indigos-stardust · 2 days
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Yeah I'm gonna be real I kinda forgot about the progression of time... and its like
nearly the end of mermay for me sooooooooooooooooooo
uhhh, shadow was supposed to eventually have leopard shark prints, I was gonna fix up greens color scheme a smidge, have them lined up to be correct sizes (reds alot smaller), make blue have pure white hair, and tidy everything up
but uhhhhhhhh idk when I'll get to that so have this for now (also I'm sorry I haven't answered all my asks yet sdjfbdkjsfbkdfs)
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bmbrice · 6 months
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An Elite Team
Don't mind me I'm just putting together an elite team. Of men. I just want to listen to that conversation lol. Cats.
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k-tarotz · 1 month
Things about your next partner˖ ࣪ .
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Disc: this is a pac for everyone so only take what resonates with you (especially if you have a specific type) and leave what doesn't. Reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated, thank you! ♡
𐔌՞ᱹ ﹼ ̫ ᱹ՞𐦯 ꜀( ꜆´⌓`)꜆ 𐔌ᵔ⁔ ܸ. ̫ .⁔ ͡ 𐦯
Ko-fi Paid readings
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Pile One:
Your next partner might be into photography, most likely just as a hobby but there is potential for a profession as well. Expect them to take a lot of pictures of you and most likely of the surroundings around you as well! This person also likes animals. Likes to wear some kind of accessories, prefers silver over gold. They can cook and like to do so but not too often, prefer it if their s/o cooks for them and also really likes take out. Golden retriever vibe. Naturally wavy hair, could be dyed but natural hair seems to be brown for most, red for others. Your person is outgoing but not necessarily extroverted. They like peaceful people and places. They don't have a specific style, they prefer neutral colors like black, white, grey, beige on themselves but will occasionally wear different colors as well. They have a piercing or a tattoo - or plan to get one. S/he could also be into dancing. This person likes daytime over night.
Pile Two:
This person has naturally darker hair, but could dye it from time to time. S/he is also really into music, listens to more than just one genre. The type of person to text back within a few minutes, as long as you are one of their beloved ones. They might appear cold or distant at times, but are really kind and warm hearted. This person also likes to take care of themselves, whether it's skincare or very good hygiene. This person seems rather introverted, but definitely has a "crazy" side to them that they only show the people they are close to. S/he has multiple beauty spots - more on the torso but for some it could be one or two right on the face or neck. For some of you, this person can also play a (or multiple) instrument. They also really like to sing! This person is the affectionate type of person, likes skinship. This person likes to sleep longer.
Pile Three:
This person is taller than you or has long legs. S/he might be into sports or just naturally has a slim body type. This person could also be a foreigner, someone with different backgrounds than you - for some this includes cultural differences, for others it's possible that this person grew up in the same country as you so they are used to those cultures, another possibility is that s/he is mixed. They most likely can speak more than just one language. This person is street smart. This person prefers to wear black. S/he has beauty spots on the arm(s). They could be somewhat into fashion. This person prefers calling over texting. S/he has many different kinds of interests. A good listener but not so good at comforting. This person prefers evening/night over day. S/he likes energy drinks.
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moonastro · 6 months
how your future spouse will act around you
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it).
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i definitely see them being more them around you, like they are going to be so comfortable around you that how they act around you differs from when they are around other people. I see them literally having no restrictions around you, they will not be afraid to show their true personality and humour. i feel like this will be so important to them because they might have been judged with the way that they acted or were judged by just being themselves by previous relationships or friendships, for you, they are thankful and can actually live freely.
They will definitely also learn so many things from you, for example i see you telling them something and them not understanding so they will bring that up because they want to know what you know. or they cannot stand not knowing what you mean because they fully want to understand you. yeah, they will love to get to know you on a deeper soulmate kinda way. they will love experiencing new surprises from you by simply learning new things about you, that will excite them.
i see them being the type of person who ask 'have you eaten yet?' or 'have you taken your vitamins today?'. your health will matter so much to them, seeing you unwell will physically hurt them. if you answer no to any of the questions they will automatically act upon them. they do care about your well-being however they might not be so cutesy about it because for them it is a serious matter. so they might act very serious about situations like that. but that's only because they care so much about you.
i feel like their character will develop while being with you. i feel like they might pick up on some habits or characteristics that you have. for example, if your habit consists of biting your bottom lip when nervous, they will acknowledge that and start to do that too.
your fs will NOT be afraid to express their raw feelings towards you. they will constantly praise and compliment you so much that you might get tired from hearing it loll😭.
that is it for you PILE 1, hope you enjoyed that!!
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oh, they will be chaotic around you. they might tend to play fights, picking you up from the ground, teasing you etcc. however, i do think that playing around like that heals their inner child as such. they might also do questionable things that may shock you. like i see you two chilling and watching a movie and them randomly standing up and doing their skincare without mentioning anything.
they will constantly want to do everything with you, like their mindset is something like, if i have to see it you have to too, or if you go i want to go too. its mostly because they cant seem to imagine themselves being 5 minutes away from you 😂. no but for real, i honestly just feel like they find your time together precious and don't want to miss opportunities with you. they will be the type to take you on daily trips everywhere, like i mentioned before, they will love to spend time with you, especially while discovering new cute places.
i feel like same with pile 1, they will worry a lot about your health and constantly have to check up on you. like if sometimes you forget to eat breakfast or if they see a bruise that you didn't even know was there, they will freak out about it and will act like something major happened.
i see them being very honest around you, they will answer to your questions honestly and truthfully and i feel like if there are lies withing a relationship it is not sincere. i do see them being clingy though, like if they had a bad day and came back home they instantly hug and cuddle you to make them feel better. or if you are cleaning up they just come up to you and start hugging you.
that's everything for you PILE 2, hope you liked your reading!
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will have a stable view and way of doing things around you. will be humble and professional. i feel like they will be a very down to earth person who is quite traditional in terms of relationships. they are very loyal to your needs however, they may have a little routine that they do every morning or any other time of the day, for example may take out the trash in the early morning so you wont have to and let you sleep in or something like that. i feel like silent acts of service are their thing. they might not like to be in the spotlight and keep a rather low profile wherever they are.
might be quite nosey lol, may want to know what you are doing at what time. or may want to know what you are looking at on your phone and so on.
may express their love to you often, like you make them levitate when they look at you. but may be shy about it. like they'll only do it when they cant keep it in anymore then blush after they say it🥹. they are someone who would proudly admire you and talk sweetly about you to other people rather than directly to you.
may like to spoil you though, may take you out to dinner every week or book to go to a fancy restaurant once in a while. or whenever you show them something that you like, they remember and buy you the exact same thing without asking you about it. i feel like they would definitely tend to show their love for you by doing things for you rather than talking about it and so forth.
they might be afraid to disappoint you and are afraid to fail. but they are very good at easing tension, so whenever you feel stressed they know how to make you feel better.
yeah, i don't think they are good at communicating or may limit themselves due to the fear of letting you down. however, they might not take it lightly when you expose them on what they did wrong, they might not be into being tutored.
that is all for you PILE 3!!
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they tend to avoid direct confrontation. they definitely do not like conflict and will leave the situation if it gets heated. also, are very open to fix mistakes, they may ask about your opinion quite a lot and act upon your choices.
are very open to sharing their emotions and thoughts, they are not patient and may just say things that are on their mind. they may be an anxious human being and may seek help. they may like to talk about their mental health and ask your opinion of what to do about it to help. overall i think your opinion matters a lot to your fs!
they love sharing their ethic and moral beliefs to you. or they may be interested in getting to know about your beliefs. they also may be interested of your cultural background and may be eager to learn new languages and try different cultural foods. they may even like to listen to songs from other countries. they may also love to practise their traditions around you.
they may have difficulty concentrating and focusing so when they are told something they may be spaced out thinking about something else, you know?
they may also be the type of person who rejects offers easily, they may have social anxiety or anxiety in general so it may be difficult for them to leave the house. so that may start arguments between you two because you see the potential in them but they are just too afraid to persuade it and don't do anything about it.
that's it for you PILE 4!
FRIENDLY REMINDER- paid tarot readings are available (DM or check out here for more info!!)
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bitchy-craft · 2 months
PICK A CARD: How they kiss
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! In here I will give you a reading on how your future spouse kisses. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
When your future spouses kisses you they absolutely go for it; there won’t be just a little peck on the lips or cheek (unless you wish for that). They will smother you with kisses all over your body, making sure you know and keep being reminded of the fact that they love you unconditionally. You might be an insecure individual who often needs reassurance that you are loved and liked, your future spouse is aware of that and makes sure that it is clear to you that you indeed are.
Your future spouse will smother you with kisses so passionately you can’t do anything but think they see you as their prized possession, someone to care for and love, someone to help in difficult times etc.
Pile 2:
Your future spouse won’t have much experience when it comes to kissing the moment you two get together. It might feel a bit clumsy at the beginning but they will pick up quick enough what it is they’re supposed to do, how to follow or take lead and make it a pleasurable experience.
When it comes to kissing they will mostly stay around your mouth region; your lips and the parts around it. The way they could often be kissing you could be in the way Mr Darcy kisses Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice in the last scene; they will peck your cheek and tell you they love you, then kiss next to your lips and repeat the same thing, kiss the corner of your lip and eventually end up kissing you full on the mouth. Your future spouse is definitely a romantic when it comes to kissing and will use it in a sensual and delicate way of getting their point (love) across.
Pile 3:
When it comes to kissing your future spouse is definitely a big smoocher. Think big, long kisses where they hardly give the both of you time to take a breather. As well as long and big pecks on the cheeks when wanting to show some love yet not make a whole scene out of it. They’re very enthusiastic when it comes to touching you and kissing you; so much they refrain from doing too much.
Your future spouse also has trouble showing you how much they love you, showing their emotions in general in the usual ways. So whenever they do find a way it will be very energetic. Therefore when they do kiss you it might come over as very intense and passionate, yet not dirty in the slightest. Just amusing, fun, and to some of you maybe even really cute.
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punkpandapatrixk · 24 days
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💓The Greatest Romance of Your Life! ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
You know you’re destined to be with your Soulmate; deep in your Soul you know there’s something beautiful already written in the stars for you and your Divine Lover★
What’s the story? What’s the drama? How will they pursue you? Aaaah! This One who will love you completely and sweetly and only! ♥︎
SONG: ohhh! by Chara
A WHOLE DREAMY VIBE: The Best of Piero Piccioni
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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Pile 1 – That Handsome Gentle Soul
VIBE: Emily in Paris (just S1!)
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your options? – 2 of Pentacles
Oh! You’re such a tease and you have many admirers, I can tell XD By the time events in your Life are leading you to a union with your Destined One, you will have quite a bit of options, and actually, you’re weighing at least two people in this scenario. Under normal circumstances, you’d consider yourself a person of traditional values. You always think to yourself that you’re a simple and straightforward person with very ‘normal’ desires.
You want the house, the security and stability, and all those ‘normal things’ that come with a marriage. It’s all understandably expected. You’ve always thought to yourself, ‘I want what is normally expected.’ People have rules in society and it is best to keep to what’s already within the guidelines. You’ll be ruminating these values and gains a lot during this time of your Life.
No matter your actual age at this time, psychologically speaking, you’d want to choose the person who seems more stable and wealthier. It sounds like such a no-brainer; but you’re finding yourself ruminating this shit to no end. And you’d wish things could be a lot simpler; after all, aren’t you simple? Oh, as it turns out, you’re really not all that simple—especially since meeting this other fucker who’s lighted up your horizon~
decisions, decisions, decisions – 10 of Cups Rx
In the beginning, you may not immediately realise that this person we’re talking about is your Destined One. By that time in your Life, you could’ve forgotten all about this reading hahah And you’d be so preoccupied with Life’s more pragmatic duties. By this time, half of you could either be in your late 20s or early 30s, being asked endlessly why you’re not married yet; another half of you could be in your early 50s and simply wanting things to settle and get ‘normal’ in your Life.
The thing is, your Higher Self has arranged for you to meet a Soulmate, a Divine Lover who will actually show you how not normal you are if you were honest with yourself LMAO This person on the outside is actually what you are on the inside if you let yourself be. This Destined One is unorthodox, they are weird in a way that suits your tastes and they somehow align with your values! You’re crazy attracted to this about them, but at some point, you will pull away from them because you’re afraid!
You’re afraid this person will pull you away from everything that’s normal and expected of you. But are you really the type of person who regards a matrimony that highly? Seriously? If you’re honest? This person will show you that they, too, don’t particularly care about the expectations of a marriage. They will show you that they care more about the love and romance and all those sweet feelings that come with being actually in love with someone you adore. No riches in the world can substitute the happiness of holding someone you love in your arms~ With this person, you understand that <3
your True Love?! – 5 of Wands Rx
The biggest reason you will pull away from your Destined One is that you’re afraid of fucking things up with this wonderful person who seems like such a grand prize. Rather than facing the reality of losing this person’s favour out of your own fucking things up, you’d rather never be with them in the first place. And that’s such a sad thing because your Destined One would never think of such things about you!
Out of all the options you could be having at this phase of your Life, you will recognise that your one and only true love is somebody who doesn’t make you feel pressured towards making a decision. I’m getting that your Destined One is very gentle and peaceful, and they’re really understanding of the kinds of negative thoughts that often encircle your mind. If anything, your Destined One will want to erase those scary thoughts from your mind. They want to put you at ease~
They’re not weak or shy though. If anything, your Destined Person is quite shameless and they will want to win you over LMAO But they won’t be forceful or pushy. They’re respectful of your boundaries. They will only continue to come forward with Love, and Love, and just Love—they do worry about you tho ;P So, occasionally you will be able to see their ‘cute side’ when they scold you because they’ve been worried sick!
feelings pouring sweet~ – Red Magus (Edward Kelly)
the meaning of it all? – Priestess of Beauty
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Pile 2 – Ahhh, You Know You Like Being Swallowed Whole~ ;P
VIBE: Green Snake (1993)
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your options? – 5 of Swords Rx
At first glance, it feels to me you won’t be dealing with too many options during this time of your Life where you’re being led to a union with your Destined One; but it isn’t because you don’t have many eyes vying for your hand in marriage, nooo far from it; you, just already know who you’re gonna allow to make a move on you ;P You just already know who you want to be with! ★ And it seems to me you’re the one who’s gonna do the pursuing ;P
If you’re a feminine aenergy attracted to a masculine aenergy, you’re going to lead them on. Basically, from the moment you fell for your Destined One, they’re already in the palm of your hand. I reckon you’re the one who’s gonna recognise who your Destined Person is, and it’s all because you’re a highly spiritual entity. And honestly, you’ve been through quite a lot of shit and you’ve experienced quite a bit how other people’s negative resonance brought down your protective barriers in the past.
You don’t want to entertain low-vibing suitors anymore. You can’t stand the idea of your Life being turned upside down ugly by people whose hearts are UGLY AF. You’ve got no time for any of that. You want your Destined Person and you’ll do anything in your power to make this person fall in love with you <3 I sense a majority of you choosing this pile actually identify as a masculine aenergy attracted to a feminine aenergy regardless of your gender, which makes a lot of sense XD
decisions, decisions, decisions – Knight of Swords
In the past, you’ve dealt with people who are all over you because you’re attractive as fuck. Maybe they wanted your money, status, whatever. You’re a grand prize, you know. People would be so lucky to call you their own. And you got fucking pissed with being seen as a trophy boyfriend/girlfriend—as if you haven’t got your own personality or other achievements. How about your heart and dreams and Love, right? And you know that most people don’t value you for these things. They value you for the things that, to you, don’t matter at all!
By the time the Universe is arranging for you to be in a divine union with your spiritual Soulmate, you’ll have been single for quite a significant time. You’ve shielded yourself from cheap romances. Are you a sigma? LOL You’re honestly not even that interested in people to begin with. Most of the time, you like your own company and keep to yourself a lot. You’ll have been elusive for a number of years before you meet your Destined Person by chance~ This could be a work/professional setting but you’ll still feel like it’s a destined chance meeting hahah
The moment you catch a glimpse of your Destined Person, you feel something electrifying and know immediately this person is special—different from the rest and that you need to figure them out. Perhaps by your second or third meeting, something in you has made it clear to your conscious mind that this is The One. If you’re the masculine in this situation, it’s pretty obvious you’re going to charm them so that they open their heart to you ♡ If you’re a feminine in this situation, you’re going to tease them a lot until they know it’s perfectly alright for them as a masculine to charm you LMAO
your True Love?! – 7 of Cups
So it’s interesting to see a card of a plethora of choices after all that’s said and done. As mentioned before, you’re an attractive high-quality person who’s lusted over by many undeserving asses, and I’m getting mostly this vibe, that when you’re about to make it official with your Destined Person, there’s gonna come a negative force to try and ruin your chances. For many of you this could be anything, really, but for some of you this could be an ex, or basically someone you used to be quite close to, coming back into your Life in the hopes of winning you over. Or worse—even if they know they can’t win you over, they’re still gonna come over to taunt your Destined Person out of jealousy! OMG
If this ‘trying force’ doesn’t come from your end, this could also come from your Destined Person’s end. After all, your Destined Person is ALSO popular and a lot of people are gonna hate on you for being so close to them hahah So, you and your one True Love are gonna be viewed as that power couple and before you come together there will be forces that try and separate you. It's very likely there is a time you become quite distant from each other because of all these negative intents from your environment.
You’ve got people lining up to become your spouse and each one of them could become uncontrollably jealous when you proclaim a relationship with your Destined One XD Oh, you heartbreaker~ And in the case of an ex, or a very close ex-friend who used to harbour feelings and hopes for you, this person could well break your Destined Person’s heart and make them cry. They might even try and do something very evil to your Destined Person just to hurt YOU! This, is your lesson from the Universe to decide how you’re going to protect the one and only person you say you love~
feelings pouring sweet~ – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
the meaning of it all? – Priestess of Magick
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Pile 3 – This the One Who’ll Sacrifice Anything for You
VIBE: Titanic (1997)
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your options? – Page of Wands Rx
During this time when the Universe is arranging for you to be with your Destined Person, very strange and complex situations are happening in your Life. First, it’s possible you’re already steady/engaged/married to someone else, and this is why it seems you’re not dealing with a variety of romantic options. Two, it could just be that you’re totally NOT opening yourself up to the prospect of a relationship or even a marriage HAHAH
By this point in your Life, if you have friends or are in the public eye, it’ll have been quite obvious to everybody that you’re not the marrying type. For whatever reason, you’re quite sceptical—even cynical—about this whole notion of a relationship or a matrimony. Either you’re tired or afraid of being bound by a loveless contract. You’ve seen how people switch up and betray their spouses. You’ve heard plenty of cheating couples and broken trusts. Ain’t nobody got time to open up to horrendous crimes like that!
To everybody else, you’re an elusive siren who lives in your own world of make-believe, which annoyingly only makes you even more sought-after. At this point in your Life, you appear to the world as some sort of a rare catch and people will be sneakily trying to woo you, to win you over, because that would make them look cool. Many courageous (or should we say reckless?) warriors will attempt to break your icy castle and die in vain, never realising the whole time you were wishing for a King!☆
decisions, decisions, decisions – 10 of Pentacles
To say that you ‘don’t want to be married’ is actually quite a contrarian thing. Deep in your Soul, you want to have a wholesome, a complete and harmonious relationship with a Kingly character. You want something real that most people don’t even know how to give—because most people are shallow and infantile and so poor in character… These peasants… Sigh, they bore you to death. They disappoint to no end. But then, one day…
By some miraculous encounter you bump into your Destined One. Some miraculous encounter that wouldn’t have happened at all if some curiously specific events did not stack up a certain way. It is by Divine Design that you meet at all on that very day. That very moment you see this person, your heart jump and a voice in you exclaim, ‘Husband??’ or ‘Wife??’
Of course that’s super strange that a voice within you would say that at all. You might find it cringe or think you’ve lost all your marbles completely. ‘I think I’m delusional because I’ve been lonesome for a while…’ But soon after, you really wake up to the realisation that the Universe has sent you a pretty gift in the form of a Human who’s the perfect match for you. This person is THE IDEAL, the moment, the archetype, the everything you’ve ever dreamt a true love—your true love—would be~
your True Love?! – King of Wands
The complete package. This Destined Person, is literally YOU in a different form. They may not be perfect for any other person, but for you, all your fingers fit each other perfectly. Mind you, your Destined Person is very attractive in spite of all their flaws, so it’s not like there isn’t any competition here XP Your Destined Person is definitely somebody who turns heads when they enter a room. Even the parking lot is their runway!
This person commands respect, indeed they exude a very Kingly aenergy. They are charisma personified—very giving, honourable, even sacrificial. Your Destined Person is somebody who truly understands what it means to give back to the community. A true King who gains respect for the service he has given to his people. A King like this is truly loved and revered instead of feared. That’s the kind of aenergy your Destined Person operates with.
You will be very happy with this person. You know that, thus the exclamation upon seeing them! In spite of your apprehensions about marriage, when your King proposes, when they claim you as their Queen (LOL), you simply simply simply curiously intuitively know you’re gonna be taken care of~ And that’s such a nice feeling to have to finally feel safe with someone who truly cares for your wellbeing. Someone whom you know, at all times, will make big sacrifices just to put a smile on your face ♥︎
feelings pouring sweet~ – Silver Astrologer (John Dee)
the meaning of it all? – Priestess of Energy
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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zarvasace · 3 months
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Top 10 anime betrayals except I’m entirely earnest about it
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
Your dream spouse vs. the real one ❤️‍🔥
You & your Destined fs 🌙
Take a deep breathe and pick a picture you feel most drawn to.
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Disclaimer : tarot is not 100% accurate, this reading is just for fun. Tarot does not substitute professional treatment of any kind. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings. This may not resonate with everyone. Please be mindful of your own actions and thoughts ♡
I'll be very straightforward with whatever comes through and if you're not comfortable with that, please don't read this post.
Pile 1
Your dream spouse ❤️‍🔥 ‧₊˚
TW ⚠️ : tr*uma bonding.
You want the bad boy/girl type husband/wife. Someone who is impulsive, daring and savage. You may want someone who is your perfect match, and very compatible with you. You desire to bond over trauma with someone. You know those couples who've seen each other's most vulnerable sides. You want a very romantic and caring connection which goes till soul level. You may also want someone who is famous or well known or even who has power and command in the society. You like big surprises. You want to take care of someone who has been emotionally broken down or sad. You want to comfort a sad person. You want a spouse who has old money. You know that trope when there is a powerful person in the society, who's famous and all that, but they have love missing in their lives. You want to be that love to your spouse. You want a deep and intimate spouse who's cold to others but warm snd loving to you only.
Your real spouse 💓 ‧₊˚
33 and 66 can be significant. Your real life spouse is someone very hardworking and honest. They may like to socialize or be with family and friends. This is a very cute and homely energy. Your fs can be someone well known in their field for what they do. They are a family person, someone who's purpose is their family. They believe in long term commitments. They don't joke around, they want serious commitment or else don't enter their life. They may like to meditate or they are calm and composed, they don't seem to lose their cool easily. They are energetic and quick to make changes. They can be an engineer or in business. They are funny and cool. Their personality is very easy going and smooth. They may have emotional outburts a lot of times, but they don't vent it out on you. They may sometimes unknowingly disturb people and then get sad snd walk away when someone tells them something. Despite all of this, they can be of a very giving nature. They donate and do charity work a lot. They sometimes may have limiting beliefs that stresses them out.
Pile 2
Your dream spouse ❤️‍🔥 ‧₊˚
You want your spouse to choose you over any other girl/guy. You wanna be their top priority over anything. You want a mysterious spouse who only opens up to you. You want someone closed off from the world. You want a romantic person who is just like a gentleman/woman. Very caring towards you. You want an happily ever after with your fs. You want to have a rich and happy married life afterwards. Your fs may have a other women's eyes too on them. And they would choose you. You want a rich and wealthy fs.
Your real spouse 💓 ‧₊˚
Your fs may have many expectations of others on their shoulders which constantly makes them fight for themselves. Alright, this person is unhappy with their family or something. They get really sad about this. They somehow gather courage to do what others want from them. But they don't like it. And this is taking a toll on their mental health and making them hate everyone and everything. This thing came through so i told you. Let's get some more cards about their personality.
They want a stable and committed partner with a long term vision. They can be a hardworking person. They are undergoing a transformation right now with the death card. They are pretty emotional and romantic. They have the ability to give lots of love to you.
Pile 3
Your dream spouse ❤️‍🔥 ‧₊˚
You want to meet your spouse by destiny or fate just like kdramas. You want someone romantic, caring and loving to you. You may want someone who is like a reward to you. You want someone emotional, you wanna share an emotional and deep connection with your fs. You want a lawyer by profession? You want someone dominating, loyal and family oriented. Someone who works on a high position and offers you stability. You dream of a happily ever after marriage life with your fs. You want someone to heal or fix your broken heart. You want someone who listens to you without telling anything. You want someone rational as well as emotional, a balance of everything. That's good, actually. You secretly desire a soulmate for yourself.
Your real spouse 💓 ‧₊˚
Your fs may have two sisters. Your real life fs is someone who has a lot of options and choices in love but still, somewhere their heart says that no, there is someone else meant for them, that can be you. They're waiting for you. They are someone with a strong will and determination. They always act fast and logically. Whatever They're doing right now, they are starting someone new and afresh, can be a new start in life or work related. Their feminine energy can be a bit imbalanced right now. There is something which stops them from being expressive of their emotional side. This may be due to some childhood issues by a female figure i see. They are facing this blovk right now. But they're working on it.
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harmoonix · 6 months
Love me like you do
❤️‍🔥(Love astrology observations)❤️‍🔥
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Before reading: 🔞
All aspects applying including parallels and contra-parallsls aswell
All charts system applied; Vedic, Sidereal. Tropical etc..
Some of my observations can be 18+
Enjoy the reading ♥️
❤️‍🔥 - Venus in 7th house/Venus in Libra > So romantic, full of tenderness for their partner. They're so cute when they're in love
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Bacchus [2063] can indicate pleasure and the way you give/recieve pleasure, in conjunct/sextile/trine with Juno (3) is so hot, you basically are a pleasure machine for eachother and you probably seek for someone who can give you pleasure
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Ceres (1) aspecting Juno (especially in harsh aspects) need to nurture their partners or vice versa, they have a high need for intimacy and love and i personally see them hugging eachother in bed 24/7
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Groom (5129) in Aries/the 1st house (for those attracted to men) can indicate getting a spouse who can have the same kinks as you and to be very close to you also this bounding is so deep.. (Very hot Chemistry between you two)
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❤️‍🔥 - Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 8th house = They love being communicative during sex, they may also have very shooting voices
❤️‍🔥 - Eros (433) aspecting Midheaven (MC) = The way you show yourself can be very erotic, and that can attract more people into you + they can really end up working in movies 18+
❤️‍🔥 - Juno Scorpio/Juno in the 8th house = They love Intensity, these natives seek for high intimacy with their partners and offering touches
❤️‍🔥 - Men with Sagittarius Mars/Mars aspecting Jupiter can have an bombastic penis in size, the size can grow unexpected sometimes and you'll wonder...how tf I am riding this now??
❤️‍🔥 - Libra Mars/Mars in the 7th house > They love being undressed during the act, i feel like they can be very ambient in their positions in bed and often switching up a lot
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❤️‍🔥 - Pisces 7th house/Neptune 7th > Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh OBSESSED, they can get literally addicted to their partners + showing that by being clingy
❤️‍🔥 - Venus Parallel Mars or vice versa > They're so hot. So intense, full of energy and those type of people who go for more rounds because they enjoy it so much
❤️‍🔥 - Sun Parallel Venus > They're so cute when they're in love, they can often blush when their specific person is around, and can be lost in their words when they talk
❤️‍🔥 - Mars Parallel Pluto > So hot and magnetic, i feel like they want someone who can dominante them or to just break bed, something in between
❤️‍🔥 - Lilith Parallel Mars/Neptune > They can have many wet dreams, many sexual dreams aswell in away they can day dream about this too
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❤️‍🔥 - Moon in Libra natives know how to put feelings and pleasure together, in aspects to Pluto/Venus they can be really intense and want to seem for more love
❤️‍🔥 - Moon in Leo natives know how to praise their partners so they can feel in a good mood too, they may have partners with praise kinks and worshipping kinks too
❤️‍🔥 - Vertex trine/sextile/conjunct Sun has a big chance of attracting influential people into their lives, especially men
❤️‍🔥 - Scorpio/Pluto in the 10th house have big chances to attract influential people in their lives and often being involved in love scandals (Will you be the next Selena Gomez gurl?)
❤️‍🔥 - Uranus in the 5th/7th house and 2nd house can attract people of the same gender and being attracted into this too, unless is not aspecting Saturn which can turn into a fear to fall for people the same gender as you
❤️‍🔥 - Eros - Mars aspects, go girl give us everything, I know they like it rough&hard like they want to suck the soul out if their partners
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❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Asmodeus [2174] in the 7th house can attract posesive/obsessive partners into their lives but enemies aswell, like girl everyone is obsessed/passive agressive and like the reason is unknown?? (Siri play Obsessed by Mariah Carey)
❤️‍🔥 - If you have Psyche (16) in water signs you may have the need for intimacy aswell, like is something your soul craves
You're the only thing I wanna touch
❤️‍🔥 - Mars - Mercury aspects/Mars parallel Mercury > They have that rough/lil' aggressive voice, omg when they whisper in your ear (eargasm or something 😭👁️👄👁️)
❤️‍🔥 - Venus aspecting Pluto/Venus parallel Pluto > These aspects the most known for being very attractive, their energy/vibe is hot aswell, and they have this magnetic field around that pulls you in
❤️‍🔥- Ascendant aspecting Mars > They're just the type of person to look at because they have a good looking body (men++👄) and yeah, you know their face looks like it needs to be kissed
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❤️‍🔥 - Pisces/Taurus/Cancer in the 2nd/3rd house though, omg they have the softest lips?? Like I am kissing a cloud?👄👄 Is so soft and so calming in here
❤️‍🔥 - Mars in the 6th house > Okay so probably natives who have a high drive and thus placement too will crave for sex/intimacy a lot (6th house also being the house for daily activities)...👁️👄👁️
❤️‍🔥 - No cus' Sun/Venus in the 12th house natives are underatted when it comes to such things, 12th house can also indicate intimacy/sex/pleasure to an extent, and let me just say they will be savouring the moments
❤️‍🔥 - To all the natives who have Juno/Groom in the 2nd house, you'll get a spouse who will spoil you so much like is so romantic too (Juno - 3, Groom 5129) (The spoiling doesn't always have to be in material things if you know what I mean😀)
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Groom (5129) in Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25° they really want someone hot in their lives, this is the Aries energy after all so I guess it can aslo indicate you want an dominant spouse in your life too
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❤️‍🔥 - Groom (5129) in Libra Degrees 7°, 19° can have really high chances at attracting an romantic spouse in their lives, someone who can aslo may treat them nicely and cute
❤️‍🔥 - Venus/Mars in the 11th house are not play, they definitely do it either very soft either rough and sometimes can turn into a mix, they give this "we are besties during the day and at night...👁️👄👁️" vibe
❤️‍🔥 - Mars in air houses (3rd, 7th, 11th house) needs talking stimulation, they can be very much attracted by voice/talking may like to talk during the act
Follow me through the dark
Let me take you past our satellites
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Lust [4386] in 2nd house/Taurus may like physical contact a lot, everything they are touching is pure to them and they can have a tendency of checking others people body
❤️‍🔥 - Asteroid Lust [4386] in 12th house/Pisces may be the type of person who can end up day dreaming about that person they like, but the thing is these dreams are usually very sexual and can often get lost in their dreams or thinking about them a lot
❤️‍🔥 - Capricorn Venus women don't always go for older men as a type but they rather go for ones who are more mature and stable/+ if they're looking for something serious aswell
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❤️‍🔥- Moon - Pluto aspects can end up hating hookup/one night stands, like they want you to be theirs forever not just for one night, they may actually detest such things
❤️‍🔥 - Juno/7th house in Leo/Sun in Leo want to find recognition in their partners, they want to be praised by their partners and be appreciated, these placements are cute when they find healthy love
❤️‍🔥 - Mercury in the 7th house/Mercury in Libra > I love these type of natives for the way they care so much about the people these natives love, their communication style and commitment is on point and always putting others feelings above as a sign that matters for them a lot
❤️‍🔥 - Lust [4386] square/opposite/conjunct Mars, well these people can actually be very sexual or at least to have that sexual energy in them 24/7 even though they can hide it
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Guess who's back 😍😍😍!! This biatch is back
I missed Tumblr so I said hmm let me check the app and omg I needed to post something so I had to make a new post 😍 a new theme something a lot of people liked and here we go with this one!!
I hope you all have a really great great great Saturday!!😍 And a very good weekend
H a r m o o n i x
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littlemissmaples · 23 days
PAC || Have you met the one? + Advice
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Pile 1 = Bear
Pile 2 = Candy
Pile 3 = Flower
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• Pile 1
Have you met the one?
Of course you have! But I feel like you have only ever seen them in your dreams. It's possible that this is someone that you know of although you haven't met them yet. I dont believe this is a celebrity, so I'm sorry if you were hoping it was (but that may be the fhace doe some of you).
I feel like in order for you to meet the one you need to become more organized, you need to let go of the things that no longer serve you, specially in the long run. This is a divine connection that can happen at any time but you will only end up making this journey far more troubling for yourself (perhaps you're impatient and meeting the wrong people often) if you do not, and I mean this with love, get it together.
I believe in you, hang in there. You know what to do 🌸
• Pile 2
Have you met the one?
I don't know why I wanna make the joke "have you met the two, the three and the four" lmao, you may be black or perhaps african, if not dont worry take what applies, you remind me of a friend. There's an energy here of "fun-ness" for some of you this is your future spouse coming in, he's a funny man. I'm not getting a more fem-presenting energy here. There's a chance he's the one who's black or of african descent (Asian for some of you). I don't believe that any of you have met this person yet but he's really excited to meet you, some of you are likely to meet him very soon, like very very soon, he wants to say that he's "tall, dark & handsome" and that he "writes music", perhaps he plays an acoustic guitar even, haha, he also says he smells good, there's so much he wants to say here. Perhaps I'll do a future spouse reading next after this one. But if you need me to summarize this.
Yes, you have met the one, you have either met them already/recently or you're about to meet them very soon or in a surprising way (I feel like they're right in front of you but you just dont see them, haha, you'll notice each other soon enough. For some of you this will bet at the mall, at work, bank or like a public space where you're busy with something.)
I'm not getting any advice for this Pile. All I'm getting is messages from whoever's fs this is. He says "get ready, sexy." Lmao he is a riot.
• Pile 3
Have you met the one?
No unfortunately you have not, the reason I say "unfortunately" is because I feel like for some of you you have recently gone through a break up. You thought they were the one, but they're not. For some of you I'm getting that this person's friend is the one or perhaps someone who was (or is) friends with you. Some of you have soulmates that are friend but you confuse this for romantic love. I'm also getting for some of you that you pursue romantic love only to find that you're stuck in toxic places. I'm sorry you've had to go through this but you're not alone, and things will look up for you, but you have to give up on this search first, you're more likely to meet the one if you stop seeking shiny things in dark spaces, the entire world shines for you, everything is light by sunlight and I know that makes it harder for you to figure out what's good for you if "he's the one" and all this when everything outside shines so much. But this doesnt mean you gave to go to such cold spaces to find something warm. Maybe you dont have to be warm, maybe the temperature outside is enough. What I'm saying sounds cryptic but this is how I'm getting these messages. Stop seeking love outside of yourself, I promise that you'll find it, but you dont have to go to odd places to bump into it. Sometimes the most precious things are found in the most regular places. Learn to love the mundane things in life, I know the slow-paced-ness of it all fan be kinda frustrating but slowing down is not what you need to do, just let yourself be and what how everything flows to you. Some of you live in New York, idk why I'm seeing the park, but there's a chance you'll be finding yourself in the right place at the right time, meeting this perfect someone, after following a string of events that lead you to this "sunny place." (I kept hearing "sunshine state" I looked it up and I got Florida, someone might be from Florida, some of you might move to Florida or perhaps be meeting the one in Florida or maybe the one IS from florida, haha. Either way there's something here about Florida. ((California & Arizona too for some. Take what applies, my love 💛)) )
Do not be so hard on yourself, you're very strict with how you are. Perhaps you need a routine that's more simple on you, take a walk outside but dont expect anything insane, just take the time to move about at your own pace and see what catches your eye. Follow your instinct. Drink something nice at a nice place. For some of you I'm getting a cafe, maybe you like matcha. Either way, take it easy today. You deserve a break, your mind is too heavy. Some of you might be autistic or perhaps you're in your head often, whatever it is, please let your mind rest, you think too hard, you'll be okay if you take a break for a day. Things dont have to be so complex. (I know this has nothing to do with "the one" but I feel like being kinder to yourself can really help speed that up.)
Take care, y'all 🌤✌
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rabidline · 25 days
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I know his last competitive skate was not the most ideal skate... but I will always remember his smile right here, when it's over.
I knew the end is coming since the moment he fell on the ice at Worlds 2023, and all I wished for is for it to happen with grace and dignity. And it did. The result was one of the hardest to accept (slipping from 1st after the SP to off podium) but he was there, at peace, a smile on his face as he congratulated the winner.
And that's what I'm going to remember from his competitive career- his big heart for the sport and its competitors, when he wins or loses.
Thank you, Shoma.
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luaveltarot · 1 year
🍦🫧Pᴀᴄ : Lᴇᴛ’s ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғs🫧🍦
*If your fs is a male *
( If anyone will like an lgbtq+ reading then you can let me know, most of you are girls so I just made one for the straight peeps)
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ᵀʰᵉ ʳᵉᵃᵈⁱⁿᵍ ʷⁱˡˡ ʰᵃᵛᵉ⠘
ᶻᵒᵈⁱᵃᶜ ᵖˡᵃᶜᵉᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉᵐ &
ᶜᵒᵐᵖᵃᵗⁱᵇⁱˡⁱᵗʸ ᵗᵒᵍᵉᵗʰᵉʳ
P̶i̶l̶e̶ 1
You could know this person or meet this person through friends or acquaintances or start off as friends. For some reason I get gangster vibes from him. If not gangster they are an officer who deal with gangsters, I’ll say the latter is stronger but it’s a general reading so take what resonates. They could assume that a lot of girls are after them. They are secretive and strong willed. I see them having many buried secrets of others, they prefer close bonds to many friends. They also have a mystique surrounding their aura. Their gaze is intimidating and kind of scary? Although it is such but they don’t judge others. They do not trust people easily, they observe and spend a lot of time knowing someone. They are someone who doesn’t like responsibilities, they like to be their own boss, get up when they want, go out whenever they like and definitely not a tradition follower. They could be popular online. At home they could be like a little kid. They are a foodie. The last thing for a few of them, is that they could impersonate online and hide their true identity.
👀 ℒℴℴ𝓀𝓈
Dirty blonde hair to dark brown hair.
Light beard and moustache
They Keep their shirts unbuttoned, their chest is a flex for them
Jewellery lover, I see them being into rings, bracelets and double layered chains and necklaces
Can have tattoos on the forearm
Prefer folded sleeves even if it’s half sleeves, they’ll still like to fold it
Muscular built, just the right amount of muscles and abs. I don’t see heavy bodies but rather tall
Smirky lips
Dark eyes; brown and black and may be blue-grey with black tones
Stays groomed in an unkempt way ( if that makes sense)
Wear a lot of black
They have a wanderer look to them kind of hippie style and I sense even some wizard vibe going on
They could own a skull ring or something which has a skull design like they could be into gothic style or like dark themed decor
They could prefer a shaved/waxed chest
Tan skin
🪐 𝒵ℴ𝒹𝒾𝒶𝒸 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸ℯ𝓂ℯ𝓃𝓉𝓈
Definitely some prominent Aquarius placements or Uranus is in its own sign of Aquarius.
Mercury in 3rd house
Aquarius moon or Aquarius venus
7th house Libra
Pisces moon in 8th house
Mercury in sagittarius
Mars in Aries
Sun in Leo
Jupiter-saturn conjunction
🦁🐆𝒞ℴ𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝓉ℴℊℯ𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓇
Both of you will complete each other wonderfully. Inner essence is same which could be good and bad depending on how the situation will turn out to be. I see a lot of aggressive sex. Power couple vibes. You both could love to cuddle and nap together.
P̶i̶l̶e̶ 2
👤 𝒫ℯ𝓇𝓈ℴ𝓃𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎
So soft and cute vibes . They are really kind and innocent. People truly admire them because they have a pure energy, they are straightforward but in non rude way. They could be really smart and intelligent. I see people look up to them and appreciate what they do. They could be in healing profession; doctor, pharmaceutical, reiki practitioner,etc. and I also see they are into following a healthy lifestyle like balanced diet and into fitness. They got the shy but naughty look to them. Could have a hard time dealing with perfection, they observe a lot and it frustrates them if something doesn’t work out the way they expected. They judge themselves a lot and I think here they need help. They will have to learn to prioritise their mental and physical health because they give a lot to others which drains them. People seek their comfort often as they view them having everything. Also, they are rich.
👀 ℒℴℴ𝓀𝓈
Cute, clean and damn they are a looker.
Their features are such that girls are jealous haha. I see they have a well proportionate face.
Their hair frames their face most of the time. They have long hair but not very long. Also,they like messy hair. (Light brown to dark hair tone).
Their jaw and thick neck kind of stands out on their soft personality.
They can have thick biceps
Almond shaped eyes
Their gaze feels powerful like they can see right through your soul
Clean shave face
Wear a watch
I get more of black-white-dark blue- beige colour clothes. Not very colourful.
They can have a signature black jacket/blazer to wear on most occasion.
They like to take photos in sunlight.
Light skin tone
🪐 𝒵ℴ𝒹𝒾𝒶𝒸 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸ℯ𝓂ℯ𝓃𝓉𝓈
Venus in 10th house
Capricorn dominant
Sun in Libra in 12th House
Jupiter in Sagittarius in 9th house
Moon in water sign ( cancer, scorpio and pisces)
Aries Mars
Libra mercury
Sun-mercury conjunction
🦓🦌𝒞ℴ𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝓉ℴℊℯ𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓇
Empowered individually. I see you lot of gentle love moments between you two but also respect for each other’s space. Right amount of balance on each side. The communication is really good both verbally and telepathically. I see you both cover up for each other nicely when needed.
P̶i̶l̶e̶ 3
👤 𝒫ℯ𝓇𝓈ℴ𝓃𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎
They are have gone through a lot in the past, they’ve let everyone walk all over them, despite looking for help they had no one to turn to. The feeling of being done with others is strong. Now they’re doing inner healing and starting a new life with fresh perspective where they will be the main character. Their main goal in life is only themselves and to make money. I see they are working hard to build their dream life, their dream house, their dream family where they can experience all joys with you. For them, they only plan to give their all to you, all their love and they would want to spoil you. They are not into casual relationships. They’ve been betrayed by people they considered close to them but still I feel they have hope left because they can see you two having a great potential together. They are very intuitive and psychic. He could have seen dreams about you. They are a great decision maker. Their personality is impactful, someone you won’t forget easily.
👀 ℒℴℴ𝓀𝓈
Olive, brown and dark brown skin tone.
Wears formal clothes mostly; tucked shirt, pants and belt. May leave first two buttons open sometimes.
Watch lover
They give off a traditional look, their ethnic background reflects in the way they dress up or groom.
The hot cowboy look or the guy who rides horses and spends most time in stables look. Rough personality.
Blue, brown and hazel eyes
They have a gym body and very very prominent abs
They usually roam around shirtless at home
They can have long hair; wavy and curly
Mostly I see them wearing blue jeans
White, blue, grey and charcoal grey and may be red clothes.
Their social media can have a lot of pictures around water bodies and forest regions.
🪐 𝒵ℴ𝒹𝒾𝒶𝒸 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸ℯ𝓂ℯ𝓃𝓉𝓈
Mars in gemini
Pisces moon/ moon in 12th house
Moon-Neptune conjunction
Moon-mercury conjunction
Jupiter in leo
Jupiter in gemini
Jupiter in scorpio
Pluto in scorpio
Mercury in 8th house
Saturn in Capricorn
Mars in 4th house or aspecting 4th house
🐅🦆𝒞ℴ𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝓉ℴℊℯ𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓇
Hunter-prey and daddy-babygirl energy going on. He would do anything to protect you and hide you from the cruel world which he had to go through. You both will understand each other without communication, almost psychically. He won’t leave anyone who tries to harm you even in the smallest of ways. Their could be some kind of difference either age, religion, race, etc. You will feel at home with this person and life will feel easier with him.
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spirit-of-phantom · 1 month
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venus, the planet of love and money?
ahhhh!!! what do i want??? what do i value??? what do i need???…. or better yet what does my crush want???? what do they value???? what do they need???
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how it affects what you are attracted to
venus in aries:
- attracted to independence, enthusiasm, spontaneity, assertiveness and fun
- needs challenges and things to keep their physical body moving
- wants partners who are confident and can match their energy
venus in taurus
- attracted to stability, reliability, manners and sensual pleasures
- needs comfort, enjoyment of the finer things in life and security
- wants partners who are loyal and physically affectionate
venus in gemini
- attracted to intellectual conversations, communication and learning
- needs social interactions that keep them curious and engaged
- wants someone who is witty, communicative (no more than them) and open to new experiences
venus in cancer
- attracted to emotional security, nurturing and closeness
- needs deep emotional connections that have a sense of familiarity, craves a loving home life
- wants someone who is caring, sensitive and supportive
venus in leo
- attracted to creativity, romance, drama and grand gestures
- needs admiration from partner and loyalty with strong affection
- wants a partner who is expressive, generous and inspiring (they need someone to show off)
venus in virgo
- attracted to practicality in relationships, cleanliness and efficiency
- needs order, usefulness and a sense of purpose (basically needs to cater or to be catered)
- wants a partner who is intelligent, mature, and attentive
venus in libra
- attracted to beauty, harmony and partnerships
- needs balance, fairness and aesthetic pleasures
- wants someone who is charming, social able and diplomatic (craves the perfect relationship)
venus in scorpio
- attracted to intensity, depth and commitment
- needs deep emotional and physical connections, desires trust and loyalty
- wants someone who is passionate, committed and transformative
venus in sagittarius
- attracted to adventures, freedom and philosophy
- needs to explore, feel deep excitement and learn something new
- wants a partner who is adventurous, honest and intellectually curious (preferably educated)
venus in capricorn
- attracted to ambition, status and structural qualities
- needs security, tradition and long term planning
- wants a partner who is mature, responsible and ambitious
venus in aquarius
- attracted to progression, individuality, innovation and freedom
- needs intellectual stimulation, independence and space within groups
- wants someone who is unconventional, intellectually stimulating and respects their need for freedom and individuality
venus in pisces
- attracted to compassion, spirituality, and idealizing situations
- needs emotional depth, spiritual connections and romantic experiences
- wants someone who is empathetic, emotionally available and creatively inspiring
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© spirit-of-phantom 2024
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eth3real-ess3nce · 7 months
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Top left (1) , Top right (2) , Bottom left (3) , Bottom right (4)
This reading is meant for you if one of more of these apply: ♡ you have been planning your Christmas holidays (2-3 months prior) ♡ you were born in March or April ♡ life path 3 6 or 8 ♡ someone close to you (or you) is named Christina ♡ summer is your favourite season ♡ you hate coffee ♡ it's your last year of high school or college ♡ you own a cat ♡ you are from Asia or dream of visiting Asia / Eastern Asia ♡ you love Starbucks ♡ you see angel number 333 ♡ you used to love Bratz or Monster high ♡ I see you regaining your confidence, how lovely! Many of you have been thinking about making changes to your appearance & you will make these thoughts come true. You will be PAMPERED by the universe. Feels good to finally spoil yourself, huh? Totally! And because of the radiance your glow up offers you, you are going to attract multiple "knights" who will want to add to it. I see material gifts, thoroughly planned dates and tokens of appreciation in your future. Many of you will be meeting new potential love interests during Christmas holidays. Please be careful of lovebombers. Now it isn't the case for everybody of course, since it's a collective reading. But if you notice that someone is making big promises early on and you feel uncomfortable with it, listen to your gut please. For many of you, there might be a third person you don't know about. And whether you know about the third person , please avoid getting entangled in such situations as it won't end well for you..I'm saying this with love Being showered with gifts and being treated like a queen is amazing , but just be aware of the hidden agendas. In cases a third person doesn't exist, they will attempt to lure you in by pretending that you are everything you ever asked for. Keep your lovely eyes open! ✨ 💗 Zodiac signs mostly present/related: Taurus, Leo, Cancer (sun, moon, rising or venus)
This reading is meant for you if one or more of these apply: ♡ Life path 5 or the number 5 on your birth date ♡ you are christian or muslim ♡ you wear earphones most of the time ♡ your favourite colour is a shade of blue ♡ you have sensitive stomach or food intolerances ♡ you drop things on the floor easily lately ♡ you like to draw, you use black&white filters on pictures a lot ♡ you live near a thrift shop ♡ your name ends with an "e" ♡ you have practised art before like drama or sculpting I feel that this is my heartbroken pile. I want to start by giving you a BIG warm hug and try to offer you the sweetest, most encouraging words possible today. I'm sensing some type of betrayal here whether it's literal or emotional. You tend to overgive to people close to you, even if they don't deserve it. You are tired of feeling taken advantage of. You feel that so much is owed to you and you definitely have the right to feel this way. You have been stepped over and over again. This is the time where you will be given the decision to put an end to these energies. Some of you might be still entangled in situations where they drain your soul and your light , others might have walked away but are still trying to pick up the pieces of their hearts & heal.. It seems very difficult for you, because making the decision to prioritise yourself & your needs is something brand new to you. You never thought you were supposed to put yourself first before ; to think that your physical mental, emotional wellbeing must come first. My dear pile 2, I know you are seeking a glimpse of hope in today's reading but I ought to be 100% honest with you. Dating is not what is meant for you right now. You are going through one of the deepest spiritual transformations in your life currently and I am not exaggerating. You are still learning how to perceive yourself as someone who is human with needs and desires, and NOT as a doormat for others to step conveniently on. "But is there hope for me to find love?" Yes. I see that happening later than sooner, though. When you will be coming out of your "winter" phase in your life ; with your healed scars and with confidence you never even imagined you'd possess before. The future holds endless, limitless blessings for you, pile 2. All the power & courage you're seeking is within. Zodiac signs mostly present/related: Pisces & Sagittarius (sun, moon, rising or venus)
This reading is meant for you if one or more of these apply: ♡ you have short hair ♡ life path 9 or have 9 on your date of birth ♡ one of your parents or siblings has aries placements ♡ you traveled inside USA in the past month ♡ you own a green jacket ♡ you are an athlete ♡ your chart is water or air dominant ♡ your name or last name starts with an "M" ♡ you have trouble sleeping lately ♡ you have neon lights in your bedroom ♡ you prefer older guys (I don't blame you) ♡ one of your favourite artists is Taylor swift, Jhene Aiko, Beyoncé ♡ you have tattoo(s) on your wrists/hands ♡ you stay home a lot lately Currently, it seems that you prefer your solitude. Many of you have given up on dating, you feel defeated in some way. You are extra picky with people (as you should) , as you can clearly see through them & make correct judgements about them often. Some of you might have been practicing abstinence, you are spiritually isolated and you are single by choice. I see you living your truth and stand firmly on your beliefs, even if it comes off harsh or weird to others. You don't care. 😉 In the next three months: Initially, you will stay this way. It's very likely that for some of you a past lover might return and even offer closure. You will have reflected a lot on past mistakes that were made & since you took time off the dating pool, you will be able to make healthy choices for yourself. And also, to say "no" to what doesn't serve you. Dear pile 3, I agree it's good to be highly selective, but I see here that many of you struggle when it comes to receiving. You might be looking at those videos where girls are getting princess treatment, flowers, etc. from their boyfriends and you deeply yearn for it. I know some of you won't even admit it 😅 But it's PERFECTLY fine to desire those things. You deserve to be properly loved & cherished. Allow this into your life when the opportunity presents itself, because I assure you it will. Something passionate is in the cards for you. You won't expect it and you won't expect with whom it will happen. You might know (or get to know) this person & not like them at first, but then sparks will begin to ignite. Mark my words. I'm sensing heavy air energy from this pile, woah. (gemini, libra, aquarius) sun moon rising venus. Because of your naturally detached nature, you don't fall in love with just anyone . This time, though , your inner child finally feels safe with someone. This is what your spirit has been asking for. A love that feels like home. Zodiac Signs mostly present/related: Pisces, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra (sun, moon, rising or venus)
This reading is meant for you if one or more of these apply: ♡ you braid your hair very often ♡ you're reading this while you are not in your hometown ♡ you were born in 2005,2006,1997 ♡ your father is an attorney ♡ you have leo placements ♡ you come from money ♡ you have heart(s) in your bio ♡ you have dark hair and light eyes ♡ you mostly wear boots ♡ you love Green Day ♡ your venus is in Aries ♡ you have nose ring(s) ♡ your name has two A's ♡ you ate cereal the same day you read this ♡ you have a pet with green eyes ♡ you own a necklace with a crystal/stone ♡ you're half European Hello hello! I must say, this pile is scaring me a bit. So wild! 😳 and so much secrecy... 👀 Pile 4 your love lives never cease to be boring. I can hear you thinking "why am I falling in love with the wrong people" "why do i have to make difficult choices in love". I see.... There are multiple energies coming through so bear with me as I'm going to cover them all ❤️ As I said, I sense so much secrecy here. But during the next 3 months everything will be revealed. Do you have feelings for someone you shouldn't, but you keep it to yourself? You will probably either tell them or they'll know. Someone from your friend group or class has a crush on you? You will definitely discover it. Do you have an affair behind someone's back? Baby.. it will be known. Does the person you are involved with know that you don't want something serious? It's time for them to learn... I don't seek to be strict, only honest and loving with you, so this is why I advise against being reckless, okay? With your heart and others'. One of the first messages that popped up, is **warning against unwanted pregnancies** so pretty please make sure you use protection if you don't plan on getting pregnant!!! 💗 Pile 4, in the next 3 months karma will be served, whether it's good or bad. If you worry, it's not too late to change how things are. You always have free will. It's just the overall energy that I am getting. For example, if you don't want your crush to know that you like them, then they won't. BUT, opportunities will present themselves.. just sayin'! It's your choice, always. Expect those changes to occur during the next mercury retrograde (December 13th if you're reading this before that date). I advise you to be on your best behaviour, pile 4!!! I know "forbidden love" situations & mind games are giving you adrenaline and meaning in life... but it's not the time to act up if you want to be free of consequences 😳 And for those of you who know you're doing nothing wrong, I got you. Someone is absolutely infatuated with you but something is holding them back. I have channeled a few clues for you ❤️ : "dark hair" "Scorpio" "19 (could be age or numbers at their date of birth)" "Works in retail" "Initials J or D" "has a flag/scarf of their favourite football team in their room" "met at a party" "subtle ways to have physical contact with you" "had a cringe emo phase a while ago" "has randomly bought you food before" Does it ring a bell?? Zodiac Signs mostly present/related: Aquarius, pisces, Scorpio (sun, moon, rising or venus)
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moonastro · 2 months
Juno persona chart
venus in the houses
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what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.
venus represents beauty, aesthetics and values. within the juno persona chart, venus signifies the love within the marriage, relationship style and the beauty that comes along in the marriage.
reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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**also this can also be used for signs as well, for example if venus in persona chart is in sagittarius, read what applies to the 9th house as it may resonate as well.
venus in 1st house: lots of embodying of one another. quite literal the definition of worshiping your partner. this placements loves their partners independence, courage and fiery aura. this placement is very protective and encouraging of their partner, they act as if they are their soldier, their guard. are quick to act upon when their spouse needs attention of any kind, are always willing to put their partner first. this placement may love how their partner matches their vibe very well but keeping their identity and staying true to themselves at the same time. they lovee their partner body, yes the appearance may play a big part here also and loving how their spouse looks and presents themselves but its more how they do it and not what they see at that moment if that makes sense.
spouse can have natal venus in aries, 1st house, fire sign or fire house.
venus in 2nd house: this placements way of showing love to their spouse can be by cooking a home cooked meal, buying tiny meaningful gifts to them also. can also be by organising a comfort space for their loved one after they are having a bad day or had a hard day at work. the aesthetic of the marriage is very chill, the couple have a comforting aura towards each other, they can be each others comfort space. income is valued amongst themselves and money matters a lot to this placement. this placement may spoil their spouse and may have a mindset of its only acceptable if i spend lots of money on the person that i love in order to show that i truly love them. this placement may value objects and may have a collection of some sort that they keep, perhaps its crystals, books, scarfs, earrings etc etc whatever it is it is very special to this placement and it is very appreciated when others acknowledge their love for objects and even better when someone adds to their collection.
spouse can have natal venus in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign or earth house.
venus in 3rd house: love is very much shown by hobbies and words. lots of words of affirmation 'you look beautiful today', 'i love you' and so on. lots of strolls through the neighbourhood and doing things and spending time within the neighbourhood. for example the couple could easily just go out on a walk around their neighbourhood and go on a creative venture. sharing love through buying latest technologies and sharing some technical skills to each other, it may be internet influenced approaches as well like going online shopping or buying majority of house items from online. the couples may value the arts of writing and their relationship with ones siblings, perhaps this placement has a solid connection with their siblings and may be a big part of their life and perhaps the other also has good relations with their spouses siblings and so forth.
spouse may have natal venus in gemini, 3rd house, air sign or air house.
venus in 4th house: love between the couple is caring, sensitive and very protective. this placement tends to be very protective of their spouse and almost to the point of they'll do anything for them. literally if their spouse gets upset they get upset and want to fix it. nothing is more important to them than them being happy. the couple value their family traditions and most likely will pass it on onto their kids and will make sure to teach their kids the importance of their homeland and heritage. this placement may love how invested their partner is about their ancestry and is always wanting to find themselves. the couple may connect by relating to they way they were brought up and may agree on many things. this placement may have good relations with their family and therefore may appreciate their spouse doing the same. the aesthetic of their home is very important for this placement, it provides not only comfort but a chance for them to create special memories that they'll remember forever and pass it on for generations to come.
spouse may have natal venus in cancer, 4th house, water sign or water house.
venus in 5th house: this placement may love how fun, independent, well spoken and creative their spouse is. the love between the couple are seen by many, they are not afraid to show their love to each other in public and are proud to show off their partner to other people. the aesthetics in this relationship may be part of an entertainment business, lots of creativity in this marriage, arts, singing, dancing, writing, anything that requires to be creative is valued among each party and may be a very important part of their identity and who they are. this placement enjoys pleasure so expect them to get their way and no other, this placement will do anything in order for them to feel satisfactory and the same goes with their partner, they may want only the best for their partner and will go all out for them to make sure they are happy and satisfied. this placement may enjoy intimacy like no other, being intimate in their eyes is art itself, it connects both parties and this placement may find it beautiful how the whole thing plays out.
spouse may have natal venus in leo, 5th house, fire sign or fire house.
venus in 6th house: this couples way of showing love is definitely through acts of service, this placement is ready to literally do anything for their spouse just to show how much they love them. taking care of their spouse is how they express their love for them for example if they are sick in bed or, if they are back from a long day in work and so forth. this placement may romanticise their lifestyle and put in as much effort into it in order to satisfy their needs and their partners. this also may refer to loving their other half's flaws and insecurities, being in love for who they are and not what they are, not caring what may be wrong with them as others may put it. this placement may provide and show love by factoring lots of labour for their partner also which quite literally can mean that they may perform services for their spouse whether its doing what they ask, going out of their way to do extra work for instance when it may not necessarily be needed.
spouse may have natal venus in virgo, 6th house, earth sign or earth house.
venus in 7th house: the love shared between the couple is romantic, everlasting type of love, the love you see of an long lasting marriage of an elderly couple. the couple may express their love through physical touch like holding hands, hugging, holding onto your arm and so on and anything that requires skin to skin contact. i feel this placement also loves to keep their peace and keep everything within the relationship fair. the aesthetic of the relationship may be very peaceful and full of luxurious items in the home, so the home can be very organised and every single item is picked out precisely to the tee. they love to go out shopping for the tiny luxurious things such as perfume testing or going to shop for artistic supplies. this placement loves when their partner goes all out for them and drops everything for them, the definition of having their full attention.
spouse may have natal venus in libra, 7th house, air sign or air house.
venus in 8th house: love can be shared in secret, i feel like with this placement they show love to each other privately so the public may not see that side of the marriage. the sign its in can tell how the couple may express it privately, so for example in aquarius, there may be lots on and off moments. the couple may get along when it comes to shared money so they may get along more when one one gets a bonus at their work, or if they got extra money and so on. this couple may not be seen in public together either, whether its due to each others work schedule or their routines, most of the time they keep it low. may appreciate when their partner trusts them especially when they open up about their trauma and difficulties in life.
spouse may have natal venus in scorpio, 8th house, water sign or water house.
venus in 9th house: love is shown through interest in topics in what their spouse has to say, for example if they have learned a new thing and they share it with their spouse and this placement is in full attention mode in order to show their full interest in what their other half has to say. this placement reminds me of 'did you know this' and 'did you know that' sort of thing, always sharing what they know to their spouse. this couple may value their higher education and are proud of their success in that field. this placement has a special spot for journeys and if their spouse takes them on a journey they will take that as in that they love them. they love it whenever what they say or teach to their spouse how they use that knowledge and share it with other people, this placement appreciates it and its a sign in their eyes that their partner believes and trusts them.
spouse may have natal venus in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign or fire house.
venus in 10th house: the couple show their love by working hard and proving themselves to beyond expectations over and over again just to prove how much their spouse means to them. reputation has a lot of value, so this placement will spend lots of money to make sure their partner looks the best and feels the best. they may love it when they are exposed to others and them seeing the love that they have for each other. the couple appreciates the maturity of one another in professional situations, they know when to draw the line when it comes to professional titles. this placement loves and is proud of their partners career choices, they find it very motivating. this couple may like to show off lots, their luxury, their home, their cars, anything that may require competition, they like being on top as it shows their validity as respectful human beings.
spouse may have natal venus in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign or earth house.
venus in 11th house: the love between the two is known amongst social groups, everyone knows them as the couple. this couple may be role models and may be know online (the sign in which venus is in can tell you why, for example if in cancer the internet may view how caring one is for each other and how protective and family oriented they are and so forth). this placement may love how their partner is independent, how different they are from other people so they may feel like they hit the jackpot with their spouse. the relationship may be filled with lots of unconventional things and find beauty in those areas in their lives such as roles that are not usually done in a traditional way, they have their own way of finding the glam and beauty in their marriage, different from the stereotype couples.
spouse may have natal venus in aquarius, 11th house, air sign or air house.
venus in 12th house: the couples way of showing love to each other is dreamy and can make the other nearly read ones mind and make their desires of the way they want to be loved come true which makes it feel like their dreams have came true. but on the other hand there is lots of creativity in this marriage, lots of ethereal aesthetic and lots of desires to make their partners dream come true, so with this placements there is most likely going to be lots of travel surprises such as them buying a ticket and saying to their spouse 'yeah, we are going to this place in two days so get ready' but it might be a dream destination for their spouse. others may view this relationship to be a dream come true, there may be lots of illusions for other people that this marriage is perfect. this placement may love how creative, imaginative and out of this world their spouse is, perhaps their spouse is someone they have always dreamed off and they are the perfect representation of their perfect one.
spouse may have natal venus in pisces, 12th house, water sign or water house.
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thank you so much for your time, i hope you have a good day like always>
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bitchy-craft · 2 months
PICK A CARD: What kind of person they are
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! In here I will give you a reading on what kind of person your s/o is. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
Your future spouse is a very detail oriented person. Especially when it comes to their interest they will have a habit of pointing out every little thing most people wouldn’t notice. It works the same when it comes to easter eggs in movies or making spelling or grammar mistakes in your day to day life. Some of you might find this annoying, but the way your future spouse does it makes it rather amusing.
Your future spouse is also a very calm person, you will hardly see them be annoyed, irritated or angry. They think very rationally rather than emotionally, and whenever you come up with wild conclusions too quickly they will be there for you to ground you and your emotions with their words.
Pile 2:
Your future spouse is someone who gets straight to the point when it comes to basically everything in their life. If something is bothering them they will voice their opinion (not in a rude way), if they want something to be done they will voice this and take action if others don’t do it. Your future spouse is well aware of the things they look for in life as well as in a partner; so the moment they choose you, it wasn’t a choice taken lightly. Your future spouse will have thought of many possibilities and futures ahead of them, and decided that it looked best with you in it.
They are not only clear when it comes to what they want and need, they are also confident in themselves, their looks, and their personality. Your future spouse stands strong in their shoes, and is almost impossible to take down. Thankfully, that confidence is infectious, and the more you two spend time together the more you start to feel it too.
Pile 3:
Your future spouse is very set on decisions when they make them; changing their mind is difficult and it will bring some frustrations with it in the relationship. But they are also set on having a relationship with you, and will know perfectly well what to give you in order to keep you, what it is you need in a relationship and what it is you wish to possess.
Their mind is one that goes really fast, and because they have trouble changing their minds on many things it will sometimes occur that they get stuck in a certain mental space that is difficult to get rid of; their thoughts will turn and turn and go in circles. The best way to help them in this situation is by making them write everything on paper; make them see instead of think to get a clear mind on the things happening around you two.
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