#(the anti ecto acts
nerdpoe · 2 months
Young Justice is always a little...concerned. With Phantom's living situation. Now they're outright afraid for him, and Bart has decided it's time to Ask An Adult.
It was the little quips. The tiny little things. Stuff that didn't seem to matter to Phantom at all, or appeared to be normal for him, that he didn't realize weren't normal at all.
"Oh, better not hope my mom catches me." "Doing what, staying out past bedtime?" "Nah, using my powers; she'd vivisect me!"
"Another stab wound. Great." "Don't worry Phantom, I've got the med kit-" "Oh, I'm not a baby or anything, I can handle it just fine. Just gimme a sec to take it out."
"My dad has better aim than that." "...Like, when he's hunting, right?" "...At what other times would he be shooting at me?"
"Huh. Not as bad as my parents place. Look; they have a decontamination shower!" "Phantom, this lab has been vandalized to the point of needing a hazmat suit." "Did I stutter?"
Finding out each others identities did nothing to soothe the worry. Tim quietly told the others that every time he tried to run facial recognition, he kept hitting a government firewall he couldn't breach. Phantom never told them his last name, just his first, and 'Danny' is super common.
The thing that really did it though, the thing that made Bart snap and run off to ask Max, was when Danny had a nightmare.
He was talking in his sleep.
"No. Don't-stop. Stoooop. I need...my skin. Mom, no. You can't...peel off...my skin..."
Bart didn't even wait for them to wake Danny up before he was standing in front of Max, talking a mile a minute as he tried to figure out what to do, with Wally staring in horror over a plate of waffles as he computed everything that Bart was saying.
Danny had a dream about his mom and Skulker arguing about how to skin him. He wouldn't really call it a nightmare, because it was just Skulker, but the scariest thing was Skulker insisting to his mom that it was possible to skin him with a potato peeler. Dream mom was arguing that it was not, and that from a scientific standpoint that was a really piss poor way to preserve a specimen.
He hadn't been begging them to stop hurting him, he'd been whining at them to knock it off.
But when he wakes up, it's to a room full of worried friends and an old man who calls himself Max.
"Kid, I think we need to talk."
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shewhowillrise · 5 months
Jason never made it to the Lazarus pit or the league of assassins.
Bruce gave him that excuse for his green eyes and short temper.
Jason knows he didn’t crawl out of his grave with the giant Y that scars his chest.
Jason knows he’s a revenant.
Jason knows he needs to kill to stay sane. To stay whole.
A soul sucker they called him.
Jason agreed not to kill, because he misses his family. No matter how much he starves himself, it’s worth it to get Dick’s hugs, experience Tim’s genius, see Cassandra’s award winning performance, to help Damian experience a childhood.
Jason didn’t realize Bruce doesn’t know what he is. Jason didn’t realize Bruce meant Black Gate when he said he’d take him in the next time he killed. Jason didn’t realize Bruce had no idea about the anti ecto acts.
Jason swore to stay in line, so he’d never end up on that metal table again.
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Why doesn't the justice league know about Amity Park?
Okay so it's been a bit sonce I watched the show but one of the things in DpxDC is the anti-ecto acts, which I love, but correct me if I'm wrong, I THINK ??? they only show up in reality trip? SO: What if Danny, when using the gauntlet to undo everything, also got rid of the Anti-Ecto acts? but this is babys first time editing reality so he uh Fucks Up A Lil'. As a result when Danny used the reality gauntlet to wipe the AEA from existence he accidentally wiped Amity Park from perception. A big 'nothing matters over here' jedi mind trick, and now no ones looking at Amity. So, the Justice League actually WERE looking into and monitoring the situation in Amity, but when the perception filter closed them off, all of that suddenly went ignored.
This is noticed when someone (Alfred, Dick, Tim, literally anyone) realises theres just. A BIG dusty pile of case files semi abandoned somewhere in the cave when going through a (time period)ly cave cleaning.
They put it down because it's Not Important.
They come back to finish the cleaning the next day and do the exact same thing, but there's nothing to actually distract them this time and it pings as weird. Because why would case files be not important? They are by definition important, because only things flagged as important go into case files.
They try to get someone else to read it, because as long as they don't read the information in the file, they don't put it down.
That person goes to read it, gets a line in and then says something like 'that isn't important' and goes to leave. Person A pushes it and person B ALSO catches on.
Que the Batfam trying to figure out hey, what the fuck actually?
Meanwhile, how is Amity fairing? Canon compliant everything's going alright? Or have knock on effects to No One Look Here started to show?
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tanglepelt · 8 months
Dc x dp idea 133
Danny is really confused. Like sure he made a fake account in order “use” his parents completely valid and not in biased research on ghosts.
Cause obviously. Their completely legit research disproves multiple peer reviewed and factual papers.
Tucker made the fake account. No real names or numbers. So. They couldn’t know it was him right?!??
He just wanted people to see how wack the papers were and bring to light the very not accurate papers. He figured using botched research to counter claim others would do something.
But??? Why was the flash in his living room arguing with his parents about scientific articles. And proper research??
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Wrong Number AU
-sent by Unknown Number
When Jason Todd woke up that morning to check his texts. He wasn't expecting this.
When Danny sent that rant text to what he thought was Tuckers number (his old phone got smashed in a recent ghost fight, Sam gave him a new one she wasn't using, and Tucker was out of town for a while so he couldn't help Danny transfer his data yet) he wasn't expecting a rather cyptic response
"Wrong number kid. But just for my own curiosity and concern, who is and where can I find this Fruitloop? I just wanna have a chat with him."
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 152
A child has interrupted a Gala in Gotham, which wouldn’t be too much of a note except the fact that they’re obviously not human and they have an armful of scrolls. And look incredibly frazzled and exhausted. 
Which, who wouldn’t be confused and curious about such a situation? Except asking the child what they’re doing here only causes more questions. 
“So some dimensions’ governments are deeming undead and ecto-contaminated living as non-sentient, so uhm, we’re getting sent to send out these warnings to people in places that are in danger of that. As like a warning in case their government does the same? I-I don’t know I’m just the messenger :(“ 
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goldengirlgalaxy · 7 months
The GIW have found out about Danny being half ghost. However, due to the dangers of getting caught Danny has a plan.
Danny some time beforehand manages to successfully figure out how to duplicate himself. Each one is just as strong as the others and the last duplicate remaining becomes the real Danny. Any duplicate the disappears will have all its memories return to the other copies.
The plan is simple: the Dannys all split up and set themselves up in different parts of the world, far away from one another. Should one get caught, it will simply vanish before the GIW can do any serious and traumatizing damage. Plus, Danny won't have to try and build another life for himself should he need to abandon one.
However, what Danny didn't consider is the fact that the copies don't have any kind of mental connection aside from when their memories are redistributed. They also don't keep in contact, as that would defeat the purpose of having them split up.
When the various superheroes around the globe find a child with incredible power who is all alone, they tend to try to help them. And since Danny doesn't want the GIW to find him, he tends to pick a different hero name than Phantom.
Needless to say, its a very interesting meeting at the Watchtower when they belatedly discover that several new heroes that had were being mentored by several heroes were all the same person.
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feralnightwing · 4 months
the only show where i am okay with fanon completely overshadowing (lol) canon is danny phantom. like we took this at best pg-13 cartoon about a ghost boy and his adventures and turned it into a horrifying story of tragedy and pain.
the portal accident? let's expand on that: he was electrocuted to death and had a portal to another dimension open on him. the agony he felt as he died is something horrific and unforgettable.
his parents are ghost hunters that hunt his ghost half haha! no. his parents are ghost hunters that are hunting their dead-is-he-dead-is-he-alive? child. they want to capture him for study. danny is constantly living in fear of parents because they want to "tear him apart, molecule by molecule." he is afraid of his parents discovering his secret: would it be better if they didn't know he was their son as they vivisect him? or knowing and doing it anyway?
14 year old superhero! boom pow he punches bad ghosts! so fun! wrong. he is a 14 year old atlas, stuck underneath the weight of protecting his home and the people in it. there are people who hate him, but it's okay because... because. he fends off anyone and anything that tries to harm those under his protection at the cost of himself. it hurts and he hurts but what else can he do? he gives up on his dreams of seeing the stars as phantom takes him away from school, so can continue fighting and keep people (except himself) unharmed.
the giw are so funny because they're so incompetent. but what if they weren't? what if they managed to catch him? what if fenton goes missing and phantom is never seen again? stuck in a tiny cell; he's not human. he is lesser and thus it's okay to tear him apart and put him back together over and over again. he is a shell of himself, truly dead despite being alive.
i could go on and on and on. my point stands: this fandom has developed something so intricate from a cartoon that would've otherwise been lost to time. we saw ideas and concepts that could be fleshed out into a truly engaging and gruesome story and did it! that's crazy!
this show by itself wouldn't be anything great, but fanon just made it so much better (by A Lot). danny phantom fanon is better than canon, and that's the truth
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flamingpudding · 7 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 30 - "Are you with me?"
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
A/N: I had absolutely no idea what to do with this one… and it shows I think… also can this be considered crackish?
"Danny you ready?"
"Give me a second Red!"
"No time! Going live in…"
"Wait wait wait!"
"I got the popcorn!"
"What about the block against the Justice League?!"
"Red locked them out of the system. Now get ready!!"
Danny blinked as he got pushed by Superboy in front of the camera Impulse was standing behind. Behind them was Wonder Girl giving him a thumbs up with one hand and holding up giant flash cards with her other one.
"Uh Hi?"
Impulse raised an eyebrow and moved his hand in a keep going motion. Nervously Danny rubbed his neck. He looked left and right as if looking for something until his eyes focused back onto the camera. He coughed, took a deep breath, unnecessary in phantom form but helpful to calm down, before smiling and touching his hands together at their fingertips.
"Ahem. Hello, hi. Now you might be wondering. Who the fuck is that guy to interrupt my Saturday night movie program. I am Phantom, the newest member of Young Justice. King of the Ghost Zone also known as the Infinite Realms. The Dimension that's pretty much gluing our entire reality together." He gave the camera a nervous smile before he continued. "I am here to tell you on behalf of the entirety of the Infinite Realms. That you humans, of this dimension…"
Danny took a deep breath, from the corner of his eyes he saw Superboy giving another keep going sign while Red Robin was checking something on his laptop, making sure none of their mentors was trying to cut short their live feat over the entire world as well as that the subtitles worked for different language countries.
"...well you humans suck." Danny said as he breathed out, closing his eyes and pausing for a moment to let his message sink in. "Look, I get it. It's always hard finding something new, seeing change but come on. Anti-Ecto Acts? Was that necessary?"
He waved his hand around like he was thinking to find the right words while peaking at the flash card Wonder Girl was holding up.
"Like come on, can't you humans get your act together? Why hunt down an entire species just because they are different? You humans are already constantly at war with each other, aside from the idiocy of that, do you really have to add interdimensional war to that list?"
Danny chuckled nervously ignoring the additional flash card Impulse was now holding up to make him call out some of the humans' crimes against, the list mostly containing petty things Impulse didn't like. "Just so you know. I am barely keeping my council from declaring the dimensional one by the way." He added instead.
"Now you all are probably wondering what the hell this random ghost hero is talking about with no solution." He glanced to the side. " Well I have one."
Danny coughed into his hand and right his stance. "Dogs."
He held out his arms and Cujo appeared out of nowhere jumping into them. Off camera Wonder Girl coed. His ghost puppy had pretty much charmed all his hero friends since day one.
"They are loyal, awesome, cute and every beings best friend. Ancients even Superman has one!" Danny said smiling as he held up Cujo into the camera, he was glad he had remembered to infuse Red Robin's equipment with ectoplasm so the broadcast wouldn't get distorted.
"It's something we can all agree on. So, are you with me? Let's discard these stupid acts and all focus on the cuteness of little beings like him? How could anyone want to destroy his entire existence!"
"SHIT!" Red Robin cursed loudly off Camera and Danny blinked head turning towards his direction. "B got our location! Oracle ratted us out and is about to shut down the broadcast!"
"What this soon?! We didn't even get to the juicy parts yet!" Impulse complained loudly and Danny nervously faced the camera.
"Uh… Yea so.. No Anti-Ecto Acts and pro Dogs!" He summed up liften a encouraging fist up as Cujo barked happily in his arms.
"ETA 2! We need to bolt!" Red Robin shouted as Wonder Girl Rushed across the camera to open the window on the other side. Superboy was already picking up Red Robin and Impulse was gone before Red had even finished his sentence.
Phantom gave the camera one nervous smile as Cujo jumped out of his arms. "For the record. This broadcast was brought to you by sleep deprived Red and our opinion that the Justice League is taking too long!"
The next second phantom was seen rushing off to the side most likely following the others a moment later a crash was heard in the distance before the camera tilted and fell to the side. The broadcast was cut off at that point.
Unknown to the audience, a group of young hero's was rushing away from there not so secret broadcasting location, trying to escape their mentors that were not happy about their kids trying to take matters into their own hands just because 'the adults are taking to long'.
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part 15 - we’re all misunderstood
"Me and all my friends, we're all misunderstood. They say we stand for nothing and there's no way we ever could." -Waiting On The World To Change by John Mayer
Masterlist Part 14
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The Watchtower was a marvel of engineering and fortitude, constantly in orbit above Earth among the star-studded void of space.
Just a quick glance out of the meeting hall window had proved to the Regent that her little brother would love it here. He’d inherited the innovative side of Fentonworks more than she, so the combination of one of his obsessions and tech to fiddle with was a dream come true. 
(She’d inherited the ruthlessness of Maddie Fenton.) 
Batman, the Dark Knight her little brother had trusted and the father of her soulmate, tapped away at a tablet in hand before turning his focus to her at ease form, hands clasped behind her back. Wonder Woman stood at her side and Superman at the other. A flanking maneuver it seemed. 
The Regent would’ve been offended if they didn’t consider her a threat, despite her willingness to discuss war prevention between the Infinite Realms and the Living Realm. Her armor alone was meant to be intimidating at first appearance, but it was the woman sealed into it that gave off the vibes of ‘Approach with caution’. She was a Warrior, not a pacifist,and everything she presented about herself was meant to signify that. 
However, the Regent was trained by the Ancient of Peace and would demand a peaceful resolution to a crisis rather than conflict, even if the Liminal had no desire for a battle against the Justice League. 
Constantine was a familiar presence in the room. The Laughing Magician had a soft spot for her little brother, but she felt the claim she had of his soul. It was cracked and missing so many pieces, but it was still a good one. The Sad Trenchcoat Man might’ve been a career drunk and conman, but that didn’t mean he was unnecessarily bad. 
He wouldn’t be here if he was. 
The man in question spoke first, much to the obvious surprise of those present, “How’s Phantom?” 
Her helmet turned to face him down where he sat a few feet away, an unopened flask resting on his thigh, “He is fine. Would you like me to pass on a message?” 
Constantine seemed to relax for a moment before shaking his head, “Nah, the kid bugs me enough.” 
“Regent.” Batman interrupted. “We would appreciate it if you could answer some questions we have regarding some disturbing files we received from Phantom.” 
The Liminal nodded, “I suspected as much. I cannot speak much on behalf of the King or others not present, but I will answer what I can truthfully.” 
“Thank you, My Lady, for your willingness to discuss such things with us.” Wonder Woman offered with sincerity in her words. 
The Regent shook her helmeted head, “I’d rather peace than be across from one another on the battlefield, Princess.” 
“Wisely so.” 
The Knight tapped on his tablet again, a projection of one of the Ghost Files documents spreading across the wall behind the Bat, the man in question returning his attention to her. 
“Why does the King require a Regent?” 
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If Bruce was being honest, which he was, he’d rather be anywhere else than here in the Watchtower about to helm peace talks between the Infinite Realms and Earth. He’d rather be eating dinner with his children, questioning Phantom about Jason’s whereabouts, or even on patrol- anywhere but here. 
It wasn’t even the presence of the armored woman who’d answered in place of the King Constantine had been asked to summon, rather Bruce wanted nothing to do with the Death Energy he felt in lapses radiating from the Regent that felt… cleaner than that of what Ra’s Al Ghul or Talia had. 
Bruce wanted answers. 
But he also wanted to be anywhere but here. 
He supposed it was his self-preservation instincts trying to get him away from the being that’s been summoned, he had no choice but to stay though. 
“The King is too young.” The Regent replied evenly, hands clasped in front of her stomach, much like Diana would when trying to demonstrate that she’s prepared to draw her sword at a given moment. “There is still much for him to learn and experience before he is ready for the Crown.” 
Batman hummed, even though Constantine spluttered in shock- “A kid defeated Pariah Dark in single combat?” 
“There are some questions that we would like to have recorded for the record, would you be amenable to this?” Batman interrupts, “We would also discuss public use.” 
Regent nods, helmet tinting a darker green as the Watchtower lights slant across it for a brief moment. “I accept, though there are some answers that are not mine to give.” The woman takes a breath, “I cannot give the identity of the King without his permission, nor can I discuss how or when he died.”
“Is there a particular reason why?” Superman asks. “It is considered taboo to ask a ghost anything related to their death because it can cause them to relieve it.” A pause, “Ghosts, or Ecto-Entites, are a fighting-based culture. They are beings of varying intelligence, thoughts, and emotions- sentient and sapient, much like humans and aliens. Capable of great things, both good and evil.” 
Bruce processed those words, a pit of horror forming in his chest. How many times has this woman said those exact words, hoping for them to be heard? They were eloquent, with the formality that hinted at diplomatic training, but with so much hope that it almost physically hurt. 
Capable of great things, both good and evil. 
Wasn’t that the choice Bruce made every time he put on the cowl? Anytime one of his kids got hurt and he felt such rage in his bones? He made the choice every day to do good and while it may not be great in the broader scale of things, it was to somebody somewhere. That was what it meant to be alive, to have free will, to exist. 
Now he finally understood why Phantom gave him the Ghost Files. 
He needed this. This confrontation of what it means to exist outside of Bats and Birds, the cowl and the mask, as a being. Would Bruce have listened had he not seen the Files? If he hadn’t seen the inhumanity committed upon the inhuman? What evil would he have perpetuated had he refused to listen? 
(Tim might think he had been the only one to watch the video of Danny Fenton’s death.)
(He was wrong.)(What if he hadn’t heard the wail?)(What if he hadn’t seen the rebirth of Fenton to Phantom?) 
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With all the bloodshed the GIW had on their collective hands, they would not go quietly. 
The Regent had emphasized their zealot tendencies, hypocritical ideology perpetuated by the Drs. Fentons and somewhat lackluster training, but exceedingly advanced technology geared explicitly towards Ecto-Entities in her testimony to the Justice League in the hours that followed. Several examples from the Ghost Files were explained and expanded on, including the destruction of the Casper High Gym which resulted in the death of a faculty member and the maiming of a student. Evidence of the town roads being utterly demolished, what looks like the aftermath of war being the norm for the citizens as they try to go about their daily lives. 
She had prepared to discuss all the above, and gone through various questions she’d been expecting from the League, but she had steadfastly avoided thoughts of the GIW’s unethical experimentation. Naturally, the League began this particular section with the Files’ opened to what Danny, Tucker, and Sam had included, a warning issued to all present that what they were about to watch was grotesque and to leave the room if they felt unable to hold the contents of their stomachs. 
The Regent was an older sister, a daughter, a leader, and a warrior- but she was still only able to take so much. (She hadn’t known the Fentons recorded Danny’s Phantom’s vivisection.)
(She hadn’t known they called each other sweetie and fudge-kins while digging in his chest cavity.)
Fury was a familiar enemy and friend in equal breaths, existing in the space between her ribs and her heart, trapped by a cage of bone and will. 
Fury echoed by her mirror image that entered the camera frame, sword first and merciless as she gutted Jack Fenton. 
(Regret was nowhere to be found.)(Shame had no place here.)
“By Realms Law 2127 subsection 32f paragraph 3: liminals, mortals, all in between may be promptly judged and or executed on grounds of threat to End a protector spirit or child. May also be decreed as battlefield law when faced with a sufficiently armed opponent and or external force.” The Regent recited monotonously. “Drs. Fenton also could have been tried for Invasion by opening the portal, but Phantom was able to give them a pardon.” 
“On what grounds?” Wonder Woman questioned, “He is a protector spirit, yes?” 
“Yes, which allowed the previous Law to be enacted and legal. By him acting within Amity Park and using Fenton tech to catch Ghosts, he gave them a pardon by an unspoken alliance.” 
“An alliance they broke,” Batman this time was clearly angry too in his clenched fists were any indication, “when they vivisected Phantom.”
“Yes.” The Regent continued, “Make no mistake, I uphold the Realms Law to the best of my abilities and expect my subjects and my council to do the same. We are a people and people have societies, societies have structures and without that, we would be no better than what the GIW claims us to be.” 
“Well spoken, My Lady.” Wonder Woman complemented, clearly taken by the Regent’s speech. 
“This is all gory and horrifying, but we still haven’t talked about preventing a bloody war.” 
While he’d been quietly observing the meeting, minor mutterings here and there, Constantine remained the only Dark member present. The Regent was somewhat fond of the Sad Man, even without having ownership over his soul (or the majority of shards) he would remain a fond memory for the Nightingales. 
 “My Lady,” the Magician belatedly addressed her, clearly having recalled to whom exactly he was speaking. 
“Constantine,” Batman warned, “we’ll get to that.” 
“Indeed we shall. In fact,” the Regent twirled a hand in a graceful motion “the Anti-Acto Acts is the main point of contention on the docket and allows that,” now she thrust a pointed finger at the Files’ section on ‘experimentation’, “to be legal.” 
“It’s been discussed, previously, to bring these laws before the UN with a censored version of the Ghost Files.” 
The Regent nodded almost immediately, “If you can, yes, but I would recommend leaking some of the data for the public to judge.” 
“Amity Park, for instance?” Superman asked, “Let the public choose a side and put pressure on the UN.” 
“Perhaps.” WW nodded, “Though there is likely chance that blame will be shifted onto the Ghosts solely for the damage.” 
“We can show the footage of the attacks that caused them.” Batman interjected, “As well as the videos of Phantom protecting Amity’s citizens at risk to himself.” 
The Regent agreed, “There are also videos of teenagers practicing drills for Ghost and Ghost Hunter attacks.” 
“What about sitting for an interview for a newspaper?” Superman suggested, “I can get a reputable reporter to conduct it.” 
“That can be done.” 
The Regent felt a slight tug on her Proto-Core, a shiver down her spine to follow- her little brother was trying to summon her back to him. Nothing urgent, not with just a slight tug, not an emergency. 
It had been quite a while here anyway and she missed her boys. 
“I’m afraid I am being summoned for a council meeting.” The Regent announced, “If I am needed again-“ 
She took a breath before turning to Batman, “You May summon me, Dark Knight, through your Lady’s Claim.” 
A friendly handshake with Superman, “Have your reporter meet me in the Ridge next Friday during the Witching Hours.” 
A clasping of arms with Wonder Woman, Warrior to warrior, “When this is settled, I would ask for a spar, Princess.” 
And the Regent was gone in a torrent of icy green-tinted mist. 
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Happy new year!
I can't believe it's 2024 already! Feels like I just got used to writing 2023.
As always, thanks to the wonderful beta @meditating-cat, who also let me who use them as a sounding board for ideas for the Regent earlier. I cannot wait to write those ideas, let me tell you.
As always, if you have any song suggestions please feel free to share and check out the masterlist for the rest of the series. It's always updated afterwards!
Thanks for reading!
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nerdpoe · 6 months
Dani needs a place to stay, and she finds the perfect place to squat!
It's got a butler dude who seems pretty nice, the guy who owns it is weird but it isn't like he knows she's there anyways, and when that guy's son comes over he brings his daughter, and she's Dani's new best friend!
Besides, Oliver Queen is too wrapped up in Doctor Dinah Lance to realize there's a wholeass child squatting in his unused rooms.
Meanwhile, Oliver and Dinah are trying to brainstorm a way to convince the girl living in the furthest guest room that they're trustworthy enough to approach.
She's clearly running from something, the nightmares they can hear her having only cement that, and they kinda feel like whatever she's running from could effect the hero community somehow.
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satoshy12 · 8 months
GIW Hunt outside of Amity Park
After the GIW noticed they wouldn't go far with Phantom and Amity Park, They had left and searched new places to find their plan. In Gotham, they killed William Cobb the Talon and destroyed the way of the Court of Owls to create new ones. Otherwise the GIW, hunted for Ra's al Ghul and Vandal Savage; they even kidnapped Amanda Waller to get information out of her. As she knew about them and hid them, she was breaking the Anti-Ecto Act and being a criminal just like them. Captured at the moment in the Labs were only Joseph Wilson and Dinah Lance. Getting ready for experiments, the other agents were hunting down Ra's and Vandal for future studies.
Agent A: " This is much easier when you hunt a hero. No one would miss them." Amanda Waller was in Cell, next to Dinah and rest.
+ Danny in Amity Park had no idea what happened, but like the town was happy that GIW were Gone.
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briarruler · 1 month
I've seen (and loved) fics were Team Phantom band together and go on the run from the Guys in White. I don't think I've seen a fic were the families of Team Phantom band together and go on the run from the Guys in White.
Imagine it. The kids vanish and the next day the Guys in White are showing up at the door and bundling the parents into vans. The plan was to use them as hostages against their kids. They made three mistakes:
They threatened to harm them.
They promised to harm their children.
They put them together.
The Fentons, the Foleys and the Mansons promptly team up and escape. After that it's Team Parent vs the Government.
Optional characters include:
Ida Manson, assuming that the Guys in White didn't overlook her.
Jazz Fenton, if she isn't already on the run with Team Phantom.
Damon Gray, if Valerie is on the run with Team Phantom.
Their goals may vary depending on how much information they have (and what Team Phantom is up to) but includes at least some of the following:
Evading the Guys in White.
Finding their children.
Dismantling the Guys in White.
Figuring out what is going on with their children.
Leaving the country.
Protecting their children.
Getting the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Act revoked.
Although the real challenge might be cooperating long enough to succeed.
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Handle With Care
So. Danny is more exhausted than usual, his enemies seemingly agreeing to harassing him all at once for the past couple of days. Which is the only reason his Dad gets a lucky shot in on one of their usual chases all across town.
The only thing is, Danny got shot with a new weapon his parents had just finished making that afternoon and it produces terrifying results. Instead of being a regular ecto blaster his parents so love to make, this weapon his an extra special function. It's meant to end a ghost's very existence from one shot alone.
Danny is half ghost though and it's the only thing that saves him. The new weapon siphons away the ectoplasm that makes up his ghost form's very being and forces him into a painful, paralyzing state of destabilization while still partially retaining his form.
Basically, instead of Danny falling apart into puddles of goo like he'd witnessed with Dani, his ice core cracks from the stress of the sudden, severe lack of ectoplasm and in an act of self preservation, slowly freezes him solid from the center of his core to his extremities. He only has time to catch sight of his friends and several of his classmates staring in horror, some even recording everything live on their phones as he slowly froze over. A single tear slips from his eye before he completely freezes over.
The Fenton parent's hoot and holler over their victory to the disgust of onlookers. After they're done celebrating, they make their way over to Phantom's frozen form and were about to proceed to shatter him completely but several of the football players and many other students managed to tackle them to the ground before they could so much as scratch him. Several others set up a human barricade to keep them as far from Phantom as possible, most of them in states of anger or full on crying over what the two ghost hunters had done to their hero.
Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are understandably a mixture of both. They decide to inact one of their back up plans for whenever Amity Park became too dangerous for Danny's continued existence.
As Sam and Jazz carefully prepare to transport Danny to the Ghost Zone to get to Frostbite as quickly as possible, Tucker breaks through the firewalls around the city long enough to open a window for the previous live videos to flood the internet and to send out a single message to the last hope they have of their friend being safe from those who want to destroy him utterly and completely.
They contact the Justice League.
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halfagone · 1 year
Ooh! I've got an idea of how the Anti-Ecto Acts could be stopped from ratification. Let's say it's a DPxDC crossover universe, for the sake of this argument. The GIW and Fenton parents- as well as plenty of other anti-ghost people, I'm sure- are trying to lobby for the Anti-Ecto Acts only to find out that the law doesn't pass because there's this one single House of Representatives member that doesn't believe in ghosts. And therefore! The Anti-Ecto Acts must be for something else that they're hiding from the public, and ergo, he refuses to sign off on it. He had been on the fence, and he was the last vote needed for it to pass on to the next stage. And because he chose not to, he is the only reason it doesn't pass.
So the Fenton parents petition him and try to explain to him the scientific 'evidence' they have on ghosts, and the HoR member still thinks it's bullshit because ghosts have to be magic, if they do exist, so there's no way any of this scientific baloney is true. But the Fenton parents don't give up, and keep presenting him evidence and information in any way they can after he continuously stone walls them or gets them kicked out of his office (and really, they're lucky he hasn't gotten a restraining order against them), but then! One day, he actually starts to listen to them. He sits there and looks at all the evidence contemplatively, and they think they've finally won him over.
From their list of evidence, he points out every single ectoplasmic entity that came to Amity Park that was not a ghost or even human shaped. Like Cujo or Wulf or even Undergrowth. He argues that these guys can't be ghosts! Even the ones that are human-shaped surely can't be ghosts; Kryptonians are human-shaped but they aren't biologically human! And therefore, these guys must not be ghosts of any sort, and they must be a whole other species of being! And we all know that alien or extraterrestrial species are protected under the Metahuman Rights Act and- gasp, have you been trying to convince me to ban an entire species, OUT OF MY OFFICE!!
And that's how the Fenton parents get banned from Washington D.C. And that's why Danny picks out a political science major when he goes to college!
Win-win for everyone.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 240
You know what I think could be a really interesting premise?
Liminal-as-fuck Batfamily (and maybe all of Gotham itself) who aren't part of the Justice League. Like I am saying full on cryptid batfam who terrorize the criminals of Gotham and aren't well known outside of the city besides rumours.
And now throw in the Phantom team, either via Sam or Ellie or otherwise bringing the anti-ecto acts to their attention. I'm saying feral ghostly children barely being held back by Alfred from destroying the GIW buildings with their bare hands. Yes, that includes Bruce and Kate.
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