#..i mean uhh uhh um uhhhh
bluefiz · 5 months
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Fem!Kidkiller doodles
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shopwitchvamp · 6 months
sad you dont get quality anon hate anymore? i can give you some uhhhhhhhh um. uhh. erm. uhhhhhhhhhhhhh your skirts are stinky. your joggers are uhhhh. they have an overpowering raw onion smell there we go thats a good one. i hope you uhhhhhh explode. and fall over. from the smell of your skirts and joggers. yeah.
Hmm, I mean it's a good effort but you gotta put more hateful heart into for sure. I'm getting distinct "pure cinnamon roll" vibes here. But! Usually people don't bring other senses into it, so I'll give you that as a fresh (or stinky) new take. The effort is very appreciated thank you for trying, anon. Witch Vamp's Anon Hate Rating: ★★★☆☆ Witch Vamp's Cool Anon Rating: 🥮🥮🥮🥮🥮 (<- pretend they're cinnamon rolls, thx)
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skittybot · 10 months
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i uh um im uh ahhhhh i uhh ummm well i, i mean uhhhh [@.@; ]
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angelqueen06 · 5 months
A Broppy senior I got as a suggestion on a discord server !!
Broppy scenario!!
Branch giving poppy a flower:
Note: branch is shy
Made by: angelqueen06
It’s a sunny day in pop village! Poppy was picking flowers and fixing with her garden, Branch on the other hand was panicking in his bunker.
- OH NO, NO, NO!!! Branch move on tables shelfs and pretty much the hole bunker.
- WHERE IS IT!? What was he looking for? After a few more minutes of panic he finally found it! The thing he was searching for was.. a flower seed? Oh and flowers! There was flower there too for their one year couple anniversary :)
Branch calmed down and realized what a mess he made, he groaned and starting to clean it up. Afterwards he made sure that his gift for poppy was secured with like a 100+ locks and that everything is set and ready for when she comes over. Yes poppy will come to HIS bunker. Over to poppy she was chatting with Biggie and Mr. Dinkels.
- So i was thinking Bigge if we made this hole place... BIGGER! Poppy took out a scrapbook that showed a bigger version of pop village, it’s said “hurray” and sprayed glitter on both Bigge and Mr. Dinkels.
- Oh Poppy I... It’s a grate idea but i think that right now... there is no need for more space, i mean look at all the empty pods! Bigge points to a lonely corner that shows three pods that looks very worn out and sad.
- Yeah... that part need some cleaning- wait! Bigge what time is it? Bigge looks at his non existent clock.
- Um... noon? Poppy gasped.
- Oh no... IM LATE!! Umm... sorry Bigge I got to go!!! Poppy says in a hurry and runs away. Bigge that just looks confused just says:
- Uh okey! See ya later Poppy!
Poppy just waves and runs to her own pod, when she enter is she’s quick in the shower. When’s she’s done she’s quick out of the shower and on to the cloth she’s gonna wear. Her outfit is:
A blue and green kitted dress and green foot warmers, she took her “queen” headband on her as usual and when out of the pod on to Branch’s bunker.
She arrived at his bunker fixing her hair before knocking. The knock echoed in the hole bunker shocking Branch to the core. He fixes his bow tie and gets up to greet Poppy.
- Hi Poppy! He takes a look on what she’s wearing and just says:
- Woah... you’re beautiful... Poppy blushes and giggles.
- Thanks! You don’t looks so bad you too handsome:)
Branch blushes a little to on Poppy’s response and shows her in.
They get down to the main level of Branch’s bunker.
- WOW Branch! Look what you’ve done with the place! I love it!
Branch chuckles a little.
- Thanks. I-I wanted it to make it special for today and all...
Poppy just smiles in return and continues to look around. While she was distracted Branch snuck away to check on his gift for her bit to his surprise it was gone. Panic rose over Branch as he looked everywhere but could not find it.
- Not again!! He thought to himself.
Poppy shortly entered the room wondering why Branch is on the floor.
- I-I umm... I-I’m just looking for uhhhh... He looks around for a good excuse.
- Uhhhhhhh..... sweet running down his face as he can’t find anything.
- I uhh... I juts thought the floor looked nice! That’s all.
Poppy gives him the look that says “I don’t believe you”. Branch sighs and slowly gets up.
- Okey Branch. Spill it, what are you looking for? Branch sighed.
- Okey... I have a... gift for you! But first i lost it, then i found it and put it in a heavy locked
system so that I could easily find it again. But now its gone AGAIN and i can find it, but this need to be perfect because its our anniversary and all. But if its not perfect will that be enough? Will you be happy enough? If your not happy I’m not happy and if we are not happy-
- BRANCH!! It’s okey! We’ll find it! Don’t worry about it I’m sure that the gift you giving me doesn’t change anything on this day because it’s already amazing!
- Howso?
Poppy grabs Branch’s hands.
- Because i got to spend it with the most amazing and adorable and understandable trolls i ever
Branch blushes and looks at her with a big smile.
- You’re pretty amazing you too Poppy.
She smiled.
- Now come on! Let’s go and find that gift!
Branch nodded and started to search the bunker. After a like 20 minutes of searching Branch was ready to give up when he saw something glimmer on the distant, he walked over to it to see that the flowers where behind a painting. He sighed out in relief and yelled for Poppy.
- Poppy I found it!
Poppy came running.
- Oh great you found it! So what is it?
Branch pulled out the flowers.
- These!
Poppy gasped.
- Flowers! Oh Branch you shouldn’t have! These are my favorite too! Where did you find them?
- Well it’s nothing hard I just had to travel to the deepest cave ever to find them. But it’s nothing
much. He then pulled out a bag of seeds.
- Aaannndddd these are the seed for the flowers too! So you don’t have to go down that deep cave! Poppy just stood there, amazed. Literally had nothing to say, just standing there.
- Um Poppy? You okey-
Poppy lunches herself into Branch’s arms hugging him tightly.
- Oh Branch! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Branch hugged her back.
- This is amazing!! Now i can plant them in my garden too!
She pulled out from the hug and looked at him with a big smile. Branch was about to get something but was stopped by Poppy’s hand pulling his, he didn’t have time to react and finds himself kissing her. When she pulled away he was lost in thought, still processing what just happened.
- Come on Branch! This is not new..
- Nah! Y-your right... I just... didn’t see it coming! Poppy just giggled go how embarrassed Branch is.
- Are you just gonna stand there? Lest go out! I wanna plant my seeds!! Branch laughed.
- Okey, okey! We’re going!
Branch took Poppy’s arm and they walked out of the bunker, they walked down to Poppy’s pod where her garden where and she immediately started to work with her new flower seeds. Branch just stood there admiring her.
- Is there something wrong?
- Huh? oh no, no! Everything is just grate!
Poppy just giggled and continued with her flowers while Branch looked at her.
The end lmao :)
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kirchefuchs · 10 months
(this is a long one lmao)
It was like 1am last night so I decided to sleep before sending this ahahahagsggs
Regarding this wonderful reblog chain we had
(I don't know how and where to start ahahahahaaa)
hmmm. well, yk how I mentioned that The Eye of Michael (gasp. a rare instance where I don't forget a name??) took Stanley's voice? well, on the mask design I very much failed on, there was a clock (lmao TK reference) on the forehead part. originally, I wanted the mask to just be covering Stanley's mouth, because... duh. blud ain't got a voice no mo 😞✊ but anyway !!
(additional info: I took inspiration from a bunch of mask designs I found on Pinterest so it was very far from original)
the idea for the clock was for the ticking to be some sort of, uh, warning that he's nearby? like, just imagine finding yourself in an empty corridor, and all of a sudden, you hear a clock ticking in the distance. yeah, that's what I mean
(also I decided to change a bit of the backstory here. basically, The Narrator and Stanley are separate people. The Narrator was Some Dude™ who was in the middle of writing a story about—you guessed it—a man named Stanley. I already have his whole lore figured out but yk I'll cut it short for you so uhhhh blah blah blah The Eye of Michael finds him and encases him in a capsule where live wires that make him forget who he was before he became The Narrator are injected into his system. his voice is used as a way to trap and control Stanley—whose original identity/name was Jim (in this AU, at least)—and. yeah. The Narrator is trapped in a narrative facade whereas "Stanley" was the star of a lonely masquerade)
anyway, you can basically picture Stanley as wearing a full face mask or half of one, but either way, there's meant to be a clock somewhere and one of his eyes are meant to be covered in some sort of. uh. criss-cross threading technique. there's also the addition of some, uh, earphones? I think? they're not really that visible but uhh.. just think of them as the wireless ones, I dunno, I forgot what they're called, but anyway– Those are for The Narrator's voice. Just imagine a pair of. um. those things that help deaf people hear. wait.
HEARING AIDS. hearing aids, yes, uh, just imagine hearing aids, except that they're purposefully rigged to also provide a connection between The Narrator's voice and Stanley. It still functions like a normal pair of hearing aids, it just has the unfortunate annoyance of some angry British voice controlling Stanley's every move
As for the theme of his general outfit? I really wanted to make it fit the theme of the good ol "office worker" thing, so I had a little thought where Stanley pretends to be a tired worker at the start—wearing an ordinary face mask with the excuse of "trying not to breathe in the sand," as was written on a piece of paper (his lips/mouth is bruised as heck and the EoM did not want to take any more chances for instant suspicion), but during the times where Vash was alone, he'd (or, in this case, The Narrator would make him) wear his masquerade mask and put on some sort of blue (masquerade) outfit, with the cane that's totally not a sword/gun in disguise and all. With that being said, maybe the gang won't know his name until Wolfwood realizes who he is? I mean, Stanley can't talk, and. uh. sorry I'm going off-topic hahaa ahem anyway
maybe his title could be "The Masquerade"? not too sure but I like to think that he was trustworthy at first. anyway uhhhh that's about it! do whatever you wish with my two favorite brainrots :D and, sorry if I got a bit too-into the lore I made for him and The Narrator :')
— 🅰️non || Aug. 7 2023
This is gonna be a long one my guy....
🅰️non..... my dear beloved 🅰️non..... I don't know how to break this to you but the masquerade outfit, while a cool idea, is a flippin nightmare to try to translate into the Trigun universe. I tried so hard but it just want working.
Suffice it to say, venetian masquerade and space western do not mix
And it not for lack of trying! I have proof I tried!! The mask works, it's great! That's fine. But the clothes do not :(
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I've got a lot of doodles here I gave up on cuz it just wasn't working. I kept having the problem where it either looked too pirate-y or too vampire-y, which is to be expected since masquerades were quite popular in the 18th century (the Golden Age of Piracy if I recall). And unfortunately, neither pirate nor vampire really scream "space cowboy times on desert planet"
Now.... this is an option....... and that is to forgo the masquerade outfit, the mask can stay, but I honest to goodness cannot make an outfit that works. So basically, my proposal for a solution would be to go with the aesthetic that pretty much every member of the Eye Of Michael has in 98 and Maximum. And that's the priest aesthetic.
You see, the Eye Of Michael has always been a religious group in universe, at the very least they pose as one. In reality they train orphans into mindess assassins, but they keep that church front. Hence why Wolfwood and Livio (and Chapel and the other EOM members in Maximum) have cross shaped guns. Also, fun fact Wolfwood was dubbed "The Punisher" because that was the name of his gun. I assume this would apply to Livio, and his guns are "Fangs" giving him the name "The Double Fang", and we know this applies to Razlo too, as he is "The Tri Punisher of Death" (you'd never guess, but he's got 3 Punishers :O).
Anyways, I did try drawing Stanley in the priest aesthetic, just to see if it worked. Make of it as you will.
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I kinda imagine if we were to go this route, Stanley's cross would be a sniper rifle. He's already got a sort of stealth going for him, being mute and all, so I think it would fit. I could by no means draw said gun as I am only really good at drawing characters. But I can imagine the gun :')
Now, feel free to take my opinions and throw them in the trash if you don't like them, it's your character after all, it's up to you. But I do want to make it clear that I do love this idea so much and I wanna hear more of the story and how you think it would go. I'm curious if Stanley has a way to communicate back to the Narrator, because that could lead to some cool tandem character development. Like what if after Stanley starts wanting to break free of the Eye Of Michael, Vash agrees to help him free the Narrator as well. Since Stanley is mute, it could be cool if he communicated to the Narrator through his thoughts, so they would have to be on the same page for the escape plan to work. I mean, these are just my silly little ramblings, but this is all just to say that you've got a really good thing going here and I really wanna know more. I really hope my personal struggle with aesthetics doesn't bring you down, cuz I really truly love your idea here and I want it to work so badly.
But, yeah. I might end up drawing more at some point, cuz the idea is so cool and I just love all the story potential with Stanley being used by the Eye Of Michael like this. Anyways, I hope you have a good day, and sorry again for my inability to make the aesthetic work :')
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hornball-house · 3 months
Experimental (Pre-events)
To say he was frustrated would be an understatement. Wyatt had no idea where to even start with this. He wanted to figure things out, he wanted to experiment. & so, he made the stupid decision of going to Moran, his friend who is basically family. "Psst. Hey. Other me. Do you have a second, mate?" Wyatt meakly asks him. Out of all people, why did it have to be him?
"Ohh?" Moran responds while raising an eyebrow. The way he asked him immediately made him realize what he was thinking of. However, Wyatt's words got caught in his throat & couldn't say it to him. Not that it really mattered, anyway. "Uhh.......well, you know how, uhh.....I said I was a little, um..........c-curious about certain.......'things', right?" He stuttered out. "Yeeeeeees? Why? You implying something?" Moran jokingly coos, making Wyatt punch his arm. "No, the hell I'm not, you sick fuck!" He snaps as Moran chuckles & rubs his arm, in an attempt to numb the pain. "I just, uhh......wanted some advice, I guess you could call it. You seem to know alot about that sorta thing, I've only had one or two partners & I clearly have no idea what I'm doing. So, I want this to be a, uhh......what's the word? An experimental thing, y'know?" He says back to him, alot calmer this time. Hearing him say an experimental thing made Moran's pink eyes light up. Which ultimately scared Wyatt a bit.
"Uhhh.......Why are you looking at me like that?" All he could ask as Moran smirks a little. That smirk proves he was planning something. That was when Wyatt's fate was sealed. "Hmm.......you said you wanna experiment, right?" Moran asks, making Wyatt slowly nod. "Hehehehe. Well, I'll tell you what. I'll do exactly that for you. But, I have a different approach to it." Different approach? What does he mean? This made Wyatt tilt his head in confusion. Moran leaned in closer, being a little closer to his face now.
"Since you seem to be more of a visual learner.~"
Wyatt flinched & went red in the face. Was he trying to say something? "Uhhhh......Y'know what, nevermind! I think you weren't exactly the best person to ask! I-I'll just go find David & he can explain it to me instead." Wyatt says in an attempt to get out of the situation. But, it was too late. Moran grabbed his shoulder & prevented him from leaving. He soon grabbed his hand & dragged him off to the nearest bedroom. Wyatt did try to rip out of his grip a few times, but all attempts were in vain. & he certainly didn't listen to any of his protesting, either. What in the world did he get himself into?
When Moran reaches his destination with Wyatt begrudgingly in tow, he shuts the door behind him with his foot. Wyatt was still struggling & trying to escape, but still no luck.
"What the bloody hell are you doing, mate?! This isn't fucking funny!" Wyatt yells out. To which Moran tosses him onto the bed in front of him. A squeak erupts out of Wyatt as he falls onto the bed, right on his back. Moran's grin on his face made Wyatt want to slap it right off, but his head was already so blank it didn't come up.
"You said you wanted my advice, so I think this is the only way to really let it sink in. That's how I always learn." Moran coos, climbing onto the bed above Wyatt. Wyatt tries scooting back as much as he can, but is cornered due to the headboard & Moran's grasp. When he grabs onto his waist to hold him in place, a small huff of pleasure escapes Wyatt's vocal chords, making him cover his mouth & Moran light up. "Ooooooooh, now that's a good start. Let's see what other sounds you can make." He chirped. Soon enough, he leans his head down a little more.
"Hey, wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! What the hell are you d-- Aaaaaah!?" Wyatt is cut off by some firm kisses right on his neck. He didn't. Moran was so forward, it's scary. Wyatt covered his face to muffle any sounds that would come out, his glasses fogging up due to how warm & red his face is. Moran was already satisfied with his reactions already, but he wasn't going to let it stop this soon. The harder & longer he went on, the louder & quicker Wyatt's noises got. The sad part is that Wyatt couldn't even deny that he was really good. & that all of this was good, too.
Soon enough, Moran suddenly has the urge to bite down. Which is what he did. & got a very loud scream out of Wyatt in the process. One that couldn't be muffled. Moran chuckles & lifts his head up to look down at him, to see he was already panting pretty hard just from that.
"See? I told you. If it makes you feel any better, I'll be slow with it." Moran says to ease his worries. Wyatt gave no answer. No nod, no words, no nothing. But, to hear him say he'll be taking it slow made him feel a little better about it all. After that, Moran lifts his shirt up & does those same kisses on his chest & stomach, making Wyatt tense up & start those noises back up again. Even he didn't know he was already this sensitive & this much of a screamer. How humiliating.
"Uuugh......! Ahh-haah......~ I-If you say a-- *Grunt!* a word to anyone about this, I'll-- Hmmh~! Mmgh....... I'll kill you......." All Wyatt could struggle out, still not being light with that threat since he can & will go through with it. To which Moran chuckles.
"I hear you loud & clear.~" & then Wyatt hears something mortifying, but slightly exciting. Moran somehow got his shorts off, & that just made him go even redder in the face. This was a fine mess Wyatt got himself into. But, there's still one thing on his mind. Why was he enjoying this so much?
But, things only escalated from there.
This is the beginning of this, BTW. So, read this before you read the other one
@dorkygurl-89 Finally got it out. You happy?
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reilleclan-blog · 1 month
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Sooooo I gave immortals of aveum a chance and first of all the actor that plays Jak was on a show called "Never have I ever" and at the time I didn't even think about it when I watched the show but that man is currently 33years old. And the person he was kissing and being "sexual" with in the show is currently 22years old..
And yes she obviously is at the age of consent I was just kinda appalled how it was a good idea for casting to have her kissing some guy 10 years older than her.... especially in a acting setting that seems like such a way to take advantage of someone younger b/c well most times younger ppl don't know any better. ("Never have I ever" was also released in 2020. So what she was 20 while he was 30 filming that shit... that's still freshly an adult but she's just casted for kissing a grown ass man. That feels so weird to me.
Maybe the casting was done b/c maybe ppl wouldn't have given the show a shot if he wasn't in it but 33 years old.. holy fuck. And I think he's playing a senior as well and Davy has a crush on him.. (I'm not saying ppl can't date age gap but TO ME it feels super weird to have someone freshly an adult kissing on a grown man while others are recording and u know it's more vulnerable for the woman that's young) I had a 37 year old woman interested in me and at the time I was like 23 and I was so creeped out why she would ever want to date someone that's close to the age of her son.. like please ppl please be careful out there. I've had older women try to take advantage of me sadly.
But yeah yes it's an acting job but like it's so easy for the younger person in these situations to be taken advantage of.
Ok that rant is over, time to talk about the game I mentioned in the beginning. So when I first saw this game I didn't think it was gonna be good cause so many "high end" games have been straight ass. And was I right ? Uhhh I got "Immortals" for free on PlayStation so yeah it was pretty ass. (If PlayStation is putting a game out for free that only been out a year then most times that mean it wasn't good)
The story so far is very very generic like "arcane legends" story telling except arcane is more interesting and ur character has a time skip(in immortals. Side note I'm not a big fan of arcane but I'm just comparing it with this goofy magic shit) sorry lol but yeah the magic in the game is literally like "here's blue magic, ur magic depends on ur strength if u have all colors tri something ur like really special" and surprise the main character has all 3 magic colors?
Aside from the story which wasn't the worst? It's just very boring it felt like what Skyrim felt like except in Skyrim it's more interesting and yeah.. the combat is shoot shoot and "here's some abilities" in the beginning of the game they have u run thru this underground city like showing off the world but all u do is press the jump button a couple times and hold square. To make it feel "traversed" but that's all it was lol. The characters from the beginning were interesting too bad they all (SPOILERS) die
Ok fast forward Jak trains for 5 years and uh yeah. Ur fighting in a war and that's it. I would've loved if the game gave u some sort of fist fighting combat cause ur character has a cool ass melee but that was it. Also I was trying to just play the game for what it was but the game was super choppy on ps5 and there wasn't a setting to change "performance mode" or anything like that. And while in the middle of the story the game crashed.
Uhhhh yeah while running around the game the shit just felt and looked like it was held or made by spit and glue anddd um but it was a quality spit and glue. It gave a feeling of "open world" for like 2 seconds but most areas looked the same almost like "dungeon levels" but even more bland?
Idk uhh I only put like 3-4hrs into the game the limited amount of settings was also super surprising to me. I couldn't even take off motion blur and that was hurting my eyes while the game's frames drop randomly ,can't feel good.
For what I've seen I don't think this game has anything left that's interesting. I think the side characters make up for the game being bland and combat being a bit stale but I got bored fighting wave after wave of enemies, so I had to turn the game off. IF U LIKE THE GAME IM ALL HAPPY FOR U this is just my experience. Please don't start crying cause someone from a corner of the internet doesn't agree with u. Uhh 4.4/10
wtf is 4.4 idk but that's what I'd rate this game id say a 5 but whatever(also why didn't I use images from the actual game I was talking about ? Idk i didn't want to ig and the immortals game sadly didn't have a photomode idk and the game's shit so whatever)
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actualbird · 10 months
uh hey man u don’t gotta answer this ask but i wanted to send it in after seeing that post about like hobbies. i feel the same a lot about trying to do things and it’s incredibly frustrating. but idk if it’d help to tell you or not since it doesn’t help the “getting a good grade” aspect feeling, but i thought it was maybe worth it to tell you you’re one of the reasons i decided to pick up writing for tot and create a new writing blog and try to go back to doing something i love so much. your work has long inspired me and i hardcore look up to it, so to speak. but recently the other side of that coin was actually the fact that the breaks you take from writing inspire me more. i sometimes start to fret that i haven’t written in a while but then i think and think about how one of my favorite authors also takes breaks, sometimes really long breaks, and that it’s okay to take time between writing (or doing anything) because it’s not a competition or an emergency or really important in the grand scheme. i tend to not be the best at giving myself time to recover or take breaks when i start to not do as well, but the fact that you do has really helped me a lot.
idk if this was pointless or like um unnecessary to send but i wanted to tell you that something that’s been upsetting to you has still in some way been helpful and positive toward others, even if it’s just me, in hopes of maybe lightening that load a little from your shoulders. um im sorry again for sending this in and u don’t have to answer it or anything, but i thought maybe it could be helpful to tell you that something that’s been a struggle to you has still had a positive + slightly more healthy impact on me by showing me that if someone i look up to can take breaks or stop doing something entirely and fans like me will still stick around eagerly to see literally *whatever* you post and share, people would be willing to do the same for me and it’s okay to just take breaks from things or let them exist as hobbies and not goals to fulfill or deadlines to meet.
idk uhh sorry this got a bit rambly but i just wanted to tell you that in hopes it could maybe be something positive. thanks for consistently being a blogger i can be excited to see things from, and whatever u want to post or share or pursue it’s still something worthwhile. uhhh sorry again lol
anon oh gosh. first off, youve got nothing to apologize for cuz real talk, reading this made me tear up. like, literally, and it’s 5am here. tear up in a good way, i assure!!!!
im beyond honored that the stuff i make cld help you get back to making stuff yourself. a bunch of people have told me similar things in the past, and it never stops knocking me to the ground because god!!! GOD!!!!!! im so happy for you all, thank you for making stuff!!! and thank you so much for telling me. because so much of the time when i Do make stuff i constantly wonder what the point is or if anyone even likes it. so this means so much to me, it always does.
though nobodys ever told me that when im Not making stuff is similarly important. thats…..it's quite literally Never crossed my mind and it’s making me super duper emotional right now. whenever im not Making Stuff™, at best, i feel like im disappointing everyone who does find joy in the stuff i make, and at worst, i feel like ive Actively Tricked Everyone who has come here due to my writing and i shld be burned at the stake for not fulfilling my end of the transaction (yeah i have uhhhh NOT THE BEST view, to say the least, irt myself and online fanwork creation HJVSFHJSDVFJ im working on it) so u must understand……..this ask is this is the exact opposite of pointless to me. it means so so so fucking much to me.
im pretty sure im always gonna be battling the horrid Less Than Healthy Views Demon of “NO, KEEP MAKING STUFF ALWAYS ALWAYS” like til the end of time, but man, it seems like we’re all battling that. so if me taking a break can help u and maybe even others see Taking A Break as okay, then that makes me really really happy.
take a break if you need to, or if you want to. dont be scared to make stuff thats not the stuff people “came” to you for, just make whatever makes you happy. telling this to you and also to myself
thank you for sending this ask, anon. it's helped in more ways than i can coherently word :'3
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gamequeenanya · 2 years
Tickletober Day 23: Nerd Character
(Mike and Scott fix the robots so they aren’t so dangerous. Then Scott gets Michael back for tickling him in the past! Note: this is pre-scoop Michael Afton) - (lee Phone Guy, switch Mike, ler robots)
Mike enjoyed Scott's company. Truly he did. But Scott did a lot of technobabble Mike knew or cared nothing about.
Since Scott was so sweet, Mike listened anyways.
"...And if the robots ever start being weird and going places they're not supposed to, there's a switch on their backs where you can change how active they are! At parties you want to keep it at 8, but when they're in the maintenaince room, keep it at a 1 or a 0."
On the backs of the robots' heads, there were numbers you could adjust for just that purpose. Scott took his wrench to show Mike the control panel and turned to him with a smile.
Shrugging, Mike told him he'd remember that if it's necessary.
Opening up the panel, Scott gasped.
"What's going on?! W-was this in the original programming?!" He flinched and stepped back. Then he paced around, holding his head. "Oh no, no, no, no, no!"
Mike inspected the panel, but all he saw was a lot of ones and zeroes.
"Uhhh, care to explain?"
"Yeah, uhhhh..." Scott looked back at the panel with a wince. He pointed to a small section after the 'personality' program. "This here says that these guys are supposed to bite or chomp on any human that comes near them when they're online!"
"How do we fix that?" Mike said.
Meanwhile, Scott was already typing something on the keyboard linked to the controls. "Uhh, I'm working on it. Just a second..."
He frowned, as it seemed the program overrided all of his attempts to shut down the 'attack' mode.
Poking his back, Mike tried to get his attention. Scott shot up in the air. "Eeek!"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you... I'm simply curious. Um, is there a way to change the state of the attack mode?"
Scott looked up, intrigued. "W-what do you mean...?"
Mike grinned. "I mean, is there a way to change the attack from, say, 'bite' to 'tickle'?"
He huffed. "A-are you mocking me...?"
Scott remembered all the times Mike and his friends tickled him to tears.
"Not at all. I just think it would be a lot more safe for the customers." Mike replied, looking away coyly.
"Alright. I'll try it..." Scott said with a distrusting glare.
Against all odds, it worked.
Scott grinned, as he had a plan. "Are you ready, Foxy? It's showtime!"
"Yarr harr harr!" The robot said. Foxy had his hook replaced with another paw, since they found his hook was too sharp to be around kids. Scott had taken the hook to the maintenance room so they could make it duller. In the meantime, Foxy was good as new! Scott grinned, proud of his work.
"Oh Mike! I think there's something wrong with Foxy!"
Coming over, Mike rolled his eyes. "What is it this time?"
Foxy picked up Mike.
"Scott?! What's this!! Make him put me down!"
Instead, Scott sat back to watch the action. Foxy started tickling Mike's sides.
Scott laughed. "Consider this my revenge, Michael!"
Foxy tickled Mike's entire torso, including his back and navel, before letting him go. The worst spot seemed to be his ribs, right before they met his armpits. When he set him down, Mike was a giggling, flushed mess.
"My hair.." he whined, the thrashing having messed his beautiful brown locks up.
"Oh, you'll get over it!" Scott rolled his eyes, holding an empty popcorn bag.
Getting his bag, Mike applied more hair gel to try and fix it.
Then Foxy came up to Scott and picked him up.
"Eeek! F-Foxy, please!"
Mike grinned at the karmic justice.
"Let's see how you like it!"
Instead of tickling him, Foxy just froze.
"What?!" Mike said, feeling robbed.
"Heh. G-guess it's another malfunction...?" Scott said nervously, trying to wiggle out of Foxy's grasp.
Getting up, Michael made his way towards Scott.
"Michael, I'm sorry! P-please!"
"It's alright, Scott, I forgive you..." he said with a mischievous grin. "Now, let's get you out of there, shall we...?"
Squealing, Scott wiggled and thrashed before his friend even touched him.
"Please!! Please, Mike!! Eeek! I-I can't stand it!!"
"Relax, Scott. This will only take a minute!!" Mike teased, wiggling his fingers in front of his belly.
Closing his eyes, Scott blushed with a grin.
Then, to catch him by surprise, Mike went for his ribs, making him scream!
And he tickled everywhere that Foxy had tickled him, going around to his back, gliding his fingers up his spine and squeezing his hips.
Mike was sure to trace his armpits gently, since he remembered Scott had a bad experience being picked up as a kid. His soft tracing was super effective, making Scott devolve into endless chortles.
Then he moved away to trace along his neck, making him turtle. And he decided to tease him as well.
"Aww, is poor cute Scotty ticklish...? And does he like it when people tickle him?"
His face was completely flushed now. Shaking his head, he whined. "M-Mike, please!"
Michael chuckled. "I mean, I think we all know the answer to that!"
Then he unbuttoned his security guard shirt and traced along his tummy.
"Is that the anticipation, or is it really that ticklish...?" Mike genuinely wondered. "I mean, I know your stomach's your worst spot, but..."
"Nah." And he scribbled all over his tummy, making note of how toned it was. "I see you've been working out!"
Not expecting a compliment, he flushed even more. "EEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEEEEE!! MIHIHIHIHIIIIKE!"
He booped the button and blew ten tiny raspberries over it, relishing in Scott's reactions. Which consisted of squeals, shrieks, and begging. Finally, he gave Scott a rest, letting him catch his breath.
"Ohohohoho goohooohoodness!" He panted, slumping in Foxy's arms.
"Gee, I'd have thought that would have worked. Oh well!" So Mike tried to remove Foxy's paws from Scott himself. He wasn't as tech savvy, but he got an idea. Lightly tickling under Foxy's arms, he teased the fox robot about his own sensitivity. To his surprise, it worked and Foxy dropped him!
"T-thanks, Mike..." Scott mumbled, still tickle-happy.
"Yeah, no problem! And guess what? Foxy's ticklish!"
Scott came over to examine him. "No way!" He wiggled his fingers on Foxy's tummy. From the voice box came the sound of a pirate's laugh!
"Yahahahaahahaar Haaahahahahahaarrr Haahahahaharrrr!" And Foxy covered his stomach.
"Heh, amazing!"
At that moment, William Afton came into the restaurant and unlocked the door to his office, promptly walking inside and closing it.
"Hey, you know what I think...?" Mike said. "We should have the animatronics get my dad!"
Scott looked panicked. "A-are you crazy?! He'll kill us!"
Mike stopped to think. It may have been meant metaphorically, but he knew William was capable of rather evil things. "Well, let's just wash our hands of this so he doesn't know it was us! All evidence removed. And if he gets too close, it's out of our hands!"
There was a chuckle and a snort from Scott. "You know what? You're right. ... I mean, once he finds out the program was changed he'll probably reprogram them. But you can't say we didn't try!"
Patting him on the back, Mike nodded. "Good man. For now, let's just subtly warn customers of the dangers of this place. Serves father right for endangering his own business!"
In the coming weeks, Mike and Scott did just that. Reminding customers that there are rumors surrounding this place and that the animatronics are dangerous if you get too close. And William was getting a little stranger each day. Business was good, and there were no more child murders in the past few months. Which felt unnerving to William. He discussed it with Henry, who seemed happy. Scowling, he realized there was something up.
So William decided to try and fix them, starting with Bonnie. But once he approached Bonnie, the large rabbit grabbed him around the waist and tickled him mercilessly.
Mike and Scott tried not to laugh as they continued to work.
Well, it was fun while it lasted! They both thought.
[The End.]
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svturn-exe · 1 year
adam: yeah my dad used to live in new england
jonah: where
adam: what do you mean “where”
jonah: which state in new england
adam: ??new england is a state??
jonah: new england is a region . with states in it
adam: what??
jonah: adam stop the car
adam: why???
jonah: name all the states for me right now im gonna write them down
adam: dude i cant do that off the top of my head
jonah: as many as you can
adam: uhh
adam: uhhhh
adam: wwwisconsin
jonah: yep
adam: uhh . michigan
jonah: yeah
adam: um … fuck
jonah: adam please
adam: …new england
jonah: ADAM
adam: look they dont teach us geology in school. i mean geOGRAPHY FUCK MY LIFE
he's just like me fr fr!!!!!!
adam stops going to school and immediately forgets everything he ever learned there beyond the basics, and even then it's dodgy at best
jonah retains info like a sponge but whether or not they'll be able to recall anything useful in the heat of the moment is 50/50. he can't drive but they can tell you 55 funfacts about lionfish off the top of his head
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
hey yall mondo here
so uhhhhh sprigg went back to sleep (im assuming theyll wake up at like idk 3 am or smth) and that just
leaves me and toorie
at night
i guess
Hey , At Least The Stars Are Super Pretty , Right ?
Ooh , Look At That Constellation ! It Kinda Looks Like One Of Dizzie’s Hoops :O
(Toorie looks at another “constellation,” except it looks more like a jumbled mass of dots rather than a beautiful pattern.)
Look At That ! It Looks Like Spilled Coffee !
looks more like my room to me
Uh , What Do You Mean ?
remember back on cold island where you and sprigg stayed in my room
Oh , Riiiiiiight .
Well , Uh , My Room On Earth Is Kinda Like That Too , Haha …
wait it is
Mhm ! Pretty Sure Sprigg’s The Only One Of Us Who Has An Actually Tidy Room , Actually .
what about mauna
she seems like shed have a clean room
Not So Sure About Her , But Yeah ! Probably .
(Suddenly, one of the stars seems to fall down, leaving a trail of “stardust” behind it. can we pretend that airpl)
Oh , Wow ! A Shooting Star !
Don’t Think We Get Much Of Those Around Earth , Haha .
back on cold its basically obligatory to make a wish whenever that happens
Oh , Uh-
Hold On A Sec , Let Me Think Of One …
Aha ! I Wish For A Fun Adventure With Tons Of Friends Made Along The Way .
thats nice
What About You , Mondo ?
oh uhhhh
… Huh ? What ?
(man i wish toorie knew how i felt about it)
Huh ? You … You Didn’t Say Anything .
oh uh
they say wishes work better if you dont say them out loud
… Oh .
dw yours will work
Yay !
(Mondo smiles at Toorie. She notices and smiles back at them. The two of them share a moment of silence.)
o shit nows my chance
Yeah ?
(yeeeeeees. do it mondo do it you cringefail loser)
i uhh
Hm ?
AH !
(god FUCKING dammit)
(Awdajeeo rushes in and picks Avani up before she can bite anyone.)
oh, i am SO sorry if we were interrupting something—
Nonono , No Need To Apologize !
(Mondo glares at Avani in fear. He doesn’t notice they’re clenching onto Toorie’s arm for dear life.)
i don’t know why she’s been like this lately, haha… avani’s just been growling and barking at random monsters for no reason at all.
well from what i know somethings DEFINITELY wrong
uh, what?
Apparently , Critters Act SUPER Aggressive Towards Others When Something Is Off Around The Island .
Trust Me , I Know From How The Critters Act On Earth Island Whenever Dizzie And Her Friends Are Pulling Pranks .
(Suddenly, a purple blur speeds past the 3 Monsters and 1 Critter.)
wait, is that flitz?!
if theres anything being a cold islander taught me its that tweedles only squawk when somethings wrong
maybe we should go follow her!
yea probably
Let’s Go !
(Awdajeeo picks up Avani, and scuttles as fast as he can as Toorie and Mondo run after Flitz.)
sorry not sorry for the confession fail 🥰🥰🥰
all jokes aside, I plan on developing Toorie and Mondo’s mutual pining a little more before ACTUALLY turning them into a couple lmao
anyways hooooooo boy I wonder what’s wrong on Faerie Island 👀👀👀
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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demon au (Nightmare au)
Zenko: Master guess what?
Crimson: Zenko I swear to god, if it’s something stupid I’m going to-
Zenko: I found the Universe Crystal!
Crimson: Excuse me…WHAT?
Zenko: it’s true! I did!
Rakaza: *sigh* he did something stupid I know he did,
Crimson: WHERE IS IT?!
Zenko: the Amazon Delivery guy is suppose to deliver it here in..uhhhh…Soon….
Zuri: What? Amazon guy? What do you mean Amazon guy? I spent years of my life looking for the damn crystal, toiling night after night and you found it on Amazon?
Anubis: oh amazing find Lord Zenko, might I ask what was the price of the um crystal?
Zenko: oh, well it was only $2.99 plus tax so that would be….
Umbra: You’ve got to be kidding me.
Zuri: THERE’S NO WAY YOU FOUND THE UNIVERSE CRYSTAL! Less then $3.00 dollars you dumbass,
Zenko: but I said plus tax so I spent more then that,
Anubis: uhh, have you considered it to be a scam?
Zenko: Nope! Why?
Rakaza: I told you he did something stupid…
Red skull: what have you done Zenko…
Zuri: I stg…you are a literally a waste of the infinite 2nd upper rank spot,
Zenko: awww why are you so mean to me Zuri?
Umbra: calm down Zuri,
Zuri: *bro is inner monologging* I should be upper 2 not this Dumbass!
Rakaza: should we be asking him who he brought it from and cancel the order,
Serpruis: Whoever it is, if they are a danger to my twin sister, they’ll probably end up dying and i mean that….
Pinkflame: awwww thank u☺️
Rakaza: I wasn’t finished oh whatever,
Crimson: Who is the Seller Zenko? Who is it?!
Zenko: *gasp* Calm down master Crimson, I was going to tell you that next, ahhh let me see the Seller is “definitely not Lightro” what a interesting name,
Crimson: I-
Red skull: Lord Zenko is bringing Lightro himself to the Ultimate Demon castle, TERRIFYING!!! WERE DONE FOR!
Anubis: Lightro?
Pinkflame: I can’t believe you were dumb enough to bring LIGHTRO HERE!
Crimson: I have been trying to do nothing but show mercy for you Zenko I have tried but you are not receiving any mercy from me for this one… out of all the damn Angels….LIGHTRO?
Zenko: what? But the name say’s “definitely not Lightroooo-“ *bro realizing…* oh damn….
Umbra: I am in utter disbelief! The fact you have been scammed by our greatest enemy Lightro! You know what danger your getting us into-
Zuri: you’re telling me to calm down?….
Anubis: the longer we stay here the more danger we are in you know we should try to escape,
Lightro: hello *with Rizz*
Crimson: *Bro is having PTSD* someone hide me I will make you infinite 1! Please…
Anubis: ohhh really?
Crimson: no I am not serious…
Anubis: unfortunate… *sighs in despair*
red skull: EVERYBODY PANIC! RUN!!!
Zenko: *bro thinks it’s tag* oh are we all running now? Take me with you 1 eye lady,
Rakaza: Nah I’m out,
Zenko: awww….
Serpius: your on your own for this one pink flame,
Zuri: Show some respect she is a female,
Pinkflame: WHAT?! Brother where are you going?!
Serpius: away from that guy,
Pinkflame: what happened to you earlier?!
Serpius: I didn’t cross my fingers it was never a promise,
Lightro: how’s everyone doing?
Umbra: NO!!!!!
Pinkflame: brother please save me!
Serpius: I never knewed u goodbye…
Pinkflame: *sobbing* WHY!
Crimson: *gets a cross* get away from me I fear no men *yes he is* I am not scared of you Angel-
Lightro: you sure about that?
Crimson: that’s I thought anyways I am here for my brother,
Umbra: FUCK OFF!!!!!
Lightro: hello brot-
Umbra: get away from me…NOW!!!! I don’t have anything to do with you!
Red skull: here is our chance to flee!
(everyone saying bye to Umbra and there were only 2 people in the castle now)
Lightro: it’s been so long Suntro we have a lot of catching up to do-
Umbra: look, I don’t have time for your nonsense, I got other things to do then waste my time with you, take a hint and- wait…how the hell are you alive?
Lightro: the angels from this era performed a ritual to bring me back, but I want to spend sometime with you before I annihilate alot of you…one by one….
Umbra: you wouldn’t dare touch me….
Lightro: We should play a ga-
Umbra: I TOLD YOU ALREADY!!!! I have enough of your presents already! I don’t want to deal with you nor I have anything to say to you! So go away and play with those angels with your nonsense! You’re a waste of my time!
Lightro: I said we should play a game…
Umbra: I-
Lightro: Suntro I said I want to play a game with you,
Umbra: FINE!
Lightro: Good now tell me have you ever Heard of un-
Umbra: idk what this uno is, is this a new ultimate power I can use on that damn infinite 2 demon? He’s too zesty to my presence,
Lightro: yes,
Umbra: teach me how to do it…
Lightro: Suntro I was just joking-
Umbra: I hate you I am literally going to-
Lightro: mafaka watch your tone….
Umbra: I am sorry just keep your sword at bay….What is this? What is this uno?
Lightro: (Lightro explains it to Umbra)
Umbra: you mean to tell me you spent the time scamming one our infinite demons just to make your way here disturbed my peace just to play a game, that matches colours and numbers!
Lightro: yes,
Lightro: I said mother fucker watch your tone…
Umbra: god damn you!….
Lightro: here take your cards let’s play,
(Sooo I am waiting for the 2nd one coming cause I got this from demon slayer so if you want the link here:
It was really funny so I done the infinite demons you know crimson nightmare’s enemy and I hope u enjoy^^)
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padfootastic · 1 year
15 Questions 15 People
thanks for the tag @leogichidaa, @ambrxsiaa and @abihastastybeans!!
Are you named after anyone?
nope! i’ve never met/known of another person with my name.
When was the last time you cried?
uhhhh can’t remember. i’m nowhere near a crier, kind of a problem at times. i think i lightly teared up a a few months ago?
Do you have kids?
nope, thank fuck.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? sometimes?
all the time. it’s one of my primary vehicles of communication. one of my fav things to do is just,,,,a deadpan with a straight face and see how long it takes the other person get it (a little mean ik 🙈)
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
hm, their vibe? it’s a very iffy word for something that’s pretty psycho-social in nature lol i love seeing how people interact with others, are they being real/fake, now they project themselves etc and all of that can be boiled down to vibes for me 💀
What’s your eye colour?
dark brown! (used to think it was black for the longest time, was very sad when i found out it wasn’t)
Scary movies or happy ending?
i’m not a huge movie person but scary movies any day.
Any special talents?
um. i…don’t think so? but, maybe, idk what it is about me but people always seem to confide in me very, very quickly. like, i’ve met people once and been told their entire life story & trauma. i think that’s…something, if not a talent.
Where were you born?
not where i was raised ;)
What are your hobbies?
fanfiction, obviously. table tennis. swimming. reading. needling people into annoyance.
Do you have any pets?
nope :( wanted a dog for the longest time bc childhood nostalgia but now i’m all about the responsibility-free lifestyle.
What sports do you play/have you played?
uhhh nothing except tt right now but i’ve done football, tennis, shot put, roller skating, badminton, volleyball. i’m not where near an athlete tho lol i’ve just dabbled.
How tall are you?
uhh let’s round it off to a nice 5”4.
Favourite subject at school?
english, always. and then sociology later when i had the subject.
Dream job?
uh, used to be an anthropologist as a child. then a therapist. a writer for a while there. now, i’m just like, anything that pays decently and lets me remain relatively free (in the freedom sense of the world lol) is good enough atp.
since everyone on my feed has done this, consider this an open tag for anyone who wants to do this <333
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sunnysssol · 2 years
Tumblr media
ma'am I don't mean to be rude but uh your uhH. Your UHHHH... um... uhhHhh.......
Painting practice with Suzie I did a while back 🥴☝ I love it but i'm on the fence about transitioning to this style fully just bc it's... well, it's a little time consuming and i'm an impatient chef in my silly little kitchen,, i need my silly little morsels of self-indulgent content Immediately FJFNJFJ but all that aside I really do enjoy how this piece looks !!! Hmmm have some updated Suzie HCs now ig :
☆ one of those people that you *think* is okay with someone based on the neutrality of ther exchange but when the other person leaves she just Scoffs. like "wow get a load of that idiot 😒". she may love Alfred despite his being an idiot but like, that unfortunately leaves her with little energy to deal with other idiots.
☆ The Stare of Death. Like the stares that moms give their kids when they want to scold them for acting up but can't bc they're in public. Do not employ unless absolutely necessary because it Will break a man. Marianne and Francis compare it to Medusa and she cannot disagree.
☆ top 10 people never to pick an argument with bc she can and will eat you alive. insane memory, will bring up something you did in january 13 1876 play-by-play.
oh and also stan AmeSuzie goodbye
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aro-aizawa · 2 years
[challenge link]
Audio Transcript:
Question number one: What is your name and username? Urm, my name is Danni, uh my username is aro-aizawa. Urm.
Question two: What will you use to-- trim grass? Lawnmower *laughs*
Three: What region do you come from? Uhhhh basically, West Yorkshire in England which isss pretty big. So Yorkshire *laughs* Um.
Four: What terms do you use to call gym shoes? Well. Trainers.
Question five: What do you call your grandparents? Grandma and Granddad *laughs*
Six: What is that bubbly carbonated drinks called? Pop!
Seven: Do you think-- personally think that you have an accent? [more natural sounding] Oh yeah, obviously, everyone has an accent *laughs* The only people that don’t uh people who have the generic american accent y’know that’s in all tv shows and movies and whatever. Urm. So that’s basically the default of the English speaking? Urm. And that’s why some people, will you think “oh they don’t really have an accent because they sound ‘normal’ but they do have an accent-- everyone has an accent. Urm.
Question eight: What will you-- you use to fee-- feed a baby? Bottle. Wha-- What are the object a baby/infant will suck on? A dummy *laughs* urm.
Seven: What do you do in a pool? Swim! My brother used to mispronounce this all the time as a kid and he would say squimming. Which was adorable.
Uh. Ten: What machine is used to do the dishwa-- dishes-- blebblebbluh. Dishwashers!
Uh. [11] What do you call shuttle bu-bags? No clue.
Uh. Two. [supposed to mean 12]: What do you call a close friend? Bestie!
Um. Sev- Thirteen: Where do you-- dump refuse? The bin. *laughs*
Fourteen! What do you call the thing with wheels used to carry groceries in the supermarket? That’s a trolley.
Fifteen. Where will you go to buy medicine? Um. Pharmacy or in like the medicine section of a supermarket. Um. Or get it delivered *laughs*
Um. Sixteen! What do you call the object you use tie up long hair? Uh bobble or scrunchie. Um.
*trying to find place* Seventeen: Who is responsible for advising students in a college? Urm, Advisor? I dunno. I. Didn’t go to college *laughs*
Eighteen: what do you need in the dark? Urm, a torch. Or using the ‘flashlight’ app on your phone. Or function on your phone.
Urm. *quieter* Hang on I lost my place... *regular volume* oh! Yeah, nineteen. What utensil will you use to drink water? That’s a cup with a straw but I don’t really bother doing that so water bottle.
Urm. [20] Choose any book and read a random passage-- I didn’t prepare this beforehand soooo I’m not going to bother *laughs*
Twenty one: What is the full meaning of e-mail? Electronic Mail.
[22] What will you call the daughter of your brother? Well, my brother’s not going to have kids sooo, but I know that it would be niece!
Urm. Twenty three: where do musicians stand to perform shows? On the stage.
Uh fourteen [24]: What will you enter to fly from one country to another? A plane.
Twenty five: Where will you carry all your stuffs? Urm, a backpack or a bag. *laughs*
Urm. [26] What is the full meaning of MS Word? Microsoft Word.
Seventee-- Twenty seven: Uh what do you call it when rain falls while sun is shining? Urmmm, aw I forgot the word but uhh light shower? I guess?
Urm. Twenty eight: What will you call the head of a company? CEO, Boss? I don’t. Really. Care? *laughs*
Uh twenty nine: Where will you go to relax overnight? Honestly? I don’t. Particularly know what this means, but I’m guessing either a hotel or I dunno, bed...room? I don’t? Know?
[30] What do you call someone that cooks? A cook.
Do you use pet names? *excitedly* Yes! All the time. I use babe, sweetheart, love, hun, urm... a bunch of different things but all the time. Like. Constantly. Urm.
Thirty...two... how is the head-- family head referred to? Um. Matriarch? But I mean. There’s nev-- Those aren’t. From my experience, those aren’t really formal...um positions? They’re just, like, assumed so theres no really title for it, like in my family, the uh head of the family was my grandma. Because she had five children, and um, and all of those uh, all of those children got married. Well all apart from one. And urm, even their husbands and stuff, they would refer to my grandma as head of the family. So y’know. Even when my granddad was still alive, she was the head of the family, so. Martriarch. But uh yeah.
Um. [33] What do you use to change channels on TV? A r-- remote.
Uh [34] What do you do with a phone? For me? Ignore it! *laughs* Read fanfiction.
Uh thirty five... list the most popular social network-- face-- sites, whatever. Uh. Facebook, twitter, reddit, tumblr, um. I think that’s about it.
Ummmmm thirty six what will you obtain to travel to another country? Passport.
Um thirty seven. What do you call a food you eat in the morning? Breakfast!
Urm.... *pause* thirty eight, say three words or phrases that come to your mind. Um, I really like the way that I say ‘with’ which is when I just, talk, regularly and I don’t really focus on m-- on the meaning! Like for example, um I went to the shop wit-- wi’ my mum the other day? Um, basically I just go wi’ and so, I-I like that. Urm. Another phraase... Urm. No clue! *laughs* But uh-um-I do. that kinda thing a lot. urm. in that when I’m typing I use shortened words and stuff and in my accent its because uh I have similar kinda thing when I’m not really paying attention on the words? So urm I’ll just shorten it so like because is just b’cus and uh all that stuff. Uh *laughs* and urm. Yeah! I also laugh a lot when I’m just talking urm as a substitute for lmao and lol which I do a lot! Urm. Yep! So that’s been my accent. Thank you for listening.
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Hey Spesh! How is Halloween usually celebrated at the ministry?
"Hej hej! Halloween is celebrated quite classic, classically here, though over the years there's been changes to adapt to the modern, uhhhh, senses. The whole, uh, giving out candies thing is still kinda new in this part of the world, but we've now got some partitioners who stay near the doors with little cauldrons of candy, as well as some who venture into nearby towns- we don't, uhhh, proselytize during the holiday, um, we don't pass out little- what is they called- oh, the shitty comics books about your religion? Yeah, we don't do that shit. Religious choice should be just that, you know? Don't feel pressured because a sexy person gave you candies and a pamphlet. Just enjoy being scary and getting fucked up on sugar, eheheheeheheheh!
"The church itself, I mean, the humans therein, as I said, do it up classic. Hallow's eve, the veil is thin, yadda yadda... Orgies only happen if Halloween's on a weekend, dunno why... Human sacrifices aren't done much any more because, like, it's just a lot of legality things. Paperwork and insurance, but if someone got the, uhh, the ball rollin' on those forms last year, sacrifices is always a fun spectacle. All us ghouls hang out on the ceiling and add our telepathic chanting to the audience's, really, eheheeh, really brings a note of class to the whole thing.
"What else... Oh, costumes is a must for humans. Even if you just, you know, eeehhhhh, shmudge some charcoal ash on your eyes an' draw skellyton teeth on your lips with a pen. It's better than nothing! Get some blood on your face and be a zombie! Draw on some stitches, anything. Those who refuse to even try get shunned for a month, it sucks. All that's asked is to try. A family of partitioners I saw, they all just sorta, uhhh, schlooped up their hair with gel to resemble horns and put on goggles and said 'we are the band ghouls' and it was fuckin' cute! I gave them each a fullsize candy bar. Not that I am biased.
"The Papa is always expected to have the lavish sort of costume, obviously, and his date or dates is expected to be just as good-looking. We spent so much time coming up with couple's costumes ideas... In the end we just dressed up as each other, eheeheheheheheheeheheheheh. We know each other's mannerisms very, uh, quite well.... Damn near fooled Sister Imperator!
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