#--stressing Winona out.
elderwisp · 3 months
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Frances: You have it together. Any problem I’ve had, quickly resolved with a bit of advice. You always have a solution. What could possibly stress you out? 
Icarus: A lot of things, actually. 
Frances: Like what? A dog swallowed its chew toy again? Or a horse has fallen and it can’t get up?
Icarus: Is that all I’m reduced to?
Frances: Oh god, no, I-
Icarus: I’m sorry. I could have worded that differently.
Frances: Don’t apologize to me. What I said was cruel. I’m really sorry, that was so out of pocket. 
Icarus: … You’re sorry?
Frances: Very. As I’m sure you’re aware, I can be a bit much sometimes. I know I can be insensitive and I’m working on it… [ mumbles ] Yet here I am, doing it again. To you.
Icarus: Frances-
Frances: Don’t try to downplay it, I crossed a boundary this time and I am so sorry. I recognize you’re a person as well, with feelings.
Icarus: …
Frances: Icarus…? Please say something.
Icarus: I’m sorry, I’m a bit taken back. 
Frances: I said something wrong, didn’t I?
Icarus: [ shakes head ] No! No, lately a genuine apology is difficult to come by.
Frances: Well... I just think you deserve better. 
Winona: Sooo… What’s going on here?
Icarus: Winona!
Winona: [ snorts ] Wait til grandma hears about this.
Icarus: Please go away.
[ clears throat ] Anyways… The piece you played-
Frances: [ flustered ] Yeah total shit I know!
Icarus: Jesus Frances! I was gonna say let’s have you play it again so we can refine it.
Frances: TRUE! I have this idea… What if I added a little vibrato?
Icarus: What’s that?
Frances: OH MY GOD, we studied this!
Icarus: I told you! Musically inept!!
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aftout · 1 year
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I just know that these three would be insufferable to sit in a car with.
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nouvxllev · 4 months
Hi, just wanna say I love your stuff! I was wondering if you’d do a Jenna x reader who is the daughter of Winona Ryder and Jenna meets her on the set of Beetlejuice 2. Winona acting as a wing woman for Jenna.
head over heels, your hand over mine
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
Summary: ^ request!
Words: 5.0k
Warnings: longer than i intended it to be
a/n: first of all... tysm!!! and second of all, thank you for the request!! means alot to me and i wrote it to the best of my abilities, hope you'll like it!!!
seq. || masterlist
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Shit, shit, shit...
Jenna cursed under her breath as she practically hammered down the first-floor button as if that was going to make it go faster.
She glanced over to the indicator right above the door, the numbers slowly inching towards the ground floor. Her foot kept directing her side to side in the elevator, a stressed back-and-forth pace she caught herself on all while she gripped the Beetlejuice 2 script right in her hands, the paper almost being punctured with holes and such.
Jenna could almost blame herself for this.
Actually, she does. She damned herself so much she wouldn't be surprised if she got hit by a bus, really.
It wasn't any other day you'd get a role in Beetlejuice, 2, might she add, and even landing the role of the daughter of Winona Ryder who is possibly one of the most outstanding actresses out there and a 90s icon.
And now she's just slightly fucking it up with first impressions with how she's atleast 10 minutes late to their set because she spent her entire night in reading and rereading the script over and over until she perfected her lines to the point it's probably better if she'd just make Beetlejuice herself.
When the doors slid open, Jenna bolted out until she made her way to the entrance, her hand tightly clutching that damn script and her other gripping the strap of her bag.
Fumbling with her phone to call an Uber, she couldn't help but grimace at the thousands upon thousands of texts saying that she was late and her alarm clocks repeatedly being turned on to snooze just minutes before.
Of course, this day of all days just so happened to be the day that the universe decided that it had a grudge on Jenna for whatever reason because all Ubers were somehow booked and it would probably take atleast 30 minutes for another one.
So, like the hardworking actress she is determined to get a first impression even with punctuality falling behind her, she ran.
It wasn't long, thank-fucking-god, till Jenna got to set. She slowed her pace a little when she saw the cameras and people surrounding a particular area.
She took a moment to compose herself as she approached them, smoothing down her pants and fixing her hair all while she tried to catch her breath before possibly collapsing on the ground. The crew members spared her a glance, how comforting, even if they all had concerned looks on their faces.
Jenna always worked with such talented actors and directors, and now here she was working with Winona Ryder meanwhile she was looking like she ran a marathon on the side while going to set.
"You're here!" Winona called out, lowering the script in her hands while she offered a warm smile. "We almost thought there were some complications in your schedule."
The young actress offered a sheepish smile, embarrassment flowing in her mind as she offered a weak hand gesture. "I'm so sorry, all Ubers were somehow booked and I woke up late." She admitted before introducing herself. "I'm Jenna. Ortega." She added.
Winona chuckled, "No worries. The tech team is sorting out some equipment issues, so it's a bit of free time right now." She explained, offering a handshake. "Winona Ryder. Your mother. Well, on-screen." She joked while Jenna laughed with it.
"God, sorry if I look worn out. I really admire your work, it's all so amazing." Jenna took her hand, reciprocating the gesture. She was almost going to add something until a figure approached Winona, looking like a split-perfect resemblance of her. And oh how she did the fastest double-take in her whole life.
"Oh, right!" Winona pulled, possibly the most prettiest and gorgeous, girl Jenna has laid eyes on in her 21 years of continuous breathing by the shoulders and pushed her in front of the young actress. Now life without you suddenly looks like something she just completely wasted her precious time on.
Just by looking at Winona and how excitement reflected in her eyes, Jenna could tell how much she beamed with pride for her daughter; it made her heart swell.
"Meet my daughter, Y/n."
There were things Jenna should do when she meets someone. She introduces herself in a calm manner and maybe engage in some friendly talk with them whether if it's the most awkward-est thing in her life or one of the moments she'd like to spend forever in.
What she shouldn't do is slowly have a mid-introduction nosebleed, completely throw out the knowledge that she has the ability to speak and say words while her mouth is half-agape and her eyes wide and never blinking. This rule seems to be more strict when she's convinced she has met the love of your life.
It's safe to say that Jenna checked all the boxes on the latter.
Jenna met your gaze, and oh how that was the stupidest decision she had ever made in her entire life. She felt a blush creep up her cheeks, breath caught in her throat, she tried to speak for a second but nothing came. It was like she was drowning but in the best way possible. And also falling head over heels in the worst way possible.
It's concerning how she almost wants to drop down and marry you on the spot; she's already rehearsing her vows inside her brain.
Jenna raised her hand, a shaky one at that, to offer a handshake. "I'm Jenny," she managed to squeak out, her cheeks burning with embarrassment at fumbling her own damn name. "I mean, Jenna! Sorry, not Jenny. I'm Jenna. Jenna Ortega." Oh, fuck, please just slit my throat already.
In every bad and awkward introduction, there's always someone from the other line slightly concerned but plays with it.
Your eyes crinkled, a bright sight to see that would put all sunrises to shame, and your lips parted like how the clouds part after a gloomy day, letting out a laugh that calmed Jenna's heart almost immediately. It was still running and skipping a fuck ton of beats per second, but your laugh seemed to warm it all.
"I'm Y/n, of course." You held Jenna's faltering eye contact as you reciprocated her gesture, "I'm really only here to accompany my mom," you explained. Please stay here forever. Better yet, be with me. Jenna almost said.
You shook her hand in the most softest way possible, her palm fitting right into yours. "Can't believe I met you, honestly." Jenna heard you mutter under your breath, a squeal following it.
Oh, if falling head over heels over you was a sin, she'd gladly be the epitome of something so mortal.
And that was only a week ago. Just imagine how much internal panic she goes through whenever she sees you now.
Jenna repeatedly cursed under her breath, staring at the reflection of herself in the mirror as she gripped the cold parts of the sink, glaring at herself in complete thought.
Almost so serious as if her mind wasn't battling with something so completely stupid she'd rather drown in self-pity and misery.
Jenna Ortega, deemed as America's #1 IT girl who practically swooned all seven continents by now, almost had a near anaphylactic shock when her hand grazed over yours and how you gave her possibly the most sweetest and soul-crushing smile with that stupidest crinkle in your eye to ever exist on this damned earth, holy fuck.
Why should she be so head over heels for you?
She lowered her head in defeat, a heavy sigh escaping her as the same image of your smile flickered in her mind, and now a stupid grin from your stupid image graced her lips.
It was only a week in being on the Beetlejuice set, and she damn near lost her mind.
You were always there, well of course you were there since you were Winona Ryder's daughter, but she didn't expect to be so obsessed with you to the point she needs to go to the bathroom to silently scream whenever she hears or sees your intoxicating smile.
It's sweet. Almost endearing to her.
As if she even has the right to even think about you in that way.
Jenna stepped outside, patting her hands dry by the hem of her shirt. her name already being called out by the directors, their voices only getting louder and louder until it dwindled down to nothing and she could only assume that Winona stopped them, it was still her break after all. She was almost like a real mother to her, a comforting one at that.
She started to take a pattern in her steps before she saw you sitting on the railings of the trailer. More importantly, Jenna's trailer.
Okay, she shouldn't have seen this as a sign from the universe that you liked her back, but she did and that was all the hope that the fate or whatever deity could do because she was too desperate and too drunk on the lack of attention and attraction you were giving her.
But how could she not do that when you look so perfect just being... you? Being everything she wanted? Needed? Just being so damn perfect almost feels like Jenna could die.
"You like my daughter, don't you."
Jenna looked behind her, the sudden voice that crept being Winona, the mother of the daughter she had been smitten for, a noticeable faint smile on her lips. It was more of a statement than a question. A fact, really.
Jenna could almost deny it if it wasn't so accurate. But what was she supposed to say? "Yes, I do like your daughter, in fact, I love her so much I would absolutely give up my very career to buy her the most expensive wedding ring to ever be created from the hands of a human, or even a Greek God perhaps, to show that she owns my entire heart, body, and soul."
Panic was evident, Winona could clearly tell by the way Jenna looked like was scramming to think up of a half-assed excuse.
"Yes—I mean, not like like. I love her, really. She's talented, hardworking, and passionate in the things she talks about. But that's really it; I love Y/n, in a friendly way." Jenna stammered. Even if she was spouting complete lies and nonsense about how she doesn't have a massive crush on you, her gaze was stuck on, of course, you yourself.
Winona arched an eyebrow, "Jenna, I know when someone is horribly in love with my daughter and who’s not."
"The both of you were always somehow joined together, even if none of you were talking. You’re always finding a reason to bring her up in a conversation even if no one was even talking about her. Also, everyone takes notice of how your gaze was always focused on Y/n. Even on scene, you couldn’t take your eyes off of her for a second."
Yeah, that seems about right.
Jenna sighed, her line of sight never laying off of you. It's amazing how you still haven't noticed she and your mother was staring at you like a bunch of stalkers.
"Y/n deserves someone like her, someone in her league," she turned around, now walking in the opposite direction to her original one. She almost sounded like a teenage boy who realized they couldn't get with the popular girl. "She looks like someone even from the heavens above couldn’t fathom they created her from their own mind and hands."
Winona's expression softened as she caught up to Jenna, now walking beside her. "If you, The Jenna Ortega, fail to get her attention and love then it's all over for us." She never heard someone talk so romantic about her daughter, it's truly unfair how the ones who love the most always fall short.
Jenna's steps slowed, her body slumping against the fall as her gaze was fixed on the ground. God, why was she acting like this over you?
The young actress nodded, her hands going up to her face and sliding them down as she spoke, "She's like this incredible and unattainable dream you want to continue after you wake up, Winona." She mumbled through her hands, "Y/n's gorgeous, gentle, charming, and just… perfect." She let go of her face, her hands now on her sides. "It's intimidating just by looking at her, knowing she's the essence of beauty and perfection. Like, how do you compete with that? Overall be someone who she wants to stick by her side?"
The actress observed the young one, Jenna's head down and fidgeting with her rings. Winona could almost say that this was the most vulnerable sight she ever saw from her. "You don't have to match her perfection, let alone measure yourself up to that; you just need to be the missing piece she didn't know she needed. "
Jenna took a deep breath, her head slowly rising, "I just don't want to mess it up. She deserves someone as awesome as her, and if she ever likes me back, I'm afraid of waking up and realizing I'm not enough for her to be someone she loves."
Winona tilted her head, crossing her arms, "Tell you what, I don't know much about my daughter now. She's not closed off, but she isn't open either." She could see how Jenna flicked her head upwards, listening attentively. "But I do know that she's been watching all of your movies and shows up to this point."
Jenna's eyes widened in surprise. She doesn't wanna take any risks, but she doesn't wanna lose any chances either. "She... she has?"
Winona nodded, a soft and warm smile playing on her lips, just like the one you always have if not more comforting.
"I could never hear the end of it. She says you have this genuine charm whenever you speak, you're calm but you're also being true to yourself. Y/n admires you so much, I almost get sick of it," she laughed that pulled a chuckle from Jenna. "You're perfect in her eyes, but that's not what she likes about you. She likes you because you're authentic, yourself." She reached out for Jenna's shoulders, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "I'll be your wingman. I'm sure you're the perfect girl for my daughter."
And that was maybe two to three months ago.
Now Jenna's thinking that you might be the most oblivious person to ever roam this entire globe. She's been dropping hints everywhere you go and you still wouldn't catch up that she has feelings for you!
Ever since Jenna got into Winona's wing, she knew everything that makes you happy. Your music taste, what type of flowers you like, what type of outings you like, clothes, scents, foods, colors, even legos, just basically everything under the sun she gave to you within a heartbeat.
Jenna gives you flowers everyday, hell even bouquets if she's feeling fancy. Reads and writes you letters, and ever since Winona gave her your number, she's been sending you voicemails of your favorite songs every morning as some goodmorning text. She's been nothing but romantic to you! Was she just missing something?
The only thing that really progressed was something of strangers to friends. The two of you were as close as ever to the point if one of you were needed, somebody probably would need to surgically remove both of you.
But that was it! No nothing, just friends. It was selfish for Jenna to want something more when she has the love of her life close to her as a friend, sure, but she needed just a little bit more before she mentally goes insane.
"I mean, come on!" Jenna complained to Winona, sitting across from the other chair just right beside her trailer, script in her hands but she was paying more attention to Jenna. "Flowers, letters, voicemails… I'm practically screaming 'I like you' at this point." She slumped over the table, "or maybe she's just really ignoring them."
"I think you're thinking too deeply, Jenna," Winona stated, looking over to somewhere far, "maybe you should confess. She's right there."
Jenna was about to stand up and say it all out and die in a hole if she gets rejected until she realized you were wearing something so... fucking gorgeous? stunning? breathtaking? ethereal? She needed a stronger word than all words combined.
It wasn't your everyday casual wear, in fact, it was something you'd wear to go on a date. A date that meant something, a date that you'd go with another person and to confess their love.
Oh, don't fucking tell her she was too slow to confess and some random dude confessed earlier.
"I don't..." Jenna stammered, she could sense that agonizing feeling of her heart sinking, a stinging pain but it was mixed with immense pressure, like she was almost drowning. "I don't really think it's the right time."
Winona let out a sympathetic sigh, "she did tell me that she was going somewhere important." She waved in your direction, grabbing your attention. "Y/n!"
Jenna didn't know it was possible to drown without having any bodies of water near you, now she was fully experiencing it by how her heart sank even further as she heard Winona's words.
She shouldn't be surprised, after all, somebody actually had the guts and mindset to actually confess to you personally without having to hide behind a facade and without having to drop a fuck ton of hints instead of saying it out loud.
It stung. Thinking that someone out there was that one for you. And how that someone was never Jenna. But it was sweet. She winced.
Jenna couldn't shake the pang and sting of disappointment as she watched to walk over to Winona, a smile on your lips like you've met the most wonderful person to ever be in your life. She couldn't read if it was real, and she hoped to God it was fake.
"What's with the get-up?" Winona asked, standing up while giving Jenna the look.
"Going on a date with this guy, he asked me." You smiled, yet again, but it was even brighter.
Yeah, she figured. When did she even assume that you liked women anyway?
"Can I borrow your car, mom, please?" You asked of her, your puppy eyes going in action while you mentally crossed your fingers.
Jenna wasn't the one to brag, but she could drive a car! Not that idiot guy who couldn't even take whatever vehicle to fetch her as a nice gesture. Hell, it was a date for godsakes!
Winona sighed, glancing between Jenna and you. "Sure, you can borrow the car," she stated before digging into her pockets and fetching her car keys, plotting it down to your hands, "but make sure to bring it back in one piece."
Jenna bit her lip, suppressing the urge to completely pull herself out of her chair and scream 'I love you so goddamn much, Y/n! Can't you see I'm the one for you and not some guy who couldn't even go the mile to drive you to the damn date!?' But no. Instead, she stayed in her seat, nodded as a goodbye, and forced yet another smile.
"Thanks for the flowers by the way, Jenna! I should really pay you back sometime." You chuckled, before hugging her head as your way of goodbye. "I'll tell you all about it when I get home."
"Don't worry about the flowers. No need to pay me back," Jenna replied, doing her damn best to keep her tone light and her knuckles not so light. As you hugged her, Jenna couldn't help but savor the moment, imagining that it wasn't a goodbye to go off on some date with some random dude but rather a lovely gesture. "I'll be waiting to hear all about it."
That was atleast three to five hours ago.
Jenna never knew how a 2$ caesar salad bought from a suspicious vendor on the sidewalks could be so depressing but still mock her on how she just lost the love of her life to someone who actually had the guts to confess until she actually experienced it.
It was a slow day on set. Probably because it was already so late at night. There were still some scenes being recorded, but most of it was Winona's.
So along those hours when Jenna wasn't with you or she couldn't text you through the phone, all she could really do was stare from afar and hope that you'd magically have some miraculous change of mind mid-date and maybe you'll soon believe and realize Jenna was the one for you after all.
Of course, life wasn't like a damn movie and that damn date was still going to happen no matter what she does.
Winona sat beside Jenna, offering a sympathetic look at how Jenna was poking around her lettuce. "You know that's her quote-on-quote I don't really give two shits outfit but I still need to look good for a requirement that is people's feelings."
Jenna let go of her fork, damn even it looked sad. "But she looks beautiful."
Winona could almost roll her eyes if not for the young actress wallowing in her own thoughts. "It's because you're head over heels for her, Jenna. She could wear some obnoxious color-clashing clothes and she'd still look like a goddess for you."
Jenna sighed, picking up her fork again and halfheartedly stabbing a folded lettuce leaf. "I mean, don't you?" she asked, glancing at Winona. "You're her mother."
Winona shrugged, "Her clothes, her choice, but I still absolutely would not." She laughed, and her smile brightened when Jenna allowed a smile to crack through her lips.
Jenna could almost face-plant herself into the salad bowl if not for a notification pinging in Winona's phone. A notification that Winona only applied for you.
"...Or you could tell her that she's much better off with you rather than some guy that stood her up." Winona showed the phone to Jenna, your message illuminating on the screen.
mom can u pick me up? karaoke room 217 stood up on me lol come quick, pls. thx
Jenna would've been lying if she said she wasn't jumping, screaming, throwing up in literal joy.
Well, of course, she was mad that you of all people were stood up, but she was semi-glad that you were.
Jenna's urgency was visible as she scrambled to get out of her seat, grabbing her bag with such hast and making a sudden beeline for the exit.
"Tell her that you can't go! I wanna surprise her," She yelled to Winona, her excitement in her voice echoing through the room. It's almost weird and insane how happy she was about how you were stood up.
You waited for 2 hours.
It wasn't disappointing. You already knew it was just some sort of dare or a prank that one of his friends pulled, but you showed up anyway. Not like because you wanted to play with his feelings; you couldn't do that if you didn't have any.
In fact, you had feelings for Jenna.
Ever since she showed up on your screen, she was the only actress you could ever think about. She was charming, alluring, the only person who could make the daylight so dark if her smile was out of place.
You didn't know her, personally then, but you loved her. You were willing to start wars with the world, may it be against you or may all odds and fate oppose you, you’d do everything for her even if it kills you to be someone who would take all her hidden suffering and plead for tears with your palms locked and thrown away.
And now that you were working with her on set, you couldn't help but be someone you're not. All thanks to you and your mother on reluctantly giving up on the idea of not bringing you to set. You wanted to confess, you really did. It was just a silly little crush like you'd always have but this one with Jenna seemed real and your life would've ended if your feelings were rejected.
Though, even after all that, Jenna was the one you wanted to be with. The one you hoped would walk through that damn door and hug you until your worries and thoughts all disappeared, only met with her voice and her comforting arms.
That would've been a fleeting memory, wishful thinking. That is until the very girl that made you go insane rushed into the room.
What the fuck.
She was exhausted, you could tell by her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath, you couldn't help but smile at the sight of her; looking like she had gone the extra mile and maybe even drove a car on the way instead of running, just to be there with you. You could almost start laughing and be that snarky person you've always been to her if not for everything else fading into the background until Jenna was the only one left.
Without hesitation, she pulled you into a tight embrace, wrapping her arms around your body as she tightened the hug as if you'd die if she ever let go of your body. The warmth of her touch, the comfort in her soul, and her very being brought something so grand as you hugged her back. You feared that letting go would mean losing her forever, and she thought the same way.
"I love you." She murmured on your shoulders, closing her eyes. You notice how her voice cracked with vulnerability and almost sorrow as you tightened your hold on her.
"I love you," she whispered yet again, as if you didn't hear her the firs time. "I love you, I love you, I just love you." She dug her head under your neck, her breath warm on your skin as you waited for her to finish.
You could feel Jenna's heartbeat against your chest, fast and beating while it synced with your own. "I love you, Y/n. You don’t know how many lifetimes I would kill myself for you to look into my soul, everything beneath, and even the darkest parts of my heart so then you’ll see how I perceive you to be everything I look for. I can't understand how you don't understand how much you mean to me. How much your laughter was something I didn't know would be the cure to whatever terminal illness I had in life, your actions being my motivation, your soul being my guiding light, and your smile being something so bright that not even the sun could beat its glory."
Jenna slowly pulled away from you, her eyes searching yours for a reaction. The room was always so silent, but it never felt like it was the funeral of sound itself.
"I'm sorry—That—That wasn't... I didn't—" she stammered, her body already getting up and pulling away from you.
Gently, you reached out and cupped her face with your hands, your thumbs brushing away the newly formed tears that had welled up in her eyes and dripped from her cheeks. You could feel the warmth of her skin beneath your touch, her freckles, and everything that made Jenna her was right beneath your palm. You want nothing but to cherish it.
You couldn't think of a reply. You could, but it would never beat the confession Jenna had for you. It was more than a mere confession, but something out of a book that would put every writer to shame.
"Is this okay?" Your eyes searched for Jenna's consent in hers as you leaned in ever so slightly, her breath lingering on your skin until Jenna's lips met yours in a hesitant, gentle kiss. The touch of her soft lips against yours sent a shiver down your spine, her hands coming up to cradle your face as she melted into you while your own hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer as the kiss deepened.
Life felt like something you wasted without her lips touching yours. How you felt everything and how you were everything under her soft touch, her presence. It was if every moment before her had been leading to this one. Every heartbeat, every breath, every time you've experienced something happy, sad, or even something conflicted was building up to the moment your lips finally met hers. You felt whole, alive, reassured, and comforted.
Her touch felt like a warm embrace from something so indestructible, a star so far away that only you could see it shine from afar but yet you could feel every inch of its presence.
Then it stopped. The both of you pulled back.
But your heart never did.
"You know I asked for your mom to be my wingman."
"Please don't destroy this moment we have by mentioning my mom, Jenna. I'm serious."
Jenna chuckled, her eyes twinkling, "give her some credit. I never would've confessed to you without her."
You couldn't help but smile, realizing she was still the Jenna you fell in love with. "I guess, but I don't really want to talk about my mom after I just got stood up and then kissed the girl I love."
Jenna's chuckle turned into a soft giggle, her hand finding it's way to your palm as she intertwined her fingers with yours. "Also, for the record, that guy was an idiot."
You nodded after shared laughter. With everything that's going around between the two of you, you almost miss how Winona arrived just in time. Standing by the door with a smile on her face.
But even with Jenna's hand over yours, she'd still fall head over heels for you.
just some fuckass aftermath dialogues:
W: "You finally confessed." J: "Did she tell you?" W: "Well for one she's been awfully cheery and gave me a questioning I love you mom and offered me to go shopping with her."
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chimchiri · 4 months
Poll Adventure: Rarijack Dinner
Index | [prev] - Part 06 - [next] Special thanks to @babydarkstar for putting out the lovely writing! <3
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A tall, willowy woman sits crouched on her knees, tending to a fruiting garden with her back to AJ. Her long pink hair is tied up in a thoughtless knot, though the green ribbon holding it together makes it elegant. A basket sits beside her, half-full with newly harvested veggies, flowers, mushrooms, and greens. As she works, the tune she hums floats across the yard, accompanied by birdsong that chirps along, and the occasional chatter from a chipmunk joining in.
As usual, Fluttershy is surrounded by a sundry of critters. Today there are butterflies flitting around her shoulders, beetles dancing at her knees, a wild doe that rests beside her with its long legs tucked under its body, a tortoise that munches on the kale from her basket, and a roundup of squirrels chattering away as they help her find ripe cherry tomatoes. And of course, Angel—the mischievous bunny that can get away with nearly anything, because he’s Fluttershy’s darling boy. For now, he sits directly behind her, scratching idly at his neck with his hind leg. Bodyguard duty.
A tiny, bright blue flash approaches Flutters and hovers in the air beside her, a delicate flower in tow. Flutters looks over to the proffered gift, removes a glove and holds out her hand out to let the hummingbird drop the flower into her palm. She places it in her hair before letting the bird land on her finger.
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“Thank you, Hummingway,” she chimes, bringing the microscopic bird up to nuzzle at her cheek with a soft laugh.
For a moment, AJ can only watch in awe. Fluttershy’s uncanny ability to commune with nature never gets old. A grin breaks out on her face. She’s glad she decided to stop here first; she can feel her stress melting away.
“Fluttershy,” AJ calls from the pathway leading to Fluttershy’s front door, and the woman in the garden yelps, shoulders tensing in a defensive pose. Applejack cringes as Flutters turns to face her, eyes wide.
“Oh—goodness,” she says, a hand to her chest, “Applejack, you startled me.”
“Sorry—sorry,” AJ says with a sheepish smile, stepping over to grab the basket and offering Flutters a hand.
Fluttershy stands, brushing the grass and dirt from her pants and tucking her gloves into a pocket before bending down to scoop Angel up into her arms, bidding farewell to the other critters retreating from their garden duties—the ones that didn’t flee when Applejack broke their peaceful moment.
“Well, it’s good to see you, AJ,” Flutters says in that soft voice of hers, reaching a hand out for the basket in AJ’s hand. But the farmer gives a little shake of her head, insisting she carry it as they step out of the garden patch and over to the cobblestone pathway.
“Um, you really don’t have to carry it for me…but thank you,” she says, stroking at one of Angel’s fuzzy ears, to busy her anxious hands, “Come in, I was going to make tea.”
So AJ follows Fluttershy into her charming little bungalow, locked in a staring contest with Angel, who looks at her over Fluttershy’s shoulder like he would maim AJ if he had sharper teeth. Setting the harvest basket on a bench by the door, AJ watches the timid woman put a kettle on to boil and then putter about the open floor plan of the downstairs as she fusses with putting her veggies in the sink and tidying whatever she deems out of place. As they wait for the water to boil, they make idle small talk—the weather’s been nice, Twilight (yes, Twilight) is planning a surprise party for Pinkie Pie, how are the horses?
Once Fluttershy pours tea into cups on a tray and leads them to the den, she takes a timid sip before looking to AJ. “It’s always nice to see you, Applejack. Did you need me to help with something? Is Winona doing okay?” A look of panic flashes across her face and her eyes go wide. “She didn’t get into the horse feed again, did she? Oh dear…I told her only to eat her own food….”
Her brows pull up in concern as she meets AJ’s gaze, who shakes her head with a chuckle. “No, Winona’s alright—she loves the new food”—(“Oh, thank goodness…”)—“I’m actually…I’m here because I had a favor to ask.”
Applejack rubs the back of her neck. Shit, she’s nervous. Thinking about consulting her friends is one thing, but actually doing it is something else entirely.
AJ grabs her tiny teacup from the tray and blows on the tea, unable to look at Fluttershy. “Uh, yeah—I, uh. I’m goin’ on a date. And I need some advice.”
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“A date!” exclaims Flutters, louder than her usual delicate tone as she flashes a grin, her soft blue eyes glittering. “That’s wonderful.”
AJ can feel her ears turning ten shades of pink. “Heh, thanks. I’m stuck on a few things but I think you can help me out.”
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Tag List: @mrrrpmeow @babydarkstar @butwerebothmares @chaosdraconequus @chrysaliswife @gaywombat @mulan-but-gay @jubjub05 @dan-chan-rn @sanybaby @horserepository @justletmesnarkandbark @colourswirlcannibal
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luci-luck · 2 months
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Earth “ponies” go first! MASSIVE autism dump comin’ atcha live
TW: ableism , grief , parental death (just in case the tags failed)
This is more so for me but I still wanted to share 🫶
Sandstone (Pinkie):
- b i g puppy energy
- Built for work but prefers to play
- Has crystal pony genes but depression makes them subdued. Can only go full crystal mode in a moment of pure and raw jubilation.
- after constantly being told who she’s supposed to be, they rejected the idea of labels entirely
- no labels for gender or sexuality means loving Pinkie does not impact your sexuality score!
- (intersex is not about gender but biological sex. That being said many intersex people use intergender as their gender as it relates to their experience as an intersex person.)
- deals with internalized ableism due to conservative fillyhood environment. Feels bad when they need to ask for help/support. Got herself an unofficial certificate in psychology so he can be his own therapist (it doesn’t work out)
- Parents would totally support the pony version of Autism Speaks just saying. Pinkie’s dad thinks neurodivergency is curable with hard work and the right attitude whilst her mom mourns the loss of her son after the diagnosis.
- ADHD makes xeir rejection sensitivity off the charts
- Internal battery runs on the company of others so can’t ever live alone.
- Had problems with food insecurity
- Relies on sugar as a steady supply of dopamine
- Can have moments of poor motor control. Clumsy
- Eyesight is bad but doesn’t wear glasses. Afraid that ponies will start thinking he is smart and they will expect even more from him. (In human world she wears contacts)
- Feels embarrassed being high support needs and just wants to be treated like everybody else. Hates when xer parents call her “special”
- Also hates being infantilized but is not confident in their decision making
- Xe is a sensory seeker unlike the rest of their family who are all sensory avoiders. Sisters compromise and try to meet his needs. Pinkie in turn tries to be mindful of their touch aversion but finds it hard sometimes. “Everypony’s just so scoop-able!”
- Trained Gummy to “stay”. Is very proud of his emotional support gator
- Is incredibly strong for her size
- feels like she has to constantly prove herself worthy of taking over the farm. Has gotten into arguments with Big Mac about overexerting herself
- Is a hinny (donkey mom and stallion dad) (ofc hinnies are supposed to have tails more like horse but I love the lion tail on AJ so 💁‍♀️) (I said mule in ALT text because most people don’t know what a hinny is)
- Because of this, she is more calm under pressure and thinks more logically
- has major depression from grief and ptsd (duh)
- Isn’t used to being in a stress free environment so she creates the stress
- Likes running the apple stand but certain families trigger her
- Obsessed with anything from the past generation. A time when her parents were young and happy
- Can be a bit insensitive to other’s problems and wants them to “put on their big girl pants” like she had to.
- Feels like she has to fill in the roles her parents used to do. Especially so Applebloom and Granny don’t have to stress over as many things.
- Was in the process of cutting her mane when she remembered that AB liked to braid it so she stopped half way.
- Is the mom of the friend group. Makes sure everyone’s needs are met before tending to her own. (Which is bad btw)
- Has problems with insomnia but getting better.
- Struggles with OCD and will repeat unnecessary tasks if she believes it will help protect her family
- Has an emotional support dog named Winona who also reminds AJ to take breaks 🐕‍🦺
- Sees no point in getting her chronic pain checked out. Will hopefully change her mind in the future. Wears leg braces to ease the soreness.
- Got diagnosed later on. Grief masked her autistic traits.
- Also has a hard time asking for help but has gotten better after she found out that Applebloom has been internalizing that mindset. She must lead by example
- Stick around long enough and she’ll happily invite you over with a hot cup of cider 🍺
- (Other people tend to fall in love while getting to know someone. Demiromantics however need to get to know the person first and then develop romantic feelings later)
- Thought she wasn’t capable of developing crushes until she got to know Coloratura.
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freshydip · 8 months
i think a lot about winona telling raylan that he’s the angriest man she’s ever known. because you don’t see it really in S1 at first. you see him get normal action man angry when things get stressful, like when he's in the midst of a literal shootout. but even then he's often got a cooler head than most would have in a life threatening situation.
but then you see him interact with his father.
raylan is fucking teeming with rage at every interaction from the get. he is grinding his teeth and twitchy. normally he can ignore people trying to get a rise out of him, make some wisecrack to brush it off, but he can’t help himself with arlo. he'll try to walk away, arlo will say something, and he can’t help himself, he’ll turn right around and spit back at him with as much venom as he can muster.
and then, when things are the nicest between them for that few episode stretch in S1. bo crowder asks arlo if he’ll kill his own fucking son.
the way he sounds so dead inside when he’s got his gun on arlo in his hotel room. when he realizes arlo's betrayal. telling him not to call him son. asking what happens next. and he kills the men who come in with no hesitation. that's when you really see it. that's when you really get what winona was saying.
angry. angry. angry. a pit of it.
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heartless - a criminal minds episode\\part 1
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part 2, part 3, masterlist
- english is not my first language pleas exuse any spelling or grammer mistakes.
- this case is made up
- it happens around the.. 6th season, i think? so the team is Hotch, dave, Morgan, Prentiss, JJ and reid
- it will end up being Reidxreader kinda
The doorbell rang. Layla fixed her robe and went to the door. Her eyes were red and puffy, as she was crying for a while now. A few days ago, the body of her fiance, James, was found. They covered most of him, she only saw his face to confirm it is him. She opened the door and looked to the right, and then to the left, but no one was there. Finally, she looked down and there she found a package. She picked it up and laid it on the desk next to her phone. The senders address on the package was one she didn't recognize, and her stomach ached in anxiety and fear. What if she's next?
She grabbed her coat from the hanger near the entrance, looking for a card In every single pocket, and when she finally found it she dialed the number on it with shaking hands. She paced in her living room as she was waiting for officer Williams. He told her to call if anything comes to mind, someone who'd seek vengeance on James, or if anything suspicious would happen.
A knock on the door. “Miss Garrison, it is Officer Williams” a vaguely familiar voice called from the other side of the door, and so she opened it. She shaked the officer's hand and allowed him to step inside. Layla was stressed before, but something about the officers demeanor made her even more anxious to open the package. “Do you want any… coffee, tea, or… just water, I have some cookies as well” Layla started rumbling, trying to be a good host as she was taught to be, even tho she is hosting under horrific terms. “Maybe some tea, yeah, I'll open the package while you do that” The officer said, sad smile on his face.
He pulled a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on as Layle went to the kitchen. It felt so lonely in the apartment since James’s death, and she was somewhat happy to have company. She filled the kettle up with water to boil. Her eyes traveled between closets, trying to remember which one was the one with the tea cups, and where the hell did she put the tea itself. It was all a blur, James was the organized one. Eventually she found what she looked for and placed two mugs on the counter. She had two types of tea. “officer Williams, do you prefer green tea or berrys one?” she called out, and when the answer was bearly heard, she went to the living room.
“I'm so sorry, I can't hear-” she started, but her eyes stuck on the officers horrified face. “what is it?” she asked, “officer, what-” she said, coming closer. “stay back” he ordered, “I don't want you to see this. I called forensics, this is evidence”. “Officer, just tell me what this is” Layla said, panic setting in her voice. “Miss Garrison, when we found James's body… his heart was missing. I belive this is… it” the officer said..
“Reid, JJ, common, new case. hotch want us all in the conference room” (y\n) calls as they pass by their desks. The rest of the unit is already there when they arrive. “James Dekota, he was engaged to Layla Garrison until he found his unfortunate death. His heart was taken, and a few days later, shipped to Layla’s door” JJ explains as the relevant photos switch behind her. “Same thing happened with Fiona Nordwick who was engaged to Daniel Clark, and Sean williams who was engaged to Winona Rock” JJ continues. “Okay, so the unsub is targeting a half of an engaged couple, what makes him choose the one over the other?” Emily says, scrunching her eyebrows. “We find that out, and we have our unsub” Dave says. "wheels up in 30" Hotch says, nodding at the team.
"okay, so, taking the heart is… symbolic, but of what?" Prentiss wonderes out loud. "well, Joe smith took his victims hearts and kept them as trophies - but that's not the case here. this unsub is not keeping the hearts" JJ says, "and he is crossing gender and race lines - he kiiled males and females, and Sean williams was black". "his motive must be something about the victims personality than, something about their behavior made him attcack them" Dave says. "well, both the male victims worked in the insurance field" (y\n) says, "williams was an administrator for Nationwide and Dekota was a technichal analist for Omega, maybe this is what connects the victims". (y\n) knew it was along shot, considering Fiona Nordwick wasn't connected to the insurence field, she was a legal secretary. "(y\n) could have a point - we should ask Garcia to check, maybe Fiona Nordwick was a part of a case connected to the insurance field" Hotch says, pulling out his phone to text everyones favorite technical analyst. Reid was awfully quiet, thoughts running throgh his mind.
"whats on your mind, pretty boy?" Morgan asks. "Well, i just keep thinking…what if we are overthinking this, you know? trying to put a complicated meaning to this when it could just be literal, if the unsub attacks people for being engaged… what if taking the hearts is symbolic? hinting they have no heart?" he says, furring his eyebrows as he puts his thoughts into words. "this could be it" Prentiss says. "good thinking Dr. Reid" Hotch says. "we should try and check if any of the victims were being unfaithful" JJ says.
the tablet on the plane was ringing, and soon enough Garcia showed up on the screen. "well, my preeties, it appears that Fiona Nordwick was handeling a case regarding an insurence company not paying up, but i hightly doubt this is the connection, since it was a long time ago and she was in the begining of her carrer, even i had to dig deep to find this".
"well, if that not the connection, what is?" (y\n) said, slightly dissapointed her idea was proven wrong. they were new to the team and they wanted to prove themselves. They knew they'll get the chance, but just wondered when. "the unsub must find his victims somehow, maybe a wedding venue they all checked?" Morgan says, "baby girl, think you can find that out for me?". "oh you bet your fine ass that i can. talk to you later, my pretty crime fighters" Garcia says, and then hungs up.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Our Little Family (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett have basically adopted Amy at this point, but you wouldn’t have it any other way
 Rhett absolutely hated getting Amy from school, everyone elbows to assholes out in front of the school and in the Wyoming winters? Rhett knew that some parental beefs would turn into an all out turf war.
Yet he was happy that Amy was thriving where she was, one of those hippie schools that stressed being outside and encouraging the kids to be creative in everything they did. Had she stayed with Perry, Amy might’ve become just another case of a kid given up by her parents. You and Rhett were the best influence in her life along with Royal and Cecelia and neither of you would have traded it for the world.
The doors opened and a flood of kids filed through the front doors, all in their winter coats, jackets, boots and mittens. The kindergarteners and preschoolers were all led out by their teachers and so weren’t the first, second and third graders. With the first graders was Amy in her little black and white knit jacket and hat, the Jessie patch evident on the pocket where Cecelia had sewn it.
The minute she saw the truck, Amy bolted, nearly tripping through the ankle deep snow on the sidewalk and her backpack bouncing on her shoulders. Rhett moved over and pushed open the truck door to help her in, tossing her backpack into the backseat.
“Good day at school honey bunch?” Rhett asked her.
“Yeah we got to do things with spiders and worms!” Amy explained excitedly.
She talked Rhett’s ear off the whole way home, even as the snow was coming down. Rhett tried to concentrate on the road since the plows hadn’t come through yet, listening to Amy patiently and hoping to God they would make it home before it reached a white-out.
“Did my new cousin come yet?” Amy asked excitedly as Rhett pulled up the driveway.
“No honey bunch, not yet,” Rhett chuckled. “We’ll know soon though.”
As soon as Rhett pulled up to the garage, Amy practically jumped from the truck and ran right into the house, kicking off her boots and hanging her hat, coat and mittens in the mudroom before Rhett followed in with her backpack.
“Hey Ma,” he said to Cecelia upon entering the kitchen. “(Y/n) upstairs?”
“She’s resting,” Cecelia said with a slight smile.
Rhett raised his eyebrows in realization.
“I think it’ll be tonight,” Cecelia told him. “So doesn’t she.”
“Better be prepared then,” Rhett said, his eyes glazing to the window above the sink. “We’re about to get hit with a snowstorm.”
“Yeah and nobody’s going out in it,” Cecelia said. “Winona Redwood called, she said nobody’s goin off the Rez for at least a week.”
“Billy and Shania?”
“They’re snowed in too.”
Rhett grew nervous but luckily, Cecelia had years of experience under her belt.....hell, Rhett had been born in the upstairs bedroom with only Royal and her mother there to help.
He kicked off his boots and quietly made his way upstairs where he saw you standing close to the bedroom window, looking out over the snow covered land and the pasture with it. He wrapped his arms around you and attached his lips to your neck, his hands sliding beneath yours to caress your already large bump.
“How goes Momma?” he purred, his voice deep and soothing.
“Excellent, now that your home,” you chuckled, feeling his stubble tickling your skin.
Rhett’s breath fell warm against your neck as he gently swayed back and forth with you in his arms. His head shot up when your features took on a pinched, pain filled look before you let out a deep breath you had been holding in. 
“Darlin? You ok?” Rhett asked. 
“I think it’ll be tonight,” you said. “I was hoping I could hold out until the storm passes, but I guess when the little one wants out, they want out.” 
Rhett nodded. “We’ll do what we’ve gotta do,” he murmured, kissing your cheek. 
Yours and Rhett’s gazes turned to the door where you caught sight of Amy poking her head in through the door. “Auntie?” she asked, her voice quiet. “Are you ok?” 
“Oh honey, it’s ok,” you assured her. “Uncle Rhett and I are just talking.” 
Amy pattered her way over to you, her homemade Raggedy Ann tucked right under her arm as she tried to wrap her arms around you, her little head coming to rest over your belly. “You stay in there,” she said. “And you be nice to Auntie and Uncle Rhett.” 
You and Rhett were thrown into a fit of laughter as Amy kept talking to your unborn baby. It was moments like this that you and Rhett really lived for, those little unscripted moments that would make the best memories for all of you. 
Rhett had a feeling all along that you were right. 
It had happened shortly after dinner and after he had given Amy a bath and put her to sleep that you had gone into full active labor, the pains intense as ever. Rhett hated seeing the agony in your face and hearing it in your voice, feeling totally helpless as he held your hand in his own and your leg with the other while Cecelia helped with everything else. 
At 11:11 that night, Hannah Cecelia Abbott had made her way into the world, her little cries moving Rhett to tears as he came face to face with the little girl who held a part of the both of you in her. From the moment she took her first breath, Hannah was yours and Rhett’s little princess. 
Rhett didn’t want to wake Amy, especially seeing as tomorrow had been a surprise snow day and you both wanted her to sleep as much as possible. But the very next morning, Rhett woke her as soon as he felt the need and led her to your shared bedroom. 
“Now remember, ya’ll gotta be quiet,” Rhett whispered. “Your cousin’s asleep.” 
Amy could hardly contain her excitement when she saw you propped up in bed and under the warm quilts with Baby Hannah wrapped in the Indian blanket that was always close by. Rhett was more than happy to help Amy hold Hannah properly, propping her up in Amy’s arms as Amy leaned back next to you. Rhett, Royal and Cecelia couldn’t stop taking pictures that would definitely end up in the family album later on. 
“You feelin ok Daddy?” you whispered. 
“Better than ever Momma,” Rhett answered as he gently rocked Hannah back to sleep. “Now that we’ve got our own little family going.” 
You sighed with content as Amy snuggled into your side. Never in all these years had your family felt this whole. 
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Since Appledash had four babies, how was it for the moms?
It wasn't easy for them to raise four kids, and even if they could have made their oldest(Dashing Zapple) a third parent,(like how it happens in some families, like in mine) Applejack violently disapproved of it, and even if extremely tired and stressed, both of them pushed through with their kids, letting all of them enjoy their childhood.
Here's a few HCs for it:
Rainbow is the reason Spitfire had to babysit once in the Wonderbolts academy, which did get her to eventually want a foal of her own.
The Wonderbolts all know Rainbow's kids, especially the two pegasi(Dashing Zapple and Lightning Blitz) since she often took them with her to work(just like Pinkie, she also had trouble finding babysitters that matched the kid's personalities).
Applejack wore a lot of baby saddle bags with the kids when they were newborns, until she gave up and just bough an jumbo sized saddle bag and took off the lids so her babies could fit inside and even nap properly as she worked.
The moms had the best ally when it came to distracting the kids while they took breaks from work and that ally was: Tank, the kids adore Tank. Sadly Winona didn't get to meet the twin girls.
Dashing Zapple and Cider Storm always gathered the apples that fell out of the bins and baskets during harvest season, they self trained themselves as toddlers to keep any and all apples inside those, even guarding the apples from their mom when she had to do anything with them.
All four foals were taught from a young age to buck apple trees. They were only allowed to participate on apple bucking season after each reached their 15th birthday, Applejack was extremely afraid of making her kids work too hard, even if she was raised to enjoy working.
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0-r-a-y-0 · 7 months
Headcanons— Nick #1
In which: relationship headcanons for Nick and Jasper
I’m back at #1 because it’s headcanons!!
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• spends so much time together. Jasper is almost always at the triplet’s house
• Jasper has shown up on Nick’s personal channel AND as a guest on the triplet’s channel.
• It took a while for them to officially come out as a couple. But they’ve been dropping subtle hints on YouTube + their Instagram.
• Before they came out, Nick would post photos on his story with little bits of Jasper. Maybe a picture of Nick but then Jasper’s hair could be seen below him or something
• After they did come out on the internet, Jasper was a guest on their podcast.
• Matt and Chris are CONSTANTLY teasing them. Always messing with them and mentioning them together on their YouTube
• Nick is HEAS OVER HEELS for this man. They’re both so easily wrapped around each other’s finger and are obsessed with each other.
• They always communicate about each other’s feelings so much and is what really keeps their relationship strong.
• Nick is a morning AND a night owl and Jasper is a night owl. He loves sleeping in and won’t like Nick getting out of bed until he’s fully awake.
• Jasper is definitely clingier. Nick doesn’t mind PDA but isn’t ever really the one initiating it, it’s mostly Jasper. Though, Nick loves giving Jasper hugs a lot.
• They switch between big spoon and little spoon, it doesn’t really matter to them. Sometimes they’re just laying next to each other and hugging on another, sometimes Nick will be laying on top of Jasper and sometimes Jasper will be laying on top of Nick; it changes all the time.
• Jasper has gotten Nick into some rock music (and I believe that Jasper mainly listens to rock but he always really fucks with Melanie and all them so there really wasn’t much introduction when it came to them)
• When they aren’t together they’re always talking about each other. Nick isn’t the type to kick his legs like a teenage girl talking about one direction but he definitely smiles and blushed a lot. THOUGH on the other hand, Jasper kicks his legs and blushes a lot.
• They love going shopping together and like finding clothes for each other. They also LOVE trying out each other’s styles.
• Jasper gives Nick massages when he’s stressed and he’s so good at it too.
• Jasper acts so tough and callous around others but around Nick he’s like the complete opposite (and Matt and Chris get to see some of that too)
• Nick loves getting random gifts for Jasper. Maybe he sees a record or a CD of an album he knows Jasper likes, he buys it immediately. Or maybe a random Candy he knows he likes, puts it in the card right away. In return, Jasper makes him random prices of art. Jasper paints him things, poetry, pottery, or random notes. In short, Nick gives him store bought things and Jasper gives him homemade things.
• They made each other those burr baskets(?) Like a basket with like random things they know the other person likes.
• They gave each other sweaters on Dec. third.
• Jasper made Nick watch Nightmare Before Christmas with them
• they’re both huge Winona Ryder fans but Nick has only really watched Stranger Things (and MAYBE heathers) so Jasper introduced him to Girl Interrupted, Mermaids, etc.
• Most of their dates consist of stay-in movie nights, picnics, and sometimes concerts. They never really go to fancy restaurants or anything unless it’s like their one year anniversary.
• They love playing with each other’s hair and wearing each other’s clothes
• Jasper has went to Boston with them so many times and he’s met Nick’s parents + Justin on multiple occasions (and they love him btw)
• They’re so chaotic and just a mess with each other. They cannot be trusted to go into any store alone, they’re both impulse buyers and they are bound to come out and it’s the most random shit and probably in debt.
• Nick has Jasper’s curly hair products in his bathroom because he spends the night so much. (Jasper has his own products as his own house too)
• Matt and Chris are always telling them to get a room whenever they do ANYTHING. Chris especially.
• Jasper is now Nick’s designated driver, he will drive him anywhere at anytime.
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an-old-breeze · 3 months
~{☁️ intro post ☁️}~
hello everyone!
it is me, Winona! { she/they } i am 27
(( summer 2011 ))
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this is such an old photo... My trainer card and current team.
i am from Hoenn, and live in Fortree Forest. i live alone.
i am no longer a gym leader, i quit after... i would still love battles with anyone!
Wish, is only a support 'mon, while all my others are qualified but still battle!
um.. Pelliper mail is on. and Musharna mail.
Anyone can interact!!
I will reblog intro posts and promos, and I will take ask promos and answer them. This applies to all my blogs I will update them soon.
note don't spam like or like all of my posts as soon as they come out. it's never been a problem before but it really stresses me out sorry
ummm @windybitzh here again
but this time its a cannon character (wait i forgor leaf)
winona but in the future + many headcannons lol
same universe as @galactic-quartet and home universe as @time-to-leaf
Eh there's art of her around the blog, and i will make a character desgin sheet lol
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fuckyeahfightlock · 2 months
Did you end up having a fairy princess wedding dress?
Kind of? I married in 1999 so the styles were very different to those Princess Diana-inspired puffball dresses I longed for as a girl in the early '80s.
It was, technically, a ballgown, but the waist was dropped a bit, and the bodice was princess seamed. It was silver-white (I think the manufacturer called it "diamond white;" only when wedding dress shopping will you ever be so attuned to so many shades of white) and had short sleeves, and I liked the back of the neck, and there was a little sparkly beading on it.
I removed the "butt bow" and made my own bustle out of deep purple and dove grey satin, and faux hydrangeas and roses. This was at the very early edge of ever having anything on a wedding dress that wasn't 100% white so it made a big splash and got lots of compliments.
I lost so much weight from stress the week before the wedding (after my final dress fitting) the bodice was a little too big. I did love my dress, though, and my antique earrings and my silver wedding shoes, and my rhinestone tiara. I hated my bouquet. The dress is in a bag under a bed in my mother's house; I wanted to sell it immediately but she wouldn't let me. She claims there are blood stains inside the skirt which I suppose is possible, as I was a very lucky bride who had her period on her wedding day and during her honeymoon, but I doubt it. She thought I'd be sorry to see it go; I'm only sorry no one else got to love wearing it as much as I did. Maybe in ten or 15 years I can use it to make a fancy dress for a grandchild.
It was not my aim to be a fairy princess--or any kind of princess--on my wedding day (I was 26 and had outgrown that urge), but I did feel like a beautiful, elegant bride. Ours was a winter wedding and I wanted to look like Winona Ryder dancing under the snow in Edward Scissorhands.
We never ordered a wedding album or any photos (25 years later I think our book of proofs is all we're ever going to have; clearly it wasn't a priority) so this photo taken with a disposable camera is the only one I can easily lay hands on.
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lunabug2004 · 5 months
I feel like this may be controversial, but my favorite Stranger Things season is season 2, hands down.
The vibes, the story, the soundtrack, the acting (!!), the literally everything!!! I feel like most characters were at their peak, not necessarily mentally, but just I felt like they all had equal screentime and relevance to the plot (yes, I'm looking at byler). I could rewatch season 2 specifically a million times and never get bored bc I'm always finding something new, like this last time I saw Mike hug Joyce after Bob dies and almost cried.
And the acting!!!! It's so top-tier!!!! Noah and Finn specifically stood out to me in this season but I think that's just cuz their characters are my faves and I pay the most attention to them, but like obviously Millie and Winona put their whole hearts into their performances as well. (I also wanted to point out Finn bc I feel like people don't talk about his phenomenal acting in this season as much as they should, but I digress)
The only problem is EPISODE 7!!!! I like Kali and I know Eleven's s2 storyline was very important to her arc, just the placement of the POV switch is horrendous. Like my poor baby Mike is trapped in this lab swarming with monsters (I worried about everyone else too Mike is just my child) and I'm supposed to just focus on El for the next hour??? I'm sorry but I remember being the most stressed ever watching this episode for the first time because all I wanted was to go back to the lab! Then we saw Mike in the void and El screaming for him and I was like "YESS GET BACK TO OUR BOY!!!"
Anyways, idk what the point of this post was but I was thinking about season 2 and how much I love it (other than 1 episode) and felt like ranting about it lol
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nouvxllev · 4 months
Omg hi! Do you think you would ever do a sequel to head over heels, your hand over mine? Maybe where Jenna proposes?
your hand over mine, my ring over yours
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
Summary: ^ request!!
Words: 2.8k
Warnings: damn this is shorter than what i expected
a/n: the obvious answer is yes i (do) will!!
prev. || masterlist.
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"Why did you say yes to him anyway?" Jenna's voice, now your girlfriend (awesome as hell, you may add), echoed over the room. Mic in between both of her hands as she sways side to side over you.
The both of you decided to stay in the karaoke booth for a while, it was a waste of money after all. Your money, might you add. The guy didn't even bother to pay for it!
You shrugged, watching her figure fall into place beside you, a song chosen by Jenna playing in the background. "I needed to move on from you. It was clear I didn't have a chance."
Jenna's eyes narrowed, you could see her eyebrows crinkling even in the dimly lit room. "Move on? Didn't have a chance?"
You nodded, almost laughing at how the mic was still in direct contact with her lips, you were avoiding direct eye contact but it was so clear that Jenna was fuming.
"I seriously can't believe there's someone out there so oblivious and it's you." You heard her chuckle, yet her voice was soft. You expected her to get mad at you by the way she started her sentence, but you forgot she was the one who ran (not really) over here and confessed to you all so abruptly.
"Weren't the flowers and hundreds of letters mailed to your doorstep enough to hint that I liked you?"
You scratched your head, a sheepish smile playing on your lips. "Okay, in my defense, I just thought you were being extra friendly. Who wouldn't want a friend who sends flowers and letters, right?"
Jenna shook her head, letting go of the mic and crossing her arms. "I was practically spelling it out. All that was missing was dropping down on one knee and proposing to you."
You raised an eyebrow, "hey to be fair, my mom was the one who gave you the motivation."
Jenna shrugged, nodding her head with a smile. "Yeah, I owe her one."
That was five years ago.
Now it was your 5th anniversary with Jenna.
You lay at your bed with Jenna’s headphones on, staring at the ceiling for God knows how long, doing your best to fall asleep without Jenna’s warmth and presence beside you. It was difficult, difficult than it should be. You were the daughter of the Winona Ryder, damn it! Why couldn’t you go for months without the love of your life by your side.
Ever since you and Jenna got together, everyone was, of course, not surprised but they were happy nonetheless. Hell, you even took up acting just because you can be one of Jenna’s love interests in a movie. Of course, that could be a hassle for the directors whenever it was a kissing scene. They have to yell “cut!” In front of your faces to get the both of you to stop.
Now you couldn’t help but wallow in your own sadness because there weren’t two arms wrapped around your waist and a familiar warmth along your bed for the past and next two months.
All day, you've been binging Jenna's interviews, shows, and movies to the point you can rehearse them in the back of your head.
The room felt emptier without Jenna's presence. You noticed how she was returning so late at night, how her filming dates often varied so random you couldn't even be there or keep track, how she took up almost any part she was given to her, how she often came home looking so overworked and stress you couldn't even talk to her without fearing that she'd blow up on you. And now she's all the way across the country to film another movie.
The film industry often meant sacrificing personal time apart from the holidays, and Jenna seemed to be giving it all.
Yet she always gives you that damn smile, you couldn't possibly think she's falling out of love. But it still worried you why she was doing all of this.
She was hardworking and passionate, it was part of what made her so lovable, but you couldn't help but worry about how it was affecting her.
You sat on the edge of the bed, lost in thought, you could text or call her but you knew it wasn't going to be seen for atleast another three to four hours. You didn't doubt her love, it was one of the many things you couldn't, but the worry was still there.
That was until you got a notification.
j 🤍🎧
i missed u too yn o right can u check outside for a minute? i think i mailed a package outside your room might be beside the living room, i asked them to deliver it there personally seen, 11:44 PM
The only thought that ran across your mind was 'They can do that?'
Slipping on a pair of slippers, you made your way to the living room, your steps being pulled down by whatever weight that was on your shoulders.
Jenna's message made you happy, of course, the distance seemed a little bit smaller but you couldn't help but wish she said something more than requesting you to pick up her package. Maybe a simple little 'I love you and happy anniversary' would have been something to put you at ease.
As you turned the doorknob and stepped into the living room, the fluorescent light shining from the living room made your eyes burn like hell. You squinted, but that didn't really help, you tried to adjust to the light, putting your palm above your eyes.
"Why is she always across the country," you murmured to yourself, "why are you like this, Jenna?" Your voice started to get louder and louder once you started to speak to yourself even more. You were going insane, that's the most part, but who wouldn't. "Why couldn't you just choose a project closer to home for once..." It was selfish to ask for, too selfish to make Jenna choose you over her career, but you couldn't help it.
"Does she even love me..." Your voice trailed off when you turned the corner to the living room.
Oh, what the actual fuck.
It would be an understatement to say that the living room had been turned upside down. Everything was lit up, and everything was rearranged. Hell, there was a fucking balloon arch with Jenna at the center of it all while the couches were pushed back as if it was an aisle to a wedding ceremony.
Damn, were you that depressed to the point you couldn't even hear what the fuck was going on outside your room for Jenna to transform it into this?
You couldn't say anything. Every word that was about to come out of your mouth left before your mind can even process what was happening.
Without uttering a single word, you ran towards her, your heart pounding in your chest you wouldn't be surprised if you'd have a mid-crisis heart attack. You wrapped your arms around Jenna as if she was something so untouchable, burying your face in her neck as you melted within her presence, her scent mixing in with hers as she took a step back to hold you dearly.
Her comforting warmth was a fix even you can’t tolerate. Jenna was in your arms like before, her body fitting perfectly against yours, her soul reminding you why you were alive up until this point.
Your grip on her tightened, holding on to her as tears slowly started to stain her clothes, clinging onto Jenna as if she were a mirage about to disappear from your desperate arms.
"I missed you too." Jenna's voice broke through you, your tears coming in further. Her voice was soft and tender, coming as a whisper that soothed your troubles.
"How? Why?" You murmured, your voice mumbled and tear-streaked as you lifted your head to face her. Puffy eyes and all because of your crying. "Why are you here?" Your voice cracked, "I thought you wouldn't be back for another two months." You searched for something in Jenna's eyes, something that you longed to see once again.
Jenna gently wiped away a tear from your cheek, you missed how her touch was the most reassuring thing in the world. "I heard that Winona was out of the country for filming, and it's our anniversary." It was so little for the explanation but it said everything.
You pulled back once Jenna started rummaging out of her pocket, you watch Jenna pull out a small box.
Wait, holy fuck.
"Jenna, holy shit, is that—"
"Yes, yes it is that." She chuckled, nonchalantly, as if she didn’t just swoon you for the millionth time in the past minute, turned your living room into a makeshift wedding ceremony, and is now proposing to you.
"You can't be serious. Jenna if this is just some joke I'm actually breaking up with you."
"No, no, y/n! Of course it's not. I'm being completely serious."
She fiddled with the box, not opening it yet as you stood there with eyes wide open.
"I'm sorry," she began, her voice vulnerable and sincere as she looked up to you, "I'm sorry I haven't been around. I'm sorry I keep coming back home looking stressed, I'm sorry I took up too many auditions and movies that I can hold myself up to, I'm sorry I couldn't spare even a single minute of my time loving you as much as I did before, I'm sorry I made you worry countless of times, more than I can count even. I'm sorry I haven't been the partner you deserve."
She continued, on and on until tears welled up in your eyes once more. "I know I've been distant, I know I've caused pain in you for the past months, maybe even years and I know I've let my career consume me."
"I don't have any excuses for it." Her voice dwindled, almost cracking as she looked up, trying not to cry as she laughed. "But I did all of it for a ring that would bind us forever. It's not the—"
You couldn't help but push your lips against hers, cutting her sentence off. You missed this. How your pain went away with a kiss.
"It's the perfect excuse."
Her vulnerability touched your heart, she had never been more vulnerable to you than now, you gently reached out to gently wipe away the tears that had begun to fall from her eyes. "Jenna, it's okay," you reassured her as you noticed her lips started to tremble. "I understand. I understand all of it, all of you."
Jenna's gaze met yours once she started to calm down. And there you saw it, something you searched for in her eyes ever since she landed on your doorstep this evening. Devotion.
You kissed her once more, whispering, "You know how many people would kill to be your wife?" You didn't let her open the box just yet, you held back. You know she has more to say.
Jenna, with tears of joy still glistening in her eyes, chuckled at your words. "You'd die and kill. That's the difference between you and others. You'd die for our love, and you'd fight for it with everything you have, and I think that's morbidly fascinating." She explained, "and what do you mean?"
"I'm saying that are you sure you want to marry me? I mean, there are so many people in the world you haven't met." You explained, your lips trembling.
"I could meet all of them in a single file and yet, you would still be the one who enchants me," Jenna replied, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"I love too much."
"I'll let you pour all your loving on me, or love everyone in the world but me. Just stay by my side. That's all I ask."
"I cry too easily. Over the simplest of things."
"I'll let you cry an ocean that surrounds every inch of you and I'd swim across everything."
"I get mad more often than not."
"I'll let you throw storms my way, express your angry through disasters upon disasters and I'll be there for all eternity even if it kills me."
"I doubt myself too much. I don't even know if I love myself."
"I'll let you love yourself before you have a chance to love me. Doubt may knock on your door, but I'll be there to answer."
"I can be difficult to handle."
"I'll let you be someone you're not at times. I'll be the one to show understanding and how to love yourself before loving me yet again.
"I'm scared of losing you, too scared for you to even love me that much."
"Then let me take your hand, and let me show you that my love couldn't waver over. Even at death I'll call his name and let me live once more with you. I'll wish in every star that in every universe, we are together. I want you to see that I'm not going anywhere."
"You know you'd eventually drown if my love for you was an ocean."
"Then let me die," Jenna whispered, a smile gracing both of your lips, her eyes filled with that same devotion and commitment you saw five years ago.
You chuckled,"We have odd ways of saying I love yous."
"Well, I am proposing to you in your living room late at night. It's accounted for." Jenna laughed softly along with you, her eyes sparkling with affection as she leaned in to press a kiss to your lips, your mouth curving into a smile as she did so.
"Reminds me that you haven't said those five words yet."
"Oh right."
"Y/n," she got down on one knee, her hand on top of the box as she prepared to open it, "You're one marvelous, just spectacular girl I've ever met. I'm so fucking happy Winona decided to tag you along that day," she chuckled.
"Every chore wouldn't be the same without your presence by my side, and my presence beside yours, I don't want to ever imagine that. My heart surrendered to your precious eyes, and I say it truly from the deepest depths of my heart that it has no plans of bail. Wherever you go, I follow. I don't want you to be the only one suffering a burden that would eventually kill you, I don't want you to be alone in your times of darkness. So please, let me be the one who will carry your burdens, your sadness, your everything. Let me be the one who will scar and carve my heart and skin for you to dump your sadness and let me carry it with a proud heart. When I die, my spirit will do everything in its power to regain the same feeling when I was alive with you. How does one understand the great love you've given me that would last millions of lifetimes, y/n? You became the reason why I now wake up with a smile, and why I became the happiest version of myself. And now, I can't think of a better grave of eternal slumber than in your beloved arms. Thank you."
The sincerity in her words left a big hole in your heart, but it was nothing but mere content and happiness. Tears welled up in your eyes as she spoke.
"Will you, Y/N/L/N, marry me?" Jenna opened the box, the ring almost blinding your eyes. Ethereal was out of the question to describe it, it was too marvelous for words. It was diamond, of course, but it had other gems that symbolized something more than love.
"Yes. Yes, Jenna!" you exclaimed, "Yes, I will." You could almost say that a million times and not get tired of it. Especially when Jenna is looking at you as if you held the stars and the moon with your bare hands.
She chuckled, standing up as she waited for you to offer your hand. "Isn't it yes I do?"
You grinned, it was an understatement to say that your heart was brimming with pure joy and happiness. "When it comes to you, it's definitely not." You offered your hand to Jenna, her fingers tracing your hand as she delicately placed the ring on your finger. It felt like a promise because it was. You gazed at it with awe, it was more than a piece of jewelry on your hands, it was Jenna. It was Jenna entirely. Her person, her love, her soul, her everything on your hand.
"You look simply gorgeous. Oh my God, I can't believe I'm marrying you," Jenna squealed, her happiness infectious and heartwarming.
"That's my line," you jokingly laughed. "And isn't it gorgeous?"
"No, you're gorgeous. The ring is just a bonus," Jenna replied, staring at you instead of the ring she probably spent hundreds of sleepless nights over. How this woman loves you was beyond anything of human comprehension.
"I love you so much, even you, Jenna Ortega, couldn't describe it." You wrapped your arms around her waist, sealing the deal with a kiss on her lips once again. You never got tired of it.
"I love you too."
You pulled away, a smile lingered on your lips, knowing that no matter how many times you kissed Jenna, it would never be enough to represent the love you had for her.
With your hand over hers, and her ring over your finger, you couldn't imagine a life without her anymore.
a/n: i finished reading 7 husbands of evelyn hugo the other day and i cried so much. its such a great book!! i might do a story based off of it. i just dont know what jo characters should i do for the pairing
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chimchiri · 8 months
Poll Adventure: Rarijack Dinner
Index | [prev] - Part 05 - [next] Special thanks to @babydarkstar for putting out the great writing!
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Sunlight filters through the leaves as Applejack sits up from her place under the apple tree. Winona, who had her fluffy head resting on AJ’s chest, gives a thoughtful sniff as she gazes up at her owner, pushing up to sit on her hind legs.
AJ meets Winona’s curious gaze with a worried look of her own.
“What am I gonna do, girl?” she sighs, “Got myself wrapped up in all sorts’a trouble now.”
Winona turns her head to survey the expanse of apple trees surrounding them before giving AJ a side-eyed glance and a withered sneeze, as if that should solve every problem she’s got.
AJ smiles wearily and scratches behind the dog’s ears, patting her soft head before tugging again on a fluffy ear, lost in thought.
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Asking family is out of the question at this point. Everybody’s got chores, and talking to them would only mean more work for her or Big Mac. Lord knows what kinda fuss they’d make about it if she tells them too soon. After her chores, she needs to do as much as she can to make tomorrow easier, and finish gathering her thoughts on the date, as well as getting anything she needs for it. Tomorrow she’ll have to finish up whatever work she started, get ready for the date, and leave. She’ll tell family later, but right now she can’t deal with that extra stress.
One of her friends would be better for today. Maybe she’ll ask for help and won’t even need to say Rarity’s name…she can only hope. The absolute riot that would result would be too much to handle. And besides, she wants to keep it quiet in case things don’t work out.
There are two questions lingering in her mind.
She’s lost on what to wear. With all the time she’s spent around Rarity, one would think she’d know exactly what to wear to impress her. But honestly, she thinks about the complexities of fashion about as much as she thinks about men—which is to say, hardly at all. If she didn’t have Rarity’s voice in the back of her mind gasping about formalwear and Manehattan social status, she’d wear the nicest pieces in her closet and call it a day. Ultimately, she knows Rarity will appreciate any effort she makes for their date, but AJ wants to impress her.
Then there’s the gift. The Element of Generosity deserves something meaningful and special, and AJ knows she’ll appreciate it.
That should be all…but maybe she could ask her friends for general advice as well. After all, AJ’s never felt more serious about a date in her life.
Each of her friends have their strengths and weaknesses, and all have the ability to offer advice. But which one should she ask?
Naturally, Rainbow Dash is the first to come to mind. They’ve always had each other’s backs, always pushed one another to be better at everything, striving to be the best. Bickering and teasing is their love language, no matter how relentless. But. With all that spunk and chaos in such a tiny figure, AJ’s pretty sure Rainbow would explode if she had to keep AJ’s date a secret. She also wouldn’t dare miss an opportunity to tease AJ about finally getting over herself to make a move with Rarity. But underneath her mischievous demeanor, she cares for AJ a whole heap; she’d help out however she can. AJ just isn’t sure what Rainbow’s advice for a romantic date would look like. It could easily be an hour of intermittent hysterical laughter, followed by the most unhelpful string of words she’s ever heard. “Just like, be yourself, dude. Roll with the punches. Seriously.” Or it could be wildly profound, incredibly insightful information—Rainbow’s personality is harlequin, unpredictable at times.
Fluttershy, however, is the complete opposite. Timid and quiet, sure, but she’s got the natural elegance and poise that could be helpful in this situation. As a friend, she’s a good listener and would take AJ’s worries to heart. Even if she found out AJ’s date is with Rarity, she would definitely keep the secret (maybe a few animals would hear the news, but that wouldn’t bother AJ). If AJ remembers right, Fluttershy has a bit of fashion experience…that could help a lot. However, she worries that the visit might take longer than it should—Fluttershy isn’t known to be decisive, and AJ definitely needs some cold hard advice.
Then there’s Twilight. AJ has never actually heard Twi talk about anything romantic, so she’s clueless if she has experience. But—Twi has an analytical predisposition to any situation, and could give AJ exactly the kind of information she needs. She would without a doubt take AJ’s questions seriously. With all that knowledge swarming her head, she’d likely go so far as to calculate all the pros and cons about every possible scenario and decision, and recommend what would fit best, accounting for factors like windchill and commute time while she’s at it. Spreadsheet, chalkboard, slide presentation, the whole shebang. And, like herself, Twilight appreciates tradition and routine, and probably knows what AJ would like as well. The only thing AJ worries about is Twilight focusing too much on little details and ending up not helping her at all, leaving her back at square one after taking the long way…
Finally, AJ considers Pinkie. Admittedly, she’s…not AJ’s first choice. “Silly” is her middle name, along with “goofy” and “rambunctious.” It’s not always easy to drag Pinkie down from the cotton candy castle she mentally resides in. Her whimsy is endearing and can always pull AJ out of a sour mood, but is that something she has time for right now? Surprise confetti from the Party Cannon is not the vibe she wants to bring to this date. But maybe AJ isn’t giving Pinks enough credit. From what she knows of her and her sister Maud, they prioritize each other to the fullest extent, and there’s nothing ridiculous about a friendship between sisters. Pinkie has an entire basement full of data on what each of her friends and family and neighbors likes, just so she can make them smile on their special day. Maybe a lighter mood won’t hurt, since she’s been such a worrywart lately about everything. But besides brightening her day, could Pinkie give sound advice about what to wear and how to impress Rarity.
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AJ can’t decide, but she’ll have to.
Maybe she should start walking to town and talk to whoever she runs into first.
Maybe she needs to listen to her gut. It hasn’t failed her yet.
Tag List: @mrrrpmeow @babydarkstar @butwerebothmares @chaosdraconequus @chrysaliswife @gaywombat @mulan-but-gay @jubjub05 @dan-chan-rn @sanybaby @horserepository @justletmesnarkandbark @colourswirlcannibal
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hazbinhappy · 3 months
hii!! I was wondering if you could match me up with someone!! My name is Jamila(its arabic) and im a lesbian she/her hobbies: i sing(soprano),play piano,draw,figure skate,sew,bake, and crochet. Personality: im a very social person!! Im usually nice but i can be somewhat bratty sometimes(as in if we dont do what i wanna i kinda shut down),i can be bitchy sometimes but thats usually when im overstimulated or about to have a meltdown(im autistic), im also really hyper!! My love language is physical touch(im a very clingy person usually. I do have kinda bad communication skills bc of how i was raised so i usually start crying when im mad or sad abt something. I apologize alot sometimes. Im mentally ill(idk if i should mention that😭) abt me!!: I have a cool scar on my hand(it covers the side w the thumb on it) from a 2nd degree burn. I have a few more scars all over! My favorite colors are pink and red. Im mexican!!! I LOVE musicals(especially mean girla and heathers). My favorite actor is Avantika,winona ryder or renee rapp. My style is mcbling(fav color combo for outfits is black and pink) i love shoping. My parents own a restaurant so im usually hanging around there and bake things! I live in Miami(basically live at the beach tbh) i LOVE juicy coutore i own lots of vintage juicy and vintage Victoria secret pink things! Im a cat person! Im a picky eater(😭) and i have insomnia (its horrible.) IM TERRIFIED of bugs and i LOVE flowers i hope this was enough info abt me..😖. My demon has pink hair (like verosika),pale white skin(basically fur shes a bunny),she has bruise marks and cut marks in pink on her fur (kinda like birth marks for hell?) because when she died she was beaten to death. She has bunny ears that are usually flopped down and a bunny tail:3 she wears a red leather mini skirt w a red tank top that has lace on it. She wears juicy coutore jewlery and has red thigh highs w black boots(therye platform)
i hope that was enough info!!! Have a good day thank you:))
Your Matchup is....
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I think this one was obvious, but still :D
I think that initially she’d own your soul as a fashion designer, but over time you guys forget that she owns your soul
She likes that you have multiple hobbies because in the beginning that means you would’ve been a content farm for her, but as she started to care for you saw that you have a limit she made a schedule that worked for her and you so that you were comfortable
She doesn’t mind the physical touch even if it’s not really her love language, but don’t touch when she’s mad or busy! She is sensitive to that kind of thing so just ask first and you’re in the clear!
Her love language is quality time so spend time with her as she talks shit and she’ll be all smiles
Velvette is like the 2nd bitch out of the V’s so don’t worry about that (though you seem sweet so it balances out a bit)
You’d be surprised that the V’s have pretty decent communication skills (look at the media empire they run in all of Hell) so if yours is bad she’d either ask for clarification so just try to figure it out on her own (not in a bad way, but more so in a time efficiency way)
Crying when mad or sad is just a stress reliever! I don’t think she’d make fun of people for crying, but she usually doesn’t care unless it is you crying because she’s with you not the those other people
Why shop when she can poof it up or have someone make it? Jk she’d also love to shop with you and show off her designs in stores too, but if it’s like trinket shopping she wouldn’t mind as well
She wouldn’t mind having a cat… just keep it out of her studio.
Velvette is probably a picky eater too so don’t worry y’all are there together
Velvette has a shit sleep schedule due to managing their social media and apps and designing so she’s happy to have another person be up with her
Sadly nice flowers aren’t in hell, but hey she can make flowers out of fabric!
“Velv…? You up?” You open your eyes to see Velvette laying on her back, her own eyes closed.
“Yeah, Sweetie… Can’t sleep?” She lets out a deep breath before turning to you.
“No… Wanna cuddle?”
“Yeah, I’ll hold you for a bit.”
 She pulls you closer and you guys curl around each other.
“You’re tense. Wanna talk about your day?”
“Fuck yes. Tell me why this bitch Vox wants to be all modern and shit, doesn’t understand the fact that not everything can have a 1950s filter or theme to it? Have you seen his posters in the lobby? Horrendous! I’m so close to burning them.”
A/N: twinnn where have you been jk jk but i’m cuban and i grew up/visit florida a lot i miss it so much :( i also crochet :)
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