the keys jingle at the door and look up expectedly to see ray, of course. “hey!” i greet; pausing the music on the speakers from my phone.
“hey…” closing the door behind him, he puts the keys down by the table at the door. lips pressing into a thin line, he walks up behind the couch.  
uh oh. this is trouble. i let go of the broom and watch him; waiting for him to say something. only the couch between us; shaking my head slightly at him to say hellooo? speak now
“ed and i were talking last night …”
“just talking?” i raise an eyebrow and he chuckles softly but continues
“we were talking. and it was like really romantic.” he pauses and looks at me again; trying to read my face i know it. but i dont know what he wants to see because I'm just listening to him intently. “we’ve been together for almost a year now, arista.”
is this going where i think this is going? i wanna be happy for ray. i really do. but my breath gets caught up in my throat. like i can barely get another breath in. so he’s moving out. and i’m going to be alone.
his brows are furrowed now, reading my face. “ari, please.” he pouts, coming over to me; pulling me into him. “look, we want to move in together.” he finally says it but he already knows i know. “and we don’t have a definite date, alright? there’s no way i’m going to just leave you.” i nod and pull away; trying to not look so pathetic.
“it’s fine.” it’s not. i nod but i know he knows i'm not. but if i say i’m fine maybe he’ll feel less guilty.
ed is ray’s soulmate. they both have the same birthmark on their left arm right below their elbow and to further confirm it, they also have another shared inscription on the crook of their necks; just a number; 15. ed’d been wearing a number 15 jersey when ray saw him at our local coffee shop. ed’d played lacrosse at uni so he still wears it when he’s feeling not so good. that day he’d been getting coffee after binge-drinking the night before over an ex. it’s like meant to be. i remember ed pausing as he entered the shop with me. like he could just sense his soulmate was there.  
to be fair, he and i also shared a birthmark. on the bottom of our feet, it’s shaped like a heart but it’s faded more and more as the years went by. but it doesn’t bother us. we’re best friends till we get to the other side of life; really. so i really believe soulmates aren’t just romantic.
“guys, this is it.” i announce, coming out my room with my laptop in my arms. “this city is full of creeps and i’ll never find a roommate.” i hear the two of them sort of pause their conversation and chuckle at me. plopping down between ed and ray on the couch. “look at this!” i gesture to my screen. i’d posted an online listing about a roommate but so far, everyone i’ve contacted have been dodgy. they didn’t want to give their job descriptions or thought i was being distrustful when i suggested an interview.
“you’ll find someone.” ed tried comforting me awkwardly; patting my back as ray rested his head on my shoulder.
god i wish i could be mad at the two of them. how dare they be so in love!! they were being awfully nice about only moving in till i found a new roommate.
it’s fucking storming outside. the wind is crazy. and now i have to act like i didn’t just spend 20 hours straight writing up an article and head out to report the fucking weather.
it’s 4am when i get the call. i’d only gone to sleep 2 hours ago. begrudgingly i leave the comfort of my bed and start getting dressed.
it’s 5:30 when me and the camera crew are at the ferry pier; where the wind is the strongest and most obvious.
“you look like absolute hell.” i hear one of the cameraperson comment about me. we’ve worked together for years now so we have some rapport and honestly, i don’t disagree. i still scoff and raise my finger at him.
they’re putting some make up on me inside the van now. i even have to change inside this tiny van so it’s just me and the mary; one of the crew. she helps out with everything behind-the-scenes.
“hey hey hey, what’s that?” she quickly points down as i sit topless with only my bra on. i look down to myself; seeing as her finger’s pointing on the top of left boob.
“what?” i say and look closer; she does too. “what is it?”
“is that a mark?”
“i’ve never seen that.” i comment quietly.
“it’s shaped like a heart.” mary comments and smiles too cutely at me; teasing me. “it’s a soulmate thing!!” she finally exclaims as it registers to her the same moment it registers to me.
is this a soulmate mark?
i don’t really think about the mark again. i have a lot on my plate. a job and searching for a roommate that isn’t going to kill me in this big city.
but one night, we’re letting loose. one of my friends grace is hosting a big party. she’s dating his hotshot up-and-coming stylist-turned-model guy who goes by the name bambam. immediately, i hear the dude’s name and i’m intrigued. i get my hottest (and probably sluttiest) ensemble and head to the club they’re holding the party. i can’t remember what the party’s for but i remember being invited so i go with ray and ed.
the club exudes really expensive and mysterious vibes. god i cannot even imagine the price of these drinks. thank god we’re here for a party. i note to myself. through the sea of people, i make it to grace. she has a gorgeous figure beside her, who i assume is bambam. we hug briefly before she introduces us to him.
ray, ed and i share pleasantries with the couple and they gesture over to another private area. ooooh so this is where it gets interesting. the private area  i see a booth and vaguely recognise the faces and head over. i finally recognise jackson and jaebum. i know through mutual friends and we have spent a couple of wasted nights so.
“arista!” jackson shouts and we hug each other tightly. “god where have you been?” he asks, looking at me after pulling away. he gives a little nod to ray and ed too; giving lil bro hugs.
“i’ve been busy with work.” i finally say, still kind of hovering over the round booth; making my way to jaebum while ray and ed sit beside jackson. jaebum and i hug briefly and he gives me this look. “what?” i say as he moves a little and lets me sit inside the booth on his other side just between him and jackson; while the other is occupied by a face i don’t recognise.
“you act like we don’t have jobs.” he teases with a little smirk. i smack him and click my tongue. “but seriously, where have you been?”
“well, ray’s leaving me.” i announce dramatically and all eyes land on him. “i’ve been trying to look for a roommate who’s not going to kill me or grope me.” i explain and the rest of the table laughs a little. suddenly my eyes land on a few faces i’ve never seen. “i’m sorry we’re being rude.” i say. “i’m grace’s friend, arista.” i extend my hand over to the guy on jaebum’s other side.
“mark.” he speaks and his voice sounds smooth. like really smooooth. strong but also soft? i try not to show that i’m into his voice and look over to see another girl beside him.
“jennie.” she smiles at me and my breath is taken away. she’s beautiful. both mark and her. actually everyone on this table except me. thank god my outfit looks hot and is compensating for my lack of actual natural beauty.
“you are gorgeous.” i blurt out, kind of losing myself in her eyes. wow. girls are amazing. “sorry.” i say almost immediately and jennie smiles shyly but something about her aura tells me she’s confident. like she’s kind of a force to be reckon with.
“is this why all the blind dates haven’t worked out?” jackson finally says. “we’ve been setting you up with guys.” he nudges me, laughing.
“they don’t work out because you set me up with guys who are exactly like you and it makes me think of you.” i roll my eyes, sipping his drink.
“you think of jackson on your dates?” jennie teases now. “maybe you two should…” she adds with a few blinks, smiling mischievously.
everyone at the table groans except mark and jennie. the two of us look at us with amusement and i notice mark finally smile a little wider. our eyes meet and i feel my heart stop but look away.
“jennie, don’t get us started.” ray finally says. “these two…”
“let’s not talk about this before i’m at least 20% tipsy.” i run my fingers through my hair; already having a hard time having to explain what weird things jackson and i have done.
we’ve never dated. i’ve literally had a crush on jaebum since the three of us started partying together. jackson’s been nothing to kind to me. everyone thinks he’s this joker who’s wild and just funny. he is wild and funny but he’s a hard-worker and so compassionate about people in his life. he took me home when i saw jaebum hook up with girls on our many nights of partying. and people just didn’t believe that we didn’t fuck. so it was just easier to not deny or really say why we always end up together after a night of drinking.
after a couple of hours later?? time is an illusion i don’t even know but grace and bambam finally join us. (probably having entertained the other 100 of their guests) we’re all a couple of rounds in with our drinks when they do join us. i’m being a little too giggly now. but i can’t control it.
“as the only people in a serious committed relationship,” ray pauses and looks at grace. “no offence.” he continues. “ray and i have decide we will not participating in this round of dare or dare.” the whole table groans at them feigning annoyance.
grace whines a little but the two of them stand firm. they leave for the dance floor; giggly too. they’re totally go bang somewhere, i acknowledge in my head. but i guess i said it out loud because everyone’s laughing.
“alright alright alright.” bambam finally says as he and grace take up where ray and ed had been sitting. “let’s get started.”
i think it’s form of ptsd because i’ve completely blacked out what happened last night. after ed and ray left. i don’t remember a single thing. but i’m home. thank god. i'm still in my clothes from last night. this navy sparkly body-hugging dress seems ridiculous now as the daylight seeps through my curtains.
what the fuck happened i wonder as my head’s pounding. i walk out to see jackson and ray at our breakfast bar.
“well good morning drama queen.” ray greets with an amused expression; seeing me walk out my room and jackson also turns his head to see me.
“oh no what did i do.” i'm limping.
“what didn’t you do?” jackson teases as he chews.
“seriously tell me.” i nod, with my head down, looking at the kitchen counter.
“i dare you to kiss the person who you want the most. at. this. table.” jennie yells through the music to me. my heart’s beating fast. a dare’s a dare. the drinks help me brave this. i turn to face jaebum who’s just watching like the rest at the table; amused. then i look around the table like i’m thinking about it. but i already know i want to kiss jaebum. my eyes go to stranger mark. his lips are pursed as he watches me a little too intensely. even in my inebriated state i know mark’s intensely looking at me. i wonder if it’s because i feel spellbound whenever i look at him.
“hurry!!!” bambam yells and I'm pulled back into the game.
grace and jackson throw me a knowing look. but they know I'm a bit too prideful to lose the game. so i face jaebum again and pull him by his shirt collar. i want to kiss him so bad. i look at him and his eyes widen a little and his usual smirk is misplaced from his face. then i let go.
“i give up.” i shrug. this is the first time i’ve given up on a dare. i’ve possibly made an acquaintance bust in their pants by riding their thigh but kissing jaebum? i can’t do that. when you forfeit a dare, you’re out of the game. something in me snaps and i get teary eyed and leave the table, pushing past jaebum and mark. this is so so soso embarrassing.
i avoid the booth for the rest of the night. jackson and grace find me in the toilet sobbing. why am i even crying? god.
“did you see his fucking face?” i say through my tears. “like me wanting to kiss him was so absurd and bizarre.”
“babe, no.” grace hugs me. “he was just surprised. ‘cause you and jackson are so tight.”
“yeah, grace’s right.” jackson croaks and pats my head. “c’mon, you don’t wanna waste your night in here.” he says and that makes me smile.
i’m drunker than i’d been an hour ago. i'm in the middle of dance floor now with ray and ed; the losers of the dare and dare. although i feel a pair of hands on me, i just keep dancing. i kind of want it to stay. i just want to not remember that jaebum doesn’t like me and will never see me that way.
the next thing i know, i’m being scolded by jaebum outside the club. after he’s pulled me out the toilet after seeing me in a very compromising position.
“arista, could you try to be more responsible?” he says with exasperation. “you don’t even know that guy. what’s going on with you tonight?” he softens at the last part.
“i am responsible!” i whine, pushing him. “people hook up at clubs all the time.” i yell. “i’ve seen you do it! right in front of me a hundred times.” i’m yelling but my voice cracks at the last time.
“people do it. i do it. but you don’t do it, arista. i know you.”
“what the fuck do you know?” i push past him, annoyed. i can’t even gage how angry he is because of how intoxicated i am.
“arista, you’re not going back in. i’m taking you home.”
“look, i’m going to screw that guy’s brains out then we can go.” i say mindlessly. god drunk arista is that bitch.
jaebum grips onto my wrist. “arista.” his voice is low, trying to hold in his anger.
i jerk my head around to see him. his nostrils are flaring a bit i remember thinking he looked beautiful. his hair’s a bit of a mess after a long night. his chin’s pointing out now; he’s mad. even drunk me knows that’s a sign on his face of anger boiling. but i can’t help it. i giggle.
“you’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.” my voice comes out differently. but i feel a small smile on my face. my hands want to touch his face but he’s holding one of my hands already.
he drops my hand and looks at me incredulously. he wants to laugh. “god, you are so drunk.” he still doesn’t believe that i like him. just because i'm drunk.
ray comes out the club just in time. before i can fuck the situation up even more. “it’s okay jae, i can handle this drama queen.” he breathes with an easy smile; like i hadn’t just been pouring my feelings to him.
ray and jackson console me rest of the day. so my life’s kind of messy now. at least i have a job i love. i spend the entire day ignoring my phone. if i was a mess like that in real life i don’t even want to see who i texted what to.
it’s a couple of nights later. i’m finally home from work. the apartment’s empty and i anticipate that this is how it’s going to be the rest of my life. eventually, i’ll make ray move out (even though he says he will wait for me to find a roommate but it’s been a month of searching and still nada) and i’ll live alone being broke because this apartment is too expensive but also too comfortable to leave.
when the door bell rings, i’m in the kitchen cooking, stretching my neck to watch the tv from there. who is that? i try to remember if i’d ordered anything recently. and as i look out the peep hole, i'm startled.
it’s mark.
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soy-em · 6 years
day 6: undercover models Part 2
Hello! Sorry for the late submission again, but I hope you enjoy it! I’ll be sending in the third part of the fic later for the last day of WLW :D
​"I still can’t believe I got stuck with ‘Chad,“ Sam complains as they’re on their way to 
 modeling studio a couple of days later. 
The turnaround on them being hired by Armel’s for such an apparently competitive catalog shoot is a lot quicker than Dean initially assumed it would be and while he likes to think that it’s because the casting department took one look at him and decided he was the most handsome son of a bitch they’ve even had the privilege to look at (and Sam’s okay too, he generously allows), he knows that it’s most likely because Bobby’s modeling agency pal was  able to spin some kind of bullshit about their non-existent modeling experience when they contacted the studio. It probably didn’t hurt that they were left short handed and scrambling due to the fact that several of their models had either been hospitalized or, you know, died. Things weren’t exactly shaking out too well for them. 
"You’re the one who let me fill out the applications,” Dean points out with a smirk, ignoring the way Sam’s eyes narrow at him. “And technically, your full name is Chadwick Hilton. You just prefer to go by Chad.” Dean himself had gone for the name Theodore Vanderbilt, claiming that it’s just the right kind of name for a snooty model. Sam claims that it’s more like the kind of name that a rich guy who gets caught embezzling from his company so he can pay off the mothers of his many illegitimate children would have. There’s a reason why Dean occasionally likes to screw with his brother. 
“You couldn’t have picked literally anything else?" 
"Dude, with that mop of hair and your collection of polo shirts, you’re totally a Chad. Didn’t you even used to be in a fraternity?" 
"I have maybe fourpolos,” Sam corrects with a sour expression on his face. “…and I only pledged the fraternity for like two days. I seriously regret telling you about that." 
"You should.” Dean laughs at him and takes another bite of the breakfast burrito he’s trying to finish stuffing into his face before they arrive at the studio. He even decided to forgo ordering it with extra bacon this time; gotta stay model thin, after all. 
Sam continues to glare at him and quietly reaches over to hit the eject button on the Metallica tape that’s blaring in the car, just out of sheer pettiness and Dean berates him for it  through a mouthful of  scrambled eggs and tortilla. 
Just business as usual. 
Dean never thought he could ever be this unhappy while in a studio filled with some of the hottest women that New York had to offer, but it turns out that being a catalog model is really fucking boring half of the time and just plain irritating the other half. He’s currently being shoved into a hair and makeup chair for the third time that day and forces himself to stay still as the stylist, a mousy woman named Sophie, fusses over him and chastises him because he apparently doesn’t use the right kind of shampoo for his hair type. He didn’t even know there was a wrong kind of shampoo for him to use.  Who does she think he is, Sam?
Speaking of which, if there’s one thing he can be grateful for, it’s the fact that Sam’s getting it even worse right now than he is. The guy has not one but two people surrounding him and putting various products in his hair and arguing over how it should be styled. Judging by the way that Sam is digging his fingers into the armrest of his chair, he’s clearly struggling not to jump out of it. Dean takes some comfort in the fact that they’re mutually suffering. 
Sophie is actually a fairly pleasant and chatty woman  when she isn’t berating him about his hair or trying to coerce him into adding some seventy dollar face moisturizer to his skin-care regimen (he can’t imagine she would take it well if he mentions the fact that he doesn’t even have one to begin with), and Dean feels like he’s had his first stroke of luck all day when he realizes that Sophie is also a huge gossip. On the occasions when they’re not impersonating law enforcement, it’s a bit more difficult for them to ask questions related to the case in a way that’s not overly invasive, so gossips are generally their bread and butter since it doesn’t take very much at all to grease the wheels. 
For the most part, Sophie spends the better part of half an hour giving Dean every salacious detail about the catalog shoot  so far, although it mostly has to do with which models are fucking each other (all of them) and which ones are doing drugs between photo sessions (a lot of them). When she leans down to whisper in a conspiratorial tone about the fact that she was sure that at least a couple of the recent hospitalizations were due to the said drug consumption, Dean jumps on the chance to try and wheedle some information out of her about Sophie before she breezes on to another topic. 
“That’s horrible. Didn’t a model even die a few days ago? I thought I heard people here talking about it earlier in the cafeteria,” Dean says, playing dumb. He isn’t actually sure what people in the cafeteria were doing earlier. It sure as Hell wasn’t eating, he knew that much. 
Sophie is standing behind him, but when Dean looks at the mirror, he can see her expression fall a little. “Oh,” she says sadly, “that was Laura. It’s hard to believe that she was sitting in my chair just a few days ago. They said that her heart just gave out suddenly, poor girl." 
"That’s so crazy,” Dean says, schooling his face in a disbelieving expression. “How does something like that even happen?”
Sophie glances around as if making sure that no one else is able to hear her. “If you ask me, Laura was practically worked to death,” she says lowly. “The director of the shoot insists on doing an insane number of pieces each day because he wants the catalog to be absolutely perfect. A lot of people have been looking a bit worn down because of it, but Laura didn’t seem like she was dealing with with the stress well. She was such a sweet girl…" 
After a few more hours of being posed like a doll and getting yelled at whenever he fails to wear the right expression on his face for whatever product or clothing he’s supposed to be showing off (how the Hell is he supposed look "reserved and excited at the same time” about a pair of one thousand dollar cuff links? ) he’s beginning to understand how someone could be worked to death on a modeling shoot. Nothing ever seems to be quite good enough for the photographers, especially not to the director, Renaldo Toscani. With his dark, well groomed beard and immaculate clothing, he would probably be considered a handsome man to most but Dean can’t get past the smug look on his face and the fact that he doesn’t seem to have any sense of decency. To Dean’s best estimate, the man has caused at least three models to break down in tears on set so far that day due to how gruelingly he runs the shoot. Dean’s pretty sure he isn’t going to cry, but he’s definitely having a hard time not hauling off and punching the douchebag right in his face. 
Weirdly enough, for someone who can be so awkward, Sam actually appears to be thriving on the set pretty well and seems to be correctly interpreting whatever bizarre directives are yelled at him ​because he doesn’t get criticized nearly as much as Dean. Right now, they have Sam staring sultrily at the camera while wearing low slung jeans and a partly open button down shirt as a fan points at him and blows through his ridiculous hair. The scene should be goofy and mock-worthy but instead, Dean has to admit that Sam makes it work. Really work, in fact, and the thought is one that Dean tries desperately not to think too closely about. Apparently, Toscani agrees with him because it might be the first time that Dean’s heard the man actually praise someone on set, and he can hear him and that dumb (probably fake) Italian accent of his from across the room go on and on about how Sam’s apparently the only one on set that day who’s capable of properly executing his impeccable vision for the shoot and blah, blah, blah. 
Normally, he would be amused by the embarrassed expression on Sam’s face, but the way that Toscani stands a little too close and keeps his hand clasped on Sam’s shoulder the entire time raises Dean’s hackles, and he finds himself fighting the urge to to go over there and make the guy back the hell off. Instead, he lets himself get dragged away from his violent imaginings by another photographer so he can wear a pair of artfully torn, expensive as hell jeans while looking “bold, but also very mysterious." 
Fucking modeling. 
By the end of the day, all Dean wants to do is find Sam and go back to the motel so they can call it a night. He’s exhausted, hungry, and a little pissed off that he’s made hardly any progression in the case at all, aside from finding out that Toscani is an asshole. But at this point it’s impossible to tell whether he’s the one literally sucking the life out of people or if he’s just metaphorically doing so by treating all of the models like trash. 
Well, he thinks as he finally finds Sam standing in the lobby with a strained smile on his face as Toscani says something to him, maybe not all of the models. 
”–very nice of you to offer, but I actually have plans with someone tonight,“ he hears Sam say when he manages to get a little closer. To anyone else, the words would sound polite, but Dean knows Sam well enough to hear the tension beneath them. 
The sleazy grin on Toscani’s face falters for just a second before he plasters it back on and leans in more closely, nearly backing Sam into the wall they were standing in front of. "Are you sure?,” he needles, “I’d love the opportunity to take an exquisite and hard-working young man such as yourself out to dinner so I can give you some…suggestions about all the ways in which you can advance your career. Who could you have plans with that would be more important than that?”
Dean isn’t entirely sure what suggestions someone like Toscani wants to give Sam that would advance his (non-existent) modeling career, but he’s pretty sure he can take a wild guess, and the picture that his imagination paints has him seeing red. As he stomps towards the pair, Sam finally spots him and Dean can see relief flash across his face for a second as he realizes that he’s about to be extracted from his awkward encounter. 
“Me,” he says, answering the question for Sam. “And we’re nearly late, so we should probably be heading out soon, S– Chad.” He tries to aim for a tone that doesn’t sound as openly hostile as he feels (getting fired from the studio by the shoot’s director on the first day wouldn’t exactly be conducive towards solving their case). Judging by the sneer on Toscani’s face, he isn’t quite sure that he succeeds in doing so. 
“I see,” he says to Dean coldly before turning his attentions back towards Sam. “Well, if you ever change your mind, my offer remains. I’m sure we’ll be able to find time for it sooner or later." 
Not if Dean has anything to say about it. 
"Christ, that guy really pisses me off,” Dean complains when they’re driving back to the motel. “He thinks he can just do whatever the hell he wants." 
Or whoever, apparently. 
"Yeah, he’s pretty…intense,” Sam admits. 
“Intense? He looked like he wanted to freakin’ devour you or something." 
"I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration." 
"Whatever you say, Sammy,” Dean says incredulously. “Look, I’m just saying that if this guy ever tries to lure you to a windowless van so he can conduct a 'private photo shoot,’ then you should walk the other way." 
Sam’s face turns an interesting shade of red and he suddenly finds picking lent off of his jeans to be particularly fascinating.  
"Did you make any headway on the case?” he asks, clearly trying to change the subject as quickly as possible, and Dean lets him. 
Dean grunts. “Not much. Mostly just things we already knew in the first place: Laura was well liked on set, didn’t seem to be caught up in drugs or anything like that like some of the other models, and she had been looking noticeably worn down before she died. What about you?" 
"I didn’t have much luck either. I managed to talk to a couple of models who were friends with some of the people who were hospitalized but, as far as I know, they don’t seem to have much of a connection with each other aside from the fact that they were all working for the same studio,” Sam explains, shaking his head ruefully. “As far as I could tell, they all seemed tended to mostly work with different photographers and weren’t even in any of the same shots. Maybe if we could just find a solid link between them…" 
"I guess we’ll just have to try even harder tomorrow then,” Dean says, not remotely looking forward to going back to the studio. 
Things are still creeping along the next afternoon and Dean groans he sees a tall, blonde woman wearing a headset and carrying a clipboard making a beeline towards him. That’s never good. 
"You,” she says, pointing at him as if Dean doesn’t understand what the word 'you’ implies. “Are you between pieces right now?" 
"Uh…yeah?” He has the sinking feeling that whatever she’s about to ask him to do will involve him doing work that isn’t already on his schedule for that day and he’s pretty sure that she isn’t about to take 'no’ for an answer.
“Great,” she says, scribbling something on her clipboard. “We need someone to shoot a cologne ad and you look like you’ll complement the other actor we’ve already got on the set pretty well. Get to wardrobe and be at Stage C in twenty.” Before Dean can have a chance to respond, the woman turns on her heel and walks away, clearly not needing Dean’s input on the matter. 
He grumbles all the down to wardrobe and throws on the silver pinstriped black suit they give him with little gusto, although when he admires himself in the floor length mirror, he has to admit that he looks damn fine in it. He’s not looking forward to doing a shoot with another person in it though; he’s done several over the past two days and they always seem to be the most awkward. 
When he gets to the stage and sees his brother waiting on it (wearing a similar suit, except with an inverted color scheme, that makes his already ridiculous legs look even longer and hugs his body in all the right places), he realizes that the shoot is either going to be  a lot less awkward than he anticipated since it’s a familiar person or infinitely more, depending on the positions they’re about to be finagled into. Cologne ads are usually entire platonic, aren’t they?
“What’s the name of this cologne again?” He asks a nearby assistant before she can bustle past him to go to another stage.
“Let’s see,” she says, flipping through the pages on her clipboard. “Ah, right, this one’s called Forbidden Desire.”
Of course it is. 
“Are you sure we need to stand so close together?” Dean asks, looking imploringly at their photographer. For the shot, he’s supposed to be pressing Sam up against the wall with one hand grasping his suit jacket and pulling him forward slightly while the other hand is tangled in his hair, their faces tilted closely towards each other to suggest that they’re about to kiss. But for obvious reasons, Dean’s having some trouble actually doing it, and his movements are stiff as he makes only the barest physical contact with Sam. 
The photographer sighs dramatically. “Theodore, my dear, it’s important to me that you understand that we’re trying to sell a product called Forbidden Desire, not Awkward Encounter With a Former College Roommate Who Hasn’t Been Seen in Ten Years. We’re looking for something a bit…provocative. Are you saying that you can’t muster enough passion for poor Chad over there?" 
He might be starting to muster up too much of it is the problem. 
Knowing that there doesn’t seem to be a way out of it, he inches a bit closer to Sam but still stands at as much of distances that he thinks he could possibly get away with. He can tell that Sam is as uncomfortable as he is, and neither of them can meet each other’s eyes. 
"Oh God’s sake,” he hears off stage in an accented voice that he, unfortunately, immediately recognizes. “Are you truly so incompetent?”
When he gets on the stage, he moves Dean bodily away from Sam and takes the position he was in. “I would be happy to provide a demonstration that you can follow so that you can cease wasting the studio’s time with your dithering." 
Yeah, Dean’s completely sure that it isn’t at all because he wants to get up close and personal with Sam like a creep. Right. 
Toscani presses himself against Sam’s body, manhandling him into position as he does so, and Dean can see that Sam is biting his lip and clenching his fists at his side, probably trying to resist letting his temper get the best of him; Dean, for one, would love to see him deck Toscani. Hell, he would probably make Christmas cards out of it if the moment was caught on camera. 
He also knows that Sam wouldn’t jeopardize the case by doing such a thing and, sure enough, Sam forces himself to relax and let Toscani maneuver him. But when Sam visibly flinches  as the man’s fingers tangle in his hair and yank him downward, far too roughly by Dean’s estimate, Dean has enough. 
"I get the idea,” he growls out. Toscani smirks at him before stepping away, and Dean takes his place. Sam looks a little shaken up from having his personal space invaded, and Dean vows to just get it right the first time so Toscani has no reason to interfere again. He’s so close to Sam that he can feel the heat of his body against his own, and he’s pleased when Sam’s previously stiff body begins to relax against his own; when he gently grabs the front of his jacket, he can feel Sam’s heartbeat thump against  his palm and Dean can’t decide if the frantic beats are due to excitement or nervousness.  When he carefully weaves his fingers through Sam’s hair and tugs him down, Sam leans forward a little more until their mouths are almost touching and Dean nearly ruins the position when he hears the photographer speak, having almost forgotten that they have an audience. 
“Finally, we’re getting somewhere. Now just hold that exact position; don’t you move an inch." 
Dean hears the sound of a camera flashing and he should be relieved by the fact that the shoot is going to be over soon, but he isn’t sure that he wants it to be. In fact, even though he knows he he isn’t supposed to move, he finds himself wondering what would happen if he brought his lips forward just the barest amount of distance so that they touched Sam’s own. Would Sam kiss him back? Would– 
He’s jarred from his thoughts suddenly and flails away from his position as he hears the loud resounding thud of someone falling to the ground, followed by a woman’s startled scream. When someone calls out to the room demanding for an ambulance to be called, he shares a grim look with Sam. 
It looks like they need to step up their game.
This is amazing! I’m loving it so much and can’t wait for the finale! Poor Sammy getting stuck with Chad, but I bet he looks just wonderful as a model. No wonder Dean can’t cope...! Sorry for posting this late today, been a busy one, but I really love it!
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the-mf-bread-babies · 4 years
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loneliness </\///\|/3
a fic by rocco wulfram north, m.d.
(found that name on hardcore baby names)
–chmapter jop–
before the tríp
It was a normal day for the Skullsmashers: go to somewhere, kill people, be gay, sleep, get brunch. Right now was the first part of their daily routine, and they were getting ready for it.
“holy fuck nova could you hurry the shit up i have to brush my fucking teeth you bitch” Ace hissed, knocking repeatedly on the bathroom door. “Fuck You. I'm Going To Go To Hell Itself” Nova gargled back, mouth full of mouthwash. More banging was heard; the door had seen better days.
Several feet away was Jake, all dressed up and ready to go, waiting for the others to get ready. He sat on the couch gayly in the living room down the hall, scrolling through Apocalypse Twitter. ‘every day i throw down an unpeeled boiled egg from the rooftop to simulate fear and unreadiness’ he read, a tweet from Orc's account. What the fuck. Classic Orc.
“ah fuck !! am i late !!” Jake turned around to see Damon panicking and counting the daggers in his pockets. “no no not at all. i just get ready really quickly to throw everyone into a state of disarray” Jake replied in an honest, monotone voice. “come sit down”
Damon sat down nervously next to his captain, knowing he'll ask him for Bambi on the PS2 now. “look. look at them those dumbshits” Jake uttered, pointing to Ace and Nova arguing. “those little bastards are completely unaware that ive put a fake cockroach puppet in the mirror. watch now” he added, pulling out a cheap remote control and pressing a button.
*sound of glass breaking* Jake sighed. “okay maybe that wasn't really the best idea” Nova screamed, running out of the bathroom and confusing Ace. “Fucking Roach!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she yelled, already too far away from them to be heard clearly. “huh. well okay then!” Ace grinned, going into the bathroom.
“i'll guard. you do your thing okay? :-)” Damon said to Jake, smiling mischievously. Jake's heart skipped a beat as he was suddenly flustered by the killer's action. «oh god, shit's just gonna get more complicated from here» he thought, staring into nothingness.
Damon braced himself against the bathroom door, eager to hear Ace's chaotic screaming. “ready ??” Damon asked, sending Jake back to the real world. “hhuh??????? oh yea right” he mumbled before beginning to control the cockroach with the remote. “this shit cost me like 200 bucks so it better be worth it”
ace will remember this.
Jake cackled loudly, rolling on the floor and hitting the table with his fist. “LMAOOOOK FUCK YOUUU” he yelled, angering Ace even more. “I WILL GODDAMN SKIN UOUR FUCKIGN ISTINEDSTINES OLD MAN I SWEAR TKC FUCKF” they yelled back, pushing the door repeatedly. “IM GOIND TO FUCKIGN DIR HERE YOU BITCH”
“ah . ace ? could you move a little please ? i'm trying to get in ?” Damon said annoyingly kindly, making Ace jab a fake knife through the space between the door and the doorway. “THIS IS THE BEST FUCKIGN KNIFE I HAVE ON ME RIGT NOW BUT PLEADR JSUT FUCK O F F”
“hm ... i'll have to check in with the blacksmith today to know what this one's worth... possibly rusted here, though.... could also just be dirt tho.....” Damon mumbled, examining the knife. “FUCKING HEL P” Ace yelled in distress, his breath seeping through the door. “ace. brush your fucking teeth that's disgusting.”
“IM FUCKIF D TRYINF THERES JUST A FUCKGIFN ROSCH HEREERF” Ace explained fearfully, trying their best to get some pity from the other. “a what ?? don't think we have those here” “A FUCKIFN COKROSKC” “corrosion ???? how bad” “FUCK YOU A GODDMAND COKCROACH” “girls?? what?? are they milfs??” “HOW THEE DFUCKDB DID YEOU HEAR FTHAY WHATS DUCUNESKRHI”
Jake's hand slapped against Damon's shoulder as a way of saying thanks. “good work out there soldier. us skullsmashers really need someone like you damon” He said confidently, disguising his flirting as a compliment. “cool !! you too man !!” The shorter man replied, completely unaware of the flirting and continuing to yearn for the mutual love between him and Jake. fuckin idiots lmao
“alrighty fuckers, let's move!”
Rachel's voice sent Ace and Nova into a panic, making them scram to look for their weapons and equipment. “Got everything ya need? W'ain't makin' any stops; tryin'a save fuel.” Shaw asked, leaning against the wall at the entrance menacingly. “When the fuck did you even come here.” Dennis asked in surprise, carrying suitcases. “Hmph. Man never tells his secrets, young man.” She replied, tilting her cowboy hat. “What…”
Aaron was sitting peacefully in the trunk of a pickup truck they had, only to be met by a large backpack to the face. “ah!!!!!!!! very sorry!!!!!!! we'll be going in separate vehicles, and trunk space is very much needed!!!!!!!!” Whitney said, apologizing. “Ah. Well. O-okay then.” Aaron stuttered out, holding back tears from the painful impact the backpack had. Pretty sure he'll get a bruise from that.
Henderson and Rachel were waiting in the front seats of yet another pickup truck. To pass the time, they took very cringey pictures of each other pretending to be on Cowboy TikTok™. “Do one where you're pregnant with the truck's baby!” Henderson suggested, making Rachel flip the bird at her but begrudgingly agreeing with her stupid idea. “i literally would skin you alive.” She spat out, putting a pumpkin inside her shirt. “That's… literally so sexy, babe.” Henderson replied back, taking more pictures.
Meanwhile, Andre was busy explaining to Cyprus, who was in a small glass jar, that forcibly entering Damon's bloodstream and mutilating his entire body was not very nice, with Orc and Sarah judging. “YES BUT UNLIMITED POWER COULD BE RIGHT IN OUR HANDS ANDRE” “That'd very mean of you to do, and could actually probably kill you too in the process.” he explained to deaf ears. Well, technically no ears. Yet. “CYPRUS I KNOW IT SOUNDS STUPID BUT YOU COULD LITERALLY DO THE SAME BUT LIKE IN AN ELEPHANTS BODY DUDE” Orc suggested, only to be ignored. “cmon cyprus just pleaaaaase dont kill ppl ok”
Jake looked outside, then back at Damon. “well guess its time to move!” “yea ... but at what cost.” Damon replied confusingly, making a sad face. “did you know today is…” he started, then regretted saying anything. “nvm…” He turned away from the punk, sniffling and walking to Dennis and Aaron.
“damon” “??” Jake asked quietly, craning his neck a little before making the decision to leave the new recruit alone. Instead, he joined Henderson and Rachel in their odd activities.
“hey guys. i fucking miss sans.” Damon confessed, taking a seat next to Dennis. “My nose is bleeding.” Aaron pointed out. “ok. today's sunday. and you Know what That Means… Meant,” The boy continued, facing the ground. “Kanye West he…” Dennis began (begun???? idk). “… liked.” Aaron continued, also affected emotionally by the departure of not only Sans, but Komaeda too.
Jake stared longingly at the family, wishing he was a part of it too. He truly felt Ariel Little Mermaid's desire to become human. Seven Vagánias… that was a risk he was willing to take for him. He would shave his eyebrows off for that man, and he just might do it right now.
“Jake? Don't do that. Please don't fucking do that.” Henderson suddenly interrupted, surprising Jake. “do what” Henderson squinted her eyes, giving Jake a suspicious look. “That's the face you make when you want to do silly things…” She pointed out.
“You had that when you almost electrocuted yourself at that stable, you had that when you threw the dart at Scoran, you had that when you glued Marcus and Reese–” “OKAY OKAY I GET IT IM A DUMMY SILLY LITTLE BITCH BOY OK”
Rachel put the pumpkin back on the ground and went to the two friends, curious to know what the quarrel was about. “what's poppin gayboy!” She loudly asked, slapping Jake's forearm strongly. “i am in peril and shaking and crying” “daddy issues” “yget?” He explained, gesturing towards the Russells.
“ah. please clarify what kind.” Rachel said, knowing Jake has a very questionable taste for fictional middle-aged men, such as Sigma Overwatch and the guy from the cowboy game. “the fuckin. family one rachel” “look at em just vibing and simply being gay”
Rachel and Henderson gave eachother a look that questioned whether Damon and Jake were going to be a thing or not, since Jake's technically still with Andre. “Considering the fact that they adopted Damon, they could probably also adopt you if you wanted to.” Henderson suggested, knowing Jake wouldn't like this and would stupidly unknowingly accidentally confess his love for Damon to them both right then and there.
“what?????” “ew no thatd be fuckin incest or some shit what the fuck” Jake said, being grossed out. “what would be the incestuous part, jacon. we did not say or hint at anything related to incest.” Rachel asked, making Jake's hair stand up in panic. “fuCKIN NOTHING DUH” “BUT LIKE YKNOW I GET CRUSHES REALLY EASILY YEA??????” Jake explained weirdly.
“So there's a new one right now, huh…” Henderson asked… feeling like she was in Ace Attorney. “no!!!! no wait” “well yea– no.. but i–” “fuck You but yes” Jake grumbled. “ah no, we won't tell, obviously. it was just getting way too obvious, so we just wanted to hear it from both sides.” “WH” Rachel said mysteriously, getting into the driver's seat of the pickup truck. “okay guys let's go!!” She yelled out, starting the engine. “THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??????” “BOTH SIDES???”
chapter dos
two four trucks
The journey to god knows fuckin where idk didn't plan i guess a fuckin cabin or smth idk was long and torturous, especially when Rachel said that cryptic-ass thing before going. What the fuck was that supposed to mean, bro.
sudden interlude for seating arrangements !!
truck 1: Henderson, rachel, whitney, CYPRUS
truck 2: jake, damon, marge, Andre, Aaron
truck 3: ace, Nova, Dennis
truck 4: sarah, ORC, Shaw, viper
truck two.
Jake awkwardly patted Marge's head in the backseat of the truck, avoiding eye contact with Damon and Andre. Of course he had to go on a three-day trip in the same car with his ex, his crush, AND his crush's father. God, he was pretty sure this was the lab rats' doing.
“cows.” Damon pointed outside, earning Andre's attention. “Holy– what are those?” He asked, taking his sunglasses off to admire the beautiful little cows. “Cows… we drink their milk and wear their skin as jackets…” Aaron explained, his eyes drifting from the road momentarily. “They can have best friends and stuff. Really nice guys. Also, they're expensive as hell.”
“Y–You do what. Their skin??” Andre asked, his voice a pitch higher than usual. “yeah and we rate them based on which layer it is. also, like their meat, expensive as hell. but still very cool.” Damon said, confusing Andre even more. “they also give us cheese and ice cream and whipped cream and stuff. underrated little babies. they deserve better.” “they also have nose rings which are punk as hell–”
“Wait, why the nose– cheese?! Cheese?! AND ice cream??!” Andre asked again, his mind attempting to comprehend the greatness that cows are. “Oh man, you are not ready to hear about pigs.” Aaron said jokingly. “What the fuck are pigs???” “Sausages, ham slices, bacon, lard, leather too, rotisserie–” “aaron please i'm gonna throw up.” “Oh, right. Sorry,”
Jake sat quietly in his seat, just now realising how much of his world Andre's missing. Sure, his world was much cooler, but do they have sheep? Palm trees? Penguins? Thought not, bitch. “andre do you know what a kangaroo is” He asked, breaking his silence like that one YouTuber.
“A what?” “kangaroo. some of them are buff as shit and they move by hopping. they cant hop backwards and they also keep their babies in little pouches attached to them and their bones and guts are exposed on the inside of said pouch. baby kangaroos are about the size of a jellybean, and the adults can box you”
“They what” “yea they're weird as fuck.” “its from australia so” “That sounds fake.” “oh man. wombats bro. quokkas. fuckin drop bears and flying foxes. PLATYPUSES!!!” “wombats poop in cubes and quokkas are always smiling” “Koala bears hold onto tree branches and eat their mom's shit, which is the leaves of said tree branches.” “Please stop what the fuck” “ohoho fucking GEESE” “GET IM JAKE MY NEIGHBOR HAD FUCKIN THREE OF THOSE BITCHES”
truck three.
The three sat silently, with the exception of Dennis, who was swearing at random times. “You call that a fuckin’ turn, old man?! HUH?!!” Ace's shoulders jumped, the sudden exclamations preventing them from sleeping through the trip. “This Is Probably The Last Time We'll See Each Other Alive.” Nova stated calmly. “i slept for like two minutes last night… didn't even get to wear conditioner today. unrelated but just sharing my struggles with you.” Ace said, shifting into a more comfortable sleeping position.
Dennis overheard the two talking, and opted to stay quiet for the rest of the trip, before stumbling across a strange sight. “FROG!!!” he yelled, waking up the duo. “he said fuck! he said the f” Ace yelled out while rubbing their eyes. “Are We Aliven't” Nova asked, stretching. “Sadly, no, but the good news is, I found a frog!” Dennis excitedly said, opening the car door.
“WHAT” “THAT SHITS GONNA POISON US WHAT THE FUCK” Nova yelled out, unfortunately not loud enough for Dennis to hear it. The man kept walking towards the creature that was technically an alien to them, and picked it up with watery hands. “DENNIS YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING KILL US ALL!!!!!!! DENNIS!!!!!!”
“So, you kids know how to handle a frog?” Dennis asked in a wholesome tone, alerting the two even more. “KILL IT KILL IT FUCKING KILL IT” “Oh, are you guys allergic to this little guy? Sorry, I'll put it in the dashboard instead.” “GET ITBOUT WHAT THE FUCK DENNID JESUS” “… Huh?” “POSIOJ DART FOGR” Nova shouted, hiding behind the passenger seat and being pushed by Ace, who was also going to hide there. “BITCH”
Dennis and the frog stared at them in confusion, hearing their horrified screams. “This is… a wood frog… not a poison dart… that one would probably die in this climate…” he explained plainly, his hands gently cupping the newfound friend. “oh. ok” Ace muttered quietly, while Nova maintained an awkward silence. “You can… pat them very softly if you want.” Dennis suggested. “Or spray the shit outta them. That could work too.”
Nova nervously held out her hand to pat the frog, then smiled in succeeding to do so. “Death Quivers Before Me” She said, proceeding to pat it even more. “can i do the spray thing.” Ace asked, their voice quiet as a whisper. “Yeah, sure. Go right ahead.”
*the frog was going to die so technically they didnt like fuck up the ecosystem or smth. do not attempt this irl.
truck four.
“What jolly tunes d'ya have on this here truck. Fellas.” Shaw asked, observing the radio. “uh, really, i don't think it'll be necessary!!!!!” Viper nervously said, only to be ignored. “NONSENSE! ONE'S TASTE IN SHANTIES PROVES TO BE A WINDOW INTO THEIR LIVES.” Orc said wisely, patting them on the shoulder. “i guess that's good advice, but really–”
“I SEE. A MATING SONG FOR YOUR SPECIES?” “my truck f### playlist,.,.,.” Viper tried to mute the speaker to no avail as most of the buttons on the control panel were very much broken. “I'm. Very sorry for this, pardner. But this doesn't sound so bad. I could put this in a jukebox…” Shaw consoled, only making them panic more. “im so f#ckig sorry” They said, before smashing the radio with a briefcase.
They all paused for a moment, unsure of what to do. “i have spotify…” Sarah croaked, holding up her phone. “they have lemon demon too, if you want…” She muttered, scrolling through the song choices. “does anyone want to listen to wet a–” “no.” “okay.”
The truck grew even quieter for a while, until Shaw gave a suggestion to pass the time. “Wanna play 20 questions?” “I'll start: how many folks have y'all killed?” Viper gave the assassin a horrified look, confusing her. “I think mine's around 150. No… 145…” She confessed, rubbing her chin. “Wait, or was it 160?”
“like six. do you like girls, and, follow up question, do you also coincidentally like short girls with long hair.” Sarah said without hesitation, stopping Orc from answering the first question. “Yes! I literally have a wife!” Shaw shouted happily, rolling up her sleeves to show Sarah her tattoos. “This one is her setting herself on fire and me getting inspired–” “ah, yes–” “That one was a total cover-up! Previously, it was the names of my exes, all thirteen of them, but now, it's my cat!”
After some time of receiving a bit too much RexShaw lore, Sarah finally got the answer she so desperately needed from Viper. This was the verdict that determines whether she could make a move or not. This answer could change– “i am gay and do not get attracted to women. thank you.” Ah. Back to more hunting. “I am a lesbian! High-five!” Shaw exclaimed.
And finally, the first truck.
truck one.
Loud country music blared in the truck as they drove by the snowy mountains of uhh. Winsnow. Like winter and snow. They had all chosen separate routes in order to cover more land and see if there were any new developments in the area.
“BRANDY!!! FETCH ANOTHER ROUNF!!!!!!” Rachel screeched as she drummed on the dashboard. “AND SHE FJSJS” Henderson kept driving, searching every inch of land for a rest stop to stretch her legs and also listen to something else.
“hendy.” Rachel said, getting her girlfriend's attention. “do you wanna buy that slime that cleans cars and stuff?” Henderson stared into the distance, pondering. “Hm. There's always the possibility of the slime disappearing under mysterious circumstances and turning up in the trash can the next day covered in saliva, so.” Whitney looked away, feeling attacked.
“yeah, that's a problem.” Rachel muttered, her hand instinctually moving to Henderson's. “Please don't crash the car.” She begged, looking sadly at her. “is there a domino's nearby. i heard they have that new peanut butter chocolate lava cake.” Rachel asked, cupping Henderson's face gently.
“Rachel. There's fucking mountains.” Henderson pointed out, gesturing towards their surroundings. “That shit will freeze.” Rachel put her head down in disappointment. “yeah. damn.” “MORE FLESH!!! MORE FLESH!!! MORE FUCKING FLESH!!!”
Oh yeah, Cyprus was here the whole time. “why does the metal say fuck?????” And Whitney too! “MIND YOUR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS. FLESH NEEDED!” Cyprus yelled out, resembling a hungry toddler on a road trip.
“do you want like a burger or something......” Whitney asked, judging the spirit. “FLESH” “like are you more of a kfc or a mcdonalds guy” “NEED FLESH” She gave the couple a look, one that was kind of undecipherable due to her lack of normal face details like eyebrows, visible pupils, etc.
“So, three peanut butter lava cakes and one meat lover's… what else?” “ah!!!!!! no lava cake for me, i'm on a diet!!!!!! dirt and dirt only!!!!!!!!!!! also fish bones as a treat” Whitney corrected, her eyes searching for a nearby body of water. “Or, we could get Cyprus the fish meat, and Whitney the bones.” “sounds good to me!!!!!!!!” “FLESH”
“welcome to domino's! can i get your order?”
“three peanut butter lava cakes, please. that's all. thank you.” Rachel said, her seat switched with Henderson's, who was too nervous to order. “okay but they each take like three hours to make” “what.” “yea you can stop by like the grocery store up ahead” “fuck you for ordering this” “i–” “fuck off”
the grocewy stowe
The truck stopped by the front of the building, Rachel telling them to go in first while she searches for a good parking spot. Much to Henderson's disappointment.
“My lover…” Henderson said with fear in her voice. “it's okay… go along… i… i have to do this for you…” “for you all… i won't forget the good that you've done to me and everyone i've ever known…” “Rach, please don't go, I lo–” “you all are the kindest people… heaven may wait eagerly for you, but as for me, the ground trembles for its latest meal. fresh from the oven, i will enter the furnace…” “why the fuck would they cook you again” “because i'm TOAST!!” “haha”
“Kill Ronald Reagan while you're at it… I forgot which one he is but I'm pretty sure he's a total bitch…” “i will meet you doomguy” “heeeeeeeh” Rachel whined weakly as she slowly drove over to the spot she wanted.
A silver Honda Civic quickly made its way into there, angering the scientist. “not on my watch, fucker.” Rachel muttered, sliding the pickup truck across the road. She slammed her palm onto the car horn, which terrified even a murder of crows.
“huh wonder who that is” “hm anyway which fish do u like ???? :-)”
A woman who seemed to be in her late 40s exited the Honda Civic, throwing a rather large and flashy boa around her neck. “Jesús, ít's cold in hère,” The lady commented, putting on a pair of expensive-looking sunglasses. “Márie, come along, ma cheghhy!” (i forgot how to spell it)
oh, son of a B I T C H .
it's the french lady who smells weird.
Of course, seeing your enemy in any circumstance that wasn't planned was clearly a little scary and will probably be your last day alive, but bumping into them at a Target was kinda… awkward.
Both the hazelnut and the dolphin were less armed and armoured than usual, and there weren't any bodyguards or security. Usually, if a top leader goes anywhere, the standard protocol was to do thirty separate background checks on the location and have it guarded up somewhere in the three months before their arrival.
So, obviously, someone in Top 50 driving around town in a decades-old car buying groceries isn't very safe, or probably even legal. Hell, she hasn't even seen them wear anything this ridiculous ever. Could this be a distraction? Or is it an opportunity?
Ah, wait, they're both wearing their stupid little marriage bracelets.
It's the middle of October.
This is their anniversary vacation.
in the store
Henderson strolled through the aisles with Whitney at her side, hugging Cyprus's jar. She examined the cereal boxes to make sure they didn't contain any food colouring that could potentially kill her.
Whitney, on the other hand, zoomed over to the meat section, licking her lips at the sight of a raw cod. “cyprus…… do you feel that? the need to devour a being???? the uncontrollable desire for energy that it transcends all laws and regulations placed on mankind?????? the growing hunger for power, one that's so strong it controls your every need????
a natural, primal instinct to become such a brutal being that no one, not even you, recognise yourself anymore. you look at yourself in the mirror and you feel like you want to destroy that, to put yourself onto the pedestal you belong on, to wreak havoc on the cosmos of all beings, living and dead, real and mythical, walking and extinct.
you know that you're the only who understands this instinct, the only one who follows it to this distance. everyone else may underestimate you, but in the end, you'll rise above them all. man's natural instinct is to become the ruler of all.”
“What the fuck, Whitney. Anyway, I talked to the deli guy and he said he could pay you to eat up some scraps if you want. You down?” Henderson asked, her trolley already full of snacks. “yea fuck it man” Whitney replied, walking over to the ‘staff only’ door. “im hungy as fuck”
parking lot.
Despite the growing need to kill the woman, Rachel was managing to control herself. Even though this was the perfect opportunity to eliminate one of them, she knows she'll be replaced by someone much crueler. So for now, she'll just stick to watching this lady consider which can of tomato sauce is better than the other.
Rachel parked the truck near the entrance and the Honda Civic. She kept an eye on the couple as she quietly made her way inside through the back door.
“So thàt's when Í saìd, ‘that's not a cactùs, that's a lámp!” Karén playfully said, her hand entwined with her wife's. Rachel was unsure whether to stalk the two or join her friends in shopping.
B I T C H !! !! !!
0 notes
bananxjin · 7 years
Crush // Mark Tuan x Reader
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|| List ||
Word Count: 5,385 (holy shit I’m so sorry)
Also I couldn’t think of a better title RIP, this story is kind of all over the place, but I hope y’all like it anyway!
Synopsis: Mark has been acting strange ever since the “Closet Incident”.
|| Fluff/Angst/Fluff ||
Going into college, (y/n) never knew what to expect. However, she never suspected that in a million years, her and the honor roll Junior student, Mark Tuan would become as close as they did.
The elevator door opened and she was greeted by Tuan’s lovely, smiling face, the same goofy smile he gave her every morning. She would’ve smiled back hadn’t it been barely half past seven AM.
“How are you always so full of energy this early in the morning?” She muttered, pulling her coat impossibly closer against her body. Mark chuckled and put his arm around her shoulders as they made their way towards the front door and would soon brace the cool January air.
“Perhaps it’s because I know I’ll get to see your grumpy face each morning?” He stated with a questioning tone.
Mark always had a way of making (y/n)’s heart do jumping jacks and her tummy feel warm and tingly.
It intimidated her.
She enjoyed the affectionate relationship they had, but it also made her want to run back to her dorm and hide under her comforters. Then again, Mark would find a way to get in so he could talk to her and prod her about her feelings.
Sure they had a funky little relationship in the beginning. (y/n) had attended the dance team tryouts in the beginning of the semester. There was a small crowd of people in the bleachers, and Mark just happened to be one of those people. Unfortunately in the midst of doing her routine, she had to jump and as she came down, her foot slipped out from under her and she landed square on her bum.
Some people gasped, others giggled. Specifically one of the judges that would determine whether or not she could get on couldn’t hardly hold back her laughter. (y/n) immediately got to her feet and bowed to the judges before she took off out of the gymnasium.
She was absolutely horrified by what happened, but then a small light came to console her, and that light’s name was Mark Tuan.
After that, Mark somehow wiggled his way into her everyday life. He was in two of her classes, they shared the same favorite restaurant, they had several mutual friends so no matter what, they somehow saw each other everyday. Eventually, he just started showing up at the front door of her dormitory and he’d walk her to class every morning. At first it annoyed (y/n). “How can one being have so much energy this early in the morning?” She’d always wondered while remaining in her usual grumpy state. But Mark never overstepped his boundaries. He’d just talk to her about all sorts of different things in the mornings. His life back home, his hobbies, his major, how his was week was going. Anything to keep her attention on him. There were even days he’d show up with coffee for the two of them.
“I thought you might need a little pick-me-up since mornings don’t seem to be your thing.” He said somewhat shyly the first time he’d offered the hot beverage. Despite it only being the beginning of October and the weather still being too warm for equally warm coffee, (y/n) really appreciated the gift. She smiled at him and gave him a small “Thank you.” as she took it from his hands.
She didn’t think much of it. Little did she know, it meant everything to Mark.
So she never actually intended to be close friends with him, it just kind of... Happened. Now she was used to this massive dork just following her around like a lost puppy, rearing his head when she least expected it, and ultimately always always always having her back.
And that was perfectly fine at first.
That was when she falsely believed she could have a platonic relationship with Mark.
Days passed, seasons changed, and Mark always remained at her side no matter what. And things felt relatively normal until her emotions hit her - Slamming into her like an oncoming train.
It was the last day of last semester. (y/n) had been asked to clean up the chemistry labs before she left for her break. Her and Mark were carpooling back to the city together since they’d learned their families only lived about a half hour or so away from one another.
“Any big plans for winter break?” Mark asked, leaning on his elbows against the teachers desk. Mark relished in the moments he got alone with (y/n), and that moment was no exception. Just the two of them in this lab together, he thought. He’d had the biggest crush on (y/n) since the day she fell during dance tryouts. Seeing her every morning and walking her to class was a blessing even on the days she was cranky -- Especially on the days she was cranky.
He’d sit there and tease her and give her a hard time, and she’d pull that cute little pouty face she does.
She’d became the literal light of his life.
“I’m hoping I can sleep for the first three days.” She sighed, dropping a discarded binder on the professors desk. “Finals weeks are the worst; I hate them.” She mumbled, rubbing circles into her temples. Mark gave her a sympathetic smile and gently pat her back.
“It’s okay, (y/n),” Mark said in a wispy soft voice. “The war is over. We can finally go home.”
(Y/n) Couldn’t help but chuckle. “Thank you, Colonel Tuan.” She joked back before standing up straight and tall so she could bow to him. Mark laughed.
For the last few weeks, he’d been thinking about how he’d finally ask (y/n) out, and he’d decided he would do it over winter break. He considered doing it on Christmas Eve assuming she wouldn’t be busy. The forecast called for snow this year. Mark could only imagine how sickeningly romantic it’d be for them to be standing in the snow, drinking hot cocoa together maybe at the park somewhere, and he could confess his feelings under the dead cherry blossom trees.
Not quite as romantic as it could be if it were spring or summer, he thought.
Suddenly, laughter from down the hall could be heard coming closer and closer to them. (y/n) seemed to freeze up on the spot. “Did you hear that?” She asked softly. Mark nodded.
“The weather’s not supposed to get bad until tomorrow night, man. I just need to grab my binder and then we can go.”
“Shit.” (y/n) swore under her breath, frantically looking around the room. Mark gave her a questioning look. “What’s wrong? You act like-”
“Shut up!” (y/n) hissed as she opened the chemistry closet and pushed some lab coats aside.
Before Mark could question her behavior, (y/n) grabbed his hand and without a word, shoved him inside the closet before cramming herself in there with him. The metal door made a clanging sound as she hurried to keep them both hidden. She swore again as the door smacked her in the elbow.
“Do you mind explaining to me what you’re-”
“Shh.” (y/n) said softly as she clamped a hand to his mouth.
Marks eyes widened as the two boys they’d heard talking in the hall came walking into the classroom.
“What’s wrong? You got your binder, now let’s go.”
“It’s just that I was kinda hoping someone would be here.”
“Who? (y/n)?”
“Dude, she’s probably left already!”
“Well I knew she was cleaning the labs for our professor today, so I thought, ya know...”
Silence again.
“Did you leave your binder in here on purpose? What, so you could just happen to run into her??”
The boys continued to bicker and debate. (y/n) slowly removed her hand from Marks face as she let out a sigh.
Poor Mark, his shoulders started getting uncomfortable so he tried to maneuver a little bit. He couldn’t stand up straight lest he wanted to use the tension rod for a pillow. His solution - Put his hands against the wall behind (y/n) and keep his head ducked.
(y/n)’s back remained against the wall as she found herself trapped by Mark. For the first time since they’d shuffled in there, Mark had looked at her, making eye contact with her, and she thought her heart might’ve stopped. He smiled sheepishly, “I’m really sorry if you’re uncomfortable.” He whispered, “We could always just... Get out of here?”
(y/n) quickly shook her head. “Not until they leave.” Mark smiled and shifted his weight to the other foot. His thigh brushed briefly against hers.
“You don’t want to see your admirer?” He joked. She sighed again, “I don’t. I mean... It’s Shownu.”
“The guy from your history class?”
She nodded. “He’s just been up my ass lately, pushing me to go out on a date with him, but he just... Won’t take no for an answer. It’s annoying.”
Mark wasn’t surprised that other guys liked her, she was so sweet and adorable, easy to talk to, not to mention she was one of the smartest students in her class. Who wouldn’t like her?
It did bother him that Shownu wouldn’t back off - In fact, it pissed him off. She felt the need to hide from him if it meant he couldn’t pester her.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I can help you. I could’ve said something-”
“Because I didn’t want to get you involved. It wouldn’t have been fair to you.”
“You’re my best friend!”
(y/n) pushed her hand against his mouth again, worried they were getting too loud.
“Be. Quiet.” Her lips read. Mark narrowed his eyes, his gaze never leaving her lips. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her right then and there.
“Did you hear something?”
“Just the sound of that blizzard getting closer to us.” The friend sighed.
“I’m sorry, dude. Look, just.... Five more minutes. And if she doesn’t show up, then we can go.” Shownu bargained.
“You’re wasting your time, man. I’m pretty sure she’s dating that Mark guy anyway.”
Their eyes met again and (y/n) quickly yanked her hand away from Marks face as if the very feeling of his skin were burning her.
“Mark Tuan?”
“Yeah. Have you seen the way she looks at him? She might as well be in love with the guy.”
(y/n) couldn’t bare the thought of looking at Mark Now. She knew he had the most smug look on his face in that moment. His shit eating grin just staring her in the face, daring her to look him in the eye.
“I hope not... Mark’s not even that good looking.”
Get fucked, Shownu, Mark thought, his smile never fading.
Mark and (y/n) listened in silence for awhile longer before Shownu’s friend had to practically dragged him out of the classroom, Shownu complaining the entire time.
The door slammed shut. (y/n) sighed and finally gathered up the nerve to look at Mark again.
She instantly regretted it.
“So, you’re in love with me, huh?”
“Shut up.” She rolled her eyes, “He just told that to Shownu so that he could leave.” She concluded, reaching out to open the door, but Mark stopped her.
He pinned her wrist against the wall. Not hard, (y/n) could easily pull away from him if she wanted to. It was his reaction that stopped them both dead in their tracks. Mark surprised himself even. Why did he do that?
(y/n) stared into his eyes searching for something. Anything. Was she... Did she actually have feelings for Mark? She’d always thought he was good looking, but could she ever see them together? As a couple?
Mark quickly released her arm from his grasp and tried to stand up. Unfortunately he forgot about that tension rod so he smacked his head into it, making him swear under his breath. (y/n) blushed. Why did she blush? Why did she even put them in this situation?
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, uh...” Mark stuttered, rubbing his hand over the spot where the tension rod attacked him.
“I-it’s okay.”
“It’s just that uhm...” Mark couldn’t seem to find the right words to say. He knew she didn’t like Shownu back, she made that much clear. So what was his excuse for stopping her other than that he wanted to continue to be this close to her?
“You... You should tell me if Shownu bothers you again. Please?” Mark asked, “I promise it won’t be any bother to me.”
(y/n) couldn’t look away from Marks flushed face. Did he himself know was blushing? Was it because he liked her or just because of the predicament that she’d put them in?
(y/n) nodded in response to his plea.
“Yeah, I’l... I’ll tell you next time.”
☆ (y/n) ☆
It felt like we’d been out in the freezing cold for hours, but we eventually made it to the building. We had awhile before our classes started, so we decided to grab a coffee and some breakfast together while we waited.
Mark didn’t say much on the way over here. We really didn’t talk much over Christmas break either. I half expected us to hang out or something, but it never happened.
I glanced up at Mark from across the table. He’d taken his gloves off and grasped the warm coffee cup in his large hands. I leaned in on my elbows and rested my chin on my hands. My eyes trailed from Mark’s fingers, up his biceps and his shoulders to his face. His big, brown eyes seemingly bore into his coffee cup as if he were looking for something.
“You look like you might be more tired than I am.” I joked. Mark looked up at me, seeming surprised that I said something.
“Are you okay, Mark? You’ve been kinda out of it all morning.” I commented. Mark shook his head “Yes”... And then briefly shook it “No”.
“I’m just tired, and... I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.” He replied solemnly. I frowned and reached across the table to grab his hands, “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked softly. His hands were limp in my own. He wouldn’t meet my gaze.
“No, it’s nothing serious.” He replied before pulling his hands out of mine. I knitted my brows together and leaned in closer to him, “Are you sure? This isn’t like you, Mark.”
“I’m fine, (y/n).” He said promptly, finally raising his head and looking me in the eye. His lips tugged up into a small smile. “I promise.”
I fell back into my seat, feeling defeated He was lying to me, I could tell.
What if it was that stupid closet catastrophe I got us into last year? I thought to myself.
The whole scene played over in my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about it over Christmas break either. Especially on days when I’d text Mark or try to call him and he wouldn’t so much as give me the time of day. The whole thing gave me anxiety. It made me wonder if this is what would ruin our friendship.
Ruin my chance to have something more with him.
The thought alone could easily bring me to tears, but I tried not to think too much about it. Especially since I was sitting right there in front of Mark.
There was an uncomfortable silence between us before he finally looked down at his phone, “You should probably be heading to class soon.” he said as he gathered his discarded breakfast.
I looked up at him, “What do you mean? Aren’t we going to class together?”
“Nah, I think I’m gonna skip today.” He replied with a big smile. I was in complete shock. What’s gotten into him?
“Th-then I could skip with you! We can have a lazy day together!” I suggested, “We haven’t done that in awhile! How about it?”
He shook his head, “Nah, it’s fine. See ya!”
He gave me a single finger gun and made a mad dash out of the cafe before I could get another word in. I sat there completely dumbfounded, staring blankly at the seat he’d been sitting in just a moment ago.
The next couple of days were killer. Mark quit walking me to class, he quit showing up to the classes we shared, he didn’t text me, didn’t call me, he didn’t even show up in mundane places I was used to seeing him in casually.
I went to his dorm to confront him one day and his roommate, Jackson answered and told me that he was in class which I knew was a bold face lie, he didn’t have a class at that time.
Jackson gave me a sad smile and leaned against his door frame. “I’m really sorry, (y/n).”
“He hasn’t spoken to me for almost two weeks, Jackson! I don’t understand what I did!” I whined, letting my head fall into my hands. I was on the brink of tears.
“You didn’t do anything, actually.”
My head snapped up at him, “What do you mean?”
He sighed, “I mean... I really shouldn’t say anything, it’s really not my place-”
“Please, Jackson.” I begged, putting my hands on his shoulders, “I need this, I need to know why Mark’s been avoiding me lately. I...”
Jackson was staring down at me with wide eyes. I sighed and let my arms fall limp at my sides. “I like Mark. I’ve liked Mark for awhile now, but I’m just... So scared to admit it or the idea of anything becoming of it." I rambled in a soft tone, worried about anyone hearing my confession.
Jackson’s hands made a light smack sound as they connected with his cheeks, his lips turned upright into a bubbly smile.
“That’s so sweet!” He exclaimed, his voice gradually getting higher. I lightly smacked him on the arm, “Shush! I don’t want to draw anyone’s attention to us.” I hissed. He smiled, “He said he was heading to that bubble tea cafe on Ninth, I think you should go talk to him about it. There’s nothing to be scared of, you and Mark have always been close.” He told me.
My smile grew so wide I thought it might crack my cheeks. I let out a small squeal and wrapped my arms around Jackson's neck, “Thank you so much!”
Jackson chuckled at my giddy mood. He waved me off as I jogged back down the hall.
Of course he’d be at the bubble tea cafe, he loves that place, I thought to myself. It wasn’t a long walk from campus so I just pulled my coat tighter against me and made my treacherous ten minute adventure down the road.
I kept going over what I should say and how I should say it in my thoughts, but nothing really seemed right.
“So Jackson told me I’d find you here?”
“It doesn’t matter how I knew, all that matters is I have something important to tell you.”
“But why have you been avoiding me? Do you feel the same way? What’s going on?”
I huffed as I made my way up the small hill. Perhaps he’d say something first? Jackson seemed to think that everything would be fine, but then I could’ve just been overlooking the whole situation. Maybe he’s just trying to help a friend in need. He’s just a wholesome friend like that.
I’ll be okay though. I’ll be okay if Mark turns me down? I mean yeah, it’ll hurt, but Mark’s friendship means everything to me. Isn’t that what I’ve been trying to avoid? ruining our friendship?
I could see the cafe up ahead. My legs seemed to feel heavier and heavier the closer I got. I felt the bashfulness creeping up my neck, and I suddenly wondered if this was actually a good idea.
I opened the glass door and timidly walked inside. It was pretty busy for a Thursday afternoon. I looked around the large room about as casually as one could without seeming weird. One of the ladies at the counter even asked me if I needed any help. I respectfully declined and told her I was just looking for someone.
This is a bad idea. This is a really bad idea.
I dismissed my negative thoughts when I finally found Mark sitting at small table towards the back, still looking at one of the little fold up, paper menus. I smiled and took a deep breath. I walked right up to the chair in front of him feeling stiff as a board.
He looked up at me, smiling at first but it was quickly replaced with a look of surprise, “(y/n)!”
“Hey, stranger.” I replied, gripping the chair as if it were my lifeline, “Mind if I sit here?”
“Yeah! Go for it!” He exclaimed, his voice laced with happiness. It’s almost as if nothing were out of the ordinary. Like he hadn’t just avoided me for two weeks.
“How’ve you been?” He asked, crossing his arms on the table and leaning in closer. I gave him a tight lined smile, “About the same as usual.” I replied. He sighed and seemed to drop the facade, “I’m really sorry, (y/n). I’m sorry for disappearing and being a total dick basically.”
I wanted to agree with him. I wanted to get angry and lash out at him, but I couldn’t. “I just want to know why it happened, Mark.” I sighed, “I thought we could talk about anything, and then we just... We stopped talking. Altogether. It really hurt, I mean...” I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, “You’re my best friend, and...”
I love you
“Hey, shh,” Mark took my hand from across the table, “It’s okay, everything’s okay." He cooed, “I really... It’s hard for me to talk about it, and I know that’s no excuse, but I was just scared, and-”
“Hey, Markie!”
The girl I recognized as one of the judges from my failed dance audition sat in the chair beside Mark and wrapped her arms around hi neck, “Who’s this?” She asked, looking at me.
I was taken aback as I suddenly pulled my hand back and tucked both of them into my lap. “I feel like I should recognize you from somewhere?” She said, seeming to study my face. I gave her a small smile before looking down at my lap, “I get that a lot.. I think I just have one of those faces.” I said awkwardly, looking back at Mark.
“Anyway, I think I should go. I was just uh, I had to return Mark’s notes to him. I missed my class the other day, so...”
“You don’t have to! We were just on a small date, but you’re welcome to join us! I’m always happy to meet Mark’s friends!”
What a bitter word to hear when you were just about to tell him everything. “It’s okay, really! I have some other things I had to do today.” I responded, my voice sounding slightly venomous. “Enjoy your date!”
I ignore Mark as I hurry out of the little restaurant, walking as fast as I can on the snowy sidewalks as I make my way back to campus.
A date, huh?
Is that why you’ve been avoiding me this whole time, Mark?
I can’t even cry about it. Mark is his own person, he’s allowed to date who he wants. Besides, how was he supposed to know that I’ve been harboring feelings for him?
The memory of Mark and I being stuck in that closet together crept back into my mind again like the little rat it is. The intimacy of the situation was enough to make me swoon. I was so close to Marks face, I should’ve just kissed him. God knows I wanted to.
And then Mark wouldn’t drop it when that guy said he thought I was in love with Mark, I was hoping he would’ve just caught on and maybe we could’ve started something.
Tears finally brim my eyes as I continue torturing myself with the thought of what could’ve been. I bury my face into my scarf and keep my head low as the tears go streaming down my cheeks.
Of all the people in the world, it had to be my best friend. It had to be!
I accidentally bump into someone as I near my dormitory. They reach out to steady me by my biceps. “Ah, I’m so sorry, I...”
He trails off as he studies my face. I look up at him, ready to apologize for bumping into him, but then I see who it is, and I nearly panic.
He smirks at me. “(y/n)! Wow it feels like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you!” He gushed. I smile back halfheartedly, “Hey, Shownu... How’s it going?” I asked, kinda dragging out his name.
Because he’s exactly who I wanted to speak to, I thought with a slight roll of my eyes.
“I’m fine, hey there’s something I wanted to ask you...” He says taking my hand in his gloved one. My eyes widen and my heart speeds up, mind racing as I try to think of any possible way to get out of this.
“Shownu, I-”
“(y/n) I’ve liked you for awhile now, and I wanted to know if you’d go out on a date with me.” He confesses, “I know I’m not Mark, but-”
“You’re right: You’re not me.” Mark chimes in as he slides in next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I look at him in pure shock, but he doesn’t seem to notice. He keeps his gaze focused on Shownu, wearing that same shit eating grin I’ve grown to love.
“Mark! I thought-”
“I know, but I thought we should spend the day together instead.” He said, kissing my cheek. I swallowed. I couldn’t help the heat that rose to my face no matter how much I may have wanted it to go away.
You’re giving me mixed signals, Mark.
“I'm sure you have a good reason for holding my girlfriend’s hand.” Mark said smugly to Shownu.
Shownu’s once determined face twisted into one of anger and disappointment as he dropped my hand. He seemed to think his words over carefully before he replied to Mark. He looked like he wanted to fight him, but he’d decided against it.
“No, Mark. I didn’t have a good reason.” He replies through gritted teeth and a thin smile. He looks between the both of us for a second before letting out a sigh, “See you later, (y/n).” He says before walking off.
I almost feel bad for him as I give him a sad smile and wave goodbye. Once I know he’s out of ear shot, I shake off Mark’s hold on me and smack him repeatedly in the chest. “What the hell was that for?! How’d you even get here?! Did you follow me all the way back from the cafe?!” I demanded.
Mark giggled and grabbed hold of my wrists, “So what if I did?” He asks, bringing his face close enough that his nose touched mine. I swallowed thickly and pulled my face away from his as well as my arms. “Go back to your date, that’s so rude to just... Leave.” I sigh, turning away from him as I walk into my dormitory.
He followed me in.
“Shouldn’t you be taking your own advice then?” He asks as we both head towards the elevator. I roll my eyes and ignore him. “(y/n), I left because I needed to talk to you.” He told me. I swore I felt steam come out of my ears. My neck cracked as I looked over at him, my eyes full of anger. “You ignored Me, Mark. For two weeks you ignore me.” I reminded him. 
We boarded the elevator, “We could’ve been talking these last two weeks, but you just disappeared. You wouldn’t text me, answer my calls - You missed class to avoid me!” I exclaim as we exit on my floor.
“I know, I owe you an apology and you deserve an explanation-”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
I get all the way to my door before he grabs me by the shoulder and quickly pins me against the wall. I suck in a sharp breath as his other hand blocks me in. I gaze up at him, and I immediately feel the tension melting away. His sad, puppy dog eyes gazing into mine. "I'm sorry, (y/n)." He said softly. His free hand came up to caress my cheek, wiping away a stray tear I didn't even know had fallen.
“I just want to know why.” I asked him. His eyes showed sorrow as he opened his mouth to reply, but I cut him off before he could answer me, “You know, I was perfectly fine before I met you! But then you just... Wiggled your way into my life like some sort of worm! You made an impact on me, became my best friend and all and then you just decide you’re gonna leave?!” I release all of my thoughts as I raise my hand to smack his chest again, but he captures it before I can make contact.
He closes his eyes as he entwines our fingers. “(Y/n) I...”
“You what, Mark?”
He takes a deep breath and peers down at me only for a second before he leans down and gently presses his lips against mine. My body tensed up as I pressed my arms against his chest, ready to push him away, but I couldn't. Everything that I'd felt before didn't seem to matter. All that matter's to me now is that I know how Mark feels. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. The movements of his lips soft and slow as if urging me to fight him; urging me to be the one to take initiative. I cup his cheeks in my hands and deepen the kiss, pressing my body impossibly closer to his and he presses me into the wall. His lips feel so soft against mine and his kisses tastes like white chocolate mocha which I assume is what he was probably drinking earlier.
He parts his lips and drags the tip of his tongue across my bottom lip, prompting me to part my lips for him. My head feels so hazy and my faces feels so hot. I can’t tell if it’s from the kissing or from my feelings - Probably both. It didn’t help when I noticed that his hold on me got just a little more snug as he took my bottom lip between his teeth and nibbled it gently.
Our eyes met once again as my lip slipped from his teeth. His eyes were glossy and pupils large. I imagine my eyes looked similar.
“”I’ve liked you for awhile, (y/n). Jesus, I... I wanted to confess to you over the holidays, and I was so confident about it, but then...” He sighed, taking a deep breath again, “But then when all the stuff happened in the closet, I was worried you really didn't have feelings for me, and I-"
"Mark, I've liked you for the longest time, I... I love you." I confess somewhat shyly. I look away from him as I feel my face turning deep red, but his fingertips immediately guide me back to look at his smiling face again, "I love you too, (y/n)." He whispers, pressing his lips to mine again. "I'm so sorry I left you, I just needed time to think and I wanted to try to get over you," He mumbles in between kisses. His large hand gently caresses my hair, sliding down to cup my cheek, "but I promise I'll never do something so stupid again." He whispers, leaning his forehead against mine.
"I'm so in love with you."
"I'm in love with you too, Mark."
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wanna-one-imagine · 7 years
Wanna-One Hwang Minhyun Friend to Boyfriend Scenario!
Another part of the Wanna-One Boyfriend scenarios, enjoy! (You + Minhyun)
Let’s say you and Minhyun were longtime friends, bffs
Right now in college together, Minhyun is senior to you though
A completely playful and platonic relationship no question about it
Not that Minhyun would appreciate yet anoTHER girl chasing after him, anyway
You saw while girls liked him, he was nice, attractive and clean
(yes you admitted he was the epitome of beauty it’s not a crime !)
he doesn’t have to know that though
All the ladiez were jealous that you two were so close
Even though you two were literally just friends and that’s it
You don’t even hug or hold hands do skinship or anything (but you did know everything about each other)
(fears, aspirations, every embarrassing moment, secrets)
You did exchange “love you”s with each other though, but it was a family/friend thing not the othER THING 😏
He didn’t really date much, claims to have “high standards”
Went out with pretty, elegant women that didn’t overtly fawn over him
Your close friendship, however bothered most of the people he dated, leading a large amount of his relationship attempts to go up in flames
He didn’t seem to care much though, and never blamed you for that (even though you always felt bad)
“If they can’t accept my best friend then it wouldn’t work for me anyway”
You always gave him love and life advice (that may or may not be unsolicited but who’s keeping track hohohoho)
You taught him cute moves that he could use on his girlfriend, like brushing her hair behind her ear or conversation starters
He practiced on you sometimes because he is awkward and sometimes he got little flutters from the small actions but he always just thought it was because he was pretending you were the girl he was dating LOL
Very protective of one another, wanting the best for each other
You didn’t date much, for no reason really 
Anyway coLLEGE
Lots of late night studying on your part
You would hang out in each other’s dorm rooms cause why not
friendship is beautiful
Minhyun was smart and always offered to help you, either by teaching you a concept or by making you a snack or coffee 
You had done the same for him when he was stressed out or preparing for exams
wow look at this beautiful symbiotic relationship, mutualism at its finest
Anyway winter break rolled around, and you decided you would stay at the college in order to continue working, while Minhyun would go visit home
You both didn’t text/chat online much, so while he was away you didn’t contact each other that much
Anyway over the break one of your friends offered to set you up on a blind date (probably bc Minhyun wasn’t always hanging out around you) and you had no reason to say no
You called Minhyun for the first time over that break, and you guys caught up a bit before you remembered to mention that you were going on a blind date
Minhyun was silent for a bit, and then curtly responded:
“Good for you.”
You felt some cold air from him, but you brushed it off and just continued the conversation normally but he said that he had to go soon after
You didn’t think too much of it
But Minhyun?
He was startled because he had suddenly got angry, for no reason (so he thought)
He briefly wondered if it was because you said you were dating now
But he told himself he didn’t care 
He paced around the house, muttering hypotheses and theories of why he was having this reaction
Literally convinced himself that he had a medical issue
When he returned from his break, somehow you two seemed... different?
You started going on more blind dates, mostly to just meet new people
You thought it wasn’t causing you and Minhyun to drift apart, especially since you weren’t as bonded with the other guys, and it was just going on dates for you 
You didn’t see it as anything more than that, just getting to know people, so it was no big deal
But to Minhyun every second you were with another dude it was hell
Every time you said another guy’s name or asked Minhyun for some advice, Minhyun felt his heart sink
He found himself caring about what you wore or if you looked too pretty or if you were out late
He was deadly curious about what you were doing but simultaneously didn’t want to know
Took him literally a month before he figured himself out (and it took a lot of internet searching)
Liking you had never occurred to him really
Not because you were not attractive or charming or even because you were best friends were so long
But because he had told himself for some weird reason that his ideal type was strictly someone more... quiet and classy
Not you, who was very free and open and lively with Minhyun
But that’s why you were so special to him
Because you two were comfortable together, and that’s what mattered
And Minhyun didn’t want you to be that comfortable with someone else
Suddenly everything became very clear to him
That how much he treasured you crossed the bounds of friendship, he wanted you for himself and he wanted himself to be yours
For a couple days, he kept these feelings hidden up in himself, because he was stressing over how he should act with you and what he should do about his emotions
But that didn’t last long
You were hanging out with Minhyun, watching a tv show in your dorm room one day when you suddenly remembered that you had a meeting with someone, not even a blind date lol 
(but Minhyun didn’t know that)
You got up to go to your closet, about to get ready
When you suddenly felt arms snake around you, stopping you from moving
Shocked by the sudden contact that you had never felt before, you barely managed to sputter out “Minhyun? What... what are you doing”
Without thinking at all, Minhyun responded truthfully and bluntly
“I like you. Don’t go.”
Your heart sped up abnormally fast
For some reason, this confession of Minhyun “liking” you was impacting you more than all the times he had said that he “loves” you
You were shocked, but you prioritized Minhyun more than anything; you couldn’t just leave your best friend after that confession, that was just cruel
You quickly texted the people you had to meet that you couldn’t make it to the date, and just sat down with Minhyun while he clearly told you what had been on his mind for the past month and a half
How ever since you had told him you were going to start dating, he got sad and angry
How he thought he was sick but it was just jealousy (you laughed at that one)
How he couldn’t stand seeing you with other guys, but he felt as if he couldn’t do anything because you never bothered him in his previous relationships
And this was shocking to you, it really was
He was aware that you didn’t have feelings for him (yet) but he wanted you to objectively look at him and give him a chance
All this atmosphere made you somewhat awkward, a feeling that you barely got with him
It was like that for some time, for days he treated you normally as he did before but you were always self conscious now
But over time, you took notice of all the little things that he always did for you; from making you snacks and giving you massages to always knowing what mood you were in and knowing the right thing to say, all the time
And you started to realize of every time your skin brushed his, and how you would blush in response
Or how you would be talking to him and then just stop because he literally had the face of a god, making your heart speed up
And randomly one day you jusT HAD TO walk in on him changing in his room (hits self why are you writing about this illegal!)
You saw him changing out of a shirt (thats literally it you just saw his beautiful smooth back which you had seen before) but it made your mind turn into alphabet soup and you audibly gasped and dropped whatever shit you were carrying (because thats what happens right)
Minhyun turned around and that arroGANT FUCK smirked at you and freaking got all confident
“Like what you see? It’s yours if you want it”
Your mouth dropped open and you just blinked at him, making him genuinely smile
But that didn’t last long because you ran up to him and hit his bare skin asking if he was insane
“Could you be any more shameless Minhyun??? Seriously?”
Cue embarrassed “haha”s from Minhyun
Everything was pretty much back to normal in terms of awkwardness (except for the becoming-more-frequent heart flutters and butterflies and blushes)
And one day you two were just hanging in his dorm room and fell asleep on his bed while watching something
When you woke up in the morning, you were all snuggled together, his arms around you, who were facing his chest (im dead)
You were shocked and started getting up, but you realized that you really liked the feeling, thinking I could get used to this, as you laid back down on him
I like him, don’t I. (YES Y/N YOU DO JESUS CHRIST)
You giggled to yourself as silently as possible as to not wake Minhyun but surprise he had already been awake for an hour, unable to fall back asleep
And the fact that you had decided to stay there with him in that intimate position told Minhyun everything he needed to know
He signaled he was awake, opening his eyes, meeting yours
He raised his eyebrows at you, and thanks to the telepathy of best friends you know what he meant. Is this a yes from you?
And you nodded in response. Yeah, it is.
And that was that
Your relationship stayed pretty much the same, except some added cuteness and skinship ;)
You were obviously still best friends, but now you were best friends that liked kissing sometimes yaknow the usual
You both understood one another so well, and were already comfortable with another, already knew everything about the other person
Both of you thought you were very lucky to have been in this situation, to meet and be with the other person
hehehehehehehehe adorable
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A/N: Holy shit I feel like this ended up being super long, hope that’s fine with y’all lmao.
also jesus christ he’s so beautiful this is ILLEGAL !
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bbatcats-blog · 7 years
let me be your coffee pot
“There’s only one plug in this entire coffee shop and you’re sitting right in front of it and you’re not even using it, and my laptop is about to die in the middle of this online exam I’m taking, so whatever I don’t care how intimidatingly attractive you are I’m sitting down at your table to plug my shit in.” AU
Title from ‘I Wanna Be Yours’ by Arctic Monkeys.
ff.net. - ao3.
Day one: AU/AH of KlarolineInfinity Week!
Caroline was beyond frustrated.
Sleep-deprived, coffee did nothing to calm her, full bent on getting a good grade. Apparently, Mr. Salvatore, her annoying and inappropriate Communication teacher, had taken a sudden like to technology —that wasn’t related at all to the fact that he showed up hungover at the last classes of the year, refusing to teach them anything, sending power points of the contents to them instead— and decided to take the exam through an online platform.
A message appeared on her laptop screen when she was reading a question about engaging people in the media, startling her.
You’re now running low on reserve battery power. You need to plug the power adapter into your computer and into a power outlet. If you don’t, your computer will go to sleep in a few minutes to preserve its memory contents.
Groaning, she looked around, noticing not even one plug in sight. It didn’t surprise her, considering the old vibe of the store, it was a miracle that it had wireless connection to begin with. Hell, she had actually contemplated turning around upon first looking inside “Original Coffee”. Ancient shelves containing jar of coffee grains instead of a machine, and a counter guy dressed in a Viking costume? Weird.
The shining screen reminded her that she had fifteen minutes and forty seconds left to finish the exam.
She cursed her bad luck. Had she walked under a ladder that day? She really hoped not.
Although it wasn’t completely her fault, on second thought, it was Katherine’s.
Though, while Enzo had been her only roommate everything seemed fine, she had gathered that living with people wasn’t easy from previous experiences.
They had become roommates in her first year of college. She was studying journalism and he public relations; however, they met in a Communication class, where he had been assigned as her partner for a project. Bonding over mutual hatred towards the new teacher, a creepy grinch-looking guy, and their love for both Nolan and Tarantino’s films, a friendship was slowly built on trust and support.
She had complained about how exhausting living with girls in the college campus was during one class and how she had been looking fruitlessly for a suitable apartment. He had offered her that, if she wanted, she could be his roommate. It was a tempting offer but she had to think it through. Could their relationship survive cohabitating?
When one of her then roommates started psychoanalyzing her, again, about her tendencies for order and referring to her single status as seeds of ’'the deep insecurities carved on her by her parents’ split“, while the other roommate looked at them disdainfully, perpetual pout on her lips, Caroline snapped and screamed at the girl that she was single because she wanted to, thank you very much, and it wasn’t her fault she was a lazy person who left her ugly clothes everywhere. Packing her possessions and leaving the room, she had called Enzo immediately to accept his offer.
Enzo was accommodating towards her and when she had told him order was needed, he complied, changing his ways and soon everything was organized in their apartment —well, expect his room but she couldn’t do miracles— and stayed that way through time. Friday nights watching movie marathons and eating junk food made them bond even more. To her surprise, she found herself caring for him as a brother and delighted upon seeing they managed to live together without major troubles.
She was happy with her single status. In the other hand, Enzo St. John wasn’t the serious relationship type, having new flings each week, he had enough class to not bring them to their apartment; it was either on their place or no activity at all. Their comfortable, beautiful and calm was destroyed when he became Rebekah Mikaelson’s boyfriend, a beautiful british girl who hated her guts.
With two occupied bedrooms and one to spare, they had always been looking for a new roommate. More than ever, Enzo had prompted her to do so, since she had been a bit lonely now that he spent a lot of time on Rebekah’s place (’'I know you’re an independant woman, gorgeous, but it would really put my mind at ease if you were with someone in here more. I’m feeling quite guilty for leaving you alone this much. What if I give you dog?”).
He suggested Kol, one of the the bajillion of Rebekah’s siblings, but she was no way in hell living with him after he spent the whole day they met —and every time they saw each other— throwing lame pick-up lines at her. No one seemed trustworthy enough, until she received a text message from Katerina Petrova, childhood best friend from Mystic Falls, the only one she had never lost contact with. Apparently, one of Kat’s parties had gotten out of control and the police came, for the tenth time in two months, and having been warned already, her parents kicked her out. With a too self-righteous sister and nobody else to rely on but Caroline, she was the only one she counted on. She needed a place to live in for a while and, after a talk with Enzo, she acquiesced. Using the money she still had from her trust fund on changing her name to Katherine Pierce, she had finally taken on the scholarship given to her a few months ago and went to live with them. Enzo and Katherine became friends quickly, which Rebekah hadn’t liked one bit.
Looking back at it, she damned the day she decided to help her friend.
Elijah, other of Rebekah’s brothers, had come to deliver some books to her on a normal Tuesday when Katherine had opened the door. She flirted with him, not an ounce of shame in her body, in front of a disgusted Rebekah, an amused Enzo and a frowning Caroline. He had coughed rather uncomfortably at the moment but Katherine was enchanted by him. Taking her coat, she threw Rebekah’s book in a table and dragged him out of there, God-knows-where. They had engaged in a relationship afterwards. Caroline shuddered every time she thought of it.
Present day, in the evening, she had been studying with her laptop, when Katherine entered the place, Elijah MIkaelson trailing behind. She slammed both hands on Caroline’s desk, mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Okay, Carebear, listen. This is our fifth month anniversary and after a delicious lunch, I would really like to fuck my boyfriend on every surface of this apartment.” Caroline’s nose scrunched up. “So, it’s better if you go to another place to finish your things.”
The girl scoffed and stood up. “No way! This is my apartment, I refuse to be kicked out again! Go do your stuff on this suit-wearing-monster’s house instead. No offense, by the way, Elijah.”
He nodded. “None taken, Miss Forbes.”’
Katherine smirked. “Then we’ll just have to get to business in front of you, don’t we, Elijah?”
Face red, he visibly cringed at his girlfriend’s manners, but Katherine threw herself on him, kissing him eagerly, and he forgot it.
Caroline angrily took her charger and laptop, putting it on a bag, leaving the room with loud steps.
Before closing the door, Elijah let out, “I’m sorry, Ms. Forbes,” trying his best to be polite through his heavy breathing.
She contemplated with disbelief the brown closed door. Hearing moans coming from inside, she yelled “I hope you both choke!”
In her current predicament, trying to come up with ways to make Katherine pay, a sigh elicited behind her caught her attention, making her turn around.
A guy sat at the table, looking down, frown marring his face, drawing something, very focused, on a paper. Another sigh escaped his lips and he looked up, scratching his neck with one hand, pencil previously used in the other. Stubble decorated his face along with full red lips, blue-ocean-deep eyes and a strong but tensed jaw. When his eyes connected with hers, he seemed to draw a breath and she forgot of the fifteen minutes and counting she had to finish. Their connection broke when, lost in the moment, without thinking, he opened his hand and the pencil dropped. He leaned down to pick it up, attracting Caroline’s eyes to his charcoal stained hands. Past them, she noticed a plug-in tampered to the wall… her salvation.
She contemplated going there and sitting quietly, finish her test and run away but dismissed the idea as too weird. However, when her eyes looked at the computer again and a red light indicated it was about to die, she damned Katherine again and, standing up quickly, charger and computer in hands, she moved to his table.
The guy looked at her, astounded at her sudden approach, but gave her a wicked smile. Damn, he had dimples too! “Anything I can help you with, sweetheart?”
“Is this seat taken?” He shook his head, confused. “Okay, so my computer’s about to turn off and I’m taking this big test and need to use this plug,” she explained while putting her computer and plugging the charger, “if you’re a loner who doesn’t like company I’m sorry dude, you’ll have to get over it for 13 minutes or go, i’m really sorry but blame whoever thought building this place as an ancient coffee shop was a good idea and put only one plug in the entire place. Like, what kind of person could even—?”
He chuckled, interrupting her speech, but her angry gaze made his laughter cease. He coughed. “I did, actually. This is my shop, love.” Showing his teeth, he was very amused at her widening eyes.
She damned Katherine again. Her cheeks couldn’t get redder at the moment.
“I probably should apologize for talking about you like this but i’m on the clock here, dude. Literally. I’ve got exactly,” she looked at the laptop screen, “twelve minutes and fifty-eight seconds so…”
Eyebrow raised, the guy smiled. “Then, I guess I’ll have to wait for it, love.”
A smile formed on her lips.
Twelve minutes and fifty seconds later, she let out a relieved sigh.
Her screen shined with a new message.
Time’s finished. Your test will be on the platform and the grade will be uploaded next Sunday.
After the rather chaotic day she had endured, excitement took over. The scholar year was over. No more essays, exams or projects for Caroline Forbes that year.
She forgot everything until Dimples talked again, pencil scratching paper, “Finished, I guess, sweetheart?”
Unimpressed, she bit out, “Too distracted to notice the pet names before but quit it already, okay?.”
He put the pencil down and smiled. “Yes, ma'am. How should I call you?”
“Caroline,” she answered, dryly.
“Caroline,” he repeated, slowly. Caroline felt herself blush. Living with Enzo, enduring Kol’s incessant talking and Rebekah’s biting words, she had thought herself immune to british accents but he had proved her wrong, it seemed. “Sweet Caroline,” he said, singing tone, drawing the 'e’ at the end.
“Please, don’t. I get called that enough in british accent to have you doing it too,” she frowned, thinking of Kol.
Nodding, he looked at her, eyebrow raised. “A lot of british friends, I presume?”
She snorted. “You have no idea.”
He seemed curious but decided not to question her further. Instead, he smiled at her. “If you don’t mind me intruding, what was the test about?”
“You said something about an exam…”
“Oh, it’s my final one of the communication classes. I’m a journalism major,” she seemed thoughtful, looking around the place, “You run this shop? It’s beautiful, even if the old vibe bothers my technology needs,” she joked.
“Oh yes, I run this but it was my little brother’s, Henrik, idea to decorate like this. I would have make it more modern but I can’t bring myself to deny him things. I’m an art major too, but have to work here because my father removed my trusting funds the day I told him I wanted nothing to do with law.”
She frowned. “That’s awful of him. But I really admire your passion for art.”
“Oh, I really enjoy it. Plus, it pissed father off.” He looked down at his draw and she could notice, to her surprise, her face on it. Her breath quickened. It was… very detailed and she looked pretty on it, a light coming from the sketch that made her gasp. He noticed it and she could see him fighting down a blush. “You’re beautiful, Caroline. And I like your personality. No one has ever insulted my coffee shop in such a magnificent way,” he said, seriousness matching his features.
His eyes looked at hers again. When they moved down and focused on her lips, fidgeting, she decided to change the subject, raising her eyebrow to emphasize it. “Why would you want to bother your dad?”
His playful smiled told her he was about to confide her a secret and she leaned too, smiling gently. He leaned over, elbows placed on the table and softly whispered, “Because I’m not his real son and he’s an arsehole.”
Playful attitude or not, the sadness underneath was evident. Suddenly, a memory flashed through her mind. Kol smiling playfully at her, much like Dimples was doing now, telling her stories about his brothers, Henrik and Nik, a bored Rebekah next to him.
British, brother named Henrik, changed law major for an art major, coffee shop owner, not his father’s real son, dimples.
Shifting on her chair, she wondered, “Wait a minute, Dimples. What’s your name?”
He smirked. “Well, certainly it’s not Dimples. I’m Niklaus Mikaelson, though, everyone calls me Klaus except my siblings,” he said, rolling his eyes.
She gasped and started picking her things up. She had her fill of Mikaelsons, she didn’t need more. While doing so, she dropped her latte and it got all over the floor. She bit her lip, there goes her coffee.
He looked worried. “Did I do something wrong, sweetheart?”
She shook her head and tried to smile at him. “Not really. I should probably get going.”
He winced and stood up too. “Is my name too hideous? You can call me Dimples if you would like,” he told her, hopefully.
She let out a laugh but then she turned serious upon seeing his expression.“It’s not you. Just… I don’t want more Mikaelsons in my life.” He seemed taken by surprise. “No offense, but three’s good enough, since one of them is basically the reason my roommate kicked me out today and I almost failed my test. The girl’s the reason why I actually had to get a roommate in the first place and the other’s just a pest.”
His eyes widened, realization struck him. “You’re the Caroline Forbes? That’s why you told me not to call you Sweet Caroline.”
He smiled. “My brothers are enchanted by you. One of them refers to you as a pretty little thing that can’t refuse a challenge and the other says you’re a very educated admirable person, I suppose you can figure out which is one,” his statement made her roll her eyes, “and my sister says she hates you but actually likes you a lot.”
Well, she didn’t know that. Her gaze softened considerably.
“I would like to know you as they do. I wasn’t lying when I told you how magnificent you are. You have a light on you that actually warms my heart.” Quirked brow, she still looked rather reluctant, not believing his words. “Come on. Take a chance, Caroline, I dare you.”
Kol had said one true thing: Caroline couldn’t reject a challenge. And his eyes were slowly tearing down her walls.
“I don’t know…”
“I will even buy you another coffee.”
She chuckled. “Okay, but know this, I’m just staying on the promise of more coffee. I haven’t actually slept a lot the last couple of days.”
Caroline got revenge on Katherine eventually in her fifth month anniversary with Klaus. She entered the apartment, Kat’s eyes looking at them from the couch where she was studying, question on the tip of her tongue, but Caroline only smirked at her and proceeded to pin Klaus to the wall, his lips colliding against hers forcefully, tongues intertwining immediately. He nibbled her bottom lip and she felt something electrifying coursing through her veins. Placing her hands around his neck to pull him closer, she couldn’t get enough of him.
The loud slam of the door closing, indicating Katherine was out, got her to finally break the kiss. She felt satisfied at both her revenge and Klaus’ heavy breathing against her shoulder.
“I know what you intended to do, sweetheart.”
No longer scolding him for the pet names, she brought her lips to his again. Unbuttoning his coat quickly, she really hoped none of her roommates would come back soon. Soon as in a day or a week —maybe a month.
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askaftertech · 7 years
100 Follower Backstory!- Fresh
It’s finally heeeeere!
This isn’t ALL of Fresh’s story by any means... But it’s a darn good start.
Fair warning, this ended up really long... Like 1374 words long... So yeah, make sure you have some time to read before you start DX
That being said- ENJOY!
Man, this is wiggidy WACK! I need to all up fetch me a new host again! It’s only been like a few months, yo! …or maybe it was more dan dat. Man, why’s time gotta be so wiggidy-diggidy difficult?
Hunters are un-rad, yo. Almost got myself all-up disemboweled there. Looks like time to Uni jump again. Running really low on energy, though… Dis host won’t last much longer.
This is so unfresh… The hunter followed me… How did he do dat, anyway? I only have enough magic left for one more Uni jump… Better all up make it a dang good one.
Oh, no! No, no, no! Stupid host body, you’re not supposed to go passin’ out when we jump! …where are we? Oh. Never mind, you’re all up dead and dustin’ already. So… where am I? And how do I all up get a new host now? Kinda looks like the outskirts of yer typical Snowdin, but… Shoot, someone’s comin’!
A bubble of magic surrounds the tiny purple being, instantly preventing its attempted escape. A bored-looking skeleton monster in a dark gray trenchcoat approaches and crouches down in front of the bubble.
“Hey… You’re a parasite, right? One of those ‘fresh’ things?”
They all up know the parasites in this Uni?! Fudge it, I’m doomed!
The parasite bangs itself on the inside of the bubble several times in a desperate last-ditch effort.
The skeleton frowns, his voice monotone “Hey, stop that… You’re going to get hurt.”
The purple creature suddenly finds itself unable to move at all.
What in the wiggidy-? Blue magic all up don’t work on parasites, so how-?
“If you’re wondering how I did that… I basically modified that containment bubble to fit the contours of your body. No big deal, really. It’s more binding and more effective than regular blue magic this way. Takes more energy, but I have plenty of that.”
Who in the heckity have I gone and run across?
“Don’t worry… I left a tiny hole to breathe through… If you even need to, I don’t know.”
They stare at each other for a moment.
The skeleton sighs, “I don’t know why you even bothered to come here… You must be either misguided or stupid. This place is littered with parasite hunters since the monsters here are so powerful. We naturally attract parasites. The smart ones stay away, though.”
What? Powerful monsters? I still dunno where the wiggidy wack I am…
“Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers I guess. I think my body can withstand a stupid parasite for a while. It’s got to be better than this, at least.”
Yo, I am all up LOST, dude. What in the hey are you talkin’ bout?
The skeleton glances around to make sure they aren’t being watched, “Look… I’m really bored, okay? This Universe is literally called “Monotale” for a reason. Look around.” He picks up the bound parasite and pans him around, “Granted, this is Snowdin, so there’s a lot of white… But there’s nothing else, either. The trees are gray, the houses are gray, the monsters are gray… It’s ridiculous. It’s dull. It’s exasperating.” He sets the parasite back down and makes eye contact with its toothy mouth, “And then things like you came here, all colorful and fun… And then hunters came, too. They wear other colors, their magic is interesting, they have purpose to their lives… I want to be like that.”
Wait… is this kiddo really thinkin’ of all up intentionally lettin’ me infect ‘im?
“This may sound crazy… from what I understand, parasites don’t usually find willing hosts… but I want you to infect me.”
No way in nine layers of confetti cake. This has got to be a setup.
As if sensing his doubt, the skeleton sighs again, “For some sick reason, the monsters in this Universe have really powerful magic, and lots of it. And I’m one of the more powerful ones even here amongst everyone else. But I don’t have the one power I really need. I can’t AU jump. And before you go thinking that I could just hitch a ride with one of the hunters, think again. How would I get back if I don’t like the place? I have a bit of a problem trusting people, anyways.”
Now dat I can level with…
“Look, it would be mutually beneficial… My soul is so strong that you wouldn’t need to switch hosts for a long time. Heck, my soul can actually heal itself, so you might not ever need a new host if you don’t go using magic left and right for no reason.”
Yo, I ain’t stupid. You gotta have somethin’ all up hidden from me, broski.
“What? You don’t believe me?” The skeleton growls with frustration, “Fine. Here. See for yourself.”
He closes his eyes, takes a breath, and summons his soul. The very presence of the object makes the air thrum with power. It glows so brightly its impossible to look directly at it.
Ho mama, what in the-?!
The soul is gone within seconds. The skeleton picks up the bound creature.
“Believe me now? I sure hope so… that light probably attracted some attention, so we don’t have much time left. You need to make a decision.”
Hey yo, I’m all up hearin’ footsteps… Ya need to put me down like now.
“As I see it, you’ve got two options.” The skeleton places the parasite back on the ground, “You can infect me, take me interesting places, help me find color and fun while using my soul to survive for a long time… or, you can try running, get caught by the hunters, and die a painful death.” The magic holding the parasite suddenly disappears, and it almost does a faceplant, “Your choice.”
Dis isn’t cool… Kiddo’s got me trapped here. Whether I believe ‘im or not don’t really matter. If I don’t infect him like now, I’m toast.
After a small moment of hesitation, the purple creature waddles forward towards the monster.
“Good.” The skeleton picks up the struggling being and opens his trenchcoat.
A couple dog monsters decked out in weapons and armor run up, “Hey! You there! You’re Mono Sans, right?”
The dark gray trenchcoat flutters in the breeze as the skeleton monster turns around, “What of it?”
“There’s a pile of dust here. You see a parasite come out of it?”
Mono nods, pointing into the woods beside the entrance to town, “It ran off that way… Well, they can’t really ‘run’, exactly…”
One of the dogs snarls, “And you didn’t try to catch it?”
Mono stares blankly at them, “Isn’t that your job?”
Huffing in irritation, the group hurries off in the direction the skeleton indicated. When they’re out of sight, an unnaturally large grin breaks over the monster’s face.
“Yooo, you really weren’t kiddin’! It’s an all up smorgasbord in here! I could overeat for days, get all fat and gross, and you’d still have more!”
Don’t actually do that, okay? Not only would that decrease your chances of survival should we be separated, but it also increases the chance of us being separated sooner rather than later.
“Yo dawg, chillax. Let me run this show, ya dig?” Taking full control, the parasite clumsily moves its new body forward and picks up the sunglasses from the pile of dust, “Dis body’s got longer legs than I’m used to, but dat’s A-OK.” He lifts the eyewear to his face, but freezes upon catching sight of his own eyes in the reflective plastic. “Yo, you still all up conscious in there?”
Yeah. Is that not normal?
“It’s definitely not normal, broheim… But I guess it don’t hurt anythin’… Taking these puppies anyways.”
As the infected skeleton slides the familiar sunglasses over his eye sockets, the voice of the host echoes again. Are you going to hold up your end of the bargain? Or would you rather we both be caught by parasite hunters?
“Yo, I said to chillax. Let me do dis my way… But any-yo-yo, I do actually wanna get up outta here just as much as you do, brochacho.”
With a snap and a burst of light, the newly infected monster disappears from the Monotale Universe.
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