#10 characters
linashirou · 6 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms.
Thank you so much @ashamefulplace for the tag!! ❤️ I will do this because I think you could know me better. A male list because reasons.
Here we go!
1.- Hal Emmerich:
My supreme (and now only) Husbando. I really, really love Hal in all his lifetime, but I have to say that I deeply love him in his later days, when he is calmer and wiser...
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2.- Kyosuke Kagami:
My favorite fighting game is rivals school. The character who made possible to meet my boyfriend (Almost husband at this point?) and my favorite one from Capcom.
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3.- Maximillian Genius.
We're looking a pattern here, didn't? But yeah, I also love Hikaru Ichijo, but Max presence in Macross is longer, and just like Hal, I love him more in his older days.
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4.- Alastair "Stear" Cornwell
Another man with glasses? Yup. And I think he was the first one I saw. He is so cute and funny. A perfect little nerd, but please, can I skip his lore so as not to remind you of the pain?
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5.- Cho Hakkai:
Yup. Another man with glasses, with a tragic past, with a protective nature… and a green/ivory color setting like Hal...
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6.- Kousuke Tsukimori (Derek Stiles)
Man with vision problems, and he is a doctor... so protective behavior again...
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7.- Goro Majima:
Man with vision problems and paternal/protective behavior...
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8.- Jean Pierre Polnareff...
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But I have some exceptions....
9.- Ruka Tsuchiya:
Protective behavior. The one who opened Juri's eyes. (and god how I love Juri and Anthy)
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10.- Raidou Kuzunoha.
Yes... My favorite Devil Summoner... a silent protagonist that I deeply love...
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bellaxgiornata · 7 months
10 Characters • 10 Fandoms • 10 Tags
Thank you so much for the tag @fettuccin-e!! This one was a lot of fun to do and a welcome distraction before an appointment I am nervous to go to soon. I attempted to not make these all Charlie Cox characters (you already know I love Henry and Owen even though I had to include my main loves) and I included a couple of my gaming loves!
This is long (and quickly became a thirst post 😅) so gifs and answers below the cut!
Matt Murdock - Daredevil (Y'all saw this coming. He's my comfort character and the fictional man I'm forever in love with who happens to control my brain.)
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Frank Castle - Punisher (I have tumblr to thank for having me fall for Frank. But LOOK AT HIM. I just want to see that man smile.)
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Joel Miller - The Last of Us (yes, hello, surprise. I love him, too. Haven't played the games though but I'm tempted.)
Michael Kinsella - Kin (I'd marry him in a heartbeat. I don't care if he's killed people; let me just take care of you and drag you away from your family, Mikey)
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Geralt of Rivia - Witcher games, books, & Netflix series (fell in love with him in the games and books and then even more seeing Henry Cavill's amazing portrayl of him despite my qualms with the Netflix show)
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Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead (been in love with him for years now and I can't stop wanting him 😫)
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Sam Coe - Starfield (my current love: the DILF space cowboy who I love and will marry every iteration of in every universe in every playthrough. I cannot resist his voice and his jokes.)
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Sam Winchester - Supernatural (my first hyperfixation and who I got into writing fanfic for years ago. Love you Dean but I will always love Sam more sorry not sorry.)
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Jax Teller - Sons of Anarchy (badass biker with a good heart and that face and body and tattoos. Need I say more?)
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Eivor - Assassin's Creed Valhalla (my favorite of the games personally and I just love him and had to include him, okay?)
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No pressure tags: @loveroftoomanyfandoms @theradioactivespidergwen @mattmurdocksscars @souliebird @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @yarrystyleeza @1988-fiend @mattmurdocksstarlight @sunflowersandsapphires @pastafossa @shouldbestudying41 @shiorimakibawrites @theetherealbloom @mattkinsella @hollandorks & anyone else who wants to join because these are fun to see (so I tagged a ton of y'all)
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farfromstrange · 7 months
10 Characters • 10 Fandoms • 10 Tags
Thank you @fettuccin-e @yarrystyleeza @shouldbestudying41 and @hailey-murdock for the tags!
1. Matt Murdock – Daredevil (The character that got me back into writing after a 2 year break. He’s my husband. I love him with all my heart. He owns me. I’m never leaving. Also, he made me discover Charlie.)
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2. Spencer Reid – Criminal Minds (Boy genius. Cinnamon role. He’s been through far too much. He’s so adorable. I want to put him in my pocket. He was the first ever character I wrote fanfic for years ago. The show also got me interested in criminal psychology.)
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3. Michael Kinsella – Kin (Now he is daddy. He’s my hot mafia husband who just needs a hug and someone to take care of him. Also, I hate his family. I just want to take him far away from that. I’d make a great stepmom for Anna, I think. They both deserve some peace. Kin got me hooked after I started watching it for Charlie only.)
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4. Eddie Munson – Stranger Things (He’s the age-appropriate choice. I’m not usually into metal heads but there’s something about him that got me hooked when I first saw him. Also had too little screen time, but I still have hope he’ll appear in Season 5)
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5. Frank Castle – Punisher (There is something so attractive about men covered in blood. He’s morally grey but, like, in a cool way. So what if he kills people?)
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6. Addison Montgomery – Grey’s Anatomy (Mommy. That’s all I’ve got to say. I love her so much. I want her to adopt me. I want to be her child.)
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7. Loki – Loki, Avengers, etc. (Does he count? I feel like he should count. Because I am so in love with Loki, it drives me crazy. Maybe it’s the Tom Hiddleston obsession, or maybe it’s because I like my anti-heroes with dark hair.)
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8. Peter Parker – The Amazing Spider-Man (I’m talking Andrew’s Spidey. He’s my favorite Spidey. Because I grew up with him, and I love Andrew. I just want to give him a hug. The thing with Gwen BROKE me, and also her back.)
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9. Fleabag – Fleabag (Does anyone know her real name? I don’t know, but the show was so real, and SHE was so real, I will forever love her)
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10. Phoebe Buffay – Friends (She’s me. I am her. Phoebe is so crazy, it’s almost endearing. The crazy part reminds me a lot of myself. I can’t help but love her)
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No pressure tags (I’m sorry if you’ve already been tagged): @blackshadowswriter @linamarr @mattmurdocksscars @itwasthereaminuteago @pastafossa
(And whoever else wants to join)
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author-a-holmes · 7 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters
Thank you for the tag @morby
No rules attached to this one so I guess, just go for my faves (Without duplicating a fandom)... I feel like this is going to highlight at least one of my "types" but I guess I've outed myself on that front before rofl.
Tagging forward, with no pressure, to; @faelanvance, @cwritesfiction, @theunboundwriter, @arigalefantasynovels, @acertainmoshke, @avrablake, @ashen-crest, @sleepyowlwrites, @tisiphonewolfe, and anyone else who wants to play! <3
So, without further ado, my Favorite Characters in some of my favourite fandoms, in NO SPECIFIC ORDER...
Fandom; Doctor Who. Character; Doctor Who, Tenth Incarnation
David Tennant's run as The Doctor was my favourite. It was a magical combination of a phenomenal actor, a brilliant "companion", and A+ writing team, but it made me fall in love with the character as a whole. Smart, Intellligent, Alien, but also Vulnerable, and ineffably Human.
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Fandom; Marvel Cinematic Universe. Character; Tony Stark
And I do mean "Tony Stark", not "Iron Man". Don't get me wrong, Iron Man is cool, and is definitely my favourite Avenger, but it's because it's Tony Stark inside the suit. It's the intelligence of the character that, again, captivates me and as a writer I see so much potential there. If I wasn't so busy with my own writing projects I'd be very tempted to jump back into fandom again just to have a play with Tony Stark's possibilities.
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Fandom; Sherlock Holmes. Character; Sherlock
This one had to make the list considering my pen name! I've loved many of the Holmes adaptions, and but there's something specifically about Benedict Cumberbatch's Holmes where you can just see that brilliant mind ticking away behind his eyes.
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Fandom; The Mentalist Character; Patrick Jane
I thought the whole Mentalist story was phenomenal, and the backstory for the character of Patrick Jane, genuis. I also love how much Jane is aware that usually he's the smartest person in the room, but is also painfully aware when he's not.
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Fandom; Vincenzo Character; Vincenzo Cassano aka Park Joo-hyung
This is a newer addition to my list, and I've only seen the series once so my memory may be a little shaky, but this was another highly intelligent character. A little vicious, a little violent, but at heart also a good person, and I fell a little in love with the character every episode.
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And now, let me pivot into my second "type"...
Fandom; Lord of the Rings Character; Strider aka Aragorn son of Arathorn
The OG Fandom Fave, Lord of the Rings got me into fanfiction. I began my online writing career by writing a "10th Walker" fanfiction that never saw the light of day, because I've always found Arwen's character very frustrating. Then the films were released, and the rest is history. But give me Strider over the polished King Aragorn any day!
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Fandom; Shadow and Bone (Netflix) Character; General Aleksander Kirigan aka The Darkling aka Aleksander Morozova
This one is a little more specific because I haven't read the books, so I have ZERO idea how accurate the series is to the original material, but Ben Barnes, specifically, as the Darkling is all my favourite things mixed up into one character. Smart, Intelligent, Damaged, Rough around the edges, In dire need of saving from himself. He's got it all.
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Fandom; The 100 Character; Prince Roan of Azgeda
Another character that I feel had wasted potential! I think they could have done so much MORE with this character but, much like Shadow and Bone, I've not read the books! So it's possible Prince Roan had a bigger, better, for fulfilling part there than the TV Series.
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Fandom; The Witcher Character; Geralt of Rivia
Look. I've loved Geralt forever. I loved him in the CDProjecktRed games. I bought the books, and loved him there, and then Henry Cavill went and made the 100% hands down perfect Geralt on screen. What more can I say?
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Fandom; The Vampire Diaries/The Originals Character; Klaus Mikaelson
Is there a better example of a morally grey character? Not one I've found, to be honest. Klaus has a freaking tragic backstory, and it's completely twisted his worldview. Does he need a good smack upside he head to teach him that his methods are fucked? Absolutely. Does that make me love him any less? Absolutely not!
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highladyluck · 3 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
Tagged by @flame-of-tar-valon
Rules: choose 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms -- no double dipping! Then tag 10 friends or mutuals to complete the game as well.
1. Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag - Wheel of Time series
2. Mark Vorkosigan - Vorkosigan Saga
3. Ael i-Mhiessian T’Rllaillieu - Rihannsu series
4. Laios - Dungeon Meshi
5. Ssrin - Exordia
6. Miriam Beckstein - Merchant Princes series
7. Lundy - Wayward Children series
8. Shallan Davar - Stormlight Archive series
9. Sophie - The City In The Middle of the Night
10. Kamet - Queen’s Thief series
Bonus: I’ve only had Mara of the Acoma for half a book (Daughter of the Empire) but I’m already unhealthily invested in her!
Tagging: @anyboli @gunkreads @veliseraptor @ameliarating @queenofmalkier @wafflelovingbatgirl @tyrantleto @adurna0 @theuncannybookdragon @sixth-light and/or anyone who wants to (some of the usual suspects were already tagged elsewhere)
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helenvader · 3 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
I was tagged by @myfavouritelunatic. Thank you!
In no particular order...
Halbrand - The Rings of Power
Mairon - Silmarillion (yes, I'm slightly cheating)
Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars
Lord Havelock Vetinari - Discworld
Aleksander Kirigan - Shadow and Bone
Sandor Clegane - A Song of Ice and Fire
Francis Crozier - The Terror
Hari Seldon - Foundation
Rumpelstiltskin/Mr Gold - Once Upon a Time
John Hancock - Sons of Liberty
Tagging, no pressure: @ichabodjane @eowyn7023 @demonscantgothere @somebirdortheother @coraleethroughthelookingglass @queenmeriadoc @frodomyprecious @iamstartraveller776 @lady-of-imladris @princessfantaghiro
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10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
I was tagged by @shady-swan-jones and @lady-of-imladris. Thank you!!!! (I will also try and not make these all women)
Brienne of Tarth - Game of Thrones
Amy Pond - Doctor Who
Loki - MCU
Hera Syndulla - Star Wars
Galadriel - Rings of Power
John Constantine - Legends of Tomorrow
Kaylee Frye - Firefly
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Caleb Widowgast - Critical Role
Aeryn Sun - Farscape
No pressure tagging @somebirdortheother @demonscantgothere @myfavouritelunatic and anyone else who wants to share!
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keenbugg · 7 months
10 characters
@hyacinth--girl thank you sm for the tag!!
charlie kelly (iasip)
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2. lucille bluth (arrested development)
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3. annie edison (community)
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4. james wilson (house md)
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5. kendall roy (succession)
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6. george costanza (seinfeld)
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7. kath day (kath and kim)
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8. orla mccool (derry girls)
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9. jesse pinkman (breaking bad)
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10. hawkeye pierce (M*A*S*H)
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i never know who to tag for these, i cant remember who does them @translesbianvampire @mydogtypedthis @femaleboysblog @river-taxbird
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zukkaart · 6 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
Thank you @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma for the tag ily 😭 and I love talking about my faves so here we go 🤸 *long-ish post*
1. Sokka: A:tLA: Okayyyy so as someone who is Inuk she whole S/NWT meant so much to me as a kid and still means so much to me now but Sokka just hits on a different level because he’s the oldest sibling (as am I) and therefore charged with everyone else’s safety in one way or another. He also is the one who deals the killing blows bc the others can’t or won’t stomach it which I relate to hevily
2. Bolin: LoK: He reminds me of my husband what else can I say? They think he’s a pretty, strong, stupid, earthbender/ which to an extent- he is. But he’s just smart in different ways than others and genuinely has a heart of gold and just wants to give everyone endless love
3. River Song: Doctor who: we have the same hair so immediately yes. She also has one of the best and most heartbreaking arcs in cinema history and I will fight about it. She destroyed the universe to save her husband then said “I don’t do weddings” and honestly…I get it bc same
4. Castiel: Supernatural: MY SON DESERVED BETTER. He lost his home, his family, his faith, everything he had known for THOUSANDS of years because he fell in love with humanity Dean. He constantly tried his best and yes messed up but was always treated so harshly as if he didn’t have to LEARN how to have human morals and the only people he had to base off of was the boys who are in no way a good bar to measure that by
5. Amber: House of Anubis: oooh pretty ditzy blonde girl comic relief character- but she becomes one of the most fully fleshed out deep characters and ends up being the reason they solve most of the riddles and find the artifacts. She loves her shopping and texting but when the heat is up she always rises to the challenge and shows out. Queen of my heart
6. Flame Princess: Adventure Time: raised to be evil but falls in love and has to learn how not to harm people even though it 100% goes against her nature. And even after all that she is still treated like a villain by everyone but Finn basically. I have ASPD and I constantly feel like I also have to be something I’m not in order to not harm the people around me and the ones who let me be me are few and far between. She is me I am her
7. Sherlock: See above lol, he has ASPD (sociopathy) and so do I. Plus I’m studying to be a CSI. Seeing a character with my same illness shown in the real raw form and not like the “yeah they’re a sociopath but their character arc is learning how to be a good person!” Ew. They let him be cruel and clever and just authentically HIM. Of course he’s checked when necessary but ultimately no one ever tells him he needs to be fixed because of it bc they understand that part of him can’t be changed
8. House: kind if similar as above. I don’t super love the drugs but he takes no shit and dicks around because he knows he’s the best there is. Endless pranks, self destructive tendencies, smartest person you’ll ever meet, what more could you ask for? It’s also super awesome to watch a character/show that isn’t so focused on being “politically correct” that it forgets how to make good jokes.
9. Sejanus: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (book): People say Katniss is Lucy’s revenge but NO she’s Sejanus’ revenge, and so is Peeta. Sejanus was the one who hated the games, tried to actually help the tributes and districts and stop the games. He wanted revolution way back when Snow was a teenager and didn’t even live to see it. The only difference between him and Everlark is the fact that they had a whole rebellion ready to back them. He should have been alive to take the place of Coin/Snow and I stand by that.
10. J.B. Merlin: Bundle of Joy: this is so crazy niche if anyone knows it DM me immediately I’m begging you. An absolute icon this entire movie. The center of a comedy miscommunication trope. Has no idea what’s going on but refuses to let his son walk out on his baby (that’s not actually his but he thinks it is), immediately assumes the baby was named after him, then delivers the iconic line “I don’t care who the father is! I’M the grandfather” homie wanted a grandkid and didn’t care what he had to do to get one 😂 10/10 wholesome character
Now for tags. Sorry if you’ve been tagged already! And if you haven’t please participate if you so wish
@avatar-lorra @judebellinghamswifereal @momos-servants @chitsangenthusiast @dancergirl131 @zukosasukelovebot (I think you’ve been tagged already but ily 🤟) @picnicbitchsokka @your-royal-momoness @oldpotatoe @bisexuallsokka
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bettyfrommars · 7 months
10 Characters
Idk if it's just 10 you like or 10 you relate to, so I chose ones that I relate to.
Thank you for the tag baby @joejoequinnquinn I love that I have time to do these this weekend.
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Natalie - Yellowjackets
Clementine - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Bubbles - The Trailer Park Boys
Iona - Pretty in Pink
Sheila - Shameless
Elizabeth - Young Frankenstein
Jack Burton - Big Trouble in Little China
Michael - The Office
Lucy - While You Were Sleeping
NO pressure tags: @reidsbtch @likeficsinthewnd @allthingsjoeq @dr-aculaaa @mopeymopeymouse @neonghostlights @wyverntatty @mantorokk-writes
Or anyone else!
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neshatriumphs · 8 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters
i was tagged by @mariejordans ! This is a treat, because I rarely just sit and think about my characters anymore. In no particular order, here are 10 characters I adore, admire, or will otherwise defend with my whole heart!!
Grace Monroe, Infinity Train
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2. Amber Bennett, Invincible
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3. Quinn Ergon, Final Space
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4. Beth Chapel, Stargirl
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5. Ava Coleman, Abbott Elementary
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6. Sue Wilson, Veep
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7. Leshawna, Total Drama
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8. Naevia, Spartacus
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9. Nyota Uhura, Star Trek
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10. Charlotte Page, Henry Danger
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I almost did an honorable mentions, because I love A LOT of characters, but there were a few I strongly considered swapping out for a few of these. BUT, I will stand by this decision on this day.
Tagging @jacksope-lives @shslargue @mx-mongoose @blackloislane @bitchmilsky
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valkblue · 6 months
— 10 Characters
I was tagged by @commander-krios to play this game. Thank you for the tag, and sorry it took me two months to answer! 🤣
Rules: pick up to 10 characters and share one of your favorite lines of dialogue you have ever written for them!
Tagging: @isilrina @queen-scribbles @pheedraws @amistrio @mrdekarios @nostrategy-justdo @something-tofightfor @the-blind-assassin-12 @starknstarwars @joels6string @storyknitter ... and who wants to play along! 💕
I wouldn't say these are my ultimate favourite lines of dialogue but some that come to mind when trying to answer the question… but I still had to choose just one quote/snippet among them 😭
1. Lawrence Gonzalez, from Journey Into Night [ Westworld ]
"Hey!" He shouted at Lawrence, engaging in awkward conversation. "Where-uh... are you heading? We... we've got a few questions for you, you mind answering 'em?"
The whole thing would have looked a lot more compelling if he'd lowered his gun, and the ever-present threat of the canon urged Lawrence to keep silent and his own Colt trained on him.
"Is there somebody else with you, here ?"
"Listen, my friend," Lawrence drawled. "I'm all about meetin' new folks around, chattin' at gunpoint an' all but, ain't a good time right now..."
He took a few careful steps back towards his horse, still not lowering his Colt.
… Just one for Lawrence!?! Rude!!
2. Armistice, from Journey Into Night [ Westworld ]
Armistice turned away from her and wandered into the room's central space, looking around as if searching for the speakers set high into the concrete walls. Vivian watched her shoulders relax, her step lighten, and what she had at first thought to be the haze of surprise were nothing more than shuffling dance steps. The music matched the shift in Armistice's behaviour.
"It's... it's as if I can see the notes floating in the air!" She reached out in front of her with shy, trembling fingers. "All around..."
Even her speech was lighter, softer. Vivian was far from imagining she'd trigger such a strong response from her, but she took a slow breath, touched as much as relieved.
3. Maeve Millay, from Journey Into Night [ Westworld ]
Maeve's facial expression twitched slightly in frustration.
"I don't recall having seen you here. Not these days, not ever for that matter."
"You weren't part of my batch," Vivian answered flatly. "And yes, I was in the park."
"Enjoying some killing and fucking, I presume? One has to blow some steam, isn't it. Until everything blows in your face."
Vivian hardly unclenched her teeth to word out:
"You presume wrong, then."
Maeve scoffed, openly disdainful.
"Maeve..." Bernard stepped in, quieting what he might have guessed to be a brewing conflict. "Vivian was in the park because Ford intended for her to die at the gala with everyone else..."
"Is that supposed to make me feel sympathetic?"
4. Peter "The Professor" Abernathy, from Journey Into Night [ Westworld ]
"Free!" shouted the one standing in front of the map — Peter — as Lawrence, Bernard and Armistice approached. "Free, she is!" He glared at Armistice. "We have scortch'd the snake, not kill'd it! She'll close and be herself, whilst our poor malice remains in danger of her former tooth."
Lawrence was puzzled; Ivy had told him a little about the man and his state, but it was still worrying. Armistice, as for her, made no reply to this tirade.
"Pray she keeps quiet…"
"Any news from Shard?"
Bernard's question eased him back to a more neutral look.
"No, not yet."
5. The Man In Black "Delos" (VS Vivian), from Journey Into Night [ Westworld ]
She let out another sigh, calmer, but it got cut short by a gasp of surprise when a clatter of items dropped on the table in front of her and made her bring her arms back to her chest in a defensive gesture. Delos was standing right there and had just covered the table — and the maze — with a bunch of medical supplies. Medical supplies she recognized very well.
"You went through my saddlebags?!"
"Yeah," Delos retorted with an uncomfortable groan as he sat down. "Sue me…"
6. Hector Escaton, from Journey Into Night [ Westworld ]
Hector stepped into the changing room, two of the samurais holding the doors open for him. His eyebrows raised at Vivian's gun barrel pointed at him.
"You don’t know how this place works yet, do you, my friend?"
And, ignoring Vivian and the threat of her revolver, he faced Lawrence.
"Those are empty" he stated, as cynical as he was playful.
Vivian cocked the hammer. "Mine isn’t…"
"And what will you do, shoot me? And after that?"
The remark ruffled her feathers a little; not because of the teasing tone, but rather because she had indeed no idea what she was going to do. She'd only been caught off guard while she was finally easing up a bit and, these days, Vivian didn't like surprises.
"Hector, please…"
"Don’t waste your breathe on me, I’m only a messenger! So, if you aren’t planning on emptying your barrel on me just yet, I’ve been sent to ask you to follow me. Without a fight, if you can do that."
7. young Din Djarin, from Part 2, The Foundlings [ The Mandalorian ]
The young boy was sleeping, or seemed to be, when Din got close enough to see him clearly, his eyes well adjusted to the darkness of the room. He sat on the cold floor, shivering to feel the heat of his bed escape him but he tried to ignore it when Grinn whimpered again.
Din pulled the thick blankets on the boy’s back and gently squeezed his shoulder. Grinn didn’t wake up at his touch, nor moved, stifling another sob. Din struggled against the pain that was tightening his throat, swallowing hard.
The sound coming from his own mouth felt strange, unknown, new.
“It-it’s alright,” he heard himself breathe quietly. “You’re safe now.”
... or maybe this one from chapter 7 - The Corellian Run:
“And what’s a guilded bounty hunter’s business on Corellia?"
None of yours, Din would have loved to retort. But he kept his mouth shut. So much in fact, that he didn’t even answer, and an awkward silence lingered long enough for the agent to raise her eyes and stare at them.
... but he doesn't exactly speak, you see? 🤣 So, does it still count?!
8. Greef Karga, from chapter 2 - The Remnant, Lost and Found [ The Mandalorian ]
“One more thing before I let you go…"
Din readied himself to receive another load of unpleasant news. But Karga only took something from one of the desk cabinets, something he gave him over the tabletop and that Din recognized with a touch of relief — his missing thigh plate.
"This is yours, I believe?"
He first stared at Karga before reaching for his piece of armor.
"You know, we have laws against littering in this city, now."
He scoffed before adding:
"But I’ll let it pass this time.”
9. Peli Motto, from chapter 7 - The Corellian Run, Lost and Found [ The Mandalorian ]
“Your crew won’t be a problem, right?" she insisted, both fists on her hips and making her thick curls jump on her shoulders with a nod. "You see, they have a kid… And a lil’ one like that don’t need all that spacer ronto scrag, okay?" Without taking her fists off her sides, she shot a quick glance over her shoulder at Elara to whom she said: "No offense, of course."
"None taken." Elara pursed her lips to hold back a smile; to be honest, she was more or less sharing Peli’s opinion on the matter.
10. Tip-yip The Child 🤫, from chapter 5 - The Scholar, Lost and Found [ The Mandalorian ]
The glow grew darker and the voice made his mind rumble like the storm in the orange skies over the tall trees of that world where he had been, like the mechanical heart of the ships cutting through the black void and shimmering stars…
He doesn't speak, but he perceives...
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miasmat · 6 months
10 CHARACTERS, 10 FANDOMS, 10 TAGS! Big hug to @bl-beater for the tag 1. Alyx Vance - HL
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2. Kirigan - S&B
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3. Judy Alvarez - CP77
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4. Rolan - BG3
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5. Big Daddy - Bioshock
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6. Pagan Min - FC4
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7. Lester - Gothic Series
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8. Artemy Burakh - Pathologic
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9. Virginia - SOTF
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10. Goro Majima - Yakuza
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virtie333 · 7 months
10 Fandoms/10 Characters/10 Tags
Thank you @steven-grants-world, @reallyrallyauthor, and @soft-girl-musings for the tags! I am embarrassingly emotional! Thank you!
Poe Dameron (obviously)
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John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis)
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Marc Spector (Moon Knight)
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Fox Mulder (The X-Files)
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H. M. Murdock (The A-Team)
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Velvet Brown (National Velvet)
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Thomas Magnum (Magnum P.I. - The Original)
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Jim Craig (The Man From Snowy River)
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Santiago Garcia (Triple Frontier)
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Lucy Moderatz (While You Were Sleeping)
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I could have picked at least 3 more characters in the Star Wars Universe, just so you know! (Leia, Rey, and Han!)
No pressure tags and if you're not tagged but want to do it, please do! (It's not as easy as it looks!): @jewelsrulz, @marieziffer, @campingwiththecharmings, @romanarose, @diplomaticprincess, @waywaychuck, @nowritingonthewall, @curiouswildi, @seleneisrising, @ladywynne
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ninsletamain · 7 months
Ten Characters. Ten Fandoms. Ten Tags.
Thanks for the tag @sigelfire!!!
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Cassian Andor (Rogue One / Andor)
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Freya (God of War 4 / Ragnarök) Trico (The Last Guardian) Pure Vessel (Hollow Knight)
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Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) Midna (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) Shiranui (Okami)
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Howl (Howl's Moving Castle) Lilith (Borderlands) Lady Maria (Bloodborne)
Tagging: @staticwaffles @frostbitepandaaaaa @quarantineddreamer @agentjackdaniels @astromechs @andorerso @gaygingersnaps and anyone else who wants to do this (:
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morganlefaye79 · 7 months
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
I was tagged by @cinnamon-mey, thank you for the tag 💜 My choices in no specific order:
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Dorian Pavus - Dragon age Inquisition
Astarion Ancunin - Baldur's Gate 3
Lucifer Morningstar - Lucifer
Rebecca - Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners
Motoko Kusanagi - Ghost in the Shell
Thane Krios - Mass Effect
Cerys an Craite - The Witcher 3
Oscar François de Jarjayes - Lady Oscar
Eric Draven - The Crow
Captain Vasco - Greedfall
Tags without pressure:
@knuttydraws | @raflesia65 | @retrowondergirl | @thedastrash | @ghostoffuturespast | @neonbutchery | @genocidalfetus | @fereldanwench | @a-shakespearean-in-paris | @charmcity-jess
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