#.jason voorhees
Jason Voorhees/F!Darling: First Love
Because Jason is triggered into killing if he sees people having sex, and because his one real positive figure is his mom Pamela, I think he'd only develop an obsession for a Darling in a very specific circumstance. Like I'm imagining her coddling him and talking about how he'll grow up into a handsome young man, and that ALL the girls will probably faint at the sight of him (ironically, she would be right). But that he shouldn't be so sinful and lustful about it! No, no. Only a woman like her can be her precious Jason's wife. Most women are rotten little harlots. He needs to look for a girl who's kind, gentle, not at all sinful, and who would make a good momma just like her.
Pamela never liked talking about Jason's father, but she did say that Jason is a million times better than he ever was. One day he came back to the house with a fistful of flowers and she just about cried from happiness (after he drowned, she kept them hung upside down in her house so that they would always last). Or when he would shuffle to try and open the door for her, she'd praise him for being such a chivalrous little man. So years later, when he sees a woman sitting by the lake one autumn, drawing or writing and enjoying the same scenery his mother loved, he can't help but stare from afar.
He stalks her throughout the day until seeing her come back to a section of the woods closer to one of the main roads leading to the ruins of the camp. These prefab cabins were originally meant to be a tasteless tourist trap for curious ghost hunters after the first set of murders, but were quickly abandoned after Jason was revealed to be very real, VERY dangerous, and the surrounding real estate becoming very unprofitable due to the high murder rate.
When he peeks inside, he sees the woman talking on a landline and listens in.
"Hey Mom, it's me. I'm back in the cabin--no, I'm alright, I swear! I told you, whatever Jason is, he won't be interested in anyone not wearing a camp counselor's uniform. I'm just here for a cheap summer vacation, some alone time, and some inspiration. Something about being somewhere so serene while knowing the brutal history behind it is...well, I hope it sparks something." She settles down on the couch and continues to chat with her mother, never noticing Jason eavesdropping as night starts to fall.
"I'm not going out there at night, I promise. I mean I'm not superstitious, but I don't want to make you worry anymore than you already are, haha...Yes, Mama, I've been locking the doors every night....YES, Mama, I brought my pepper spray and my knife...Though if a ghost-zombie was gonna come at me, I don't think it'd do much--Mama, of COURSE I'm being responsible! I can't look out for my safety and make a joke? Ok, ok, I'm sorry." She smirks and curls up on the couch. "Though I'm pretty sure he doesn't kill virgins, so I should be fine if he shows up. We can chat about everything we have in common: lack of bedroom experience, lover of the wilderness, uber-protective moms..."
She holds the phone away from her ear as a loud angry outburst comes from the speaker. Her reply is deadpan. "Yes ma'am, I'll smack myself on the head since you aren't here to do it yourself." She lightly pats her head and yawns; the sound makes Jason think of the kittens he had played with when he was younger.
"I'm gonna head to bed. I'll call you in the morning, ok? Yeah, by 10 am, I promise. And when I head out, too. Yes ma'am, and no more smartass comments until I'm back home safe...Love you too, Mama."
Jason watches her put the phone back onto the receiver and then walk into another room. He skulks around the outside and sees her in a modest bedroom, taking off her socks and the rest of her clothes.
He cocks his head and stares, breathing heavily and feeling strangely warm. Whenever he saw the other fornicators at the camp, he'd never felt anything like this. A woman's body was just a body, and those wicked women's bodies were just there to be cut down. But this one wasn't wicked, at least he didn't think so yet. This one was...lovely. He couldn't stop staring, breathing, and feeling his belt strain against--
He heard his mother shriek in his ear. "JASON VOORHEES!"
He ducked down underneath the window frame and covered the eye slits of his mask. He wasn't being lustful, Mama! He was just admiring her, like a pretty flower. Maybe he can keep her, just like the flowers Mama had kept in the house. Something pretty and pure, all for himself.
"If you look at her like that, you'll defile her," Mama hissed. "You need to make her an honest woman first, like me. You aren't to look at her like that until you've courted her, put your ring on her finger, and made her your wife. And if you even think about something as disgusting as fornicating with her before you're married, you'll both burn in Hell, young man!"
He hesitantly moved back up to check if his Flower was decent, and saw that she was thankfully now wearing a set of pajama shorts and a faded t-shirt. When his eyes wandered to her exposed thighs, he quickly forced his gaze upwards to avoid another scolding from his mother. Flower shivered from the nighttime breeze whistling through a drafty corner of the room and she slips something else on over her head. Jason's eyes widen behind the mask--a cable-knit sweater, as soft and warm as her skin must be.
Just like his Mama.
She stretched her arms and for a moment, the way they're outstretched makes Jason think she really might be an angel. Once she turned out the lights in the living room and curled up in bed with a book, Jason set off into the forest to start courting her. He's going to make Mama so proud, marrying a pretty Flower and fulfilling that wish to become a Grandma. He's gonna be a good boy, a good beau, a good husband, and a good father...
The next morning, ____ made her first phonecall check-in of the day with her mother after breakfast and headed out for a day of hiking and relaxing by the lake again. When she opened the door and stepped outside, she stopped and froze as her foot landed on something damp and she heard a strange jangling sound from the doorknob. "What the fuck?"
The entire porch had been covered with handfuls of green pine needles and flowers yanked out of the ground, some with the roots and clumps of soil still attached. She looked at the doorknob and saw a loop of fishing line with various bits and bobs tied to it: beads from other random pieces of jewelry, bottlecaps, animal teeth, bird feathers, and a pendant in the middle made of bone. A small brown heart had been smudged onto it, and ____ prayed that it was just paint or muddy water.
She immediately ran back inside and slammed the door shut, locking all three locks and trying not to hyperventilate. Her chest tightened as she racked her brain for what to do--call the police? Yes. Definitely. Even if it's just a prank from some asshole locals or something, it's worth having someone with a gun coming around to look into it.
From the bushes nearby, Jason was watching her pace back and forth in the cabin while holding the phone.
"I already told you, it's Crystalside Cabins, Number 3," Flower said irritably. "It's on an unpaved road, it's about...I don't know, a quarter of a mile from the lake? I--yes, I know that pranks are common around here, but I would really appreciate it if an officer could come here and check things out...No laws broken, are you kidding me!? What if the bones on the necklace are from a corpse or something!?" She scoffed and listened to the officer, shaking her head in disbelief. "With this kind of incompetence, I'm surprised the body count in this town isn't even higher. Maybe Jason Voorhees and his mother started this up just to see if you'd get out of your chairs for something that wasn't a pie stolen from a windowsill or a cat stuck in a tree!" She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "No, ma'am, I'm not trivializing the work of suburban police officers--yes, ok, I know that local teens like to mess with people who visit the town, but I really don't feel safe knowing some strangers know I'm in this secluded location all by myself.."
She finally huffed and held a hand up. "Fine, fine, you'll make an official report and give it to someone. Great. I'll thank you now since my severed head won't be able to say it later, you've been such a great help. Don't strain yourself, wouldn't want to waste those tax dollars."
Jason looked at the necklace and bouquets left on the porch, and then back to his Flower. She didn't like his presents? Or maybe she was just scared. Most people were afraid of him, but she wasn't most people. She was his beau, but now she was upset and calling the police.
Flower crossed her arms and stared at the front door, chewing her bottom lip and wondering what to do. "It probably is just a prank," she muttered to herself. "Just some cheeky asshole kids trying to mess with a tourist." She took a few steps forward and opened the door, preparing to sweep away all the plants and throw away the creepy necklace, but she stopped just as her fingers curled around one of the beads. It was likely just a prank, but...maybe, on the scientifically impossible off-chance that this was the undead spirit/corpse of a serial killer...throwing away his creepy present would probably make him angry.
She stared at the necklace in her hand, almost holding her breath as she thought about what to do. "Fuck it," she sighed. "I'd rather be gullible and dumb in the eyes of some high schoolers than risk pissing off...whatever he's supposed to be." Reluctantly, she put the necklace on and headed back inside to slip her pepper spray and knife into her backpack before going out.
Jason's breath hitched when he saw his Flower wearing her present. She looked so pretty with it on. She liked it. She wanted him to court her. "Of course she does," Mama cooed. "A handsome, chivalrous, strong man like you? She's lucky to have my little boy's affections. Now go on back home now, Jason, you need to get everything ready for tonight when you bring her home to meet me."
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itsbeesknees · 8 months
Things that are better than sex:
1. when a masked character does the head tilt thingy
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shupito · 4 months
Ways to carry a person slasher (Jason edition)
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nackrosor · 10 months
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slasherrr0 · 2 years
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cinemamind · 8 months
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gor3whore69 · 2 months
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ijustwannahavefunn · 8 months
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Instagram don't let me share the full picture 😭 but yay Friday the 13th 🔥
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dead-air-radio · 2 months
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bbreakingbenjamin · 8 months
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 😂☠️🗡️
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blumfrey · 9 months
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snowls-yt · 2 months
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Slashers/Dbd requests from Insta!
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evilvvithin · 4 months
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FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VI: JASON LIVES tom mcloughlin, 1986
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das-sena · 8 months
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Outubro Yippeeee!
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dukesnukes · 1 month
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junkmixart · 2 months
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Ted is having a cook out with his slashers inspirations~ and Pamela! A lil BBQ party in Camp Crystal Lake!
46 hours left on the Kickstarter! We're pretty close to getting the "Color the comic" stretch goal!
tw: gore, blood
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